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A typical retrospective takes around 2 hours

These stages are iterative , and the team may need to revisit previous stages as needed

Scrum TIA

Transparency, Inspection, Adaption

Three questions of the daily scrum

- What did you do yesterday ? - What will you do today ? - Are there any impediments in your way ?

When can retrospectives happen :

- When the team completes a release or ships something . It does not have to be a monumental increment It can be any release , no matter how small - When more than a few weeks have passed since the previous retrospective - When the team appears to be stuck and completed work is not flowing through the team - When the team reaches any other milestone

Daily Scrum

A timeboxed 15 minute or less ) daily scrum is held by the development team members every day of the sprint , ideally at the same time . As a result of the common practice of standing up during the meeting to promote brevity this inspection and adaptation activity is referred to as the daily stand - up

Scrum Teams perform two inspect-and-adapt activities

1. sprint review 1. sprint retrospective These activities may result in adaptations that will be included in the product backlog or part of the development process of the team.

Scrum has a 3-5-3 rule

3 Roles, 5 Activities, 3 Artifacts

Sprint Review

A Sprint Review occurs when the Scrum Team and stakeholders review the results of a Sprint and determine what should be done next . Who can attend - the Product Owner , the Scrum Team , the Scrum Master , management , customers and developers from other projects

Team (Developers)

A group of professionals ( designers , developers testers , and any other required roles ) who do the work of delivering an increment of done product at the end of each Sprint . Team members should ensure that the developed piece of software addresses the project goals .

Sprint Review

A meeting that occurs after each sprint to show the product or process to stakeholders for approval and to receive feedback.The first, the sprint review, involves stakeholders and the Scrum Team inspecting the product as it is being developed.

backlog grooming

A process of creating , refining , estimating , and prioritizing product backlog items is referred to as grooming The grooming or refinement of the product backlog should be conducted at the same time , at the same location , and for the same duration for each iteration or sprint as part of Scrum .


A release in Agile encompasses the work of several sprints , aimed at bringing operational and potentially shippable increments of the product to the market for rollout and testing . The goal is to ensure that the development work aligns with the product vision and contributes step by step towards achieving the overall objectives .


A sprint is a time - boxed iteration of 1-4 weeks that includes a Sprint Planning Meeting , Daily Scrum , the actual work , Sprint Review Meeting and Sprint Retrospective .


A sprint results in a potentially shippable product increment which means whatever the Scrum Team agreed to do was actually done according to its definition . The moment a Product Backlog item meets the Definition of Done , an Increment is born


Are eager to discover new ideas and insights . They want to learn everything they can about the iteration / release / project .


Aren't interested in the work of the retrospective but are happy to be away from the daily grind ..

Scrum Management aims to provide insight and information to the Product Owner about high - value product and system capabilities in order to support the Product Owner

Assist the Scrum Master in fostering organizational change that fosters empiricism , self - management , bottom - up intelligence , and intelligent product development .

Partially Completed Product and Customer Feedback

In Agile practices , customers are involved in reviewing and providing feedback on partially completed increments of the product , typically at the end of each sprint . This feedback is crucial as it helps in re - prioritizing and adjusting the tasks and features planned for subsequent sprints , ensuring that the product development is responsive to customer needs and preferences .

Agile Release Planning

In Agile the release schedule is divided into smaller , manageable iterations , known as sprints . This approach facilitates customer involvement by providing opportunities for them to give feedback on each iteration of the product . Such feedback can lead to quicker adjustments and enhancements to the product .

Scrum Master (Servant Leader)

Ensures that all Scrum events take place and are positive , productive , and kept within the timebox . The Scrum Master should ensure proper processes are set up to achieve compliance with the national regulations .


Feel they have been forced to attend and would rather be doing something else .

Sprint Review

Goal : discuss and demo work completed , celebrate and highlight accomplishments , and determine next actions . Participants : entire Scrum Team , Product Owner , business stakeholders . They might also release product functionality if it's already complete .

Daily Scrum

Goal : ensure the project team has shared visibility of how the sprint is progressing . Should The Daily Scrum is for the Developers . It should not be used by external stakeholders to check progress .

Sprint Planning

Goal : establish the desired outcome for the upcoming sprint , define what backlog items can be accomplished , and determine how to achieve each item . During Sprint Planning the Scrum Team should be crafting the Sprint Goal based on the set of Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint . The Developers identify the necessary work to meet the Sprint Goal .

