Safrans exams

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Contracting the gastrocnemius muscles to elevate the body on the toes involves a ________ lever, which means that the load is __

second-class; located between the applied force and fulcrum

type of bone with a round and flat shape that is part of the knee joint

sesamoid bone

the joint that permits the greatest range of mobility pf any joint in the body is the __ joint, which is a __ joint

shoulder; diarthrotic

Which organ system provides support, protection of soft tissue, mineral storage, and blood formation?


The type of muscle fiber that is most resistant to fatigue is the ________ fiber.


which of the following type of muscle fibers are best adapted for prolonged contraction such as standing all day

slow fibers

__ cells are all of the cells of the body except reproductive cells (sperm and oocytes)


layer of the epidermis that contains non-dividing keratinocytes producing keratin

squamous cell layer

layer of the epidermis located the deepest that contains dividing stem cells and melanocytes

stratum basale

A muscle that assists the muscle that is primarily responsible for a given action is a(n)


movable joint where the end of long bones are encased in a capsular cavity filled with fluid


fibroblast-like cells that constitute the predominant cell types found in the internal lining of a diarthroic joint capsule and produce lubricating fluid components


in the facilitated diffusion of glucose, what determines the direction in which glucose molecules will be transported and the rate at which glucose molecules are transported

the concentration gradient

the sex of an adult human can be determined by bone shape details. the 2 skeletal structures that are particularly helpful at the basic sexual dimorphism are

the skull and pelvis

Which of the following statements is true?

the tension produced by muscle tendons surrounding a joint stabilize the joint

which of the following descriptors is false regarding enzymes

they are consumed during the reaction

which of the following statements about water is false

they are consumed during the reaction

which of the following is not a property of articular cartilage surfaces located in the synovial joint

covered by perichondrium

reflex that results in a motor response on opposite side of the stimulus and complements the response produced on the same side of the stimulus

crossed extensor reflex

Process by which the cytoplasm is divided into two equal parts at the end of a cell division


Phase that corresponds to a mature cell that stopped dividing and exited the cell cycle


The junction type that lets neighboring cells exchange small molecules is the

gap junction

Membranous organelle involved in the modification, storage and packaging of secretory products

golgi apartus

non-movable joint where fibrous connections form a periodontal ligament


a fasicle is

group of muscle fibers that are encased in the perimysium

what structural characteristics distinguish cardiac tissue from skeletal tissue? cardiac muscle cells

have intercalated discs, contract automatically without neural stimulation

according to the national institute of health each of the following is a risk factor for osteoarthritis except

high blood pressure

the acetabulum is the socket of a __, into which the head of the __ fits

hip bone; femur

Glands that secrete their product by the bursting of cells are __ glands


The maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment in an organism is termed


the most common type of cartilage is __ cartilage


non polar organic molecules are good examples of:

hydrophobic compounds

Hemolysis may occur when a blood cell is placed into a __ solution


the 3 bones that make up a hip bone are

ilium, ischium, pubis

microvilli are found on cells of the inner surface of the small intestine, where they

increase the absorption of nutrients from digested food

which of the following is NOT true regarding the establishment of a resting potential for neurons

ion pumps in the plasma membrane force sodium ions into the cell and eject potassium ion out of the cell

Reflexes that activate muscles on the same side of the body as the stimulus are called


the end of a muscle that __ when the muscle contraction is called the __

is stationary; origin

in the human muscular-skeletal system, a __ can be compared to a fulcrum, and a __ to a lever

joint; bone

what substance makes nails hard structures

keratin proteins

type of bone that consists of a diaphysis and two epiphyses and is found in limbs

long bone

all of the following statements are true about the organic phase of bone except

is the phase that stores large amounts of calcium

the type of contraction in which the muscle fibers do not shorten is called


which of the following is NOT true about the cerebrum

it derives from the mesencephalon (midbrain)

which of the following is NOT true of acetylcholine

it enters the muscle fiber to release calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

which of the following statements describe PTH action on bone

it increases calcium reabsorption from the kidneys, it increases calcium release from bone

which of the following about hydrogen bonds is false

it is composed of non-polar molecules

the 3 functions of synovial fluid are nutrient distribution, shock absorption, and


