Sentence structure

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Independent or main clause

If it is a complete sentence and can stand on its own, it is called:

Dependent or subordinate clause

If it is a complete sentence and cannot stand on its own, it is called:

complex example

Until you put more money on your account, you will have to eat a cheese sandwich at lunch. Darryl looked after my dog while I was away. Bring your backpack when you come to school today.

run-on example

The Mayflower landed in 1620 it had 102 passengers The bell rang summer was finally here I ate a cupcake, it tasted amazing

compound example

The ride lasted for several minutes, but my stomach continued to rumble for several hours. The wind whipped against our faces, and the screams of other riders excited us. The roller coaster is such fun; it's very popular.


A group of words with its own subject and verb.


A part of a sentence and it may lack a subject or predicate (verb). It is not a complete thought.

phrase example

About tornadoes

Fragment example

After the game Sitting in the small car When I ran away

subordinate conjunction

After, although, because, before, if, since, unless, until, when, while, etc.

compound-complex example

Although I like to go camping, I haven't been lately, and I haven't found anyone to go with me. Even though he prefers to eat with a fork, he chooses to use chopsticks in Chinese restaurant, but they aren't easy to use. Here is the money that I owe you, and I am happy to be free of debt.


Complete thought. it contains at least one subject and one predicate (verb). It can stand by itself and still make sense.

Adverb phrase example

During the storm, ranchers chased the herd. Rain fell across the country.

coordinating conjunction

For And Nor But Or Yet So


Is a group of words that function as a single part of speech in a sentence. Do not have a subject and a predicate (verb)

Adjective phrase example

It rattled the window in the room. The sound of the wind scared us. There was a smell of rain in the air.


It's made up of more than one independent and at least one dependent.


It's made up of one independent clause


It's made up of one independent clause and at least one dependent (subordinate) clause.


It's made up of two independent clauses joined by a comma and coordinating conjunction or semi-colon

simple example

She washed the car. Tim and his brother are traveling to Mexico Carla will clean and iron all her clothes for the trip

Adverb phrases

modifies a verb, adjective, or an adverb. Point out where, when, in what way, or to what extent.

Adjective phrase

modifies the noun by telling what kind or which one

Comma, separate sentence, and semicolon

three ways to correct a run-on sentence


two or more sentences separated by just a comma or no punctuation.

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