School bus CHP

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You must use extreme caution when approaching a school bus are in a very demanding situation when entering these areas it is critical you understand

And follow all state and local laws and regulations regarding approaching a school bus stop.this would involve proper use of mirrors alternating flashing lights and when equipped the moveable stop signal arm and crossing control arm

The horn should be used to ensure the safe operation of the vehicle

And audible from a distance of not less than 200 feet

The headlamps on the school bus shall be on while the bus is in motion

And during darkness

Evacuating a school bus,direct student assistant to lead students to the nearest safe place,walk through the

Bus,to ensure no students remain on the bus.retrieve emergency equipment.join waiting students. Account for all students and check for their safety,protect the scene,set out emergency warning devices as necessary and appropriate,prepare information for emergency responders

Reaction time plus braking distance plus stopping distance equals

Prevent accidents

Prior to a school bus stop the driver shall activate the flashing amber light

200 feet

Ensure that your mirrors are properly adjusted so you can see

200 feet or 4 bus length behind the bus.along the sides of the bus.the rear tires touching the least 1 traffic lane on either side of the bus

Title 13 CCR 1217-E- standing passengers,a vehicle shall not be put in motion until

All passengers are seated and all passengers must remain seated while the vehicle is in motion

School district superintendent designates

All school bus stops

VC-2212,the school bus driver shall deactivate the amber warning light system

After reaching the school bus stop

In the right and left flat mirrors you should see 1 inch of the bus

And 200 feet to the rear

Some tips to determine a safe place #1 through #5

#1 a safe place will be at least 100 feet off the railroad in the direction of oncoming traffic.this will keep the students from being hit by debris of another vehicle collides with the bus#2 lead students upwind (into the wind) of the bus of fire is present#3 lead students as far away from railroad tracks as possible and in the direction of any oncoming train#4 lead students upwind of the bus at least 300 feet if there is a risk from spilled hazmat#5 if the bus is in direct path of a sighted tornado and evacuation is ordered,escort students to a nearby ditch or culvert of shelter in a building is not nearby readily

ABS will not.#1 through 6

#1 allow you to drive faster follow more closely or drive less carefully #2 prevent power or turning skids ABS should prevent,brake induced skids but not those caused by spinning the drive wheels or going too fast in a turn#3 necessarily shorten stopping distance ABS will help maintain vehicle control,but not always shorten stopping distance #4 increase or decrease ultimate stopping power ABS is an add-on to your normal brakes,not a replacement for them #5 change the way you normally brake under normal brake conditions,your vehicle will stop as it always stopped ABS only comes I to play when a wheel would normally have locked up because of over braking #compensate for bad brakes or poor brake maintenance

Crossing the track

#1 check the crossing signals again before proceeding #2 at a multiple track crossing stop only before the first set of tracks when your are sure no train is approaching on any track proceed across all of the tracks until you have completely cleared them#3 cross the tracks in a lower gear do not change the gears while crossing #4 if the gate comes down after you have started across drive through it even if it means you will break it

When all students are accounted for prepare to leave by #1 through 7

#1 closing the door #2 engaging the transmission#3 releasing the parking break#4 turning off alternating flashing red lights #5 turning on the left turn signal #6 checking all mirrors again#7 allowing congested traffic to disperse

When all students are accounted for prepare to leave by #1 through 9

#1 closing the door #2 fastening the safety belt #3 starting the engine #4 engaging the transmission #5 releasing the parking break #6 turning on the alternating flashing red lights #7 turning on the left turn signal #8 checking all the mirrors again #9 allowing congested traffic to disperse When it is safe pull away from the unloading area

A decision to evacuate should include consideration of the following conditions #1 through 8

#1 is there a fire or danger of fire#2 is there a smell of raw or leaking fuel#3is there a chance the bus could be hit by other vehicles #4 is the bus in the path of a sighted tornado or rising waters #5 are there downed power lines #6 would removing students expose them to speeding traffic,severe weather or a dangerous environment such as downed power lines#7 would moving students complicate injuries such as neck and back injuries and fractures#8 is there a hazardous spill involved,sometimes it may be safer to remain on the bus and not come into contact with the material

If no look out is available #1 through 3

#1 set the parking brake #2 turn off the motor and take the keys with you#3 walk to the rear of the bus to determine whether the way is clear

Approaching the crossing #1 through 5

#1 slow down including shifting to a lower gear in a manual transmission bus and test your brakes#2 active hazard lights approximately 200 feet before the crossing make sure your intentions are known#3 scan your surrounding and check to traffic behind you #4 stay to the right of the roadway if possible #5 choose an escape route in the event of a brake failure

At the crossing

#1 stop no closer than 15 feet and no further than 50 feet from the nearest rail where u have the best view of the tracks#2 place the transmission in park or if there is no park shift point in neutral and press down on the service brake or set the parking brakes#3 turn off all radios and noisy equipment and silence the passengers #4 open the service door and driver's window look and listen for an approaching tram

