Semester 1 Exam Review

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In search of _______ excitement, we watched movies of action and adventure.


Investigators discovered that the clerk came up with a scheme to _____ from the company.


It had been my father's favorite book when he was my age, but for me it held little _____ interest.


It is not a good idea to _____ oneself by paying cloying compliments.


It seems as if even the smoothest-running organizations contain one or two _____ elements.


It was no _____ meeting tat led to their writing songs together, for in fact they were cousins.


John D. Rockefeller worked to _____ his empire by purchasing oil wells, refineries, and pipelines.


Jonathan Swift used wit to _____ the British government for its cruel treatment of Ireland Competing teams consider my daughter the _____ of the soccer field.


Many philosophers follow the _____ that it is important to treat others as you would like to be treated.


Many political prisoners were freed under the _____ granted by the new regime.


Many years of _____ service could not dissuade him from feeling that he had not chosen work that he liked.

Important writers of post-modernism

Maya Angelou, Allen Ginsberg, Arthur Miller, Toni Morrison, Flannery O'Connor, J.D. Salinger, John Updike, Alice Walker, Tennessee Williams


Shakespeare's Hamlet finds it useless to _____ with his mother for siding with his stepfather.


She can _____ wonderful excuses; but when she tries to offer them, her uneasiness gives her away.


She chose to ignore my advice, not because she wanted to _____ my beliefs, but because she had strong opinions of her own.


She hesitated to offer her opinion, fearing that they would take _____ at her criticism.


She seemed to feel that a snooze at her desk was not an annoying habit but the _____ of a veteran employee.


She will _____ in the dispute between the two children, and soon they will be playing happily again.


Sherlock Holmes was an _____ of a clever detective who always solves the case.


Slowly, carefully, keeping his vice down, he argued with the caller as one might _____ with a child.


Some argue that more _____ laws against speeding will make our streets safer.


Some flight attendants dread a _____ airline passenger more than they do rough weather.


Some people seem to confuse sophistication with _______.


Some skilled actors can _____ emotions they might never have felt in life.


Some viewed her love of chocolate as _____ because she ate two candy bars a day.


Sometimes a reasoned discussion does more to change people's minds than a _____ attack.

Important writers of nationalism

Stephen Crane, Jack London, Frank Norris, Theodore Dreiser

Why did the Harlem Renaissance end?

Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression forced this to end and forced the culture towards poverty and bleakness


Sudden fame and admiration can make people feel unworthy- or it can bring on feelings of __________.


With a smile, a joke, and a second helping of pie, she would _____ him into doing what she wanted.


With dramatic gestures, our fans vigorously _____ the team to play harder.


Years from now I will look at this picture and wonder what sort of _____ costume I was wearing.


You may _____ these holes to gophers or elves, but I blame the dog from next door.


You seem too sophisticated to hold such _____ opinions.


You should not _____ against the plan with quite si much vigor until you have read it.

What is regionalism?

writing attempts to describe the LOCAL COLOR of a region by presenting its distinct culture (dialect, customs, beliefs, history)

What is modernism?

writing that discloses a rejection of tradition and a hostile attitude toward the immediate past

What is post-modernism?

writing that has promoted a heightened interest in the various genres of criticism: feminist criticism, deconstruction, post-structuralism

Important writers of civil war literature

Abraham Lincoln, John Greenleaf Whittier


Admitting when you have been fairly defeated is the _____ of sportsmanship.


He was forced to _____ a statement he had made before he'd had all the information.

Important writers of transcendentalism

Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Her constant inquiring about the health of my family at first seemed friendly, later merely _____.


Her eyes told me that more than a few well-chosen words would be needed to _____ her hurt feelings.


His bad mood was _____, and by the time he'd finished his breakfast, he was smiling.


His request for a large loan for an indefinite length of time was met with a _____ refusal.


I _____ cruelty yet do not always notice when I have said something inadvertently cruel.


I _____ them to stop spending so much money or to face the consequences.


