Sherpath Week 1-4 2602

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A nurse knows that her peer is using substances and tries to convince the peer to voluntarily report the abuse to the state board of nursing. However, the peer is too scared. What does the nurse say to the peer to convince the peer that voluntary reporting is the best scenario?

"If they catch you before you turn yourself in, you could lose your nursing license."

Which published works served as the impetus for the development of the QSEN competencies?

"To Err is Human; Building a Safer Health System" Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century

A nurse is working with a new nurse in a hospital. The nurse notices that the new nurse has been volunteering to be assigned to more patients and has been volunteering for extra shifts as well. After a month, the new nurse appears tired and moody. Which statement made by the nurse can help the new nurse cope with reality shock?

"You should take care of yourself and make sure you are getting plenty of sleep."

Which event caused nursing efforts to focus on being better prepared for mass casualties?

9/11 The events of 9/11 were the impetus for hospitals to adopt disaster preparedness, with mass casualty drills and emergency management procedures.

Which is an example of how information technology can improve patient safety?

A "Sepsis Alert" notification on the electronic health record if a patient meets certain criteria

What is reality shock?

A feeling of powerlessness that leads to an inability to cope with the demands of the profession.

Which scenario demonstrates horizontal violence?

A new nurse is being bullied by her coworkers because of the nurse's religious beliefs.

Place the scenarios in order from lowest risk to highest risk of the incivility continuum.

A nurse rolls his eyes at his coworker. A nurse makes sarcastic jokes about a peer's clothes. A nurse calls the new nurse a "goody two shoes." A nurse insults a colleague's religion. A nurse jumps on top of her colleague in the heat of an argument and chokes her.

Which scenario represents the beginning stages of incivility along the continuum?

A nurse uses her cell phone for texting while at the nurses' station.

A baby is born very prematurely and requires intensive, specialized treatment. Which type of inpatient setting is most likely to have the needed neonatal intensive care unit?

Academic medical center A large urban or academic medical center would most likely have high-level specialized and intensive care treatment units available.

The nurse with an advanced degree has many options for growth and development professionally with an organization. Which nursing role requires an entry-level master's degree?

Advanced Practice Nurse Advanced practice nursing allows nurses to pursue various clinical specialties in a variety of areas such as mental health. This role must have an entry-level master's degree.

How might a nurse benefit professionally from continuing education (CE)?

By meeting requirement to maintain licensure as a registered nurse Some states require nurses to have a certain number of CE hours in order to maintain licensure. By increasing the opportunity to maintain expertise in professional careers CE is an opportunity for nurses to maintain expertise in their professional practice. Gain recognition as having obtained a level of expertise in a particular field through CE CE provides an opportunity to increase skills and recognized level of expertise, which can lead to identification as a resource for other nurses.

A diploma student is meeting with a nursing advisor about obtaining a higher degree in nursing. The advisor includes which as a benefit of obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree?

Career mobility BSN-prepared nurses experience greater career mobility in the complex health care system.

In which ways does a plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle help improve quality?

Carries out rapid cycle tests of change Helps develop creative ways to improve things Determines changes to be made based on results

Although the AACN has recommended a DNP for all advanced practice nurses, which advanced practice specialty, has mandated that a doctorate degree will be the entry point by 2025?

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist The DNP is a must for all certified registered nurse anesthetist by the year 2025.

An RN case manager evaluates a patient to assess the progress being made toward identified outcomes. Which can the case manager use for this evaluation?

Critical path A critical path is used to identify patients whose progress is not in accordance with expected outcomes.

Which are attributes of facilities in TJC Magnet® Recognition Program?

Demonstrated lower mortality rates Higher levels of autonomy for nurses Links quality patient care and nursing excellence Better relationships between physicians and nurses

How has the ADN program changed from its inception to today?

Education expanded to include critical thinking and leadership ADN programs now include critical thinking and leadership skills. The ADN nurse now works alongside the BSN prepared nurse instead of being supervised as in the past.

The nursing professor is leading a discussion with ADN students on the benefit of obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) after graduation. Which information should the professor include on how the BSN curriculum improves patient outcomes?

Emphasizes critical thinking skills The four-year duration and curriculum focuses on critical thinking skills that improve patient safety and quality care. Promotes evidenced-based practice Evidenced-based practice has been a well-researched and instrumental component of professional nursing practice to improve patient outcomes. Demonstrates health care system and quality leadership skills As a BSN graduate, leadership skills that improve quality, and systems that manage patient populations, improve patient outcomes.

