Science 10 Chemistry

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What's so interesting about water's density?

One substance, then, can have different densities depending on its temperature. What happens to a substance as it is heated? It changes state: at low temperatures, it will be a solid, and at higher temperatures, it will be a liquid, and at even higher temperatures, a gas. A substance (except water) has a greater density in its solid state than in its liquid state and gas state.

How are water polar?

Slight positive charge on the hydrogen and slight negative charge on the oxygen polar-has a positive and negative pole

Why can't solid ionic compound conduct electricity?

Solid ionic compounds do not conduct electricity because the ions are held firmly in place. The ions cannot move to conduct the electric current. But when an ionic compound melts, the charged ions are free to move. Therefore, molten -ionic compounds do conduct electricity. -When a crystal of an ionic compound dissolves in water, the ions separate. Again, the ions are free to move - so a solution of an ionic compound in water also conducts electricity.

What are the properties of solid?

Solid: -They have a fixed shape and cannot flow because the particles cannot move from place to place -They cannot be compressed or squashed because the particles are close together and have no space to move into

What does the mass number indicate?

The mass number of an atom is the total number of protons and neutrons it contains. The mass number of an atom is never smaller than the atomic number. It can be the same, but is usually bigger.

What is molar mass?

The mass of one mole of a substance

What is the empirical and theoretic properties about a metal?

empirical: a shiny, ductile substance that conducts electricity theoretical: an element that loses electrons to become a positive ion

" " about a non-metal?

empirical: dull, brittle substance that doesn't conduct electricity theoretical: an element that gains electrons to become a negative ion.

m=nM, define these variables

m is the quantity of matter(mass) in grams n is the quantity of matter in moles M is the molar mass

Who discovered the law of conservation of mass?

A French scientist Antoine Lavoisier. He measured the masses of the substances that reacted together and the substances produced in many chemical reactions. He discovered that mass is neither produced nor lost during a chemical reaction.

What are covalent bonds?

A covalent bond forms when two non-metal atoms share a pair of electrons. The electrons involved are in the outer shells of the atoms. An atom that shares one or more of its electrons will complete its outer shell. Covalent bonds are strong - a lot of energy is needed to break them. Substances with covalent bonds often form molecules with low melting and boiling points, such as hydrogen and water.

What does an object need to do in order to melt or boil?

A substance must absorb heat energy so that it can melt or boil. The temperature of the substance does not change during melting, boiling or freezing - even though energy is still being transferred.

Does a strong acid always indicate it is a concentrated acid?

No, be careful not to confuse the terms strong and weak with dilute and concentrated. You might think that a strong acid or alkali would always be more harmful than weak acids or alkalis. That is not necessarily the case. Take for example hydrochloric acid. This is a strong acid yet it is found inside your stomach! How can that be? Well, it's a matter of concentration, the hydrochloric acid inside your stomach is extremely diluted. Your stomach acid is so dilute that it is easily contained by a thin layer of mucus secreted by cells in the walls of your stomach. Strong vs. weak acids These are often used to describe acids and bases. What is the difference between a strong acid and a weak acid? Acids are substances that contain hydrogen and will split into ions (charged particles) when they go into solution. This is called ionization, because of the split into ions. The hydrogen ions give the solution its acidic properties. Concentrated vs.diluted So, how is the word 'concentrated' used in science? Concentration refers to the amount of dissolved substance (called the solute) in a dissolving material (called the solvent.) The more solute, the more 'concentrated' the solution. The opposite of concentrated is 'dilute', which of course means there is relatively little solute in the solution. Imagine a battlefield from ancient times, with various warriors on it, ready for battle. If the field was filled with many warriors and each was able to draw a sharp sword, we would consider this a 'concentrated' and 'strong' army. But what if it was filled with many warriors, but only a few could draw their swords (perhaps the bulk of the swords were rusted and couldn't be drawn?) This would still be 'concentrated', but I think you will agree, a 'weak' army. Still further, if only a few warriors came on to the field they would be considered 'dilute', although if they could all draw their swords, they would still be considered 'strong'. And finally, if there were few soldiers and only one could pull a weapon, the army would be both dilute and weak. So you can see that it might be possible for a dilute solution of a strong acid to have the same activity as a concentrated solution of a weak acid. How could this be true? Remember that the trait that makes acids act like acids is their ability to ionize. So in a dilute solution of strong acid nearly all of the molecules will split into ions. On the other hand, in a concentrated solution of a weak acid only a portion of the acid molecules are split into ions. It is possible to balance the concentration and strength to make two solutions, each with the same number of free hydrogen atoms!

