SCH1143 Reproductive System - Multiple Choice

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A mature follicle releases an ovum in response to a surge in a) Luteinizing hormone. b) Follicle-stimulating hormone. c) Oestrogen. d) Progesterone. e) Oxytocin.


Arrange the four structures listed below into the order in which sperm pass from the testis to the urethral meatus. 1. ductus deferens 2. urethra 3. ejaculatory duct 4. epididymis a) 4, 1, 3, 2 b) 4, 3, 1, 2 c) 4, 1, 2, 3 d) 1, 3, 4, 2 e) 1, 4, 3, 2


Constriction of which of the following arteries causes the functional layer of the endometrium to slough off? a) Spiral arteries b) Arcuate arteries c) Straight arteries d) Radial arteries


During the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle, a) The functional zone of the endometrium is restored. b) The fertilized ovum implants. c) The old functional layer is sloughed off. d) The corpus luteum is forming. e) All of the above


If oxytocin receptors are blocked, a) Milk will not be ejected into the lactiferous sinuses. b) The mammary glands will be replaced by connective tissue. c) The mammary glands will not secrete milk. d) The menses will begin. e) The mammary glands will produce only colostrum.


The erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra is the a) Corpus spongiosum. b) Corpus cavernosum. c) Penile urethra. d) Glans penis. e) Membranous urethra.


The external marking of the boundary between the two testes is the a) Raphe. b) Spermatic cord. c) Dartos muscle. d) Acrosome. e) Tunica albuginea.


The fold of skin that covers the glans penis is the a) Prepuce. b) Ejaculatory duct. c) Penile urethra. d) Corpus cavernosum. d) Corpus spongiosum.


The nurse cells of the seminiferous tubules do all of the following, except that they a) Secrete testosterone. b) Secrete inhibin. c) Maintain the blood-testis barrier. d) Support spermiogenesis. e) Secrete androgen-binding protein.


The paired erectile bodies in the penis are the a) Corpora cavernosa. b) Prepuce. c) Corpus spongiosum. d) Penile urethra. e) Membranous urethra.


The pituitary hormone that stimulates the interstitial cells to secrete testosterone is a) LH. b) ADH. c) ACTH. d) FSH. e) GH.


The principal hormone secreted by the corpus luteum is a) Progesterone. b) Luteosterone. c) Oestrogen. d) LH. e) FSH.


The region where blood vessels enter the ovary is called the a) Ovarian hilum. b) Ovarian umbilical cord. c) Tunica albuginea. d) Infundibulopelvic ligament. e) Ovarian ligament.


The vagina is a) A muscular tube extending between the uterus and the external genitalia. b) Another term for the cervix. c) A muscular tube extending between the uterus and the anus. c) Similar to the inner lining of the uterus. d) Lined by simple columnar epithelium rich in goblet cells.


Which of the following are part of the ovarian cycle? a) Primordial follicles b) Primary spermatocytes c) Sustentacular cells d) Seminiferous tubules


Which of the following components of the female reproductive system is lined with ciliated columnar epithelial cells? a) Uterine tube b) Ovary c) Uterus d) Epididymis


Which of the following is NOT a phase of the ovarian cycle? a) Secretory phase b) Follicular phase c) Luteal phase d) All of these are phases of the ovarian cycle.


Which of the following statements about semen is FALSE? a) Semen contains enzymes such as fibrinolysin, which is used to form a clot in the woman's cervix after the sperm have passed into the uterus. b) The normal sperm count ranges from 20 million to 100 million spermatozoa per milliliter of sperm. c) Men releasing fewer than 20 million spermatozoa per milliliter are considered functionally infertile. d) A typical ejaculation will release 2-5 mL of sperm.


Which region of the uterine tube captures the ovum? a) Infundibulum b) Isthmus c) Interior segment d) Posterior segment e) Ampulla


Basal body temperature should be highest during which phase of the uterine cycle? a) Proliferative phase b) Secretory phase c) Menses d) Myometrial phase


During the menses a) Progesterone levels are high. b) The old functional layer is sloughed off. c) A new uterine lining is formed. d) Secretory glands and blood vessels develop in the endometrium. e) The corpus luteum is most active.


Fatty folds of skin that encircle and partially conceal the labia minora and vestibule are the a) Mons pubis. b) Labia majora. c) Vestibular arches. d) Ampullae. e) Fornices.


Inward projections of the tunica albuginea, known as septa, divide the testis into a) Straight tubules. b) Lobules. c) Seminiferous tubules. d) The epididymis and the testis proper. e) Rete testorum.


