SHRM Test, SHRM, SHRM Flash Cards, Human Resources Test 1, HR TEST 1, People, SHRM, SHRM - RR - Multiple Choice, Foundations of HR - Midterm, SHRM-CP Workplace (15%) *

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"Recognizing differences among items or people." -Treated different BECAUSE of your membership to protected class

What legal principle is followed by national policies requiring "affirmative actions" to prevent discrimination?


The McKinsey Research

"War for Talent" - marked a shift away from passive reactive recruitment to "talent management". Need a robust sourcing method along with the EVP: understand who you want find them through acquisititions, outsourcing (got trained outside), insourcing Grow your people through job rotation Use multiple strategies Recruit continuously Hire external to refresh

are older workers bad for business?

"we need younger blood" "that's just old Fred" "overqualified"

selection rate =

# hires per group / # of applicants per group

Skill variety

# of skills used to perform a job Example: Sink factory - steel press

Prima Facie

(on its face) legal, reasonable evidence that discrimination has occurred in the workplace

Immigration Reform and Control Act I-9 form requires

-Certain documents establish proof of identity and right to work in the US -An employer should NOT tell employees which documents to provide or require more documents than the minimum requirement. -All employees hired after 1986 must complete a Form I-9

Trends that have been brought about because of globalization

-Creating worldwide company culture -Worldwide recruiting -Virtual workforce

Key HRM Responsibilities

-Development, Implementation, and maintenance of HR systems -Internal consulting -coaching and counseling

Three reasons we should understand the legal environment

-Doing the right thing -Realize the limitations of your firm's HR and legal departments -Minimize your firms potential liability

How has the internet revolution changed things for companies

-Greater written communication skills -Information overflow -Labor market barriers -Online learning -Focus on management

importances of SHRM

-HR systems are linked with high performing companies -A strong culture with happy staff members lead to stronger performance on the balance sheet

When are intellectual disabilities covered by the ADA?

-Intellectual function level is below 70-75 -Person has significant limitations in adaptive skill areas as expressed in conceptual, social, and adaptive skills -Disability originated before the age of 18

Functions of the EEOC

-Investigation -Conciliation - come to a common agreement -Litigation - hear the case

When is it legal to discriminate?

-Job relatedness -Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) -Seniority -Business necessity

4 elements of a job description

-Job title -Job summary - briefly describes the job in one sentence -Job duties and responsibilities - outlines what the person does on a day to day basis -Job requirements and specifications - education, experience, licensing or certifications

Examples of policies to protect the integrity of the HRIS

-Limit access -Permit limited access -Grant permission only on a need-to-know basis -Allow employees to verify and correct their own information -Encrypting data

Affirmative Action Program involves

-Organizational profile - workforce analysis -Job group analysis -Availability analysis -Comparison with current job incumbents -Identification of problem areas -Placement goals -Action-oriented program

Major Functions of HR

-Recruitment -Selection -Training -Compensation -Performance Evaluation

HR traditionally?

-an enabling function (cost saving) -a transactional, administrative role not adding much value to the firm

age discrimination

-baby boomers getting older -EEO law states that a company with more than 20 employees cannot fire someone over 40 based on their age. -Maine law has no age limit, and applies regardless of the number of employees.

Advantages of outsourcing HR activities

-better-quality people -specialized -reduction in administrative costs -preserves a strong culture

Critical Psychological Stages of the Job Characteristics Theory

-experienced meaningfulness of the work -experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work -knowledge of the actual results of the work activities

PWC annial survey about what CEOS worry about

-global economy -talent (58%) -6/10 can't find right talent -16% satisifed with liking recruiting, compensation, values and strategic objective

Personal/ Work Outcomes of the Job Characteristics Theory

-high internal work motivation -high-quality work performance -high satisfaction with the work -low absenteeism and turnover

Benefits of telecommuting

-increase productivity -better overall performance -flexibility -gives females an easier way to stay in the workforce after pregnancy

Disadvantages of outsourcing HR activities

-loss of control over activities -losing the opportunity to gain knowledge -small businesses lose attention

Core Job dimensions of the Job Characteristics Theory

-skill variety -task identity -task significance -autonomy -feedback

Theories of Motivation

-two-factor theory -goal-setting theory -job characteristics theory -justice theory

What is the current wage gap?

.17 for every dollar

5 Points about visas, work permits, residence permits

1 - get legal counsel 2 - takes a long time and will not be smooth 3 - family members need visas / work permits too 4 - Domestic partners may not be recognized for visas 5 - some countries require a separate residence permit (in addition to work permit) **may require letter of undertaking (who is responsible for this person)

Establish Diversity Programs

1) top management commitment to diversity 2)management accountability for diversity results 3)Programs: form diversity committee conduct diversity training establish monitoring system emphasize diversity in succession and promotion establish multicultural work teams

Key Components of the Design Phase

1- Composing goals and objectives 2- Outlining the flow and structure of the program 3- Further defining the target audience

more effective downsizing

1- investigate alternatives (attrition, voluntary separations 2) involve key managers develop comprehensive communications plan plan for nurturing "survivors" offer outplacement assistance

Steps in Developing Pay Levels

1. Determine the organization's compensation philosophy 2. Conduct a job analysis 3. Group into job families 4. Rank positions 5. Conduct market research 6. Create job grades 7. Create a salary range 8. Determine how to deal with salaries not in range 9. Update all pay structures

Training Methods

1. On-the-job training 2. E-learning 3. Simulators 4. Coaching 5. Mentoring 6. Lectures 7. Group discussions 8. Role playing 9. Videos 10. Case studies

3 Underlying Principles of Human Behavior

1. People have a reason to do what they do 2. People do this to accomplish something 3. No two people are alike because of heredity and environment

Purpose of Formal Onboarding

1. Teach employee about role tasks and socialization 2. Integrate into organizational culture/norms 3. Build relationships and give employee sense of acceptance

4 Global Drivers of Engagement

1. Work itself, including opportunities for development 2. Confidence and trust in leadership 3. Recognition and Rewards 4. Org communication in timely and orderly way

HR manager/ employee ratio


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to all employers with at least how many employees?


How long does one have to file a complaint of discrimination?

180 days


1970; Occupational Safety and Health Administration; to assure safe and working conditions for men and women by authorizing the standards and documentation that is developed under the Act

consensual relationships and romance at work

40% of workers have dated a co-worker 58% of workers said they have been involved in a office romance 30% have found their partner at work

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

5 Basic human needs (pyramid) that influence and motivate behavior 1. Basic physical 2. Safety and Security 3. Belonging and love 4. Esteem 5. Self- Actualization

Peter Senge's Fifth Discipline

5 Disciplines that interface and support one another in order to create an environment where learning can occur: Systems thinking mental models personal mastery team learning shared vision **make training tied to business objectives, continuous, both empl and managers take responsibility for training

Job characteristics theory

5 core job characteristics --> 3 critical psychological states --> personal/work outcomes

SHRM survey on having formal, written dating policy

72% do not have a written policy 14% say they have an unwritten, but well understood, norm in their workplace. 13% do have a policy. 7% forbid dating

employee side of jobs

87% dislike job 33% hate job USA 67% labor in wrong career avg hours worker 75,000 hours

What is the usefulness of a key risk indicator (KRI)?

A KRI provides early warning of risk emergence.


A belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power; especially a personal God or gods; a particular system of faith and worship

Negligent Referral

A claim made against a professional who negligently refers a client to another professional

Dispersed Leadership

A collective form of organizational governance in which leadership tasks are widely distributed among the organization's members

Competitive Advantage

A condition or circumstance that puts a company in a favorable or superior position

How will measuring revenue per employee help HR better understand the level of employee engagement?

A decrease in revenue per employee may correlate with lower employee engagement.

Worker's Compensation

A form of insurance that provides wage replacement and medical benefits to employees that might be injured on the job, in exchange for legal recourse

Functional Leadership

A model that focuses on how leadership occurs, rather than focusing on who does the leading; leadership is a distributed function

Working Mothers

A mother who engages in a work life, aside from their duties as a child care provider

High Performance Work Systems

A name given to a set of management practices that attempt to create an environment where employees has a greater involvement and responsibility


A person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is illegal, unethical or not correct


A plan of action for accomplishing an organization's long-range goals.

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

A plan that is implemented when an employee has a problem on their performance review; a chance to give a struggling employee time to improve before termination

HR Planning

A process that identifies current and future HR needs for an organization to achieve its goals

Environmental Scanning

A process to survey and interpret relevant data about the surrounding area to identify threats and opportunities


A proposal presented to a legislative body for possible enactment as a statute.

Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications (BFOQ)

A quality or attribute that employers are allowed to consider when making decisions on hiring and retention of employees For example: a men's clothing manufacturer can legally advertise for male models without receiving legal recourse

Cultural Competence

A set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system and how to be able to work across cross-cultural communities

Six Sigma

A set of techniques and tools for quality process improvement.

Strategic fit

A state in which an organization's strategy is consistent with its external opportunities and circumstances and its internal structure, resources, and capabilities.

Succession planning

A talent management strategy to help identify and foster the development of high-potential employees.

What is a good example of an upside risk?

A team finishes its project two weeks ahead of the schedule.

Applicant Tracking Software

ATS- also called automated tracking systems, electronic preemployment screening - organizations manage the entire recruiting process from receiving applications to hiring employees. Finds keywords- but applicants are starting to trick the system. Decreases cost and time though.


Ability of an individual to influence a group or another individual toward the achievement of goals and results.


Ability of an instrument to measure what it is intended to measure.

Business intelligence

Ability to gather and analyze data from inside and outside the organization so that information is available for decision makers.

Global mindset

Ability to take an international, multidimensional perspective that is inclusive of other cultures, perspectives, and views.

What two organizational functions usually report to the chief financial officer?

Accounting and finance


Act of deliberately accessing a computer without permission.


Action of rejecting a bill or statute.

Sympathy strike

Action taken in support of another union that is striking the employer.

Career planning

Actions and activities that individuals perform in order to give direction to their work lives.

sexual harassment

Actions that are sexually directed, unwanted, repeated, and subject the worker to adverse employment conditions or create a hostile work environment -Posters, Emails, Jokes, Dress, Mugs, cartoons gestures etc.

Value drivers

Actions, processes, or results that are needed to deliver a desired value.

Employee life cycle (ELC)

Activities associated with an employee's tenure in an organization.

Developmental activities

Activities that focus on preparing employees for future responsibilities while increasing their capacity to perform their current jobs.

Discretionary Benefits

Additional health or non-health related supports


Addresses employees' psychological needs - the desire for approval and distinction, for growth and advancement.

HR Management Roles

Administrative (clerical, record keeping) Operational and Employee Advocate (managing HR activities) Strategic (helping define strategy relative to human capital and link with co. results)

Social Media in Recruiting

Adv - low cost, branding, target globally, reduce time to fill, engage passive applicants (employed but would leave for better opportunity) Disadv - can't trust everything you see, inadvertently learn too much (legal risks! -- freedom of speech, discrimination)

Internal Recruiting Adv and Disadv

Adv - rewards good employees, familiarity, cost-effective, improves morale, promotions Disadv- produce org inbreeding, limited perspective, heavy burden on training, political infighting for promotions

External Recruiting Adv and Disadv

Adv- new ideas/talent, gain competencies, cross-industry insights, reduce training (w/ experience hires), diversity Disadv- misplacements, increase recruitment costs, morale problems with internal candidates, longer onboarding and orientation

tangible indicators of diversity

Age Marital and family status Disabilities Race/ethnicity Religion Gender Sexual orientation

What federal law or regulation applies to most employers?

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

Collective bargaining agreement

Agreement or contract negotiated through collective bargaining process.

What are some specific things that are not considered a disability?

Alcoholism and drug abuse, obesity

Team learning

Aligning and developing the capacity of a team to create the results its members esire

Workforce management

All activities needed to ensure that the skills, knowledge, abilities, and performance of the workforce meet current and future organizational and individual needs.

How would an organization's use of zero-based budgeting affect the human resources budget?

All expenditures must be justified.


All financial returns (beyond any benefits payments or services), including salary and allowances.

Outside the United States, for which employees are employment contracts generally used?

All levels of staff, including most temporary and part-time workers


All those affected by an organization's social, environmental, and economic impact shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, regulators, and local communities.

Types of Group Interviews

All type of in-depth interviews: 1 -Multiple candidates meet with one or more interviewers. Done when the job is clearly defined and numerous candidates can be informed / asked about job requirements. 2 - fishbowl interview. Interactive where several applicants or one applicant and potential colleagues work together to solve a problem. 3 - most common are panel/team interviews where each interviewer serves a different purpose (tech, social, etc.). Structured questions are spread amongst panel members in a "tag-team" style of their proficiency. Save time. BE careful to not intimidate. Sit in a circle or living room style.

Senior management has determined that a reduction in force (RIF) is the only way it can address financial difficulties. Which action would best minimize the impact of the downsizing on the organization and employee morale?

Allow employees to volunteer to be separated.

What is the best career development strategy for an engineer who is not interested in a management position?

Allow for upward movement in technical positions.

Job bidding

Allows employees to indicate interest in a position before it's available.

making business more diverse

Allows new talent and new ideas from employees of different backgrounds. Helps recruiting and retention. Allows for an increase in market share. Leads to lower costs because there may be fewer lawsuits.

Days to Fill

Also time to fill - number of days from when a job requisition is opened until the offer is accepted. Helpful, but should look at this with new hire quality and ensure balance of 3 factors (cost efficiency, quality, speed)

During an interview, when is it appropriate to ask candidates about any outcome they might consider a failed performance?

Always; failures contribute to learning


Amount of owners' or shareholders' portion of a business.

Risk appetite

Amount of risk the organization or function is willing to pursue or accept to attain its goals.

Risk tolerance

Amount of uncertainty an organization is willing to pursue or to accept to attain its risk management.

What is meant by the term "residual risk"?

Amount of uncertainty remaining after all management efforts have been made

Affirmative Action

An action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination

Risk control

An action taken to manage a risk.

Inside Moonlighting

An employee who holds a second job outside of normal working hours within the same organization.

Business Necessity

An employer's defense for an employment-related decision based on the requirements of the business and is consistent with other decisions

Risk position

An organization's desired gain or acceptable loss in value.

Attitude Survey

An survey of feelings that a population has towards a particular brand, product or company


Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation - cyclical, depends on previous success in steps, instructional design model that is conducive to any type of learning.

What type of assessment is most likely to be conducted near the beginning of the development of a global staffing plan?

Analysis to determine the gap between the current staffing situation and future staffing resource requirements

Selection screening

Analyzing candidates' application forms, curriculum vitae, and résumés to locate the most-qualified candidates for an open job.


Annualized formula that tracks number of separations and total number of workforce employees per month.

Schaufeli and Bakker View on Employee Engagement

Antithesis of "employee burnout": Vigor - High levels of energy and effort in work Dedication - Involved in work and have a sense of pride/enthusiasm about it Absorption - Fully concentrated on and completely engrossed in work

Workplace Violence

Any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening or disruptive behavior that occurs in the workplace


Any amount of time that is worked over 40 hours in one work week; pay rate is one and one half time the pay per hour


Any fixed, recurring period of 168 consecutive hours (7 days times 24 hours = 168 hours).

Non-financial compensation

Anything that can be used to reward an employee besides a salary, for example: paid days off, medical insurance, retirement, etc.

Strategic Planning

Art and science of formulating, developing, implementing, and evaluating cross functional decisions they enable an organization to achieve its objectives

How is today's global organization best characterized?

As any organization, large or small, whose every process, action, and decision is firmly rooted in a carefully conceived global strategy

Competency Based

Ask questions based on real situations related tot he competencies for the position - ask for an example of a time he/she demonstrated the competency.

What strategy would be most helpful in obtaining commitment from managers when planning major changes in the performance appraisal process?

Ask the managers what changes they think should be made.

When planning major changes with the performance appraisal process, what would be most helpful in obtaining commitment from managers?

Ask the managers what changes they think should be made.

Needs Analysis

Assesses and identifies developmental needs at three levels: individual (thru perf reviews), task (changing in future?), organizational (high turnover areas, expansion future? choose these). Makes sure you make a program to see what program, why, how, challenges, resistances, and goals.

Situation judgment tests (SJTs)

Assessment tools that present prospective leaders with sample situations and problems they might encounter in a work environment.

Assessment centers

Assessment tools that provide candidates a wide range of leadership situations and problem-solving exercises.

