Science Capstone

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What are the hollow projections found on gram-negative bacteria that function in DNA transfer between compatible bacteria?


What is the virulence factor for gonorrhea?


The ear.


What is the term for the shrinking of cytoplasm away from cell wall due to a hypertonic environment causing a lack of water in the cell?


What is used in embalming hardening compounds to help in dehydrating tissue?

Plaster of Paris

A nasal classification which is short and broad and has the minimum of projection; common to individuals of African descent.


List muscle responsible for the platysmal sulci.


Causes skin wrinkles of the neck and chest, depresses the mandible and inferior lip.

Platysma muscle

The transverse, dipping furrow of the neck; an acquired facial marking.

Platysmal sulci

Red complexion; having a healthy reddish color, said of the complexion, more vivid than florid.


As you begin to embalm, embalming fluid starts coming out of the mouth and nose and the abdomen begins to distend. It was noted that there was an excessive amount of blood at the scene of the removal but there is no sign of trauma to the body. What is the probable cause of death?

Ruptured aortic aneurysm

What is the term for bacteria that are twisted and have flagella at each end?


What is the name of spirally twisted bacteria that have a bendable cell wall and cause syphilis and Lyme disease?


Split injection - The injection of fluid from one site, and drainage from a separate site.

Split injection

Another name for the temporal cavity.


The vertical surface of the temporal bone.


The bilateral facial form that has very little curvature across the face.


A genus of gram-positive, non-motile, opportunistic bacteria which tend to aggregate in irregular grapelike clusters.


The causative agent of toxic shock syndrome.

Staphylococcus aureas

What is the causative organism of skin abscesses, food poisoning, nosocomial infections, and toxic shock syndrome?

Staphylococcus aureus

What should be done when arterial embalming has been delayed?

Start with mild solution and strengthen as you proceed

What agency issues a license for embalming?

State occupational licensing board

A gram-positive cocci that occurs in chains.


Which process is required to kill spores?


The muscle rotates and depresses the head.


Muscle that is the widest part of the neck.


The three muscles of the neck include the platysma, digastricus, and _______.


The trocar point is directed toward the intersection of the fifth intercostal space and the left mid-axillary line. This statement describes the trocar guide for the _______.


When the trocar point is directed toward the intersection of the fifth intercostal space and the left midaxillary line, one would be attempting to insert the trocar into which of the following organs?


Grecian; a nasal profile in which the dorsum exhibits a straight line from the root to the tip; the most common nasal profile.


Rheumatic fever usually results from _______.

Strep throat

A genus of bacteria containing gram-negative rods which form a chain like colony.


What is the causative organism of lobar pneumonia, otitis media, and pneumococcal meningitis?

Streptococcus pneumoniae

Which of the following forms a tough capsule?

Streptococcus pneumoniae

The causative agent of ostitis media.

Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus)

The causative agent of rheumatic fever.

Streptococcus pyogenes

What is the causative organism of strep sore throat, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, puerperal sepsis, and glomerulonephritis?

Streptococcus pyogenes

What organism lives on or in the body of another organism and is totally dependent on its host to survive and reproduce?

Strict (obligate) parasite

What organism lives only on dead organic matter?

Strict (obligate) saprophyte

Describing those portions which lie immediately inferior to the mandible.


The junction of the base of the chin and the submandibular area, which may appear as a furrow; a natural facial marking.

Submental sulcus

A method of diminishing the wave lengths of light by superimposing two or more color transparencies over the same light source; the light is gradually reduced by absorption of colors of light.

Subtractive method

The gland responsible for producing perspiration.


Inferior part of the forehead, superior to the medial end of the eyebrow & lateral to the glabella.

Superciliary arch

The inferior part of the forehead just superior to the median ends of the eyebrows.

Superciliary arches



The subcutaneous layer between the deep fascia & the skin.

Superficial fascia

The axillary vein is _______.

Superficial to the axillary artery

Which blood vessel(s) carry carbon dioxide rich (oxygen deficient) blood to the heart?

Superior & inferior vena cava

The furrow of the upper boarder of the upper eyelid.

Superior palpebral sulci

The furrow of the superior border of the upper eyelid; an acquired facial marking.

Superior palpebral sulcus

The region between the supercilium and the superior palpebrae.

Supraorbital area

The superior rim of the eye sockets.

Supraorbital margins

Surface filler; a wax used to fill shallow depression; this wax is softer and more pliable than wound filler.

Surface restorer

A chemical that reduces the molecular cohesion and surface tension of a liquid, allowing it to flow through smaller spaces.


When analyzing another case you grow concerned with your arterial fluids ability to diffuse adequately. You elect to add a modifying agent to aid in the diffusion, you add a _______ which contains _______.

Surfactant; sodium lauryl sulfate

Dark colored complexion; often from tropical sun.


The living together in close association of two organisms of different species.


An abbreviation for an element.


This division of the ANS produces a response for "fight or flight"


Which of the following are effects of cirrhosis of the liver that the embalmer will have to deal with?

Ascites and jaundice

What is the term for preventing infection by inhibiting the growth and multiplication of microbes that cause disease?


What is the ground substance of bacterial cells that is a translucent semifluid and is the site of chemical reactions?


What is the process of the endospore becoming a vegetative cell again when environmental conditions become favorable for growth?


What disorder occurs when there is an excessive secretion of growth hormone before ossification of the bones is completed resulting in a person growing abnormally tall?


What is the term for inflammation of the gums?


A single bony prominence of the frontal bone located between the superciliary arches in the inferior part of the frontal bone, above the root of the nose.


What are tumors of nervous tissue?


An inflammation of the kidney that usually follows a strep throat infection?


Which has greater disinfecting power in embalming fluid?


The large muscle that begins at the ileum, sacrum and coccyx is the

Gluteus maximus

A syrupy, colorless liquid obtained from fats or oils as a by-product of the manufacturing of soaps and fatty acids; used as a vehicle for some cosmetics.


What is the term for an enlarged thyroid gland?


What is another name for a sexually transmitted disease called the clap that results in pelvic inflammatory disease?


Paroxysmal metabolic disease marked by acute arthritis and inflammation of the joints. (Usually begins at knee or foot). Caused by excessive uric acid in blood and deposits of urates of sodium in and around joints (infiltration).


An equal mixture of the three primary hues reveals what color?


What discoloration may occur if the embalming solution is too strong?


What is the major characteristic of diphtheria?

Grayish pseudo-membrane in the throat

Considering the contents of the abdomen, the nine-region method, which of the following is located in the left lumbar region?

Greater omentum

Considering the contents of the abdomen, the nine-region method, which of the following is located in the right hypochondriac region?

Greater omentum

Straight nasal profile; a nasal profile form in which the dorsum exhibits a straight line from the root to the tip.


Another name for the straight profile form of the nose.


The most common type of profile form of the nose.


An elongated depression in a relatively level plane or surface.


What characterizes the tertiary stage of syphilis?


The convolutions on the surface of the cerebrum.


What vaccination must be offered to employees that are exposed to blood?


The greatest deposit of melanin is found where?


The facial portion of the adult skull is about _______ the area of the cranium.


Clorox bleach is what type of disinfectant?


The greatest density of hair is usually located at the _______ of the eyebrow.


What is the causative organism of peptic ulcers?

Helicobacter pylori

Originates in the concha bends forward, upward around top of ear & descends as rear border & terminates at the top of the lobe.


The outer rim of the ear that resembles a question mark.


The outer rim of the ear.


The portion of the ear that resembles a question mark.


What is blood in the vomit?


What is a tumor-like swelling filled with blood?


What is blood in the urine?


What is an excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain?


What is the term for an abnormal amount of cerebrospinal fluid that has accumulated in the ventricles of the brain?


Which of the following is a physical property of hydrogen?

Hydrogen is the lightest gas known

What is the single most important factor in the initiation of decomposition?


What is the enlargement of the kidney causing damage and dilatation of the calyces and pelvis that is almost always due to an obstruction of urinary outflow?


Accumulation of fluid in the sac surrounding the heart; without inflammation.


Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the thoracic cavity.


What corrective cosmetic application would be applied to a round face?

Lighten the cheeks

Median line inferior to the sternum and between the ribs is

Linea alba

What is the term for an infection by several microorganisms, as in some abscesses, pneumonia, and infections of wounds?


An infection caused by two or more organisms.

Mixed infection

Pad of fat covering the female symphysis pubis.

Mons pubis

What is the term for when the blood flow stops to a part of the heart causing damage to the heart muscle?

Myocardial infarction

What is inflammation of the muscle layer of the heart?


A change from a gas directly to a solid phase is 1. Melting 2. Evaporation 3. Sublimation 4. Condensation 5. None of the above

None of the above

An atom of an element having the same atomic number but different number of neutrons. 1. Polyatomic ion 2. Compound 3. Allotrope 4. None of the above

None of the above

Human blood has a pH of 1. 6.5 2. 6.3 to 6.5 3. 7 4. Neutral 5. None of the above

None of the above

Many times, a drainage tube cannot be fully inserted into the vein. Which of the following is true? A. The drainage tube should be pushed through the vein into the body cavity B. The drainage tube should be forced into the vein C. The drainage tube is lubricated, then forced into the vein D. The drainage tube is twisted as it is forced into the vein E. None of the above

None of the above

Matter cannot be created or destroyed by chemical means in an ordinary reaction. This is a statement of which of the following laws of chemistry? 1. Law of Definite Proportion 2. Kinetic Theory of Gases 3. Modern Atomic Theory 4. Charles Law 5. None of the above

None of the above

One would determine a solution to be basic when 1. Oxygen is not produced as a gas 2. Red litmus paper turns blue 3. Phenolphthalein solution turns from red to colorless 4. Oxygen is produced as a gas 5. None of the above

None of the above

Rearrangement of atoms (e.g. double displacement reaction), union of atoms (e.g. synthesis), & separation of atoms (e.g. decomposition) are examples of 1. Physical change 2. Volatility 3. Boiling 4. A & C 5. None of the above

None of the above

The process of passing from gas to a liquid is known as _______. This involves _______ change. 1. Liquefaction; endothermic 2. Condensation; endothermic 3. Sublimation; exothermic 4. Vaporization; exothermic 5. None of the above

None of the above

Which of the following are intrinsic factor(s) as it relates to the permanence of biological preservation of human remains? A. Protective casket B. Protective burial vault C. Burial conditions (for example a dry grave) D. All of the above E. None of the above

None of the above

Which of the following is considered a fixed factor in embalming? A. The body B. The embalming solution (arterial fluid mixed with water from your faucet) C. The operator D. The instruments and equipment E. None of the above

None of the above

List muscle responsible for the optic facial sulci.

Orbicularis oculi

Inflammation, fever, and phagocytosis are examples of what type of defense against infection?

Physiological defenses

The innermost layer of the meninges is the

Pia mater

Select the uses for glycerol (glycerin) in embalming fluids 1. Buffer 2. Humectant 3. Deodorant 4. Vehicle 5. Solvent

2, 4, & 5

Compounds that sequester Ca++ ions in tap water and in blood: A. Anticoagulants B. Sodium citrate C. Water softeners D. Glycerol E. A, B, & C

A, B, & C

Labial sulci


When posing the closed eye the posterior edge of the upper eyelid touches the _______ edge of the lower eyelid.


What is the term for an allergic condition characterized by dyspnea, difficulty in expiration, spasms of the bronchial muscles, and overproduction of mucous?


Where should the hypodermic needle be inserted when filling emaciated fingers?

At the sides of the joints

What will mixing bleach and formaldehyde produce?


