Serial Podcast Multiple Choice

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Kevin Urick, the prosecutor, was angry at Don because Don...

Didn't make Adnan sound creepy during his testimony

When comparing and contrasting Don's reaction to Adnan's reaction when they both get the call from the police about Hae being missing, what are the similarities or differences?

Don immediately traced his whereabouts that day because he knew he would a suspect. Adnan didn't even consider that he would be a suspect.

By bringing in Deirdre Enright, her help has the potential to...

Add Logos to the case through scientific testing of DNA

Sarah Koenig's main objective for bring Deirdre Enright onto the podcast is to...

Add credibility to the "Adnan is innocent" theory by bringing in an expert lawyer who had found flaws in Justin Wolfe's case.

If you wanted to prove that Adnan was unhealthily obsessed over Hae, which testimony would be the strongest evidence to use in your case?

A quote from Aisha saying, "just the constant paging her if she was out, um, and he's like, "Well I just wanted to know where you were." And it's like, "I told you where I was gonna be."

Sarah Koenig first hooks or grabs the attention of the listener in the first few seconds by...

Statement of facts and explaining personal connection

Koenig most likely includes several potential juror voices at the beginning of episode 10 for the purposes of

Adding to the creepy mood of the podcast and giving evidence that the jury members were screened for prejudices.

The second thing that Cathy find really strange is that

Adnan gets a call and acts paranoid

In Jenn's statement, what motive did she supply the detectives?

Adnan said that Hae broke his heart

Even though the cell phone records don't plot out to match the timeline of Jay's story, which is the main part of the call records that looks very incriminating for Adnan?

Adnan's cellphone pings at Leakin Park

What challenge does Adnan post of Koenig as his way of proving that it would be impossible for the murder to occur between 2:15 and 2:36?

A challenge to map out the route in real time by visiting the school and timing the drive to Best Buy

I read a few newspaper clips about the case, looked up a few trial records. And on paper, the case was like a Shakespearean mashup-- young lovers from different worlds thwarting their families, secret assignations, jealousy, suspicion, and honor besmirched, the villain not a Moor exactly, but a Muslim all the same, and a final act of murderous revenge. And the main stage? A regular old high school across the street from a 7-Eleven. From the passage above, what literary device as a part of author's craft does Sarah Koenig use?


Prosecutor Kevin Urick told the jury in his opening statement, "He became enraged. He felt betrayed that his honor had been besmirched, and he became very angry, and he set out to kill Hae Min Lee." Sarah Koenig later (in episode 10) claims that the prosecutor uses the word choice "besmirched" to...

Bring to mind connotations of a word from the old country where honor killings happened.

In episode 11, Adnan gets upset at Sarah for...

Bringing up the fact that he used to steal from the Mosque

The main overarching essential question of episode 11 titled "Rumors" is...

Can you tell if a person is capable of evil based on their everyday actions?

What key primary source is valid in determining what Hae and Adnan's relationship was like?

Hae's diary

Sarah Koenig most vividly illustrates her point that is very hard to account for your time in a detailed way by...

Having teenagers try it and then play a recording of their responses

Adnan's mother Shamim believes that the jury found Adnan guilty because....

He is a Muslim

The reason Koenig doesn't want to give Mr. S's name is because...

He is a streaker

Ali, an old friend of Adnan's, wants his name changed and his voice scrambled because...

He is scared of the Mosque community finding out and judging him

If you wanted to prove that Adnan is guilty, which forms of evidence would you use. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.

His palm print is on the map in Hae's car and a page that has Leakin Park on it is ripped out; He may have asked Hae for a ride because he first told the police that he did then he said he didn't; There is a call on his phone that only he would make (not Jay)

The state's case against Adnan Syed also hinged on Jay's likeability. Which tactic below was the best example of a Pathos appeal to the jury in regards to believing Jay's story.

It's Baltimore. Half the jury is black, seven out of twelve actually. Jay probably comes off as a nice young man and this white lady is yelling at him.

In episode 9, Koenig reveals her theory about the " What am I gonna do? What am I gonna say? They're gonna come talk to me. What am I supposed to say?" call was about. Who and what does she hypothesize this call is about?

It's a call from Aisha and is about the police calling to check with him about Hae's missing status

The first thing that Cathy finds really strange is that

Jay brings Adnan to her house uninvited and Jay has never been to her house without Jenn

For children of the Baltimore Mosque, Adnan's story has turned into a...

Legend about a secretive young man who didn't heed the cautions of his faith and family

Adnan tells Koenig about a case similar that involved a male named Justin Wolfe. In which ways are Adnan and Justin's cases similar.

Like Adnan, people thought of Justin as a good kid even though he was hanging around some tougher types; Like Adnan's lawyer, Justin's lawyer was later found to be a bad lawyer; Like Adnan's witness, Justin's case had a witness that was never heard from

The genre of Serial can best be described as...

Literary nonfiction because it's a blend of facts and author's craft that usually appears in fiction.

The cops find Hae's body because

Mr. S told them where to search for it because he found it by chance

The mood that is created in the Leakin Park visit can best be described as...