Perform a safe stop as described #1 through 4

#1 students should wait in a designated location for school bus,facing the bus as it approaches #2 students should board the bus only when signaled by the driver #3 monitor all mirrors continuously #4 count the number of students at the bus stop and be sure all board the bus.if possible know the names of the students at each stop if there is a student missing ask the other students where the student is

Mandatory evacuation.the driver must evacuate the bus when #1 through #5

#1 the bus is on fire or there is a threat of a fire #2 the bus is stalled on or adjacent to a railroad highway crossing #3 the position of the bus may change and increase the danger #4 there is imminent danger of an accident #5 there is a need to quickly evacuate because of a hazmat spill

Backing a school bus is strongly discouraged,you should back your bus only when you have no other safe way to move the vehicle,you should never back a school bus when students are outside of the bus.backing is dangerous and increases your risk of an accident if you have no choice and you must back your bus follow these procedures #1 through 4

#1 to warn other motorists or pedestrians on a roadway during a backing maneuver the operator of a school bus may flash hazard lights CV252575#2 post a lookout the purpose of the lookout is to warn you about obstacles approaching persons and other vehicles.the look out should not give directions on how to back the school bus #3 signal for quite on the bus #4 constantly check all mirrors and rear windows back slowly and smoothly

The loading procedure is essentially the same wherever you load students but there are slight differences when students are loading at the school campus,you should #1 through #3

#1 turn off the ignition switch#2 remove the key if leaving the drivers compartment #3 position yourself to supervise loading

When you drive a vehicle with ABS you should brake as you always have in other words #1 through 3

#1 use only the braking force necessary to stop safely and stay in control #2 brake the same way regardless of whether you have ABS on the bus however in emergency braking do not pump the brakes on a bus with ABS#3 as you slow down,monitor your bus and back off the brakes if it is safe to do so to stay in control

VC-2212,The school bus flashing red light signal system,Amber warning lights system and stop arms shall not be operated at any other time

(E) except at a location where pupils are loading or unloading from a school bus and must cross a highway or private road upon which the school bus is stopped

Preform a safe stop at designated unloading areas number 1 through 6

#1, Have the students remain seated until told to exit #2,check all mirrors #3 ,count the numbers of students while unloading to confirm the location of all students before pulling away from the stop#4,tell students to exit the bus and walk at least 10 feet away from the side of the bus to a position where the driver can plainly see all students#5,check all mirrors again.make sure no students are around or returning to the bus#6 if you cannot account for a student,secure the bus,take the key,and check around and underneath the bus

When approaching the stop you should#1 through 3

#1, approach cautiously at a slow rate of speed #2 look for pedestrian,traffic,or other objects before during and after coming to a stop #3 continuously check all mirrors

When all students are accounted for prepare to leave by#1 through 7

#1,closing the door#2,engaging the transmission #3,releasing the park break #4,turning off the alternating flashing red lights #5, turning on the left turn signal #6,checking all mirrors again #7,allowing congested traffic to disperse,when it is safe,move the bus enter the traffic flow and continue the route

13 CCR-1238-school bus stops-C- CHP approval,unless approved by the department,a school bus stop shall not be designated at the following locations

#1- upon the main traveled portion of a highway where there is not a clear view of the stop from 500 feet in each direction along the highway and the speed limit is more than 25 mph

You should walk through the bus and around the bus to look for the following #1 through 5

#1Articles of clothing,#2 sleeping students,#3 open windows and doors#4 mechanical/operational problems with the bus with special attention to items that are unique to school buses-mirror systems,flashing warning lamps and stop signal arms #5 damage or vandalism.any problems or special situations should be reported immediately to your supervisor or school authorities

When stopping you should #1 and 2

#1Bring the school bus to a full stop with the front bumper at least 10 feet away from students at the designated stop this forces the students to walk to the bus so you have a better view of their movements.#2 place transmission in park or if there is no park shift point in neutral and set the parking brake at each stop

When a school bus is stopped on a highway or private road for the purpose of loading or unloading students at a location where traffic is not controlled by a traffic officer or official traffic control signal,the school bus driver shall do all of the following #1 through 3

#1Escort all students in prekindergarten ,kindergarten or any grades 1 through 8,who need to cross the highway or private road where the school bus stopped.The driver shall use an approved ,hand held"stop" sign while escorting all students.#2 require all students who cross the highway or private road where the school bus stopped to walk in front of the bus as they cross#3 ensure that all students who cross the highway or private road where the school bus stopped have crossed safely and that all other students and pedestrians are at a safe distance from the school bus before setting the school bus in motion

The following procedures are meant to be general guidelines.when unloading at the school,you should follow these procedures #1 through

#1Perform a safe stop at designated unloading areas as described.#2 secure the bus by turning off the ignition switch,removing key if leaving the drivers compartment.

