SHIELD 6.1 Review
What is the greatest danger factor for teen drivers?
risk taking
What's the biggest factor leading to teen crashes?
Why do teen drivers take risks?
Because they have a sense of invincibility
The emotional frame of mind of a driver is not an important factor in his or her ability to drive safely.
What number of male drivers has a crash before his 17th birthday?
1 in 12
What percentage of deaths among 16 to 19 year-olds is related to motor vehicles?
What is vehicular homicide?
Assault with a vehicle causing the death of a person, whether unintentionally or intentionally
A highly skilled driver is not affected by emotions while undertaking driving skills that require accurate timing, or other subtle skills, especially during emergency.
Elderly drivers are more dangerous than teenage drivers.
What is not one of the three steps in dealing with your own road rage?
Take a driver's education course
A teenage passenger has a higher risk of death when a 16 year-old is driving than when anyone else is driving.
Fatal crashes are more likely to occur when there are three or more people in the vehicle.
Statistics show that the risk of fatal injury increased for younger drivers between the ages of 16-17 years with an increase in the number of passengers carried in the vehicle.
The main course of death among young adults between the ages of 15-24 is motor vehicle accidents.
If a car is tailgating you in the left lane of the highway, you should:
move your car into the right lane, slowly decrease speed