Science chapter 13

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Where is your heart located?

A little to the left of your chest

What blood vessel do you use to check your pulse? What will we be using?

Arteries and radial artery along radius

Capillaries connect what to what?

Arteries to veins

Is the aorta an artery or a vein?

Artery (largest)

What does A-V stand for?


Why is the gas exchange necessary?

Because there's deoxygenated blood and it needs to become oxygenated blood and the exchange, the blood can go through the heart and then to the rest of the cells in the body because cells need oxygen

Why do veins look blue and we can see them but the opposite with arteries?

Because veins have deoxygenated blood which appears as blue but it is just dark red and arteries have oxygenated blood which we don't see because it is bright red blood

Why does the circulatory system need to deliver oxygen to the cells in your body?

Because your cells need oxygen to do their work and if they don't get oxygen then that effects your tissues and then that effects your organs and then the whole organism.

Where are A-V valves locates?

Between the Atria and ventricles

Where is the bicuspid valve located?

Between the left atrium and the left ventricle

Where is the aortic valve located?

Between the left ventricle and the aorta

Where is the tricuspid valve located?

Between the right atrium and the right ventricle

Where is the pulmonary valve located?

Between the right ventricle and pulmonary arteries

Red blood cells

Blood cells that carry oxygen

White blood cells

Blood cells that fight off infection

What is Hemophilia?

Blood does not clot properly

How does the gas exchange work?

Blood goes to the lungs to drop off CO2 and pick up O2


Blood low in oxygen


Blood rich in oxygen

How can Hemophilia be treated? Explain.

Blood transfusion. If your loosing more blood than normal when you get a large injury, you will need all the parts of the blood that you lost, so you can get blood from donors


Blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood to the heart


Blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart

A stroke is a ________ attack.


What do we call microscopic blood vessels?


Which kind of blood vessels are the tiniest?


What is another name for the circulatory system?

Cardiovascular system

What is the function of veins?

Carries deoxygenated blood back to the heart

What can you get to help with Leukemia?

Chemotherapy or sometimes radiation


Controls blood flow throughout the heart

What is circulation of blood through the heart tissue itself?


Which arteries supply the heart itself with nutrients and oxygen?


What is a heart attack and what is really going on?

Coronary arteries wrap around the outside of the heart and provide oxygen so the muscle can pump and contract and release (the muscle that pumps surrounds the chambers and stuff inside the heart) when the coronary arteries get blocked by a blood clot, it can not deliver oxygenated blood to muscle and then because of the lack of oxygenated blood, the heart can no longer pump, causing a heart attack.

What are the two jobs of red blood cells?

Deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide

Is blood in veins oxygenated or deoxygenated? (Besides what?)

Deoxygenated and the pulmonary veins

What could be the outcome of a stroke?

Depending on what part of the brain had a lack of oxygen, that part of the brain will be damaged and may not work right after the stroke

What is the job of white blood cells?

Destroy bacteria, viruses, and foreign substances

What shape are red blood cells?


What are red blood cells shaped like?


What are the side affects of Anemia?

Fatigue and low energy caused by the muscles not getting enough oxygen

What else are Platelets sometimes called?


How many red blood cells are replaced in your body each week?

Half of them

What does Pulmonary mean?

Having to do with Lungs

What do platelets do?

Help blood to clot

What special protein is in red blood cells?


Where are red blood cells made?

In bone marrow

Where are red blood cells made?

In bone marrow of long bones

Where is the aorta located?

In the heart

What are platelets?

Irregular shaped fragments of protoplasm

What is/ what does the Septum do?

It divides the heart into left and right halves

What is/ what is the job of the Pulmonary vein?

It is the veins that recieve the recently oxygenated blood from the lungs and it is where the oxygenated blood enters the the heart

What is the cause for Leukemia?

It is unknown

What is Leukemia?

It is when you have abnormal cancerous white blood cells produced by bone marrow

What is the/ job of the Superior Vena Cava and what is its relation in location to the Inferior Vena Cava?

It is where the blood entered the heart from the upper body and it is above the Inferior Vena Cava

What is the/ job of the Inferior Vena Cava and what is its relation in location to the Superior Vena Cava?

It is where the blood enters the heart from the loser body and it is below the Superior Vena Cava

What are the filters of the blood? What does it mean by filters?

It means what gets rid of wastes from your body and Livers, kidneys, lymph nodes, and spleen do.

What does it mean if your lymph nodes are swollen?

It means your lymph nodes are making white blood cells to which fight off disease so it means your getting sick or are sick

What is gas change and where does it take place?

