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Of the following scenarios, which would be appropriate for use of the Mohs scale?

A field scientist needs to identify an unknown mineral.


A fountain of water and steam that builds up pressure underground and erupts at regular intervals

Which of the following represents an occluded front on a weather chart?

A purple line with purple triangles and semicircles next to each other

Mohs scale

A scale ranking ten minerals from softest to hardest; used in testing the hardness of minerals

Mr. Washington has invited a local meteorologist to visit his class. Mr. Washington would like to suggest the approach the meteorologist will use with the class. Which of the following recommendations is most likely to result in a visit that engages students' interest in a study of the atmosphere?

Having the meteorologist bring and demonstrate a weather balloon and the equipment it carries.

The Earth's outer layer is divided into sections called plates. These plates essentially float around on the mantle of the Earth, which is a rock layer underneath the crust. As these plates move around, constructive forces can cause the boundaries between the plates to pull apart. Which of the following best describes the result of this constructive force? Select all answers that apply.

ridges, rift valleys

Schist is a layered substance. It contains layers visible to the naked eye. The layers are made of various minerals and substances such as muscovite. What type of substance is schist?


On average, the majority of soil is made up of:

rocks & minerals

Which of the following causes the Coriolis Effect?

rotation of the earth

Pieces of broken rock often become cemented together to form a new rock. This rock is referred to as:

sedimentary rock (formed from broken pieces of rock)

Of the following, which is a sedimentary rock?


Ms. Samson is explaining nitrogen fixing to her third-grade class. Which of the following demonstrations would best accompany her explanation?

showing students a raw egg and hard-boiled egg and asking them which they would rather have for breakfast

The first quarter moon

shows half of the of the moon's lighted hemisphere. This is called the "first quarter" because the moon is one quarter of the way around its orbit of the Earth. While half of the moon is illuminated, observers from Earth only see half of the illuminated hemisphere because of the moon's position relative to the Earth. In the first quarter, observers from Earth are able to see the right half of the moon illuminated.

last quarter moon

shows half of the of the moon's lighted hemisphere. This is called the "last quarter" because the moon is three quarters of the way around its orbit of the Earth. While half of the moon is illuminated, observers from Earth only see half of the illuminated hemisphere because of the moon's position relative to the Earth. In the last quarter, observers from Earth are able to see the left half of the moon illuminated.

Which of the following is a major difference between the Earth and the sun?

size- About 1.3 million Earths could fit into the sun. The sun is much larger than the Earth.

When the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, it can either partially or totally block the sun's light, keeping it from reaching the Earth's surface. Which of the following options best describes this phenomenon?

solar eclipse

Which of the following is true about stars?

star color is dependent on their temperatures

Our solar system contains many components. Which object is at the center of the solar system?

sun- all objects in the solar system orbit or revolve around the sun

Which of the following is the Coriolis Effect most likely to influence?

the circulation of global winds

Which of the following statements is true regarding the Earth's materials and the different states of matter?

the earth's materials can be in any of the 3 states of matter


the gradual wearing away or decrease of soil due to natural processes. The particles of sand are less dense than the river rock, making it easier for flowing water to carry it away. Rain is a natural process that eroded the sand.

A weatherman on the local news is describing a cold front reaching and pushing up warm air later in the day. Which of the following is the weatherman most likely explaining? Select all answers that apply.

the likelihood of rain; the development of thunderstorm clouds- When cold and warm air meet in the atmosphere, then inclement weather develops, usually rain.


the process by which smaller particles collide and accumulate into larger bodies.

The tilt of the Earth causes

the seasons

Pam and Vanessa looked through a telescope at two stars next to one another. The stars were equally as bright, but one was red and one was orange. Which of the following is the best explanation for the difference in the color of the stars?

the stars have different surface temperatures

greenhouse effect

the trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation from the sun than to infrared radiation emitted from the planet's surface.

What is the correct sequence of the four layers of the Earth's atmosphere starting with the layer farthest from the Earth moving closer to the surface?

thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere >>THMST

Which of the following would be the most appropriate occasion for a scientist to use carbon dating?

to determine the age of a newly discovered fossil

The three major climatic zones of the Earth include:

tropical, temperate, polar

In which layer of the atmosphere does weather occur?

troposphere- the layer closest to earth

Which of the following is the most important rationale for the scientific study of Mars?

understanding the evolution of the solar system

Which of the following lists Earth's eons in the correct order from most ancient to most recent?

Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic, Phanerozoic. >>H,A,P,PH

The water cycle includes: Select all answers that apply.

condensation, evaporation, transpiration (change in water from liquid to gas on leaves)

Comets are composed of:

gast, dust, ice

The Guarani Aquifer is an example of which type of resource?