Sprint Retrospective

Goal : understand what worked and what didn't in the last sprint , with a focus on increasing quality and effectiveness . Together , the group comes up with solutions and an action plan to prevent Note : A retrospective is not about blame . The and identify process retrospective is about looking at the qualitative problems in the next people's feelings ) and quantitative sprint . measurements ) data . Consider limiting the number of action items . A facilitator from the team ' Parking lot ' leads them through an activity to rank the happens here . importance of each improvement item . It's in this meeting they would find ways to gain the customer's trust .

Backlog refinement

Is a regular session where backlog items are discussed , reviewed , and prioritized by product managers , Product Owners , and the rest of the team . Not an official ceremony . Progressive elaboration of project requirements and / or the ongoing activity in which the team collaboratively reviews , updates , and writes requirements to satisfy the need of the customer request Also called backlog grooming .

Canceling a Sprint

It is only by the Product Owner's authority that a sprint can be canceled before it ends. A sprint is canceled when the goal of the sprint becomes obsolete. The Product Owner will usually accept any part of the work that has been completed to date and that is currently being done if the sprint were to be canceled. Payments will be made to the customer, as needed, for the completed work. As soon as that has been accomplished, all incomplete items in the product backlog will be re-estimated and placed back in the product backlog for possible future use.

Differences between Product Owner vs Scrum Master vs Team (Developers)

It is the responsibility of the entire Scrum Team to create a valuable , useful increment every Sprint , and the selection of items from the Product Backlog for the Sprint is owned collectively by the developers . In order to facilitate communication and collaboration , individual developers may not claim ownership of any item . They all share the risks

Scrum Ceremony- Back Log

Not part of the ceremony but starts with a backlog where the most valuable work gets done first

3. Generate Insights

Objectives Analyze the data and generate insights about the team's performance , processes , and communication. Duration 25 mins

2 .Gather Data

Objectives Collect data from the team about the previous sprint , such as what worked well and what didn't. Duration 40 mins

1. Set the Stage

Objectives Create a safe and collaborative environment for the retrospective. Duration 6 mins

4. Decide What to Do

Objectives Decide on concrete action items to improve the team's performance in the next sprint . Duration 20 mins

5 Close the Retrospective

Objectives Duration Review the action items and summarize the 20 mins retrospective .


Scrum is an agile project management framework based on a set of values, principles, and practices that help teams structure and manage their work. Scrum is founded on empirical process control theory, or empiricism. Empiricism asserts that knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is observed.

Sprint Planning

Sprint planning is the first part of every sprint. In many cases, a product backlog represents a considerable amount of work, much more than can be accomplished in one sprint. As part of sprint planning, the Product Owner, development team, and Scrum Master determine which items from the product backlog are the most important to build in the next sprint. It is the responsibility of the Product Owner and development team to agree on a sprint goal that defines what the upcoming sprint is supposed to accomplish during sprint planning. As a result, the product backlog items are broken down into tasks by the development team, which in turn is a form of design and just-in-time planning for how the features can be achieved.

ESVP Framework ( Explorer , Shopper , Vacationer , Prisoner )

The ESVP Framework is a tool used in Agile methodologies , particularly during retrospectives to gauge and understand team members ' attitudes and engagement levels .

Product Owner

The Product Owner is the sole person responsible for prioritizing the backlog by value and has the final say . The main reason for this is to optimize value so that whatever the development team is working on will produce a valuable , usable increment

Sprint Execution

The development team , guided by the Scrum Master's coaching , performs all of the task - level work necessary to complete the features once the Scrum Team has completed sprint planning . Sprint execution takes up the majority of time spent in each sprint

product backlog

The development team is unlikely to be able to complete all of the items in the product backlog in a short-duration sprint due to the number of items in the product backlog. As a result, at the beginning of each sprint, the development team must decide what product backlog items it believes it can accomplish - an activity known as sprint planning.

Sprint Retrospectives

Upon completion of a sprint the second inspect - and - adapt activity is the sprint retrospective , which is usually conducted immediately following the sprint review and prior to the next sprint planning meeting


Will look over all the available information and be happy to go home with one useful new idea

Sprint Retrospective

an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for improvements to be enacted during the next Sprint. The second, the sprint retrospective, is an inspection of the Scrum process used to create the product.

Release Plan

consists of selected features from the Product Backlog that are scheduled to be implemented in a particular release . These features are chosen based on their priority and alignment with the product's roadmap .

