scikit-learn: general concepts and miscellaneous

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A Python library ( used in Scikit-learn to facilite simple parallelism and caching. Joblib is oriented towards efficiently working with numpy arrays, such as through use of memory mapping. See Parallel and distributed computing for more information.

categorical feature

A categorical or nominal feature is one that has a finite set of discrete values across the population of data. These are commonly represented as columns of integers or strings. Strings will be rejected by most scikit-learn estimators, and integers will be treated as ordinal or count-valued. For the use with most estimators, categorical variables should be one-hot encoded. Notable exceptions include tree-based models such as random forests and gradient boosting models that often work better and faster with integer-coded categorical variables. OrdinalEncoder helps encoding string-valued categorical features as ordinal integers, and OneHotEncoder can be used to one-hot encode categorical features. See also Encoding categorical features and the package for tools related to encoding categorical features.


A function, class or an object which implements the __call__ method; anything that returns True when the argument of callable().

memory mapping

A memory efficiency strategy that keeps data on disk rather than copying it into main memory. Memory maps can be created for arrays that can be read, written, or both, using numpy.memmap. When using joblib to parallelize operations in Scikit-learn, it may automatically memmap large arrays to reduce memory duplication overhead in multiprocessing.

data leakage

A problem in cross validation where generalization performance can be over-estimated since knowledge of the test data was inadvertently included in training a model. This is a risk, for instance, when applying a transformer to the entirety of a dataset rather than each training portion in a cross validation split. We aim to provide interfaces (such as pipeline and model_selection) that shield the user from data leakage.

estimator tags

A proposed feature (e.g. #8022) by which the capabilities of an estimator are described through a set of semantic tags. This would enable some runtime behaviors based on estimator inspection, but it also allows each estimator to be tested for appropriate invariances while being excepted from other common tests. Some aspects of estimator tags are currently determined through the duck typing of methods like predict_proba and through some special attributes on estimator objects: _estimator_type This string-valued attribute identifies an estimator as being a classifier, regressor, etc. It is set by mixins such as base.ClassifierMixin, but needs to be more explicitly adopted on a meta-estimator. Its value should usually be checked by way of a helper such as base.is_classifier. _pairwise This boolean attribute indicates whether the data (X) passed to fit and similar methods consists of pairwise measures over samples rather than a feature representation for each sample. It is usually True where an estimator has a metric or affinity or kernel parameter with value 'precomputed'. Its primary purpose is that when a meta-estimator extracts a sub-sample of data intended for a pairwise estimator, the data needs to be indexed on both axes, while other data is indexed only on the first axis.

sparse matrix

A representation of two-dimensional numeric data that is more memory efficient the corresponding dense numpy array where almost all elements are zero. We use the scipy.sparse framework, which provides several underlying sparse data representations, or formats. Some formats are more efficient than others for particular tasks, and when a particular format provides especial benefit, we try to document this fact in Scikit-learn parameter descriptions. Some sparse matrix formats (notably CSR, CSC, COO and LIL) distinguish between implicit and explicit zeros. Explicit zeros are stored (i.e. they consume memory in a data array) in the data structure, while implicit zeros correspond to every element not otherwise defined in explicit storage. Two semantics for sparse matrices are used in Scikit-learn:

sample properties

A sample property is data for each sample (e.g. an array of length n_samples) passed to an estimator method or a similar function, alongside but distinct from the features (X) and target (y). The most prominent example is sample_weight; see others at Data and sample properties. As of version 0.19 we do not have a consistent approach to handling sample properties and their routing in meta-estimators, though a fit_params parameter is often used.


A shorthand for Numpy due to the conventional import statement: import numpy as np


A shorthand for Pandas due to the conventional import statement: import pandas as pd


A transductive (contrasted with inductive) machine learning method is designed to model a specific dataset, but not to apply that model to unseen data. Examples include manifold.TSNE, cluster.AgglomerativeClustering and neighbors.LocalOutlierFactor.


A tuple of length two.

narrative documentation

An alias for User Guide, i.e. documentation written in doc/modules/. Unlike the API reference provided through docstrings, the User Guide aims to: group tools provided by Scikit-learn together thematically or in terms of usage; motivate why someone would use each particular tool, often through comparison; provide both intuitive and technical descriptions of tools; provide or link to examples of using key features of a tool.


An array-like, sparse matrix, pandas DataFrame or sequence (usually a list)


An efficiency strategy where not all the data is stored in main memory at once, usually by performing learning on batches of data. See partial_fit.

graph semantics

As with scipy.sparse.csgraph, explicit zeros are interpreted as the number 0, but implicit zeros indicate a masked or absent value, such as the absence of an edge between two vertices of a graph, where an explicit value indicates an edge's weight. This interpretation is adopted to represent connectivity in clustering, in representations of nearest neighborhoods (e.g. neighbors.kneighbors_graph), and for precomputed distance representation where only distances in the neighborhood of each point are required. When working with sparse matrices, we assume that it is sparse for a good reason, and avoid writing code that densifies a user-provided sparse matrix, instead maintaining sparsity or raising an error if not possible (i.e. if an estimator does not / cannot support sparse matrices).