Reasonable Accommodation

Assistance or changes to a position or workplace that will enable an employee to do his or her job despite having a disability

Secondary action

Attempt by a union to influence an employer by putting pressure on another employer.

Weighted average

Average of data that adds factors to reflect the importance of different values.


Average score or value.

Qualitative Analysis

Based on research that uses open-ended interviewing to explore and understand attitudes, opinions, feelings and behavior

Push training model

Based on training department schedule, success is based on number of people who attend training. Compliance based.


Being in accordance with all national, federal, regional, or local laws, regulations, and government authority requirements for all the nations in which an organization operates.


Belief that employers and employees can act together for their common good.

Organizational values

Beliefs that are important to an organization and often dictate employee behavior.

non-protected groups

Believe that the emphasis on diversity makes them scapegoats for problems created by increasing diversity.

calculations of costs of absenteeism should usually include

Benefits Overtime for replacements Fees for temporary employees, if incurred Supervisor's time Substandard production Overstaffing necessary to cover absences

Following recent media attention, a manufacturer is experiencing a sudden growth spurt. Which HR tasks can be effectively outsourced to allow HR to focus on strategic activities?

Benefits and payroll administration

median income for male and female workers

Biology and tradition Men were the real breadwinners! Increase in divorce rates EEOC laws - pregnancy disc act married =78% single, no children, under 18 = 96.1% never married =95.2 % all women= 82.1%


Bona fide occupational qualification - legitimate job criterion that employers can legally and permissibly use to hire a foreigner. Proves locals cannot do this job.

Global Recognition Trends

Broad Range of performance appraisal outcomes (promotion, increase pay) High levels of resources Empl Involvement in Target Setting Organizational justice Consistency and transparency

Design Phase

Broad goals and objectives are developed and broad plans for the treatment of the content and strategy for implementation are made. Outcome is an architecture or rough sketch of what the final program will look like.


Broadcast-style communications that enable authors to publish articles, opinions, product or service reviews, etc., on a web page.

Job enlargement

Broadening the scope of a job by expanding the number of different tasks to be performed.

Employee Engagement

Broader concept than employee satisfaction, commitment, and morale. Outcome-driven concept - certain employee and employer/workforce characteristics can lead to employee behaviors that positively influence individual - and business - level performance. Organizational commitment and employees' willingness to go the extra mile.

Civil Rights Act of 1991 made what changes to the 1964 Act?

Burden of Proof = employer Quotas were banned Extended the possibility of collecting compensatory damages

When employer could potentially discriminate

Business Necessity and Job Relations Bona Fide Occupation Qualifications (BFOQS) Burden of Proof Non-Retalitory Practices

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Business approach that contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Business management software, usually a suite of integrated applications, that a company can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many business activities.

How can an organization's greater diversity benefit its recruitment efforts?

By enhancing the employer's brand and ability to attract high-potential talent

Examples of Top Managers

CEO, President, Chief Human Resource, Chief Diversity, Chief Information Systems


CPHI - for internal use, CPHC - for comparisons with competitors

Which statement about corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies and programs is correct?

CSR policy results are being included in annual financial performance reports.

Learning Activities

Can be Passive or Participatory - passive is listening to lectures, reading, panel discussions, and demonstrations. Participatory is learner interacts with instructor, co-learners, or a process.

Pivotal Talent Pools

Can lead to improved organizational decisions and performance - Boudreau and Ramstad believe traditional job descriptions often miss essential actions by being rigid and only showing current tasks being done.

Step 4 -- Make an offer to the top candidate

Can make different types of offers. Should consult legal for all: Contingent job offer - conditional upon passing tests (medial, psychological) Employment offer - oral or written comm formally offering candidate job usually through an offer letter (standard, state terms of employment with acceptance deadline, state details of acceptance). may begin salary negotiations. Employment Contract - written agreement between org and employee explaining employment relationship. Clarify terms. Include relocation, terms for resignation, compensation/benefits.

Recruitment Cost and Yield Ratios

Can measure several things such as: Cost to hire vs total first-year compensation (RecCosRatio) Qualified apps vs total apps (yield ratio) Minority apps vs total apps (yield ratio) Female apps vs total apps (yield ratio)

conditional job offer

Can you perform the essential functions of the job for which you are applying with or without accommodation?

Intercultural wisdom

Capacity to recognize, interpret, and behaviorally adapt to multicultural situations and contexts; also called cultural intelligence.

Which market practice benefits might be offered to entice an executive to join an organization?

Car, transportation allowance, and meal vouchers

HR Measuring/Analyzing Empl Engagement

Career Development - advancement (rotation, enrichment, enlargement), learning, opp to use skills, paid training/tuition, internal mobility Relationship with Management - Comm, autonomy, mgnmt recognition of employees Compensation and Benefits -equal to market, work life balance Work Environment - meaningfulness, corp culture, relationships, work to mission, work itself

How is career development often viewed in Eastern cultures?

Career decisions may be strongly influenced by family and friends.

Dual career ladders

Career development programs that identify meaningful career paths for professional and technical people outside traditional management roles.

What is the difference between career management and career planning?

Career management focuses on the organization's needs; career planning focuses on the individual's needs.

Organizational learning

Certain types of learning activities or processes that may occur at any one of several levels in an organization.

Organizational Learning

Certain types of learning activities or processes that may occur at any one of several levels within an org- individual (training/experience), Group (KSAs in group), Organizational (shared insights and past org memory -policies etc.)

70-20-10 Ratio

Challenging assignments 70%, Developmental relationships 20%, Coursework and training 10% -- For executive and all adult learning


Characteristic of an organization with a strong global image but an equally strong local identity.

After a workplace survey showed that it was not perceived as "employee-friendly," an organization decides to implement alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Which type of ADR would be most appropriate?

Chosen officer

Which task is critical to identifying the talent needs of a business?

Clarifying performance standards

Disparate treatment

Clear discrimination against an employee


Cluster of highly interrelated attributes, including KSAs, that give rise to the behaviors needed to perform a given job effectively. A set is called a "competency model".


Clusters of highly interrelated attributes, including knowledge, skills, or abilities (KSA) that give rise to the behaviors needed to perform a given job effectively.

An organization has designed and published its values, provided training on the values, and outlined an individual's responsibilities in upholding those values. What has the organization created?

Code of ethics

Merger/acquisition (M&A)

Combination of two separate firms either by their joining together as relative equals (merger) or by one acquiring the other (acquisition).


Combining several salary grades or job classifications with narrow pay ranges into one band with a wider salary spread.

Engagement Strategy Components

Commit long-term Measure consistently Connect engagement with business results Seek empl input Gain leadership support

mergers and acquisitions

Communicating decisions Revising the organization structure Merging HR activities

What do software as a service (SaaS) users need to access the software?

Compatible browser

psychological contract: employers provide

Competitive compensation and benefits Flexibility to balance work and home life Career development opportunities

What type of information might be discovered during an environmental scan?

Competitive threats

Requirements for Application Form

Complete, Easy to Read, Easy to Review: Authorization to verify info and check references Statement regarding truthfulness and a signature References Previous app/work with employer Work History Education, training, and special skills Basic personal data

Skill banks/skill tracking systems

Computerized talent or skill inventories furnish lists of qualified people

Diversity of thought

Concept describing the presence of different types of cognitive processes in a workplace; opposed to "groupthink," or similarity of thought processes and opinions.

Cultural relativism

Concept that argues that ethical behavior is determined by local culture, laws, and business practices.

Ethical universalism

Concept that argues that there are fundamental ethical principles that apply across cultures.

Due process

Concept that laws are enforced only through accepted, codified procedures.

Stakeholder concept

Concept that proposes that any organization operates within a complex environment in which it affects and is affected by a variety of forces or stakeholders who all share in the value of the organization and its activities.

Comparable worth

Concept that states that jobs requiring comparable skills, effort, responsibility, and working conditions filled primarily by women should have the same job classification and salary as similar jobs filled by men.

Rule of law

Concept that stipulates that no individual is beyond the reach of the law and that authority is exercised only in accordance with written and publicly disclosed laws.


Concise and general intro to a candidate's experiences and skills. 1-2 pages. Accompanied by a cover letter (letter of interest or motivation letter)

What is the best way to evaluate an emergency response plan?

Conduct a crisis drill.

What is the best method to use when training employees on an emergency response plan?

Conduct drills and role plays.

A recent employee survey identified work/life balance as a problem for an organization. What would be the best objective to include in HR's business plan?

Conduct five focus groups to identify work/life balance issues and prepare a report/recommendations by mid-year.

Gallup Meta-Analysis on Q12 Engagement Survey

Confirmed connection between employee engagement and 9 performance outcomes: % better in top engagement than low engagement: 10% customer ratings 22% profitability 21% productivity 25% turnover 48% safety incidents 28% shrinkage 37% absenteeism 41% quality (defects)

Human Capital

Conned knowledge, skills and experience of a companies employees

In his curriculum vitae (CV), a well qualified applicant takes a lot of credit for team initiatives. What should HR do?

Consider scheduling a screening interview.

Broad-based strategies and tactics to address individual employee concerns about

Consistency in organizational rewards Organizational support for employee efforts Accurate measurement of employee performance Desirability of rewards by employees

What policy gives employees an opportunity to understand expectations and change their behaviors?

Constructive discipline


Consumers born between 1977 and 2000 and the children of the Baby Boomers.

psychological contract: employees contribute

Continuous skill improvement and increase productivity Reasonable time with the organization Extra effort when needed


Contracting with third-party vendors to provide selected services/activities.


Conversational, allows candidate to elaborate on topics, non-threatening. Difficult to compare answers. "non-directive interview"


Conversion of data into a format that protects or hides its natural presentation or intended meaning.

What factors provide the best basis for determining future global staffing requirements?

Corporate and HR strategic plans

Maturity curves

Correlate pay with time spent in a professional field such as teaching or research.

An international hard discount supermarket chain's competitive strategy is to provide the lowest-cost products by minimizing operational costs and narrowing product choice. Which generic competitive strategy is it using?

Cost leadership

What is a traditional measure of recruiting costs?

Cost of hire

A manager in the IT department does not identify high-potential employees. As a result, many employees leave the company. What would be the best first step in solving the problem?

Counsel the manager on the importance of employee retention.

What is the goal of enabling local cluster developments?

Creating shared value

What type of organizational effectiveness and development intervention might focus on changing the values guiding employees' relationships with each other and with stakeholders?


A mail-order bakery that has had national success in the U.S. is expanding into global markets. They intend to start with five cakes that are current best sellers. Which potential issue should HR anticipate with this strategic approach?

Cultural tastes will vary from what is popular in the U.S.

Intrinsic Motivation

Daniel Pink - For right-brained, creative thinkers, this works best. The desire to do things because they matter. Get pay off the table, then do this. Revolves around three elements: 1. Autonomy 2. Mastery 3. Purpose

Affinity diagramming

Data sorting technique in which a group categorizes and subcategorizes data until relationships are clearly drawn.

Mind mapping

Data sorting technique in which group members add related ideas and indicate logical connections, eventually grouping similar ideas.


Data structure that stores organized information (numeric information as well as sound clips, pictures, and videos).

Skinner's Behavioral Reinforcement Theory

Deals with shaping behavior - desired behavior is recognized and rewarded, undesired behavior is ignored or punished. Positive Reinforcement - Give award for good behavior. Either contrived (salary increases, gifts, introduce to org), or natural (attention, praise, already exist) Negative Reinforcement - Avoiding undesirable consequences by giving person a reward when good behavior is exhibited. Punishment - negative reaction to undesirable behavior Extinction - no response

What action would an organization take during the strategy formulation phase?

Deciding on the organization's mission

What is the outcome of the arbitration process?


Step 1 -- Organize/summarize information in terms of selection criteria

Decision process -- gather all information gathered during the process. Should have been kept in one place (ATS) anyway. Be sure same level of information is available on every candidate. If not, consider language barriers or environmental conditions before DQ.

Step 2 -- Identify and Rank Acceptable Candidates

Decision process -- remove those who should not be considered and ranking the top. Should include explanations and relate to selection criteria. Use a variety of reviewers and consider the sources of data. Go through prioritization process twice.

Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)

Decision-making tool in which a team deter¬mines critical characteristics of a successful decision; a matrix is used to score each alternative and compare results.

Mental models

Deeply ingrained assumptions that influence how we understand the world and how we take action

Statutory Benefits

Defined as something that is fixed

Competitive Strategy

Defined as the long-term plan of a particular company in order to gain competitive advantage over its competitors in the industry; aimed to receive superior ROI


Degree to which decision-making authority is given to lower levels of an organizations hierarchy

Power Distance Dimension of Culture

Degree to which the hierarchical distribution of power is accepted by all the culture's members - can have an impact on info shared and developmental/training needs that may be identified in analysis step of ADDIE. (aycan) Low - based on person's developmental needs, based on formal perf evals, conducted participatively HIgh - based on group membership, affiliation, and won't express what they need to save face

For which position may an applicant be asked to take a polygraph test?

Delivery driver for a pharmaceutical firm


Delivery of training and educational materials, processes, and programs via the use of electronic media.

Which stage in the workforce analysis process considers the business challenges an organization faces and creates a forecast of the organization's future workforce composition?

Demand analysis

Strategy Implementation

Describe the activities within an organization to manage the execution of the strategic plan

Job Specifications

Describe the min quals needed to do the job in a satisfactory way - not the optimal candidate. Experience, education, training, licenses/certs, mental and physical abilities, level or org responsibilities. Ensures compliance with local laws.

Critical path

Describes the shortest amount of time required to complete a project, taking into account all project task relationships.


Describes why an organization exists and what the organization is

An HR director has been assigned to develop a program to support the opening of new retail stores. Which step in the ADDIE process identifies the behavioral results of the program?


Intrinsic motivation

Desire to do things because they matter, because we like it, because they're interesting, or because they are part of something important.

Methodology to build an Employment Brand

Determine existing beliefs ID main competition SWOT Develop Brand - values, benefits Ensure Consistency Test, Execute, Reassess Reinforce

Four-fifths rule

Determines if adverse impact has occurred

At what stage of the strategic planning process is a SWOT analysis performed ?


Talent management

Development and integration of HR processes that attract, develop, engage, and retain the knowledge, skills, or abilities of employees that will meet current and future business needs.

The Center for Creative Leadership, after 30 years of research, designed a model of learning called the 70-20-10 rule. The rule proposes that to develop managers it is important to engage them in three clusters of experience, using a 70-20-10 ratio. What type of experience does the "20" in the ratio stand for?

Developmental relationships


Developmentally oriented relationship between two individuals.


Differences in characteristics of people; can involve personality, work style, race, age, ethnicity, gender, religion, education, functional level at work, etc.

Racial Diversity

Differences in people of different races/ethnicities

An employee receives a piece rate up to a standard and then receives a higher rate once the standard has been exceeded. What type of pay system is this?

Differential piece rate

compensation and lifestyle

Differentiated pay package, high total compensation, geographic location, and respect for lifestyle

What obstacles to accomplishing a successful change to a new enterprise management system are unique to a global firm?

Difficulties in communication across borders and time zones

Mobile learning

Digitized instructional content delivered to wireless mobile devices (e.g., smartphones, tablet computers, notebooks, and digital readers).

What term has been coined for the process of charting a course through cultural differences?

Dilemma reconciliation

Total rewards

Direct and indirect remuneration approaches that employers use to attract, recognize, and retain workers.


Discipline that studies how adults learn- based on 5 differences in adult learners: - self concept - experience - readiness to learn (developmental task on social role focus) - orientation to learning (immediate applicability and problem focused) - Motivation is internal

A supervisor hires a new employee, and, by the end of the first month, the employee is having performance problems. What is the first thing the supervisor should do?

Discuss performance issues with the employee

A salesperson takes a personal phone call while a customer needs help. How should the owner give the salesperson feedback?

Discuss the incident with the salesperson in private and remind the salesperson of the policy on personal phone calls.

Types of Illegal Discrimination

Disparate Treatment Adverse Impact

3 types of justice:

Distributive Procedural Interpersonal

ADDIE - Development

During which materials are created, purchased, or modified to meet the stated objectives. Learning activities are developed.

Employee Life Cycle

ELC - all activities associated with an employee's tenure: Recruitment and Selection - up to and including hiring Onboarding and Orientation Training and Development Performance Management Transition

Which act facilitates the legal use of electronic signatures on electronic applications and contracts in the U.S.?


Triple bottom line

Economic, social, and environmental impact metrics used to determine an organization's success.