Is mass number the same thing as atomic mass?

No, it is not the same. The mass number is just the total number of nucleons(protons+neutrons) in the nucleus. It is just simple addition unlike atomic mass. Atomic mass is basically the number of protons+the number of neutrons averaged across of all that one element on Earth. ex) silver has two stable isotopes, one with a mass number of 107 and one with a mass number of 109. Commonly referred to as silver-107 and silver-109.

Can proton move as freely as electrons?

No, while electrons can jump from an atom to another whenever it's convenient, the number of protons is almost extremely stable. ex)Alkali metals want nothing more than to dump off an electron and form a positive ion or cation.

Is air a pure substance?

No,Air is a mixture that contains the elements nitrogen, oxygen and argon, and also the compound carbon dioxide

What is a molecule?

-A cluster of non-metal atoms that are chemically bonded together. -The atoms in a molecule are joined by covalent bonds. -The atoms always join in fixed ratios and molecules have a specific formula, eg H2O or N2. -There are molecules of compounds (eg CH4) and molecules of elements (eg O2).

What is a compound?

-A pure substance made from more than one type of element chemically bonded together. -Elements bond in fixed ratios and so can be represented by a chemical formula. For example, sodium chloride has the same number of sodium ions and chloride ions, so its formula is NaCl; whereas water is always made from twice the number of hydrogen atoms as oxygen atoms, so it is H2O.

What is an element?

-A pure substance that is listed on the periodic table and only has one type of atom in it. -There are over 100 elements. -Most are metals, a few are semi-metals, and the rest are non-metals.

For most solid solutes, what happens to the solubility as the temperature increases?

-For many solids dissolved in liquid water, the solubility increases with temperature. -The increase in kinetic energy that comes with higher temperatures allows the solvent molecules to more effectively break apart the solute molecules that are held together by intermolecular attractions. -The increased vibration (kinetic energy) of the solute molecules causes them to dissolve more readily because they are less able to hold together. -For most common solid or liquid substances, solubility increases as the temperature of the solvent increases. For example, at 25°C, you can dissolve 36.2 g of salt in 100 mL of water, but at 100°C, you can dissolve 39.2 g. The reverse is true for a gas. As the temperature increases, the solubility of a gas in a liquid solvent decreases. -As the temperature of a solution is increased, the average kinetic energy of the molecules that make up the solution also increases. This increase in kinetic energy allows the solvent molecules to more effectively break apart the solute molecules that are held together by intermolecular attractions. The average kinetic energy of the solute molecules also increases with temperature, and it destabilizes the solid state. The increased vibration (kinetic energy) of the solute molecules causes them to be less able to hold together, and thus they dissolve more readily.

How does phase change works?

-Heat must be supplied to a substance for it to melt, evaporate or boil. For example, you need to heat ice to melt it, and you need to heat water to make steam. -Heat must be removed from a substance to condense or freeze it. In other words, the substance must be cooled down. -Under certain conditions, some solids turn straight into a gas when heated. This process is called sublimation. A good example is solid carbon dioxide, also called 'dry ice'. At atmospheric pressure, it turns straight into gaseous carbon dioxide. -A gas will also liquefy (turn into a liquid) if its pressure is increased enough. This is because the particles are moved close enough for bonds to form between the particles.

What are the properties of molecular compound?

-Low melting and boiling points - this is because little energy is needed to break the weak intermolecular forces. -Do not conduct electricity - this is because they do not have any free electrons or an overall electric charge.

What is an atom?

-The smallest particle of an element. -Scientists originally thought that atoms could not be split up, but this is not the case.

What are the properties of gas?

-They flow and completely fill their container because the particles can move quickly in all directions -hey can be compressed or squashed because the particles are far apart and have space to move into

What are the properties of liquid?

-They flow and take the shape of their container because the particles are free to move around each other -They cannot be compressed or squashed because the particles are close together and have no space to move into

What did J.J. Thomson contribute to chemistry?

-discovered electron -experimented with beams of particles produced in a vacuum tube -his model stated that all atoms are made of smaller subatomic particles put together in different combinations to make the different elements. -he suggested that an atom was a sphere of positive charge in which negative particles were imbedded.