Vehicles required to have ABS#1 air break vehicles,trucks,buses,trailers,and converter dollies buoy in or after March 1,1998

#2 hydraulic brakes trucks and buses with a GVWR of 10,000 pounds or more ,built on or after March 1,1999.many buses built before these dates have been voluntary equipped with ABS,your school bus will have a yellow ABS malfunction lamp on the instrument panel if equipped with ABS

When stopping you should

#3 activate the alternating red lights when traffic is a safe distance from the school bus and ensure the stop arm is extended #4 make a final check to see that all traffic has stopped before completely opening the door and signaling students to approach

Perform a safe stop at designated unloading areas as described #3 through 7

#3 have the students remain seated until told to exit #4 position yourself to supervise unloading #5 escort all students in pre kindergarten,kindergarten,or any of grades 1 through 8 inclusive who need to cross the highway or private road where the school bus has stopped,the driver shall use an approved,hand held stop sign while escorting all children #6 have the students exit in orderly fashion #7 observe the students as they step from the bus to see that they all move promptly away from the unloading area

When approaching the stop you should #4 through 7

#4 if the school bus is so equipped,activate alternating flashing amber warning lights at least 200 feet or approximately 5-10 seconds before the school bus stop or in accordance with state law#5 turn on the right turn signal indicator about 100 through 300 feet or approximately 3-5 seconds before pulling over# 6 continuously check mirrors to monitor the danger zones for students,traffic,and other objects #7 move as far as possible to the right on the traveled portion of the roadway

Perform a safe stop as described #5 through 8

#5Have the students board the school bus slowly single file and use the handrail the dome light should be on while loading in the dark #6 wait until students are seated and facing forward before moving the bus#7 check all mirrors.make certain no one is running to catch the bus#8if you cannot account for a student secure the bus take the key and check around and underneath the bus

Perform a safe stop at designated unloading areas as described #8-10

#8 walk through the bus to check for hiding/sleeping students and items left by students #9 check all mirrors,make certain no students are returning to the bus,#10 if the bus is secure and your cannot account for a student outside the bus,take the key and check around,underneath the bus

The minimum tread depth on the steering axle is

4/32 front steering axle

Outside left and right side flat mirrors,these mirrors are mounted at the left and right front corners of the bus at the side or front of the windshield.they are used to monitor traffic,check clearances and check for students on the sides and immediately below and in front of each mirror and direction back of the rear bumper.The blind spot behind the bus extends

50 to 150 feet and could extend up to 400 feet depending on the length and width of the bus

There has to be a low air warning device that is available and visible to warn a driver of a drop in pressure and it Hass to come on

60 PSI's or above or no less than 60 psi

A wheelchair school bus must have two fire extinguishers rating not less than


Evacuate the students from the bus,do not move students you believe may have suffered

A neck or spinal injury unless his or her life is in immediate danger,special procedures must be used to move neck spinal injury victim to prevent further injury

The specific procedures required in each state very a school bus is one of the safest vehicles in the highway however

A school bus does not have the slightest edge when involved in an accident with a train,because of a trains size and weight it cannot stop quickly an emergency escape route does not exist for a train,you can prevent school bus /train accidents by following these recommended procedures

All classroom instruction is given by

A state certified instructor

State and local laws and regulations regarding unloading students at schools particularly in situations where

Activities take place in the school parking lot or other location off the traveled roadway are often different than unloading along the school bus route is important that the school bus driver understands and obeys state and local laws and regulations.

Pavement markings mean the same as the

Advanced warning sign.they consist of an x with the letters RR and a no passing marking on 2 lane roads

Type two bus is designed to carry not more than 16 passengers and the driver or

After April 1, 1977 the gross vehicle rating of 10,000 pounds or less and designed for caring not more than 20 passengers

When made a driver activate the four-way flashers

Approaching a railroad road crossing bus broke down and within 10 feet of the roadway backing maneuver to warn others of a hazard or traffic accident

Outside left and right cross view mirrors,these mirrors are mounted on both the left and right front corners of the bus.they are used to see the front bumper"danger zones"

Area directly in front of the bus that is not visible by direct vision and the danger zone area to the left and right side of the bus,including the service door and front wheel area

Loading and unloading,more students are killed while getting on or off a school bus each year than are killed

As a passenger inside a school bus,as a result,knowing what to do before,during and after loading or unloading students is critical

School bus drivers are exempt from caring a logbook

As long as you can operate within 100 air miles radius

A driver shout complete a vehicle inspection and submit a written report

At the completion of each day or tour of duty

A driver who has a strobe light may turn it on when

Atmospheric conditions are reduced to 500 feet

The governing board of a local educational agency that provides for the transportation of pupils shot adopt procedures that limit the operation of school buses when

