Sem Exam

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What makes Bronfenbrenner's theory of development unique?

- Bioecological theory - it is the only theory that is grand unified, considering all aspects of an individual's life. (Individual, mircosystem, mesosystem, macrosystem, chronosystem)

Which of the following is(are) true of IQ according to current research?

- It can be changed in childhood by early interventions - It is not necessarily the best predictor of academic or career success - It is highly heritable and tends to remain fairly stable across the lifespan

Define theory of mind and give one example of how it changes during childhood

- ability to understand that others views differ from your own -toddler and young children cannot understand that other people don'tklnow what they're thinking or seeing. This changes later in childhood when they have a sense of metacognition

Give one specific piece of advice Dr. Lucky gave in her TED talk for patients or families coping with a terminal diagnosis

- accept joy and sadness at the same time - make the most out of life - they decided to have a son before her husband passed

What are the key differences in physical brain development between adolescents and adults, according to Dr. Jensen in the video you saw?

- adolescents more capable of learning faster, in return making them more vulnerable to bad influences - adoles. brain's respond stronger to reward and punsihment - adoles. frontal lobes are not fully attached - adoles. respond emotionally -mature adult brain has a fully intact frontal lobe

What are the three brain changes observed in Alzheimer's disease?

- amyloid plaques - neurofibrillary tangles - atrophy

How does our limbic system interfere with our ability to make healthy lifestyle choices?

- ancient brain responsible for emotional responses and memory - kept our species alive, very simple driving forces - wants us to be lazy and preserve energy - have to find ways around out preprogrammed mind

Which behavior(s) would lead you to be most concerned that a one-year-old infant might have developed an insecure attachment with his/her caregiver?

- baby is equally receptive to a stranger and to the caregiver

What did researchers Elizabeth Blackburn and Elissa Epel discover about telomeres and caregiving?

- caregivers are often more stressed out - found that if the caregiver looks at hard situation as something to be accomplished and practiced a form of meditation, telomeres remained healthy - if wasn't practicing meditation and was stressed out a lot, their telomere health was on the decline

How might authoritative parents likely respond if their child was told not to color on the walls, but did so anyway?

- child would be disciplined - discipline would be explained along with why the punishment is reasonable - child understands why their being punished, because of the discussion - not just because the parents say so

which of the following is (are) disadvantage (s) of longitudinal design

- cohort effects may result in the findings only being true about a single generation

according to your textbook, which of the following are true of influences on motor development?

- cultural customs sometimes do and sometimes don't change the timing of motor milestones - experience gained through deliberate practice changes infants and children's exploratory behavior - biological maturation of the brain and body is a major determinant of motor milestones

Describe 3 negative outcomes for which transgender youth and children are at higher risk.

- depressive symptoms - anxiety - suicide attempt or thought

state 2 of the 5 principles of the lifespan development perspective, as identified in you textbook

- development is plastic -development is multidimensional

What were the emotions John Gottman found to be most predictive of a couple separating?

- disgust - defensiveness -contempt

Define Vygotsky's zone of proximal development

- drives development - is when someone less skilled is paired with someone more skilled - more skilled individual restructures task - what they are able to do together is considered the zone of proximal development

What has been linked to premature telomere shortening, according to Elizabeth Blackburn?

- emotional neglect in childhood - unsafe neighborhoods - social isolation

Give one examples of caregiver burden you observed in the video about Herbie

- emotional stress - Parents felt is was too much to take on - feel like they don't have time for children anymore - financial strain

Give three examples of caregiver burden

- emotional stress - affected job - financial strain - worsened health

What were the results of Rosenweig and Diamond's studies on raising rats in enriched vs impoverished environments?

- enriched environments yielded rats with heavier brains with more synapses and opposite for rats in impoverished environments even though the could watch the enriched environment rats

Give three of the reasons discussed in lecture that women end up with significantly less savings than men for their retirement

- family responsibilities - career interruptions - pay gap (82 cents to every males dollar)

What are two research-based strategies we can use to successfully establish a good habit?

- find an immediate intrinsic reward: find a rewarding aspect of something you are working towards. If it is exercising your reward might be that you feel good while you are exercising - focus on identity: find something that will help you become who you wan to be, whether its a support buddy or a role model

How does having a "fixed" vs. "growth" mindset affect a person's reaction to failure, according to Carol Dweck's research

- fixed mindset and failure is devastating, having growth and failing is seen as room for improvement -growth mindsets allow us to be resilient

What is true of sexuality across the lifespan?

