SAT #21, Mmmm Delicious- Abstemious-Voracious

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(adj.) delicious (восхитительный) (Explanation: The word means something that is extremely delicious or appealing. Nothing tastes better at the end of a meal than an array of delectable desserts and pastries!) (Example: The aroma of fresh-baked bread and other delectable, mouth-watering foods wafted through the house.)


(adj.) greedy; gluttonous; ravenous; insatiable (прожорливый) (Explanation: This adjective used to describe a wolflike appetite. It might be a craving for food or for something else, such as power, but the word usually denotes an unflattering greediness.) (Example: Because she missed breakfast and lunch, she had a voracious appetite at dinner.)


(adj.) having to do with cooking and preparing meals (Explanation: The word means having to do with good cooking or the kitchen. If you have a culinary streak, you might love cooking for your friends or maybe just watching cooking shows on TV. If your culinary repertoire includes nothing beyond tuna sandwiches and mac-and-cheese out of the box, you have a lot to learn, culinarily speaking!) (Example: Airline food is anything but culinary delight.)


(adj.) having to do with relishing the pleasure of eating and drinking (Explanation: Used as a noun or adjective, this word refers to a devotion to pleasure or refined, sensuous enjoyment, especially of good food and drink.) (Example: At the reception, the table was piled high with the most delicious epicurean delights.)


(adj.) holding back from eating and drinking too much (воздержанный) (Explanation: Reserve this word for someone who exercises restraint, especially with regard to alcohol. A rock musician may sing about enjoying wine and women, but in his private life he may be abstemious.) (Example: With a buffet dinner that includes an italian hero and pepperoni pizza it is hard to be abstemious.)


(adj.) horribly thin due to lack or adequate food; terribly undernourished (истощенный) (Explanation: Someone who is dangerously skinny and skeletal-looking can be described as with this adjective. It's probably how you'd start to look after a few weeks in the wilderness with only berries and bugs for dinner.) (Example: It is heartbreaking to look at photos of emaciated children who are victims of famine.)


(adj.) of a food or drink that is pleasing to the taste buds (аппетитный) (Explanation: The word means something that is acceptable to one's sense of taste—literally or figuratively.) (Example: Which do you find more palatable shrimp or lobster?)


(adj.) relating to food or nourishment (пищевой) (Explanation: Use this adjective to describe something that provides nourishment, like an alimentary meal of vegetable soup and whole-grain bread. So, alimentary foods are those that offer good nutrition to keep you going, like a bowl of oatmeal with walnuts and raisins. ) (Example: In biology we learned about the alimentary canal, the system in the body that swallowing and digesting food.)


(adj.) tasty or good smelling (вкусный; пикантный) (Explanation: The word describes something that is full of flavour, delicious and tasty — usually something that someone has cooked. In the world of cuisine, this word is also often used to mean the opposite of sweet, or salty.) (Example: Spices can turn a bland, tasteless dish into a savory one.)


(adj.) very hungry (Explanation: This adjective is used ofter to describe extreme hunger or desire; a feeling like you haven't eaten in days and could probably finish off 10 pizzas without help. So ravenous is not a good state to be in when you go grocery shopping.) (Example: A day spent outdoors, makes me ravenous enough to eat a hippopotamus.)


(n.) one who overindulges in food and drink (обжора) (Explanation: We all have our favorite foods and drinks, but some people are a little more into it than others — these people are gluttons. Someone who's a glutton because they just eat too much is different from a gourmet or gourmand, who enjoys only the best food. This) (Example: I don't eat much candy, but I became a glutton in front of a plate of chocolate chip cookies.)

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