Atmospheric conditions reduce visibility on the roadway to 200 feet or less during regular home to school transportation

When dealing with students never hold a grudge argue or lose your temper and

Avoid a power struggle Be fair and impartial don't play favorites

If you miss a students unloading stop do not

Back up be sure to follow local procedures

What must a driver have in his her position to drive a school bus

Ballad medical DL 51 ballad commercial driver license with a passenger endorsement CLDBP valid special drivers certificate

The passenger door on a school bus shell

Be closed while the bus is in motion

Some school buses are equipped with roof mounted,white strobe lights if your bus is so equipped the overhead strobe light should be used when you have limited visibility,this means that you cannot easily see around you in front

Behind or beside the school bus your visibility could be only slightly limited or be so bad that you can see nothing at all use strobe lights only when visibility is reduced to 500 feet or less due to atmospheric conditions including but not limited to fog rain snow smoke or dust

This mirror is mounted directly above the windshield on the drivers side area of the bus.this mirror is used to monitor passenger activity inside the bus it may provide limited visibility directly

Behind the drivers seat as well as a large blind spot area that begins at the rear bumper and could extend up to 400 feet or more behind the must use the exterior side mirrors to monitor traffic that approaches and enters this area

When a driver has a second delinquent in a training. Is a cars four


Title 13 CCR 1217-B, weight. No more passengers shall be transported than the number whose weight in addition to the weight of any property transported can be

Carried without exceeding the manufactures maximum gross vehicle weight rating or the combined maximum rating of the tires supporting each axle

Motor carriers First Student has to report missed training toCHP within 10 days

Carrier must notify CHPO a dismissal driver within five days

Each school district establishes official routes and school bus stops.All stops should be approved by the school district prior to making the should never

Change the location of a bus stop without written approval from the appropriate school district official

A renewal driver shall complete 10 hours of in-service, behind the wheel or

Classroom during each training. Birthday to birthday

Advanced warning signs.this round,black and yellow warning. Sign is placed ahead of a public railroad highway

Crossing the advanced warning sign tells you to slow down look and listen for the train and be prepared to stop at the tracks of a train is coming

CDE California department of education not


CDE,California department of education not


An increase in speed Causes a

Decrease in traction

General procedures-determine if evacuation is in the best interest of safety #1 through 6

Determine the best type of evacuation #1 front,rear,side door,or some combination of doors evacuation #2 roof or window the bus by #3 placing transmission in park or if there is no shift point,in neutral #4 seating the parking brake #5 shutting off the engine #6 removing the ignition key #7 activating the hazard warning lights #8 if time allows notifying your dispatch office of the evacuation location,conditions and type of assistance needed

An emergency situation can happen to anyone anytime could be an accident,stalled school bus on a railroad highway crossing or in a high speed intersection,electric fire in the engine compartment,or medical emergency to a student on the school bus,etc.knowing what to

Do In an emergency before during and after an evacuation can mean the difference between life and death

As a general rule,student safety and control is best maintained by keeping students on the bus during an emergency and or impending crisis situations,if it

Does not expose them to unnecessary risk or injury

During a hijacking or kidnapping the first 15 to 45 minutes the most dangerous and

Don't be a hero speak only when spoken to observe everything carefully

Every school bus shall be equipped with cross view mirror mounted on the front exterior of the bus to provide the seated #1

Driver with a clear view of the area directly in front of the bus (ccr,title 13-1258)

Accidents usually happen because

Drivers fail to adjust their driving skills to the road conditions

The DMV is responsible for issuing and renewing their

Drivers license and certificate and the Denials

Determine the need to evacuate the bus.the first and most important consideration is for you to recognize the hazard,if time permits,school bus

Drivers should contact their dispatch to explain the situation before making a decision to evacuate the school bus

Prior to operation a driver shall inspect the bus

During a second run the driver shot inspect the bus again if it is a different bus than the morning run

Professional bus drivers never drive beyond the limits of the vehicles headlights

During darkness

AC HP approved school bus stop is where there is not a clear view of 100 feet in

Each direction and the speed limit is more than 25 mph

A school bus must have one fire extinguisher rating not less than

Eight BC or to not read it in less than four BC

Title 13 CCR 1217-H-interior lighting,during the darkness,the driver shall ensure that the interior lighting is sufficient for passengers to

Enter and exit safely and whenever otherwise deemed necessary

Students have been injured or killed when clothing accessories or even parts of their body are caught in the handrail or door as they

Exited the bus you should closely observe all students exiting the bus to confirm that they are in a safe location prior to moving the bus

A driver shall not drive when his or her ability to drive as adversely affected by

Fatigue, illness or any other cause

CFR title 49 383.25-A CLP holder with a P and/or an S endorsement is prohibited from operating a CMV with passengers other than

Federal/state auditors and inspectors,test examiners,other trainees and the accompanying CDL holder