Calling fit (or fit_transform, fit_predict, etc.) on an estimator


Data that can be represented as a matrix with samples on the first axis and a fixed, finite set of features on the second is called rectangular. This term excludes samples with non-vectorial structure, such as text, an image of arbitrary size, a time series of arbitrary length, a set of vectors, etc. The purpose of a vectorizer is to produce rectangular forms of such data.

evaluation metrics

Evaluation metrics give a measure of how well a model performs. We may use this term specifically to refer to the functions in metrics (disregarding metrics.pairwise), as distinct from the score method and the scoring API used in cross validation. See Model evaluation: quantifying the quality of predictions. These functions usually accept a ground truth (or the raw data where the metric evaluates clustering without a ground truth) and a prediction, be it the output of predict (y_pred), of predict_proba (y_proba), or of an arbitrary score function including decision_function (y_score). Functions are usually named to end with _score if a greater score indicates a better model, and _loss if a lesser score indicates a better model. This diversity of interface motivates the scoring API. Note that some estimators can calculate metrics that are not included in metrics and are estimator-specific, notably model likelihoods.

pairwise metrics

In its broad sense, a pairwise metric defines a function for measuring similarity or dissimilarity between two samples (with each ordinarily represented as a feature vector). We particularly provide implementations of distance metrics (as well as improper metrics like Cosine Distance) through metrics.pairwise_distances, and of kernel functions (a constrained class of similarity functions) in metrics.pairwise_kernels. These can compute pairwise distance matrices that are symmetric and hence store data redundantly. See also precomputed and metric. Note that for most distance metrics, we rely on implementations from scipy.spatial.distance, but may reimplement for efficiency in our context. The neighbors module also duplicates some metric implementations for integration with efficient binary tree search data structures.

feature vector

In the abstract, a feature is a function (in its mathematical sense) mapping a sampled object to a numeric or categorical quantity. "Feature" is also commonly used to refer to these quantities, being the individual elements of a vector representing a sample. In a data matrix, features are represented as columns: each column contains the result of applying a feature function to a set of samples. Elsewhere features are known as attributes, predictors, regressors, or independent variables. Nearly all estimators in scikit-learn assume that features are numeric, finite and not missing, even when they have semantically distinct domains and distributions (categorical, ordinal, count-valued, real-valued, interval). See also categorical feature and missing values. n_features indicates the number of features in a dataset


Individual scalar/categorical variables per sample in the target. For example, in multilabel classification each possible label corresponds to a binary output. Also called responses, tasks or targets. See multiclass multioutput and continuous multioutput.


Inductive (contrasted with transductive) machine learning builds a model of some data that can then be applied to new instances. Most estimators in Scikit-learn are inductive, having predict and/or transform methods.

supervised learning

Learning where the expected prediction (label or ground truth) is available for each sample when fitting the model, provided as y. This is the approach taken in a classifier or regressor among other estimators.

unsupervised learning

Learning where the expected prediction (label or ground truth) is not available for each sample when fitting the model, as in clusterers and outlier detectors. Unsupervised estimators ignore any y passed to fit.


Learning where the expected prediction (label or ground truth) is only available for some samples provided as training data when fitting the model. We conventionally apply the label -1 to unlabeled samples in semi-supervised classification.


May be used to refer to the number of features (i.e. n_features), or columns in a 2d feature matrix. Dimensions are, however, also used to refer to the length of a NumPy array's shape, distinguishing a 1d array from a 2d matrix.

missing values

Most Scikit-learn estimators do not work with missing values. When they do (e.g. in impute.SimpleImputer), NaN is the preferred representation of missing values in float arrays. If the array has integer dtype, NaN cannot be represented. For this reason, we support specifying another missing_values value when imputation or learning can be performed in integer space. Unlabeled data is a special case of missing values in the target.


Most machine learning algorithms require that their inputs have no missing values, and will not work if this requirement is violated. Algorithms that attempt to fill in (or impute) missing values are referred to as imputation algorithms.

data type

NumPy arrays assume a homogeneous data type throughout, available in the .dtype attribute of an array (or sparse matrix). We generally assume simple data types for scikit-learn data: float or integer. We may support object or string data types for arrays before encoding or vectorizing. Our estimators do not work with struct arrays, for instance. TODO: Mention efficiency and precision issues; casting policy.

1d array

One-dimensional array. A NumPy array whose .shape has length 1. A vector.