What is the term for inflammation of the small fluid-filled sac that provides a cushion between joints?


As the body gradually dehydrates after death, the _______. A. Blood maintains its original viscosity B. Blood becomes less viscous C. Viscosity of the blood increases D. Blood moves to dependent areas causing livor mortis E. C & D

C & D

What is the causative organism of Q fever?

Coxiella burnetii

That part of the human skull which encloses the brain.


The skull is divided into two major sections, the face & _______.


H2SO3 ---> H2O + SO2 is what type of reaction?




Bruise; a discoloration of the skin caused by the escape of blood within the tissues and generally accompanied by swelling.


Bruising discoloration of the skin caused by the escape of blood into extravascular tissues.


The clinical term used for a badly discolored eye.


Which discoloration is antemortem and extravasular?


What sweat gland help maintain body temperature? (the most numerous of the sweat glands)


What is the term for the onset of seizures, hypertension, and protein in the urine during pregnancy?


What will red lighting do to red clothing?

Fade it out

The bone that as an infant is two bones and as an adult is one bone.


Dropsy of the chest.


Neutrons locate _______ the nucleus of the atom.




Surface restorer.

Soft wax

Rheumatic fever can cause _______.

Valve damage

What is the reservoir for tularemia?

Wild rabbits

Portion of the ear that resembles a block C.


German measles are also known as


The mandibular fossa is part of what bone?


The zygomatic arch is part of what bone?


The excessive accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity.


The presence of viable bacteria in the blood stream.


By definition, a substance that tends to accept a proton.

Base (Bronsted-Lowry)

By definition, a substance that tends to donate a pair of electrons.

Base (Lewis)

The bottom of ear is on the same horizontal plane as the _______.

Base of the nose

The concave shell of the ear; the deepest depression of the ear.


The concave shell posterior and superior to the ear passage.


The crura, antihelix, and the antitragus form the borders of _______.


What is the temporary unconsciousness resulting from a blow to the head?


Characterized by a high fever, causing dehydration of the body.


What is the mode of transmission for typhoid fever?

Fecal-oral route

Abnormal accumulation of fluids in a saclike structure.


What is the term for edematous fluid in the scrotum?


A small prominence on the upper integumentary lip, lateral to the line of closure.

Angulus oris eminence

With respect to the OSHA formaldehyde standard, a specific point at which an 8-hour exposure needs to be addressed is called the action level. This level is represented by an exposure of _______.


The embalmer identifies which of the following as signs of diffusion? 1. Tissue fixation 2. Drying of tissues 3. Distention of superficial vessels 4. Reduction of intravascular blood discoloration

1 & 2

Rigor mortis: 1. Is a postmortem chemical change 2. Is the postmortem stiffening of muscles due to lack of oxygen 3. Occurs immediately after death 4. Causes extravascular resistance to embalming fluid distribution 5. Is preceded by primary flaccidity, and followed by secondary flaccidity

1, 2, 4, & 5

Which of these are true regarding vermin: 1. They are an extrinsic factor in the decomposition process 2. They are an intrinsic factor in the decomposition process 3. Cause direct destruction and create portals for bacterial entry 4. Include rodents and maggots

1, 3 & 4

Why is CH3OH used in many embalming fluids? 1. It is a germicide and preservative 2. It is a humectant 3. It is a solvent 4. It helps to prevent the formation of paraformaldehyde 5. It ensures that paraformaldehyde will precipitate

1, 3 & 4

Nitrogenous waste at high levels in the body: 1. Can result from kidney failure 2. Requires a higher dilute index than average 3. Can be detected by a strong ammonia-like odor 4. Will require the use of glutaraldehyde-based fluids

1, 2 & 3

Signs of death as manifested by changes in the eye: 1. Clouding of the cornea and flattening of the eyeball 2. Pupil dilation, and lack of pupil response to changes in light levels 3. Loss of luster of the conjunctiva 4. Glistening of the eye

1, 2 & 3

The embalmer identifies which of the following as signs of distribution? 1. Distention of superficial vessels 2. Large volume of blood drainage 3. Reduction of intravascular blood discolorations 4. Mottling of tissue

1, 2 & 3

Which of the following are consequences of freezing a body? 1. Embalming will be more difficult due to capillary damage 2. The body will tend to swell when fluid is being injected 3. Decomposition will be halted 4. Decomposition will be accelerated

1, 2 & 3

Which of the following cause extravascular resistance to distribution? 1. Rigor mortis 2. Gas pressure 3. Frictional resistance 4. Weight of viscera

1, 2 & 4

Which of the following cause intravascular resistance to distribution? 1. Surface tension 2. Liquid blood 3. Vascular pathologies like atherosclerosis and other conditions that caused ischemia 4. Coagulated blood

1, 2, 3 & 4

The causative agent of tissue gas in the deceased body: 1. Is also the causative agent of gas gangrene 2. Is clostridium perfringens 3. Forms spores, so it's hard to kill 4. Can be transferred between bodies, and from body to embalmer via a puncture wound

1, 2, 3 &4

An embalmer working on a decomposed body should: 1. Use restricted cervical injection 2. Use low water or waterless embalming 3. Add dye for a tracer 4. Use a higher than average strength embalming solution 5. Use hypodermic injection where needed

1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Which treatments are recommended for embalming an edematous body? 1. Use a hypertonic solution 2. Use a hypotonic solution 3. Use greater than average strength of HCHO or other preservative solution 4. Use lesser than average strength of HCHO or other preservative solution 5. Use multipoint injection if necessary

1, 3 & 5

Livor mortis: 1. Is a postmortem physical change 2. Is an extravascular discoloration that cannot be cleared with fluid distribution 3. Is an intravascular discoloration that can be cleared with fluid distribution 4. Results from hypostasis, and occurs in dependent areas of the body 5. Often appears deep red or blue-black

1, 3, 4, & 5

The oblique eminence at each end of line of closure of mouth.

Angulus oris eminence

Determine the percent strength of the solution when 16 ounces of 20 index arterial fluid is added to water to make a total solution volume of 2 gallons.


What solution index should be used on a dehydrated body?


You have taken a new job as an embalmer and prior to embalming your first case you want to determine if you will have difficulties with hard water. You take a water sample and test the hardness which is expressed in terms of calcium carbonate. Which of the following is the standard as to when the hardness of the water exceeds this value the water is considered unsuitable for embalming?


STEL is monitored over a period of _______ minutes.


The recommended number of air exchanges per hour in the preparation room is _______.


Number of teeth in the mandible bone.


Identify the considerations (not precautions) of the carotid arteries: 1. The face may be over-injected 2. Direct distribution of fluid to the face 3. The incision may be visible 4. It is close to the center of distribution

2 & 4

Fluid diffusion results from which of the following? 1. Reverse osmosis 2. Osmosis 3. Dialysis 4. Pressure filtration

2, 3 & 4

Which of the following will pass through the cell membrane? 1. Glycerol 2. Isopropanol 3. Ethanol 4. Methanol

2, 3, 4 only

Postmortem stain: 1. Is a postmortem physical change 2. Is an extravascular discoloration that cannot be cleared with fluid distribution 3. Is an intravascular discoloration that can be cleared with fluid distribution 4. Creates a false sign of fluid distribution because the tissue may look embalmed 5. Necessitates the use of opaque cosmetics for concealment on viewed ares

2, 4 & 5

The adult head at the greatest width equals _______ the length.


Determine the volume of 25 index arterial fluid (measured in ounces) necessary to make 2 gallons of a 2 percent solution. (128 oz. = 1 gallon)


The permissible level with respect to the 15 minute test is?


What size arterial tube would be used when embalming an infant?


How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?


There are _______ embalming treatment classifications.


The embalmer wants to make a half gallon of embalming solution for an infant case. So how much 28 index arterial fluid must be added to the embalming machine tank to make a 2% embalming solution?

5 ounces

8 ounces of a 20 index arterial fluid would be required to make 32 ounces of _______.

5% solution

An eight pound baby at birth, how much weight would be from water?

6 lbs

What is the pH of water?


At what pH level does formaldehyde work the best?

7.3 to 7.5

During life the normal pH of the blood and tissue fluid is approximately _______.


One atmosphere (atm.) is equivalent to

760 mm Hg

10 ounces of 16 index arterial fluid would be required to make 20 ounces of a _______.

8% solution

An alkaline solution would be which of the following?


With reference to the formaldehyde standard there are two types of tests that must occur in every funeral home where formaldehyde is used, the time weighted average over a period of _______ hours and the short-term exposure level, over a period of _______ minutes.

8; 15

The optimum temperature for rigor mortis to take place ______.

98 to 100 degrees F

The facial marking known as crows feet.

Optic facial sulci

The small convex prominence found lateral to the end of the line of closure of the mouth; a natural facial marking.

Angulus oris eminence

What dermatropic virus causes the German measles?


The groove found at each end of the line of closure of the mouth; a natural facial marking.

Angulus oris sulcus

A negatively charged atom or group of atoms.


The positive pole that attracts negative ions in solution when charged electrically.


What dermatropic virus causes the measles?


Which of the following is caused by a protozoa?


Elevation protecting the ear passage (external auditory meatus).


The external nostril openings.

Anterior nares

The two openings of the nostrils.

Anterior nares

It is advised for cavity aspiration to take place _______. A. Immediately following arterial injection B. Several hours following arterial injection C. Before arterial injection D. After cavity injection E. A & B

A & B

Paradichlorobenzene (C6H4Cl2) can be placed into a casket before entombment because it: A. Kills and prevents moths and their larvae B. Kills and prevents mold C. Helps the body to decompose more quickly than normal D. A, B & C E. A & B

A & B

Which of the following are alcohols used as preservatives? A. Isopropanol B. Phenol C. Methanal D. A & B E. A, B & C

A & B

The ratio of the mass of a given volume of a substance to the mass of an equal volume of water at 4C is known as

A physical property

One condition governing the rate of algor mortis might be _______.

Amount of clothing covering the body

Portion of the lower inferior jaw that forms the widest part of the jaw.


Now you are ready to treat the body cavities. According to the text, which of the following is an acceptable time to begin aspiration of the body cavities? A. Several hours after arterial injection B. Immediately following arterial injection C. Never. Alone, the arterial embalming method will satisfactorily embalm the body D. A and B E. None of the above

A and B

Which of the following is/are considered an intrinsic factor? A. Pathological conditions B. Weight C. Vermin D. A and B

A and B

Which of the following serve to protect humans from infection during life? A. Blood brain barrier B. Epithelial barriers C. Translocation D. A and B E. All of the above

A and B

The degree from vertical at which the surface(s) of a prominent feature projects.

Angle of projection

Which is the proper definition of a salt?

A salt is a neutral ionic compound composed of the cations of bases and the anions of acids

A palpable bony protuberance located on the ilium.

Anterior superior iliac spine

A bony angle formed by the junction of the posterior edge of the ramus of the mandible and the inferior surface of the body of the mandible.

Angle of the mandible

A localized accumulation of pus.


What is correct regarding the compound water?

According to the text, the human body consists of about 70% water

Dimethyl ketone; a colorless liquid which is used to soften and remove scabs, a solvent for restorative wax, or a stain remover.


When an individual has been finger printed the ink can be removed by using _______.


Which of the following exhibits the highest vapor pressure at room temperature?


A color not found in the visible light spectrum; a neutral color such as white, black, gray, and silver & gold (for decorative purposes).

Achromatic color

A solution with a pH value of six is


What term is correct for bacteria that have optimum growth at a pH 0-6?