Nurses are positioned to take a leadership role in the provision of health care in the United States. Which is an important role for future nurse leaders?

Ensuring quality improvement and patient safety Nurse leaders have the skills to ensure quality improvement and patient safety in many settings.

In which ways can flowcharts be useful as tools for quality improvement?

The steps are listed in a linear process. The process can be understood as a whole. They are helpful when dealing with multiple caregivers. The steps of a process are mapped out under headings.

How do shadowing programs help reduce reality shock?

They give students a chance to work closely with preceptors.

The ORYX® program was developed by TJC for which purposes?

To enhance accreditation process To promote quality and safety initiatives

Which were some early struggles for diploma and ADN students with regard to obtaining a BSN?

Tuition cost Financial costs of universities were much larger and there was limited funding for continuing nursing education, especially in the early years. Transferring credits Many BSN curricula did not coincide with some of the diploma and ADN programs, which would require them to repeat course work. BSN not required by many hospitals Hospitals preferred the diploma programs because the nursing students were used as staff. Attitudes towards the necessity of a BSN Since many diploma and ADN nurses worked in similar roles as their BSN counterparts, they did not feel the need for advancing their degrees.

For which reason is hiring unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) not an appropriate choice for a neonatal intensive care unit?

UAPs are not trained for a neonatal intensive care unit. UAPs are not trained to handle neonates or intensive care units and can increase liability and risk of injury.

Which are aspects of a PDSA cycle?

Used to plan and conduct rapid change cycles Helps to develop creative ways to improve things

In what way does patient-centered care differ from other care delivery models?

Valuing patient autonomy over the institution's needs. Patient-centered care is defined by valuing the patient's autonomy over the institution's needs.

What can a nurse expect to do while participating in a rehabilitative program through the state board of nursing due to opiate addiction?

Attend rehabilitation meetings. Participate in workplace evaluations. Comply with blood and urine testing. Be restricted from administering controlled substances.

Match the advanced practice nursing role with the appropriate care setting.

Clinical nurse leader Care coordinating in hospital Clinical nurse specialist Mental health clinic Certified nurse midwife Well woman clinic Certified registered nurse anesthetist Ambulatory surgery

Which is a major focus of the Aiken study?

Minimum nurse-patient staffing ratios. A minimum nurse-patient staffing ratio in California was a major focus of the Aiken study.

In what way is the Health care industry as a whole impacted by reality shock?

Resources such as time and money are spent on hiring and training nurses to replace those who leave.

Which are the duties of the registered nurse in team nursing?

Team leader - Only a registered nurse can be the team leader in team nursing. Matching skills to licensure - The team leader RN matches the skills of each team member to the correct level of patient care. Taking responsibility for the team - The RN is ultimately responsible for the care provided by team members.

Which aspects help tele-health nurses reduce time spent traveling to patients in isolated areas?

Access to digitalized imaging Access to digitalized images make diagnosing and treatment easier for health care personnel who are not with the patient. Remote access to laboratory reports Tele-health technology gives nurses remote access to laboratory reports. Real-time transmission of patient data Health data from patients can be transmitted quickly using tele-health technology without waiting for paper copies in hand. Counseling patients on mobile phones Nurses can educate and counsel patients over the phone without having to make a home visit.

In a Just Culture, which describes an active failure?

An intentionally unsafe act

Many new roles are opening up for nurses that require specialty and advanced degrees. Which practice setting provides major support and encouragement for nurses wishing to advance their training?

Armed services A major benefit of military nursing is the encouragement and support for nurses to seek advanced degrees.

What change in American society led to advances in the visibility and need for nursing in the early 20th century?

Arrival of large numbers of immigrants The arrival of large populations of immigrants, primarily in New York City, led to an increased demand for nurses, due to cramped conditions and the easy spread of disease.

Which options describe the responsibilities of a home health nurse?

Assessing the home environment for safety - Assessing the safety of the home environment is a responsibility of a home health nurse. Communicating health updates about the patient to the provider - The home health nurse must possess strong assessment skills and be able to communicate changes in the patient's health status. Providing and documenting thorough assessment findings and report appropriately - The home health nurse must be comfortable reporting and verbalizing assessment findings to the provider and documenting appropriately. Providing education and support to the patient and family in the home environment - The home health nurse, as a caregiver in the home environment, functions as a supporter and educator to the patient and family.