Transfer of learning

Effective and continuing on-the-job application of the knowledge and skills gained through a training experience.

Which best describes the impact of self-service technologies on internal HR?

Eliminates many time-consuming duties for HR and benefits managers

Because of an increase in terrorism, a global organization establishes evacuation procedures and communication plans for company sites. The organization also creates a website that sits outside the company's firewall for easy access if the organization's network goes down. What activity has the organization completed?

Emergency response planning

3 Types of Employee Surveys

Employee Attitude- perceptions of quality of mngmt, org comm issues, etc. Employee Opinion- Specific processes Employee Engagement - morale/satisfaction/commitment

Tools to Gather Info on Employee Engagement

Employee Surveys Focus Groups Individual Interviews


Employee Value Proposition - the foundation of employment branding. Answers why an employee wants to work for you and stay working for you. Needs to align with strategic plan, vision, mission, and values.

Financial planning, legal assistance, and tuition assistance programs are just a few examples of what type of work/life program?

Employee assistance

Variable Pay

Employee compensation that changes as compared to salary, which is paid in equal

Informal Onboarding

Employee learns about his job without a structured plan. Leaves most up to the employee.

HR is trying to better understand the indirect costs associated with organizational turnover. The employee engagement survey is coming up. What should HR try to assess as part of the survey?

Employee morale

An employer wants to survey employees on current safety procedures to determine if they have ideas on how to improve overall safety in the workplace. What type of survey would the employer conduct?

Employee opinion survey

When is the retention rate for adult learners highest?

Employees are able to practice what they have learned.

Nonexempt employees

Employees covered under U. S. Fair Labor Standards Act regulations, including minimum wage and overtime pay requirements.

Exempt employees

Employees who are excluded from U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act minimum wage and overtime pay requirements.


Employees who work outside their home countries.

HR concerns when completing Employee Surveys

Employees will be honest, can management handle it? Employees will always be critical of certain things (perf appraisal), if not willing to address, don't ask. HR will always be criticized (not empl oriented enough) Translation may be required. Do it well. Cultural differences. Online is good except need confidentiality and pilot testing

Employee engagement

Employees' commitment to an organization; willingness to put in effort that promotes the effective functioning of the organization.

3 things need to establish a case for disparate treatment

Employer did not hire him or her The person appeared to be qualified for the job The company continued to try to hire someone else for the position after rejection

How can a person be perceived to be disabled?

Employer makes assumptions about a employees condition and ability to do work based on an incident or history of illness

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

Employers can not: -Deny sick leave for pregnancy related issues -Design an employee health benefit plan that provides no coverage for pregnancy

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires

Employers to only hire workers who can document that they are legally permitted to work in the United States


Encompasses 3 Aspects of Employee Health: 1. Physical - overall health, stamina, energy 2. Psychological - stress, optimism, confidence, control 3. Social - work relationships, work/life balance, respect


Encompasses orientation as well as the first few months of an employee's tenure in a position.

Which practice is most likely to protect sensitive corporate data?

Encrypting employee computers and network communications

What approach will most help the change process go more smoothly?

Ensuring that employees have input into change alternatives


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

What does the equal pay act guarantee?

Equal Pay Act guarantees the same amount of pay for men and women who do the same job in the same organization


Error that occurs when an appraiser believes standards are too low and inflates the standards in an effort to make them meaningful.

Central tendency error

Error that occurs when an appraiser rates all employees within a narrow range, regardless of differences in actual performance.

Contrast error

Error that occurs when an employee's rating is based on how his or her performance compares to that of another employee rather than objective standards.

Leniency errors

Errors that are the result of appraisers who don't want to give low scores.

Uncommon, Possible Elements of a JD

Essential Functions- for highly skilled Reasonable Accommodation - Appropriate modifications or adjustments employers make for disabled persons Nonessential functions - desired, not required Sign-off- "employee will adhere to company values" or "I understand the job" sign and date Disclaimers - responsibilities are not exhaustive

Conducting the Interview

Establish rapport - make candidate comfortable Listen carefully - paraphrase back to make sure you heard correctly Smooth transitions Observe nonverbals - you and candidate Take notes - but not directly on form or resume! Conclude interview - explain next steps

What is the most critical role of a diversity council?

Establishing the vision, goals, and programs that define the diversity and inclusion initiative

The creation of a global compensation and benefits strategy that fails to take into account important local differences in culture is most likely to occur in what approach to global management?


Engagement Trends in Empl First Year

Excitement slows at 3 months, and declines to 52% engaged by 6 months

What type of talent management training is best for senior managers?

Executive coaching

Mentor, facilitator, innovator, and broker are roles of what level of leader?


Brain drain

Exit of educated and skilled citizens from emerging and developing countries for better-paying jobs in developed countries.

Performance standards

Expectations of management translated into behaviors and results that employees can deliver.

other indicators of diversity (EC)

Experience Education Perspectives Knowledge


Extension of the power of a country's laws over its citizens outside that country's sovereign national boundaries.

Identity alignment

Extent to which diversity is embraced in management of people, products/services, and branding.


Extent to which each person in an organization feels welcomed, respected, supported, and valued as a team member.

In the four-layer model of diversity, which layer consists of the results of life experiences and choices?

External dimensions

What communication method is more likely to be favored by high-context cultures?



Factors that initiate, direct, and sustain human behavior over time.

Legal Constraints on Pay Issues

Fair Labor Standards Act is what dictates the legal side of compensation as well as the minimum wage laws

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Fairly detailed overview of a candidate's accomplishments, especially those in academia. Most common for research or academia positions. Beginning of career, 2-3 pages, seasoned could be in double digits

Pay equity

Fairness of compensation and benefits paid to employees.

T or F: Job analysis measures job performance.


How to Prepare for an Interview

Familiarize self with duties/requirements of position Answer general questions about org Form questions Org questions in good order Review candidates resume/cv/form

Consequences of Turnover

Fill costs Negates fill costs Lost training and knowledge Employee Moral and Productivity Diversity Lost opportunity costs


Financial, physical, and sometimes intangible properties an organization owns.

Substantive Assessment Methods

Find those with min quals but also will be high performers: Cognitive Ability Test - multiple choice test (verbal, math, reasoning, reading comprehension) Personality Test - Social interaction, traits, temperaments Aptitude Test - capacity to learn or acquire new skill Psychomotor Test - demonstrate a min degree of strength/dexterity Assessment Centers - method of assessing higher-level managerial competencies. Actual situations. One-several days (in-basket exercises, role-play, tests, interviews)

What key characteristic of an effective risk management program is identified in ISO 31000?

Fits the organization's risk and control environment

ADDIE model

Five-step instructional design process that governs the development of learning programs.

An organization has experienced significant turnover among its creative writers. During exit interviews, the writers have expressed dissatisfaction with rigid starting times, a lack of recognition for their work, and poor communication between managers and employees. What measure could the organization take immediately to address some of the concerns?


"macro" strategic HR Management (SHRM)

Focus on the integration of HR practices and human capital with the company's strategy. Bundles of practices High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) Creating a synergistic effect

Delphi technique

Forecasting technique that progressively collects information from a group without physically assembling the contributors.


Form of corporate governance that requires a typical management board and a supervisory board and that allows management and employees to participate in strategic decision making.

Constructive discipline

Form of corrective discipline that implements increasingly severe penalties for employees; also called progressive discipline.

Incentive pay

Form of direct compensation where employers pay for performance beyond normal expectations to motivate higher performance.

A university is beginning its budget planning process. Due to cutbacks in state aid, every department must cut its budget by 3%. What is this budgeting method called?

Formula budgeting

Strategic Management

Formulation and implementation of the major goals and initiatives taken by a company's top management

What on boarding activity would be the best way to help a management new hire understand and navigate the cultural and political landscape of the organization during the first 90 days on the job?

Fostering organizational relationships and providing frequent opportunities for open discussions.

Diversity dimensions

Framework for understanding the range and complexity of diversity; includes four layers (personality, internal dimensions, external dimensions, and organizational dimensions); also known as identity group.

Systems thinking

Framework that makes patterns clearer and helps one see how things interrelate and hot to change them

attractive job

Freedom and autonomy, exciting challenges, and career advancement and growth

What is the most critical change in how organizations now define diversity?

From a defensive, compliance-based view to a strategic view of diversity as an asset

How has the role of the HR professional evolved?

From operational to strategic

What is an example of strategic drift?

Front-line managers change strategy in increments and strategic focus becomes incoherent.

essential job functions

Fundamental job duties of the employment position that an individual with a disability holds or desires.


Generalized opinions about how people of a given gender, race, religion, age, education level, job type, or national origin look, think, act, feel, or respond.

The creation of a single, cohesive global compensation and benefits strategy, with the flexibility to conform to local cultural and legal differences, reflects what approach to global management?


Why an Application Form

Get information YOU want to know, not what the applicant wanted you to know Shows if applicants exaggerated Signature verifies the info is correct Goes directly into ATS

Flexible Work

Gives employee the flexibility to determine where they work and for how long they work

Cherry Picking

Giving higher salaries etc. for same skills other organizations pay less. Trying to recruit more talent.

Challenges to Employee Engagement

Global competition, harsh economy, tech adv, boundaries between work and life are blurred -- leading to lower productivity, greater absenteeism, increase in turnover

Local responsiveness (LR) strategy

Globalization strategy that emphasizes adapting to the needs of local markets and allows subsidiaries to develop unique products, structures, and systems.

Global integration (GI) strategy

Globalization strategy that emphasizes consistency of approach, standardization of processes, and a common corporate culture across global operations.

quid pro quo

Granting sexual favors for raise, promotion etc.

Which term refers to a company building a new global location from the ground up?

Greenfield operation

Which court case established the criteria for disparate impact?

Griggs v. Duke Power


Gross Domestic Product; estimate of the total value of goods and services produced in a country in a given year

Nominal group technique

Group of individuals who meet face-to-face to forecast ideas and assumptions and prioritize issues.

Trade union

Group of workers who coordinate their activities to achieve common goals in their relationship with an employer or group of employers; also called labor union.

Labor union

Group of workers who coordinate their activities to achieve common goals in their relationship with an employer or group of employers; also called trade union.

Works councils

Groups that represent employees, generally on a local or firm level; primary purpose is to receive from employers and to convey to employees information that might affect the workforce and the health of the enterprise.


Growing interconnectedness and interdependency of countries, people, and companies.

Vision Statement

Guiding image of an organizations future

Well-Being and Engagement Relationship

H WB and H E - Most productive and happiest employees L WB and H E - More likely to leave organization, high productivity, and burnout H WB and L E - More likely to stay, less committed to org L WB and L E - Contribute the least and won't leave due to laziness Well being enhances relationship between engagement and productivity. Needs to align with culture.

Which HR professional is fulfilling the correct role of HR in managing organizational risk?

HR conducts a workshop with other functions to identify potential upside and downside risks to the next workforce management plan.


HR function that acts on the organizational human capital needs identified through workforce planning and attempts to provide an adequate supply of qualified individuals to complete the body of work necessary for the organization's financial success

The process of collecting and tabulating HR data falls into which category?

HR measures

Head Count

HR metric - Snapshot of a moment in time - number of people on the organization's payroll (FTE - full-time equivalency)

Groups and Subgroups

HR metric - group ( exec, manager, staff, trainees, contractors) into subgroups (salaried, hourly). Reporting across various categories helps in planning for diversity.


HR metric- age, occupation, income, retiring and new employees (for planning and forecasting)

During an HR audit, what undergoes a systematic and comprehensive evaluation?

HR policies, practices, and procedures

Bottom Line

HR practices drive key employee behaviors that are aligned with the company's strategy

Center of excellence (COE)

HR structural alternative established as an independent department that provides services within a focused area to internal clients.

Shared services HR model

HR structural alternative in which centers with specific areas of expertise develop HR policies in those areas; each unit can then select what it needs from a menu of these services.

Functional HR

HR structural alternative in which headquarters HR specialists craft policies and HR generalists located within divisions or other locales implement the policies, adapt them as needed, and interact with employees.

Dedicated HR

HR structural alternative that allows businesses with different strategies in multiple units to apply HR expertise to each unit's specific strategic needs.

traditional management view

HRM should not be part of developing or executing firm's strategy

Background Investigations

Happens after decide candidate could be good for job. Get a signed release if not on application form. Verify info on resume. Get transcripts. Usually helps to make better hiring decisions. Should be job-related.

Sexual Harassment

Harassment in a workplace or other professional situation; Making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks

Employee Enablement

Having people in the right roles and providing them with both the resources and support to get things done.

What makes HR strategic?

Having the right people at the right time for the right job in the right company Develop a culture that can't be copied through systems of HR practices Bottom Line

Workforce Reporting

Head count, representation of groups and subgroups, demographics provide basis for decisions regarding employee deployment in key talent areas and predicting future staffing needs

Which characteristic is representative of an ethnocentric approach to global staffing?

Headquarters-country staffing policies are replicated in each country.

factors affecting Maine external supply

Health care, forestry, tourism, retail, education

What is the primary objective of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)?

Help countries address globalization issues.

In which type of culture may employee surveys be less acceptable?


Personal mastery

High level of proficiency in a subject or skill area

link of absenteeism and employment

High unemployment - low absenteeism

Big data

High-volume, high-velocity, and high-variety information assets that require innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making.

What term has been used to describe the global assignee who is unable to assimilate into the local culture?


Compensation Philosophy

How a company determines how to compensate their employees

What distinguishes a punitive discipline system from a nonpunitive system?

How an employer responds to an infraction

Perlmutter's Relationship between Orientation and Talent Acquisition

How global mindsets affect staffing Ethnocentric - HQ country does all staffing - need to rotate coaches into different countries and bring back lessons learned Polycentric - each organization has it's own rules - need to encourage cross-border knowledge charing Regiocentric - employees circulate within regions with focus on regional results - need cross-region sharing of talent and ideas Geocentric - Single, international enterprise who share everything - evaluate and refine what you are doing, adjust as necessary, and leverage local talent

Learning Style

How you take in and process info: Western Based : - Visual Learners - ppts, seeing - Auditory Learners - Hearing, reading aloud, listening to others - Kinesthetic Learners - active/hands-on/tactile


Human Resource Information System; systematic tool for gathering, storing, maintaining, retrieving and revising HR data

Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory

Hygiene (extrinsic) factors - must be there to be able to have motivation factors. Surround the job - environment, supervision, relationship Motivation (intrinsic) factors - present in the job itself. opportunity for recognition

Outcomes of Selection Screening

ID applicants who fit min selection criteria Provide source questions for subsequent interviews Provide info for reference checks Ensure line mngt and other internal stakeholders spend time interviewing only qualified candidates

Steps to Developing Policy

ID need for policy Determine policy content Obtain Stakeholder support Comm with empl Update and revise (at least annually)

Risk management

Identification, evaluation, and control of risk that may affect an organization, typically incorporating the use of insurance and other strategies.


If HR Management recruits, trains, develops, appraises and compensates employees well (marketing, sales, finance, operations, R&D, Production, Accounting, salary/ hourly)

During which phase of the strategic planning process does motivating employees to work toward organizational goals take place?


What is the best example of risk mitigation?

Implementing an emergency communication system for assignees

Techniques to build a Formal Brand

Important because your organization has one, even if you don't advertise for it (informal - could be bad). Parents too. Website Media ads Social media Brochures etc. Marketing Campaign Traditional Recruiting Events (job fairs) Community Events Word of Mouth Dialogue

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

In-network physicians

impact of turnover

Inability to achieve business goals Loss of "image" to attract other individuals High costs of turnover and replacement Churn—hiring new workers while laying off others

What type of program are stock-ownership plans based on organizational performance?

Incentive pay program

to guard against pay inequities, employers should:

Include benefits and other items of remuneration to calculate pay. Inform all employees how pay practices work. Base pay on the value of jobs and performance. Benchmark pay against local and national markets so that pay structures are competitive. Conduct audits to detect gender-based inequities and ensure that pay is fair internally.

What is the best example of "high involvement" employee involvement strategies?

Including worker representatives on management committees

What is hyperconnectivity?

Increasing digital interconnection of people and things, any time and any place

Job enrichment

Increasing the depth of a job by adding responsibilities such as planning, organizing, tracking, and completing reports.

Cultural Considerations in Retention

Indirect compensation such as training opportunities (china) and elder care (US). When paid leave is required and isn't a new benefit.