Why does osteoporosis affect less aging men than aging women

men continue producing sex hormones into old age

Stage of mitosis when all the chromosomes are condensed and arranged at the equator of the dividing cell


the portion located between 1 of 2 extremities and the shaft of the long bone is called the


what are 3 different components that make up the cytoskeleton in all body cells

microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubles

Membranous organelle with a double membrane which is involved in cellular respiration


the end of a muscle that is attached the point that __ when the muscle contracts is the __

moves; insertion

motor neurons that control skeletal muscles typically have multiple dendrites and a single axon and are classified as


protein component of thick filaments


which of the following is arranged in the correct order from the most complex to the simplest

organism, system, organ, tissue, cellular, molecular

cells that lay down the organic compounds of the bone matrix are called


type of cells that are multinucleated and dissolve the bone matrix by secreting acids


type of cells that are mature and trapped within lacunae of the bone matrix


stem cells that divide into cells which, which in turn, will be responsible in the production of the organic bone matrix

osteogenic cells

the structural units of mature compact bone are called __ and have a central canal in which __ are located

osteon; blood vessels

if blood calcium levels get too high which hormone is likely to be activated and what organ is responsible for its production

parathyroid hormone and parathyroid gland

A defense cell engulfing a bacterium illustrates


The increase in muscle tension that is produced by increasing the number of active motor units is called


a patient takes a medication that blocks ACh receptors of skeletal muscle fibers. what is the drug's effect on skeletal muscle contraction

reduces the muscle's ability for contraction

in a series of measurements of resting membrane potentials, the following values were record. which one is likeliest to be an error


The region of the sarcomere containing the thick filaments is the

A band

During anaerobic glycolysis

ATP is produced.; pyruvic acid is produced. oxygen is not consumed.; carbohydrate is metabolized

Puffer fish poison blocks voltage-gated sodium channels like a cork. What effect would this neurotoxin have on the function of neurons?

The axon would be unable to generate action potentials.

Mike falls off his skateboard and sprains his ankle. Which of the following most likely occurs with this type of accident?

a ligament is stretched and collagen fibers in the ligament are damaged

in which of the following would the rate of impulse conduction be the greatest

a myelinated fiber of a 10-um diameter

the period during which an excitable membrane cannot respond to any further stimulation is the __ period and is due to inactivation of __

absolute refractory; voltage-gated sodium channels

Triggering of the muscle action potential occurs after

acetylcholine binds to chemically gated channels in the motor end plate membrane.

globular protein that polymerizes to form thin filaments


a process that requires cellular energy to move a substance against its concentration gradient is called

active transport

type of cells that contain a large single droplet


How do lipid-soluble molecules diffuse across the plasma membrane?

diffuse directly through the plasma membrane

How do small water-soluble molecules and ions diffuse across the plasma membrane?

diffuse through membrane channels

the auricle, or outer ear, contains

elastic cartilage

The sum of the electrical and chemical forces acting on an ion is known as its

electrochemical gradient

The delicate connective tissue that surrounds the skeletal muscle fibers and ties adjacent muscle fibers together is the


all of the following contain blood vessels except the


area between the dura mater and the vertebral wall, containing fat and small blood vessels

epidural space

injections of analgesics that alleviate severe back pain such as pain experienced during child laber is usually administered in the __ of the lower spinal segments

epidural space

the dense layer of connective tissue that surrounds an entire skeletal muscle is the


synaptic vesicles contain neurotransmitters that are released by __ when the action potential arrives


an adult skull suture is an example of syndesmotic joint


Large-diameter, densely packed myofibrils, large glycogen reserves, and few mitochondria are characteristics of

fast fibers

type of bone that consists of thin parallel surfaces that provides protection to underlying soft tissues

flat bone

layer of the dermis located the deepest and that is the closest to the subcutaneous layer


How would the loss of acetylcholinesterase from the motor end plate affect skeletal muscle?

it would cause spastic paralysis

Axons cross from one side of the spinal cord to the other through the

lateral white column

the main components (ingredients) of the Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine are

lipid nano particles, large carbohydrates

which of the following labels best matches osteocyte

mechanosensor, mature bone cell

which of the following is NOT true of melanin

melanin is released by exocytosis into the extracellular environment

When acetylcholine binds to receptors at the motor end plate, the end plate membrane becomes

more permeable to sodium ions.

the anterior root of the spinal cord contains

motor neurons

a single motor neuron together with all the muscle fibers it innervates is called a

motor unit

In an isotonic contraction

muscle tension exceeds the load and the muscle lifts the load.