Refers to both the specific interfaces for estimators implemented in Scikit-learn and the generalized conventions across types of estimators as described in this glossary and overviewed in the contributor documentation. The specific interfaces that constitute Scikit-learn's public API are largely documented in API Reference. However we less formally consider anything as public API if none of the identifiers required to access it begins with _. We generally try to maintain backwards compatibility for all objects in the public API. Private API, including functions, modules and methods beginning _ are not assured to be stable.


Samples with an unknown ground truth when fitting; equivalently, missing values in the target. See also semisupervised and unsupervised learning.


The dependent variable in supervised (and semisupervised) learning, passed as y to an estimator's fit method. Also known as dependent variable, outcome variable, response variable, ground truth or label. Scikit-learn works with targets that have minimal structure: a class from a finite set, a finite real-valued number, multiple classes, or multiple numbers. See Target Types.


The embedded documentation for a module, class, function, etc., usually in code as a string at the beginning of the object's definition, and accessible as the object's __doc__ attribute. We try to adhere to PEP257, and follow NumpyDoc conventions.

multilabel indicator matrices

The format used to represent multilabel data, where each row of a 2d array or sparse matrix corresponds to a sample, each column corresponds to a class, and each element is 1 if the sample is labeled with the class and 0 if no


The most common data format for input to Scikit-learn estimators and functions, array-like is any type object for which numpy.asarray will produce an array of appropriate shape (usually 1 or 2-dimensional) of appropriate dtype (usually numeric). This includes: a numpy array a list of numbers a list of length-k lists of numbers for some fixed length k a pandas.DataFrame with all columns numeric a numeric pandas.Series It excludes: a sparse matrix an iterator a generator Note that output from scikit-learn estimators and functions (e.g. predictions) should generally be arrays or sparse matrices, or lists thereof (as in multi-output tree.DecisionTreeClassifier's predict_proba). An estimator where predict() returns a list or a pandas.Series is not valid.

matrix semantics

The sparse matrix is interpreted as an array with implicit and explicit zeros being interpreted as the number 0. This is the interpretation most often adopted, e.g. when sparse matrices are used for feature matrices or multilabel indicator matrices.


The state of an estimator after fitting. There is no conventional procedure for checking if an estimator is fitted. However, an estimator that is not fitted: should raise exceptions.NotFittedError when a prediction method (predict, transform, etc.) is called. (utils.validation.check_is_fitted is used internally for this purpose.) should not have any attributes beginning with an alphabetic character and ending with an underscore. (Note that a descriptor for the attribute may still be present on the class, but hasattr should return False)

early stopping

This consists in stopping an iterative optimization method before the convergence of the training loss, to avoid over-fitting. This is generally done by monitoring the generalization score on a validation set. When available, it is activated through the parameter early_stopping or by setting a positive n_iter_no_change.

common tests

This refers to the tests run on almost every estimator class in Scikit-learn to check they comply with basic API conventions. They are available for external use through utils.estimator_checks.check_estimator, with most of the implementation in sklearn/utils/ Note: Some exceptions to the common testing regime are currently hard-coded into the library, but we hope to replace this by marking exceptional behaviours on the estimator using semantic estimator tags.


To copy an estimator instance and create a new one with identical parameters, but without any fitted attributes, using clone. When fit is called, a meta-estimator usually clones a wrapped estimator instance before fitting the cloned instance. (Exceptions, for legacy reasons, include Pipeline and FeatureUnion.)

2d array

Two-dimensional array. A NumPy array whose .shape has length 2. Often represents a matrix


We mostly use attribute to refer to how model information is stored on an estimator during fitting. Any public attribute stored on an estimator instance is required to begin with an alphabetic character and end in a single underscore if it is set in fit or partial_fit. These are what is documented under an estimator's Attributes documentation. The information stored in attributes is usually either: sufficient statistics used for prediction or transformation; transductive outputs such as labels_ or embedding_; or diagnostic data, such as feature_importances_. Common attributes are listed below. A public attribute may have the same name as a constructor parameter, with a _ appended. This is used to store a validated or estimated version of the user's input. For example, decomposition.PCA is constructed with an n_components parameter. From this, together with other parameters and the data, PCA estimates the attribute n_components_. Further private attributes used in prediction/transformation/etc. may also be set when fitting. These begin with a single underscore and are not assured to be stable for public access. A public attribute on an estimator instance that does not end in an underscore should be the stored, unmodified value of an __init__ parameter of the same name. Because of this equivalence, these are documented under an estimator's Parameters documentation.


