Second Midterm - Kin 2263G

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First game of baseball recorded by who?

Adam E. Ford

1880, NLA becomes National Amateur Lacrosse Association (NALA). What were the new policies?

Adopted stricter racist and amateur policies

Prevalence of Taverns in the 1800s

Alcohol pervaded social life, everywhere. Incredible amount of taverns in the 1840s and onward

Most famous Stanley Cup challenge and most famous player on the team?

Dawson City defeats Ottawa Silver Seven, and Frank MaGee scores 14 goals with only one working eye

Population Distribution in the late 1800s

Densely populated south eastern Canada

How did Frank Selke characterize the crowds that attended the opening of Madison Square Gardens? =

Described the audience as having "Real class" from "respectable" people. Undertone of socioeconomic class

2. Organization of Time

Increasingly mechanized way of life -Migration to urban areas -Lived life by the clock

Significance of Joe Beef's Tavern @ Montreal

Kept animals for fighting and entertainment

Montreal in the 1800s was known as _______. Why?

The Cradle of Organized Sport -Well positioned by its geography to control the import and export of the fur industry -Economic vitality through commercial opportunity -Became a mecca for sports in the 19th century

Who established first Hockey rules?

McGill University students who established the McGill playing rules which featured rules common in other games: -No forward passing (rugby) -Face-offs (lacrosse) -Nine players (rugby and lacrosse)

Sport reporting is a ______ Experience


The Toronto Star's Name changes:

The Evening Star (est. 1892); The Toronto Daily Star (1900); The Toronto Star (1971)

Function of "Amateurism"

Membership... Control who competed with whom

What was the first sporting club and oldest in North America? When

Montreal Curling Club, 1807 -Scottish merchants

George Beers

Montreal Dentist who organized and promoted Lacrosse, credited with founding the game at UCC and spreading it nationally

Who stated: "Sports heroes provide windows or texts through which we can see how communities eulogize and celebrate their stars"

Morrow and Wamsley

Who was the prominent woman reporter for the Montreal Daily Star? Her section's title

Myrtle Cook. "In the Women's Sportlight"

George Beers Believed Lacrosse should be Canada's ______ Sport. Why?

National. He was an ardent nationalist

Why is it important to study spectatorship?

Need to know how the market was grasped by populations. Necessary to understand marketing tactics and socioeconomics of sports

4. Communication

New technology and better transportation increased communication -Newspaper, telegraphs, and radio -Increase in Newspaper prints -Expanded sport coverage

Could Women Duel?

No. Only for male elites. For women, they must have male representatives to duel on their behalf. Gentile femininity was expected.

In1886, the Amateur Hockey Association of Canada is formed and the __________________ is formed in 1890.

Ontario Hockey Association

George Sleeman's Role in Baseball

Owned and operated Sleeman brewery, and owned Guelph Maple Leafs. Because of him, baseball garnered hate from Temperance movement and amateur advocates -President of Canadian Base Ball Association (1876)

Sin Tax

taxes: alcohol / gambling / billiards / tobacco Earliest legislation to regulate booze trade and collect revenue

Media can report past, present, and future events. Which is most important?


Emergence of Organized Sport after the 1850s was was linked directly to the __________. Centralization of industry through Act of Union (1840)

Rise of the middle class

5. Demarcation of Space

See changes in facilities and bounded / regulated spaces for sport

Purpose of the European Tours of 1867, 1876, 1883

Showcasing canada's National physical prowess. Native involvement despite being banned from NLA. Great Britain Loved it

Significance of The Beaver Club @ Montreal (1785)

Social and some physical recreation for Upper Middle Class men only - Similar to Order of Good Cheer

3. Transportation

Steamboat and railroad development

Tavern Culture

Tavern tied to rural life as the main sports and recreation venue. A big social hub that was classless.

Temperance Lobby

Temperance movements focused on the perceived threat that alcohol posed to the stability of the family unit. -Pushed for laws that prohibited sport, games, and drinking on the Lord's Day -Saw sports as an aspect of society that propagated alcohol consumption

International Media

The Associated Press via The Canadian World Desk

Motto of the Montreal Curling Club

"How Social the Game, and How Manly!" -Social club primarily

Don Morrow's Quote about Professional athletes

"The prevailing concept of the professional athlete in Canada during the 1880s and 1890s was equated with prostitution"

The Purpose of a Duel

"To demand satisfaction" -Practiced among the elite from the 19th to 19th century to protect honour and a way to absolve insults. -Long process

Purpose of the MAAA

"the promotion of physical and mental culture among, and the providing of rational amusements and recreation for, its members"

Most Important: Garrison, Tavern, or Men's Club?

The inn/Tavern was the most important in 19th century Upper Canada

Canadian Amateur Athletic Union (CAAU) Est. 1898 -- Why was it created and what was its function

-AAAC allies with Amateur Athletic Union of US -Name change + more self-proclaimed authority -Ironclad opposition to professionalism -Key competitions not governed by CAAU: -Stanley Cup, est. 1893 -Minto Cup, est. 1901 -Sports were not amateur because of money

Who was Ned Hanlan and what was he known for?