Which of the following terms is correct for molds and yeast?


Interciliary sulcus


Mandibular sulcus


Transverse frontal sulcus


What is a disorder in adults in which the pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone?


Hyperemia caused by an increase in blood inflow.


Pressure indicated by the gauge needle when the arterial tube is open and the solution is flowing into the body.

Actual pressure

What disease is caused by the hypo-function of the adrenal gland resulting in a bronze discoloration of the skin?

Addison's disease

A process of mixing colored lights on a surface on which the wave lengths of each are combined; adding two or more colored lights together to create another color of light.

Additive method

What are the boundaries of the femoral triangle?

Adductor longus muscle, inguinal ligament, sartorius muscle

Borax is used in embalming fluids to _______.

Adjust pH

The complete failure of a part to develop.


The postmortem cooling of the body is known as _______.

Algor mortis

What is the cooling of the body to surrounding temperature?

Algor mortis

Maximum disinfection and optimum tissue protein fixation (during embalming) is best accomplished under _______ conditions: (formaldehyde functions most effectively at which pH level?)


What term is correct for bacteria that have optimum growth at pH 8-14?


Which of the following are variable factor(s) contributing to the length of preservation of human remains? A. Concentrated fluid B. The embalmer C. The body D. Instruments and equipment E. All above except A

All above except A

Dry ice: A. Sublimates B. Is composed of CO2 C. Is available at many grocery stores D. Goes directly from solid to gas under common earth atmospheric pressure E. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following destroy pathogens that are deposited on or enter the living body, contamination followed by decontamination? A. Mucous membranes B. Phagocytes C. Hydrochloric acid of the stomach D. Lysosomes E. All of the above F. None of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a chemical property of oxygen? 1. Oxygen reacts with many substances slowly at ordinary temperatures but rapidly at high temperatures 2. Oxygen reacts with many metallic and non-metallic elements to form oxides 3. Oxygen supports combustion 4. Oxygen acts as an oxidizing agent 5. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a physical property of water? 1. Water is a very good solvent for many substances 2. Water is a colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid 3. Water freezes at 0 degrees centigrade and boils at 100 degrees centigrade 4. All of the above 5. None of the above

All of the above

Synovial joints contain which of the following? 1. Articular cartilage 2. Articular capsule 3. Synovial membrane 4. All of them

All of them

Ozone (O3) is an example of a(n)


The clinical term used to refer to the balding process.


"In _______, the arterial solution is never injected while drainage is being taken."

Alternate (injection and) drainage

A bony ridge found on the inferior surface of the maxilla and the superior surface of the mandible which contains the sockets for the teeth.

Alveolar processes

An abnormal protrusion of the tooth sockets.

Alveolar prognathism

What is the degenerative nervous system disorder of unknown origin that destroys the neurons in the cortex of the brain and deposits plaques on the nerve fibers?

Alzheimer's disease

A congenital anomaly characterized by the absence of one or more limbs.


Skatole, indole, cadaverine, and putrecine are _______.


The building block of proteins.

Amino acids

A condition in which protein substances in cells become cloudy, the cells increasing in size, with minute particles or protein substances. Occurs in infectious diseases and in those of the kidneys. Liver, the heart and its muscles, and in the glands.

Amyloid disease

A degeneration of organs and tissues (esp. liver, spleen, & kidneys) from deposition of a protein complex having starch-like characteristics produced and deposited in tissues during certain pathological states.

Amyloid disease

What is the cause of rickets?

An infection

In color harmony, two or more hues which have the same hue in common.

Analogous color harmony

Generalized edema


Generalized edema in subcutaneous tissues.


Descriptive references for locating anatomical structures by means of the anatomical structures which are known.

Anatomical guides

What is the term for a localized enlargement of an artery caused by a weakening of the artery wall that may rupture?


What are large Y-shaped proteins that are recruited by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects, like bacteria and viruses?


Glycoprotein substance developed in response to, and interacting specifically with an antigen. Also known as immunoglobulin.


A foreign substance that stimulates the formation of antibodies that interact specifically with it.


What are foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses that stimulate the formation of antibodies within the blood?


The inner rim of the ear.


The part of the ear that divides into two branches.


A small eminence obliquely opposite the tragus on the superior border of the lobe of the ear.


The small eminence on the upper margin of the lobe.


The largest artery in the body


Failure of an organ or part of the body to develop naturally.


What is the term for inflammation of the vermiform appendix?


The white patches found on the oral mucosa of an IV-drug user, should be disinfected by:

Application of a fungicide solution

A clear, thin, alkaline fluid which fills the anterior chamber of the eyeball.

Aqueous humor

Curved, as the beak of an eagle; as viewed from the profile, a nose which exhibits a hook or convexity in its dorsum.


The inferior margin of the nasal wing which forms a distinct concave arc superiorly.

Arch of the wing

Containing minute inter-spaces in a tissue.


Thrombosis that occurs as the result of atherosclerosis normally effects the


Which will decompose more slowly?


What is the term for the thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries resulting from plaque build-up?


What is the term for inflammation of the joints?


What type of immunity is due to immunization using vaccines?

Artificially acquired active

What type of immunity is due to antibodies received from another person or an immune serum?

Artificially acquired passive

What is glycerin primarily used for in embalming fluid?

As a humectant

Name the blood vessel that carries blood away from the left ventricle of the heart

Ascending aorta

Accumulation of serous fluids in the peritoneal cavity.


As you begin to was the body surfaces, you notice the presence of dirt beneath the fingernails, which of the following is a true statement?

At this time (before embalming), the fingernails can be cleaned

What is the term for an incomplete expansion or a collapsed lung?


Which of the following should you do first when you are going to utilize refrigeration storage, identification, or viewing without embalming?

Attach an ID tag

Dilution or weakening of virulence of a microorganism, reducing or abolishing pathogenicity.


What is the term for altering or inactivating a pathogenic organism so that its virulence is decreased and does not cause disease?


What organisms manufacture their own food from inorganic substances, such as carbon dioxide and ammonia?


Self-nourishing bacteria that are capable of growing in the absence of organic compounds. Organisms that obtain carbon from carbon dioxide.

Autotrophic bacteria

Which of the following is NOT a branch of the internal carotid artery?

Axillary artery

NH3 used in a cleaner for a HCHO spill will: A. Create poison gas B. Create a relatively harmless substance C. Yield urotropin D. A & C E. B & C

B & C

The injection of a "too concentrated solution" (in a body exhibiting normal moisture content) will _______. A. Cause edema B. Cause the moisture in the interstitial fluid to move into the capillaries C. Bring about dehydration D. Cause no change in body moisture E. B & C

B & C

The line of closure of the lips lies halfway between the _______ and the top of the chin.

Base of the nose

A solution that has a higher hydroxide (OH-) ion concentration than hydrogen (H+) ion concentration is known as


The vertebral arteries end by passing through the floor of the cranium and then uniting to form the _______ _______, which feeds into the Circle of Willis.

Basilar artery

(cross stitch) A network of stitches which cross the borders of a cavity or excision to anchor fillers and to sustain tissues in their proper position.

Basket weave suture

The suture for deep wounds made after embalming to maintain the position of the margins and provide an anchor for the wax.


Which bacteria form endospores?

Bacilli & clostridium

Any rod shaped organism


What is the causative organism of anthrax?


Which bacteria form spores?

Bacillus and clostridium

Anthrax is caused by

Bacillus anthracis

A procaryotic one celled microorganism of the Kingdom Monera, existing as free living organisms or as parasites, multiplying by binary fission and having a large range of biochemical properties.


Prokaryotes include


What are tumors that resemble the tissue of origin?


The large muscle found on the anterior surface of the arm and spans the shoulder and elbow joint is called the _______ _______.

Biceps brachii

An arthropod vector in which the disease causing organism multiplies or develops within the arthropod prior to becoming infective for a susceptible individual.

Biological vector

How is rabies transmitted?

Biological vector

What are organisms such as mosquitoes or ticks that are infected with the disease-causing microbe and transmit it to humans or animals through a bite?

Biological vectors

What is the reservoir and mode of transmission for psittacosis?

Bird feces

How is hepatitis B transmitted?


Microorganism present in human blood that may cause disease.

Bloodborne pathogen

The horizontal portion of the lower jaw.

Body of the mandible

The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the atmospheric pressure exerted upon it.

Boiling point

Lyme disease is caused by

Borrelia burgdorferi

What is the causative organism for Lyme disease?

Borrelia burgdorferi

The axillary artery extends into the arm to a point just inferior to the lower border of the tendon of the teres major muscle, where it becomes the

Brachial artery

The _______ _______ terminates by bifurcating into the right subclavian artery and the right common carotid artery.

Brachiocephalic trunk

What branches off of the aorta?

Brachiocephalic, left common carotid, left subclavian

Which of the following branch directly from the arch of the aorta?

Brachiocephalic, left common carotid, left subclavian

A fractured ethmoid bone may cause the post embalmed purge of:

Brain matter

A raised support; the arched portion of the nose which is supported by the nasal bones; a structure or span connecting tow parts of a mutilated bone.


A temporary suture consisting of individual stitches employed to sustain the appropriate position of tissues.

Bridge (interrupted) suture

(Interrupted suture) A temporary suture consisting of individually cut and tied stitches employed to sustain the proper positioin.

Bridge stitch

What is the term for inflammation of the bronchi?


(Ecchymosis) An injury caused by a blow without laceration; a contusion.


The space between the lips and the gums and teeth; the vestibule of the oral cavity.

Buccal cavity

Natural, shallow concavities of the cheeks which extend obliquely downward from the medial or lateral margins of the cheekbones.

Buccal depressions

The principle muscle of the cheek which compresses the cheeks and forms the lateral wall of the mouth.


The furrow which curves anteriorly and superiorly to merge with the oblique palpebral sulcus.

Bucco-facial sulci

The vertical furrow of the cheek; an acquired facial marking.

Bucco-facial sulcus

A(n) _______ can consist of a weak acid and a salt of a weak acid.


A type of solution that resists change in pH when small amounts of acid or base is added.

Buffer solution

As you are mixing your arterial fluid you decide to add pH stabilizer to your solution. This will help to maintain the acid-base balance and assist in stabilizing the pH of the tissues where the embalming fluid reacts with the cellular proteins, you add _______ which contains _______.

Buffer; borax

What is the name of a chronic condition which encompasses emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and bronchial asthma?


Deposits of calcium salts within tissue (infiltration).


Considering the contents of the abdomen, the nine-region method, which of the following is located in the right inguinal region?

Cecum, appendix

What agency stipulates that funeral homes must obtain permission to embalm?

Federal trade commission

What is the dematomycosis that AIDS patients are susceptible to?

Candida albicans

The exchange of gasses (carbon dioxide and oxygen) takes place in the


What is a polysaccharide layer of material that attaches to the bacterial cell wall which causes the bacteria to be more virulent and more resistant to the body's immune system?


What is an outer coating of polysaccharide that covers some bacteria?


What is another name for phenol?

Carbolic acid

What cause of death would cause a cherry-red discoloration, bright red color to blood, intense livor mortis, rapid post mortem staining and petechiae?

Carbon monoxide poisoning

What chemical is found in solvents used in the embalming room?

Carbon tetrachloride

Circumscribed inflammation of the skin and deeper tissues, that terminates in suppuration and is accompanied by systemic symptoms.


Which type of muscle tissue is only found in the heart?


(Crimson) A purplish-red color.


The yellow pigment of the skin.