Individuals who exchange work for wages or salary; in the U.S., workers who are covered by Fair Labor Standards Act regulations as determined by the IRS.

Protected Class

Individuals within a group identified for protection under equal employment laws and regulation. Race, ethnic origin, color •Sex/gender • Age Disability • Military experience •Religion - Marital status - Transgender

Which action best illustrates HR's strategic role in the organization?

Influencing and affecting management's view of organizational change

Occupational injury

Injury that results from a work-related accident or exposure involving a single incident in the work environment.

Employee Surveys

Instrument used to collect and assess employee perceptions about the work environment. Provide direct means to fix an issue that may not have been documented, increase trust, and show empl you care.

Employee surveys

Instruments used to collect and assess employee perceptions about the work environment.

Which communication platform provides a community where employees can share feelings and post specific questions about HR issues?

Internal social network

A firm exports its products to foreign countries, where it also opens production facilities, but its products, processes, and strategy are developed in the home country. What term best describes this company?


Which technology has impacted benefits administration the most?

Internet access

Methods of Gathering Job Information

Interview Observation Diary Questionnaire Checklist Work Participation O*Net

Selection interviews

Interviews designed to probe areas of interest to the interviewer in order to determine how well a job candidate meets the needs of the organization.

JD purpose in global environment

Intracountry/Cross-border transfers (avoiding) Career Management/Succession Planning Compensation Studies Statistics for job types across organization Comparison and alignment of business processes across countries

What is an ideal platform for publishing HR policies, procedures, and other documents that are useful in keeping employees informed?


Autonomy, mastery, and purpose are three elements of which type of motivational theory?

Intrinsic motivation

A manufacturing organization's office employees are arriving late to work on a consistent basis. A focus group survey is conducted, and it appears that the employees' morning commute has changed significantly due to highway construction and the opening of new businesses. Which is the best strategy the organization should use to correct the problem?

Introduce a flextime policy with bandwidth hours.

What is the first step in developing a knowledge management system?

Inventorying knowledge assets

When faced with a sexual harassment case, an employer should...

Investigate immediately Take action if warranted

Negligent Hiring

Involves hiring a candidate who the employer knew (or should have known) posed a risk to others in the workplace. No direct legal consequences, but helps to mitigate risk.

What is the primary value of a written code of conduct?

It becomes a decision-making tool to guide employee conduct.

What is a characteristic of activity-based budgeting?

It considers the cost and strategic significance of key tasks.

In global staffing, why is it important to use a common approach for analyzing and describing job?

It facilitates communication and decision making about jobs.

What is an advantage of using the point-factor method in job evaluation?

It provides documentation and an audit trail.

When an organization prides itself on a strong corporate social responsibility identity, what is it likely to see as a primary area of responsibility?

Its stakeholders

Common Elements of a JD

Job ID, position summary, min quals, duties/responsibilities, success factors (competencies), physical demands, working conditions, performance standards

Who performs job analysis?

Job analysis is performed by HR or the job incumbent

root causes of turnover (Ways to measure)

Job and job levels Department, units, and location Reason for leaving Length of service Demographic characteristics Education and training Knowledge, skills and abilities Performance ratings/levels

Job description vs. job specification

Job description - written documentation that identifies, defines, and describes a job in terms of its duties, responsibilities, working conditions, and specifications Job specification - worker characteristics need to perform a job successfully. Part of the job description

Job enlargement v. Job enrichment

Job enlargement adds more tasks Job enrichment adds empowerment and autonomy

Job classification

Job evaluation method in which descriptions are written for each class of jobs; individual jobs are then put into the grade that best matches their class description.

Paired comparison

Job evaluation method in which each job is compared with every other job being evaluated; the job with the largest number of "greater than" rankings is the highest-ranked job, etc.

Job-content-based job evaluation

Job evaluation method in which the relative worth and pay structure of different jobs are based on an assessment of their content and their relationship to other jobs within the organization.

Market-based job evaluation

Job evaluation method in which the relative worth and pay structure of different jobs are based on their market value or the going rate in the marketplace.

Job ranking

Job evaluation method that involves establishing a hierarchy of jobs from lowest to highest based on each job's overall value to the organization.

Point-factor system

Job evaluation method that looks at compensable factors (such as skills and working conditions) that reflect how much a job adds value to the organization; points are assigned to each factor and then added to come up with an overall point value for the job.

Factory workers who usually work in the assembly department are assigned to the shipping department every other week. What career development program are these workers participating in?

Job rotation

What job evaluation tool assesses the content of different jobs and their relationship to other jobs within the organization?

Job-content-based job evaluation

Which of these technologies has the primary mission of sharing information in meaningful ways to promote employee learning?

Knowledge management systems

Explicit Knowledge

Knowledge that can be formalized, coded, and communicated. Responds best to training.


Knowledge, skills, or abilities needed to effectively perform a job.

Examples of Positive Recruitment Outcomes

Known as employer of choice More qualified applicants Increase in diverse candidates Increase in employee referrals of qualified candidates Retention increase Creation of talent pipelines Increased candidate acceptance rate Rapidly filled positions increase

What is a specific subset of knowledge management?


Labor Supply and Demand

Labor Supply: the amount of hours people are willing to supply at a given wage rate Labor Demand: the amount of hours of hiring an employer is willing to do

JD Challenges in global environment

Lack of global competency model Varied interpretations of job functions Varied expectations for similar jobs Varied approaches to OTJ development Work environment impose different requirements Varied compliance requirements/employment law

Step 4 - Select and Offer

Last step in selection process to bring everything together to complete candidate evaluations and make hiring recommendations. Document and be systematic. Ideally, select a pool not one for flexibility.

Engagement at Separation

Layoffs - do it in a fair way Voluntary - exit interviews should be conducted Well-handled, objective, positive separations help define employer brand to employee leaving (for possible reemployment later), current employees, and future employees.

4 Key Areas of Employee Engagement

Leadership Characteristics (care, communication, trust) Team Practices (strategy, rewarding empl, understand customers) Org Values (Empl, customer-focused, give back) Work Itself (org strat, challeng, meaning)

HR Competencies

Leadership and Navigation Ethical Practices Consultation Communication Relationship Management Ethical Practice HR Knowledge Business Acumen Critical Evaluation Global and Cultural Effectiveness

Transformational leadership

Leadership based on vision and strategy and focused on challenging and developing organizational members in order to attain long-range results.

Authentic leadership

Leadership grounded in an individual's values and principles and focused on empowering others to act.

Bloom's Taxonomy

Learning objectives proceed in a hierarchical manner: Remember facts Recognize what you learned Apply what is learned to draw conclusions Use learning content to analyze the causes or poss outcomes Use learning to create new solutions Make judgment about value of materials

Pilot programs

Learning/development programs offered initially in a controlled environment with a segment of the target audience.

Vicarious liability

Legal doctrine under which a party can be held liable for the wrongful actions of another party.

Employment at-will

Legal presumption that an employer can terminate the employment relationship for no reason, at any given time

Civil law

Legal system based on written codes (laws, rules, or regulations).

Common law

Legal system in which each case is considered in terms of how it relates to legal decisions that have already been made; evolves through judicial decisions over time.

When using information from a background check as a reason to not hire someone, an employer must:

Let the employee know in writing (according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act)

What level of evaluation will measure changes in productivity after training?

Level 4: Results

What is an example of an ILO core labor standard?

Limiting employment in hazardous work to those over 18

What does "chain of command" identify?

Line of authority within an organization

Chain of command

Line of authority within an organization.

What is the key to making a successful business case for a diversity and inclusion strategic initiative?

Link it directly to the organization's unique mission, vision, and business objectives.

Developmental Activities

Long-term focus on preparing for future responsibilities while increasing capacities of employees to perform current jobs.

Indicator of Employee Engagement

Low turnover = high engagement Decrease in empl referrals - could be low engagement Increased rev per employee - high engagement

Training activities that spell out all the details and use direct and logical communication work best in what type of culture?

Low-context culture

Passive Listening

Lowest form of adult learning next to reading - adults rely on prior knowledge, experiences, failures, and successes when learning

Obstacles to Learning

Mainly affect pushed learning: - low tolerance for change - lack of trust - peer group pressure/perceptions - Bad previous training experience

Training Delivery Methods

Major methods include self-directed study, instructor-led training, and OJT. Instructor and self-directed can be combined in blended learning.

disability diversity -enable tech

Make facilities accessible Restructure jobs Modify work schedules Job reassignments

Engagement Practices in Hiring and Onboarding

Make job hunt simple, seamless, and informative Create accurate first impressions Make the first day count (seamless) Structured onboarding experience (formal) Show the path to success (growth opportunities)

Selecting Employee Engagement Intiatives

Make sound investments Create a business case Consider unintended consequences Base investment decision on sound data Create an Engagement Culture

What is the Older Workers Protection Act?

Makes it illegal for employers to discrimination in providing benefits to employees based on age

Ethical Decision Making

Making decisions based on a person's moral compass and their morals/beliefs

Management versus Human Resource Management

Management - broad term that can apply to all things (production management, labor relations management) Human Resource Management - more narrow term that applies to managing employees

As regulated by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which employee must be paid overtime?

Manager who earns $425 per week

Examples of First-Line Managers

Manufacturing Plant Manager, Store Manager (day-to-day operations)

What job evaluation tool uses pay survey data to identify the relative value of jobs based on what other employers pay for similar jobs?

Market-based job evaluation

Which part of the organization has primary responsibility for bringing in revenue?

Marketing and sales

If an organization's competitive advantage is cost leadership, what practice is most likely to happen?

Mass-producing product to meet general market needs

An organization places more emphasis on training and formalizing policies and procedures. What phase of organizational evolution is it probably in?


Theory Y

McGregor's Theory - Employees dislike rigid controls and inherently want to accomplish something - participative - sales team

Theory X

McGregor's Theory - employees inherently do not like to work and must be strictly controlled - authoritative - manufacturing might work best here

Common Reasons Employees Stay

Meaningful work and Appealing incentives/perks **employees need to get embedded in an organization and be engaged

What is the best way to demonstrate the effectiveness of an organizational effectiveness and development initiative?

Measure change over the course of the initiative.

In terms of risk management, what is a control?

Measure taken to reduce the probability or severity of a threat

Balanced scorecard

Measurement approach that provides an overall picture of an organization's performance as measured against goals in finance, customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth.

Gross Profit Margin

Measures the difference between what it costs to produce a product and the selling price

Occupational illness

Medical condition or disorder, other than one resulting from an occupational injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment.

A manager has come to you because an employee cannot meet production standards. After further investigation, you discover that several other employees cannot meet production standards. Records show that all employees have been properly trained and certified. What would you recommend to the manager?

Meet with each employee to determine the obstacles to production.

What type of program could promote ongoing communication during an assignment and provide career advice and repatriation assistance?


Which activity requires an HR strategy of organizational growth?

Mergers and acquisitions

What are the exceptions to the Equal Pay Act?

Merit pay plan - employer can pay a man more if he is doing a better job than a female worker Quantity and quality of production - employers can pay for difference in the quantity and/or quality in work Seniority - can pay a man more if he has been with the company longer than a female Any factor other than sex - employer can use any other excuse to pay a male more than a female other than sex


Method of nonbinding dispute resolution involving a third party who helps disputing parties reach a mutually agreeable decision; also known as conciliation.


Method of nonbinding dispute resolution involving a third party who tries to help disputing parties reach a mutually agreeable decision; also known as mediation.

Step 3 - Assess and Evaluate

Methods to determine of a candidate has the potential to be successful on a job that interviews cannot gather. Verify background data, conduct non-discriminatory formal assessments (rate on aptitude, personality, abilities, etc.). Can be categorized in several ways (basic skills, multidimensional, etc.). Must be cost-effective and equitable. Can create own (less cost, more personable, more time) or use commercial (expensive, often updated, valid, test security down)

Key risk indicators (KRIs)

Metrics that provide an early signal of increasing risk exposures in the various areas of an enterprise.


Middle point above and below which 50% of scores in a set of data lie.

challenges with diversity

Miscommunication Conflict Higher Turnover Lower Performance

who is disabled

Mitigation means/methods usu. don't matter Mental disabilities (e.g., depression) Life-threatening illnesses (e.g., AIDS and HIV)

Accounts payable

Money an organization owes its vendors and suppliers.

Accounts receivable

Money an organization's customers owe the organization.

Direct compensation

Money to employees like salaries, wages, commissions

Global remittances

Monies sent back home by migrants working in foreign countries.


Moral principles that govern a group

Discretionary Assessment Methods

More focused on finding a cultural fit (diversity inclusion beliefs, citizenship). Very subjective in nature and should not be used alone.


More transactional - the various financial and nonfinancial benefits for which superior performance can be exchanged.

Hertzberg's Two Factor Theory

Motivator factor: the factors that lead to satisfaction and the things that make employees work harder; examples like enjoying work and career progression Hygiene factor: the factors that can lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of motivation if they are absent; like salary, benefits, company policies, etc.

Job rotation

Movement between different jobs.

Formal Onboarding

Much more structured programs. May start during recruitment and selection and extend through several months on the job. Orientation rolls into additional structured activities. May last entire first year.

Main Idea of Learning and Development

Must turn organization into a learning team. Skilled workers are hard to find, and you must maximize their efforts to be successful. Their skills are hard for competitors to duplicate.

Elements in Resume

Name and contact information Education Work experience

What areas of HR practice can technology support?

Nearly every HR functional area

Due diligence

Necessary level of care and attention that is taken to investigate an action before it is taken.

factors affecting external supply

Net migration for an area Individuals entering and leaving the workforce Individuals graduating from schools and colleges Changing workforce composition and patterns Economic forecasts Technological developments and shifts Actions of competing employers Government regulations and pressures Other circumstances affecting the workforce

Which of the following technologies has the greatest impact on policies and procedures concerning privacy?

Network monitoring

Engagement Metrics

No specific calculation - but can tie investments made to empl engagement; Reduce absenteeism was goal? Calc empl absence rate before and after engagement plan.

A team leader uses social media to express frustration to team members about recent cuts in a project budget. Is this appropriate?

No, comments can quickly spread beyond the team and have unintended effects.

Which judgmental forecasting method requires a face-to-face meeting?

Nominal group technique

racial diversity

Non-Hispanic white (69% current, 60% 2025) Hispanic 50 million or 17% - second largest

Indirect compensation

Non-cash benefits like medical insurance, retirement and employee services

Under Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) regulations, how is a bank teller who works 38 hours per week and is paid $23,000 a year classified?

Nonexempt employee

Contingent Assessment Methods

Not always needed and can be done at any time in selection period. Dependent upon local laws and cultural norms: Drug Tests- substance abuse tests Medical Exams - Must be directly related to job-related duties

Head count

Number of people on an organization's payroll at a particular moment in time.

Stress Interview

Objective is to see how the candidate reacts under pressure. May be aggressive or unusual behavior from interviewer, puzzle-type questions (to see analytical/decisions/comm skills)

Disparate Treatment

Occurs in employment-related situations when either: Different standards are used to judge different individuals, or the same standard is used, but it is not related to the individuals' jobs E.g. Only Female applicants must pass a test E.g. Latino fired for customer complaints


Occurs when an appraiser's values, beliefs, or prejudices distort performance ratings.


Occurs when management shuts down operations to prevent union employees from working.

Hostile environment harassment

Occurs when sexual or other discriminatory conduct is so severe and pervasive that it interferes with an individual's performance; creates an intimidating, threatening, or humiliating work environment; or perpetuates a situation that affects the employee's psychological well-being.

Disparate Impact

Occurs when substantial underrepresentation of protected-class members results from employment decisions that work to their disadvantage.

Pay compression

Occurs when there is only a small difference in pay between employees regardless of their experience, skills, level, or seniority; also known as salary compression.

Aging Workforce

Once defined as working individuals who are over the age of 40; now being expanded to age and knowledge

Management and employee engagement

One of the most important components of employee engagement. Facilitate engagement when showing gratitude, amplifying accomplishments, communicating well and often, positive feedback emphasis.

Performance bonus

One-time payment made to an employee; also called a lump-sum increase (LSI).

Lump-sum increase (LSI)

One-time payment made to an employee; also called performance bonus.

Which recruiting source would be the most effective way to extend the employment brand for a global enterprise?

Online social networks and blogs

What type of survey usually has the highest response rate among knowledge workers?

Online surveys

In most parts of the world, on what grounds are individual dismissals allowable?

Only for poor performance and serious misconduct

A company has established an internal procedure to improve communication between workers and management. According to company policy, managers are available to meet with any employee who wishes to discuss an issue. What form of dispute resolution is being used?