Oogenesis results in __________. a) Four haploid cells b) One haploid cell c) Two diploid cells d) Two haploid cells


Semen contains all of the following, except a) Spermatozoa. b) Spermatogonia. c) Seminal fluid. d) Prostaglandins. e) Fibrinogen.


Sperm production occurs in the a) Seminal glands (seminal vesicles). b) Seminiferous tubules. c) Rete testis. d) Ductus deferens. e) Epididymis.


Straight tubules originate at the seminiferous tubules and form a maze of passageways called the a) Afferent ducts. b) Rete testis. c) Tunnels of love. d) Ductus deferens. e) Epididymis.


The ________ is the region of the vagina that surrounds the cervix. a) Dartos b) Fornix c) Rugae d) Fundus e) External os


The ________ is the rounded portion of the uterine body superior to the attachment of the uterine tubes. a) Myometrium b) Fundus c) Body d) Cervix e) Internal os


The cells that are formed during spermatogenesis by the first meiosis are called a) Primary spermatocytes. b) Secondary spermatocytes. c) Spermatids. d) Spermatozoa. e) Spermatogonia.


The maturation process through which spermatids become spermatozoa is called __________. a) Spermatogenesis b) Spermiogenesis c) Meiosis d) Mitosis


The organ that monitors and adjusts the composition of tubular fluid, recycles damaged spermatozoa, and is the site of sperm maturation is the a) Ductus deferens. b) Epididymis. c) Seminal gland (seminal vesicle). d) Prostate gland. e) Rete testis.


The portion of the penis that surrounds the external urethral meatus is the __________. a) Prepuce b) Glans c) Corpus cavernosum d) Corona glandis


The round ligaments extend from the a) Base of the uterus and vagina to the lateral walls of the pelvis. b) Lateral margins of the uterus, through the inguinal canal to the external genitalia. c) Body of the uterus to the fundus. d) Cervix of the uterus to the vagina. e) Lateral surface of the uterus to the anterior surface of the sacrum.


The segment of the uterine tube where fertilization commonly occurs is the a) Posterior. b) Isthmus. c) Anterior. d) Ampulla. e) Infundibulum.


When spermatogonia divide, the daughter cells are called a) Spermatogonia. b) Spermatocytes. c) Spermatozoa. d) Sertoli cells. e) Spermatids.


Which of the following is NOT a component of the ovarian cycle? a) Granulosa cell b) Corpus spongiosum c) Corpus albicans d) Primordial follicle e) Corona radiata


Which of the following is greater? a) The number of primordial follicles in the ovaries at puberty b) The number of primordial follicles in the ovaries at birth


Which of the following is not an action of estrogen? a) Maintains accessory reproductive organs b) Mimics the symptoms of menopause c) Initiates repair of the endometrium d) Maintains female secondary sex characteristics e) Stimulates bone growth


Which of the following muscles perform(s) contractions that help to regulate the temperature in the testes? a) Dartos muscle b) Cremaster muscles c) Pubococcygeus muscles d) Perineal muscles


After ovulation, the ovary secretes a) Luteinizing hormone. b) Oestrogen. c) Progesterone. d) Both B and C e) A, B, and C


At birth, a human female has approximately 2 million primordial follicles, but by puberty the number drops to __________. a) 1000 b) 250,000 c) 400,000 d) 1 million


During development, the testes form in which location? a) In the scrotum b) In the chest cavity c) In the abdominal cavity d) None of the listed responses is correct.


Each of the following statements concerning oogenesis is true, except that a) Oogenesis begins before birth. b) By the time of their birth, girls have already lost about 80 percent of their oocytes. c) About half the oogonia complete mitosis between birth and puberty. d) Ova develop from stem cells called oogonia. e) An ovum completes its last meiosis after it is fertilized.


Fertilization usually occurs __________. a) In the uterus b) In the isthmus in close proximity to the uterus c) In the region where the ampulla borders the isthmus d) In the fimbriae of the uterine tubes


In males, luteinizing hormone (LH) __________. a) Stimulates spermatogenesis b) Stimulates ovulation c) Causes secretion of testosterone d) Has no effect upon the CNS


In males, meiosis produces __________ spermatids. a) Two diploid b) Four diploid c) Four haploid d) Two haploid


Sperm are moved along the ductus deferens by a) Hydraulic action. b) Hydrostatic force. c) Peristaltic contractions. d) Ciliary action. e) Suction.


