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Senate Election of 1858

"A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free." This speech was given at which popularized event/ election?

vigilante committees

Abolitionists and many Northerners despised the Compromise of 1850. So, Northerners formed these to protect runaways


During this time period Sectionalism was mild & resolved by compromise


During this time period, The slave issue became "irreconcilable" & led to the Civil War


During this time period, the growth of abolitionism & westward expansion intensified the question of the "morality" of slavery

Abraham Lincoln winning the Presidential election, without a single southern vote.

Growing Southern fears that the North would end slavery, was furthered fueled by this political act in 1860.

John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry

Growing Southern fears that the North would end slavery, was furthered fueled by this violent act, in 1859.


Having more loyalty to the region you live in rather than the nation as a whole.


In 1833, the issue of these divided North & South

Wilmot Proviso

In 1846, Northern Congressmen tried to pass this law that would have outlawed all slaves from the Mexican Cession


In 1850, this state asked to enter the Union as a free state

Uncle Tom's Cabin

In 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe published this bestselling book that depicted slavery as a moral evil and inspired many in the North to join the abolitionist cause.

Stephen Douglas

In 1854, this man would write the legislation in dealing with the Kansas- Nebraska Territory

"Bleeding Kansas"

In 1856, a war began between Kansas and Missouri, known as this.

Dred Scott

In 1857, this slave sued for his freedom after traveling with his master from Missouri to Wisconsin

Abraham Lincoln

In 1858, Democrat Stephen Douglas ran against this man for the Illinois Senate seat.

John Brown

In 1859, this abolitionist led an unsuccessful raid on a federal armory at Harper's Ferry, VA in an attempt to free slaves in a massive slave uprising

the Civil War

In 1861, more Southern states seceded & this began between North & South

South Carolina

In December 1860, this became the first state to secede from the Union

a single Southern vote

In the Presidential election of 1860, Lincoln won the election without this

Popular Sovereignty (1860)

In the Presidential election of 1860, Northern Democrats nominated Stephen Douglas who argued on this platform

"free soil"

In the Presidential election of 1860, Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln who argued on this platform & a strong national gov't

states' rights

In the Presidential election of 1860, Southern Democrats nominated John Breckenridge who argued on the platform of this & the protection of slavery

seceding (breaking away) from the USA

In the Presidential election of 1860, when Lincoln won, Southerners assumed slavery would soon be abolished & began to discuss the possibility of

Missouri Compromise of 1820

In this compromise, Maine broke from Massachusetts & became a free state Missouri became a slave state Slavery was outlawed in all western territories above the latitude of 36°30'

Compromise of 1850

In this compromise,The people of Utah & New Mexico could vote to allow or ban slavery (popular sovereignty) California entered as a free state The slave trade ended in Washington DC A stronger Fugitive Slave Law was created that allowed Southerners to recapture slaves in the North

Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857),

In this court case, the Supreme Court ruled that black people could not sue in court because they are not citizens and that Congress did not have the power to stop slavery in western territories so the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional

Republican Party

Northerners formed the this political party in 1854 and became committed to the "free soil" movement

The territories of New Mexico and Utah could potentially become slave states.

Northerners were MOST angry, over the Compromise of 1850 because of this factor.

The territories of Kansas and Nebraska could potentially become slave states.

Northerners were MOST angry, over the Kansas Nebraska Acts because of this factor.

The California gave more political power to the North, in the Senate, because it entered into the Union as a free state, rather than being equally divided.

Southerners were MOST angry, over the Compromise of 1850 because of this factor.


The first major issue regarding slavery in the antebellum era focused on this state in 1820

Kansas-Nebraska Act

The law used popular sovereignty to give the residents of Kansas and Nebraska the right to vote to determine slavery and repealed (ended) the Missouri Compromise line at 36˚30' in the western territories

Free Soilers

These individuals did not think Congress had the power to end slavery; They were against the expansion of slavery into the West

Republic of Texas

This country was not annexed for 9 years because its would unbalance the number of free and slave states

Compromise of 1850

This image shows this Legislative Acts, that was passed in the 19th century

Kansas-Nebraska Act

This image shows this Legislative Acts, that was passed in the 19th century

Missouri Compromise of 1820

This image shows this Legislative Acts, that was passed in the 19th century

The Fugitive Slave Law

This law allowed runaway slaves (and sometimes free blacks) to be recaptured and enslaved

William Lloyd Garrison

This man held protest rallies, fueling this outrage and building the movement of abolitionism

The election of 1856

This presidential election was the first time in which political parties represented regions of the country, not the nation and that slavery became the most important political issue in American politics

The North

This region had industrial factories, cities, paid immigrant workers, railroads, & larger population

Popular Sovereignty

This term means that the people have the power to decide laws for themselves, through vote.

The Underground Railroad

This was a network of safe houses to help slaves escape to freedom

Harriet Tubman

This woman made 19 trips South to lead 300 slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad

"King Cotton"

Transformed the South into a rural region, increasing the need for slavery, little manufacturing, & few railroads

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