Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level B Unit 6

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Makeshift Unit 6 #9

(n.) A temporary substitute for something else; (adj.) crude, flimsy, or temporary. SYN: (n.) stopgap, substitute. ANT: (adj.) permanent, durable, solid, sturdy.

Preview Unit 6 #13

(n.) Something seen in advance; (v.) to view beforehand. SYN:(n.) foretaste. ANT: (n.) late notice.

Synonyms for snare

(n.) pitfall; (v.) entrap.

Scrimp Unit 6 #17

(v.) To handle very economically or slightly; to supply in a way that is small, short, or scanty. SYN: economize. ANT: splurge.

Browse Unit 6 #2

(v.) To nibble, graze; to read casually; to window-shop. SYN: skim, scan, dip into, graze. ANT: pore over, scrutinize.

Prescribe Unit 6 #12

(v.) To order as a rule or course to be followed; order for medical purpose. SYN: specify, appoint, recommend. ANT: remove, warn.

Frustrate Unit 6 #6

(v.) To prevent from accomplishing a purpose or fulfilling a desire; to cause feelings of discouragement. SYN: thwart, foil, baffle, disappoint. ANT: help, assist, abet.

Eradicate Unit 6 #5

(v.) To root out, get rid of, destroy completely. SYN: wipe out, uproot. ANT: implant, instill, foster, promote.


(v.) To trap, catch; (n.) a trap or entanglement.


Punishment in return for an injury or a wrong; unusual force or violence.

Verb and a noun

What part of speech is Snare

Adjective and a noun

What part of speech is Utmost


What part of speech is vengeance

Antonyms for Vengeance

forgiveness, pardon.

Antonyms for Utmost

least, poorest.

Antonyms for Snare


Synonyms for Utmost

maximum, supreme, best.

Synonyms for Vengeance

revenge, retaliation, reprisal.

Inimitable Unit 6 #8

(Adj.) Not capable of being copied or imitated. SYN: matchless, incomparable, unique. ANT: counterfeit, carbon-copy, not-legit.

Dynamic Unit 6 #4

(adj.) Active, energetic, forceful. SYN: vigorous, high-powered. ANT: lazy, lackadaisical, lethargic, sluggish.


(adj.) Greatest, highest, farthest; (n.) the extreme limit.

Marginal Unit 6 #10

(adj.) In, at, or near the edge or margin; only barely good, large, or important enough for the purpose. SYN: borderline, minimal, peripheral. ANT:central, pivotal, focal.

Quaint Unit 6 #15

(adj.) Odd or old-fashioned in a pleasing way; clever, ingenious; skillfully made. SYN: picturesque, peculiar, strange, curious. ANT: familiar, commonplace, modern, contemporary.

Prominent Unit 6 #14

(adj.) Standing out so as to be easily seen; important, well-known. SYN: conspicuous, noticeable. ANT: inconspicuous, unnoticeable, obscure.

Grim Unit 6 #7

(adj.) Stern, merciless; fierce, savage, cruel. SYN: dreadful, frightful, ferocious. ANT: mild, merciful, delightful.


(adj.) Unnamed, without the name of the person involved (writer, composer, etc.); unknown; lacking individuality or character. SYN: nameless. ANT: identified.

Reluctant Unit 6 #16

(adj.) Unwilling, holding back. SYN: hesitant, loath, disinclined. ANT: willing, eager, inclined.

Pending Unit 6 #11

(adj.) Waiting to be settled; (prep.) until. SYN: (adj.) undecided, unsettled. ANT: (adj.) settled, decided, resolved.

Dupe Unit 6 #3

(n.) A person easily tricked or deceived; (v.) to deceive. SYN: (v.) fool, mislead, hoodwink, delude. ANT: (v.) undeceive, disabuse.

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