Blue giant

has relatively high surface temperature compared to a red giant.

Earth's layers in order

crust, mantle, outer core, inner core

Which of the following is primarily a result of the Earth's rotation around its axis?

day & night

Radiometric carbon dating

(or radiocarbon dating) can be used on organic compounds which contain carbon-14 isotopes and are younger than about 60,000 years.

Atmosphere layers

(starting closest to Earth) Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere and Thermosphere. >TSMTH

Weather maps can be quite complex, often showing wind speed, isobars, fronts, and precipitation. Which technique is most likely to enable upper elementary students to begin to learn to read weather maps?

Have students interpret several maps, one at a time, which each show only one type of weather symbol.

Coriolis effect

Causes moving air and water to turn left in the southern hemisphere and turn right in the northern hemisphere due to Earth's hemisphere.

A sling psychrometer is used to measure humidity in the air. The psychrometer has two thermometers, one wet and one dry, on a hinged handle. The psychrometer is held above the head and spun so the two thermometers swing around the handle. Mr. Daniels has a class set of psychrometers, and wants to teach his class how to use the instrument to measure humidity. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to accomplish this goal?

Demonstrate how to use the psychrometer, review the need for caution while using the equipment, and allow students to do the activity for themselves.


Extends into outer space;

greenhouse gases

Gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, and ozone in the atmosphere which are involved in the greenhouse effect.

Which of the following can be attributed to active geothermal activity?


What is the difference between groundwater and surface water?

Groundwater is held under Earth's surface or in saturated rock and soil, and surface water is water on Earth's surface.

Gabrielle, a student in Ms. Reech's class does not understand the cause of eclipses. Ms. Reech has an opportunity to work with her one-on-one during lunch. Which of the following is the best way Ms. Reech can help Gabrielle construct her own understanding of eclipses?

Guide Gabrielle as she uses a light and balls to model the Earth-sun-moon positions during an eclipse.


Layer closest to Earth's surface; Layer where weather occurs


Layer directly above troposphere; Layer containing ozone


Layer with coldest temperature; This layer slows down meteors

Which of the following statements regarding meteorites is true?

Meteorites are meteors that actually strike the Earth.

Which of the following are examples of physical weathering? Select all answers that apply. (does not alter the composition of the rock)

Rocks lifted by swift water fall down and strike other rocks, breaking off tiny pieces; Surface materials are removed from a rock by erosion and the pressure on the rock decreases. The rock expands and fractures.

Which of the following is the most effective way for a teacher to help a tactile learner understand the consistency of Earth's mantle?

Provide students with modeling clay to touch and squish while the teacher describes the mantle.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding global warming and climate change?

Temperatures around the world are universally increasing- Temperatures may decrease in some parts of the world. For example, when the ice caps melt, they release cooler water into the ocean, which reduced the temperature in those locations.

The uneven heating of the Earth results in which of the following?

deserts commonly found near the Tropic of Cancer & Tropic of Capricorn

A school's PTA volunteered to make outside improvements to the school. A pile of sand and river rock was delivered to the school for the repair of the playground. After a week of rain, the river rock was still piled high, but the sand was no longer in a pile. What could have happened to the sand?


Planet groups

The planets are divided into two group, one on either side of the asteroid belt. The inner planets -- Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars -- are between the sun and the asteroid belt. The outer planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - are located beyond the asteroid belt.

A year on Earth is approximately 365 days, while a year on Venus takes about 224 Earth days, and a year on Mars takes about 687 Earth days. What causes the number of days in a year on each of these planets to differ from one another?

different distances- A year is measured by how long it takes a planet to revolve around the sun. These planets have years that are longer lengths because they are longer distances from the sun and thus have wider orbits.

Which of the following would be the best setting for a teacher to use the geologic time scale?

discussing the formation and changes of the planet Earth

Which of the following is not a major component of the earth's atmosphere?


A local farmer cuts down a population of trees next to a river so that he can plant a field of crops. Which of the following will be the most likely result because of the loss of trees next to the river?

an increase of soil erosion into the river- Without the trees and other vegetation near the river, the erosion of the soil would most likely increase. Vegetation, such as trees and shrubs, helps reduce soil erosion because of the root systems and natural barriers that prevent erosion of the soil. With the trees removed, there are less barriers for the soil to erode into the river.

Ms. Santiago, a fourth-grade teacher at Santine Elementary school, was given a grant to purchase a weather station for her class. After installing the station, Ms. Santiago has had her students record the weather each day for an entire month. One day Ms. Santiago divides her students into groups and asks each group to categorize and draw conclusions from their month-long wind direction measurements. Of the following science practices, which one is the primary focus of this lesson plan?

analyzing & interpreting data

The wind speed in two different cities was recorded on a line graph. Which instrument was most likely used to gather the data recorded?