Sperm are moved along the ductus deferens by __________. a) Suction b) Ciliary action c) Peristaltic contraction d) Hydrostatic force


The ________ is the portion of the uterus that projects into the vagina. a) Internal os b) Myometrium c) Cervix d) Body e) Fundus


The erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra is the __________. a) Corpus cavernosum b) Glans c) Corpus spongiosum d) Penile urethra


The inferior portion of the uterus that projects into the vagina is the __________. a) Vagina b) Fundus c) Cervix d) Isthmus


The process of spermiogenesis produces __________. a) Primary spermatocytes b) Spermatids c) Spermatozoa d) Spermatogonia


The special type of cell division required to produce gametes is called a) Mitosis. b) Maturation. c) Meiosis. d) Capacitation. e) Fertilization.


The spermatic cord is a) The external marking of the boundary between the two chambers of the scrotum. b) A dense layer of connective tissue that surrounds the testis. c) A bundle of tissue that contains the ductus deferens, blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics that serve the testis. c) A narrow opening that links the scrotal chamber with the peritoneal cavity. d) A layer of smooth muscle in the skin of the scrotal sac.


The urethral meatus is an opening in the a) Corona radiata. b) Prepuce. c) Glans penis. d) Corpus spongiosum. e) Corpus cavernosum.


What is the layer immediately covering the testes? a) Scrotum b) Tunica albuginea c) Tunica vaginalis d) None of the listed responses is correct.


What is the primary hormone secreted by the corpus luteum? a) Oestrogen b) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) c) Progesterone d) Androgen


Which of the following are NOT part of the reproductive system? a) External genitalia b) Gonads c) Kidneys d) Accessory glands and ducts


Which of the following is NOT a component of the reproductive system? a) Epididymis b) Vas deferens c) Bladder d) Uterine tubes


Which of the following occurs during the ovarian cycle? a) The oocyte in the primary follicle selected to complete maturation progresses through meiosis II before ovulation. b) The corpus luteum secretes high levels of estrogen in order to prepare the uterus for implantation of a fertilized c) The tertiary follicle is opened at the time of ovulation, shedding the secondary oocyte and corona radiata. d) The ovary that will undergo ovulation shrinks because its energetic resources are being expended on a selected oocyte.


A rise in the blood levels of follicle-stimulating hormone at the beginning of the ovarian cycle is responsible for a) Ovulation. b) Menstruation. c) Atresia. d) Follicle maturation. e) Menopause.


All of the following are true of the vagina, except that it a) Receives the penis during coitus. b) Forms the lower portion of the birth canal. c) Holds spermatozoa prior to their passage to the uterus. d) Loses a portion of its lining during menses. e) Serves as a passageway for the elimination of menstrual fluids.


During meiosis I, maternal and paternal chromosomes fuse together during the process called ________ to form a ________. a) Synapsis; spermatid b) Synapsis; chromatid c) Prophase I; chromatid d) Synapsis; tetrad e) Metaphase II; tetrad


Increased gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) pulses lead to the release of which hormones? a) Oestrogens b) LH c) FSH d) All of the listed responses are correct.


Interstitial cells produce a) Nutrients. b) Androgen-binding protein. c) Inhibin. d) Androgens. e) Sperm.


Secondary female sexual characteristics a) May develop in response to testosterone. b) May develop in response to estrogen. c) Are usually apparent at birth. d) A and B only e) A, B, and C


Straight tubules originate at the seminiferous tubules and form a maze of passageways called the __________. a) Efferent ducts b) Epididymis c) Ejaculatory ducts d) Rete testis


The dense layer of connective tissue that surrounds the testes is called the __________. a) Dartos b) Epididymis c) Median raphe d) Tunica albuginea


The dense layer of connective tissue that surrounds the testis is called the a) Median raphe. b) Epididymis. c) Dartos. d) Tunica albuginea. e) Spermatic cord.


The primary follicle develops from the a) Ovarian stroma. b) Ovarian follicles. c) Ovarian hilum. d) Primordial follicle. e) Granulosa cells.


The reproductive system a) Stores and transports gametes. b) Produces gametes. c) Nourishes gametes. d) All of the above e) A and B only


The reproductive system includes a) Accessory glands and organs that secrete fluids. b) Ducts that receive and transport the gametes. c) Gonads and external genitalia. d) All of the above e) B and C only


The role of FSH in males is to a) Stimulate the interstitial cells to produce testosterone. b) Develop and maintain secondary sex characteristics. c) Stimulate the nurse cells to produce inhibin. d) Initiate sperm production in the testes. e) Influence sexual behaviors and sex drive.


The surge in luteinizing hormone that occurs during the middle of the ovarian cycle triggers a) Menstruation. b) Menopause. c) Follicle maturation. d) Ovulation. e) Atresia.