I cannot be sure, but I _____ that she would not accept my apology even if I made it on my knees. The police had no proof, nothing to go on but a suspicion, a mere _____.


I could not tell by her _____ smile whether she as pleased or only amused with me.


I followed a _____ path through the woods, not because I feared pursuit, but because I was lost.


I was awakened not by a sudden sound but by a _____ in the din of traffic.


If you _____ pennies from the cash drawer, you will be tempted to steal larger amounts one day.


If you continue to _________ on my responsibilities, will you also take the blame for any mistakes?

millennium (millennia)

In 1999 an argument raged over whether 2000 or 2001 would mark the beginning of the new _____.


In a severe and _____ tone of voice, my sister announced that we were out of cookies.


He thinks that all women adore him, but my sister will probably _______ him of that idea.


A great work of art may be said to _____ time, and it is remembered for decades, or even centuries.


A hot meal can _____ the discomforts of even the coldest day.


A town so peaceful, quiet, and law-abiding was bound to be horrified by so _______ a crime.

What benefits came from the Harlem Renaissance?

African American music was the rage (1920) -- white people went to listen and dance -- white writers went to go and find black writers -- African Americans began to feel part of the nations culture Harlem Renaissance continues to influence our culture today

When did the Harlem Renaissance occur?

African Americans moved into Harlem in the 1900


After he _____ the unruly children, they settled down to study quietly.


After the colonies gained _____ from England, many Americans still clung to English traditions.


An overworked parent may be unlikely to indulge the complaints of a _____ child.


Astronomers did not notice the small moon, which was often _____ by the planet around which it orbited. Much of his talk about the _____ seems grounded in noting but trick photography and folklore.

Important writers of the classicism / neoclassical age

Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine

Important writers of regionalism

Bret Harte, Mark Twain, Sarah Orne Jewett, Eudora Welty, Willa Cather


Bright, sensational, and often _____, some old-time movie posters make today;s newspaper ads look tame.


Caught in the _____ of revolution, the young men enlisted with the local militias. If left for a time, cider will eventually _____.


Considering the family's tense mood, you handled the situation with _____.


Curious, patient, and fond of long walks outdoors, she soon displayed a _____ fr nature study.


Days passed and unrest grew, and soon the rebels began a _____ attack on their absent leader.


Dictators usually begin their reigns by searching out and silencing __________ opinion.

Who were the writers of the Harlem Renaissance?

Duke Ellington, Lena Horne, Bessie Smith, Claude McKay, Langston Hughes, Marcus Garvey, Zora Neale Hurston, Countee Cullen, James Weldon Johnson, William H. Johnson

Important writers of romantacism

Edgar Allen Poe, William Cullen Bryant, James Fenimore Cooper, Washington Irving


Even when they forget their lines, experienced actors can usually perform with _____.


Every immigrant group newly arrived in another country goes through a slow process of _____.


Feeling protective of my friend but knowing of his difficulties placed me in an _____ position.


For my paper, I would like to find an _____ history of the subject written in a clear and unbiased manner.


From the construction site, the noise of bulldozers and dump trucks _____ across the valley.


George Washington and his contemporaries were _______ against Britain. The army was confident that they could finally crush the _______ forces.


Ghosts are often depicted in literature as wearing _____ clothing that makes them seem all the more ethereal. The book was so old that each finely printed age seemed only the weight of _____.


He claimed that he musical was _____ and that he had slept through the entire second act. Shakespeare's Juliet drinks a _____ so as to appear t be dead - a trick she is soon to regret.


He delivered a _____ speech that did not even address our problem.


He did more work, so a sixty-forty split of the profits seemed an _____ arrangement.


My attempt to _____ information over the phone was met with a barrage of irrelevant recordings.


My broad hint that I had paid for the lessons myself brought smiles of _____ from all the judges at the piano recital.


My grandmother made her clothes at home in order to avid the _____ goods sold in the general store.


My grasp of trigonometry was _____ until I attended the remedial study sessions.