Gristle or white elastic substance attached to the ends of bones and forming parts of structures, such as the nasal septum and the framework of the ear.


The consideration given to the dead body, prior to, during, and after the embalming procedure.

Case analysis

Process of conversion of necrotic tissue into a granular amorphous mass resembling cheese.


What can be used to soften and subdue rough areas of restoration?

Casket veil

Toxoplasmosis is a protozoa that can cause birth defects and is transmitted through?

Cat feces

The trocar is directed toward a point one-fourth of the distance from the right anterior-superior iliac spine to the pubic symphysis; keep point of trocar well up near abdominal wall until within four inches of right anterior-superior iliac spine. This statement describes the trocar guide for the _______.


What is the part of the bacteria that regulates the movement of molecules into and out of the cell by osmosis?

Cell membrane

What is the external frame that maintains the shape of bacteria and prevents lysis in a hypotonic environment?

Cell wall

This part of the brain is concerned with functions below conscious level and maintains balance.


What is the disorder of the nervous system caused by damage to the motor control center of the young developing brain?

Cerebral palsy

What is the sudden death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen when the blood flow to the brain is interrupted by blockage or rupture of an artery to the brain?

Cerebrovascular accident

What microbe causes the most common sexually transmitted disease?


What characterizes the first stage of syphilis?


The volume of any gas at a constant pressure varies directly as the temperature. This is a statement of _______ Law.


Gastric juice, lysozymes, body secretions, interferons and antibodies are what type of defense against infection?

Chemical defenses

A large group of non-motile, gram-negative intracellular parasites.


What is the causative organism for parrot fever?

Chlamydia psittaci

Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) or non-specific urethritis (NSU) is caused by

Chlamydia trachomatis

What is the causative organism for the most common sexually transmitted disease?

Chlamydia trachomatis

What is the causative organism for trachoma, lymphogranuloma venereum, and NGU?

Chlamydia trachomatis

What is the term for inflammation of the gallbladder?


What is the term for gallstones?


A solution containing a large amount of solute, relative to the maximum amount that could dissolve, is known as a _______ solution. (A qualitative term)


The eyelashes.


Endocrine glands secrete hormones into which system?


What system includes the heart, blood vessels, blood, and the lymph system?


What is the term for degeneration and scarring of the liver resulting from alcoholism, drugs, and viral or bacterial infections?


What is the causative organism for tetanus?


What is the causative organism for food intoxication, gas gangrene, and tissue gas?

Clostridium perfringens

Which of the following will cause gas gangrene (antemortem) and tissue gas (post mortem)?

Clostridium perfringens

Lockjaw is caused by

Clostridium tetani

A type of bacteria that is spherical or ovoid in form.


Considering the contents of the abdomen, the nine-region method, which of the following is located in the umbilical region?

Coils of the small intestine

The climate condition which aids the embalmer to achieve "naturalness" of the embalmed body.

Cold and moist

What is the term for inflammation of the large intestine?


A clear syrup-like liquid which evaporates, leaving a contractile, white film; a liquid sealer.


A suspension of pigments in a liquid vehicle bound together in such a manner that there is no separation of particles.


The superficial partition between the nostrils; the most inferior part of the mass of the nose.

Columna nasi

The symbiotic relationship of two organisms of different species in which one gains some benefit such as protection or nourishment.


What is the relationship between two organisms of different species where one is benefited, and the other is neither benefited nor harmed?


Drawing a line from the sternoclavicular articulation to the anterior surface of the lobe of the respective ear is a linear guide for which artery/arteries?

Common carotid arteries

The origin of the external iliac artery

Common iliac artery

A type of hypertrophy resulting from increased function of an organ due to a defect or due to impaired function of the opposite paired organ.

Compensatory hypertrophy

A broken bone which pierces the skin.

Compound fracture

What does the pH measure?

Concentration of hydrogen ions

A rounded eminence at the articulating end of a bone; the posterior process of the ramus of the mandible.


Present at the time of birth.


Which of the following is an example of a method of direct transmission of a disease?


What is a condition in which the heart muscle has become weakened and is an inefficient pump resulting in edema of the lower extremities?

Congestive heart failure

What procedure would be used when embalming an autopsy case?

Continuous aspiration of cavities

A bruise.


What is a bruise to the brain accompanied by swelling?


Another name for the roman profile of the nose.


A hollow place or part.


The facial marking found on older persons forming a narrow triangle behind the chin to the hyoid bone.

Cords of neck

Vertical prominences of the neck; an acquired facial marking.

Cords of the neck

The transparent structure which constitutes the anterior segment of the external layer of the eyeball.


Located on the superior-anterior margin of the ramus of the mandible, this structure serves as a point of insertion for the temporalis muscle.

Coronoid process

The portion of the mandible that articulates in the mandibular fossa.

Coronoid process

The portion of the ramus of the mandible that is anterior and has no influence on the surface form.

Coronoid process

Having an abnormally increased amount of fat on the body.


Which of the following will accelerate the rate of natural human decomposition?


The type of inflammatory agent that burns and causes the skin to stain dark or yellow.

Corrosive chemicals

A pyramid-shaped muscle of facial expression which draws the eyebrows inferiorly and medially.


List muscle responsible for the vertical intercilliary sulci.


The muscle that draws eyebrow inferiorly and medially.


What is the causative organism of diphtheria?


Which of the following forms the pseudomembrane in the pharynx?

Corynebacterium diphtheriae

What is another name for the common cold?


What is the causative organism of botulism?


Embalming technique using active dye in an attempt to cover internal discolorations.


A(n) _______ involves a sharing of electrons.

Covalent bond

What is an advantage of using cream cosmetics?

Covers wax

What is a congenital condition due to hypothyroidism that results in mental retardation?


Which will affect the central nervous system?

Creutzfeldt Jakob

What is the rare and incurable brain disorder caused by a prion that is always fatal?

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

The horizontal plate of the ethmoid bone separating the cranial cavity from the nasal cavity.

Cribriform plate

The topmost part of the head (vertex).


The bifurcation (branches) of the antihelix of the ear.

Crura of the antihelix

The origin of the helix which is flattened in the concha.

Crus of the helix

What is the term for the failure of the testes to properly descend into the scrotum?


Ventral depression opposite of the elbow.

Cubital fossa

What is the name of a genetic disease affecting children which includes respiratory obstruction due to thick mucus that lines the membranes of the respiratory tract?

Cystic fibrosis

What is another name for an infection of the urinary bladder?


A gray fibrous membrane that surrounds & penetrates muscle.

Deep facia

What is the mode of transmission for Lyme disease?

Deer tick

A disturbance of fat metabolism changing a part into an oily substance is known as fatty _______. (produced within the cell)


Cellular swelling, fatty degeneration and amyloid disease are examples of which type of regressive tissue change?


What should be done when keeping an embalmed body for a long period of time?

Delay cosmetic treatment

Buck teeth; oblique insertion of the teeth.

Dental prognathism

Ligature around the superior and inferior teeth employed to hold the mandible in a fixed position.

Dental tie

Another name for the triangularis muscle.

Depressor anguli oris

A muscle of facial expression which depresses the angle of the mouth.

Depressor anguli oris (triangularis)

A muscle of facial expression which draws the lower lip inferiorly and slightly lateral.

Depressor labii inferioris

Another name for corium.


The corium or true skin.


What is the cause of herpes simples I and II?

Dermatrophic virus

Rendered thoroughly dry; exhausted of moisture.


What would cause hemolytic jaundice?

Destruction of red blood cells

What disease occurs when the pituitary gland is impaired or if the kidneys do not respond to the hormone causing too much urine to be produced resulting in dehydration?

Diabetes insipidus

What disease occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin causing a build-up of glucose in the blood?

Diabetes mellitus

The diffusion of crystalloids across a semipermeable membrane that is impermeable to colloids. It is the process of separating crystalloids (smaller particles) from colloids (larger particles) by the difference in their rates of diffusion through a semi-permeable membrane.


The phrenic muscle may also be termed the


A double bellied muscle which draws the hyoid bone anteriorly and posteriorly.


What is the portal of entry and exit for typhoid fever?

Digestive tract

The embalmer can differentiate between postmortem stain and cadaver lividity by:

Digital pressure on the skin

Shallow depressions located on the cheek or chin in a rounded or vertical form; natural facial markings.


A double bacillus, two being linked end to end to each other.


A genus of bacteria that are gram-positive organisms occurring in pairs. Also called streptococcus.


Disjoining of bones.


"Drainage is brought about by _______."


Which of the following methods of water purification is most efficient (e.g. most efficient in removing impurities)


Which of the following is considered the commercial method of producing oxygen?

Distilling liquid air

What are small sac-like structures which can develop in the intestinal wall and become impacted with fecal material and bacteria causing inflammation?


What is the vector for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?

Dog tick

From the center of the anterior surface of the ankle joint to a point between the first big toe and adjacent second toe is the linear guide for which artery?

Dorsalis pedis

Back; the anterior protruding ridge of the nose.


The anterior ridge of the nose.


FeS + 2HCl ---> FeCl2 + H2S is what type of reaction?

Double displacement

A disorder marked by a sloping forehead, presence of epicanthal folds causing an oriental appearance of the eyes; bridge of nose is flat is flat and sometimes absent, low set ears and generally dwarfed physique.

Downs syndrome

Syneresis means _______.

Drawing together to contract

Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus is an example of a pathogen that is

Drug fast

What pathological condition will cause a dark-red to black discoloration?

Dry gangrene

A type of gangrene resulting from cutting off blood supply to an area. (in advanced diabetes or arteriosclerosis)

Dry gangrene (ischemic necrosis)

What is the disorder that occurs when there is an insufficient secretion of growth hormone?


A relatively long and slightly dipping curve.

Elliptical curve

What is a postmortem condition that is related to neoplasms?


Which of the following is a true statement regarding embalmed tissue?

Embalmed tissue becomes drier

What is the term for a free-floating object in the bloodstream that may obstruct the blood flow?


A prominence or projection of a bone.


What is a chronic disease characterized by a breakdown of the walls of the aveoli resulting in a buildup of carbon dioxide and poor oxygen intake?


What is the term for pus in the pleural cavity?


What is inflammation of the inner lining of the heart?


What is an infection that is caused by a microbe that is a part of the normal flora?


Produced or arising from within a cell or oganism

Endogenous infection

What is inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus?


What is a structure that develops inside some bacteria that helps them to live when environmental conditions become too harsh for them to survive?


Clostridium perfringens is known for

Endospore formation

Sublimation is a(n) _______ change.


What is a bacterial poison that is confined within a cell and is released when that cell breaks apart?


The causative agent of amoebic dysentery

Entamoeba histolytica

What is the term for inflammation of the small intestine?


The removal of an entire mass or part, especially a tumor or the eyeball, without rupture.


Organic catalyst produced by living cells capable of autolytic decomposition.


Mumps are caused by

Epidemic parotitis

The outermost layer of skin; the cuticle.


What is the name of a chronic neurogenic disease marked by sudden alterations in consciousness and frequently by convulsions?


What is the term for bleeding from the nose?


What is an increase in red blood cells above what is normal?


Enteritis is caused by

Escherichia coli

A clear volatile liquid used as a wax solvent or to remove grease, oil, or adhesive tape stains.


Adhesive tape used in surgery can be removed by using _______.


The study of the causes of disease which result from an abnormal state producing pathological conditions.


The area from which tissue has been removed.


What is an infection that is caused by a pathogen that is from the environment and is not a part of the normal flora of the body?


A toxin produced by a microorganism and excreted into its surrounding medium, generally protein in nature.


