Sign final

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Use lower case deaf when referring to the audio logical condition of not hearing and uppercase Deaf when referring to a particular group of deaf people who share language. ASL is a culture. ASL hold a set of beliefs about themselves and their connection to the larger society.

NTD .. National Theatre of the Deaf

Wanted to bring to the public a new image of deaf people.


is not an entity that is free of interpretation but something that emerges within a system of knowledge one does not simply hear thunder but also assimilates it's with an activity and how to react to it.

Gallaudet University

private university for the education of the Deaf and hard of hearing located in Washington, D.C., on a 99 acres campus. Founded in 1864, Gallaudet University was originally a grammar school for deaf students.

Speech by George Veditz

speech by Veditz describes the way signed languages are transmitted across generations...Veditz became deaf at the age of eight ..and then attended Gallaudet .. was concerned that "pure sign language" might disappear under the pressures of oralism..., George W. Veditz made a fourteen-minute long film without subtitles - "The Preservation of the Sign Language" - demonstrating in sign language the importance of defending the right of deaf people to sign.... there are correct signs and correct delivery

Deaf couple checks into motel



Carol Padden -was born deaf in a deaf family, her parents and her older brother are dead as are a set of grandparents and come other relatives. Tom Humphries - in contrast became deaf as a child and did not meet other deaf people until he entered a college for deaf students

The book

Collect, organizes and interprets examples of the cultural life of deaf people. Different than writings treating deaf as a medical case or disability who compensate by using sign language. The book portrays their lives and art and performances, and myths and lessons... tried to present the culture from the inside to discover how deaf people describe themselves and what type of symbols they surround themselves with and how they think about their lives...Collected a few of reminiscences from deaf adults about their childhoods- many told how as young children they discovered that they could not hear sound or speech. In almost all the stories of deaf children of deaf families hearing people were strange and part of these children's backgrounds that the children's deaf words were large enough with family and friends that the others didn't intrude it. These children's story's show us how these kids learn the difference in their worlds compared to others. This story is not about failing to understand the meaning of deafness but a story about cultural differences. The stories tell us about childish views of the world and them entering reality. Wrote about educated and uneducated deaf people.

Charles Krauel ( Portrait of a deaf filmmaker)

His films are among the best surving records of deaf life from as early as 1925.

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet

His wife was deaf.. she was a student at the school

Poetry book "Gestures" by Dorothy Miles and Clayton Valli

Miles poem Total Communication ... They built there poetry around detailed awareness of how signs are assembled and the relationship of structure to meaning.

Games from my third eye play

My third Eye purpose is to express doing the segment to call the audiences attention to particular properties of the language. Happy deaf people reflect and understand their language.


National Association of the Deaf - improving deaf people's images in society

William c stokoe

New way of describing signs...he suggest that each sign can be analyzed in smaller units. Published a dictionary "American Sign Language" organized it based on location movement and handshape.

Eric Malzkuhns

Performed translation of Lewis Carrolls " Jabberwocky" during NTD people loved it.. he went to galludet college... he joined NTD as a coach.... Joe Velez was one of his actors and did a great job in Jabberwocky and wrote a speech to Malzkuhns about it

SEE ( Seeing Essential English) ( Signing Exact English)

Recently Developed Pedagogical tools

Silent worker 1948 revived

Set out to improve the image of deaf people by portraying them as hard-working law abiding citizens .. renamed by NAD magazine the DEAF...sign viewed as beautiful and art

Sign me Alice.. Gilbert Eastmans

Sign Me Alice is an outrageous comedy and the most popular play ever shown at Gallaudet University. Based on Pygmalion and My Fair Lady, it teaches lessons about Deaf people and their conflicts with the hearing world over styles of communication. Laurent Clerc: A Profile is an historical play about the Deaf Frenchman who sacrificed his personal life to become America's first teacher of deaf children and who is the father of American Sign Language (ASL). Along with Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, he made American deaf education possible in early 1800s. Combining Sign Me Alice & Laurent Clerc: Two Deaf Plays and Classroom Guide to Suggested Activities and Projects, teachers can bring a wonderful learning experience to deaf and hearing students in secondary schools, literature classes, and Deaf Studies classes. Unveiling many social issues within the Deaf community, the plays bring more awareness to the students about the importance of the rich visual language that is American Sign Language (ASL) and its history.

Difference from Monks

Sign language are acquired as first language and used for communication. Monks know how to speak but vow to silence.

The LACD story

The Los Angeles Club of the Deaf Story" depicts the historic changes of a Deaf club in a large city. The video captures members' feelings and memories toward their clubhouse, shares fond memories of friendships cultivated at the club, and dramatizes the story of the rise and fall of a powerful social organization within the Deaf community. We've been together for many years "I think it's important to notice that L.A.C.D. was the first clubhouse to be owned by the Deaf people in the United States...L.A.C.D. had a variety of social activities and theatrical events where a large crowd of deaf people came to enjoy themselves. There were also sports events such as basketball, softball, and bowling. Extensive footage of old black and white film clips shows their activities way back to the 1940s!....Included Yankee dudle and many other popular songs

The Silent Worker

The Silent Worker was a popular national newspaper among the deaf population of the United States during the end of the 1890's through the end of the first quarter of the 20th century. Originally known as the Deaf Mute Times, it was first published in February 1888 and renamed The Silent Worker on September 27 of the same year. The New Jersey School for the Deaf continued its publication monthly, except for July, August, and periodically September until it ceased in June 1929. Deaf American authors wrote almost all articles, although occasional contributions by deaf individuals from other countries were also printed. Gallaudet University Archives has converted their collection of The Silent Worker from 1888 to 1929 into digital format, and made it available on the World Wide Web for public research


done with the hands


in nearly every nation in the world there are several distinct groups of deaf people their differences marked by political historical or geographical separation. There is enormous diversity large communities of dead people in Boston Chicago Los Angeles and Edmonton, Alberta, They all have their own distinctive identities. But all use some variety of ASL. Although somewhere between 11-30 percent of deaf school children inherit their deafness, fewer than 10 percent are born to parents who are also deaf.

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