SALT #3 set (CSD 204)
Reasons to assess children narratives
1. Narrative language skill is associated with other academic skills. 2. Narratives have high ecological validity. 3. Production of narratives is a rigorous test of many levels and aspects of language content, form, and use. 4. Narrative language tasks can be adjusted to increase or decrease difficulty, thus revealing the optimal degree of support needed. 5. Both comprehension and production of narratives can be assessed to determine similarities and differences between these two modalities.
How many C-units: I went on the field trip but my mom could not go because she had to work.
2 C-unit
The following text should be segmented into ______ c-units: He looked in the jar and his dog looked in the jar to see if the frog was in there.
2 C-unit
How many T-Units? The dog looked in the jar and then the frog jumped off.
2 T-units
The following text should be segmented into ______ c-units: I went on the field trip but my mom could not go because she had to work.
2 c-unit
How many T-units in the following text? They are determining through violence what people can and cannot do; we need to call the government to fulfill their duty to protect the people.
2 t-unit
How many T-units in the following text? It was clear; Mr. Smith is going to tell him the truth if he asks that question.
2 t-units
How many T-units in the following text? The state never stepped up to its responsibility; it is very difficult to see how this is going to go anywhere.
2 t-units
How many T-units in the following text? These women have many things in common because of their stories.
2 t-units
Sequences age of emergence
2 to 3 years
Heaps age of emergence
2 years
Primitive Narratives age of emergence
3 to 4 years
Unfocused Chains age of emergence
4 to 4;6 years
True Narratives age of emergence
5 to 7 years
Focused Chains age of emergence
5 years
Abbreviated Episode Developmental age
6 years
A clause, whether it is the main clause or a subordinate clause, is a statement containing both a subject and a predicate.
What is a T-unit
An independent clause and its modifiers - a main clause and all its subordinating clauses
Macroanalysis of scripts
Analysis of the structure of the script
Select the correct way to transcribe the following text: And we going too.
And we *are go/ing too. And we/*'re go/ing too.
High Point Analysis
Appropriate for personal narratives Not appropriate for fictional narratives Classification of stories based on patterns of organization
Stage IV of Browns Morphological Development
Articles- A ball on THE book. Regular past tense -She jumped. Third person regular, present tense- The puppy chews it. Jason likes you.
Sequences 2-3 years
As concepts develop, children start to think in complexes. Objects are grouped with concrete and factual bonds. Sequences have a superficial but arbitrary sequence in time. No casual connections
Narratives with writing
Composing a story requires planning, writing, and revising Children begin to take the perspective of a reader who is distant in place and time. With older children and adolescents, narrative ability is usually associated with some judgment of general language ability.
Descriptive Sequence
Describes character(s), surroundings, and habitual actions with no causal relations
Story Structure Levels
Descriptive Sequence Action Sequence Reactive Sequence
examples of subordinating conjunctions
Early Development: because, that, when, who Later Development: after, before, so (that), which, although, if, unless, while, as, how, until, as__as, like, where, since, although, who, before, how, while
A narrative language sample would be the best elicitation choice for a 3-year old child.
Coordinating conjunctions link a main clause to a subordinate clause.
It is best to ask simple yes/no questions if you are having difficulty eliciting a conversational language sample
Nonverbal utterances or gestures do not contribute to a speaker's turn.
The contractions "don't" and "won't" should be slashed as a bound morpheme (i.e., don/'t, won/'t).
Episodic Analysis
Goal is to find the story grammar parts - Setting, Initiating Event, Attempt, Consequence
Applebee's Six Narrative Levels
Heaps Sequences Primitive Narratives Unfocused chains Focused Chains True Narrative
Unfocused Chains 4 to 6 years
Incidents lead directly from one to another. The attributes that link the incidents shift. The story loses its points and drifts off. Unfocused chains are relatively rare/
Reactive sequence
Includes a series of actions, each of which automatically causes other actions, but with no planning involved; no clear goal-directed behavior
Stage III Browns Morphological Development
Irregular past tense-me fell down 's possessive- man's book Uncontractible copula (the full form of the verb to be when it is the only verb in a sentence Is it Alison? Yes, it is. Was it Alison? Yes, it was
Action sequence
Lists actions that are chronologically but not causally ordered
Two Level of Analysis for Narrative Language
Microstructure - Local, sentence level Macrostructure - Global, general properties of the narrative. More abstract with characters and main events
Which of the following sampling contexts is/are most relevant to school performance in oral language standards?
Narrative Expository Persuasion
Which narrative context allows the speaker to select the story he/she tells?
Narrative SSS
Action Sequence Developmental age
Descriptive sequence Developmental age
Reactive Sequence
Abbreviated Episode
Provides aims or intentions of a character but does not explicitly state the characters plan to achieve aims; planning must be inferred
Types of Narratives
Recounts Accounts Event casts
Select the correct way to transcribe the name "Sally Smith" using SALT conventions
Microstructure Analysis of Narratives
Sentence-level grammaticality Subordinate clauses Productivity within subordinate clauses Percentage of utterances that are grammatical
True Narratives 6 years
Stories begin to have a theme or moral. The core of the story has concrete, perceptual, or abstract bonds. The core and the bonds hold the story together.
