Self Test Questions Volume 2 Engineering Journeyman

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A GIS frame work, or scheme, allows what two things to happen?

Our GIS to match those of others and to ease the sharing of data between our database and others

Describe how the "buffer" created by the editing process protects the database

Prevents unintentional changes and allows us to be certain of any changes before they are applied to the database

Why do we need a separate toolbar to navigate the layout view?

data view- navigate the viewport layout- navigate the paper space

What is the cornerstone of QA/QC, and how do we meet this standard?

degree of dependability, met by the amount of effort we put into meeting regulations

Which editor function allows us to specify an angle and a length to create a line or side of a polygon?

direction and length

What do we call a way of differentiating objects within the same feature class?


Which type of geodatabase can have multiple editors but only if they work on different parts of the data?

file geodatabase

What two format options can the Extract Data Wizard tool generate?

geodatabase or XML document

Where do we select the type of output file format we want?

in the file navigator under "Export format" dropdown"

Which mission data set (MDS) represents the planning districts of the installation?

land use

What are the four most common elements in the layout and under which menu do we find them?

legend, north arrow, scale bar, scale, text, found under the insert menu

Give some examples of attribute fields for roads.

name, what they are made of, date of construction, ect

The import wizard for extensible markup language (XML) files has three windows; which window lists name conflicts?

page 2

When generating an XML, what are the three data models we can choose?

physical logical rational

what are the three types of models we can create when generating a scheme?

physical, local, rational

List three types of vector data.

points, lines, polygons

What are the are the three type groups of vector data?

points, lines, polygons

What menu do you need to access to modify the text and coloring settings for the north arrow, scale bar, and scale text?


Three files generate when creating a schema: which file contains instructions on importing the schema?


What do we call the ratio of the size of an image to the number of grids per unit?


Regarding QA/QC, what is the usual resolution of our imagery and what is the requirement?

six-inches but the requirement is one-meter

Which of the four files that make up a shapefile contains the coordinate system?


What three things does the export data menu ask for?

1. Feature layer to export 2. Coordinate system 3. Location of the output file

Describe the two input elements in the "Feature Class to Shapefile (multiple)" window

1. File we plan to convert 2. list of output file types

Which properties window do we access to change a Map file's coordinate system and how do we get to it?

data frame properties

What is the last step in creating a geodatabase?

Add the schema to the geodatabase.

What are the two menus used to format a map's layout space before making an image?

1. page and print setup 2. Export map

According to topology rules, what is the definition of a polygon?

A line that closes on itself

What is a data model and what is the most common difference between data models?

A style of organization for a database that is subject to change and the most common difference is the naming conventions.

According to AFI 32-7062, Comprehensive Planning, what are the nine primary mission data sets?

CIP, Land use, airfield operations, transportation, constraints, future development plan, utilities, communications, and energy.

How does catalog treat shapefiles as opposed to how File Explorer treats them?

Catalog- single file file explorer- individual files

What makes up a geographic coordinate system?

Different geoids, spheroids, and ellipsoids.

What are the six editor functions discussed in this lesson?

Direction, Deflection, Length, Absolute XY, Delta XY, Direction/Length

What is the difference between the Enterprise, File, and Personal Geodatabases?

Enterprises—Stored on a network and can have multiple users simultaneously; Files—Stored on a PC hard drive and can have multiple editors but not simultaneously; Personal—Stored as Microsoft Access databases and are Windows dependent

Where do we change the output file type when creating a feature class from an XY table?

In the "Create Feature Class from XY Table" window, in the output section, when specifying the output file path by selecting "Save as type:" dropdown.

What are the categories of MDL?

Installation layout, geographically separate unit, regional location, vicinity location, and aerial photography

What is the QA/QC rule for the data schema of vector data?

It needs to be in he proper feature class

Explain the difference between a raster that uses pyramids and one that does not.

Raster files without pyramids render every pixel at every scale or zoom factor Raster files that use pyramids create lower resolution "samples"

What are two ways to set up a coordinate system and what is the difference?

The Map file change only applies to that .mxd, while a chnage in Catalog applies to all .mxds connected to the data

What two parts of a database does the Extract Data Wizard tool transform?

The data or the schema

Define the term resolution in reference to raster data.

The ratio of an image size to the number of grids per unit

When importing an XML into a geodatabase what kind of information does the "Summary" display?

Were XML came from, type of import, feature classes, and associated attribute tables. It is an overview of our action.

In the geodatabase context menu, under "Import," what tool do we use to import a schema?

XML workspace document

give a brief description of enumeration

a way of differentiating features within the same feature class

What function do we use to connect to data source to display in a Map file. (mxd)?

add data

Which table give data unique characteristics?


What map data comprises facilities, physical features, and utilities within the installation boundary?

common installation picture (CIP)

The geographic coordinate system transformations window has three settings from which to select. What are they?

convert from, into, and using

according to figure 1-21, what tab, under the Data Frame Properties, allows us to choose a coordinate system for the map?

coordinate system

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