There are many educational opportunities for nurses to advance their degree. Which is a way that the DNP nurse is different than the PhD prepared nurse?

Choose a specialty The DNP nurse can choose a clinical specialty within the profession. The PhD nurse cannot choose specialties such as Nurse Practitioner without addition education.

Which is an example of continuing education (CE)?

Class led by an infectious disease physician on the patient with Ebola Recognition, treatment, and protection from Ebola provided by an expert in the field can qualify as CE credits as long as requirements are met.

Which is an important function of the faith community nurse?

Coordinating volunteer health ministers An important function of the faith community nurse is to coordinate volunteer health ministers.

Which are used by The Joint Commission (TJC) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for tracking quality measures?

Core measures

Which types of nursing can be delivered on either an inpatient or an outpatient basis?

Faith-based nursing - Faith-based nurses may meet the needs of parishioners in the community or when they are hospitalized. Medical office nursing - Medical office nursing usually is an outpatient function, but office nurses can round on hospitalized patients and communicate with in-hospital providers. Palliative care nursing - Palliative care nursing can be provided to inpatients, in either a hospital or long-term care setting, or as an outpatient, usually in the home.

Place the key events in nursing history in the correct chronological order.

Florence Nightingale took 38 trained nurses with her to the battlefields of Turkey during the Crimean War. Catholic nuns provided nursing care to soldiers in battle during the early battles of the American Civil War. Clara Barton set up a makeshift field hospital and created an independent supply chain. Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary became the first nursing school for African Americans. The American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses was established.

An RCA uses which quality improvement methods?

Flowcharts Pareto chart Cause-and-effect diagram

Which diseases had an impact on the advancement of nursing in the United States?

Flu HIV/AIDs Typhoid fever

Which is true of clinical indicators?

Focus on specific aspects of care

Which is an example of an ethical dilemma brought about by advancement in medical treatments?

Genetic testing to determine whether a couple's children will be likely to have genetic anomalies Genetic testing will help couples with making decisions, but it is not in itself an ethical dilemma. What couples do with the information is their personal decision.

According to the NPSGs, which is a safety benefit to improving staff communication?

Getting important test results to the right person in a timely manner

Why is self-care an important factor for coping with reality shock?

Getting plenty of rest gives nurses the energy to care for patients. Being mentally and physically strong helps nurses face the demands of the nursing profession. Having a healthy social life with friends and family gives nurses an outlet to unwind and have fun. Maintaining good nutrition helps nurses stay healthy and nourished to meet the demands of long shifts

The PhD prepared nurse is considered a scientist in the nursing profession. Which is a key aspect of the role of a PhD nurse whose primary focus is research?

Grant writing The PhD prepared nurse competes for grants and develops the nursing science.

A nursing instructor is teaching students the history of nursing education. Which factors led to the decline of diploma programs?

Health care system complexity The complexity of health care systems has led to the decline of diploma programs because higher levels of preparation are necessary. Growth of BSN nursing programs The demand for new skills and leadership roles in nursing increased. Also, research showing better patient outcomes with BSN nurses has led to a decline in diploma programs. Support of the BSN by most professional organizations Support of the BSN by professional organizations, such as the American Nurses Association (ANA), has helped with the decline in diploma programs.

David provides care to patients who are terminally ill. The focus of his nursing is to provide pain management as well as emotional and spiritual support to patients and families as his patients approach death. Which type of nurse is David most likely to be?

Hospice nurse The goal of hospice nursing is to provide pain management as well as emotional and spiritual support to patients and families during end-of-life care.

"Identify patients at risk for suicide" is a component of which National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs)?

Hospital Behavioral health

Which is the most likely setting for a patient who is critically ill?

Hospital Intensive care unit

Which type of simulation should be used to promote emotional engagement?

Human patient simulation

In which ways does the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act improve patient safety and quality of care?

Identifies trends and patterns of errors Enables the sharing of information related to errors Establishes patient safety organizations that analyze error information

Which are attributes of an effective nurse leader?

Identifying new trends Nurse leaders can identify and take advantage of new trends in nursing. Possessing interpersonal skills Interpersonal skills help with team and staff management to improve care. Being an effective communicator Effective communication can improve care and safety. Having the ability to think critically Nurse leaders who can think critically can make better decisions for staff and patients.