Which of the following is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure?


Which of the following statements regarding weather and climate is true?

Weather happens today, and climate happens over a long period of time.

Which of the following activities can contribute to an increase in the carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere? I. the burning of fossil fuels II. volcanic activity III. condensation

burning of fossil fuels; volcanic activity

Which of the following is one way carbon is returned to the atmosphere?

cellular respiration

Which of the following could best be used by a teacher to illustrate the difference between surface water and groundwater?

a glass aquarium (no fish), sand, rocks, a small bowl, and water- A teacher could mix sand and rocks in the bottom half of an aquarium, fill it about ⅓ full of water, and place a bowl of water on top of the sand and rock mix to differentiate between groundwater and surface water.

With which of the following substances could radiometric carbon dating be used?

a leather sandal thought to be from 45,000 BCE

Which of the following refers to the amount of light emitted by a star?

absolute magnitude

Scientists believe that Earth formed through the collision and gradual accumulation of smaller particles into larger bodies. What is this process called?


New moon

always occurs when the side of the moon facing the earth is shadowed from the sun; A new moon is caused by the side of the moon visible from the earth being shaded from the sun's direct rays. Therefore, a new moon is not as bright as a full moon.

Global weather patterns or short-term climatic changes can be impacted by which of the following?

changes in global winds and ocean currents

Which of the following is NOT used by scientists to determine the history of life on Earth?

hydrolysis of water

Which of the following rocks are formed from molten material?

igneous rock (solidified from lava or magma)

As humans burn more and more fossil fuels on Earth, the amount of carbon dioxide trapped in the atmosphere increases, causing the average temperature of the Earth to:


The volcanic eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980 deposited a large amount of ash in the local atmosphere. Which of the following changes to the Earth's system was reflected in the aftermath of the explosion?

increased solar reflection that resulted in lower temperatures in the affected areas

Of the following, which is thought to be the biggest contributor to the warming of the Earth's atmosphere since the 19th century?

increasing carbon emissions into the atmosphere

Which list has the layers of the Earth in the correct order, from center outward?

inner core, outer core, mantle, crust

The climate in a specific location is affected the most by:

latitude, elevation, and ocean currents.

The five components of soil are mineral components, organic material, water, gases, and:

living organisms

Which of the following is an inner planet?


Quartz can be classified as which of the following?


The Earth's outer layer is divided into sections called plates. These plates essentially float around on the mantle of the Earth. If two continent boundaries collide with one another, Earth's crust is pushed together. Which of the following best describes the result of the collision?


The Earth's atmosphere is mainly composed of oxygen and which of the following elements?`

nitrogen- 78% of atmosphere

solar eclipse

occurs when the moon moves directly between the Earth and the sun. The moon can partially or totally block the sun's light from reaching the surface of the Earth resulting in either a total or partial solar eclipse.

Mr. Singer's class wonders why the United States is colder in the winter, since the Earth is closer to the sun at that time. Mr. Singer proposes that they design experiments to investigate the relationship between the angle of the sunlight and temperature on Earth. He divides his students into lab groups and sets out globes, lamps, and thermometers. Before they can use the equipment, however, each lab group first designs their experiment. Which of the following should students identify in their experimental design?

one independent variable, one dependent variable, and several constants

Which of the following is not considered a greenhouse gas?

oxegyn- bc it does not significantly contribute to increasing global temps

Which of the following is a primary way carbon dioxide is naturally taken out of the atmosphere?


The outer layers of the Earth are broken into pieces that shift and move. What are these pieces of crust called?


Which of the following is an instrument used to measure atmospheric humidity?


Which of the following types of stars is a large, relatively cool star with a small core that fuses helium into carbon?

red giant-A red giant has high luminosity and relatively low surface temperature.

Which of the following would be the most effective strategy to reduce greenhouse gases?

reducing the use of fossil fuels

Which of the following geological processes is most likely to move rock from below the surface of the Earth to the surface?

volcanic activity

An air mass that originates over a large body of water near the equator is most likely to be described as:

warm & humid

Which of the following is a transitory phase of the lunar cycle?

waxing crescent- transitionary phase between a new moon and the first quarter.

What powers the ocean's surface currents?

wind currents, the uneven heating of Earth's surface, and the shape of landforms on Earth

Symbols on a meteorologist's weather map are best used to show:

wind movement

Which quality would a scientist be measuring if he were using an anemometer?

wind speed

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