We mostly use parameter to refer to the aspects of an estimator that can be specified in its construction. For example, max_depth and random_state are parameters of RandomForestClassifier. Parameters to an estimator's constructor are stored unmodified as attributes on the estimator instance, and conventionally start with an alphabetic character and end with an alphanumeric character. Each estimator's constructor parameters are described in the estimator's docstring. We do not use parameters in the statistical sense, where parameters are values that specify a model and can be estimated from data. What we call parameters might be what statisticians call hyperparameters to the model: aspects for configuring model structure that are often not directly learnt from data. However, our parameters are also used to prescribe modeling operations that do not affect the learnt model, such as n_jobs for controlling parallelism. When talking about the parameters of a meta-estimator, we may also be including the parameters of the estimators wrapped by the meta-estimator. Ordinarily, these nested parameters are denoted by using a double underscore (__) to separate between the estimator-as-parameter and its parameter. Thus clf = BaggingClassifier(base_estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3)) has a deep parameter base_estimator__max_depth with value 3, which is accessible with clf.base_estimator.max_depth or clf.get_params()['base_estimator__max_depth']. The list of parameters and their current values can be retrieved from an estimator instance using its get_params method. Between construction and fitting, parameters may be modified using set_params. To enable this, parameters are not ordinarily validated or altered when the estimator is constructed, or when each parameter is set. Parameter validation is performed when fit is called. Common parameters are listed below.


We provide ad hoc function interfaces for many algorithms, while estimator classes provide a more consistent interface. In particular, Scikit-learn may provide a function interface that fits a model to some data and returns the learnt model parameters, as in linear_model.enet_path. For transductive models, this also returns the embedding or cluster labels, as in manifold.spectral_embedding or cluster.dbscan. Many preprocessing transformers also provide a function interface, akin to calling fit_transform, as in preprocessing.maxabs_scale. Users should be careful to avoid data leakage when making use of these fit_transform-equivalent functions. We do not have a strict policy about when to or when not to provide function forms of estimators, but maintainers should consider consistency with existing interfaces, and whether providing a function would lead users astray from best practices (as regards data leakage, etc.)

estimator instance

We sometimes use this terminology to distinguish an estimator class from a constructed instance. For example, in the following, cls is an estimator class, while est1 and est2 are instances: cls = RandomForestClassifier est1 = cls() est2 = RandomForestClassifier()

duck typing

We try to apply duck typing to determine how to handle some input values (e.g. checking whether a given estimator is a classifier). That is, we avoid using isinstance where possible, and rely on the presence or absence of attributes to determine an object's behaviour. Some nuance is required when following this approach: For some estimators, an attribute may only be available once it is fitted. For instance, we cannot a priori determine if predict_proba is available in a grid search where the grid includes alternating between a probabilistic and a non-probabilistic predictor in the final step of the pipeline. In the following, we can only determine if clf is probabilistic after fitting it on some data: >>> >>> from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV >>> from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier >>> clf = GridSearchCV(SGDClassifier(), ... param_grid={'loss': ['log', 'hinge']}) This means that we can only check for duck-typed attributes after fitting, and that we must be careful to make meta-estimators only present attributes according to the state of the underlying estimator after fitting. Checking if an attribute is present (using hasattr) is in general just as expensive as getting the attribute (getattr or dot notation). In some cases, getting the attribute may indeed be expensive (e.g. for some implementations of feature_importances_, which may suggest this is an API design flaw). So code which does hasattr followed by getattr should be avoided; getattr within a try-except block is preferred. For determining some aspects of an estimator's expectations or support for some feature, we use estimator tags instead of duck typing.


We use deprecation to slowly violate our backwards compatibility assurances, usually to to: change the default value of a parameter; or remove a parameter, attribute, method, class, etc. We will ordinarily issue a warning when a deprecated element is used, although there may be limitations to this. For instance, we will raise a warning when someone sets a parameter that has been deprecated, but may not when they access that parameter's attribute on the estimator instance.


We usually use this term as a noun to indicate a single feature vector. Elsewhere a sample is called an instance, data point, or observation. n_samples indicates the number of samples in a dataset, being the number of rows in a data array X.

double underscore notation

When specifying parameter names for nested estimators, __ may be used to separate between parent and child in some contexts. The most common use is when setting parameters through a meta-estimator with set_params and hence in specifying a search grid in parameter search. See parameter. It is also used in for passing sample properties to the fit methods of estimators in the pipeline.

online learning

Where a model is iteratively updated by receiving each batch of ground truth targets soon after making predictions on corresponding batch of data. Intrinsically, the model must be usable for prediction after each batch. See partial_fit.


Where algorithms rely on pairwise metrics, and can be computed from pairwise metrics alone, we often allow the user to specify that the X provided is already in the pairwise (dis)similarity space, rather than in a feature space. That is, when passed to fit, it is a square, symmetric matrix, with each vector indicating (dis)similarity to every sample, and when passed to prediction/transformation methods, each row corresponds to a testing sample and each column to a training sample. Use of precomputed X is usually indicated by setting a metric, affinity or kernel parameter to the string 'precomputed'. An estimator should mark itself as being _pairwise if this is the case.

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