Which were notable contributions related to minority nurses?

Immigration increased in the United States. The arrival of large numbers of immigrants overwhelmed the available health care resources, and African American nurses were needed to help with the numerous health concerns of the growing population. The Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary was established. This was the first school for African American nurses, established in Atlanta in 1886. It later became Spelman College. Mary Seacole set up a hospital during the Crimean War. A Jamaican nurse, Seacole set up a hospital for soldiers during the Crimean War. This was after paying for her own travel to Great Britain.

Match the methods of acquiring data with the correct definition.

Incorporates human factor theory - Just Culture Focuses on specific aspects of care - Clinical indicators Can be compared to the nursing process - Performance improvement Accredited health care facilities required to report on them - Core measures

Which are professional advantages of certification?

Increased earning potential Employers usually pay nurses more for having professional certification. Recognition of professional achievement Professional certification is a visible recognition of profession achievement. Enhanced professional credibility and recognition Professional certification provides credibility and recognition within a specialty area. Increased opportunity for promotion and career advancement Certification in a specialty area can lead to increased opportunities for professional advancement.

Match each change in nursing with the societal change that played a part in driving it.

Increased number of men entering nursing - Media portrayal and gender stereotypes changes. The establishment of standardized nursing education - Recognition of nursing professional standards. The addition of gerontologic nursing into most nursing school curricula - Care of older patients is a primary concern. Increased participation in nursing by minority groups - Increased immigration and cultural awareness.

What is the purpose of an advance directive?

It allows individuals to determine their care plan in the event they are unable to make decisions for themselves. An advance directive is a legal document determining the extent of what individuals want done in the event of them being unable to make a decision related to their own care.

Which types of care might nurses provide for veterans of the Iraq/Afghanistan War?

Long term care for lower body and limb injuries Lower body and limb injuries from mine explosions are common injuries from the Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts. Post traumatic stress disorder and depression Veterans of the Iraq/Afghanistan war commonly are affected by PTSD and depression.

Which are benefits of continuing education (CE) for nurses?

Maintaining licensure in certain states Most states require CE credits as part of renewing nursing licensure. Obtaining the latest information about nursing practice CE courses are an excellent way for nurses to stay informed about the latest practice developments. Gaining additional expertise in a specific or specialty field Nurses can take CE credit courses to obtain additional knowledge and expertise in a certain area. Establishing competence or expertise in a specific topic in nursing A nurse who has taken a CE course in a certain area may be able to establish competence in that field. Providing higher quality of care and educational support for patients and families Nurses who have completed CE courses have increased their knowledge base and can apply that to their practice, which results in a higher quality of care.

Research shows which is a result of having more BSN nurses?

More positive outcomes Research shows that patients have better outcomes on units with more BSN nurses than units staffed with fewer BSN nurses.

Which are benefits a professional organization can provide to nurses?

Networking with peers Networking with peers is a benefit of joining a professional organization. Developing leadership skills Professional organizations help with leadership skills through certification and educational opportunities. Improving public speaking skills Professional organizations can help in honing public speaking and presentation skills. Providing research opportunities Professional organizations give nurses access to the latest research opportunities.

The RN that pursues a master's degree can choose either a clinical or non-clinical educational track. Which role is more aligned with clinical focus?

Nurse Practitioner The nurse practitioner is a clinical role for the master's prepared nurse and the nurse can further specialize within this role.

There are many pathways that a master's prepared nurse can take. Of these roles, which one has prescriptive authority?

Nurse practitioner The nurse practitioner has prescriptive authority. This is a part of the role.

In which ways does achievement of the knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) by nurses improve the quality and safety of patient care?

Nurses adopt low-risk approaches to high-risk situations. Nurses become adept at using technology to reduce errors. Nurses involve the patient and family in planning and implementation of care. Nurses look at data with the idea of using it to drive improvements in patient outcomes.

Which are examples of challenges nurses overcame to further the nursing profession?

Nursing shortages At numerous times in American history, there were critical shortages of nurses in the military and serving in hospitals. These shortages led to special recruitment of nurses which, in turn, expanded their scope of practice. Performing emergency procedures without physician supervision Nurses in combat zones, most notably Vietnam, set up tent hospitals and often were required to perform emergency procedures with no physician supervision. This lead to the emergence of advance practice nurses.

Kim is an RN working in an environment in which one of her responsibilities is to oversee a safe workplace, monitor employee health, and conduct safety evaluations. Which type of nurse is Kim most likely to be?