It occurs within the lungs between CO2 and O2

What would happen if our blood didn't have Plasma?

It would be like cheerios without milk because the cells wouldn't be able to flow and carry everything needed to the body and or fix problems. This is the case because Plasma is the liquid part of the blood and nothing would carry/make the cells flow to areas without it.

Can you prevent sickle cell or is it genetic?

It's genetic

What is the function of the circulatory system?

Keeps the body working by delivering oxygen (O2) to body cells and removing waste (CO2) from the cells

What is Anemia?

Lack of red blood cells or your red blood cells do not carry enough oxygen

What does your body do when it is sick?

Make more white blood cells

How many shapes do white blood cells come in?


What is plasma made of?

Mostly water

Are platelets living?


Do red blood cells have nuclei?


Do white blood cells contain Hemoglobin?


Is there a cure for Hemophilia?


Is there such thing as blue blood? Explain.

No, deoxygenated blood has the appearance of blue because it is so dark red and because of the lighting

Can you prevent Hemophilia?

No, it's genetic

How many nuclei do red blood cells have?


How many ways do valves open?

One, like a door

What is dissolved in plasma?

Oxygen, nutrients, minerals

What are is the difference between oxygenated blood besides the obvious, one has oxygen, one doesn't?

Oxygenated blood is bright red and deoxygenated blood is very dark red

Out of white blood cells, red blood cells, and plasma, what makes up most of your body?


What is circulation of blood as it travels through the heart to the lungs and back to the heart?


Which artery is the ONLY artery that has deoxygenated blood?

Pulmonary arteries

What are the four components of blood?

Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, plasma

After a stroke what do doctors want to do? How?

Restore your blood flow and by getting rid of blockage to restore blood flow

What sends blood to the Pulmonary artery?

Right ventricle

What does the Pulmonary artery do?

Sends deoxygenated blood from your heart to your lungs

How long do white blood cells live?

Several days to several months🐶🐶

If you have a heart attack, what will you most likely need?

Some kind of surgery

Why would we want blood to clot? I thought that blood clots were bad?

Sometimes they are, but Platelets clot blood in areas where you just got caught. (Causes scabs) Platelets stop the bleeding by clotting the blood. In this case, blood clots are good

Where are white blood cells made?

Spleen and lymph nodes

What is circulation from the heart to the body and back?



The dividing wall between the left and right sides of the heart

Describe the physics aorta.

The largest blood vessel in the heart. Has 3 opening on the top of it and 1 opening on the bottom because more power is needed to send blood up against gravity and you don't need as much power to send blood down with gravity.

When labeling the diagram of a heart, how do you determine the left and right side of the heart?

The left is to your right and the right is to your left. This is the case because it is like you are looking at another person across from you. Their right looks like left to you and their left looks like right to you.

What sends the blood to the aorta?

The left ventricle

What is plasma?

The liquid in blood

What are in veins which make the blood flow in the proper direction?

Valves ( help the blood flow, for example, back up the leg to get to the heart, which is the proper direction after coming down

What are blood vessels that carry blood to the heart called?


What are the inferior and superior vena canvas?


What type of blood vessels are the Superior and Inferior Vena cava?


What do the veins carry back to the heart and lungs?

Waste products

What is a stroke?

When the blood supply to the brain is cut off. It is when you have a blocked artery in the brain causing oxygen to not be able to make it to the brain

If you have Leukemia, is it super bad when you get sick and why?

Yes and because if someone who has Leukemia gets sick, their body (lymph nodes) will produce more white blood cells, but they will be cancerous white blood cells.

Can you develop Anemia? If so, how? If not, why?

Yes, from major blood loss or from decreased red blood cell production

Are their treatments/medicines you can get to care for Anemia?🐶🐶

Yes, there are medications to help and you can get blood transfusion (a blood transplant)

Are there medications for a heart attack? If so, What do they do? If not, is there anything to help?

Yes, they help remove the plaque and build up that could potentially cause a heart attack or that was the cause of a heart attack

When it comes to getting a bone marrow transplant for sickle fell Anemia, what are the requirement and risks?

You have to get a matching donor and the transplant is very dangerous and could result in death

What is sickle cell Anemia?

Your blood is unable to circulate properly and your red blood cells are oddly shaped

What would a heart attack change in your life? Why? What will you have to do?

Your lifestyle. Because the muscke surrounding your heart will be damaged and may not be able to handle what it could before (your heart will not be as strong as before the heart attack). Adjust.