- frequent sexual activity (at least once a week) is bidirectionally associated with higher happiness and better physical health - most older adults with partners remain sexually active into their 80's or 90's - older adults report lower frequency of sexual activity but no reduction in satisfaction

What are the 5 characteristics identified by Arnett as best describing emerging adulthood?

- identity exploration - instability - self-focus - unlimited possibilities - feeling in-between

What are two key behaviors one would watch for if conducting the Strange Situation?

- if child explores more in the presence of caregiver - if child is soothed with the reunion of caregiver

Describe two separate factors that contribute to whether an adult develops a secure attachment in a new relationship

- individual attachment style - temperament -past relationships

Name and describe one typical cognitive error (bias) of Piaget's preoperational stage?

- irreversibility - children in this stage do not understand we can reconstruct after destroying something

Explain one argument raised by critics of Arnett why we should not consider emerging adulthood a separate life stage

- is it is ethnocentric - but it is not because it is being seen in other countries as well - important to note that indv in a lower SES don't always have to same opportunity to EA

which of the following is (are) ethical standard(s) governing all psychological research, including developmental research?

- justice: the equitable distribution of the risks and benefits of research across people -protection from harm -respect for autonomy, including a careful process to obtain informed consent before particitpation - all of the above is correct

What did Wroblewski et al's 2011 study reveal about sarcopenia among athletes?

- lean muscle mass between young and older physically active people was roughly the same - slight decrease in strength after age 60 then remaining constant if active -no increase in fat across study if physically active - sarcopenia can begin to progress when sedentary, as early as age 20

According to psychological research, how can we use friction to achieve habit change?

- make a task more or less convenient - remove friction: lay workout clothes by bed - increase friction: deleting credit card information off computer to make shopping more of a task

Give two examples of social influences on the development of gender differences in children's behavior.

- media representations: men and women are portrayed differently in tv shoes, movies and books. Which leads children and adults to form ideas on gender norms and rules - Praise and criticism: girls and boys are rewarded for different behaviors, which helps them shape how to act like their gender. For example, girls may be praised for being "lady-like" and boys for being strong and tough

What was one "caveat" discussed in class : why do we have to be careful about crediting parenting styles for child outcomes?

- not simply cause and effect (genetic) - bi-directionality -long term fade

according to your textbook, what's one feature of early childhood education programs that research has shown to be associated with good longterm outcomes for children?

- not teaching a stressful curriculum to try and get them ahead - present them with age related activities that allow them to learn and explore on their own - guidance from a knowledgeable adult

How do friendships change over the course of adulthood, according to your textbook?

- older adults report fewer friendships - single adults are more connected to friends than are married adults - young adults are more likely to experience ambivalent or troubled friendships

Which of the following are true of the Big 5 personality traits, according to your textbook?

- personality shifts in predictable ways across the lifespan, but those who are relatively high on a trait when young tend to remain high relative to peers when older - they predict diverse outcomes inc. school & career achievement, marriage & divorce, and well-being & mortality - personality appears to affect experience more than the other way around; even dramatic events tend to enhance existing traits

What did Nobel prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn discover in pond scum that led to a whole new field of research in human aging?

- pond scum had unlimited telomerase that were keep telomeres healthy for extremely long periods - asked why our telomeres shorten - found answers such as our limited telomerase, emotional neglect, and prolonged stress

Peer rejection is correlated with delinquency. Give one potential lurking variable and explain how it might operate

- problematic home life - may not be able to have friends over, no friends, find other activities to do alone that may involve delinquency

How did Dr. Jensen specifically recommend that parents assist teenagers, based on what we know of their brain development?

- provide a frontal lobe assist - be available for support and advice - teach them where their brain is at in development - share information about health and other risks without lecturing

in the videos you watched, what were the " positive" things people reported about receiving a dementia diagnosis

- relief and clarification - life has a better purpose - stronger family relationships - life still had a purpose and needed to be happy

Describe 2 things that "super gran" Phyllis Sues has done to stay vibrant into her 90s (according to the video)

- see's everything as a challenge - does yoga and sports for 3 hours a day - keeping her mind bright by learning to play the piano in her old age

In the video you watched in class, what were the two ways the brain of an infant with fetal alcohol syndrome differed from a typical infant brain?