The two-step process necessary for sperm to become mobile is called __________. a) Sterilization b) Fertilization c) Spermiogenesis d) Capacitation


The vulva includes all of the following, except the a) Mons pubis. b) Labia minora. c) Labia majora. d) Vagina. e) Clitoris.


Which of the following are important male accessory glands? a) Bulbo-urethral glands b) Prostate gland c) Seminal vesicles d) All of the listed responses are correct.


Which of the following descriptions best matches the term endometrium? a) Thick layer of smooth muscle cells b) Supports the uterus anteriorly c) After ovulation, the ovum is captured by it d) Consists of stratum basalis and stratum functionalis e) Supports the uterus laterally


Which of the following descriptions best matches the term myometrium? a) Consists of stratum basalis and stratum functionalis b) After ovulation, the ovum is captured by it c) Supports the uterus anteriorly d) Thick layer of smooth muscle cells e) Supports the uterus laterally


Which of the following is/are contained by the spermatic cord? a) Deferential artery b) Testicular vein c) Ductus deferens d) All of the listed responses are correct.


Which of the following statements about pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is FALSE? a) Damage and scarring of the uterine tubes caused by PID can lead to infertility. b) It can be caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. c) Chlamydia, a bacterial genus, is known to cause PID. d) Symptoms of PID include fever, runny nose, headache, and elevated white blood cell counts.


Which of the following statements about the epididymis is FALSE? a) It stores and protects spermatozoa and facilitates their functional maturation. b) It acts as a recycling center for damaged sperm. c) It is made up of head, body, and tail regions. d) It is a tube approximately 23 meters long.


Which of the following statements about the penis is FALSE? a) It is used for the passage of sperm as well as the passage of urine. b) It contains three columns of erectile tissue. c) The root of the penis is attached directly below the pubic symphysis. d) The head, or glans, originates from the corpora cavernosa.


Follicle-stimulating hormone a) Is important only in females. b) Stimulates spermatogenesis. c) Stimulates maturation of primordial follicles in the ovary. d) Stimulates the thyroid follicles. e) Both B and C


Sperm develop from stem cells called a) Spermatids. b) Spermatozoa. c) Primary spermatocytes. d) Secondary spermatocytes. e) Spermatogonia.


The clitoris a) Is topped by a small erectile glans. b) Engorges with blood during sexual arousal. c) Contains erectile tissue comparable to the corpora cavernosa of the penis. d) Is derived from the same embryonic structures as the penis in males. e) All of the above


The granulosa cells of developing follicles secrete a) FSH. b) Progesterone. c) LH. d) GnRH. e) Estradiol.


The inferior portion of the uterus that projects into the vagina is the a) Fundus. b) Isthmus. c) Body. d) Fornix. e) Cervix.


The organ that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra is the a) Seminal gland (seminal vesicle). b) Corpus cavernosum. c) Ejaculatory duct. d) Epididymis. e) Ductus deferens.


The organ that delivers semen into the female reproductive tract is the a) Corpus cavernosum. b) Ejaculatory duct. c) Corpus spongiosum. d) Urethra. e) Penis.


The organ that produces a secretion that contains fructose, prostaglandins, and fibrinogen is the a) Corpus cavernosum. b) Preputial gland. c) Bulbourethral gland. d) Prostate gland. e) Seminal gland (seminal vesicle).


The organ that provides mechanical protection and nutritional support for the developing embryo is the a) Cervix. b) Uterine tube. c) Vagina. d) Ovary. e) Uterus.


The pigmented skin that surrounds the nipple is the a) Zona pellucida. b) Fornix. c) Zona reticularis. d) Peripapilla. e) Areola.


The process of spermiogenesis produces a) Secondary spermatocytes. b) Spermatogonia. c) Primary spermatocytes. d) Spermatids. e) Spermatozoa.


The uterine phase that develops because of a fall in progesterone levels is a) The luteal phase. b) The proliferative phase. c) The secretory phase. d) The follicular phase. e) The menses.


Which of the following is not a similarity between the testis and ovary? a) Both respond to follicle-stimulating hormone b) Both respond to luteinizing hormone c) Meiosis takes place in both d) Both produce gametes e) Both produce progesterone


Which of the following muscles move the testes towards the body? a) The cremaster b) The tunica muscularis c) The biceps brachii d) The dartos e) Both A and D


Which of the following statements about the menstrual cycle is true? a) The first occurrence is termed menarche b) Is skipped in pregnancy c) Often involves painful myometrial contraction d) It is ultimately controlled by GnRH e) All are true


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