What was John Dalton's contribution?

-he imagined that all atoms was like small spheres, but that they could have different properties. They varied in size, mass, or color. He states: -all matter is made of small, invisible particles called atom. -All the atoms of an element are identical in properties such as size and mass. -Atoms of different elements have different properties. -Atoms of different elements can combine in specific fixed ratios to form new substances.

What are the halogens?

-makes up a set of extremely reactive gases that form negative ions or anions with one negative charge. -love to react with alkali and alkaline earth metals.

What did Neils Bohr contribute?

-proposed that electrons surrounded the nucleus in specific energy levels. He found evidence for these energy levels by examining the light released by hydrogen atoms when they are made to glow in a tube. -his experiment partly explained why the negatively charged electrons do not merge with the positively charged nucleus. The reason is that electrons cannot fall below the lowest energy level. Thus an electron cannot fall into a nucleus under normal circumstances.

How to define a mole?

-use mole to measure out chemicals Chemists chose to work with an isotope of the element carbon: carbon-12. Carbon is a stable solid, so it's easy to work with, and it can be obtained in very pure form. How a chemist defines a mole: 1.get a 12-g sample of carbon-12. The number of atoms in the sample is, by definition, exactly one mole(1 mol). Why use a 12-g sample? This way, the mass of one mole of any element will be the same or nearly the same as the mass number. 2.Find a way to count how many carbon atoms are in the sample. The total number of carbon atoms in the sample gives Avogardo's number. Avogardo's number is the number of atoms in 1 mol of carbon atoms. This number is approximately 6.02x10^23

How is dew formed on plants?

After a rainstorm, sunlight shines brightly on the desert. Now, in addition to shining on sand and rocks, sunlight shines on puddles or water also. The water becomes heated from the light energy of the sun. When the water�s temperature rises, it begins to evaporate, or change from a liquid to a gas. Water that has changed from a liquid to a gas is called water vapor. Water vapor cannot be seen in the air, it is almost as if the water has disappeared. Water vapor may stay near the ground, or move higher up in the air. When the sun goes in at night, things begin to cool down. Water vapor may be touching cool leaves or rocks and the water vapor may cool and condense. When water condenses it changes from a gas to a liquid. This is what causes drops of water on leaves and rocks called dew. When the sun comes up in the morning, this dew quickly evaporates.

Which is more reactive, alkali or alkaline earth metals?

Alkaline earth metals are reactive metals as well; however, it is not as reactive as the alkali metals.

What happens when heat is added to a solid?

All three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas) expand when heated. The atoms themselves do not expand, but the volume they take up does. When a solid is heated, its atoms vibrate faster about their fixed points. The relative increase in the size of solids when heated is therefore small. Metal railway tracks have small gaps so that when the sun heats them, the tracks expand into these gaps and don't buckle.

What are some of the factors that affect chemical reaction?

At low temperature the atoms repel each other so that they don't get close enough to react. But when at a higher temperature the atoms motion overcome the repulsion and the electron clouds may overlap each other. A chemical reaction has occurred.

What is the difference between atoms and ions?

Atom: The number of electrons in an atom is always the same as the number of protons, so atoms are electrically neutral overall. Ion: -Atoms can lose or gain electrons. When they do, they form charged particles called ions: -if an atom loses one or more electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion -if an atom gains one or more electrons, it becomes a negatively charged ion -therefore the number of electrons and protons in an ion is not equal, giving it a charge.

What is the theoretical and empirical evidence that a chemical reaction has taken place?

Chemical react when their electrons overlap. Both of the atoms involved pull at the other's electrons but the tug of war isn't always equal. -new substances are created when electrons are shared between atoms. The atoms are rearranged as a result. -when non metal and metal react, the non metal wins by so much that the metal loses its electron to the non metal. For example, the sodium(metal) give its electron to chlorine(non metal). Metallic and non metallic ion have formed, these oppositely charged particles exist and attract, held together by ionic compound. -when non-metals react, neither one wins. The electrons being fought for are shared between the competing atoms. Simultaneous pull of the two atoms holds them both together. A molecular compound has formed; a covalent bond. empirical: -results in a new substance -color change -changing smell -forming gas -releasing or absorbing energy

What is the most common grouping quantity used in chemistry?