- severely lacking white matter - smaller in general -smoother in empty spaces

What are the four different facets of sex/gender variations discussed in lecture and shown in the "Genderbread person" model?

- sex (anatomical) - identity (trans/cis, fluidity) - attraction (orientation) - expression (presentation)

Which of the following is (are) true about ethnic differences in college attendance in the United States?

- significant group differences are visible in rates of both college enrollment and subsequent degree completion for those who enroll - there are large disparities, with adults in some ethnic groups being 2 or 3 times more likely than those in other groups to hold a college degree - rates of college enrollment among systemically non dominant groups (especially Hispanic students) have increased significantly in recent years

Which of the following sex differences are found in research?

- small personality differences (more visible in individualistic than collectivist cultures) - No significant difference in IQ; small difference in mental rotation task (but not other special tasks) - greater physical activity and impulsivity in boys; better recognition & regulation of emotion in girls

Describe one of the Gottman Institute's tips for a successful marriage, as discussed in class

- soften start up

Why is it unsafe to assume a simple causal relationship when an environmental factor and a developmental outcome are correlate?

- sometimes multiple causal paths are simultaneously operating (a feedback loop) - correlation does not reveal which direction the cause travels - it is possible that an unmeasured, third variable is actually driving both the "cause" and effect

When do stressful/ traumatic experiences build resilience and when do they not?

- stressful/traumatic experiences can build resilience if they are small and manageable - when stressors or traumatic experiences are huge and hard to sole it can actually chip away at our resilience - much like lifting weights (correct amount of weight vs way too heavy)

What is true of Alzheimer's disease?

- symptoms include memory & attention deficits, mood & personality changes, and eventually failure of basic bodily functions - education, physical exercise, and social engagement are all associate with lower risk - multiple forms of damage occur in affected brains, including significant wasting (loss of total brain volume)

What are 2 brain-related reasons Dr. Jensen explained that teens are especially vulnerable to developing serious drug addictions?

- their brains respond to reward more strongly than do adults, brains catch onto and learn something faster causing stronger addictions - frontal lobe underdeveloped they are more apt to respond emotionally, peer pressure and lack of rational thought persuades teens to respond to risk behavior

Describe two of the common misconceptions about death held by children, according to your textbook

- they tend to view death as temporary and reversible - believe there are actions someone can take to be lucky and avoid death (ex. being clever enough to outsmart death)

Describe Dr. VandeBraak's animal metaphor of grief

- turtle: represents isolation - Bald eagle: represents avoidance - Buffalo/tatonka: represents facing our grief

What did Wortman, Bonanno, and colleagues discover in their 2002 study of grief in widower's?

- very few people followed the pattern predicted by traditional grief theories - there was not one single trajectory of grief, but rather 5 distinct patterns - the most common pattern in these widows was resilience: no depressive symptoms before loss, after 6 months, or after 18 months

How do parent-child relationships typically change in the US as emerging adults leave home?

- warmth, satisfaction, and respect increase - disciplinary role ends and daily friction decreases

Under which circumstances do US college students improve on key skills like writing and critical thinking, according to Arum and Roksa (2011)?

- when they report their faculty have very high expectations for their work - when they report intensive writing requirements( > 20pg total per class) and reading demands (> 40 pg weekly per class) - when they major in traditional fields (sciences, liberal arts), rather than narrow professional programs

When is it most appropriate to use self-report (such as a questionnaire) for data collection?

- when trying to get into someones head -when trying to gain information from a large amount of participants - can be experimental but separate from decision to be experimental

In the US, what gender differences currently exist in educational trajectories (degreed, etc.)?

- women are now earning more graduate and undergraduate degrees - women who finish college have more loans than men - some fields where men are more likely to earn degrees are often the higher paying professions

How has heterosexual couples' division of labor for housework changed in recent decades?

- women are still doing far more housework than men - in recent decades, the amount of housework done by men has doubled - this has allowed work done by women to decrease some - still a significant gap

Describe one of the genetic patters of inheritance discussed in your textbook

-Dominant inheritance -trait will show up regardless of what it is paired with (dominant or recessive)

Give one way adult romantic attachment is similar to infant attachment, and one way it is different

-adult romantic attachment still requires a secure base and a safe haven but it is different because adult relationships require full reciprocity

What three key personality traits are associated with resilience/hardiness?

