Scientific Method

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An educated guess

The hypothesis was correct. The bread grew the most fungus, This is an example of what scientific method?


The Plant will grow 5 cm by the end of the month is an example of what scientific method?


During experiment it is important to make clear and accurate



Organize into charts, tables, drawing, and diagrams. You can decide what the information means.

The step by step instructions of how to test your hypothesis is called?

Procedure/ Methods

What are 2 types of observations?

Quantitative and Qualitative

People often believe more expensive brands of popcorn pop better than cheaper ones is example of what scientific method?


This is what we do before your hypothesis so that you don't make a "dumb" guess



Tell what you think is the answer to the problem


Test your hypothesis. You may need to do this step more than once to see if the results are the same each time.


The question you want to answer. Inquiry has led to many discoveries in science. Ask your question.

A hypothesis is not a ___________ but one possible answer to a research question.


Pouring 2.0 mL of water into a beaker - is an example of what scientific method?


control group

part of an experiment that does not contain a variable; all conditions are kept normal; used as a COMPARISON

dependent/responding variable

the factor that changes (measured) as a result of the experiment; the effect

What does the conclusion always refer back to?

the hypothesis

How do you turn an observation into a good question?


The goal of a well- designed experiment is to allow anyone who reads it to understand the process you are using and to allow someone else to complete the experiment just by _____________

following your directions

What do you state your hypothesis?

you are trying to answer your research question. It must include your observations and question from your experiment

An observation involves using all the ___ senses to make sense of the world around you


data and results

A summary of the data you have collected (graphs, tables, charts, photos, etc.); all your observations from the experiment


Use what you learn to answer other problems or questions . You may want to do your experiment again or change your experiment.

scientific method

a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions and solve problems


always in form of a question; the question we are trying to answer by doing the experiment

During an experiment you collect?


A Hypophesis should be an ________ guess that is based on the information collected during your research


Once you have written your question, collected information, and written a hypothesis, it is a time to come up with an __________ to test your hypothesis


independent/manipulated variable

factor in an experiment that a scientist purposely changes; the cause

What is research?

gathering information

What is the key to a good question?

it needs to be testable. This means you can design an investigation, make observations, and gather evidence to answer the question.

Inferences are not guesses but _____________________

logical explantaions based on what you already know.

Conclusions often lead to ___________________ if your experiment didn't turn out how you expected it too.

new questions and experiments

Is this Question testable or non testable: Which color M& M taste better?

non testable

This is example of what scientific method? I noticed the tomato plants planted in the front yard had grown more tomatoes than the ones planted in the backyard


Scientists use _________ to gather data that will support or disprove the hypothesis


Inferences are logical explanations that help us make sense of what we _________________


A hypothesis is a ________ that is a possible explanation or answer to a scientific question


Who uses scientific methods?

scientist as well as others/ everyone

How many scientific methods are there?


Why is it important to do research before making your hypothesis?

so that you don't make a "dumb" guess

The experiment should be a _________ procedure describing the materials needed and the set-up of the experiment, as well as observations and measurements that will be made

step by step ( methods)

A conclusion is a ____________ of what you have learned from the experiment.


A good conclusion includes

summary of the findings of the experiment tell if the hypothesis was supported by data or not and discuss any problems that happened

When making a conclusion, you should decide whether the data you collected __________ your hypothesis or not


Is this question testable or non-testable: Will the M & M color dissolve faster in water or vinegar?


Your research question MUST be


All experiments begin with a

testable research question


the answer to your question; a summary of what you have learned from an experiment

What tells us if the hypothesis is correct or incorrect?

the conclusion


Change one thing when you test your hypothesis. Keep everything else the same.


Compare your results and hypothesis. Decide if your hypothesis is right or wrong. Tell what you decide.

The last step of the scientific method is called a __________. In this step you can state whether or not your hypothesis was correct


What is the difference data and observation?

Data is collected during the experiment and Observation is written description of what was noticed during the experiment

Your educated guess is called?


Why are some questions NOT testable?

If you can't test it in the experiment it is not testable, it can't be an opinion. Scientific Questions must not be based on opinon or personal judgements

When you explain or interper the things your observe, you are making an ____________.


Will your hypothesis always be correct? Why not?

No because your don't always know the exact amount

The paper towel absorbed 15mL of water is an example of what scientific method?


What you see happening during the experiment is called?


What are the written and carefully followed step by step experiment designed to test the hypothesis?

Procedure/ Methods

What kind of observations involve a number in the form of an amount or measurement ? ( ex 12 students working in the library)

Quantitantive Observations

The first step of the scientific method is called?


What combinations of everyday substances result in a chemical reaction? This is an example of what scientific method?


What are the steps of scientific method?

Questions, Research, Hypothesis, Procedure/ Methods, Data, Observations, and Conclusions

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