Dozen- a group of 12 objects

What does the WHMIS symbol tells us about a certain product?

Each hazard symbol shows 2 pieces of info: 1.the degree of hazard, indicated by the shape and colour of the border. The degree increases from a yellow triangle meaning "caution", to an orange diamond meaning "warning" to a red octagon meaning "danger" 2.the type of hazard, indicated by a symbol inside the border

Why can you float on salt water?

Earlier, you learned that density depends on the number and kind of particles in a given volume. Distilled water has a density of 1 g/mL. What do you think would happen if you added salt to this water? Recall from the particle model of matter that dissolving one substance (salt) in another (water) increases the number of particles in a given volume. By adding more particles, you increase the density of the water solution. Increasing the concentration of salt in the solution increases the density. That means denser objects can float in the solution now than could in the distilled water

What electrons have the lowest energy in an atom?

Electrons in energy levels nearest the nucleus have the lowest energy. Electrons in energy levels farther away from the nucleus have more energy. -the lowest energy level is the one closest to the nucleus.

What is the difference between boiling and evaporation?

Evaporation is sometimes confused with boiling. They both involve liquids turning to gases, but evaporation is different because: -it occurs at any temperature - not just the boiling point -it only happens at the surface of the liquid - not throughout like boiling -boiling requires an energy input - whereas evaporation is the release of the molecules with the highest energy Evaporation cools liquids as a result of this energy loss. Evaporation is increased by higher temperatures, a greater surface area or a draft over this surface area. A larger, more exposed surface area allows more water to be evaporated. Explanation: When water molecules are exposed to more air, they acquire more kinetic energy, which makes them less attracted to each other and more likely to evaporate.

Particles in which state of matter have the highest energy?

Gas Correct Particles of gases have more energy than liquids or solids. Water vapour has more energy than liquid water.

In which state of matter do the particles have the most energy?

Gas, In a gas, the particles are moving very quickly, so they have a lot of energy.

What did Ernest Rutherford contribute?

His experiments: He had a radioactive material encased in lead with one small opening. This material released positively charged particles which he aimed at a thin sheet of gold foil. Using Thomson's model of the atom, he predicted that all the high speed particles would pass right through the foil. The gold atoms would either have no effect on the particles or would deflect them slightly. This is exactly what happened to most of the particles. However, a few-about 1 in 10000- bounced back, and a few others were sharply deflected. -he suggested that an atom is mainly empty space through which the positive particles could pass, but that each atom had a tiny, positively charged core. The dense core of positive charge was so strong that it was causing some of the positively charged high-speed particles to bounce back. Electrons move through the rest of the atoms volume. He called the small dense centre the nucleuss

What are isotopes?

Isotopes are atoms of an element with the normal number of protons and electrons, but different numbers of neutrons. Isotopes have the same atomic number, but different mass numbers.

What eventually happens if energy is continually removed from a liquid?

It freezes Correct When energy is removed from something its temperature decreases. Eventually, a liquid will freeze into a solid if its temperature falls far enough.

What is the charge of atom?

It has a net charge of zero. The number of protons equals to the the number of electrons. -atoms prefer to be neutral -if an atom has a charge, then it is an ion -The number of electrons in an atom is always the same as the number of protons, so atoms are electrically neutral overall. Atoms can lose or gain electrons. When they do, they form charged particles called ions:

What is sterilization?

It is any process that kills micro-organisms. ex)roasting meat, cooking a hamburger, or canning. Canning involves heat sterilization followed by sealing in an oxygen-free atmosphere Freezing is another physical process that can preserve food almost indefinitely. They very low temperature prevents the growth of micro-organisms that cause decay.

Why does ionic compound have a high melting point?

It takes a lot of energy to overcome the strong electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions, so ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points. But some are higher than others. (An electrostatic force is generated by differences in electric charge, ie positive and negative, between two particles.) The greater the charge on the ions, the stronger the forces holding them together. Sodium chloride is made from Na+ ions and Cl- ions and has a melting point of 801°C. Magnesium oxide is made from ions with two charges (Mg2+ and O2-) and so has a much higher melting point of 2852°C.

What is fermentation?

It's a biochemical preservation technique involving a bacteria called lactobacilli. These bacteria are present on the surfaces of all living things. They convert starches and sugars present in fruits and vegetables into a chemical called lactic acid. Lactic acid is a preservative that prevents the growth of bacteria that cause food to rot. These bacteria are beneficial to food because they make it more digestible and increase vitamin levels.