-agreeableness -openness to experience - conscientiousness

give 4 examples of teratogens

-alcohol -infection (ex. rubella) - illegal drugs - environmental toxins (ex. lead, mercury, and radiation)

How does parents' age at a child's conception change the odds for development?

-children of older MOTHERS are at higher risk for a variety of disorders -children of older FATHERS are at higher risk for a variety of disorders

What are the four goals of developmental science

-describe -predict -explain -intervene

Name four later developmental outcomes predicted by attachment quality in infancy

-emotional maturity -peer relationships -academic achievement -adult relationships -others: self confidence and autonomy

How does happiness change across the lifespan, according to cross-national survey data?

-happiness increases during late adulthood - happiness is lowest during middle adulthood - the magnitude of change in absolute happiness with age is fairly small -all of these

according to Jerome Kagan (on the video you saw), if an infant reacts excitedly to a mobile, which temperament is he/she more likely to display as a child?

-inhibited (shy or soft spoken) -child gets overwhelmed and is drawn back (excited with mobile is an example or foreshadowing for later characteristics) -can be changed with sufficient soothing and support

How are developmental theories different from developmental norms?

-theories include stages and processes -theories guide future research by generating testable hypothesis -norms are purely descriptive and are only helpful for knowing what to expect and are useful for screening

how large is the role of the shared environment in development, according to behavior genetics research? ("shared" is across siblings: ways they were raised that make them similar)

-typically smaller than the effects of both genes and the unshared environment

Which of the following age groups reports the highest level of loneliness (as one example, in the New Zealand General Social Survey)?


Describe the language acquisition stage of telegraphic speech: what defines it and at what age does it occur?

18-21 months Convolution of words together, usually a two word phrase, no grammar present (ex. me go zoo)

According to the national Alliance on Caregiving's 2015 study, approximately what percent of caregivers in the US are male?


According to the CDC, how many American adults currently suffer from at least one chronic disease?


In the video you watched, how did the ASL-LEX program aim to help deaf children?

ASL-LEX arranged signs in a difficulty level format starting with the most commonly used in conversation and working to the more rare signs. This is a database aimed for deaf children. This is a really cool thing because a sign language database hasn't really been a thing before this. The ASL-LEX provides suggestions on the curriculum to teach to deaf and hearing children.

How are living wills and health care powers of attorney similar?

Both must be prepared in advance, while you have the legally required mental capacity

Explain one of 3 caveats discussed in lecture: reasons we must be cautious when interpreting gendered differences in behavior, aptitude, etc.

Cultural influences can be intentional (conscious) or not: Intention to treat people equally sometimes are misinterpreted because we think of men are women differently. We have formed norms and "rules" on gender and treating someone a certain way, based off of that, can be harmful.

Which of the following best describes the results of Dr. Karen Adolph's studies on infants' reactions to heights?

Each time infants learn to move in a new way (ex crawl vs walk), they have to learn how to coordinate their depth perception to correctly determine whether or not they can cross an apparent drop-off

what phenomenon does the Balte's model of "selective optimization with compensation" aim to explain?

How people continue to perform at high levels on complex tasks even when age-related declines occur in basic functions

What have researchers found about the outcomes of cohabitation

In the past it was associated with higher odds of divorce, but this correlation is evaporating as cohabitation becomes common

How does Infant-Directed Speech help children's language development?

Infant-Directed Speech captures infants attention more than adult speech. Therefore if infants are attending more to this type of speech they will be learning the language more quickly. It is important to note that baby talk does not interfere with language development unless the child is already speaking.

What role does direct adult interaction play in children's language development?

It is helpful for children to acquire language more quickly and develop larger vocabularies

Which of the following is (are) true of low birth weight, according to your textbook?

It is the leading cause of infant mortality, and a risk factor for many lasting impairments

In what ways does language comprehension precede and exceed production?

Language comprehension precedes production because we need to understand language before we can use it. Language comprehension exceeds production because we have a large vocabulary of words we know but only a small vocabulary of words we actually use.

Which of the following is a (are) key emotional developmental task(s) or middle childhood?