No one could say that he was lazy, for he was a careful, _____ copier of other people's work.


Often a show of angry concern conceals the self-serving tactics of a _____.


On some days I am overcome by _____ at the thought of so many more years of schooling.


One should not accept the idea that the camera never lies as an ________ truth.

What does OPTIC stand for?

Overview, Parts of the picture, Title/Text, Interrelationships, Conclusion


Queen Elizabeth I showed a strong _____ for putting off decisions in the hopes that they would resolve themselves.


Scholars often disagree over which event or events _____ an historic moment. I admit that my outburst was _____. Too many eggs in this particular pudding will leave a messy _____ in the baking pan.


Scientists labored to discover a set of _______ laws of the universe.


The Great Gatsby tells a universal story without being marred by _____ prose.


The _____ body of the amoeba was fascinating to watch under the microscope.


The banjo, once thought to be a _____ product of the Southern hills, actually came here from Africa. At first, a _____ may do well in the city using charm alone, but charm, like novelty, wears thin.


The crowd was so eager to see the band perform that they resented the opening singer as an _____.


The cute new puppy had a _____ effect on her health.


The development of lightweight, _____ plastics revolutionized the design of many durable goods.


The family _____ with her after the loss of her old and faithful dog.


The new health clinic for lower-income residents charges only _____ fees.


The office of the Vice President of the United States was once considered little more than a _______.


The old phrase "chain gang" refers to a group of prisoners forced to work, each one joined to the next by linked _______. It is said that good inventors do not _______ themselves with conventional thinking.


The penitent citizens promised never again to _______ the laws of the land.


The pleasant background music did not _____ my work but instead distracted me.


The poor fellow was stronger than he realized, and the damage he did was _____.

ex officio

The president is the _____ commander-in-chief of the armed force in time of war.


The rain _____ all of my clothing and reduced the map n my pocket to a pulpy mass.


The ring must have slid off my finger as I was trying to _____ the fish from the net.


The spy used charm and flattery in order to ________ the information from the diplomat.


The various community organizations formed a _____ to lobby against parking laws.


The well-known Latin phrase "_____ emptor" means, "let the buyer beware."


The wilted handclasp and the fast-melting smile mark the _____ refuge from too many parties.


They entered the army as _____ recruits and left as seasoned veterans.


They seemed more than willing to ____ their guilt by whatever means necessary.


They will ___________ the results of the election across the Internet and every television set in the land.


Think twice before casting _____ on his honesty, for he might be telling the truth.

Would this be a rhetorical situation? Why? 95 year old Veteran dies vs. a 16 year old dies

This is a rhetorical situation because these events happen at different stages of life, have different audiences, and elicit different emotions.


Those lacking the facts or afraid of reprisals often tarnish an enemy's reputation by use of _____.


Though hurt by his _____ language, I had to admit that some of his points were valid.


Three jeweled combs from the 17th century were among the _____ seized by the police.


To _______ distrust into cooperation along that war-torn border will take more than talk and treaties.


To me, my dream made perfect sense, bu when I told it to my friend, it sounded like _____. Knowing that his time was nearly up, we kept silent and let him _____ on.


Travelers may find people overseas _______ in some ways but surprisingly free in others.


We loaded the truck with the chairs and the coffee table, but the grand piano was too _____


We questioned her quietly, carefully, and at length, but her answers remained ____.


We spent a pleasant afternoon with our _____ neighbors.


We tend to thin of court verdicts as _____ but they are often overturned by higher courts.


What people thought was her _____ of mystery was actually a mask for her shyness.


While critics called the movie _____, I thought the performers were very compelling.