In which state of matter are the particles mostly touching but arranged in a random way?

Liquid, The particles are mostly touching but have a random arrangement in a liquid.

What happens when heat is added to a liquid?

Liquids expand for the same reason, but because the bonds between separate molecules are usually less tight they expand more than solids. This is the principle behind liquid-in-glass thermometers. An increase in temperature results in the expansion of the liquid which means it rises up the glass.

What is the law of Conservation of Mass?

Mass is never lost or gained in chemical reactions. We say that mass is always conserved. In other words, the total mass of products at the end of the reaction is equal to the total mass of the reactants at the beginning. This is because no atoms are created or destroyed during chemical reactions.

What is the difference between compound and mixture?

Mixture: -Variable composition - you can vary the amount of each substance in a mixture -The different substances are not chemically joined together -Each substance in the mixture keeps its own properties -Each substance is easily separated from the mixture -example:Air, sea water, most rocks Compound: -Definite composition - you cannot vary the amount of each element in a compound -The different elements are chemically joined together -The compound has properties which are different from the elements it contains -It can only be separated into its elements using chemical reactions -example: Water, carbon dioxide, magnesium oxide, sodium chloride ex) What's the difference between iron, sulfur and iron sulfide? -the mixture can contain more or less iron, but iron sulfide always contains equal amounts of iron and sulfur -the iron and sulfur atoms are not joined together in the mixture, but they are joined together in iron sulfide -the iron and sulfur still behave like iron and sulfur in the mixture, but iron sulfide has different properties from both iron and sulfur -you can separate the iron from the mixture using a magnet, but this does not work for iron sulfide

What is the most common quantity chemists use to measure elements and compounds?

Mole, symbol: mol -the number of particles in 1 mol is called Avogadro's number(6.02x10^23)

Temperature and pressure in gases

Molecules of a gas move randomly. In a sealed container they exert a force when they collide with the container walls and this applies a pressure to the container. The force and the pressure is equal throughout the container.

What happens when heat is added to a gas?

Molecules within gases are further apart and weakly attracted to each other. Heat causes the molecules to move faster, (heat energy is converted to kinetic energy) which means that the volume of a gas increases more than the volume of a solid or liquid. However, gases that are contained in a fixed volume cannot expand - and so increases in temperature result in increases in pressure.

Who was Avogadro's number named by?

Named in honor of Amedeo Avogadro, an Italian scientist. He himself did not identify this number. It was named after him to honor his many contributions to chemistry.

What is the atomic molar mass?

The atomic molar mass of an element is the average mass in grams of one mole of atoms of that element.

What does atomic number indicate?

The atomic number of an atom is the number of protons it contains. All the atoms of a particular element have the same atomic number (number of protons). The atoms of different elements have different numbers of protons. For example, all oxygen atoms have 8 protons and all sodium atoms have 11 protons.

What is bronze?

The formation of copper and tin combined.

What is annealing?

The heating of copper before it is hammered. Annealing changed the metal so it was no longer brittle when hammered.

What is special about the reactivity of the Halogens?

The non-metal elements in Group 7 - known as the halogens - get less reactive as you go down the group. This is the opposite trend to that seen in the alkali metals in Group 1 of the periodic table.

Why do solids have a fixed shape?

The particles are closely packed Incorrect Because the particles in a solid are fixed in place in a regular arrangement, solids have a fixed shape. Liquids also have close packed particles but they do not have a fixed shape.

Why can liquids not be compressed easily?

The particles are in a random arrangement Incorrect Because the particles in a liquid are closely packed and have no space to move into, liquids cannot be compressed. The random arrangement of the particles does not affect their compressibility.

What is smelting?

The process of separating a metal from the other elements in a compound by melting.

How does the reactivity of group 1 element change when you go down?

The reactivity of Group 1 elements increases as you go down the group because: -the atoms get larger as you go down the group -the outer electron gets further from the nucleus as you go down the group -the attraction between the nucleus and outer electron gets weaker as you go down the group - so the electron is more easily lost

How does salting preserve meat?

The salt draws water out of the meat. It also draws water out of the bacteria, either killing them or making them inactive

What is metallurgy?

The science of producing and using metals.

