scientific revolution

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Explain the Querelles des femmes.

DEBATE ON WOMEN AND EQUALITY. r4eaffirmed traditional ideas about women

Renee Descartes believed in Cartesian dualism- what is the basic idea behind this?

(SEPARATION OF MIND AND BODY/MIND AND MATTER- LOOK AT THE WORLD THIS WAY). scientists were able to view matter as something separate from themselves that could be investigated reason

Because Galileo was put on house arrest (by the Inquisition)- he focused his final years on studying mechanics. What 2 ideas did he contribute to the problem of motion?

1. ALL OBJECTS FALL AT THE SAME SPEED 2. Discovered the principle of INERTIA

List at least 3 factors that helped to explain why science became so accepted in the 17th and 18th centuries:

1. It offered new ways to exploit resources for profit 2. Political interests used the new scientific conception of the natural world to bolster social stability. 3. Puritan reformers used the new science as a socially useful instrument to accomplish this goal and Puritan groups advocated a new radical science 5. Princes and kings provided patronage for scientists did so for not only prestige but also for practical reasons, especially the military applications of the mathematical sciences

Kepler claimed that he "understood the mind of God." Explain Kepler's three laws of planetary motion.

1. orbits of the planets around the sun weren't circular but eleptical 2. planets don't move at uniform speeds 3. planets move together in a mathematical system

The two ancient "authorities" whom medieval European thinkers considered infallible were?

Aristotle and ptolemy

Why do they refer to his theories as "Newton's world-machine"?

EVERYTHING RUNS ACCORDING TO NATURAL LAWS (ALL TIED WITH MATH). dominated the western world view conceived as operating absolutely in time, space, and motion

Explain the contributions of the following in the field of medicine (Paracelsus).

FATHER OF MODERN MEDICINE He said LIKE CURES LIKE- leads to vaccines chemical reactions of the universe were reproduced in humans

Explain the contributions of the following in the field of medicine (Harvey).


Blaise Pascal attempted to unite religion and science. He believed that reason could only take people so far... so what was the final step he believed man needed to take?

Faith, because he felt that reason can only take people so far.

What was Tycho Brahe's contribution to the heliocentric theory?

For 20 years, Brahe patiently concentrated on compiling a detailed record of his observations of the positions and movements of the stars and planets, a series of observations described as the most accurate up to that time. ALL HIS DATA WASN'T THAT HELPFUL TO HIM SINCE HE DIDN'T UNDERSTAND COMPLEX MATH, HIS ASSISTANT (KEPLER), DID HAVE MATH SKILLS

Why did Galileo "get in trouble" with the Catholic Church?


Benedict Spinoza was a pantheist- what does that mean?

God was not simply the creator of the universe; he was the universe.

Galen, a physician who was considered the "authority" when it came to medieval medicine, was pretty much WRONG about everything. Why were his ideas about human anatomy so inaccurate?

He had relied on animal

What did Galileo see that helped to disprove traditional cosmological theories?


What was Isaac Newton's contribution to the scientific method?

He synthesized inductive and deductive reasoning into a single scientific methodology (by uniting Bacon's empiricism with Descartes' rationalism)

Why do some historians claim that Hermetic beliefs helped to inspire the Scientific Revolution?

Hermeticism-belief that God is in everything, and early scientists wanted to understand God (if you study the universe, you study God).

Why did Nicolaus Copernicus WAIT to publish his famous book, On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres?

His own timidity and fear of ridicule from the church and fellow astronomers/scientists .

Explain the consequences of the Scientific revolution in RELIGION.

Intellectuals wanted to use religion to help understand science/nature/the universe more (vice versa). Eventually, they relied on secular rather than religious assumptions. Protestant areas became more advanced for its tolerance, but Catholic areas rejected science and could not advance.

What did they call medieval scientists?

Natural philosophers

Newton wrapped it all up- synthesized the works of the great scientists before him- with the "law of universal gravitation". EXPLAIN this theory in simple terms.

It is the theory that the planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits, and not straight lines, because of gravity. "I stood on the shoulders of giants"- Newton said it, since he couldn't do what he did without every scientist before him. IMPORTANT: Because of Newton's law of universal gravitation, he was able to synthesize all ideas as one, understandable system (based on natural laws that are logical and predictable)

Why did Protestant reformers quickly oppose the new Copernican theory?