If you must back up at a students pick up point be sure to pick up at a student pick up point be sure to pick up students before backing and watch

For late corners at all times be sure that all students are in the bus before backing and watch for late comers at all times,if you must back up at a students drop off point be sure to unload students after backing

A driver will be placed out of service for 24 hours

For having a BAC of 0.01%

The interior lighting shall be sufficient during darkness

For passengers to enter and exit safely and whenever otherwise deemed necessary

DOE department of education designs all training and courses of study

For the program

Type one bus wind stopped at a railroad crossing Sal

Fully open the entrance door

Whenever any school bus accident occurs the driver shall stop at the scene

Immediately notify or calls to notify CHP and employer at school district

Reduced visibility could be a reason for the driver to cancel

Hey student activity trip

All pupils in pre-K through eighth grade shall receive the safety instruction and emergency evacuation instruction or at least once each year school year

Home to school transportation

If the lamp stays on after the bulb check or goes on once you are under way you may have lost ABS control at 1 or more wheels remember

If your ABS malfunction you still have regular brakes,drive normally but get the system serviced soon

I drive a type one bus because

I drive more than 16 passengers

Exams for R&R no stop needed to be made

If a track running along and open the roadway with a business or a residence district to wear a traffic officer or an official traffic control signal directs traffic to proceed three when exempt sign was authorized prior to January 1, 1978 black background with yellow lettering

Without ABS you still have normal brake and brake as you always have.vehicles with ABS have yellow malfunction lamps to tell you

If something is not working the yellow ABS malfunction lamp is on the bus instrument panel

Bus stalls or is trapped on the tracks,if your bus stall or is trapped on the tracks,get everyone out and off the tracks

Immediately,move everyone far from the bus at an angle,which is both away from the tracks and towards the train

Recommended procedures,each state has laws and regulations governing how school bus is must operate at railroad crossings it is

Important for you to understand and obey these state laws and regulations in general school buses must stop at all crossing and drivers must ensure it is safe before proceeding across the tracks

In the cross view you should see

In front of the bus

When being tailgated a driver should open up a space cushion

In front of their vehicle

Title 13 CCR 1217

No driver shall drive a vehicle transporting passengers in violation of the following provisions

When traveling at highway speed the visual lead time will

Increase to about a quarter of a mile

A driver shall escort students pre-K

K through eighth grade

Seating capacity is found on the 292 vehicle inspection approval certificate

Infants in arms, good for 13 months, 2+9+2 = 13

When testing the foot pedal travel on a hydraulic system

It shall not exceed 60%

Strong winds affect the handling of the school bus the side of a school bus acts like a sail on a sailboat.strong winds can push the school bus sideways they can even move the school bus off the road or in extreme conditions tip it over,if you are caught in strong winds

Keep a strong grip on the steering wheel try to anticipate gusts,you should slow down to lessen the effect of the wind or pull off the roadway and wait contact your dispatcher to get more information on how to proceed

A prohibited school bus stop is 200 feet from the nearest rail of any railroad track

Loading/unloading exemptions tracks that run parallel to the roadway and at railroad station

Back your vehicle only when it can be done safely when you have two back here are a few simple safety rules

Look in your path be back slowly using your mirrors see back and turn toward the driver side whenever possible D use a helper whenever possible

13 CCR-1238-school bus stops-A- designated stops,school bus and SPAB stops

Made for receiving and discharging pupils shall be designated by the school district superintendent

Airbrakes minimum cut equals N is 85 psi 8+5 = 13

Maximum cut out is 130psi

Basic speed law

Never drive faster than it safe for the current conditions

A driver may escort students

Ninth through 12th grade

In the event of an accident a driver shall not leave the immediate vicinity unless

No pupil aboard can be sent to summon help

VC2212-The school bus driver may not activate the amber warning light system,the flashing red light signal system and stop signal arm at any of the following locations,number 1

Number 1-school bus loading zones on or adjacent to school grounds or during an activity trip,if the school bus is lawfully stopped or parked

VC2212-The school bus driver may not activate the amber warning light system,the flashing red light signal system and stop signal arm at any of the following locations,number 2

Number 2,where the school bus is disabled due to mechanical breakdown the driver of a relief bus that arrives at the scene to transport pupils from the disabled school bus shall not activate the amber warning light system,the flashing red light system and stop signal arm

VC2212-The school bus driver may not activate the amber warning light system,the flashing red light signal system and stop signal arm at any of the following locations,number 3

Number 3,where a pupil requires physical assistant from the driver or authorized attendant to board or leave the school bus and providing the assistance extends the length of time the school bus is stopped beyond the time required to load or unload a pupil that does not require physical assistance

When evacuating,dangle the radio microphone or telephone out of the drivers window and take your cell phone for later use,if operable,if there is no radio or cell phone