Important writers of realism

Willa Cather, Kate Chopin, Emily Dickinson, Bret Harte, William Dean Howells, Stephen Crane

Important writers of puritanism

William Bradford, Anne Bradstreet, Jonathan Edwards, John Smith, and Edward Taylor

Important writers of modernism

William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, John Steinback

What is realism?

a literary movement that sought to portray ordinary life as real people lived it and attempted to show characters and events in an objective, almost factual way

What is transcendentalism?

a movement based in New England that promoted the belief that intuition and the individual conscience "transcend" experience and are better guides to the truth that the senses and logical reason are

What is romanticism?

a reaction to classicism; new form of fictional literature that emphasized feeling over thinking and contained the following characteristics: focus on self, fascination with the supernatural or Gothic, love of nature, yearning for the exotic or picturesque, deep-rooted idealism, and nationalism or love of country

What is puritanism?

a style of writing that adhered to five basic tenets of religious life: original sin, limited atonement, irresistible grace, perseverance of the saints, and predestination

What is the classicism / neoclassical age?

a style of writing that valued reason and rational thought as well as traditional, formal form; it was an imitation of the ancient Greek and Roman art and literature; also referred to as the Age of Reason or the Enlightenment

What does interrelationships mean (OPTIC)?

analyze the relationships in the picture, how do objects or people or colors relate to each other in the picture, what clues to the message or argument are these relationships giving you, what seems to be the most important relationship of the "picture"

What did the Harlem Renaissance do to Harlem?

in Harlem the population jumped from 91,709 in 1910 to 327,706 in 1930 -- "the Negro capital of America"

What does parts of the picture mean (OPTIC)?

break the picture down into sections, describe the placement of the objects, name everything you see, describe color, lighting, and movement in the picture

What does conclusion mean (OPTIC)?

draw a conclusion to the meaning or message of the picture based on what you have viewed and discussed as a group, essentially what is the argument the artist is trying to convey

What is the message (rs)?

central idea of subject/topic

Why did the Harlem Renaissance occur?

economic depression, failed farms, and worsened racial tensions sparked a huge migration from the rural south to jobs in industrial areas moved looking for a better life in the 1920's came a star-studded group of poets, writers, musicians, and artists -- NYC made African Americans feel free to express themselves, to create, to fully tell the story of the African American experience in words, pictures, paintings, and music

What is the audience of a graduation speech (rs)?

family, staff, graduates

What is the message of a graduation speech (rs)?

go do great things

What is the purpose of a graduation speech (rs)?

good job

What is the exigence of a graduation speech (rs)?

graduating, celebration of my success

What is the subject of a graduation speech (rs)?

graduation, success

What is a rhetorical situation?

how a situation changes based on the environment

What is naturalism?

influenced by the French novelist Emile Zola, sought to examine people and society objectively and draw conclusions fro what is observed, much like scientists...believed that people had no control over events and tended to be pessimistic

Who is the audience (rs)?


What is civil war literature?

mainly nonfiction accounts and diaries; poetry was still fairly popular

What does the Harlem Renaissance mean?

means rebirth or revival

What is the kairos of a graduation speech (rs)?

my graduation, when I graduate

What is the context of a graduation speech (rs)?

no failures, ceremony, celebration, certificate, seeing end drives response

Who is the speaker of a graduation speech (rs)?

people have worked hard, nostalgia

What is exigence (rs)?

problem, need for conversation

What is the big picture/idea (rs)?

so what, why it matters, why do we care

What is the speaker (rs)?

the one presenting the topic

What is kairos (rs)?

timeliness, why then, when the situation happens

What is the subject (rs)?


What is universal idea or human condition (rs)?

universal truth, realization

What is the big picture/idea of a graduation speech (rs)?

we care because it's been 13 years, hard work pays off

What is context (rs)?

what are we walking into, set perimeters, situation (fact/emotions), provides prepared response, what drives the response/reaction

What does title/text mean (OPTIC)?

what does the title tell you about the picture, why is the text significant, how much does it add to what you understand or do not understand about the picture, if a title or text isn't present what would you add

What does overview mean (OPTIC)?

what is happening in the picture, summarize the "action" of the visual without analyzing its meaning yet

What is the purpose (rs)?

why, why the message works/is effective, speakers end (communicating their message)

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