Open-door policy

Which part of the organization is responsible for building products?


Grievance procedure

Orderly way to resolve differences of opinion in regard to a union contract.

Employee Engagement and Strategic Plan

Org strategic plan is advanced by creating and environment that: promotes positive empl/mngmt relationships seeks to balance empl and org needs more empl engagement

HR Contribution to Organization Effectiveness

Organization Productivity Customer service and quality Financial contributions

Learning organization

Organization characterized by a capability to adapt to changes in environment.

Multinational enterprise (MNE)

Organization that owns or controls production or services facilities in one or more countries other than the home country.


Organization's debts and other financial obligations.

Who must begin the process of creating an ethical environment?

Organization's leaders

Based on an analysis of future skills needs, an organization implements two new training courses. What type of intervention is this?


What term describes the method by which work flows through an organization?

Organizational structure

Functional structure

Organizational structure in which departments are defined by the services they contribute to the organization's overall mission, such as marketing and sales, operations, and HR.

Divisional Structure

Organizational structure in which divisions are separated by product, customer or market or region

Geographic structure

Organizational structure in which geographic regions define the organizational chart.

Matrix Structure

Organizational structure that combines departmentalization by division and function to gain the benefits of both

Matrix structure

Organizational structure that combines departmentalization by division and function to gain the benefits of both.

Functional Structure

Organizational structure that defines departments by what services they contribute to the organizations over all mission

Front-back structure

Organizational structure that divides an organization into "front" functions, which focus on customers or market groups, and "back" functions, which design and develop products and services.

Hybrid structure

Organizational structure that mixes elements of the functional, product, and geographic structures.

Decision Process to Selection

Organize and summarize information in terms of selection criteria ID and rank acceptable candidates Collect additional info as necessary Make an offer to the top candidate

Theory Z

Ouchi's Theory -Focus on increasing loyalty and well being- on and off work. Job for life. Assumes employees want to work and can do their work well. Generalist mindset. Promotions are slower because get to learn so much.

Porter's Business Unit Strategies

Overall cost leadership strategy Differentiation Focus strategy

Intellectual property (IP)

Ownership of innovation by an individual or business enterprise; includes patented, trademarked, or copyrighted property.

performance calculation

P= Ability (A) x Effort (E) x Support (s)

An organization is expanding operations into a new country. What acronym best describes the factors to consider during environmental scanning and strategic planning?

PEST Analysis

Service-level agreement (SLA)

Part of a service contract where the service expectations are formally defined.

In what culture is a verbal agreement or handshake likely to be better received than a detailed contract?



Past performance is the best predictor of future performance. Focus is on how the candidate previously handled situations. Can probe more.

An organization has more than 50 full-time employees. Which act requires the organization to provide health coverage that meets minimum benefit specifications or pay a $2,000 per employee penalty?

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

Patients can go out-of-network; Have premiums, deductibles and co-pays

Cost-of-living adjustment (COLA)

Pay adjustment given to eligible employees regardless of performance or organizational profitability; usually linked to inflation.

General pay increase

Pay increase given to employees based on local competitive market requirements; awarded regardless of employee performance.


Pay rate divided by the midpoint of the pay range.

Differential pay

Pay rates that are affected by where or when an employee works.

Person-based pay

Pay systems in which employee characteristics, rather than the job, determine pay.


Payments in return for the achievement of specific, time-limited, targeted objectives.


Payments in return for the achievement of specific, time-limited, targeted objectives.


Payments or services provided to employees to cover issues such as retirement, health care, sick pay/disability schemes, life insurance, and paid time off.

HR Trends in Recognition

Peer-to-peer is great 1% or more of total payroll goes to employee recognition Programs tie to corp values are more effective Strategic recognition programs report less-frustrated, more-enabled employees

Generation Y

People born after 1980

Generation X

People born between 1965 and 1980

Auditory learners

People who learn best by relying on their sense of hearing.

Visual learners

People who learn best by relying on their sense of sight.

Kinesthetic learners

People who learn best through a hands-on approach; also called tactile learners.

What is the primary distinguishing characteristic of an enterprise risk management framework?

Perception of risk as an integrated organizational issue

HR is conducting a benefits needs assessment and has just finished analyzing the design and utilization data on all benefit plans. What should be done next?

Perform a gap analysis.

What would be the first step in solving an organization's problems with a sharp increase in back orders of shipments?

Perform a process analysis.

A manager and an employee are working together to develop objectives and goals for the employee to attain. Which phase of the employees life cycle does this represent?

Performance management


Performance parameters based on the relationship between two or more measures.

Tacit Knowledge

Personal and experience based knowledge. Responds best to development activities such as job experiences, relationships. 70% of adult learning takes place like this.

outplacement services are provided to displaced employees to give them support and assistance

Personal career counseling Resume preparation and typing services Interviewing workshops Referral assistance Severance payments Continuance of medical benefits Job retraining

issue of unnethical use of data

Personal computers now make it possible to access databases with confidential information

Firm Competitiveness

Pertains to the ability and performance of a firm to sell and supply goods or services in a given market

A woman with preschool-aged children is not hired while a man with preschool-aged children is hired. Which U.S. Supreme Court case found this practice in violation of Title VII?

Phillips v. Martin Marietta Corporation


Physical or mental impairment that substantially limits major life activities.


Physical, psychological, and social aspects of employee health.

Blended learning

Planned approach to learning that includes a combination of instructor-led training, self-directed study, and/or on-the-job training.

Disparate impact

Policies, practices, rules that appear to be neutral but result in discrimination against protected groups

Challenges to Talent Acquisition and Retention (PEST)

Political Factors - immigration Economic Factors - the economic cycle (contraction/expansion). Early recruit a lot, mature or decline see layoffs/retrenchment. Cherry Picking. Social Factors- multiple generations, lack of skilled labor (tech increasing, etc.), brain drain Technological Factors - shifts in technology (LinkedIn), lack of availability of reliable data in emerging markets

An organization treats each of its subsidiaries as its own entity. Local personnel manage the operation, and there is little cross-border movement of talent. In terms of its staffing, this is an example of what type of organization?


For a multinational enterprise subsidiary in Malaysia, which compensation and benefits strategy would embrace incentives that promote the achievement of Malaysian objectives over global ones?



Positioning of employees at a place of work targeted for the action for the purpose of protest.

culture and values of job

Positive, distinctive company that is well-managed, and offers exciting challenges.


Potential for harm, often associated with a condition or activity that, if left uncontrolled, can result in injury or illness.

Organizational Development

Practice dedicated to expanding the knowledge and effectiveness of people to accomplish more successful organizational change

Affirmative action

Practice in which employer's identify conspicuous imbalances in their workforce & take steps to correct under-representation of protected classes


Practices that balance economic, social, and environmental interests to secure the interests of present and future generations.


Precursor to actual recruitment. Generates a pool of qualified applicants through internal and external advertising -- social media, professional associations, internal postings, referrals, etc.

Non-selected Candidate Notification

Preferable - phone call. But lots of times, automated. Try to make it as considerate as possible.

Career management

Preparing, implementing, and monitoring employees' career paths, with a primary focus on the goals and needs of the organization.

Types of Interviews

Prescreening Interviews (20 min, HR, pre-quals helpful with tons of applicants) with In-Depth Interviews (1 hour, management, can be several)

Business case

Presentation to management that establishes that a specific problem exists and argues that the proposed solution is the best way to solve the problem in terms of time, cost efficiency, and probability of success.


Pressure or tension around a particular subject

Essential functions

Primary job duties that a qualified individual must be able to perform, either with or without reasonable accommodation.

Employment at-will

Principle of employ¬ment in the U.S. that employers have the right to hire, fire, demote, and promote whomever they choose for any reason unless there is a law or contract to the contrary and employees have the right to quit a job at any time.

Duty of care

Principle that organizations should take all steps that are reasonably possible to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of employees and protect them from foreseeable injury.

Code of Ethics

Principles of conduct within an organization that guide decision making and behavior

Code of conduct

Principles of conduct within an organization that guide decision making and behavior; also known as code of ethics.

What factors does the risk equation use to determine level of risk?

Probability of occurrence and magnitude of impact

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

Procedural document designed to assist employers in complying with federal regulations prohibiting discrimination.


Procedure in which disputes are submitted to one or more impartial persons for final determination.


Process by which a retirement benefit becomes nonforfeitable.

Strategy Formulation

Process by which an organization chooses the most appropriate course of action to achieve its goals

Career development

Process by which employees progress through a series of stages in their careers, each of which is characterized by relatively unique issues, themes, and tasks.

Collective bargaining

Process by which management and union representatives negotiate the employment conditions for a particular bargaining unit for a designated period of time.

SWOT analysis

Process for assessing an organization's strategic capabilities in comparison to threats and opportunities identified during environmental scanning.


Process in which a new employee becomes familiar with an organization as well as his or her department, coworkers, and the job.

Management Development

Process in which managers learn better skills for accomplishing their jobs and management skills


Process in which two or more parties work together to reach agreement on a matter.

Workforce planning

Process of analyzing the organization's workforce and determining steps required to prepare for future needs.

Dilemma reconciliation

Process of charting a course through cultural differences.

Knowledge management (KM)

Process of creating, acquiring, sharing, and managing knowledge to augment individual and organizational performance.

Distance learning

Process of delivering educational or instructional programs to locations away from a classroom or site.


Process of encouraging candidates to apply for job openings. Quality is more important. NO one-size-fits-all recruitment method.

Organizational development

Process of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization and the well-being of its members through planned interventions.

Performance management

Process of maintaining/improving employee job performance.

Performance appraisal

Process of measuring employees' adherence to performance standards and providing feedback.

Employment branding

Process of positioning an organization as an "employer of choice" in the labor market.


Process of providing KSAs specific to a particular task or job. Best when the skills are missing and person wants to learn.


Process of providing knowledge, skills, or abilities (KSA) specific to a task or job.


Process that compares performance levels and/or processes of one entity with those of another to identify performance gaps and set goals aimed at improving performance.

Job evaluation

Process that determines the value and price of a job in order to place and compare it within an organization as well as attract and retain employees in a competitive environment.

Environmental scanning

Process that involves a systematic survey and interpretation of relevant data to identify external opportunities and threats and to assess how these factors affect the organization currently and how they are likely to affect the organization in the future.

Environmental Scanning

Process that surveys and interprets relevant data to identify external opportunities and threats

Performance improvement involves accurately identifying sources of unacceptable outcomes and intervening to create effective practices. Impractical or outdated procedures are an example of which type of performance problem?


What pay system ties pay to the volume of the work performed by the individual?


_________________are most common approaches to affirmative action

Professional recruiting


Program Evaluation Review Technique; project management tool used to schedule, organize and coordinate tasks within a project


Programs that help employees develop positive working relationships with coworkers; encompass orientation as well as the first months of an employee's tenure in a position.

Gantt Chart

Project planning tool that graphically displays activities of a project in sequential order and plants them against time

A company collects more personal information from its employees than it needs to accomplish its stated purpose. What principle of data privacy is the company violating?

Proportionality of collected data

Expectancy Theory

Proposes that people will choose how to behave depending on the outcomes they expect as a result of their behavior Expectancy: the belief that your effort will result in your desired goal Instrumentality: the belief that you will receive a reward if you meet performance expectations Valence: the value that you place on the reward

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994

Protects the right of people who take short leaves from a private-sector employer to perform military service

Contingency plan

Protocol that an organization implements when an identified risk event.

Value of Onboarding

Provides a strategy for an employee to succeed. Most organizations see a reduction in turnover.

Single-rate pay

Provides each incumbent of a job with the same rate of pay, regardless of performance or seniority; also known as flat-rate pay.

Flat-rate pay

Provides each incumbent of a job with the same rate of pay, regardless of performance or seniority; also known as single-rate pay.

An organization develops a technical training course on using spreadsheet software for administrative assistants. What factor about the training will be most appealing to adult learners?

Provides skills they can immediately apply in their work


Provides the strategic direction and describes what the owner wants the company to achieve in the future

In the balanced scorecard approach to strategic management, what company action does the customer value?

Providing quality goods and services

An agency drafts proposed changes in existing workplace safety requirements. The changes are not deemed critical. What will happen next?

Public comment on the changes will be sought.

Emotional intelligence (EI)

Quality of being sensitive to and understanding of one's own and others' emotions and the ability to manage one's own emotions and impulses.

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Quantifiable measures of performance used to gauge progress toward strategic objectives or agreed standards of performance.

Two types of sexual harassment

Quid pro quo Hostile work environment

Realistic Job Preview

RJP - any part of the selection process that provides an applicant with honest and complete information about a job and work environment. Let applicant get as much info to make best decision, show job objectively, get best match. Videos, tours, interviews with future coworkers, simulations are all this. Pays to tell the truth! Reduces negative stress, turnover, disappointments, unrealistic expectations

Title VII (1964) prohibits employers from basing decisions on...

Race Color Religion Sex National origin


Raising someone to a higher position or rank

What is diversity's greatest value to an organization?

Range of perspectives and modes of thinking it provides

Gross profit margin

Ratio of gross profit to net sales.

Net profit margin

Ratio of net income (gross sales minus expenses and taxes) to net sales.

Cost-benefit analysis

Ratio of value created to cost of creating that value; allows management to determine the financial impact particular activities and programs have on an organization's profitability.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Ratio that allows management to determine the financial impact particular activities and programs will have on a company's profitability

Unweighted average

Raw average of data that gives equal weight to all values, with no regard for other factors.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Recognition of the impact a corporation has on the lives of its stakeholders and the environment; can include corporate governance, corporate philanthropy, sustainability, and employee rights and workplace safety.


Recruiting through the internet. Key characteristic is the significantly increased exposure of position offerings. Not effective/appropriate in all countries. Basics - great to get more candidates faster, but bad because high volume and don't reach everyone

Specific costs associated with turnover

Recruitment Selection Training Lost productivity Separation costs - severance pay

Warning Signs on CV/Resume/Form

Red flags - but don't DQ necessarily - screening phone call could help clarify Over/Underqualified Hide gaps Filler information Messy/Grammar errors Too much credit for team work Vague Terms Inconsistent, lateral moves, changed professions, short times in positions


Reduction in rank or status

What action is an ombudsperson empowered to take after hearing both sides of a workplace dispute?

Refer the matter to further alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

Gender identity

Refers to one's internal, personal sense of being a man or a woman (or boy or girl), which may or may not be the same as one's sexual assignment at birth.

National origin

Refers to the country (including those that no longer exist) of one's birth or of one's ancestors' birth.


Refers to the extent to which rules, policies, and procedures govern the behavior of employees in an organization.

Cross-Cultural effectiveness

Refers to the knowledge and skills that affect/motivation that enable people to adapt effectively in a cross-cultural environment

Span of control

Refers to the number of individuals who report to a supervisor.

External Competitiveness

Refers to the pay rates of an organization's jobs in relation to its competitor's pay rates

Internal Alignment Strategy

Refers to the pay relationships between the jobs/skills/competencies within a single organization


Refers to the socially constructed system that associates masculinity or femininity to certain roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes.

Sit-down strike

Refusal by workers to work; also refusal by workers to leave their workstations, making it impossible for the employer to use replacement workers.

Examples of Middle Managers

Regional Manager


Related to technical skills training; often a partnership between employers and unions.

Job Design

Related to the specification of contents, methods and relationships of jobs in order to satisfy technological and organizational requirements


Relocation of processes or functions from a "home" country to another country

To collect information on base pay, incentive plans, and the like, what type of a survey should an HR professional use?

Remuneration survey

What best describes the difference between replacement planning and succession planning?

Replacement planning focuses on the short term; succession planning focuses on the long term.


Reporting mechanisms that aggregate and display metrics and key performance indicators.


Request For Proposal; written request asking contractors to propose solution and process that fit customers requirements

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act), what right can employees exercise?

Requesting an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) investigation

Purpose of EO 11246

Required covered organizations (firms with government contracts) to develop affirmative action programs to promote the employment of protected-class members (affirmative action)

Overtime pay

Required for nonexempt workers under U. S Fair Labor Standards Act at 1.5 times the regular rate of pay for hours over 40 in a workweek.

What type of measure is an average value of increased production as a result of a development initiative?



Return On Investment; calculation that compares the money earned, or lost, on an investment to the amount of the money being invested

Evaluating Retention

Review HR metrics (turnover rates, emp and team perf ratings, feedback from new hires, retention threshold) and complaints/absenteeism. Conduct an audit (details on who is leaving). Exit information.