Or they are in operable,dispatch a passing motorist or area resident to call for help as a last resort,dispatch 2 older,responsible students to go for help.order the evacuation

VC2212-The school bus driver may not activate the amber warning light system,the flashing red light signal system and stop signal arm at any of the following locations, number 4

Number 4,where the roadway surface on which the bus is stopped is partially or completely covered by snow or ice and requiring traffic to stop would pose a safety hazard as determined by the school bus motor carrier

VC2212-The school bus driver may not activate the amber warning light system,the flashing red light signal system and stop signal arm at any of the following locations,number 5

Number 5,on a state highway with a posted speed limit of 55 miles per hour or higher where the school bus is completely off the main traveled portion of the highway

VC2212-The school bus driver may not activate the amber warning light system,the flashing red light signal system and stop signal arm at any of the following locations,number 6

Number 6,any location determined by a school district or a private school with the approval of the department of the California Highway patrol,to present a traffic or safety hazard

Students should be told to leave any dropped object and move to a point of safety out

Of the danger zones and attempt to get the drivers attention to receive the object

There is also a no passing zone sign on a 2 lane road.there may be a white stop line painted on the pavement before the railroad tracks the front

Of the school bus must remain behind this line while stopping at the crossing

A proper space cushion occurs when the driver can view the rear tires touching the ground

Of the vehicle ahead of them when stopped

13 CCR-1238-school bus stops-A school bus stop shall not be designated at the following number 3

On a divided or multiple lane highway where pupils must cross the highway to board or after exiting the bus unless traffic is controlled by a traffic officer or official traffic control signal.For the purpose of this subsection,a multiple-lane highway is defined as any highway having two or more lanes of travel in each direction

After engine failure in operative the brakes must work at least


Definition of a school bus accident

One a motor vehicle accident resulting in property damage in excess of $750 or personal injury on public or private property and involving a school bus transporting to a collision between a vehicle and a pupil or a driver during a red light escort three injury of a pupil inside a vehicle as a result of acceleration deceleration or any other movement of the vehicle

To be classified as a school bus accident the bus must have

One or more people on board

First aid kits

One through 16 passengers in need 10 units 17 to 42 passengers need 16 units 43 and more passengers need 24 units

Title 13 CCR 1217-F- open doors, while passengers are aboard,a vehicle shall not be put in motion until the doors are closed.The doors shall not be

Opened until the vehicle stopped.the doors of a school bus,shall be closed while the bus is in motion,whether or not there are passengers in the school bus

On the pre-trip the engine compartment is


Convex mirrors are

Optional in a bus

A school bus driver shall not eject any pupil unless given into the custody of a parent

Or a school official or someone designated by the parent

When departing from the school the driver must not turn on the bus more than 30 seconds

Or if you are within 100 feet of a school $300 fine

Safety circle

Outer zone zone of recognition middle zone zone of action is there an accident

The school bus driver should enforce any state or local regulations or recommendations concerning students actions

Outside the school bus

No hazardous materials are allowed on school buses except for

Oxygen medically prescribed for an in immediate possession of a passenger and personal use articles in the immediate possession of a passenger

As of July 1,2018,it is required that a passenger in a bus equipped with seat belts to be properly restrained by a safety belt,except as specified

Parents,legal guardians,or chartering parties are prohibited from transporting on a bus,or permitting to be be transported on a bus,a child who is at least 8 years old but under 16 years old,unless they are properly restrained by a safety belt

Step well areas, passengers shall not be permitted to stand in the step well area while the bus is in motion exceptions

Persons testing, training, sales manufacture, mechanic or an adultActing upon the request by the driver to supervise or assist a pupil

Students may drop an object near the bus during loading and unloading stopping to

Pick up the object may cause the student to disappear from the drivers sight at a very dangerous moment

School districts may use a public transit system stop with

Prior agreement

Students pre-KK through 12th grade shall receive safety instruction for a school activity trip

Prior to departure

A driver shall do an inspection of the bus

Prior to operation

Drivers with more than one job shall report their time when reporting to the motor carrier

Prior to working

Have to have a DL 45 California special drivers certificate to transport

Pupils or SPAB

The mirrors presents a view of people and objects that does not accurately

Reflect their size and distance from the bus.the driver must ensure that these mirrors are properly adjusted.