It seemed to create uncertainty about the human role in the universe as well as God's location. It WASN'T IN SCRIPTURE PROTESTANTS VOCALLY SAID NO AT FIRST, BUT THEN QUICKLY ACCEPTED SCIENCE

Explain the consequences of the Scientific revolution in POLITICS.

Kings/princes provided patronage for scientists for prestige and practical reasons. King Louis XIV and King Louis XV also used science to bring more money and economical benefits (to help build their absolutist power. Ex: King Louis XIV's financial advisor, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, supported scientific institutions for mercantilism and money)

The great scientists such as Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton viewed the use of what as the key to understanding the secrets of nature?


Explain the consequences of the Scientific revolution in INTELLECTUAL.

New scientist/new ideas emerged (constant learning and correcting other scientists to get accurate answers and using more innovative ways to create new thoughts/ideas and techniques/methods were created. People use reasoning more and journals are published to spread scientific ideas (also, groups- English Royal Society and French Royal Academy- are created)

Did Benedict Spinoza feel that religion and science had to be two separate entities?


Was Copernicus' new "heliocentric theory" accurate?


Did Blaise Pascal's attempt to united science and religion work? Was he able to reunite science and religion?

No (the gap between science and traditional religion grew even wider as Europe continued on its path of secularization).

Explain the consequences of the Scientific revolution in ECONOMIC.

People wanted to learn/attain more knowledge to be able to exploit new resources for profit. Practicality- nations needed advancement or else it will fall behind (ex: France and Britain were neck and neck in economics and science, so they are competing nations that cannot fall behind)

How did the French Royal Academy of Sciences and the English Royal Society spread this new knowledge?

Scientific journals (French journal des savants- published weekly about results of experiments as well as general scientific knowledge; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society- published papers of its members and aimed at practicing scientists)

List the contributions of the following women during the Scientific Revolution (Margaret Cavendish).

She was accused by men of being too manly since she participated in crucial scientific debates BELIEF THAT THROUGH SCIENCE, HUMANS WOULD BE MASTERS OF NATURE.

How did Catholics react to the Copernican theory?

The Catholic Church remained silent for the time being; it did not denounce Copernicus until the work of Galileo appeared. AT FIRST, THEY QUESTION AND ACCEPT SCIENCE, BUT THEN EVENTUALLY SAY NO TO SCIENCE

List the contributions of the following women during the Scientific Revolution (Maria Winkelmann).

The MOST FAMOUS FEMALE ASTRONOMER in Germany. She assisted her husband at the astronomical observatory operated in Berlin by the Academy of Science. She made original contributions, including a hither to undiscovered comet (DISCOVERED A COMET)

Explain the Geocentric Theory (aka. Ptolemaic conception- created by Aristotle and Ptolemy makes a few corrections).

The universe was seen as a series of concentric spheres with a fixed or motionless earth at its center, and that the sun and other objects revolved around the earth. THE EARTH IS AT THE CENTER

Descartes claimed, "I think therefore I am." Explain.

This means that because he can think, he exists. He QUESTIONS EVERYTHING and uses DEDUCTIVE REASONING and creates analytic geometry

The greatest achievements of the Scientific Revolution were achieved in which three fields of study?

cosmology, astrology, alchemy

Scientific Societies were incredibly important in allowing scientists to share their ideas. The French Royal Academy of Sciences and the English Royal Society were very important. What types of activities did they engage in?

created a committee to investigate technological improvements for industry; the French Academy collected tools and machines.

What did Leonardo da Vinci say about math?

he said everything is geometry

Explain the contributions of the following in the field of medicine (Vesalius).

made book on a careful exam of the general structure of the human body blood vessels come from the heart, not liver

Francis Bacon is often called the "father of the scientific method." and is a politician/scientist. He believed in INDUCTIVE reasoning (Empiricism)— what does this mean?

make specific observations then draw a general conclusion

List the contributions of the following women during the Scientific Revolution (Maria Merian).

published a book where she used 60 illustrations to show the reproductive and developmental cycles of suriname insect life

Descartes took a different approach to the scientific method- DEDUCTIVE reasoning. What does this mean?

specific conclusion follows a general theory conclusion will be correct if all your statements are correct

Galileo proved the moon was not made of green cheese— how did he do it (meaning...what instrument did he USE)?


what was right about copernicus theory

sun was the center and the planets revolved around it

Religiously speaking, scientists like Galileo, Newton, and others were NOT trying to deny religion... so what did they hope to achieve?

wanted to understand god and his creations.

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