Sanskrit Asana's for YTT
Plow? And what is the type and kind?
Halanasana (hah-LAH-sah-nah) Type: Inversion Kind: Throat Chakra
Front Splits or Monkey? And what is the type and kind?
Hanumanasana Type: Backbend or heart opener Kind: Anahata or Heart Chakra *Unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion
Heron pose? Won't be on test
Heron - Krounchasana (crownch-ah-sah-nah)
Hollow Back Forearm Stand Variation (won't be on test)
Hollow back image
Mermaid Pose
Is pigeon with a arm variation
Head of Knee pose? And what is the type and kind?
Janu sirsasana (JAH-noo sheer-SHAH-suh-nuh). Knee out to the side and other leg straight. Type: Forward Fold (and hip opening). Stretches side too Kind: 2nd Sacral Chakra or Svadisthana creativity, relationships, and sexuality
Turtle pose? And what is the type and kind?
Kurmasana Type: Forward Fold Kind: Sacral Chakra creativity, relationships, and sexuality
Alligator (or Crocodile?)? And what is the type and kind?
Makarasana Type: Backbend or heart opener Kind: Anahata or Heart Chakra *Unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion
Prayer Squat? Won't be on test
Malasana Nice transition pose from mountain to floor or floor back up to mountain.
Fish? And what is the type and kind?
Matsyasana Type: Inversion Kind: Throat Chakra
Peacock Pose? And what is the type and kind?
Mayurasana Type: Balancing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Dancer Pose? And what is the type and kind?
Natarajasana (not-ah-raj-AHS-anna) Type: Balancing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
What is Boat Pose? Won't be on test
Navasana (nahv-ah-sah-nah)
Revolved or twisted Half Moon? And what is the type and kind?
Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana. Type: Balancing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Revolved side Angle (won't be on test)
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
Revolved Triangle (or twisted)? And what is the type and kind?
Parivrtta Trikkonasana Type: Spinal Twist Kind: 3rd Manipura Chakra or Solar plexus or Naval Chakra or City of Jewels Ego Center, thinking mind, our identify center
Revolved or Twisted Chair? And what is the type and kind?
Parivrtta Utkatasana Type: Spinal Twist Kind: 3rd Manipura Chakra or Solar plexus or Naval Chakra or City of Jewels Ego Center, thinking mind, our identify center
Revolved forward fold (or twisted)? And what is the type and kind?
Parivrtta Uttanasana Type: Spinal Twist Kind: 3rd Manipura Chakra or Solar plexus or Naval Chakra or City of Jewels Ego Center, thinking mind, our identify center
Thread the needle? And what is the type and kind?
Parsva Balasana or revolved childs pose. Type: Spinal Twist Kind: 3rd Manipura Chakra or Solar plexus or Naval Chakra or City of Jewels Ego Center, thinking mind, our identify center
Revolved or Twisted one-legged pigeon? And what is the type and kind?
Parsva eka pada rajakapotasana Type: Spinal Twist (and hip opening) Kind: 3rd Manipura Chakra or Solar plexus or Naval Chakra or City of Jewels Ego Center, thinking mind, our identify center
Pyramid Pose? And what is the type and kind?
Parsvottanasana (Pars-vo-tah-nah-sah-nah) Kind: Forward fold * but also in notes says it is standing pose Type: Sacral Chakra. creativity, relationships, and sexuality.
Seated forward fold or East meets West? And what is the type and kind?
Paschimottanasana (pah chee moe tah nah suh nuh) Type: Forward Fold (and hip opening) Kind: Sacral Chakra creativity, relationships, and sexuality
Forearm Stand or feathered peacock pose? And what is the type and kind?
Pincha Mayurasana Type: Balancing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Wide Legged Forward Bend? And what is the type and kind?
Prasarita Poddotanasana (pra-sa-REE-tah pah-doh-tahn-AHS-anna)
Downward Facing Dog? And what is the type and kind?
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Ah-doh OO-kah Shvah-NaHSanna) Type: Grounding. Used in Sun Salutations and a great transition pose. Kind: Root or Muladara Chakra
Handstand? And what is the type and kind?
Adho Mukha Vrksasana Type: Balancing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Fire log or Double Pigeon or Angle over knee pose? And what is the type and kind?