Sprints begin with sprint planning, include development...

development work during the sprint (called sprint execution), and conclude with a review and retrospective.

Product Owner

has a vision for what they want to create, through grooming, they break down large ideas/vision into a set of features. These are features then collected into a prioritized list called the product backlog.

Scrum sprint cycle

is repeated, and the development team decides which product backlog items are most important to complete next. Following the completion of an appropriate number of sprints, the Product Owner's vision will be realized and a potentially shippable product can be released.

Product Backlog (same as Story Backlog)

is the ordered list of all the work, presented in story form for a team. It is the only source of input for a Scrum Team to perform work. The Product Owners create the backlog for and with the team. The Project Manager should work with the Product Owner on the backlog.

Scrum Ceremony

it is important that the length of the sprint ceremony be short enough to allow the product owner to maintain a responsible level of business risk as well as sychchronize the development of the product with other business event

The key difference is that a Sprint Review focuses

on improving so the team can deliver a better product , whereas a Sprint Retrospective focuses on improving the overall system so the team can work more harmoniously and find flow together

No matter how many Scrum Teams are used

products have only one Product Backlog . Any other configuration makes it difficult for the Developers to determine what to work on . Only include enough stories in the backlog to understand the first release Use impact mapping to visualize how the product fits together . Everyone is permitted to add items to the backlog , but only the Product Owner can prioritize them .

Teams that follow Scrum are

self - organized and cross - functional . In order to maximize flexibility in decision making and creativity , the self - organization designed to maximize productivity

Who is responsible for managing the progress of work during a Sprint

the Developers use the Daily Scrum to inspect progress toward the Sprint Goal and to inspect how progress is trending toward completing the work in the Sprint Backlog.

Using factors such as value, cost, knowledge, and risk...

the product backlog items are arranged in a sequence in which the highest value items are at the top and the lower value items are at the bottom. As an evolving artifact, the product backlog is constantly updated.

Sprint Backlog vs. Product Backlog

the sprint backlog is specific only to the sprint goal in a particular sprint. the product backlog is specific to the entire goal of the product

In order to function effectively , the Scrum Team has

three members : the Product Owner , the Scrum Master , and the Development Team

Sprint Backlog

to acquire in what it can get done, development teams break down each targeted feature into a set of tasks. These tasks, as well as their associated product backlog items, form a second backlog referred to as a sprint backlog

t is ultimately the Product Owner's responsibility...

to determine and manage the sequence of this work, with input from the Scrum Team and stakeholders, in the form of a prioritized (or ordered) list known as the product backlog, and to communicate it to stakeholders. • New-product development begins with features that must be included in the product backlog in order to meet the vision of the Product Owner. • As part of ongoing product development, the product backlog may also include new features, changes to existing features, defects that need to be repaired, and technical improvements.

sprint execution

where the development team completes the tasks necessary to implement the selected features. In order to maintain the flow of work during sprint execution, team members conduct a daily scrum, an activity that involves synchronizing, inspecting, and adapting to changes in the work. A potential shippable product increment has been produced by the team at the end of sprint execution that represents part of the Product Owner's vision, but not all of it.

Scrum sprint cycles are repeated...

where the development team identifies the next most important set of product backlog items it needs to complete. An appropriate number of sprints will be completed by the Product Owner in order to realize his or her vision and release the solution.

The 5 Scrum values are:

• Commitment • Courage • Focus • Openness • Respect.

Scrum Framework

• Product Backlog • Sprints • Sprint Planning • Sprint Backlog • Sprint Execution • Daily Scrum • Done • Sprint Review • Sprint Retrospectives


● In the sprint , no changes are made that could affect the sprint velocity . ● Throughout the sprint , the development team members remain the same . ● Each sprint is intended to deliver valuable increments which adhere to the Scrum Team's current Definition of Done . ● The Project Manager does not determine the length of the sprint ; this is determined by the Product Owner . The Project Manager needs approval from the Product Owner when removing items from the current sprint . ● During the sprint , scope can be clarified and renegotiated between the Product Owner and the Developers as new information becomes available . The Scrum Team is ultimately responsible for creating a valuable , useful increment , so it is imperative to be transparent when challenges arise . ● The next sprint begins immediately following the conclusion of the previous sprint . ● A sprint concludes when the timebox expires. A sprint may also end if the sprint goal becomes obsolete. Only the Product Owner has the authority to terminate a sprint prematurely

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