Learning to hide emotions through intentional use of emotional display rules

In the BBC video you watched, how did epigenetics change outcomes for the twin brothers

One twin was healthy and his DNA stayed the same, the other twin lived a less healthy lifestyle that actually altered his genome (epigenetics) -environment changes genes

Which of the following is current best practice treatment for transgender children according to the APA and international Endocrine Society?

Psychological assessment, social transition in early childhood, possible pubertal delay, and decision for hormonal and/ or surgical transition once older

What did theorist Lev Vygotsky believe was the role of private speech?

Self-regulation, guiding thought & behavior (later this continues but as an internal monologue)

Which of the following best describes the role of biology in shaping gender?

Sex hormones (even prenatally) shape the brain and produce small but reliable differences in behavior

Which of the following best describes the risk profile of transgender children and youth?

Significantly elevated risk of negative outcomes, but this is dramatically reduced if they receive strong family support for social transition

What does Carol Dweck's research suggest about the effects of praise on children?

Some types of praise can backfire, teaching children unhealthy ways of thinking about their abilities.

What has cross-cultural research on parenting revealed?

Sometimes authoritarian parenting is associated with the best child outcomes

Give an example of a finding from lecture showing how much need exists for foster and adoptive parents in the US

Statistics from one year show that although 700 K children had been served, 118 K were waiting to be adopted. On top of that, 53% of the children had been in care for over a year; and 15% had been in care for over 3 years.

According to your textbook, which of the following is (are) true of diversity in the workplace?

Systemically non dominant groups are dramatically underrepresented in professional & management jobs, especially at the highest levels.

How was the Abecedarian project designed (what did it provide to participating families)?

The project enrolled mothers who were living in poverty. The children began the program while they were 6-12 weeks old. The children and mothers were given access to high quality nutrition and medical care. Half were randomly assigned to receive an enriched day care program. They found that participating in this program over the course of the first 5 years of life resulted in higher IQ scores until early adult hood and was tied to other good social outcomes.

A teenager's parents are both scientists. What factor might Lev Vygotsky focus on to explain why this teen won a national science competition?

The teen had many opportunities to engage in scientific discussions at home

According to your textbook, what have researchers learned about the children raised by same- sex parens?

There are no consistent differences in child outcomes (if anything, some studies find better social outcomes)

What did the Werner (1989) Kauai study discover about infants who suffered perinatal stress?

There were different levels of stress -those who suffered extreme stress often didn't make it -those who suffered mild stress showed developmental or cognitive delays - could be fixed with sufficient family encouragement and care

How did Bouchard and colleagues use twins to study behavior genetics in their landmark 1990 study? Describe this method

They compared twins who were reared together and reared apart and looked at how much of a difference there was between them* -don't draw conclusion that genes are more important than environment* -heritability increases overtime -sometime environment is more important -unshared was a large piece

In Patricia Kuhl's research, what did she demonstrate about infants' language acquisition between 6 months and 1 year of age?

They specialize: becoming able to distinguish only sounds used in the language(s) they have heard from people around them.

How does cognitive-affective complexity affect problem-solving over the lifespan?

Through late middle adulthood we improve in our ability to use emotional awareness, self- regulation, and appreciation of individual experience in problem solving

What was one learning theory you saw illustrated in the video on early language acquisition (stages)? Name the theory and explain how it was visible in the video.

We saw Vygotsky's sociocultural theory. When adults speak to children we can recast what they say and extend it just a little further, in return building their language. This is similar to the sociocultural theory because we are working with the infants and going just a little bit further than their capabilities.

When does pragmatics develop?

a. Primarily during middle childhood and adolescence

which feature of a research article did you use in class to find the design and goals of a study?