An organization that provides benefits to help parents achieve better work/life balance has been accused of providing more benefits to employees who are parents than to childless employees. Parents get time off for child-related illnesses and appointments, while childless employees are expected to work longer hours. Which is the best course of action to address this complaint?

Review related policies and, if the claims are valid, revise the policies so they apply equitably and fairly to all employees.


Right of a legal body to exert authority over a given geographical territory, subject matter, or persons or institutions.

An organization that offshores apparel fabrication has come under fire for using a supplier subcontractor cited for human rights violations. To avoid this situation in the future, which certification should the organization seek in their next supplier?


In developing a corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy, an organization is reviewing existing international principles and guidelines. It is looking for CSR certification and is focusing its attention on human rights issues. Which set of guidelines is apt to be most useful to them?


Cost PER Hire

SHRM defined as: CPH = Sum of external costs + Sum of internal costs/total number of hires in a time period


Sale by a company of an asset that is not performing well, that is not core to the company's business, or that is worth more as a separate entity.


Same questions to everyone to get similar answers, interviewer is in control. "repetitive interviews"

An annual workplace survey shows a significant decline in overall employee satisfaction rates across departments. What should management do?

Schedule group interviews to gather more qualitative data.

Steps in the Selection Process

Screen, Interview, Assess and Evaluate, Select and Offer

There are two main "push" reasons for global expansion. One is increased cost pressures. What is the other primary push factor?

Search for new markets

Quantitative Analysis

Seeks to obtain easily quantifiable data on a limited number of measurement points


Selective use of game design and game mechanics to drive employee engagement in non-gaming business scenarios.

Independent contractors

Self-employed individuals hired on a contract basis for specialized services.

Which company illustrates a regiocentric global orientation as described by Perlmutter?

Senior management talent moves between countries within regions.

costs of turnover

Separation costs Replacement costs Training costs Hidden costs

Which type of agreement often helps users migrate from the licensing of a product to a service subscription?

Service-level agreement (SLA)

Outplacement Services

Services that maintain job sites or job boards for individuals displaced due to layoffs (external)

What is the most significant impact of the creation of the triple bottom line?

Serving as the foundation for measurement and public reporting of sustainability performance by multinational corporations


Set of behavioral guidelines by which all directors, managers, and employees of an organization are expected to behave to ensure appropriate moral and ethical business standards, typically beyond the letter of the law.


Set of beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors shared by members of a group and passed down from one generation to the next.

What is one of the key tasks of the "Plan implementation" step in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategic process?

Set priorities and objectives.

Pay ranges

Set the upper and lower bounds of possible compensation for individuals whose jobs fall within a pay grade.

Discrimination Types:

Sexual, religious, disability, race, color, national origin; applies to companies with 15 or more employees

An organization recently changed its employee benefits package and has decided to measure employee satisfaction. What action should the employer take before administering an employee survey?

Share survey goals with employees.

What is the most productive focus for knowledge management?

Sharing organizational learning and reducing knowledge loss

Virtual Organization

Short-term alliance between independent organizations in a potentially long-term relationship to design, produce, and distribute a product

Which is a specific and measurable aspect of strategy that serves as the basis for implementation decisions?

Short-term objectives

undue hardships

Significant difficulty or expense imposed on an employer in making an accommodation for individuals with disabilities.

Knowledge Transfer

Simply transferring knowledge from one person to another or even one organization to another


Situation in which a company relocates processes or production to an international location by means of subsidiaries or third-party affiliates.

Conflict of interest

Situation in which a person or organization has the potential to be influenced by opposing sets of incentives.


Situation in which an enterprise outsources only one part of a function, often collocating it at the organization's workplace.

Joint employment

Situation in which an organization shares responsibility and liability for their alternative workers with an alternative staffing supplier; also known as co-employment.


Situation in which an organization shares responsibility and liability for their alternative workers with an alternative staffing supplier; also known as joint employment.

External equity

Situation in which an organization's compensation levels and benefits are similar to those of other organizations that are in the same labor market and compete for the same employees.

Internal equity

Situation in which employees feel that performance or job differences result in corresponding differences in rewards that are fair.

Moral hazard

Situation in which one party engages in risky behavior knowing that it is protected against the risk because another party will incur any resulting loss.

Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)

Situation in which religion, sex, or national origin is reasonably necessary to carrying out a particular job function in the normal operations of an organization.


Situation in which workers slow processes by performing tasks exactly to specifications or according to job or task descriptions.

Performance-based pay

Situation where an individual's performance on the job is the basis for the amount and timing of pay increases; also called merit pay or pay for performance.

Pay for performance (P4P, PfP)

Situation where an individual's performance on the job is the basis for the amount and timing of pay increases; also called merit pay or performance-based pay.

Merit pay

Situation where an individual's performance on the job is the basis for the amount and timing of pay increases; also called performance-based pay or pay for performance.

Green-circle rates

Situations in which an employee's pay is below the minimum of the range.

What does the type of technology an organization selects greatly depend on?

Size of organization

Focus group

Small group (normally six to twelve) invited to actively participate in a structured discussion with a facilitator.

What recruitment method would best support an organization's attempts to attract Generation Y applicants?

Social media


Society for Human Resource Management

Low-context culture

Society in which people tend to have many social connections but of shorter duration and where behavior and beliefs may need to be described explicitly so that those coming into the cultural environment know how to behave.

High-context culture

Society or group where people have close connections over a long period of time and where many aspects of behavior are not made explicit, because most members know what to do and think from years of interaction.

Software as a service (SaaS)

Software that is owned, delivered, and managed remotely and delivered over the Internet to contracted customers on a pay-for-use basis or as a subscription based on use metrics.

Applicant tracking software (ATS)

Software that provides an automated way for organizations to manage the recruiting process.

disabled person

Someone who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits life activities, who has a record of such impairment, or who is regarded as having such an impairment.

Intraregion Recruiting

Sourcing for specific skills in a specific country for positions that cannot be filled by local hires (external) -- epcot


Special incidental payments, benefits, or privileges given to individual employees, over and above their regular rewards.

What would be the most effective measure of an effort to improve customer service?

Specific numerical rating on a customer satisfaction survey

Mission Statement

Specifics what the company does, who its customers are, and the priorities it has set in pursuing its work

The Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA) of 1990 prohibits age discrimination in the provision of employee benefits. Since some benefits cost more for older employees, how can an employer afford older workers on the payroll?

Spend the same amount on the benefit for each employee.

Reynold's Changing Global Staffing Patterns

Start by hiring lots of expatriates until your local workforce is ready, when you can then send your expatriates elsewhere and hire localy

Income statement

Statement that reports revenues, expenses, and net income (profit) for a specified period.

Balance sheet

Statement that reports the financial position of the organization at a specific point in time; shows assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity.

Cash flow statement

Statement that shows incoming and outgoing cash in the areas of operations, investments, and financing and remaining cash reserves; reflects an organization's ability to meet its current and short-term obligations.

Mission statement

Statement that specifies what activities an organization intends to pursue and what course management has charted for the future; a concise statement of its strategy.

Variance analysis

Statistical method that identifies the degree of difference between planned and actual performance.

Trend analysis

Statistical method that studies the way in which a variable may change over time.

Scenario/what-if analysis

Statistical method used to test the possible effects of altering the details of a strategy to see if the likely outcome can be improved.

Setting Goals/Objectives in Design Phase

Step 1 in the Design phase - objectives are what the course is based on. They provide focus, alert participants to what they should be learning, contribute to the knowledge and skill transfer, and provide a way to measure what was learned.


Step 1 of Selection Process - Screening the pool of applicants. Analyzing the candidates' application forms, curricula vitae, and resumes to locate the most qualified candidates for an open job.

Selection Interview

Step 2 in Selection Process - designed to probe areas of interest to the interviewer in order to determine how well the candidate meets the needs of the organization. Rely most heavily on this step in process. Manager typically conducts.

At what stage of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategic process does a global organization decide whether there will be local initiative leadership and how they will coordinate with global efforts?

Step 3: Infrastructure creation

Balance Scorecard

Strategic management planning system which takes into account the non-financial aspects of the organization, such as customer satisfaction, business processes, so that there is a complete picture of how the company is likely to perform in the future

Blue ocean strategies

Strategies that generate competitive advantage by creating a new marketplace arena in which there are no other competitors.

HR practices w/ company strategy

Strategy ->Recruiting/ Training/ Compensating -> SHRM

SWOT Analysis

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

Types of In-Depth Interviews

Structured - Unstructured - Behavioral - Competency Based Group Interviews Stress Interview


Study of Education of children


Study of how adults learn.


Study of the education of children.

SWOT Analysis

Study undertaken by an organization to identify its internal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

Cloud computing

Style of computing in which scalable IT-enabled capabilities are delivered as a service using Internet technologies.

A three-year-old company has achieved excellent results through perceptive market timing and aggressive marketing. What type of strategy is the company following?

Successful differentiation strategy

An organization has four generations working side-by-side in the workplace. Which practice could alleviate management concerns that intergenerational tensions and a lack of camaraderie could undermine organizational success?

Succession planning

Workforce planning is a technique used to help an organization reach its short- and long-term goals and objectives. The staffing needs analysis consists of four steps. What is the first step?

Supply analysis

Management Themes in Good Employee Engagement

Supporting Employee Growth - autonomy, development, feedback Interpersonal Style and Integrity - Individual interest, availability, personal manner, ethics Monitoring Direction - reviewing and guiding, clear expectations, managing time and resources, following processes and procedures

Compliance program

System for ensuring that policies and procedures addressing issues identified in the code of conduct are presented to and understood and acted on by everyone in the organization and for evaluating the results of those efforts.


System of rules and processes an organization puts in place to ensure its compliance with local and international laws, accounting rules, ethical norms, and its own codes of conduct.

Learning management system (LMS)

System that holds course content information and has the capability of tracking and managing employee course registrations, career development, and other employee development activities.

HR audit

Systematic and comprehensive evaluation of an organization's HR policies, practices, procedures, and strategies.

Workforce analysis

Systematic approach to anticipate human capital needs and data HR professionals can use to ensure that appropriate knowledge, skills, or abilities will be available when needed to accomplish organizational goals and objectives.

Training Design

Systematic development of training that is provided to employees to ensure that the goals and needs of the company will be met through the training

Needs Assessment

Systematic process for determining and addressing the needs, or gaps, in current workplace conditions and desired workplace conditions

Job analysis

Systematic study of jobs to determine what activities (tasks) and responsibilities they include, personal qualifications necessary for performance of the jobs, the conditions under which the work is performed, and the reporting structure.

Job Analysis

Systematic study of jobs to determine what activities and responsibilities they include, qualifications, conditions, and reporting structure. Written statement of tasks performed in the job and education level, experience, training, KSA, etc. needed to do it. Should re-evaluate at 6 months post selection and continue to re-evaluate all current periodically.

Human resource information system (HRIS)

Systematic tool for gathering, storing, maintaining, retrieving, and revising HR data.

Learning organization

Systems level concept -- organization adapts to changes and response quickly to lessons of experience by altering org behavior: - learning accomplished by org as a whole -systems thinking - network in and out of org - change is embraced, risk tolerated, failure are opportunities - org adapts and changes as environ changes

In an effort to enrich jobs, management wants employees working at one of three assembly stations to complete the entire assembly job and put their names on the finished product. About half of the employees are resisting the change. What is the best course of action?

Talk with those opposed to the change to determine their concerns

Diversity council

Task force created to define a diversity and inclusion initiative and guide the development and implementation process.

What approach to handling global assignee taxes requires more administrative resources than other methods?

Tax equalization


Temporary employment separations; employees may be recalled to work, or the separation may become permanent.

Safety Management

Term used to describe how to manage employee safety in the workplace

A bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) is a job criterion that employers can use to hire a foreigner. To use the BFOQ defense, what must employers prove?

That local employees can not perform the key duties required by the job.

What current globalization force affects workplace diversity, and what is its effect?

The "demographic dichotomy" has brought new attention to generational diversity.

Why is an organization using PEST analysis data much more likely to have successful talent acquisition and retention?

The PEST data helps to adapt to environmental realities.

Leadership and Navigation competency

The ability to direct and contribute to initiatives and processes within the organization.

Communication competency

The ability to effectively exchange information with stakeholders.

Ethical Practice competency

The ability to integrate core values, integrity, and accountability throughout all organizational and business practices.

Critical Evaluation competency

The ability to interpret information with which to make business decisions and recommendations.


The ability to keep talented employees in the organization

Consultation competency

The ability to provide guidance to organizational stakeholders.

Business Acumen competency

The ability to understand and apply information with which to contribute to the organization's strategic plan.

Global and Cultural Effectiveness competency

The ability to value and to consider the perspectives and backgrounds of all parties in global business.


The ability to yield output


The act of punishing someone for something they might have done; Example: firing someone for filing a discrimination complaint


The action of leading a group or an organization in a certain direction

Strategic management

The actions that leaders take to move their organizations toward those goals and create value for all stakeholders.

Minimum Wage

The amount that an employer must at least pay their workers per hour; $7.25 an hour

Organizational culture

The basic beliefs and customs shared by members of an organization that contribute to an organization's sense of its identity.


The benefit created when an organization meets its strategic goals.

Disciplinary Termination

The cause of termination due to a problem in discipline

Which statement about Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) procedures regarding Title VII is true?

The charging party is given notice of the right to sue if no reasonable cause is found.

Organizational Effectiveness

The concept of how effective an organization is in achieving the outcomes of what the organization intends to produce

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

The concept that all individuals should have equal treatment in all employment-related actions (14th amendment).

Job Documenation

The creation of job descriptions, specifications, and competencies.

What characteristic of an organizational effectiveness and development program would demonstrate that it was designed for how adults learn?

The debate and challenge of ideas is encouraged.

Human Resource Management

The design of formal systems in an organization to ensure the effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals.

Transfer of Training

The effect that knowledge or abilities acquired in one area have the ability to be transferred to another area of work


The effectiveness of a productive effort; usually measured in terms of the rate of output per unit

HR Trends

The employee experience Data & analytics The gig/freelancer economy Shift from work-life balance to work-life integration HR working closer with IT


The experience, local market development, and skill sets for a particular international location


The fact or state of being older in position or status than someone else

Intellectual Capital

The intangible value of a business

HR Expertise (HR Knowledge)

The knowledge of principles, practices, and functions of effective human resource management.


The loss of employees due to reasons other than firing and other employer-initiated events. Can look at: Overall attrition Attrition of critical talent New-hire attrition

Change Management

The management of change and development within a business or organization

Step 3 -- Collect Additional info As Necessary

The need for more information comes about after prioritization the first time. Make sure all candidates get to give same additional info and think of cultural barriers.

HR would like to implement an organizational policy regarding the use of the organization's e-mail system. Senior management is wary about adding yet another policy. What would be the strongest argument in support of HR's initiative?

The new policy would reduce the amount of risk posed to the organization by employees' use of the e-mail system.

Span of Control

The number of individuals that report to a supervisor

A program pairs at-risk youths with corporate mentors who encourage them to stay in school. The cost of the program to corporate participants is approximately $30,000 per year. What is the primary advantage to an organization of participating in the program?

The organization will build goodwill in the community.

Employment Brand

The persona an organization presents to current or prospective employees; it is the value an organization promises about the total employment experience.

Retention Thresholds

The point at which a new employee exits the organization

Value chain

The process by which an organization creates the product or service it offers to the customer.

Training Evaluation

The process by which you can determine if the goals and needs of the training were met


The process in which employees leave an organization and have to be replaced. -a symptom of a sick culutre

Employment Branding

The process of positioning an organization as an employer of choice in the labor market: Positive image (ethics) Clear and consistent message (diversity, innovation) Get best candidates to apply Give sense of pride Reinforce public's view

Strategic planning

The process of setting goals and designing a path toward a competitive position.


The process of vetting the most suitable candidate for a position based on the position criteria set during job analysis and job documentation.

Human Capital

The skills, knowledge and experience possessed by an individual or population

What is the probable outcome of measuring employee attitudes through an annual survey?

The survey can reveal problems that might go unreported.

What is HR

The talents (human capital) and energies of people who are available to an organization as potential contributors to the creation and realization of a competitive edge and impact bottom line results

Diversity may improve a team's innovation and creativity. However, what negative effect may diversity instead have on a team effort?

The team may become fragmented, nonproductive, and indecisive.