Agnistambasana Type: Forward Fold (and hip opening) Kind: Sacral Chakra creativity, relationships, and sexuality
Low Lunge or Crescent Moon? And what is the type and kind?
Anjeyasana Type: Backbend or heart opener (Often used in Sun Salutations and transitions) Kind: Anahata or Heart Chakra *Unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion
Half Moon? And what is the type and kind?
Ardha Chandrasana Type: Balancing Pose (but could also be considered Standing pose) Kind: Root or Muladara - Survival, Trust, Security
Seated spinal twist yoga posture or Lord of the Fish. And what is the type and kind?
Ardha Matsyendrasana Type: Spinal Twist Kind: 3rd Manipura Chakra or Solar plexus or Naval Chakra or City of Jewels Ego Center, thinking mind, our identify center
Reverse Table Pose? And what is the type and kind?
Ardha Purvottanasana (ARD-uh PUR-voh-tun-AHS-uh-nuh Not sure what type this is. Transition pose?
Bound Angel Pose? And what is the type and kind?
Badakanasana Type: Forward Fold (and hip opening) Kind: Sacral Chakra creativity, relationships, and sexuality
Butterfly, bound angle or Cobbler pose? And what is the type and kind?
Baddha Konasana Type: Forward Fold (and hip opening) Kind: Sacral Chakra creativity, relationships, and sexuality.
Crow? And what is the type and kind?
Bakasana Type: Balancing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Childs Pose? And what is the type and kind?
Balasana (bah-LAHS-anna) Type: Forward fold Kind: Third Eye/Ajna (but could also be Sacral as well) Ajna helps one with intuition, spiritual thinking, inner light, clear vision, 6th sense.
Cobra? And what is the type and kind?
Bhujangasana (boo-jang-GAHS-anna) Type: BackBend and Often used in Sun Saluations Kind: Heart or Anahata heart opening.
Eagle? And what is the type and kind?
Garudasana. Type: Balancing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Wheel or Backbend (or upward bow pose)? And what is the type and kind?
Chakrasana or (Urdhva Dhanurasana) Type: Backbend or heart opener Kind: Anahata or Heart Chakra *Unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion
Four Limbed Staff Pose or yoga push-up? And what is the type and kind?
Chatturanga Dandasana (chaht-tour-ANG-ah don-DAHS-anna). Type: Used in Sun Salutation but not sure of type. Could be Root because it is essentially mountain on the floor (?)
Cow Face? And what is the type and kind?
Gomukhasana (go-moo-khah-sa-na) Type: Forward Fold (and hip opening) Kind: Sacral Chakra creativity, relationships, and sexuality
Staff? And what is the type and kind?
Dandasana Type: Seated and good transition pose. Type: Root/muladara
Plank pose
Don't need to know sanskrit but is also known as high push up. (i.e. high to low push up - high to chatturanga)
One-legged King Pigeon? And what is the type and kind?
Eka Pada Raja Kopotasana (EHK-a PHOD-a RHA-ja KAH-pot AHS-uhna) Type: Backbend (and hip opening) Kind: Anahata - heart opening Unconditional love and forgiveness
Half pigeon pose? And what is the type and kind?
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana TYpe: Backbend Heart opening and hip opening Kind: Heart Chakra
Upward Plank? And what is the type and kind?
Purvottanasana. Type: Backbend Kind: Heart chakra or anahata chakra
Rajakapotasana? Type: Backbend or heart opener Kind: Anahata or Heart Chakra (and hip opener) *Unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion
Reclining Cow Face Pose (won't be on test)
Reclining cow face
Reclining Goddess (won't be on test)
Restorative pose
Locust? And what is the type and kind?
Salabhasana Type: Backbend or heart opener Kind: Anahata or Heart Chakra *Unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion
Shoulderstand? And what is the type and kind?
Salamba Sarvāngāsana Type: Balancing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Headstand? And what is the type and kind?
Salamba Sirsasana Type: Balancing Kind: Third eye and Root
Rabbit (won't be on test)
Sasangasana. Love this one
Corpse? And what is the type and kind?