Occupational health nurse Occupational health nurses oversee a safe workplace, monitoring employee health and conducting safety evaluations.

An employer knows that providing basic health care helps to reduce employee absenteeism and improve profitability. Which nurse will meet these needs?

Occupational nurse Occupational nurses provide basic health care and screenings to employees, helping to reduce employee absenteeism and improve profitability for employers.

Which are the advantages of an RN-BSN program?

On campus time is limited Hybrid/blended RN-BSN programs have no or limited on-campus time. Many programs are online Many RN-BSN programs are offered online which makes them more accessible. Programs are shorter in length The program length for an RN-BSN program is typically two to three years, vs. four years for a traditional BSN student. An RN license has already been obtained The RN to BSN student already has an RN license, and a traditional student is working toward eligibility to take the exam and licensure.

In the NPSGs for home health, which home safety considerations are addressed?

Oxygen use Preventing falls Keeping an up-to-date medication list Using hand hygiene to prevent infection

Which is a common measure in both studies conducted by Dr. Aiken and colleagues?

Patient outcomes Both studies by Dr. Aiken and colleagues looked at the patient outcomes to measure the results obtained.

Alex is a nurse working in a surgical unit. His patient has a peritoneal dialysis catheter in place. Alex is not familiar with peritoneal dialysis and researches information about it prior to assessing the patient. He notes in the literature that there are several different methods of performing peritoneal dialysis. He goes into the patient's room and asks the patient what is his preference on timing and method of performing peritoneal dialysis. Which QSEN competencies are demonstrated in this scenario?

Patient-centered care Evidence-based practice

What contemporary philosophy in nursing originated with the theories of Hildegard Peplau?

Patient-centered care Peplau reinforced the idea that a patient and family should be collaborative in their own care, which was the basis for patient-centered care.

Which nurses are at risk for substance abuse?

Patrick has worked for two weeks straight without a day off. Gabriela works in the trauma center, which she does not like. Kari has a terribly sore back and is caring for a patient who is prescribed pain killers.

Research is an important role of the PhD prepared nurse. Which is considered the preferred method to disseminate information obtained through research methods?

Peer Reviewed Journal Peer reviewed journals are a good resource to disseminate knowledge that reaches a targeted group.

The nurses who work on unit 3D at the hospital are all friends on a social media site. One day, one of the nurses posts a bullying comment about a new nurse who joined their team. What is the appropriate action by the other nurses?

Point out the bullying behavior and standing up for the new nurse.

In which ways does certification influence the perception of delivery of higher-quality patient care?

Proficiency in a particular specialized area of care Certification is given only to nurses who obtain knowledge and experience in a specialized area. Recognition by the public and peers of established competency in a particular specialty A certification communicates competence and commitment to a particular specialty, which can be appreciated by peers and the public. Recognition of competence and experience in a particular area of nursing, and acknowledgment of increased skill level Certification does establish recognition of competence and experience.

In what ways did wars impact the advancement of nursing?

Provided leadership roles for nurses At the start of the Crimean War, no organized system of medical care existed. Nurses became leaders during this time in establishing hospitals and providing for better patient conditions during and after wars. Increased awareness of the value of nursing Field surgeons, soldiers, and the general public became increasingly aware of the valuable contributions of skilled nurses. Cramped, unsanitary conditions of field hospitals The deplorable conditions of field hospitals were an opportunity for nurses to establish and promote cleanliness and improved conditions for patients. Large numbers of patients with limited medical resources Field surgeons were overextended in wartime hospitals. Trained nurses were valuable in assisting with care and procedures.

The doctoral degree has many opportunities for nursing practice. Which is specific to the DNP degree?

Provider patient relationships The nurse practitioner establishes a provider patient relationship much like the medical profession.

For which reason would a nurse-manager choose primary care as a staffing model for a neonatal intensive care unit?

Provides one nurse per patient. Primary nursing provides one nurse per patient and is appropriate for a neonatal intensive care unit.

Which describes the goal of a hospice care nurse?

Providing care for patients at the end of life after treatment options are exhausted Providing dignified care for patients during the end of life after all treatment options have been exhausted is a goal of hospice nursing.

Which is most likely a primary function of a home health nurse?

Providing skilled care for patients needing continued care after discharge from the hospital Home health nurses provide skilled care for patients needing continued care at home after discharge.

