Sexual Harassment prevention Test Out

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Julia, Megan and Abby sat near each other in the office and often discussed and joked about sexually-related topics as they work. Justin sat in a nearby cubicle. He was starting to dread being at his desk because he felt like he was being forced to listen to some very graphic details. one day, he tells them that he's uncomfortable and asks them to change the subject. what should the women do?

-Find other subjects to talk about at the office -Discuss personal subjects somewhere private

Eric and Kevin have routinely been intimidating Laura, a shipmate. It's not uncommon for them to block her way, stand very close, put their hands on her shoulders, or call her obscene names. In addition, they have spread rumors about her private life and sexuality. What are likely consequences for Laura?

-High Levels of Anxiety -Lowered job performance -Health problems, such as insomnia and nausea

Nick has a habit of making offensive remarks about women to his female shipmates. His supervisor spoke with him about it and for awhile he changed. But lately, he has been heard making remarks when he thinks the supervisor isn't listening. What consequences might Nick face?

-Negative performance evaluation -Loss of reputation at work -Letter of reprimand

Ian's coworkers became aware that Ian has been sexually harassing Aubrey. Which of the following coworkers responded appropriately?

Levi, who took Ian aside and pointed out to him how he was being offensive and demanded that he stop.

One of your shipmates is being sexually harassed. She has already emailed the harasser to tell him to stop and you have spoken to him about it. The harassment has not only continued but intensified and your shipmate asks you what she should do next. What should you tell her?

Report him to the supervisor

A Coastguardsman receives suggestive tests from her supervisor. When she warns him that she will report him, he hints that she will receive poor performance evaluations if she mentions it to anyone. This is an example of:

Sexual Harassment

Ethan puts up cartons on the wall of his workstation, some of which have elicited remarks about how degrading they are to women. In addition, he has on a few occasions viewed pornography on his personal laptop at his workstation during lunch. One day, his supervisor talks with him privately and reprimands him. What might Ethan have done to avoid this?

Taken down the cartoons that his coworkers found offensive. Not viewed porn at his workstation.

Amber was teased by several of her shipmates who made lewd gestures and propositioned her. She asked them to stop, explaining that if they continued the behavior, she would have to complain to her supervisor. Since then these shipmates and a couple of others who support them have responded by calling her names, vandalizing her property, and threatening her if she does anything to get them in trouble. What would be the best solution for Amber?

Work with supervisor to resolve the issue

Jared reported his female supervisor for inappropriately touching him and making comments about his appearance. She was reprimanded and stopped the behavior but became very critical of him. Soon after, Jared is given two weekend duties in a row. Is the supervisor's behavior after the reprimand considered sexual harassment?

Yes, and he can report her retaliation as part of the sexual harassment.

Two of Craig's coworkers have been spreading rumors about Craig's personal life, including his sex life. Because of this Craig has been feeling anxiety about work and depression that some of their other coworkers may believe them. This leads to frequent nausea and increased absences from work. Are Craig's reactions typical for a target of sexual harassment?

Yes, and his situation may worsen if its not dealt with appropriately

Jake put up a calendar of bikini-clad women draped over cars in his workspace. His supervisor tells him that she has been receiving complaints and that Jake must remove the calendar. Jake points out that he didn't hang it up to harass people. Is Jake's behavior sexually harassing?

Yes, because a reasonable person could find it offensive.

Outside of work, Dave has been texting and calling Amanda and asking her for a date. She made it clear to Dave that she doesn't want to go out with him, but he won't stop. While at work, Dave acts normal, but Amanda still finds herself looking over her shoulder, afraid he'll start bothering her there. Is this sexual harassment?

Yes, because his unwanted attention

At a unit morale party where gifts are exchanged, Sophia receives a present that she considers obscene. The person giving the gift and another shipmate make lewd jokes about it. The next day, Sophia and several others complain to the supervisor. Could this incident have an effect on the unit?

Yes, it could cause tension or encourage other incidents.

Amber was teased by several of her shipmates who made lewd gestures and propositioned her. When they didn't stop at her request, and she complained to her supervisor, who reprimanded the men. Since then, these shipmates and a couple of others who support them have taken revenge by calling her names, vandalizing her property, and threatening her if she does anuthing more to get them into trouble. Can Amber do something about this?

Yes, the backlash against her can be reopened as retaliation that resulted from the original harassment incident.

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