-Canada's first individual World Champion in Sport. -Single-Scull rowing was one of Canada's most popular sports during the late 19th century -Controvercial career underlined by wealthy backers and gambling / smuggling

Amateur Athletic Association of Canada (AAAC) Est. 1884 -- Why was it created and what was its function

-Instigated by the MAAA after recognizing the need for a Canadian governing sport organization 1) oversee sports development nationwide 2) custodian of the amateur ideal

List of Acronym Organizations lol

-MAAA - First sporting club (1881), Montreal based. -AAAC - First national sport governing body, Montreal's amateur vision for all of Canada. -CAAU - Basically the AAAC but with an American allegiance -AAFC - The Montreal-centred splinter group from the CAAU, starting the Athletic war and leaving the power of the CAAU centered in Toronto -AAUC - The result of the Athletic War, the reunion of the AAFC and the CAAU

Amateur Athletic Federation of Canada (AAFC) Est. 1907

-MAAA withdraws support & membership, 1906 -Est. the Amateur Athletic Federation of Canada, est. 1907 -Claims jurisdiction over all athletes & all sports in Canada -Tactic by the MAAA to establish its preferred approach to sport -Now have 'war' with the CAAU (Toronto) vs. AAFC (Montreal)

What are Melodramas?

-Melodramas were exceedingly interactive, involving a dynamic relationship between the audience and the performers, often with the reactions influencing the outcome of the performance.

USA Origins of Baseball

-Merchants, cigar dealers, formed around saloons and railway tracks -Urban game in the sense that it was started by urban working people

Which two leagues formed to create Nation-wide competition for the Stanley Cup?

-National Hockey Association formed in 1909. -Pacific Coast Hockey League formed in 1911 on the west coast

Who is Tom Longboat and what did he accomplish?

-Onondaga from Six Nations, won the 1907 Boston Marathon -Was considered a contender to medal at 1908 Olympics in London

1860: Prince of Wales visit -- What was the visit for and what was the result?

-Prince of Wales medal Awarded to "Native" winning team of a demonstration game played between 25 Aboriginals and 25 "gentleman players of Montreal." result -Result of this game is that there was a standardized set of rules — need to formalize and create rational sport. First lacrosse rules published in a brochure

prevalence of Sporting Clubs in Montreal during the late 1800s

-Sporting clubs expanded exponentially and then plateaued in the early 1930s

Implications of the Railroad

-The Last Spike, 1885 -- most important impact in the 1800s -Connected the country -Increased organized sport and international competitions

What was a major factor in the growth of professional hockey in Canada?

-The growth of pro hockey in Canada is inextricably linked to the boom in the mining industry in the early 20th century.

What does Dopp argue about Canadian Identity?

-There is no such thing Argument against: Absence of identity is a form of identity -- multivalent identity

Tom Longboat's Olympic Issue

-Was considered a contender to medal at 1908 Olympics in London -Leslie Boyd, AAFC (and president of MAAA) schemes with James Sullivan to declare Longboat a professional as an act of racist class discrimination

1. Industrial Revolution

-Went from Agrarian to Technological lifestyle -Average Income increased tenfold -Labour changed -- no regulation on how long one worked (Completed by the job)

How was sports reporting MORE than just sports reporting?

1. Catered interests in various sports 2. Educational function about sports 3. Shaped how sports would be played 4. Reinforced Gender order in sport

National Lacrosse Association (NLA) Est. 1867. What were Beers' aims by establishing league?

1. Expand lacrosse outside Montreal 2. Popularize among the masses 3. Enshrine as the national game

Six Factors of the Development of Organized Sport in Canada

1. Industrialization 2. Organization of Time 3. Transportation 4. Communication 5. Demarcation of Space 6. Equipment

Factors that contributed to sport becoming organized shaped three factors:

1. Type of Sport 2. Who could play* 3. Speed of development *Most important

Transportation for International Sprot -- Paris Crew Rowers

1867 -Travelled to europe and won, first time Canada was introduced internationally through a sporting event

Timeline: Control for Amateur Sport

1881 Montreal Amateur Athletic Association 1884 Amateur Athletic Association of Canada 1898 Canadian Amateur Athletic Union 1907 Amateur Athletic Federation of Canada 1909 Amateur Athletic Union of Canada

Barbara Ann Scott -- Olympic role and societal

1948 - Won gold in Ladies' singles figure skating and became a national icon -Referred to as a "doll" -Objectified by the media perpetually

Who was Ted Reeve, who'd he work for, and why was it significant?

Athlete/coach who became a sports writer for the Toronto Telegram. His section was called "Sporting Extras" And was so popular that the Toronto Globe & Mail bought the Toronto Telegram just to get him as an employee.

Muscular Christianity

Becoming closer to god by competing vigorously

Popularity of baseball?