The minimum tread depth on all other tires rear is 2/32

Regrooved tires never recaps and re-tread OK on the rear do not measure where the bars hearts or fillets are located tires should be free of damaging cuts bruises and other defects in the tire casing

Be prepared and plan ahead,when possible assign 2 older,responsible student assistants to each emergency exit.Teach them how to assist the other students off the bus.assign another student assistant to lead the students to a safe place after evacuation,however you must recognize there may not be older

Responsible students on the bus at the time of the emergency,therefore emergency evacuation procedures must be explained to all procedures must be explained to all students.this includes knowing how to operate the various emergency exits and the importance of listening to and following all instructions given by you

Type two bus when stop at a railroad crossing shell

Roll down driver window

A holder of a school bus certificate Me Drive

SPAB & farm labor and youth bus

CHP California highway patrol investigates all

School bus accidents

CHP issues the temporary

School bus certificate

DMV issues the permanent

School bus certificate

Any driver or applicant who receives a notice of denial or suspension and a

Scope of hearing by mail has 15 days to respond

Title 13 CCR 1217, seating capacity, except as provided in subsection E,the number of passengers excluding infants in arms shall not exceed the number of safe and adequate

Seating spaces or for school buses,school pupil activity buses,youth buses,and farm labor vehicles,the number of passengers specified by seating capacity rating set forth in the department vehicle inspection approval certificate

Title 13 CCR 1217-Emergency Exit-while a passenger is aboard,no bus shall be put in motion with any emergency exit locked or otherwise

Secured against being opened from the inside.while a passenger is aboard,no bus,equipped with emergency exits that are designed to be to be opened from the outside,shall be put in motion with such emergency exits locked or otherwise secured against being opened from either the outside or the inside

When a pupil is a board the driver shall not leave the drivers compartment without first stopping the engine and effectively

Set the park brake and place the transmission in first reverse park or neutral shut bus off and remove the ignition keys which remains in the drivers possession

When transporting nine students the word school bus and the red crossover lights

Shall be covered

Containment or storage areas.if it will not fit do not commit know the length of your bus and size of the containment area at railroad highway crossing on the school bus route as well as any crossing you encounter in the course of a school activity trip when approaching a crossing with a signal or

Stop sign on the opposite side pay attention to the amount of room there be certain the bus has enough containment or storage are to completely clear the railroad tracks on the other side if there is a need to stop as a general rule,add 15 feet to the length of the school bus to determine an acceptable amount of containment or storage area

Proper adjustment and use of all mirrors is vital to safe operation of the school bus in order to observe the danger zone around the bus and look for

Students,traffic and other objects in this should always check each mirror before operating the school bus to obtain maximum viewing area if necessary have the mirrors adjusted

Pupils shall be under the authority of and responsible directly to the driver and the driver shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of the bus

The drivers responsibility begins when they can first recognize the student

Title 13 CCR 1217-J- Exemptions,The provisions of subsections C and E shall not apply to a persons

Testing or training a driver,maintenance personnel,a sales or manufacturers representative or an adult acting upon a request by a school bus or SPAB driver to supervise or assist a pupil

Driver proficiency is when motor carriers shall require each driver to demonstrate

That the driver is capable of safely operating each different type of vehicle on a highway unsupervised

Unless the driver is the mechanic charged with the maintenance of the bus

The driver shall not make any repairs except for necessary emergency repairs on the road

Ensure that the mirrors are properly adjusted so you can see #3

The area from the front of the bus to the service door

The danger zone is the area on all sides of the bus where children are in the most danger of being hit,either by another vehicle or their own bus

The danger zones may extend as much as 30 feet from the front bumper,with the first 12 feet being the most dangerous,12 feet from the left and right sides and 12 feet behind the rear bumper of the school bus,it's considered dangerous because of passing cars

The behind the wheel training can be given by the state certified instructor or

The delegated behind the wheel trainer

In the interior mirror you should see

The emergency exits and passengers

Ensure that the mirrors are properly adjusted so you can see #1

The entire are in front of the bus from the front bumper at ground level to a point where direct vision is and mirror view vision should overlap #2

As a system check on newer vehicles the malfunction lamp comes on at start up for a bulb check and then goes out quickly on older systems

The lamp could stay on until you are driving over 5mph

13 CCR-1238-school bus stops-A school bus stop shall not be designated at the following, number 2

The left hand side of any highway

Backing is permitted only win

The movement can be done safely

A school bus shall not stop any closer than 15 feet and no further than 50 feet from

The nearest rail on any railroad grade crossing

Title 13 CCR 1217-H- ejection of pupils,the driver of a school bus,youth bus or span shall not eject any school pupil unless

The pupil is given into the custody of a parent or any person designated by the parent

Many railroad highway crossings have gates with flashing red lights and bells stop when the lights begin to flash and before the gate lowers across

The road lane remain stopped until the gates go up and the lights have stopped flashing proceed when it safe ,if the gate stays down after the train passes do not drive around the gate instead call the dispatcher

The first aid card is good throughout the term of

The school bus certificate

VC-2212 (A)on approach to a school bus stop where pupils are loading or unloading from a school bus,the school bus driver shall not activate an approved warning light system if

The school bus is so equipped,beginning 200 feet before the school stop

You should position the mirror to see

The too of the rear window in the top of the mirror,all of the students,including the heads of the students right behind

Title 13 CCR 1217-C- step wells,passengers shall not be permitted in the front step we'll of any bus while