Which of the following is (are) true of adolescent emotion, according to your textbook?

adolescent experience more frequent changes in mood, but this is explained by more frequently changing context during the day

In the Johns Hopkins study, what happened when babies were shown objects moving in unexpected ways ( violating laws of physics, ex. appearing to pass through solid objects)

babies watched unexpected events longer, were more likely to choose those objects to play, and more easily learned information about those objects

one fundamental debate in development science has been nature vs nurture. According to your textbook, what is the current view held by most in the feild?

both genetics and environment contribute to all developmental outcomes

Which of the following best describes recent trends in young American's religiosity?

both secular and developmental trend

How is sequential development research structured?

combines both cross-sectional and longitudinal - follows groups of different ages of time - complex research heavy -ex (FR, SO, JR, SR)

How have IQ tests been used in ways incompatible with creator Binet's original intent?

d. Used to characterize fixed intellectual capacity, rather than current state

How are Alzheimer's and dementia related?

dementia is a set of symptoms, and Alzheimer's is one of the diseases that can cause it

which of the goals of developmental science are more difficult to achieve, and why?

describe because we can't describe development on a broad scale for all individuals and predict because our paths and futures can change at any time due to events or occurrences

What is one advantage we gain by taking a nomothetic approach to grief?

design a standard treatment

what do we mean by saying development is probabilistic rather than deterministic

development includes limited control meaning we can do everything right and our child's future is not determined. Instead things happen and affect us causing development to be probabilistic

Recent marriage/divorce trends

divorce rates are rising and marriage rates are falling or both marriage and divorce rates are falling

define the term "equilibrium" as used by piaget

equilibration is the shifting between assimilation and accommodation and explains that context matters when deciding whether to associate or accommodate

What do industrial- organizational psychologists do?

focus on careers in the workplace - applied psychology that finds ways to select individuals for hire and promotion - help to develop tools and knowledge to enhance performance by employees

What is the process of "accommodation" in Piaget's theory

having to change our mental models (schemes) based on new information/experience

how can you tell if a published research study with human participants is an experiment

if it includes manipulation of a variable and random assignment to conditions

Describe one of the four components of wisdom in Grossman (2017)'s model

intellectual humility- understanding your abilities and limits, similar to commitment in relativism and appreciate others views- different from our own and therefore valuable

Which of the following is considered health forms of identity status in James Marcia's theory?


What is one significant problem caused by the social clock, as discussed in lecture?

not meeting ones aspirations - they have accepted a life course society told them to and haven't considered or followed their own wishes

why does is matter whether a study is an experiment of not

only experiments provide evidence of cause and effect -explain and intervention because of cause and effect

Describe Dan Gilbert's 3 tongue-in-cheek hypotheses to explain the parenting paradox

raising kids is like.. -baseball - herion - Italian socks

what is currently believed to advance the aging process, according to your textbook?

reduced capacity of the immune system

What was one reason discussed in lecture that career "choice" is not actually a fully rational choice process?

role of chance - many variables interacting, we can't consider every single one - probabilistic system, you can't plan every step of the way

What are the three components of memory in the information processing model, as described in your textbook?

sensory, working memory, long term memory

which of the senses is usually first to decline noticeably in adulthood?


Which of the following cognitive abilities declines during middle adulthood

speed of processing

how does brain size (volume) change during adulthood?

steady declines

Describe how the twin processes of synaptogenesis and pruning occur in infancy

synaptogenesis over produces the possibility for connections to be made to be prepared for anything we may discover, pruning gets rid of all of the extra or weak synapses, both enhanced in infancy because we are learning most during this time

At which stage(s) in the lifespan is the male mortality rate higher than the female rate?

the entire life span

In the Mueller study shown in a video, how did rats' brains change in response to physical exercise?

the number of branches in the medulla neurons decreased, reducing stress cascades to the autonomic nervous system

What were two documented effects of the Perry Preschool program, according to the report you read?

they were more financially stable and had better social outcomes throughout entire childhood years and into adulthood.

What is the key developmental change across Perry's stages of intellectual development?

understanding of what knowledge is and therefore what the purpose of education is

According to Traci Mann's research, which of the following weight-loss strategies is most succesful?

use smaller serving spoons, plates, and utensils

What did researcher Carolyn Rovee-Collier find in her mobile studies with 3- month infants?

when infants were able to create change in the environment, they enjoy doing so and remember the behavior learned

give an example of a situation where a case study would be the best research design to use

when studying a rare condition in which you want to get more detailed information ex. rare brain injury case

What factors might theorist B. F. Skinner consider important to explain a child's tantrums?

whether he has been rewarded for tantrums in the past (given what he wants)

Which gender is at highest risk of falling into poverty across the lifespan?


What did Neugarten and colleagues find in their classic 1965 study on the social clock?

young adults thought "other people" held much stricter age-constrained beliefs than they did

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