Narratives in 4th to 6th grade
Stories with obstacles to the goal and multiple attempts to reach the goal Sentences with conjoining and embedding Temporal and causal connections among characters' actions and episodes Tales of deception or trickery Flashbacks and flash-forwards
Narratives in School Age
Story with drawings and text narrating a story Narrative length increases across elementary school years Multiple themes and embed plots More literate stories By age 8, characters' emotions and thoughts included
after", "before", "if" and "unless" are all examples of ______ conjunctions.
Focused Chains 5 years
The center is a main character who experiences a series of events. Frequent in preschoolers
Select the correct way to transcribe the following text: The dog barked the bees.
The dog bark/ed *at the bee/s
Story Grammar
The internal structure of a story The structure underlying the relationships between the components of a story. Story grammar helps anticipate what will happen in the story.
Select the correct way to transcribe the following text: They was not happy.
They was[EW:were] not happy
Stage V of Browns Morphological Development
Third person irregular Uncontractible auxiliary (the full form of the verb 'to be' when it is an auxiliary verb in a sentence) Contractible copula (the shortened form of the verb 'to be' when it is the only verb in a sentence) Contractible auxiliary (the shortened form of the verb 'to be' when it is an auxiliary verb in a sentence)
A clause is a statement containing both a subject (noun phrase) and a predicate (verb phrase).
An omission occurs when a word or bound morpheme that is obligatory for grammatical correctness is absent.
Communication units (c-units) are grammatically based.
Conversational play samples are most appropriate to elicit to children between 2-5 years.
For an accurate comparison, it is important to follow the same elicitation protocol that was used to collect the SALT reference database language samples.
Planning sheets are used to elicit expository samples following the protocol used to collect the SALT reference database samples
SALT counts different spellings of a word as different words in the analyses.
Toys are often used when eliciting language samples from preschoolers
When eliciting a narrative sample, you should ask questions about the story to encourage the student to talk
When eliciting a story retell sample, the examiner first provides a model of the story.
Words, bound morphemes, and contractions can be marked as omitted.
Narratives in Preschool
Typically from 30-36 months on Mental schemas for representing events A "script" or a "general event representation" ▪ "going to a restaurant", in play with some words Typically children age 4-5 "Action sequences" with visual support (e.g., pictures) "Once upon a time", "the end" "Accounts" and "Recounts" "Event Casts" during play
XXX indicates an unintelligible ______.
An X indicates an unintelligible ______.
Heaps 2-3 years
Young children may group things together in a collection simply by chance. Few links from one sentence to another Organization seems to be based on immediate perception.
Whats the SI code? She try/ed to get to the bottom of this
Whats the SI code? C The crew could see the whale, which had surfaced only 50m behind them
Whats the SI code? He literally stitch/ed mail sack/s until his finger/s bled
Whats the SI code? C Do you know the butcher who went to court on Saturday when it was windy
Whats the SI code? C The car which your wife sold me last week has broken down after we turn/ed the corner
Whats the SI code? C The excellence of a gift lies in how appropriate it is rather than how valuable it is or what the recipient prefers
The formal definition of a C-unit is
an independent clause with its modifiers
Common coordinating conjunctions include
and, but, so (but not "so that"), and then, then.
In the database reports, measures that are marked with one * (asterisk) are ____________.
at least one standard deviation from the database mean
Microstructure Analysis is good because it identifies
children with language disorders
Primitive Narratives 3-4 years
now, groupings are based on practical experience. Primitive narratives have a concrete core. Complementary attributes amplify or clarify the core. Links among attributes emerge from shared situations.
The symbol "/s" in a SALT transcript indicates a
plural bound morpheme
When scoring SI, clauses with omitted subjects are:
scored as [SI-0]
What type of analysis is appropriate for a language sample consisting of more than 50% 1-word utterances?
semantic analysis
If so is used as "so that" its a ____________conjuction
subordinate conjunction
The Subordination Index is a measure of _____________________ complexity.
Narrative samples provide information about
the speaker's ability to maintain story structure, relate the the order of events, and describe the relationship of story characters
The Subordination Index is a ratio of:
total number of clauses/total number utterances
If we follow the rules (conventions) for coding in SALT, 90-95% of the coding should be straightforward and 5-10% will require judgements and may vary between coders.
Words that are repeated multiple times for emphasis should be ______.
underscored so they do not inflate measures such as MLU and NDW
Gestures and nonverbal turns are marked by ______.
English has 8 inflectional morphemes
- Possessive -s - Plural -s - 3rd p. singular/present tense -s - Present participle -ing - Past tense -ed - Past participle -en -Comparative -er - Superlative -est
How many C-units: We went to the bakery so we could get my birthday cake.
1 C-unit
The following text should be segmented into ______ c-units: The boy looked in the jar because he wanted to see if the frog was in there.
1 C-unit
The following text should be segmented into ______ c-units: We went to the bakery so we could get my birthday cake.
1 c-unit
The following text should be segmented into ______ c-units: Some of the rules are to use good sportsmanship, play fair, and stuff like that.
1 c-unit
How many T-units in the following text? Just a few yards from the campsite where the refugees stayed, this child was found by a villager who took him back to the campsite.
1 t-unit
How many T-units in the following text? She gave him a big hug because he passed the exam.
1 t-unit