An organization terminates an employee for borrowing work equipment for personal use, an act specifically prohibited in the employee handbook. This has happened before, but a new manager believes the rule must be enforced. What should HR advise?

The termination may not be legally defensible.

Three Dimensional Theory of Attribution

The theory about how we attach meaning to our own and other people's behaviors Stability: how stable is the attribution? Locus of Control: was the event caused by an internal or external factor? Controllability: how controllable was the situation?

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

The theory that an individuals' most basic needs must be met before they become motivated to achieve higher level needs; Physiological Safety Love/belonging Esteem Self-actualization

Hawthorne Effect

The theory that when being watched, people will work harder and perform better

A manager approves a training course on the condition that there be some way of measuring program effectiveness and making changes. What strategy would best meet the manager's needs?

The trainer conducts a pilot program.

psychological contract

The unwritten expectations employees and employers have about the nature of their work relationships. -Affected by age of employee and changes in economic conditions. -Focuses on expectations about "fairness" that may not be defined clearly by employees. -differs depend on cohort

Work/Life Programs

There are several different types. This has become a concern due to mobile tech, families with two working parents, and long difficult travel to work. Consider if you need it to be comp, if you can sustain it (culturally and HR staff), and if it's already required (law/labor contract). Leave, Employee affinity groups, discounts, wellness programs, etc. Make sure employees can function in this, review to make sure it's working

According to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), what is true about covered employees?

They are entitled to return to a similar job with the same pay and status

What is a characteristic of employment contracts?

They are required in most parts of the world.

An organization's IT and HR functions both report a gender problem regarding high-level recruiting and retention. What is likely to be true about these problems?

They are the inverse of one another: not enough female candidates in IT or enough male candidates in HR.

Why is it important to have well-written, accurate, and current job descriptions?

They can provide a basis job-related performance standards.

Employee resource groups (ERGs) primarily serve as resources for their identity group members, but they can also be a critical resource for their parent organizations. What is one appropriate and valuable way in which ERGs can be an organizational resource?

They can provide valuable insights into the needs of new minority-based markets.

What actions are characteristic of organizations that approach global assignments from the strategic-systematic perspective?

They coordinate critical functions among the home office and foreign locations.

Sexual harassment is a violation of which legislation?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Cross-Cultural Assessment Tools

To assess cross-cultural behaviors. Particularly useful in global operations. Several different: CCAI, COI, IDI, SAGE. Self-assessments mainly to see if you're ready and can go global.

What is the primary purpose of totalization agreements?

To avoid double taxation for social security

When a mediator is called in to resolve a collective bargaining impasse, what is the proper role of the mediator?

To bring the parties together to find common ground

What is the proper role of training in an organization's diversity and inclusion initiative?

To create awareness and help develop knowledge and skills

What is the primary function of an HR audit?

To determine HR programs to enhance

What is the primary purpose of a safety self-audit?

To ensure employee compliance with the organization's safety programs

Why is it crucial that HR partner with other functions?

To ensure that the organization's human capital matches its needs

What is the primary purpose of employer branding?

To establish the organization as an employer of choice.

What is the primary reason for conducting an HR audit?

To evaluate the effectiveness of the HR function

What is the main purpose of a global organization's code of ethics?

To guide its members' decision making and behavior

What is the purpose of an HR compliance checklist?

To help ensure compliance with HR laws and regulations

Why is it important for an HR director to establish internal partnerships with the managers of each business unit?

To illustrate what HR can do to help meet the needs of the business units

HR works with IT to restrict access to websites of a sexual nature from computers on the organization's network. What is the primary purpose of this policy?

To limit legal liability and ensure data security

What is a primary goal of the global integration strategy?

To maintain the organization's brand and image

What is the primary purpose of the balanced scorecard?

To measure goals from the perspectives of key stakeholders

What is a benefit of using differential pay?

To tie performance and compensation together

Risk scorecard

Tool used to gather individual assessments of various characteristics of risk (e.g., frequency of occurrence, degree of impact/loss/gain for the organization, degree of efficacy of current controls).

Types of Managers

Top Middle First-Line/Front-Line

Revenue Per Employee

Total Rev/Total number of employees - helpful when evaluating the cost of a lost employee due to voluntary or involuntary turnover.

Cost of Hire

Total recruiting costs (advertising, recruiter/agency, incentives, relocation bonuses, travel, salary)/number of new hires *should look at doing it by type of employee (supervisors) or location (for relo bonuses)

Leadership development

Training and professional development programs targeted to assist management- and executive-level employees in developing the skills, abilities, and flexibility required to deal with a variety of situations.

Self-Directed Study

Training delivery method - Allows learners to progress at their own pace without the assistance of an instructor (job aids, workbooks, MP3s and streaming materials assist this). Learner has to be motivated and can be cost effective (less instructors)

Blended Learning

Training delivery method - Planned approach that includes a combo of instructor-led training, self-directed study, and/or OJT. Great for multicultural organizations.

On-the-Job Training (OJT)

Training delivery method - Provided to employees by managers and supervisors at the actual work site. Just in time and uses real environment, but resource/time intensive, hard to schedule, safety issues, and SMEs needed.

Instructor-Led Study

Training delivery method - Traditional and frequently used mode of training. Delivered by an instructor to an audience. Great because offers several different learning activities and can focus more, but time/resource sensitive and difficult geographically (can be virtual though).

On-the-job Training (OJT)

Training for an employee that gives them the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their job

Pull training model

Training is readily available at any time and is a continuous process. Based on competencies needed to perform job.

On-the-job training (OJT)

Training provided to employees at the work site utilizing demonstration and performance of job tasks.

William H Macey and Ben Schneider on Employee Engagement and HR

Trait Engagement - personality based elements that make someone inclined to be engaged - natural curiosity, desire to be involved, interest in problem solving. consider at selection. State Engagement - workplace conditions that can be improved through organizational interventions directly under managements control Behavioral Engagament - Effort employees put into their jobs, which leads to greater value, creating higher performacne than their less-engaged counterparts.


Transferring a previously outsourced function back in-house.

How to Improve Employee Retention

Treat retention as a proactive, strategic part of talent management Know what motivates segments in workforce Monitor trends in retention and motivation Deep understanding of why they leave and stay Link staying and high productivity with management and reward them Align organizational system/process/future plans to improve retention

During global recruiting, which factor is likely to appeal to the greatest number of candidates?

Trust in leadership

Role Plays

Type of Learning Activity - Act out roles to resolve conflicts or practice behavior in situations

Structured Exercise

Type of Learning Activity - Complete tasks that are similar to those they encounter on the job


Type of Learning Activity - Sensitivity training - group of people investigate and explore patterns of authority and communication among themselves.

Fishbowl activities

Type of Learning Activity - group of learners, sitting in center of a circle, debate/discuss a topic while remaining learners listen (blend of active and passive)

Case Studies

Type of Learning Activity - participants apply new knowledge/skills to a hypothetical situations or case


Type of Learning Activity - perform an assigned role within a complex scenario designed to resemble a real-life challenge

Round Robin

Type of Learning Activity - person or team competes against others in class to answer questions or complete a task. Failure to win may lead to elimination.

Force-field analysis

Type of analysis in which factors that can influence an outcome in either a negative or positive manner are listed and then assigned weights to indicate their relative strengths.

Root-cause analysis

Type of analysis that starts with a result and then works backward to identify fundamental cause.

Disparate treatment

Type of discrimination that occurs when an applicant or employee is treated differently because of his or her membership in a protected class.

Disparate impact

Type of discrimination that results when a neutral policy has a discriminatory effect; also known as adverse impact.

Adverse impact

Type of discrimination that results when a neutral policy has a discriminatory effect; also known as disparate impact.

Structured interview

Type of interview in which the interviewer asks every applicant the same questions; also called a repetitive interview.

Competency-based interview

Type of interview in which the interviewer asks questions related to competencies for the position and asks candidates to provide examples of times they demonstrated the competencies.

Stress interview

Type of interview in which the interviewer assumes an aggressive posture to see how a candidate responds to stressful situations.

Behavioral interview

Type of interview that focuses on how applicants previously handled real situations.


Type of labor environment in which multiple forces are at work, each with its own agenda, and conflict is overcome through negotiation.

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI)

Type of liability insurance covering an organization against claims by employees, former employees, and employment candidates alleging that their legal rights in the employment relationship have been violated.

Horn effect

Type of measurement bias in which analyst allows one strong point that he or she values highly and that works against subject to overshadow all other information.

Halo effect

Type of measurement bias in which analyst allows one strong point that he or she values highly and that works in subject's favor to overshadow all other information.

Cultural noise

Type of measurement bias in which analyst fails to recognize that individual is responding with answers the analyst wants to hear and that analyst's culture/values are determining what he or she hears.

First-impression error

Type of measurement bias in which investigator makes snap judgments and lets first impression (either positive or negative) cloud subsequent evaluation.

Negative emphasis

Type of measurement bias that involves weighting a small negative reaction or piece of information more than it should objectively merit.

Leading indicator

Type of metric that describes an activity that can change future performance and indicate higher degree of success in achieving strategic goals.

Lagging indicator

Type of metric that describes an activity that has already occurred.

Social movement unionism

Type of union activity that focuses on social topics such as antidiscrimination, environmental actions, and HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention.

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)

U.S. act that protects the employment, reemployment, and retention rights of persons who serve or have served in the uniformed services.

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act

U.S. act that requires some employers to give a minimum of 60 days' notice if a plant is to close or if mass layoffs will occur.


Umbrella term for specialized collaborative software applications.

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

Umbrella term used to describe a number of problem-solving and grievance resolution approaches.

Transactional engagement

Undesirable form of engagement - employees appear engaged by working longer hours, but do not think in an engaged way. Negative well- being outcomes. Employees need to act and think engaged for positive well-being outcomes.

Weingarten rights

Union employees' right in U.S. to have a union representative or coworker present during an investigatory interview.

Domestic partners

Unmarried couples, of the same or opposite sex, who live together and seek economic and noneconomic benefits comparable to those granted to their married counterparts.

Glass Ceiling

Unofficially acknowledged barrier to an advancement in a position, usually primarily in women and other minorities

generational diversity

Upcoming: Gen Z (2000's - ~2015) Gen Y or Millennials (1980's-2000's) Gen X (1960's - 1980's) Baby boomers (1940's - 1960's)

Whose representation is most critical to a diversity council's success?

Upper management must be directly involved.

A key international assignee has resigned. Although there is a skilled replacement to take over, time constraints prevent adequate pre-departure preparation for the cultural aspects of the assignment. Which is the best option to help the replacement rapidly acclimate to the new culture?

Use a specialized third-party vendor


Use of electronic communications and transaction processing when buying (or contracting for/tendering) supplies and services.

Judgmental forecasts

Use of information from past and present to predict future conditions.

Information management (IM)

Use of technology to collect, process, and condense information with a goal of efficient manage¬ment of information as an organizational resource.

Pay grades

Used to group jobs that have approximately the same relative internal or external worth and are paid at the same rate or within the same pay range.

Reference Checks

Used to verify previous employment and learn about the applicant's aptitude and character. Get signed release here too. Difficult to do globally (language, technology, law barriers)

Of all the possible performance problems, cultural problems in the workplace tend to be the most challenging to remedy. Which possible solution may provide a more holistic and objective perspective of the performance issue?

Using an external tool or facilitator

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Using methods like mediation and arbitration to solve a problem instead of litigation


Value that occurs most frequently in a set of data.

Social media

Variety of Internet technology platforms and communities that people use to communicate and share information and resources.

Database management system (DBMS)

Variety of software applications that electronically manage stored data.

Industrial actions

Various forms of collective employee actions taken to protest work conditions or employer action.

Hiring Right

Very important because if not done: the cost of a bad hire is 1-1.5X the salary negative impacts to other employees (morale) Low productivity and increased costs

protected groups

View diversity efforts as inadequate and nothing more than "corporate public relations" that do not meet expectations.

Unfair labor practice (ULP)

Violation of rights under labor-relations statutes.

Special Considerations while Hiring

Visas, Work permits, residence permits, BFOQs

Vision statement

Vivid, guiding image of an organization's desired future, the future it hopes to attain through its strategy.

Reasons for Employee Turnover

Voluntary - another job, followed spouse, return to school, dissatisfaction, etc. Involuntary - dismissal, elimination of job

Employee resource group (ERG)

Voluntary group for employees who share a particular diversity dimension (race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.); also known as affinity group or network group.

An organization examines the level of probability for all types of losses to which it may be exposed. What aspect of risk is the organization studying?


Family Assistance Program

WLB program - adoption assistance, emergency child care, elder/child care, long-term care, parenting resources

Convenience/Concierge Services

WLB program - banking, dinners-to-go, dry cleaning, grocery


WLB program - coaching, financial planning, legal assistance, mentor, counseling, retirement, tuition assistance, time management

Flexible Work Arrangement

WLB program - hours, job share, part-time, telework, variable workweek. Need IT assistance

An HR manager is preparing a risk management plan for a manufacturing floor. The manager has reviewed accident records from the past five years and talked with an insurer. What is the best way to obtain additional useful information?

Walk through the area and observe conditions during work operations.

Adult Learning Principles

Want real world issues want to know how learning can be applied Will come with goals and expectations Keep disagreements unheated, but allow them Have opinions respected Wish to be resources- use them Have a need to know what's in it for me (WIFM) **PRACTICE by doing and use immediately are best methods

Millennials and EVP

Want to feel their work has meaning and is worthwhile. Will consider leaving an organization if it doesn't meet their values/ethical expectations.


Way an organi¬zation groups jobs to coordinate work.

Measuring Social Media Success

Web Metrics - behavioral data of visitors, referral sources, usage of content, and geographical origins Social Metrics- tracking fans, followers, comments, retweets, buzz Business Metrics - successful recruits

jobs and skills audit

What jobs exist now? How many individuals are performing each job? What are the reporting relationships of jobs? How essential is each job? What jobs will be needed to implement future organizational strategies? What are the characteristics of anticipated jobs?

Central Tendency Error

When a manager avoids making "extreme" rating decisions, so all of the ratings are in the middle

Leniency Error

When a manager over-emphasizes or under-emphasizes positive or negative behaviors, causing them to rate an employee higher or lower on their performance review

Similar-to-Me Error

When a manager rates an employee (higher or lower) because they resemble a quality that a manager also possesses. (Can be positive and negative)

Horn Effect

When a manager really dislikes an employee and they rate them lower on their performance review

Halo Effect

When a manager really likes an employee and they rate them higher on their performance review


When an employee becomes familiar with the organization, his/her department, coworkers and job. Lasts 1-2 days

Voluntary Turnover

When an employee chooses to leave an organization for reasons like: a competitive job offer, staffing conflict, or lack of other opportunities within the organization

Recency Error

When an employee does something (positive or negative) close to the time of a performance review, that impacts the results of an employee's performance review

Involuntary Turnover

When an employee is let go from an organization

First-Impression Error

When an employee's first impression weighs in highly on their performance review

psychological ownership

When individuals feel that they have some control and perceived rights in the organization, they are more likely to be committed to the organization. -"This is MY organization" -"WE are working to improve things"`

Brain Drain

When skilled, educated workers travel abroad and learn skills and don't return. Or when skilled workers leave.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act protects...

Women who have the ability to become pregnant or who are already pregnant

Staff units

Work groups that assist line units by providing specialized services, such as HR.

Line units

Work groups that conduct the major business of an organization.

Wildcat strike

Work stoppages at union contract operations that have not been sanctioned by the union.

What approach to employee engagement is evident in emergency child-care programs, job sharing, and limits on overtime?

Work/life programs

A group of workers and management representatives are charged with examining how to improve company performance, working conditions, job security, and other related matters. What is this structure called?

Works council

Job Description

Written description of a job and its requirements, including tasks, KSA's, responsibilities, and reporting structure. Relatively brief. (role profile, role description, position description). Standard format. Should review each performance appraisal OR when hiring.

Job description

Written description of a job and its requirements, including tasks, knowledge, skills, abilities, responsibilities, and reporting structure.

Job specifications

Written statements of the necessary qualifications for the job incumbent.

Steps in Determining Compensation

Years of experience/education level Industry Location Skill sets Supply and demand Cost of NOT offering competitive pay

Do integrity test really work?