Arteries have _________ outer walls and ____________ inner walls.

tough and smooth

Keep studying


What is the function of heart valves?

Allows blood to flow in the proper direction

What is the largest artery in the heart and body?


What do we call blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart?


Which blood vessels have the thickest walls out of all blood vessels?


What is Hemoglobin?

Protein that allows oxygen to stick to Red Blood Cells

What are the 2 types of blood cells?

White and red

Which blood cells contain Hemoglobin? White or Red?

Red, so it can carry oxygen to the body

What are the chambers of the heart and what do they do?

Right and left atrium and right and left ventricle The right and left atrium are the receiving chambers and they receive the blood and the right and left ventricles are the discharging chambers and they send away blood

What are the physiques of capillaries?

Small, thin, and microscopic

What is Plasma?

The watery portion of the blood

As blood is going from the lungs to the heart, is it oxygenated?


Do white blood cells have nuclei?


What is another name for the bicuspid valve?

Mitral valve

Where are lymph nodes located?

Neck, armpits, and groin

What does the aorta do?

Sends oxygenated blood to the body


Smallest blood vessels that join veins to arteries

Where to red blood cells go when they die (the cemetery for red blood cells)?

The spleen


The watery part of the blood

How does blood enter the Superior and Inferior Vena Cava?

There are holes

What is the job of white blood cells?

To fight off infections and diseases

What are varicose veins? What does it cause and what happens to blood circulation because of it?

When (mostly older women) in their veins, blood gets trapped between the valves in the veins. It makes the veins squiggly and it causes poor blood circulation because the blood is getting stuck

Where are your white blood cells made?

Primarily in your lymph nodes but some in you splien


Blood cells that assist in blood clotting

Are Platelets living cells?


What are the steps to blood flow?

1) deoxygenated blood enters the Superior and Inferior Vena cava from the upper and lower parts of the body 2) goes to right atrium 3) goes through the Tricuspid valve 4) goes to right ventricle 5) goes through the Pulmonary valve 6) goes through the Pulmonary artery 7) goes to the lungs ( there it drops off CO2 and picks up O2) 8) goes to/ through the Pulmonary veins (with oxygenated blood) 9) goes to the left atrium 10) goes through the Bicuspid valve 11) goes to left ventricle 12) goes through the Aortic valve 13) goes to Aorta 14) goes to the rest of the upper and lower body

How many A-V valves are there?


How many flaps does a bicuspid valve have?


How many flaps does a tricuspid valve have?


There are ______ types of circulation.


How many types of blood vessels are there and what are they?

3 and Veins, arteries, capillaries

How many chambers are in your heart?


How many valves are in your heart?


How many platelets are in a cubic millimeter of blood?

400 thousand

How many types of different white blood cells are there? (What is the difference in them?

5 and they each fight off different diseases and infections

How many red blood cells are in one cubic millimeter of blood?

5 million

How long do white blood cells tend to live for and why?

5-10 days and because they're fighting off di disease and they "engulf the disease" and then they're job is done and they die

How many white blood cells are in one cubic millimeter of blood?

5-10 thousand

How long do Platelets last in the blood?

5-9 days

What percent of your body does plasma make up?


How long do red blood cells tend to live for

Typically 120 days

What do veins have to help them keep pushing blood toward the heart?


Is there a cure for sickle cell Anemia? If so, what? If not, is there medication or some kind of treatment that can be done to help?

There's medication to help a person live longer and you can get a bone marrow transplant because red blood cells are made in bone marrow

What is the function of arteries?

They carry oxygenated blood away from the heart

What is the function of capillaries?

They connect arteries and veins

How do Platelets work?

They have to become activated. When you are not cut, they are not activated and they are just floating around (kind of look like a rock), but when you get cut, the platelets become activated and they expand and they have a stringy things coming out of them (look like the spiky earrings that feel weird). They are activated and they make their way to the cut and the stringy stuff on them make them connect and they start stopping the blood and causing it to clot

Are walls of veins thinner or thicker than those of arteries?


Why does blood travel from the heart to the lungs in pulmonary circulation?

To be oxygenated

What is the job of red blood cells?

To carry O2 and food to the body and to rid the body of CO2 and waste

What is the job of plasma?

To carry dissolved foods to your cells

What is the Platelets?

To help blood to clot

List the 4 valves.

Tricuspid valve, Bicuspid valve, Pulmonary valve, and Aortic valve

True or false? Plasma has dissolved minerals in it?


The walls of capillaries are _________ cell(s) thick.


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