What is a bacterial poison produced within a living cell and secreted into its surrounding environment?


A body will naturally decompose more slowly in which of the following environments?

Exposed to air

The facial muscles are called the muscles of _______.


The deep hole in the inferior portion of the medial 1/3 of the ear on the anterior border.

External auditory meatus

The external opening of the ear passage.

External auditory meatus

Accumulation of fluid in a cavity, or matter that penetrates through vessel walls into adjoining tissue, or the passing out of pus or serum, or the matter so passed.


What would be an entry point when tissue building the temple area?


Having the capacity to do something that is not compulsory, in particular - having the ability to live or adapt to certain conditions.

Facultative bacteria

What organism does not require a host for survival, but may become a parasite under certain conditions to survive?

Facultative parasite

What organism is usually a parasite and prefers living organic matter but has the ability to live on a dying organism if it is required for survival?

Facultative saprophyte

The hand pump develops the pressure by means of a piston and depends on gravity.


The injection pressure is defined as the force necessary to promote diffusion.


The injection pressure is defined as the force necessary to stop osmosis.


CJD is always what?


Draw or visualize a line of the surface of the skin of the thigh from the center of the inguinal ligament to the center of the medial prominence of the knee is the linear guide for the

Femoral artery

When the external iliac artery passes under the inguinal ligament its name changes, and it becomes known as the

Femoral artery

What are the numerous short projections found on the gonococci which enable them to attach to lining of the urogenital tract?


Wound filler; the most viscous type of wax; a putty-like material used to fill large cavities or model features.

Firm wax

What form should be achieved with lip closure?

Five arc

What are the whip-like projections that provide motility for bacteria?


Flushed with red, when describing a complexion; not as vivid as ruddy.


Radiant energy from an electric discharge which is transferred by suitable materials (phosphors) into wave lengths giving higher luminosity.

Fluorescent light

What is an infection that starts in a localized area but spreads to other areas, for example an infection in a tooth that could result in pericarditis?


One in which the organisms are originally confined to one area but enter the blood or lymph vessels and spread to other parts of the body.

Focal infection

An elongated prominence adjoining a surface.


An inanimate object to which infectious material adheres and can be transmitted.


What are non-living objects that pathogenic microbes are living on and may be transmitted from person to person?


An opening in the occipital bone through which passes the spinal cord from the brain.

Foramen magnum

The large opening in the occipital bone.

Foreman magnum

Which has a greater dehydrating power in embalming?


If a "putty-grey" color develops in the skin after a body is embalmed it is probably due to _______.

Formaldehyde and blood mixing because of poor drainage

A result of the failure of the embalmer to remove as much blood out of the body as possible; leading to a reaction of formaldehyde with hemoglobin to form methyl hemoglobin is known as _______.

Formaldehyde gray

A combination of symbols used to express the chemical composition of a substance.


A depression; a concavity.


Broken bone.


What is the causative organism for tularemia?


The mucous membrane that connects the inner lip to the gums.


The vertical restraining band of flesh on the medial aspect of the inside of each lip connecting the lip with the gum.


The line of the temple is part of what bone?


The anterior third of the cranium forming the forehead and the anterior portion of the roof of the skull.

Frontal bone

Paired, rounded, unmargined prominences of the frontal bone found approximately one inch beneath the normal hairline.

Frontal eminences

The ascending part of the upper jaw which gradually protrudes as it rises beside the nasal bone to meet the frontal bone; the ascending process of the upper jaw.

Frontal process of the maxilla

Coming in lightening-like flashes of pain.


A disease not organic, or in which changes of an organ are not in evidence.


Athlete's foot and ringworm are caused by a what?


Wrinkle; a crevice in the skin accompanied by adjacent elevations.


The forward eminence above the root of the nose.


Death of body tissues due to deficient or absent blood supply.


The putrefaction of soft tissue; a form of necrosis.


A type of gangrene resulting from the infection by Clostridium Perfringens.

Gas gangrene

What is the term for an area of necrosis on the mucous membrane of the stomach usually caused by an infection with Helicobacter pylori?

Gastric ulcer

What is the term for inflammation of the stomach?


What is an infection that spreads throughout all the body systems, such as the measles?


An infection that becomes systemic.

General infection

A substance that destroys microorganisms


Red oxygenated and non-oxygenated blood of arteries and veins which influence color of the skin.


Red pigment; the protein coloring matter of the red blood corpuscles which serves to convey oxygen to the tissues.


What is an inherited hemorrhagic disease characterized by a tendency to excessive and sometimes spontaneous bleeding?


What is blood in the sputum?


What is bleeding into the pleural cavity?


What is the term for inflammation of the liver?


Infectious hepatitis that is transmitted through the fecal-oral route.

Hepatitis A

What is another name for infectious hepatitis?

Hepatitis A

Which of the following is also known as infectious hepatitis?

Hepatitis A

Serum hepatitis that is transmitted through body fluids.

Hepatitis B

What sexually transmitted disease is characterized by blisters for which there is no cure?


What organisms do not manufacture their own food but depend on other organisms or on dead organic matter for food?


An organism that requires complex organic food from a carbon source in order to grow and develop.

Heterotrophic bacteria

Which of the following is caused by a fungus?


Which of the following is a cancer that starts in the white blood cells in the lymphatic system and grow abnormally?


What are the three dimensions of color?

Hue, intensity, value

Any liquid or semi-liquid, as the aqueous or vitreous humor of the eyeball.


Congestion; an unusual amount of blood in a part. During inflammation, an increased amount of blood flows to an area, causing the area to appear red in color.


What is the increase in size of an organ or tissue due to the excessive but regulated increase in the number of its cells?


A solution having a greater concentration of dissolved solute than the solution to which it is compared.


What environment contains a higher concentration of solute and lower concentration of water than the bacterial cell?


High moisture content in a body may be successfully reduced with a _______.

Hypertonic solution

The increase in size of an organ or structure which does not involve tumor formation.


What is the enlargement of an organ or structure due to the increase in the size of its cells?


What should be done when embalming a non-viewable body that cannot be arterially embalmed?

Hypodermically inject a 5% solution

Defective development of tissue; does not reach full size.


The settling of blood and other fluids to dependent portions of the body is known as _______.


A solution having a lesser concentration of dissolved solute than the solution to which it is compared.


Crenation occurs when a red blood cell is placed in a _______ solution.


What environment contains a lower concentration of solute and higher concentration of water than the bacterial cell?


Low moisture content in a body may be treated successfully with an arterial solution that is _______.

Hypotonic to cell hydration

An undesired mental or physical condition produced in the patient by something the physician has said or due to an undesired effect of the treatment given by the physician.


A disease whose cause is unknown.


A person who has died while under treatment of chemotherapeutic, the embalmer would want to:

Increase the index of the total solution

What arteries are commonly used to inject the legs on a fully autopsied body?


Absorption of the fluid portion of blood by the tissues after death, resulting in postmortem edema.


Signs of decomposition may include all of the following except _______.


After the embalming process is complete, you attempt to terminally disinfect your work environment. You are planning to sanitize the area with a solution containing hypochlorite (as found in laundry bleach). However, you first notice a volume of cavity fluid (containing formaldehyde) has spilled on the floor, which of the following is most prudent?

Immediately rinse the area with water. Contact between formaldehyde and hypochlorite may result in the formation of bischloramethyl ether (BCME), a known carcinogen

When two liquids are insoluble in each other, we say they are


The brachial artery is found _______.

In the bicipital groove

White light; a filament lamp rendered luminous by electric current.

Incandescent lighting

The depression between the mental eminence and the inferior incisor teeth.

Incisive fossa

How would kidney failure affect the embalming process?

Increase formaldehyde demand due to the high levels of urea in the body

By definition, the atomic number

Indicates the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom

Which of the following is a gaseous ptomaine?


Towards the feet.


The lowermost scroll-shaped bones on the sidewalls of the nasal cavity.

Inferior nasal concha

The furrow of the lower attached border of the inferior palpebra; an acquired facial marking.

Inferior palpebral sulcus

A form of prognathism in which the base of the nasal cavity protrudes abnormally.

Infranasal prognathism

What type of immunity is present at birth and does not have to be learned through exposure to an invader?


A small elevation extending medially and obliquely from the medial corner of the superior palpebra.

Inner canthus

Another name for skin.


Superiorly, the skin portion of the upper lip from the attached margin of the upper mucous membrane to the base of the nose; and inferiorly, the skin portion of the lower lip from the attached margin of the lower mucous membrane to the superior border of the chin.

Integumentary lip

The vertical or transverse furrows between the eyebrows, acquired facial markings.

Interciliary sulci

A pigmentary hue produced by mixing, in equal quantities, a primary hue with its adjacent secondary hue on the color wheel.

Intermediate color

Which method of drainage would you continue injecting and periodically close the drainage?


A method of drainage in which drainage is stopped at intervals while the injection continues.

Intermittent (restricted)

In this process, the injection of the embalming solution continues throughout the embalming and the drainage is shut off for selected short periods?

Intermittent drainage

The water molecule is attracted to another water molecule. This attraction is known as

Intermolecular force

When embalming the autopsy case, which artery is clamp, in the base of the skull, to build up intravascular pressure and help with distribution of fluid in the face?

Internal carotid

Individual stitches which are knotted and cut immediately, used as a temporary suture to hold retracted surface tissue in position.


A notch or opening between the tragus and the antitragus of the ear.

Intertragic notch

The opportunistic form of tuberculosis in AIDS patients infects the what?


What is the extravasion of blood within the skull?

Intracranial hemorrhage

Hidden suture; a type of suture used to close incisions in such a manner that the ligature remains entirely under the epidermis.

Intradermal suture

This suture is used to gather in and turn under excess tissues. The pattern is the same as the single intradermal suture, except that the stitches are made parallel to the incision edges and do not pierce the margins of the incision.

Inversion (worm) suture

Which of the following is true regarding reaction rates?

Ionic substances react more quickly than covalently bonded substances

Which of the following is (are) found in hard water (also responsible for favoring blood coagulation...e.g. interferes with blood drainage during embalming).

Ionized calcium salts

Regarding the Theory of Ionization, which of the following statements is false?

Ions (or electrolytes) have no effect on the boiling or freezing point of a solution

Rigor mortis _______.

Is typically first observable in the small muscles of the eyes

Local and temporary anemia due to obstruction of the circulation to a part.


What is an atom with more or less than the number of protons?


To tie or bind using cord, wire or thread.


Which is true regarding the shaving of facial hair?

It is much easier to remove a mustache or beard before arterial injection

When an individual has an abundance of tar that must be removed from the skin, the best thing to use is _______.


What is the causative organism for lobar pneumonia?


Furrows of age; the vertical furrows of each lip extending from within the mucous membranes into the integumentary lips; acquired facial markings.

Labial sulci

The furrows of the lip area that are caused by atrophy.

Labial sulci

The junction of the lower integumentary lip and the superior border of the chin, which may appear as a furrow; a natural facial marking.

Labiomental sulcus

To cut or tear into irregular segments.


What causes rigor mortis?

Lack of ATP

Peach fuzz; the downy facial hair of women and children.


What is the term for inflammation of the larynyx?


Away from the midline of the body.


The axillary artery begins as the continuation of the subclavian artery at the _______.

Lateral border of teres major muscles

The common carotid artery lies _______.

Lateral to the trachea

Pure compounds always composed of the same elements will combine in definite proportion by weight is known as

Law of Definite Proportion

Oxygen rich blood first enters the

Left atrium

The left subclavian artery provides blood supply to

Left upper extremity

The aorta beins at the

Left ventricle of the heart

What are the three dimensions of form used for restorative art?

