Science Test 2 study guide
The warmest year in measured history was ___. The second warmest year was ___.
-1998 -2005
______, are significant sources of the energy we use in everyday activities. The largest source of greenhouse gases is _____, which are used to _____. The second largest source of greenhouse gases in the United States is ____. The environment can naturally recycle carbon (through the carbon cycle), but we are producing _____. To make things worse, we also continue to chop down trees, which help take in some ____. Additionally, our heavy reliance on ____ adds to large amounts of _____ being released into the atmosphere.
-Fossil fuels, like coal and oil -power plants -provide our homes and buildings with electricity -driving automobiles -TOO MUCH carbon dioxide for the environment to handle -carbon dioxide to do photosynthesis -industrialization -water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide (all greenhouse gases)
____ is the ozone in the atmosphere that protects life on Earth from the Sun's harmful UV (ultraviolet) rays. This natural shield has been gradually depleted (it is gradually decreasing in size) by ______. CFCs have been used as _____, as ____ and are also used to ______.
-Good ozone -man-made chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) -coolants in refrigerators and air conditioners -propellants in aerosol cans (hair spray, spray paint) -manufacture Styrofoam
One energy source that is an alternative to fossil fuels is ____. This energy source does not _____ and is ____. On the other hand, this energy source may not always be _____
-Solar energy -pollute the environment -renewable -available in good amounts all the time, such as if it's not so sunny out
Increasing human population means the ____ which means that _____
-more resources that will be used -natural resources will begin to run out/begin to decrease in availability
Since humans cause the threats, the more humans there are, the more _____. In other words, the more people there are, the more ______.
-problematic each of these threats will become -pollution there will be, the more people we need to feed, the more plants and animals will need to be killed, etc.
a term used to describe the increase in Earth's average temperature
Global Warming
Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming: Greenhouse gases, such as ____, ______. These gases allow ____, but _____. This increases the temperature of our planet by _____. The process by which these gases accumulate is known as the ____
-Carbon Dioxide and Methane -absorb the sun's heat, warming the atmosphere -sunlight to enter the Earth -prevent heat from escaping it -trapping heat - "Greenhouse Effect"
Of all the negative human behaviors, habitat destruction poses _____. Therefore, the best way to protect endangered species is to ______. (to keep these species habitats how they are supposed to be, without human impacts and influence).
-THE GREATEST threat to species -preserve natural habitats
Recycling is important because it ensures that the resources we recycle will be ___. It also ensures that they _____.
-avialable for use by humans later. -last longer so as humans we are able to use this reasource later.
Global warming leads to _____. While the Earth's average temperature has changed historically, _____ is what concerns scientists today (**Remember--organisms can _____, but over time a relatively fast change can lead to organisms _______).
-climate change -the rate at which it is changing -adapt to a changing environment -not being able to adapt, and therefore becoming extinct
biodiversity has a critical role in ____. The larger the variety of plants, animals, insects and other species, the more likely the ecosystem can _____. While there are many factors that can affect the stability of an ecosystem, many are the result of ___. humans can impact the biodiversity of an ecosystem both positively and negatively.
-ecosystem stability -survive an environmental change -human activities.
As habitats are destroyed species can become ____. The loss of one species can have _____. For example, when a tree is cut down (deforestation) not only does it kill the tree but it also kills any animals that live in the tree or rely on the tree for a source of food.
-endangered and/or extinct -detrimental (negative) impacts on the entire ecosystem.
Biodiversity is important because the fewer animals we have, the ___. Biodiversity is important because biodiversity is essential for the ____.
-fewer humans we will have -welfare of current and future generations.
Depending on where it is located, ozone can be ___. Ground level ozone (ozone near Earth's surface) is ____ because it is a ______. It also _____.
-good or bad -bad -pollutant that poses a significant health risk, especially for children with asthma -damages crops, trees, and other vegetation
The more CFCs we release, the ____. A depleted ozone shield allows more ____ (harmful UV rays from the Sun) to reach ground level, leading to more cases of ______. Fortunately, once we learned that these substances cause ozone depletion they have been banned world wide. And, as a result, the ozone shield is _____.
-greater the holes in the ozone layer get -radiation -skin cancer, cataracts, and other health or environmental problems -no longer being depleted; in fact, the ozone hole is "closing."
Another greenhouse gas that is largely responsible for Global Warming is _____. Methane is the main component of ______. Methane is released from _____, from ____ (places where we dump garbage) and from _____.
-methane -natural gas, a common fuel source -burning gasoline and fossil fuels -landfills -coal-fired power plants
humans ___ in many ways, some are positive, but many are negative. The _____, is one of the human behaviors that harm the environment. Burning fossils fuels causes the release of _______
-modify ecosystems -use of fossil fuels, a nonrenewable resource -greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide
the population has been increasing at an extremely ____. This sharp increase is due to several factors including ______.
-rapid rate in recent decades -industrialization, increased food and medicine availability, and improvements in health care
Scientists estimate that it will take about ____ for Chlorine levels to return to their natural state.
50 years
_____ of the species are thought to be endangered due to habitat destruction
-Wood for fuel and other forest products -Overgasing -The expansion of agricultural land -Intense harvesting of timber
Causes of habitat destruction
_____ are the chemical responsible for ozone depletion.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)
A gas that occurs both in Earth's upper atmosphere and at ground level.
_____ are two products CFCs are found in.
Refrigerants and plastic products
2 other pieces of evidence for Global Warming are ______.
Sea levels rising and ocean temperatures are becoming warmer and warmer
changes in patterns of temperature, rainfall and other physical environmental factors.
climate change
The ozone layer acts as _____.
earth's sunscreen absorbing about 98% of damaging ultraviolet or UV lights
One environmental problem that results from widespread deforestation is the loss of many ______
habitats of species, which leads to the loss of that species
Deforestation is occurring because ____
humans are cutting down more trees to make room for more buildings.
One way to lessen the effects of deforestation is to ____
recycle paper so there's less of a need to cut trees.
Burning fossil fuels contributes to global warming by _____.
releasing carbon dioxide into our environment which traps heat in our atmosphere