Between 1900 and 1920, baseball was easily Canada's most popular sport

Which black baseball player was forced to leave the country due to prejudice?

Bill "Hippo" Galloway

Amateur Athletic Union of Canada (AAUC) Est. 1909 -- What was it?

CAAU and AAFC unite

National Media

Canadian Press / La Press

Ben Johnson controversy. Who was he and what was the major storyline behind his Olympic performance.

Canadian track star who destroyed the 50 and 60m records. Rivalry with Carl Lewis. -Won the 100m at Seoul olympics in 1988 and set a world record. Was discovered to have Stanozolol in his system.

First clear definition of Amateurism -- Two main clauses and creator

Cannot be a laboror an Indian -Created by Montreal Pedestrian Club, 1873

6. Equipment

Changes in affordability, availability, and standardization

Who was Ned Hanlan's biggest rival?

Charles Edward Courtney

Montreal Amateur Athletic Association (MAAA) - Est. 1881 - Clubs comprised

Comprised three clubs: -Montreal Snow Shoe Club -Montreal Bicycle Club -Montreal Lacrosse Club First governing body that controlled more than one sport

Who asserted that, when discussing plans for a new hockey arena: "we need a place that people can go to in their evening clothes ... a place that people can be proud to take their wives and girlfriends"?

Conn Smythe

Work Bees

Construction of a physical structure as a community -- Link to physical labour prowess and communal competition with a common goal. -Strength signified class values and masculine identity

What was the investigation of Ben Johnson called?

Dubin Inquiry

Implications of the Steamboat

Economy class -Expensive but increased travel for all

The Men's Club

Explicitly gendered place for competitive drinking and socializing

Significance of the Montreal Lacrosse Club - 1856

First Lacrosse organization founded by several members of the Montreal Snow Shoe Club

What are the two national myths Dopp addresses?

First Myth: Myth of the North -Climate of north shaped canadian personality -Race lead to northern struggle for survival Second Myth: Small town -Idealized small town Canadian life -Idealize athletes and where they began

Gentry Masculinity

For the male elite, emphasis NOT on physical ability. Rather, focus on the process of relations between men. Rank, status, family name, etc.

Difference between forces that formed Canadian Baseball and other sports

Forces influenced by commercial sport interests in the United States rather than pure amateurism in the form of organizations like the MAAA.

Heterotransplantation of Lacrosse Rules

Gentlemanly play is derived from notions of honour, and notions of Victorian society, it stuck to a sport where there is no familiarity — these gentlemanly concepts were trying to exclude the "non-gentleman" individuals ( i.e., the aboriginals who started the game)

William Abraham Hewitt

Important contemporary sports editor

Myrtle Cook's impact on women's sport

Increased female participation in sport, and challenged ideas about female frailty and masculinization

1885, the Montreal City Hockey League was formed comprising 4 teams. What was the interesting team?


Confederation in 1867 lead to what?

Major expansion of lacrosse.. from only 10 clubs to over 80 with 2000 members. Needed rules formalized, which were in the "17 Laws of Lacrosse"

What was the main event of the Richard Riots?

March 17, 1955 NHL President Clarence Campbell attended a game at the Montreal Forum. Protestors jeered Campbell and a tear gas bomb exploded in the arena, causing its evacuation

When and where was hockey's "Birth"

March 3, 1875 at the Victoria Skating Rink in Montreal

What sparked the Richard Riots?

Maurice "Rocket" Richard, a player for the Montreal Canadiens. -Incident with Hal Loyce of the Bruins that got him suspended for the rest of the season and playoffs -Quebecois felt betrayed by anglophones

What generated popularity of Women's Softball and Baseball in Canada

The first world war and workplace teams

Quantified popularity of newspapers in Canadian Media in the late 19th century

The years 1899-1921 saw daily newspapers increase by 233 percent -Minko Sotiron

Significance of the Montreal Bicycle Club - 1878

Third in North America. Penny-farthings were ridden in military formal attire. Very social

What is the Allan Cup?

To this day, 'Amateur' men's hockey still exists, in the form of the men's senior championship which competes for the Allan Cup, a legacy of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Championship trophy.

Lou Marsh: Legacy on sports reporting, name of his column, and his award

Transition from news about sport as a social event for the elite, to a separate sports page for the masses -Pick & Shovel -Best Canadian Athlete as voted on by the media

Significance of the Montreal Snow Shoe Club

Turned transportation into recreqation. Ushered in the modern era of commercial organized sport. -"Tramping" -- Whipper-In

How and at what pace did hockey spread across Canada?

Unlike baseball, hockey's growth crept slowly across Canada, relying on the Stanley Cup challenge matches to showcase the new sport.

How were olympic teams decided early in the 20th Century?

Winner of the Allan Cup goes to the Olympics as Team Canada if they win in an olympic year

First Game of Baseball -- Where and When?

on Militia Muster Day (1838) Between Beachville and the Zorras, two neighbouring towns in Ontario.

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