Length, width, projection

A nasal index common to individuals of Western European descent having a long, narrow, and high bridge.


Any localized, abnormal change in tissue formation.


What is cancer of the circulating white blood cells?


Which of the following is an increased number of white blood cells above what is normal?


What is a term for a reduced number of white blood cells?


A muscle of facial expression which elevates the angle of the mouth.

Levator angulus oris

A muscle of facial expression which elevates and extends the upper lip.

Levator labii superioris

A muscle of facial expression which elevates the upper lip and dilates the nostril opening; the common elevator.

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

List muscle responsible for the superior palpebra sulci.

Levator palpebra superious

The three muscles of the eyelid include orbicularis oculi, corrugator, and _______.

Levator palpebra superious

A muscle of facial expression which raises the upper eyelid.

Levator palpebrae superioris

The left common carotid artery begins at the _______.

Level of the second costal cartilage

Eyelid furrows which are short and broken, extending horizontally on the palpebrae themselves and which may fan from both the medial and lateral corners of the eye.

Linear sulci

Which of the following will decompose first under normal conditions?

Lining membranes of the trachea and larynx

The decomposition of fats is called _______.


A quick-drying fluid adhesive.

Liquid sealer

The standard unit of volume in the metric system.


A red-blue intravascular discoloration which may be removed by normal arterial injection and venous drainage is _______.

Livor mortis

Hypostasis contributes to the formation of _______.

Livor mortis

The following discoloration usually can be removed by venous drainage.

Livor mortis

What is another name for cadaveric lividty?

Livor mortis

What is an infection that originates and remains in one area of the body?


Infection caused by germs lodging and multiplying at one point in a tissue and remaining there.

Local infection

A single, noose-like suture, not pulled taut before knotting, which stands form the skin and which anchors restorative materials. (Temporary or interrupted sutures)

Loop stitch

The axillary artery terminates at the _______.

Lower border of teres major muscles

Tuberculosis is a chronic infection of the what?


What body system transports fluid that contains infection-fighting white blood cells throughout the body?


Which of the following is not caused by a virus?


What is a tumor that can be fatal?


The horseshoe-shaped bone forming the inferior jaw.


The only bone of the head that is not joined by sutures.


Glenoid fossa; the small oval depression on the zygomatic process of the temporal bone into which the condyle of the mandible articulates, just anterior to the external auditory meatus.

Mandibular fossa

The oval depression into which the condyle of the mandible articulates.

Mandibular fossa

The inferior jaw protrudes.

Mandibular prognathism

The furrow beneath the jawline which rises vertically on the cheek; an acquired facial marking.

Mandibular sulcus

The furrows that vary in length but none rise above the level of the line of closure of the mouth.

Mandibular sulcus

A stitch used to hold the mouth closed; placed behind the lips, one part is passed through around the inferior jaw at the median plane, while the other part extends through the nasal septum or the superior frenulum.

Mandibular suture

The quantity of matter present in an object.


One method of mouth closure is the hypodermic injection of embalming fluid into the _______.

Masseter muscle

Close the mandible; mastication.

Masseter muscles

The inferior part of the temporal bone posterior to the lobe of the ear.

Mastoid process

The rounded projection on the inferior portion of the temporal bones just posterior to the lobe of the ear.

Mastoid process

Anything that occupies space and has mass.


A paired bone with several processes that form the skeletal base of most of the superior face, roof of the mouth, sides of the nasal cavity, and the floor of the orbit.


The superior jaw protrudes.

Maxillary prognathism

The temperature above which bacterial growth will not take place.

Maximum temperature

A living organism or an object that is capable or transmitting infections by carrying the disease agent on its external body parts or surface.

Mechanical vector

What are organisms called that transmit disease by carrying the microbe on its body surface?

Mechanical vectors

The tiny prominence on the midline of the superior mucous membrane.

Medial lobe

Derma surgery or restorative wax.

Medium wax

Renal pyramids can be found in which structure of the kidney?


What is the term for a mole which has become malignant?


What is blood in the stool?


What is the term for an inflammation of the three layered covering of the brain and spinal cord?


A triangular projection on the inferior portion of the anterior mandible.

Mental eminence

List muscle responsible for the dimples of the chin.


The muscle that wrinkles the chin & raises and protrudes the lower lip.


This muscle elevates and protrudes the inferior lip, and wrinkles the skin over the chin.


A nasal classification which is medium broad and medium-low bridged; common to individuals of Asian descent.


What are small sacs within the bacteria cell that function in reproduction and respiration?


The bones of the palm of the hand are


Ionic bonding normally involve _______ combinations


What is the replacement of one type of tissue into a form that is not normally found there?


What acts as an anti-polymerizing agent in embalming fluid?


What chemical is added to formaldehyde as a stabilizing agent to prevent precipitation?


What is found in embalming cosmetic spray, sealing lacquers and thinners?

Methyl ethyl ketone

Which of the following chemicals is an excellent perfuming agent in embalming fluid?

Methyl salicylate

A microorganism that requires very little free oxygen


What is the branch of biology that deals with microscopic organisms?


What type of disinfection does cold temperatures produce?


Most of the facial expressions of a person concentrate on or about the _______.


The visible red surfaces of the lips; the lining membrane of body cavities which communicate the exterior.

Mucous membranes

What is the condition in which the immune system attacks the central nervous system?

Multiple sclerosis

You are preparing to embalm the body of an obese female decedent. Death resulted from a ruptured aortic aneurysm. Areas of the face and hands exhibit an abundance of moisture (edema). The post mortem interval is three hours. You are now ready to inject the arterial solution. First, you must properly set the pressure and rate of flow. The embalming machine's power switch is set to "on" and the electrical motor is in operation. The rate of flow valve is set in a "close" position. The pressure valve is set to a partially "open" position. The reading indicated by the machine's pressure gauge is "10 pounds per square inch." To achieve arterial embalming success, you are most likely to use which of the following injection techniques?

Multipoint (six point) injection

A stitch used to hold the mouth closed; placed behind the lips; part is passed through the muscles tangent to the inferior jaw while the other part extend through either the nasal septum or the superior frenulum.

Musculature suture

What is the causative organism for tuberculosis?


An opportunistic form of tuberculosis found in some AIDS victims is caused by

Mycobacterium avium

What is the causative organism for the opportunistic form of tuberculosis in AIDS patients?

Mycobacterium avium

Which of the following is known for its high lipid content of the cell wall?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

What is the causative organism for walking pneumonia?

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

A genus found in humans. These have no cell wall. They are the smallest free living organisms presently known.


What is an infection caused by a fungus called?


Directly inferior to the glabella and forming a dome over the superior portion of the nasal cavity; triangular form.

Nasal bones

The orifice in the bony face bounded by the margins of the nasal bones and the maxilla.

Nasal cavity

The sharp bony projection located medially at the inferior margin of the nasal cavity.

Nasal spine

The sharp, bony projection located medially at the inferior margin of the nasal cavity.

Nasal spine

The angular area between the posterior margin of the wing of the nose and the nasolabial fold; a natural facial marking.

Nasal sulcus

The small angular groove between the wing and the cheek.

Nasal sulcus

Depression superior to the medial portion of the superior palpebrae.

Naso-orbital fossa

The eminence of the cheek and adjacent to the mouth; extending from the superior part of the posterior margin of the wing of the nose to the side of the mouth; a natural facial marking.

Nasolabial fold

A prominence of the anterior cheek from the margin of the nasal wing to the side of the mouth.

Nasolabial sulcus

The furrow originating at the superior border of the wing of the nose and extending to the side of the mouth; an acquired facial marking.

Nasolabial sulcus

The furrow that develops along the margin of the nasolabial fold.

Nasolabial sulcus



Nasal sulcus




What type of immunity is due to exposure to antigens during an infection such as having the disease and recovering from it?

Naturally acquired active

What type of immunity is due to antibodies passed from mother to baby across the placenta or in colostrum?

Naturally acquired passive

A pathological death of body cells as the result of disease processes.


An example of ante-mortem cellular death is _______.


An instrument used to impel specially designed metal pins (with a wire attached to each pin) into bone.

Needle injector

Electrons exhibit a(n) _______ charge.


Pili increase the virulence in which of the following?

Neisseria gonorrhea

The causative agent of gonorrhea is

Neisseria gonorrhea

What is the causative organism of the infection in the eyes of newborns of mothers infected with gonococcus?

Neisseria gonorrhoeae

What is the causative organism of epidemic (meningococcal) meningitis?

Neisseria meningitides

A new and abnormal formation of tissue, as a tumor or growth.


What is another name for kidney stones?


Uremia causes a build-up of nitrogenous waste products in the blood, such as ammonia, which will affect the embalming process by

Neutralizing the formaldehyde

What term is correct for bacteria that have optimum growth at pH 6-8?


Which of the following terms is correct for most microbial species?


A birthmark; a congenital skin blemish; any congenital anomaly, including various types of birthmarks and all types of moles.


What is another name for a mole?


A higher level of this in a decomposed body will increase formaldehyde demand?


What neutralizes formaldehyde?


Metabolic by-products such as urea and uric acid containing nitrogen, and have a propensity to neutralize formaldehyde.

Nitrogenous waste

All of the following are characteristics of ecchymosis except _______.

No blood will flow

You are presenting funeral service information to a civic group. During a question and answer session, a member of the audience asks several questions. Please provide the most accurate answer to each question. "What is the purpose of embalming?" A. To only sanitize the remains in an effort to protect the public health B. To only temporarily preserve the remains throughout the memorial event C. To only restore the body to a natural appearance D. A and B only E. None of the above

None of the above

The dominant feature of the face.


Pertaining to a hospital or infirmary; e.g. an infection acquired in a hospital.


A relatively deep indentation, usually between two bony projections.


What portion of the bacterial cell is the single circular chromosome made of one DNA molecule that regulates the structure and function of the cell?


Which of the following is a factor that will influence the occurrence or the likelihood of an infection?

Number or organisms & resistance of the host

Slanting or inclined, neither perpendicular nor horizontal.


The shallow groove originating below the inner canthus.

Oblique palpebral sulcus

The shallow, curving groove below the medial corner of the eyelids; a natural facial marking.

Oblique palpebral sulcus

The bone that creates the most inferior and posterior part of the cranium.


The bone that forms the cradle for the brain.


The lowest part of the back and base of the cranium, forming a cradle for the brain.

Occipital bone

The prominence at the center of the external surface of the occipital bone.

Occipital protuberance

Another name for the epicranius muscle.


Epicranius; draws the scalp posteriorly and raises the eyebrows when contracted.

Occipitofrontalis muscle

These are located on the ventral surface of the cerebrum and function to aid in smell.

Olfactory bulbs

The number of mentalis muscles.


The number of occipitofrontalis muscles.


The number of procerus muscles.


What is the average size of a bacterium?

One micrometer

What is inflammation of the ovaries?


Generalized discoloration must be masked with _______ cosmetics.


The femoral artery ends at the _______.

Opening in the adductor longus muscle

What is the name of the infection that may be passed to newborns of mothers infected with gonococcus?

Ophthalmia neonatorum

What is the term for a type of neonatal infection contracted by newborns during delivery when the mother is infected with gonorrhea or chlamydia trachomatis?

Ophthalmia neonatorum

What is the term for a pathogen that does not normally cause disease but will take advantage to cause disease if a person has a weakened immunity?


Crow's feet; the furrows radiating from the lateral corner of the eye; acquired facial markings.