Savasana (shah-VAHS-anna) Type: Final pose in a sequence. Resting pose. Kind: Sahasrara or Crown Chakra mainly. Could also be associated with the Root/Muladara Sahasrara: Gonnection to God and enlightenment
Explain Sun Salutation B
See attached image
Bridge? And what is the type and kind?
Setu Bandha sarvangasana. Type: Backbend Kind: Anahata heart Chakra
Easy sitting or Sage? And what is the type and kind?
Sukhasana Type: Sitting. Also used often at the beginning and end of class Kind: Root or Muladara
Reclining spinal twist? And what is the type and kind?
Supta Matsyendrasana Type: Spinal Twist Kind: 3rd Manipura Chakra or Solar plexus or Naval Chakra or City of Jewels Ego Center, thinking mind, our identify center
What is Reclining Hero?
Supta Virasana (soup-tah ver-ah-sah-nah) Type: Backbend Kind: 4th Heart or Anahata
Bird of Paradise? And what is the type and kind?
Svarga dvijasana Type: Balancing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Mountain pose is? What is the type and kind in regards to the Chakras?
Tadasana (tah-DAHS-anna) Type: Standing. Also always in Sun Salutation Kind: Root or Muladara - Survival, Trust, Security
Pretzel pose (no sanskrit found)
This is like thread the kneedle for left arm comes down again leg toward right heel and the student ends up on back of head.
Firefly? And what is the type and kind?
Tittibhasana Type: Balancing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Triangle? And what is the type and kind?
Trikonasana (Trik-cone-AHS-anna) Type: Standing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Upward Facing Dog? And what is the type and kind?
Urdhva Muka Svanasana (OORD-va MOO-kah shvon-AHS-anna) Type: BackBend and Often used in Sun Saluations Kind: Heart or Anahata heart opening.
Camel pose? And what is the type and kind?
Ustrasana (oo-STRAH-sa-na) Type: BackBend Kind: 4th Heart or Anahata heart opening. *Unconditional love, I becomes WE, compassion, forgiveness, trust, healing, acceptance.
Goddess? And what is the type and kind?
Utkata Konasana (oot-KAH-tuh cone-AHS-uh-nuh) type: Standing Kind: Root chakra
Chair pose? And what is the type and kind?
Utkatasana (OOT-Kah-TAHS-anna) Type: Standing Pose (also used in Sun Salutation B) Kind: Root or Muladara
Standing Forward Bend? And what is the type and kind?
Uttanasana Type: Forward Fold (always used in Sun Salutations) Kind: Can be both Sacral/Svadisthana and Root/Muladara. Folds help creativity, relationships, and sexuality. Balanced Root helps one feel safe, secure, trusting
Lizard? And what is the type and kind?
Utthan Pristhasana Type: Hip Opening and grounding Kind: Possibly Root/Muladara?
Extended Hand to to Pose (won't be on test)
Utthita Hasta Padangustasana
Extended Side Angle Pose? And what is the type and kind?
Uttitta Parsvakonasana (parsh-vah-cone-AHS-anna) Type: Standing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Side Plank? And what is the type and kind?
Vasisthasana (vah-sist-ah-sah-nah) Type: Balancing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Reverse Warrior Or Crescent? And what is the type and kind?
Viparita Virabhadrasana (veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna) Type: Standing Pose but also a slight Backbend pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Warrior 2? And what is the type and kind?
Virabhadrasana 2 (Veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna) Type: Standing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Warrior 1 ? And what is the type and kind?
Virabhadrasana I (Veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna) Type: Standing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Warrior 3? And what is the type and kind?
Virabhadrasana III Type: Balancing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Hero or thunderbolt? And what is the type and kind?
Virasana Type: Backbend or heart opener. But I would also say this is a seated and rooting pose when sitting up (?) Kind: Anahata or Heart Chakra *Unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion
Tree? And what is the type and kind?
Vriksasana Type: Balancing Pose Kind: Root or Muladara
Cat (won't be on test)
Warm up pose. Cat
Cow (won't be on test)
Warm up pose. Cow
Bow pose? And what is the type and kind?
dhanurasana Type: Backbend or heart opener Kind: Anahata or Heart Chakra *Unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion
Humble Warrior 1 (is a variation ...won't be on test)
variation to warrior 1