The vehicle is in motion

VC-2212,the school bus driver shall operate the flashing red light signal system and stop signal arm,as required on the school bus at all

Times when the school bus is stopped for the purpose of loading or unloading pupils

Ensure the mirrors are properly adjusted so you can see #4

These mirrors,along with the convex and flat mirrors,should be viewed in a logical sequence to ensure that a child or object is not in any of the danger zones

A driver with an expired medical is a reason for DMV to

To cancel a driver certificate

Title 13 CCR 1217-D-sear beside driver,no more than two pupils shall be allowed

To occupy the seating space besides the driver of a type 2 school bus

A renewal school bus driver can review their school bus certificate six months prior

To their birthday

Flashing red light many railroad high way crossings the crossbuck sign has flashing red lights and bells.when the lights begin to flash,you must stop,a train is are required

To yield the right away to the train.if there is more than 1 track make sure all tracks are clear before crossing

VC-2212-The flashing red light signal system amber warning lights system, and stop signal arm shall not be operated at any place where

Traffic is controlled by a traffic officer or at any location identified in subdivision (e) of this section ,The school bus flashing red light signal system,Amber warning lights system and stop arms shall not be operated at any other time

When your route or school activity trip is finished you should conduct a post

Trip inspection of the bus

Variable seating school buses may be configured with variable seating arrangements effective January 1799 forany school bus manufactured after one 1794 each wheelchair location is required to have not last name for wheelchair securement anchorage

Two in front and two in the rear and that each wheelchair must be secured forward facing position amendments to FMVSS222

When a vehicle is broke down on a reflectors

Two-way road place the reflective triangles at 10 to the front or rear 100 feet to the front and 100 feet to the rear one way or divided highway 10 feet to 100 feet to 200 feet all to the rear curve or crest of a hill 10 feet to 100

Always focus on students as they approach the bus and

Watch for any who disappear from sight

Smoking is prohibited on a school bus

When a pupil is a board

After eight consecutive hours have elapsed off duty a driver can work 16 consecutive hours and drive 10 hours out of the 16 hours

You can't work 16 consecutive hours in a day drive 10 hours out at 16 hours per day then must have eight consecutive hours off duty before reporting to work you can drive two additional hours due to reduced visibility or emergency conditions

If a driver needs to make up hours for a training. How many days do you have to make up missed training hours

You have 30 days to make up hours

School bus idling upon stopping at a school the driver shall shut off the bus immediately or if you are within 100 feet of a school

You may leave the bus idling for five minutes per one hour due to a passenger needing climate control

Remember,the best vehicle safety feature is still a safe driver,drive so

You never need to use your ABS,if you need it ABS could help prevent a serious accident

Passive crossing,this type of crossing does not have any type of traffic control must stop at these crossing and follow proper procedures,however the decision to proceed rests entirely in

Your hands.passive crossing require you to recognize the crossing,search any trains using the tracks and decide if there is sufficient clear space to cross safely.passive crossing have yellow circular advance warning signs,pavement marking and crossbucks to assist you in recognizing a crossing

Tail swing,school bus can have up to a 3 foot tail swing you need to check

Your mirrors before and during any turning movements to monitor the tail swing

Each driver traveling down the highway must ring the vehicle which a circle of safety circle that three zones are

Zone of recognition to zone of action three accident zone

When you brake hard on slippery surfaces in a vehicle without ABS your wheels May lock up you loos steering control.when your other wheels lock up you may skid or even spin the vehicle ABS helps you

avoid wheel lock up and maintain may or may not be able to stop faster with ABS but you should be able to steer around an obstacle while braking and avoid skids caused by over braking

Cross nick signs.this sign marks the requires you to yield the right of way to the train,if there is no white line painted on the pavement you must stop the

bus before the cross buck sign.when the road crosses over more than one set of tracks a sign below the cross buck indicates the number of tracks

Plan your route so it provides maximum sight distance at railroad highway crossing do not attempt to cross the tracks unless you can see far enough down the track to know for certain that no trains are approaching passive crossing are those that do not have any type of traffic

control device be especially careful at passive crossings even if there are active railroad signals that indicate the tracks are are clear you must look and listen to be sure it is safe to proceed

Active crossing,this type of crossing has a traffic control device installed at the crossing to regulate traffic at the crossing.these active devices include flashing

red lights with or without bells and flashing red lights and bells and gates

13 CCR-1238-school bus stops-A school bus stop shall not be designated at the following,number 1

within 200 feet of the nearest rail of any railroad crossing or grade,except at railroad crossing or grade,except at railroad stations or on highways that parallel the railroad tracks

Police officer at the crossing,if a police officer is at the crossing,obey directions if there is no police officer and you believe the signal is malfunctioning call

your dispatcher to report the situation and ask for instructions on how to proceed

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