Ominous and somber

Adnan told me all he wanted was to take the narrative back from the prosecution, just as an exercise. So people could see his case without makeup on, look at it in the eye up close and make their own judgments. He told me, he doesn't think I should weigh in. The passage above contains which author's craft?


Sarah Koenig What's that? Justin George Look at it. I mean, the sign says a lot. Sarah Koenig It say's "This area patrolled. Dumpers will be prosecuted." You could barely read it. It's hard to read a sign that's covered in grafitti and pierced with seven bullet holes. In fact the cops found twenty cartrige casings in right about this spot when they collected evidence in 1999. Sarah Koenig most likely includes this conversation and description to...

Point out a situationally ironic sign because this park is known as a body dumping ground and to give details that will illustrate the dangers of being in this park.

Which words does Koenig use to set this mood? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.

Sadly...its dead bodies, A macabre website dedicated to Baltimore murders lists..., On a freezing day we went...back into the woods

Adnan and Hae's relationship begins and ends with a

School dance

When Adnan was in high school, he can be described as the following.

Secretive; Eager to please parents; Charismatic

Rabia Chaudry contacted Sarah Koenig to help out with the case because

She knew Sarah Koenig had done an article on Adnan's lawyer in the past

Jenn incriminates herself by confessing that...

She knew about the murder from Jay and helped Jay get rid of some evidence

Why is Summer so adamant that it would be impossible for Hae to be at Best Buy at 2:36?

She spoke with Hae at least 10 minutes that day after school about a wrestling match that day

When Jenn is first brought in for questioning she tells the detectives that she doesn't know anything. But later that night she changes her mind. What makes her change her mind?

She thinks she might get charged

Why is Laura Estrada Sandoval so adamant about remembering that there wasn't a payphone at Best Buy?

She used to steal from there

At trial, Adnan's lawyer brings up this phone booth when she's trying to attack Jay's credibility. She says to the judge, "we believe that the physical description of the actuality of Best Buy, including the location of the phone booth at Best Buy, the entrance, the existence or non-existence of security cameras," etc., she goes on. A better way to "attack Jay's credibility" would have been to

Show logical evidence that there wasn't a pay phone at Best Buy by posting a picture of the parking lot

The state's case against Adnan Syed hinged on Jay's credibility. Which tactic below was the best example of an Ethos appeal to the jury in regards to believing Jay's story.

Stella Armstrong - He seemed like he was streetwise, can I-- I hope that's the best way to put it. He seemed like he got around in the neighborhoods, or he was able to take care of himself. He reminded me of-- he would be that friend if you got in trouble you would call. You know what I mean? Say if I was back in high school and somebody was bothering me, he reminded me of somebody I would call to help me. Like if somebody was fighting me, or-- Sarah Koenig -So it was believable to you that he would be that guy for Adnan, like he would be the guy Adnan would turn to.

The state's case against Adnan Syed hinged on Jay's credibility. Which tactic below was the best example of a Logos appeal to the jury in regards to believing Jay's story.

Stella Armstrong Like I said, it's been a while but I remember the one young man who was supposedly his friend, who had enabled him to move the body. That struck me that "why would you admit to doing something that drastic if you hadn't done it?" You know what I mean? For what reason? What was he going to gain from that? He still had to go to jail.

I read a few newspaper clips about the case, looked up a few trial records. And on paper, the case was like a Shakespearean mashup-- young lovers from different worlds thwarting their families, secret assignations, jealousy, suspicion, and honor besmirched, the villain not a Moor exactly, but a Muslim all the same, and a final act of murderous revenge. And the main stage? A regular old high school across the street from a 7-Eleven. From the passage above, what is she trying to get at by saying, "not a Moor exactly, but a Muslim all the same...?"

That Moors from Shakespeare's time are often villainized as Muslims are today

Adnan is disappointed because

The results didn't prove what he had hoped they would

What Adnan and Hae have in common that Adnan's cites as having the most appeal about being in a relationship with each other is

They both had strict immigrant parents

The detectives are able to get a subpoena for Adnan's cell phone records because

They have sufficient evidence now that they have received a call from an anonymous male who tells them Adnan used to take Hae to Leakin Park and that a friend of Adnan would probably know something. The friend mentions something about dumping a car at a lake which is what the anonymous called also said.

How did the defense use the information above to form their argument as to why Adnan should be granted a chance to be released on bail?

They said that his friends, family, mosque congregation represent a strong support system that will supervise Adnan and accompany him back to court.

But at a hearing on Adnan's bail status on March 31, 1999, she felt it. The courthouse that day was packed with people from Adnan's mosque, The Islamic Society of Baltimore. They'd raised tens of thousands of dollars for his defense, they offered to put up their own houses and other properties to secure his bail. How did the state use the information above to form their argument as to why Adnan should not be granted a chance to be released on bail?

They said that his friends, family, mosque congregation were so supportive that they would even go as far as organizing his escape to Pakistan.

Sarah Koenig most likely uses Josh's story directly after Don's story to...

To give an opposing viewpoint that makes Adnan look capable of murder since Don's story makes him look like a nice guy.

Which context clue best explains what is meant by "not a Moor exactly, but a Muslim all the same...?"

the villain not a Moor exactly, but a Muslim all the same

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