Optic facial sulci

This muscle closes the eyelid when contracted; compresses the lacrimal ducts.

Orbicularis oculi

List muscle responsible for the labial sulci.

Orbicularis oris

List muscle responsible for the philtrum.

Orbicularis oris

This muscle closes the lips when contracted.

Orbiculris oris

The orbit or eyesocket.

Orbital cavity

Bags under the eyes; the fullness between the inferior palpebrae and the oblique palpebral sulcus.

Orbital pouch

What is the term for inflammation of the testes?


What is the term for swelling and inflammation of the prostate gland that is usually caused by a bacterial infection?


Pertaining to organs. A disease associated with observable or detectable changes in the tissues of the body.


The attachment of a muscle which moves the least when the muscle contracts.


What is the term for the softening of the bones in adults, typically through a deficiency of vitamin D or calcium?


What is the term for an infection in a bone?


What disease causes the bones to become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue typically as a result of hormonal changes or deficiency of calcium and vitamin D?


Which of the following are the primary reproductive organs of the female?


A strong formaldehyde solution may cause a body to turn green due to what process?

Oxidation reaction

Which of the following is a physical property of oxygen?

Oxygen can be liquefied and solidified

Which is correct regarding the element oxygen?

Oxygen is the most abundant of earth's elements

The bone which forms part of the hard palate of the mouth, part of the nasal cavity and part of the orbital cavities.

Palatine bone

The eyelid both superior and inferior.


Which of the following is the correct term for inflammation of the pancreas?


Which chemical is a polymer used as a solid preservative?


Two bones that form the roof and part of the sides of the cranium.


The rounded peak of the external convexity of the parietal bones; determines the widest part of the cranium.

Parietal eminences

The widest part of the cranium is measured by the _______ and is found on the _______ bone.

Parietal eminences and parietal

What is the degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that often impairs motor skills and speech, and is characterized by tremors, shuffling gait, and an expressionless face?

Parkinson's disease

The eye of the aneurysm needle is used to _______.

Pass ligature around vessel

Hyperemia caused by a decrease in blood outflow.


What process uses high temperatures to kill all pathogens in foods?


Origin and development of a disease.


Atrophy that results from the cessation of functional activity (e.g. atrophy of ovaries or female mammary glands).

Physiological atrophy

What is a serious complication of gonorrhea?

Pelvic inflammatory disease

What is inflammation of the outer sac around the heart?


What is the term for infection of the lining membrane of the abdominal cavity?


Superior portion of the bony nasal septum.

Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone

Pinpoint, extravascular stain visible as purplish hemorrhages on the skin.


What is the term for inflammation of the pharynx?


Carbolic acid; an antiseptic/disinfectant employed to dry moist tissues and to bleach discolored tissues.


What chemical is used to dry moist tissues and to bleach discolored tissues during the embalming process?


The facial marking that resembles an irregular parentheses.


Seal extremity; the long bones of the limbs are defective and rudimentary hands and feet arise from the trunk like the flipper of a seal. (as in thalidomide babies of the 1950s)


What is the term for when the arms or legs near the points of attachment are poorly developed or absent?


The volatility of a substance is a

Physical property

The study of the structures and surface marking of the face and features.


What is the study of the structures and surface markings of the face and features?


A small ball, cylinder, or tuft often made of cotton.


Subcutaneous emphysema originates from a tear or cut located in which body cavity?


What is the term for inflammation of the membranes surrounding the lungs?


What is the general term used to denote any prolonged inhalation of mineral dust?


The femoral artery begins at the _______.

Point behind the center of the inguinal (poupart's) ligament

A group of atoms that act as a unit and possesses a charge.

Polyatomic ion

This affects the respiration rate and connects the brainstem with the cerebellum.


If one made a longitudinal incision on the posterior medial aspect of the thigh just superior to the popliteal space, the person would be attempting to find which artery.


The _______ _______ extends to just below the bend of the knee where it bifurcates into the anterior tibial artery and the posterior tibial artery, which extend to the foot.

Popliteal artery

The femoral artery gives rise to several branches as it descends through the region of the thigh before passing through the opening of the adductor magnus muscle, where it becomes the

Popliteal artery

Dorsal groove opposite of the knee is

Popliteal fossa

Considering the contents of the abdomen, the nine-region method, which of the following is located in the epigastric region?

Portion of the liver

Which discoloration cannot be cleared with vascular embalming?

Post mortem stain

The femoral vein is found _______.

Posterior to the femoral artery

The increase in body temperature after death due to continued cellular metabolism.

Postmortem caloricity

Imbibition causes which of the following?

Postmortem edema

Which one of the following is not a sign of decomposition?

Postmortem hypostasis

Livor mortis is synonymous with _______.

Postmortem lividity

Which of the following chemicals is an excellent anticoagulant in embalming fluid?

Potassium citrate

You are preparing to embalm the body of an obese female decedent. Death resulted from a ruptured aortic aneurysm. Areas of the face and hands exhibit an abundance of moisture (edema). The post mortem interval is three hours. You are now ready to inject the arterial solution. First, you must properly set the pressure and rate of flow. The embalming machine's power switch is set to "on" and the electrical motor is in operation. The rate of flow valve is set in a "close" position. The pressure valve is set to a partially "open" position. The reading indicated by the machine's pressure gauge is "10 pounds per square inch." Given the above facts, the _______ is indicated by the pressure gauge reading of 10 pounds per square inch.

Potential pressure

Positive intravascular pressure causing passage of embalming solution through the capillary wall to diffuse with the interstitial fluids; causing passage of embalming fluid from an intravascular to an extravascular position.

Pressure filtration

What is the term for the initial infection that a person contracts?


Creutzfeld-Jakob disease is caused by a


Creutzfeld-Jakob disease is caused by a what?


What is an infected protein that is misfolded?


What type of microorganism is the cause of Cruetzfeldt-Jacob disease?


List muscle responsible for the transverse intercilliary sulci.


Name the one muscle of the nose.


This muscle draws the skin of the forehead inferiorly (locates between the eyebrows).


Which is true regarding corynebacterium diphtheria?

Produces exotoxins

The projection of the jaw(s) beyond the projection of the forehead.


Which of the following are extrinsic factor(s) as it relates to the permanence of biological preservation of human remains?

Protective vault

Entamoeba histolytica is a what?


Giardiasis is caused by a what?


Malaria is caused by a what?


Moving a body part forward.


The form of the forehead profile that is the least common.


The state of being thrust forward or projecting.


One advantage in the use of the femoral artery as a point of injection in arterial embalming is ______.

Provides for an incision that will not be visible

What 2 causative organisms cause secondary infections in burn patients?

Pseudomonas and proteus

The muscle that causes the movement for grinding food.

Pterygoideus lateralis

Any of a group of nitrogenous organic compounds formed by the action of putrefactive bacteria on proteins.


Any one of a group of nitrogenous organic compounds formed by the action of putrefactive bacteria on proteins; indole, skatole, cadaverine, and putrescine.


Which blood vessel carries oxygen rich blood to the heart?

Pulmonary veins

Which of the following sutures methods is described by the text as a "suture commonly used to close the trocar opening"?

Purse string

A suture made around the circumference of a circular opening or puncture to close it or to hold the margins in position.

Purse string suture

A pus condition; forming or containing pus.

Purulent (suppurative)

What is the term for an inflammation of the renal pelvis in the kidney?


What is another name for a kidney infection?


Another name for the depressor labi inferioris.


A method of injection wherein both common carotid arteries are raised to control the flow of arterial solution into the head.

Restricted cervical injection

An injection procedure whereby the embalmer raises both right and left common carotid arteries

Restricted cervical injection

What is the name of a viral disease carried by a Lyssavirus that causes encephalitis?


The anatomical limit extending from a point approximately 1 inch below and in front of the bend of the elbow to a point over the base of the thumb is for which artery?


The artery just lateral to the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis muscle.


The brachial artery courses down through the arm to a point just inferior to the bend of the elbow where it bifurcates into its terminal branches, the _______ and _______ arteries.

Radial and ulnar

A line drawn on the surface of the body from the center of the bend of the elbow to the base of the index finger is the linear guide for the _______.

Radial artery

The _______ _______ lies just lateral to the tendon of the flexor carpiradialis muscle and just medial to the tendon of the brachioradialis muscle.

Radial artery

The addition of a non-volatile solute to a solvent _______ the boiling point of the resulting solution (when compared to the boiling point of pure solvent).


The vertical portion of the mandible.


What is the vector for the bubonic plague?

Rat flea

The rectus femoris muscle is associated with the


The uterus is located between which of the following structures?

Rectum and bladder

Which of the following is not part of the quadriceps?

Rectus abdominus

What are the four basic pigments of all skin complexions?

Red, yellow, brown, white

What is the portal of entry and exit for epidemic meningitis?

Respiratory tract

A procedure whereby one raises both common carotids.

Restricted cervical

Different pressures can be used to inject the head and trunk. Different rates of flow can be used to inject the trunk and head. These statements describe the advantages of using the _______ injection method.

Restricted cervical

Massage cream applied to the face before embalming will _______.

Retard dehydration

A nose which is turned up superiorly at its tip.


What neurotrophic virus causes rabies?


What is the term for inflammation of the nasal mucosa?


What are the organelles in the bacterial cell that function in protein synthesis?


A genus of gram-negative, pathogenic, intracellular parasitic bacteria.


What is the causative organism of epidemic typhus transmitted by the body louse?

Rickettsia prowazeki

Epidemic typhus is caused by (louse borne)

Rickettsia prowazekii

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is caused by

Rickettsia rickettsia

What is the causative organism of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?

Rickettsia rickettsii

What is the causative organism of the endemic (murine) typhus transmitted by the rat flea?

Rickettsia typhi

The aorta ends at the bifurcation of the end of the abdominal aorta where is becomes the

Right and left common iliac arteries

Carbon dioxide rich blood first enters the

Right atrium

In the heart tap procedure for drainage, what is the target the embalmer is searching for with the trocar?

Right atrium

The center of venous drainage is the _______.

Right atrium of the heart

Which of the following is NOT a branch of the arch of the aorta?

Right common carotid

The trocar is directed along a line from the left anterior-superior iliac spine to the lobe of the right ear; keep the trocar point up against the cavity wall until it has pierced the diaphragm. This statement describes the trocar guide for the _______.

Right side of the heart

The brachiocephalic trunk provides the blood supply to the

Right upper extremity and right side of head and neck

The muscle that originates in the fascia of the masseter muscle and is antagonistic to the buccinator.


Laughing muscle; draws the angle of the mouth posteriorly (locates along the lateral wall of the cheek).

Risorius muscle

The aquiline profile of the nose.


A nasal profile which exhibits a hump in its linear form.

Roman, Aquiline

The apex (top) of the pyramidal mass of the nose which lies directly inferior to the forehead; the concave dip inferior to the forehead (profile view).


The three major forms of hairline that encases the forehead are _______.

Round, square, recessed

What are the three main considerations when embalming a body exposed to radiation?

Rubber apron & gloves, time of exposure, running water

What is the causative organism of typhoid fever?


What is inflammation of the fallopian tubes?


Acids react with metal oxides and hydroxides to form water and _______.


What is the result of an acid reacting with a base?


Fossa between the inner and outer rims of the ear; the shallowest depression of the ear.


A quick drying liquid which leaves a hard, thin transparent coat or layer through which moisture can not pass.


Those resulting in acute inflammation of the skin and blisters.

Second degree burn.

What is the term for bacterial infections which occur in a host who is already infected, usually with a virus?