The white matter of the spinal cord is mainly

myelinated axons

When body temperature rises, a center in the brain initiates physiological changes to decrease the body temperature. This is an example of

negative feedback

which of the following neurotransmitters is a dissolved gas which has an indirect effect on ion channels

nitric oxide

which of the following types of bone fracture is likely to repair the best with careful treatment

nondisplaced epiphyseal

molecules that store and process genetic info are the

nucleic acids

the myelin sheath that covers many CNS axons is formed by


the highest concentration of eccrine (merocrine) sweat glands that secrete watery fluid onto the surface is found

on the palms of the hands

innermost protective layer of the CNS that is in direct contact with either the spinal cord or brain tissue

pia mater

the tracts that connect the cerebellum to the brain stem are located in the


This feedback exaggerates variations from normal

positive feedback

the following is the list of steps involved in the process of secretion by the Golgi apparatus

products from RER are packaged into transport vesicles, vesicles arrive at the forming face, enzymes modify arriving proteins and glycoproteins, cisternae move from the forming face toward the maturing face, secretory vesicles are formed at the maturing face, exocytosis

interaction between individual polypeptide chains to form a protein complex is __ structure


sensory function of the hand is by the 3 following peripheral nerves

radial, ulnar, and median

the articulation that provides strength and stability to the elbow is the __ joint. the 2 bones that interlock at this joint are the __

radial; humerus and radius

the layer of skin that contains bundles of collagen and elastic fibers responsible for the strength of the skin is the __ layer


Non-membranous organelle involved in protein synthesis


After death, muscle fibers run out of ATP and calcium begins to leak from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the sarcoplasm. This results in a condition known as

rigor mortis

Phase of the interphase during which a cell duplicates its chromosomes by replicating its DNA


Glands that discharge an oily secretion into hair follicles are ________ glands.


in the condition called __, a virus that is dormant in anterior horns of the spinal cord reactivated and attack neurons in the posterior roots, causing a painful skin rash as seen in the dermatome supplied by the affected spinal nerve


type of bone with boxy shape that can be found in wrist or ankle

short bone

cardiac muscle cells are

striated due to the arrangements of intracellular protein complexes

Samples of CSF for diagnostic purposes are normally obtained by placing the tip of a needle in the

subarachnoid space

what are the body's 2 sources of vitamin D3

sunlight and food

The narrow space between the synaptic terminal and the muscle fiber is the

synaptic cleft

non-movable joint where bones are connected by rigid cartilaginous structures


When a second EPSP arrives at a single synapse before the effects of the first have disappeared, what occurs?

temporal summation

At each end of the muscle, the collagen fibers of the epimysium, and each perimysium and endomysium, come together to form a


incoming sensory information is processed and relayed to the cerebrum by the


which of the following statements about the potential is FALSE

the rapid depolarization phase is caused by the entry of potassium ions into the cell

each of the following is a direct function of the skeletal system except


which of the following become connected by myosin cross-bridges during muscle contraction

thin and thick filaments

which of the following best describes the term Z line

thin filaments are anchored here

elastic protein that extends from the Z line to the ends of thick filaments


sensory neurons of the PNS that display a single elongated process with a cell body that lies off to the side are classified as


The passageway between the lateral ventricles and the third ventricle is the

2 interventricular foramens

the type of burn that is the lease painful but requires skin grafting is a

3rd degree

Thin skin contains ________ epidermal layers


thick skin contains ________ layers.


the amount of time it takes for a cell to progress from stratum basale to stratum corneum is

7-10 days

method used by clinicians that test for CNS damage and which results in the bending back of toes following stimulation at the lateral sole of an adult foot

Babinski reflex

what is the correct order of occurrence for the steps of protein synthesis

DNA uncoils for transcription, mRNA is produced in nucleus, mRNA moves to ribosome, ribosome moves along mRNA, tRNA brings amino acids to ribosome, polypeptide is produced.

cutaneous plexus

Deep network of arteries along the reticular layer

The region of the sarcomere that always contains thin filaments is the

I band

the center of a sarcomere where the thick filaments are linked together and stablized by accessory proteins is called the

M line

Epithelium is connected to underlying connective tissue by

a basement membrane

the following are the main steps in the generation of an action potential

a graded depolarization brings an area of an excitable membrane to threshold, voltage-gated sodium channel activation occurs, sodium ions enter the cell and depolarization occurs, voltage-gated sodium channels are inactivated, voltage gated potassium channels open and potassium moves out of the cell, initiating repolarization, voltage gated sodium channels regain their normal resting properties, a temporary hyper-polarization occurs

Compared to the extracellular fluid, cytosol contains

a lower concentration of sodium ions

slightly movable joints where bones are connected by a ligament


the following steps involved in transmission at a cholinergic synapse

an action potential depolarizes the synaptic terminal at the presynaptic membrane, calcium ions enter the synaptic terminal, acetylcholine is released from storage vesicles by exocytosis acetylcholine binds to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane, chemically-gated sodium channels on the postsynaptic membrane are activated, acetylcholinesterase hydrolyzes acetylcholine, the pre-synaptic terminal reabsorbs choline.

type of muscle whose action opposes that of another muscle is called an


all of the following are true of muscle spindles EXCEPT they

are found in tendons

Arthritis always involves damage to the ________ cartilages, but the specific cause can vary.