Solubility of gases

The solubility of a gas in a particular solvent depends on pressure and temperature As the pressure increases, more gas molecules dissolve into the solvent. Carbonated drinks are bottled under pressure. When the lid of the bottle is removed, the pressure inside the air space at the top of the bottle is reduced. This causes some of the carbon dioxide to come out of solution, causing the familiar bubbles in the drink that rise to the top. In general, gases tend to become less soluble as the temperature of the solvent increases. This explains why fizzy drinks go 'flat' more quickly on a hot day than when they are stored in the fridge.

For most gases, what happens to the solubility as the temperature increases?

The solubility of gases decrease as temperature increases. Because is less dense then water, it is hard for gas to be dissolved in warm water because the particles are always moving. However in cold water, there are less movement of particles and less space in between the particles, which holds the gas molecules in place, not letting them go.

What happens to objects at absolute zero?

There is no upper limit, but the lowest temperature possible is -273°C. At this temperature, almost all matter is solid and the vibrations of particles are incredibly small. Absolute zero is the coldest temperature possible. At absolute zero, all the particles in a substance stop moving. They have no energy left to lose, so the substance cannot get any colder.

Which is denser: warm or cold water

Think about swimming in a lake on a hot summer day. The water on the surface of the lake is noticeably warmer than the water below it. The warm water floats on the cold water because it has a lower density than the cold water has. According to the particle model, particles in a substance move more quickly when energy is added. As a solid changes to a liquid and eventually to a gas, the particles move faster and faster. This affects the density of the substance. As particles become more active, they move away from each other, and the space between them increases. This causes the volume to increase, but the number of particles stays the same. With the same number of particles in a larger volume, the density decreases. Recall that density is the ratio of mass to volume.

State true or false. Any gas in a container of the same size with the same temperature and pressure would have roughly the same number of molecules in it no matter what gas it is.

True. Any difference in mass between two flasks of the same size full of two different gases would be because of a difference in the physical mass of the molecules. Thus Avogardo basically figured out how to weigh atoms and molecules, as long as they were gaseous.

What happens when acid dissolves in water?

When acids dissolve in water they produce hydrogen ions, H+. These are sometimes called protons, because hydrogen ions are the same as a hydrogen nucleus (which is a proton)

What happens when base dissolves in water?

When alkalis dissolve in water they produce hydroxide ions, OH-.

What happens when gas in containers are heated?

When gases in containers are heated, their molecules increase in average speed. This means that they exert a greater force when they collide with the container walls, and also collide with the walls more frequently. The gas is therefore under greater pressure when its temperature is higher. This is why fires near sealed gas cylinders are extremely dangerous. If the cylinders heat up enough, their pressure will increase and they will explode.

What is a precipitate?

When ionic solutions are mixed, they form a precipitate. A precipitate is a solid with low solubility that forms from a solution. Precipitates may form when solutions of two different ionic compounds are mixed. Precipitation is the process involved in forming a precipitate. -some ionic compounds can overcome even the dissolving power of water and when they form through reactions in solution, they fall out as a solid precipitate.

How to you make sure of the Law of Conservation of Mass?

You made sure that the total number of atoms of each element in the reactants was equal to the total number of atoms of that same element in the products,

What shape are changes of state in a heating curve?

You said: Horizontal Correct Changes of state are horizontal in heating curves. This means heat is being absorbed but temperature is not increasing.

What eventually happens to a gas if its pressure is increased?

You said: It condenses Correct A gas will condense under sufficiently high pressure. This is because the particles get close enough together for bonds to form between them.

Which states of matter are fluids?

You said: Liquids and gases Correct Liquids and gases are the two states of matter that can flow so they are called are the fluids.

Which states of matter increase in size when heated?

You said: Solids, liquids and gases Correct All three states of matter (solids, liquids and gases) expand when heated.

Why do thermometers work?

You said: The volume of liquid expands when heated Correct Thermometers work because liquids expand in volume when heated. -Thermometers measure temperature. The liquid (usually mercury or coloured alcohol) expands when heated which means that it rises up the glass to show a higher temperature.

How is the arrangement of particles in a solid different from those in a gas?

You said: They have less energy Incorrect Particles in a solid are arranged regularly. They are randomly arranged in a gas. Particles in a solid do have less energy but this is nothing to do with their arrangement.

What are organic compounds?

compounds that contain carbon.

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