Which of the following is NOT an area directly impacted by OSHA with respect to the funeral industry?

Securing authorization for embalming

A congenital defect in walls of the spinal canal caused by a lack of union of the laminae of the vertibrae

Spina bifida

Lighting were the light rays are bounced off an object.


A condition characterized by the multiplication of bacteria in blood.


What is the causative organism of bacillary dysentery?


Embalming solution has a tendency to find direct routes from arterioles to the venules or through only portions of the capillaries in the region around the injection site and thus spills into the drainage. This can account for over embalming of the area near the injection site and loss of a great amount of arterial solution through drainage. This reality is known as _______.


Any objective evidence of disease that can be observed or measured such as a lesion, swelling, or fever.


Fractured bone that does not pierce the skin.

Simple fracture

What is the term for inflammation of a sinus?


The bone inferior to the parietal and anterior to the occipital bone.


What are examples of mechanical defenses against infection?

Skin and mucous membranes

What type of embalming solution should be used on an edematous body?

Slightly hypertonic

In the average case (normal amount of body moisture), solutions that produce the best embalming results will be _______ when compared to the concentration of body fluids

Slightly hypotonic

Which of the following is considered dermotropic?

Small pox

The maximum amount of solute that will dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a particular temperature is called the _______ of that substance. (This is a quantitative expression)


In a solution, the material that has dissolved and is usually the smaller in amount is known as the


Regarding the properties of bases, which of the following is a true statement?

Solutions of bases have a slippery, soapy feeling and have a bitter taste

Which structure conducts vasculature and nerve supply to testes?

Spermatic ducts

A subjective change in the body function not apparent to an observer, such as fever or nausea, that indicates the presence of a disease or disorder of the body.


What is the term for a relationship where two or more species benefit from living and working together but each are capable of surviving without the relationship?


What division has lateral horns of the spinal cord and gray matter T1-L2?


What is the sexually transmitted disease that is caused by the spirochete bacteria treponema pallidum?


Inferior portion of the sides and base of the cranium inferior to the parietal bones and anterior to the occipital bone.

Temporal bones

The concave surface of the head overlying the temporal bone.

Temporal cavity

This muscle will close the mandible; used in mastication and is the strongest chewing muscle.


The connective tissue structure which attaches muscle to muscle, or muscle to bone is


What is an acute infection occurring near the end of a disease and often causing death?


The hue which results from the mixture of two secondary pigmentary hues or an unbalanced proportion of complements with the warm hue or cool hue predominating.


What is the sensory relay and integrating center of the brain?


A calorie (lower case e) measures

The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water, one degree centigrade (at 15 degrees centigrade)

Which of the following is an accurate description of the anatomical guide for the axillary artery?

The axillary artery is located just behind the medial border of the biceps brachii muscle

Which is true regarding problems associated with rigor mortis?

The condition affects only muscles, and usually all of the muscles of the body are affected

The atoms of the water molecule are held together by

The covalent bond

Which of the following is NOT considered an intrinsic factor regarding embalming analysis?

The embalmer

One disadvantage in the use of the common carotid arteries as points of injection in embalming is _______.

The face may be over-injected

Which is true regarding the anatomical limit for femoral artery?

The femoral artery extends from a point behind the center of the inguinal ligament to the opening in the adductor magnus muscle

The accompanying vein and relative position for the femoral artery is

The femoral vein is medial and deep to the femoral artery

It is required to receive authorization prior to executing the embalming procedure. With respect to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), receiving or not receiving impacts _______.

The funeral home's legal ability to charge consumers for this service

Alternate drainage is the drainage taken during embalming in which _______.

The injection and drainage are not allowed to run concurrently

The accompanying vein and relative position for the common carotid artery is

The internal jugular vein is lateral and superficial to the common carotid artery

Which of the following is acceptable preparation of the body prior to injection?

The neck must be aligned in such a way that there will be no interferences with distribution of solution and drainage

Conditions determining the choice of a primary dilution include all of the following except _______.

The pH of the concentrated fluid

The definition of vapor pressure.

The pressure exerted (in the headspace) when a liquid is in equilibrium with its gas phase.

An elevation projecting from the cheek protecting the ear passage (wedge shaped).


You are presenting funeral service information to a civic group. During a question and answer session, a member of the audience asks several questions. Please provide the most accurate answer to each question. "What is the length of time that an embalmed body will remain preserved?"

There is no way to determine the degree or length of time preservation can be maintained

Saprophytic bacteria complicate the embalming process because _______.

They are responsible for putrefaction

A burn that involves the destruction of the cutaneous and the subcutaneous tissue.

Third degree

Destruction of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues; seared, charred, or roasted tissue.

Third degree burn

The number of auricular muscles.


A view, somewhat less valuable than the profile views; this view reveals the fullness of the cheeks.

Three quarter view

What is a term for a deficiency of platelets in the blood which causes bleeding into the tissues, bruising, and slow blood clotting after injury?


The formation of blood clots.


What is the term for an attached blood clot within the heart or blood vessels?


Which muscle runs along the shin of the leg?

Tibialis anterior

What is the term which indicates that the solution contains alcohol?


After tissue building, what should the needle and syringe be cleaned with?

Tissue builder solvent

Which of the following is correct regarding the element hydrogen?

Tissue gas, the postmortem manifestation of gas gangrene, is largely free hydrogen gas

What is a disease of the lymph system that results in inflammation of the two masses of tissue at the back of the throat?


The study of the structures that give form to the body and provide landmarks on its surface is

Topographical anatomy

What is a poison from organic origin?


What is another name for a mini-stroke?

Transient ischemic attack

Which of the following is a function of the circulatory system?

Transports waste products for elimination

The furrow that usually mimic the form of the eyebrow.

Transverse frontal sulci

Furrows which cross the forehead; acquired facial markings.

Transverse interciliary sulci

The concentrating furrows found on older persons.

Transverse interciliary sulci

Syphilis is caused by

Treponema pallidum

What is the causative organism for syphilis?

Treponema pallidum

A depression between the crura of the ear; the second deepest depression of the ear.

Triangular fossa

In areas where formaldehyde concentrations exceed any exposure limits (PEL, TWA, or STEL), the employer must post signs reading "danger, formaldehyde irritant and potential cancer hazard; authorized personnel only".


Initial monitoring is required of all employees who might be exposed to the hazard.


The hand pump develops the pressure by means of a piston and exerts the pressure on a fluid which is delivered to the body by an arrangement of tubes.


What is the term for a microorganism that can infect or cause disease in a healthy person whose immune defenses are intact?

True pathogen

What is the name of a highly contagious disease caused by a bacteria and is characterized by a lesion within the lung?


An open sore or lesion of the skin or mucous membrane of the body with loss of substance, sometimes accompanied by formation of pus. Simple versions of these may result from trauma, caustics, or intense heat or cold.


If one made an incision between the tendons of the flexor carpi ulnaris and the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle, the person would be attempting to find which artery.


Invisible rays of the spectrum lying outside of the violet end of the visible spectrum.


The angled cut of the borders of an excision, made so the skin surface will overhang the deeper tissues.


What is the term for the build-up of urea and other waste products in the blood as a result of renal failure and is usually seen in end-stage renal failure?


What is the term for an inflammation of the tubes that transport urine from the kidney to the bladder?


What is the term for inflammation of the tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body?


The trocar point is directed toward the intersection of the median line and pubic bone, keeping it well up toward the abdominal wall until it touches the bone, then withdraw about one-half inch, dip the point slightly and insert into the _______.

Urinary bladder

What procedure would be used when arterially embalming a decomposed body?

Use continuous injection with intermittent drainage

What should be done when embalming an obese person

Use firm massage

What procedure would be used when arterially embalming a trauma case?

Use high pressure and low rate of flow

What is considered an invasive procedure when preparing an un-embalmed body for viewing?

Using a suture for mouth closure

Considering the contents of the abdomen, the nine-region method, which of the following is located in the hypogastric region?

Uterus during pregnancy

What procedure should be employed when embalming a body with vascular difficulties?

Utilize a restricted cervical injection

What dermatropic virus causes chicken pox and shingles?

Varicella zoster

What dermatropic virus causes smallpox?


A malformation in which superficial blood vessels are enlarged; usually congenital and of variable size and shape, slightly elevated, reddish and purplish on the face, hands, neck and arms, though no region is exempt.

Vascular nevus

What are living organisms that transmit disease causing microbes?


Larger _______ have one way valves so blood does not flow backwards.


Phlebothrombosis primarily effects the


The _______ _______is a branch of the subclavian artery which courses up the neck, passing through the transverse processes of most of the cervical vertebrae.

Vertebral artery

Another name for the balanced facial profile is _______.


The facial marking that are known as the frowning furrows.

Vertical interciliary sulci

A small sac or bladder containing fluid; a blister-like small elevation on the skin from the size of a pinhead to that of a split pea, containing serous fluid.


A disadvantage in the use of the femoral artery as a point of injection in arterial embalming is _______.

Vessels are deep-seated in obese cases

What is the causative organism of Asiatic cholera?


What is the term for comma-shaped bacteria?


What microbe can only be seen with a light microscope?


The semi-fluid, transparent substance which lies between the retina and the lens of the eyeball.


A chemical easily convertible at a relatively low temperature from the liquid to gaseous state.


Bone of the nasal cavity situated between the nasal passages on the median plane; it forms the inferior and posterior portion of the septum of the nose.


One of the products that result from cross linking protein with formaldehyde.


What liquid comprises 80 percent of the cytoplasm in bacteria, serves as a solvent and suspending agent, and is required for chemical reactions?


According to your text, which of the following is a physical property of an arterial embalming fluid

Water soluble

A type of gangrene that results from a crushing injury, usually at the distal part of the extremity. Often, the affected part is infected with putrefactive bacteria.

Wet gangrene

The part of the nose that lies between the protruding lobe and the cheek.


Lateral lobes of the nose.


The length of wire employed to connect two structures which are undamaged such as remaining parts of a bone; a wire mesh placed within an aperture to hold other restorative fillers.

Wire bridging

The suture named for its form, gathers in, and turns under, excess skin and tissue.


Inversion or draw stitch; a method of sewing an incision along the edges without entering the opening whereby the suture becomes invisible and the line of suture becomes depressed, which lends its ease of concealment by waxing.

Worm stitch

Which is not rare or inert gas?


What is the causative organism of the bubonic plague?

Yersinia pestis

For which age would you place blush on the front plane of the cheek below the center of the eye?

Young child

The bone that has a diamond shaped surface and forms the cheek bone.


Which bone is also known as the cheek bone?


Portion of temporal bone that aids in location of the ear & divides ear in two equal parts.

Zygomatic arch

The processes on the temporal and zygomatic bones; determines the widest part of the face.

Zygomatic arch

Which anatomical feature divides the ear in half?

Zygomatic arch

One of the lesser concavities of the face located on the lateral portion of the cheek inferior to the zygomatic arch.

Zygomatic arch depression

The width of the face is measured between the _______.

Zygomatic arches

The greatest width of the anterior plane of the face is measured at the _______.

Zygomatic bone

Diamond-shaped surfaces; forms the cheekbones.

Zygomatic bones

The lateral rim of the eye socket formed by a process of the frontal bone and a process of the zygomatic bone.

Zygomaticofrontal process

A muscle that draws the superior lip posteriorly and superiorly.

Zygomaticus major

A muscle that draws the superior lip superiorly and anteriorly.

Zygomaticus minor

Burns to a dead human remains is always considered to be ___ degree


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