There are many factors that can help the PhD nurse educator to become and remain tenured. Which activity by the tenured PhD nurse is an aspect of research?

Publishing in scientific journals The PhD nurse is expected to publish articles based on their research in order to retain tenure status within a university. Giving podium presentations at conferences The PhD nurse can reach a smaller group that is interested in the research topic by giving podium presentations to retain tenure.

How would a registered nurse with a bachelor's degree in nursing and specialty certification properly list credentials?

RN-C, BSN (Bachelor's Degree RN, Certified) A nurse with a BSN and specialty certification could use licensure, education, and certification credentials.

According to the ANA, which is an important point about patient-nurse ratios that must be made clear to legislators?

Registered nurses must set the ratio numbers. The ANA believes that ratios should be required by legislation but that the numbers should be set by RNs on the unit of the facility.

The nurse observes a coworker who arrives late to her shift. As she explains why she is late, the nurse observes that the coworker's speech is slightly slurred and her eyes appear droopy. How should the nurse proceed in this situation?

Report what you have observed.

What is an appropriate scenario for making it known that incivility is not tolerated at a health care organization?

Requiring the wrongdoer to collaborate with the nurse manager to develop goals and a performance improvement plan.

Which is the main difference between the educational basis of diploma programs and the ADN programs?

Service skill orientation Diploma programs are service oriented to the hospital, while ADN programs have an emphasis on technical skills and education.

What are factors that contribute to nursing shortages?

Shortage of nursing faculty - A shortage of nursing faculty leads to smaller nursing classes and fewer nurses graduating. Increase in general population - An increase in the general population translates to an increase in the population of patients. As the population gets older, there is an ever-increasing need for nurses. Aging of the current nursing workforce - As the population ages, so do working nurses. This contributes to nursing shortages. The perception of increased responsibility with little authority - Many nurses, unfortunately, still do not feel empowered in their profession. This is improving, but still contributes to nursing shortages

Which are components of the six established QSEN competencies?

Skills Attitude Knowledge

Which factors inform the ANA's approach to staffing?

Staff skill mix - The skill mix of staff is an important factor when considering safe staffing levels and is a factor in the ANA's proposal. Patient acuity - Patient acuity impacts the number and skills of the nursing and health care staff, and it is a factor that the ANA considered in its proposal. Staff experience - More experienced staff can handle higher acuity patients and is an important factor of the ANA's proposal. Support services - The ANA factored support services into the safe staffing proposal.

The IOM report highlighted the need for professional education in all health care professions. The multidisciplinary summit that came about in response to the report established which student needs as priorities?

Students are not prepared to work in interdisciplinary teams in their education; however, this is an expectation once in practice. Students are not consistently educated in how to find, evaluate, and use the rapidly expanding scientific evidence on which practice should be based. Students have limited training in information systems such as electronic health records and other means of accessing information necessary in practice. Students' educational needs did not integrate content on how to care for increasingly diverse, older adult and complex chronically ill patient populations.

Samantha and Elise are both nurses who work on the pediatric unit of a hospital, and they have become friends outside of work as well. Samantha knows that Elise has been struggling with depression after separating from her spouse, but she recently found out that Elise drinks an entire bottle of wine each night to cope with the depression, which is unusual for Elise. During one of their shifts, Elise shows up to work wearing the same clothes she had on the day before and smells of alcohol. What action should Samantha take in this scenario?

Talk to Elise privately and convince her to self-report the substance abuse to the manager.

Match the sources of health care quality and patient safety information with their actions.

The Joint Commission's ORYX® - Enhances accreditation process National Database for Nursing Quality Indicators - Impact of staffing levels on quality outcomes Hospital Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Survey - Choice of hospitals based on survey results

As part of the process for identifying underlying factors of an event, the root cause analysis (RCA) begins by asking which initial questions?

What happened? Why did it happen? What can be done to prevent it from happening again?

What would be some of the responsibilities of a nurse in a busy health care provider's office?

Working closely in tandem with the provider - The medical office-based nurse usually works most closely with the physician and assists with assessments and support. Providing education and support to patients - The medical office nurse provides clarification and instruction related to physician instructions. Performing assessments and documenting changes - The medical office nurse often has an ongoing relationship with patients and is able to note any assessment changes. Communicating with other providers to ensure continuity of care among providers - A medical office nurse is likely to communicate changes in treatment and medications to a patient's other providers.

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