Protected Class

a group of people who have suffered discrimination in the past and who are given special protection by the judicial system

Undue hardship -

a high cost of accommodation and strain on the employers resources that is grounds for rejecting a disabled person

Shared vision

a look into the future that fosters genuine commitment and is shared by all who need to possess it


a small number of people with complementary skills who work towards common goals for which they hold themselves mutually accountable

Self-managed teams

a team for producing an entire product, a component, or an ongoing service

measurement of assessment

absence/ turnover measurement employee surveys exit interviews data analysis

barometer of job satisfaction

absenteeism -organizational commitment = link

The process of adjusting salary data to keep pace with market movement is referred to as


women's earnings as a percent of men's

all- 82.1%

Compressed workweek

alter the number of workdays per week by increasing the length of the workday to 10 or more hours

Reasonable accommodation

an action taken to accommodate the know disabilities of applicants or employees so that disabled persons enjoy equal employment opportunity Examples: -Wheelchair accessible -Sign language teaching -Modifying work schedules -Permitting leave for treatment


any failure to report for work as scheduled or to stay at work when scheduled -72 cents on every dollar related to employee absent = lost productivity

Interview Method

asking incumbents or managers to describe the job

review organizational objectives and strategies

assess internal workforce scan external environment for labor supply changes


assumes that work can be broken down into simple, repetitive tasks that maximizes efficiency Industrial Revolution brought about division of labor but people got bored at work

aligning HR Activities

attracting and retaining employees training, developing and evaluating employees compensating employees and other HR activities working smarter not harder

HR planning issues in small company

attracting and retaining qualified outsiders management succession b/w generations of owners family relationships and HR policies evolution of HR activities as the business grows

voluntary absenteeism

avoidable without justifiable cause

What is the correct order of the first four key steps in the seven-step diversity and inclusion strategic process? a. Preliminary assessment b. Executive commitment c. System changes d. Infrastructure creation

b, a, d, c

In organizations instituting strategic performance management systems, employees should

be told about performance expectations.

at will employment

both parties can quit/ fire

employee productivity drives what?

bottom line results

Potential problems with HRIS

breach of information, privacy

Job summary

briefly describes the job in one sentence

HRM decisions influence...

business bottom line employees (individual standard of living, compensation, and career development)

re-designing work

changing workloads and combining jobs re-shaping jobs due to technology changes

Questionnaire Method

checklist of important activities that the incumbent fills out

women industries percentages

child day care-95.5% rail transportation- 8.4%

HRIS functions

collects, records, stores, analyzes, and retrieves data concerning an organizations human resources

3 conditions of the Job characteristics Theory

competency desire for personal growth context satisfaction


competitive pay and benefits performance and compensation recognition (Flexible vs. Variable pay)

Organizational challenges

concerns or problems internal to a firm

characteristic of employer

culture and values management job security (LL Bean)

Incompetence assumption

current employees assume that the new hire is incompetence because he or she was hiring because of an affirmative action plan

the unit

current staffing level hiring freeze and attrition

estimation internal labor supply for given unit

current staffing level- projected outflows this year + projected inflows this year = internal supply for next year

cultural fit in mergers and acquisitions

degree of internal integration autonomy adaptability employee trust diversity

organization commitment (Loyalty)

degree to which employees believe in and accept organizational goals and desire to remain with the organization


degree to which operations are done in an economical manner how much resources used


desire w/in a person causing that person to act to reach a goal

controlling absenteeism

disciplinary approach positive reinforcement combination approach "no fault" policy paid time off (PTO)

Adverse impact

discrimination that occurs when equal applications of an employment standard has a unequal effect on one or more protected classes; when the equal application of a policy or procedure negatively impacts a protected class

Disparate treatment

discrimination that occurs when individuals are treated differently because of their membership in a protected class (usually on purpose)

build acceptance of diversity

diversity pays of for company conflicts are reduced internal problem solving takes place

solve diversity issues and create an inclusive culture

diversity permeates company problems are approached pro-actively everyone gets along business results improve

begin process of dealing with diversity

diversity training provided affirmative action compliance occurs protected classes are focus conflicts and problems occur

diversity involves how we think and act -iceBURG

doing things differently behaviors/languages/ actions race/ gender style age/ physical abilities values/ life experiences/ thoughts religion/ sexual orientation culture

Job requirements and specifications

education, experience, licensing or certifications

purpose of HR Planning

effective planning= right people right capabilities right time right place

components of individual performance (quality and quantity)

effort expended individual ability organization support

line employee

employee directly involved in the process

staff employee

employee indirectly involved in the process who performs activities that support the line employees

Temporary workers

employees of an agency that are reassigned to other employers for a short amount of time

Contract workers

employees who develop work relationships directly with an employer for a certain jobs Consultant, freelancer, independent contractor

Part-time employee

employees who work fewer hours than full-time employees and receive fewer benefits Employers use them because it saves costs of compensation


employers transfer routine or peripheral work to another organization that specializes in that work and can perform it more efficiently

What question can you ask a disabled job applicant after the employment offer?

employment test medical examination (if they are required by everyone)

Boundary-less organizational structure

enables an organization to form relationships with customers, suppliers, and/or competitors, either to pool organizational resources for mutual benefit or to encourage cooperation in an uncertain environment example: Disney and pixar

smart business equal employment and diversity management

equal employment opportunity -> non-discriminatory practices + affirmative action = workforce diversity management

If candidates are _________________, you may consider race, sex, age, or other characteristics

equally qualified

Reasonable accommodation

essential job functions undue hardship

Breaking the Glass

establishing mentoring programs providing career rotation increasing top management and boardroom diversity establishing goals for diversity allowing for alternative work arrangements

affirmative defense for employer in response to sexual harassment

establishing zexual harassment policy communicating the policy regularly training employees to avoid sexual harassment investigating and taking actions when complaints arise

Griggs vs. Duke Power case

example of adverse impact

Albemarle Paper Company vs. Moody Case

example of unfair employment testing


extent at which goals have been met HR-establish attainable and clear (SMART) goals

cultural compatibility

extent at which such factors are decision making styles, levels of teamwork, information-sharing philosophies, and the formality of the two organizations are similar Daimler-Benz-Chrysler (bought for $38B sold for $7.4B) "You had two companies from different countries with different languages and different styles come together yet there were no synergies"

Hygiene and Maintenance Factors

external factors located in the work environment that the lack of which can lead to job dissatisfaction one of the factors of Herzberg's theory

sources of inflows

external hires internal transfers promotions recalls

employee relationships

fair, non-discriminatory treatment supervisory, management support co-worker relations (volunteer work)

What actions by employer are addressed by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)?

firing, hiring, and promotion based on age

Focus strategy

focus on a narrow segment of the market


focus on becoming more effective and efficient at what they do


focus on innovative ideas and new products and services

"micro" HR Management

focus on specific HR practices and policies Employment Relations Recruitment Selection Training Development Compensation

Problems with teams

freeriding groupthink


gain competitive advantage by offering a unique product and a premium price

Overall cost leadership strategy

gaining competitive advantage by having the lowest cost in the industry

HR planning

government influences economic conditions workforce composition geographic and competitions concerns

Reverse Discrimination

harming opportunities for white males

Research helps us make better....

hiring decisions

Quotas are _________________except in the most extreme cases


strategic importance of managing layoffs

image of company investor appeal (CSR) attracting top talent retaining top talent overall employee attitudes (motivation, engagement) avoid lawsuits (waiver)

improving organizational productivity goals

increase organizational productivity reduce unit labor costs (4) (stock goes up during layoffs)

factors affecting job satisfaction and organization commitment

individual (ability/ motivation/ support) ^ job (design/ job elements) job satisfaction/ dissatisfaction organization commitment absenteeism/turnover

Individual performance factors

individual ability to do the work effort level expended organizational support`

Which is a better predictor of job performance, highly conscientious applicant, confident applicant, or intelligent applicant?


Motivator Factors

internal job factors that lead to job satisfaction and higher motivation

types of turnover

involuntary voluntary controllable functional uncontrollable *not all bad

Work Participation Method

job analyst actually does the job

drivers of retention

job design and work career opportunities rewards employee relaitonships characteristic of employer

Diary Method

job incumbents write what they are doing at certain times

What question can you ask a disabled job applicant before the employment offer?

job-related questions

job design and work

job/ person matching time flexibility work. life balancing


key aspect of engaging employees in their work. Factors that initiate, direct, and sustain human behavior over time.

Feedback from job

knowing if you're doing a good job or bad job

Affirmative action cannot be used in _________________


why people stay/ leave

leave bad boss culture/ values attractive job compensation and lifestyle (Fit and Lifestyle and Sacrifice)

components of diversity training

legal awareness training cultural awareness training sensitivity training

problems with outsourcing

less control of process, employees get laid off

SHRM links?

links Human capital, HR practices with company strategy

Brain Drain

loss of high-talent key personnel to competitors or start-up ventures

Better hiring decisions mean....

lower turnover


making of distinctions among people

What are the three types of positions in a company

managers line employees staff employees

issues in matching supply of labor with demand for labor

managing a HR surplus outplacement services HR Planning in mergers and acquisitions


measure of quantity and quality of work done considering the cost of the resources used (lower cost and cheaper products and services)

managing retention 3 keys

measurement and assessment managing retention

What question can you ask a disabled job applicant during employment?

medical information request for accomodation

gender and differences in qualifications

men will apply if they meet 60% of the requirement. Women will apply if they meet 100%

firms face challenges to engage in workforce


effort expended

motivation work ethic attendance/ turnover job design

Elements in CV

name/contact info Areas of academic interest Education Grants, honors, awards Publications/presentations Employment and experience Scholarly or professional memberships references

managers and HR

need to understand and execute HR practices to drive desired behaviors

women in workforce issues

nepotism glass ceilings and walls job assignments and nontraditional jobs EC: hazardous jobs/ ice hockey coach


not violation ADA (lay off/early retirement) 21 days to sign a waiver (who is being laid off)

computing turnover rate

number of employee separations during month/ total number of employees at midmonth x 100

Quid pro quo

occurs when sexual activity is required in return for getting or keeping job related benefits (happens between a supervisor and subordinate)

Hostile work environment

occurs when the behavior of anyone in the work setting is sexual in nature and is perceived by an employee as offensive and undesirable

Flat structure

only a few levels of management, decentralized decision making, less boundaries, increases customer satisfaction, rapidly changing environments

risks with maximizing

outcomes vs. process ends justify the means

Job duties and responsibilities

outlines what the person does on a day to day basis

environmental challenges

outside forces that affect the company examples: Rapid change Globalization Legislation


outsourcing to a company in a different country

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 protects

people who are 40 or older

Individuals with disabilities

people who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially affects one or more major life activities

What are Human Resources

people who work in an organization personnel, associates, employees, team members

Core workers

permanent full time employees Employers provide these workers with benefits

HR generalist

person who has broad HR knowledge - know a little bit about a lot of topics

HR Specialist

person who has in-depth knowledge and expertise in a limited area of HR

HR Generalist

person who has responsibility for performing a variety of HR activities

HR specialist

person who has specific HR knowledge - has in depth knowledge in a narrow area

HR consultant

person who is external to the firm who provides temporary HR services

reasons for unscheduled absences

personal illness 36% family issues 22% personal needs 18% entitlement mentality 13% stress 11%

board diversity liked with greater firm performance

pictorial diversity

What is management?

planning leading organizing controlling

Role of a manager

planning, leading, organizing, controlling

job satisfaction

positive emotional state resulting from evaluating one's job experience

HR is not overhead cost

potentially strategic competitive advantage


power and authority are spreading more evenly throughout the company

private-sector vs public-sector

private sector = publicly traded public sector = governmental

HR planning

process of analyzing and identifying the need for and availability of hr so that the organization can meet its objective

environmental scanning

process of studying environment of the organization to pinpoint opportunities and threats

sources of outflows

promotions turnover terminations demotions retirements deaths layoffs


providing workers with the skills and authority to make decisions that would traditionally made by managers

Bureaucratic structure

pyramid shaped, many levels of management, functional division of labor, rigid boundaries, highly centralized decision making

Distributive justice

questions whether outcomes are fair

Interpersonal Justice

questions whether personal treatment is fair

Procedural Justice

questions whether policies and procedures are fair


rate at which employees leave the organization

managing retention

recruiting and selection orientation and training compensation and benefits career development and planning employee relations

Examples of HR systems

recruitment selection training compensation performance evaluation


reduction in the company's workforce to reduce its bottom line

evaluation and follow up

regular review of turnover data tracking of intervention results adjustment of intervention efforts

HR planning process

review organizational objectives and strategies develop forecasting formulate HR strategies and plans

restructuring the organization

revise organizational structure reduce staff aide in mergers and acquisitions

Task Significance

seeing the big picture of where your job fits in Example: janitors in the hospital have a harder time connecting their job to the bigger picture than the doctors

Goal Setting Theory

setting goals improves performance

Which is the best way to improve performance?

setting performance-related goal

Electronic monitoring

software that monitors when, how, and why workers are using the internet

Line employees

someone directly involved in the production of a good or service

Staff employees

someone indirectly involved in the production of a good or service

possible retention interventions

spot cash awards for good work career counseling diverse workplace friendly work culture

ignore diversity

status quo protected possible legal issues increased diversity not important

Past HR management

strategic - 20% operational - 30% administrative- 50%

Future HR management

strategic- 60% operational -30% administrative- 10%


subcontracting work to an outside company

potential sexual harassers to employee

supervisors customers vendors co-workers former employees other employees


survey people available identify organizational need for people

human resource strategy vs human resource tactic

tactic is more specific

individual ability

talents interests personality characteristics

Virtual team

team that relies on interactive technology to work together when separated by physical distance


the amount of freedom or choice you have in performing your job Example: professors teaching classes versus an accountant working for a firm

Lower turnover improves...

the bottom line

Task identity

the extent to which you produce a whole identifiable product Example: making kitchen cabinets versus making nails

Organizational structure

the formal or informal relationship between people in an organization

Business Unit Strategy

the formula and implementation of strategies by a firm that is relatively autonomous

Corporate Strategy

the mix of business a corporation decides to hold and the flow of resources among those businesses

Job incumbent

the person who is currently assigned to the job in question

Job enlargement

the process of expanding a jobs duties (adds more tasks)

Job Design

the process of organizing work into tasks to complete the bigger job

Job enrichment

the process of putting specialized tasks back together so that one person is responsible for producing a whole product or an entire store (adds empowerment and autonomy)

Job rotation

the process of rotating workers among different narrowly defined tasks without disrupting the flow of work

Job analysis

the systematic process of collecting information used to make decisions about jobs; identifies the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a particular job Gather information and then write a job description


the way work is organized to meet the organizations production or service goals

Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

theory of motivation attempts to identify and explain the factors that employees find satisfying and dissatisfying about their jobs

Developing appropriate job-content-based (internal) job evaluation factors that are consistent with the employees' concerns about the strategy of the organization is important because

this is one of the best opportunities for compensation practices to contribute to organizational strategy.


time during which employees can choose not to be at work, part of a flexible work hours arrangement Allowing employees to come in earlier or later or leave early or later

Core time

time when all employees are expected to be at work, part of a flexible work hours arrangement

HR planning responsibilities

top HR executive and subordinates gather infer. from other managers to use in the dvlpment of HR projections for top mgment to use in strategic planning and setting organizational goals -THINK before move

organizational support

training and development equipment and technology performance standards management and co-workers

career opportunities

training/ developing and mentoring career planning/ advancement


transferring responsibility and decision making from the central office to people and locations closer to the situation

hourly compensation cost for manufacturing production workers

u.s. - $21.33 Cambodia- 0.16 germany-26.48 china-.50

involuntary absenteeism

unavoidable with understandable cause

Cannot hire someone who is _________________based on a protected characteristic (Has this ever happened? Yes. Is it legal? No.)


forecasting external HR supply

use of information from the past and present to identify expected future conditions

human resource shortage

use overtime add contingent workers bring back recent retirees outsource work reduce turnover


using domestic vendors/ contractors instead of employees pushing operations internationally

Observation Method

watch what the incumbent does and record it

Gender Wage Gap

women make $0.80 for each $1.00 earned by men

Job sharing

work arrangement in which two or more employees divide a job's responsibilities, hours, and benefits among themselves Working different hours - example: student worker

Job specification

worker characteristics need to perform a job successfully. Part of the job description

Contingent workers

workers hired to deal with temporary increases in an organizations workload or to do work that is not a part of its core set of capabilities Examples: Golf Retail during the holidays


working from home

Job description

written documentation that identifies, defines, and describes a job in terms of its duties, responsibilities, working conditions, and specifications

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