Mary is in an automobile accident and suffers a spinal cord injury. She has lost feeling in her lower body. Her doctor tells her that swelling is compressing a portion of her spinal cord. Which part of her cord is likely to be compressed?

ascending tracts

which one of the follow is NOT one of the 4 main tissue categories

bone tissue

spinal nerves conduct

both afferent and efferent signals, both sensory and motor info

what is released from sarcoplasmic reticulum terminal cisternae upon arrival of an action potential


all of the following statements are true about the prolonged effect of UV radiations striking the unprotected skin except

can decrease the production of vitamin D

an example of function of the PNS is

carrying motor commands to skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles, bringing sensory input to the CNS

endochondral ossification begins with the formation of a

cartilage scaffold

the posterior root ganglia mainly contain

cell bodies of sensory neurons

the glial cells that wrap the __ of a typical motor neuron are called Schwann Cells

cell body

which main region of your brain coordinates complex somatic motor pattern that involved voluntary movements such as posture and balance and can fail when intoxicated with alcohol


a postsynaptic neuron will develop an EPSP when

chemically regulated sodium channels open and sodium is diffusing into the cell

types of cells that are mature and trapped within lacunae of the cartilage mix


the dominant type of extracellular protein fiber in dense connective tissue is


what type of muscle contraction occurs when the stimuli are so high that the relaxation phase is suppressed and the highest tension possible is maintained over a plateau period

complete tetanus

what physiological process occurs along the membrane of a T-tubule invagination

conduction of the action potential into the cell interior

Blood is what type of tissue?


the tough superficial layer of the epidermis is known as the stratum


Long-term deficiency of vitamin D results in

decrease in circulating levels of calcitriol, rickets

a threshold stimulus is the

depolarization necessary to cause an action potential

area of the skin that a single nerve innervates


place the following events in the correct order starting where the CSF is mad an ENDING at the site where the CSF is absorbed into the general circualtion

ependymal cell layers which are modified epithelia with tight junctions produces CSF at the choroid plexus, the CSF moves from the choroid plexus into the ventricles and fills the spinal cord central canal, the CSF enters the subarachnoid space through small apertures located by the 4th ventricle, the CSF flows around the entire periphery of the brain and of the spinal cord providing cushioning against physical trauma, the CSF is absorbed into the venous sinuses at the arachnoid villi and eventually regains the general circulation through the jugular veins

Put the following structures in order from superficial to deep: 1. muscle fiber 2. perimysium 3. myofibril 4. fascicle 5. endomysium 6. epimysium

epimysium, perimysium, fascicle, endomysium, muscle fiber, myofibril

dense layer of connective tissue composed of collage fibers that surrounds the exterior of peripheral nerves


the severe acute respiratory disease called COVID-19 is caused by a DNA virus that uses all the steps of the central dogma (transcription and translation) to replicate into new particles


type of cells that are always found in connective tissues proper and produce large amount of proteins that assemble in fibers


non-movable joint where 2 bones are completely fused

fibrous joint

the purpose of the blood brain barrier is

to isolate neural tissue in the CNS from the general circulation, to protect the brain from toxins or pathogens that circulate in the blood

at rest, active sites on the actin are blocked by

tropomyosin molecules

When calcium ion binds to troponin,

tropomyosin rolls away from the active site on actin

an action potential develops if simultaneous stimuli produce postsynaptic graded potentials as follows: 3 EPSPs that each corresponds to +10mV and 1 IPSP that corresponds to -10mV? To answer this question consider a resting potential of -70mV and a threshold potential of -60mV


hair follicles are usually not affected in a second degree burn. this is because basal cells in the hair matrix are responisble for hair regrowth are located in the deeper portion of the dermis


at the brachial plexus, the anterior rami of several spinal nerves converge into large bundles of axons that are termed


put the following events of the neuromuscular junction in the order in which they occur

vesicles full of acetylcholine are stored at the axon terminal, action potential arrives at the neuromuscular joint, acetylcholine is released into the synaptic cleft, acetylcholine binds to ligand gated sodium channels, action potential is propagated in the sarcolemma

In hydrolysis reactions, compounds react with

water, causing decomposition

in a sarcomere, cross-bridge attachement occurs specifically in the

zone of overlap

When a skeletal muscle fiber contracts,

zones of overlap get larger

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