Significant Figure Rules
Rule 6: All zeros to the right of a decimal point and to the right of a non-zero digit are significant.
Example : 1.36000 These zeros are BOTH to the right of a decimal point AND a nonzero digit, therefore they are significant. This number has 6 significant figures.
Rule 3: Zeros to the right of a non zero digit are only significant if they are followed by a decimal point that you can see.
Example: 123,000 These zeros are not followed by a shown decimal point, they are not significant. This number has 3 significant figures. 123,000. These zeros are followed by a shown decimal point and are significant. This number has 6 significant figures.
Rule 4: In decimals less than one, zeros to the right of a decimal point that are to the left of the first nonzero digit are never significant. They are simply placeholders.
Example: 0.00123 These zeros are part of a decimal that is less than 1 and are to the left of the first nonzero digit. They are not significant. This number has 3 significant figures.
Rule 5: In decimals less than one, the zero to the left of the decimal is never significant. It is there to make sure that the decimal is not overlooked.
Example: 0.123 This is a decimal less than one. The zero is to the left of the decimal point and not significant. This number has 3 significant figures.
Rule 2: All zeros between two non zero digits are significant. These are called "captured zeros".
Example: 1020304 All zeros in this number are captured between two nonzero numbers and are all significant. This number has 7 significant figures.
Rule 1 : If a number contains no zeros, all of the digits are significant.
Example: 12345 This number contains no zeros and has 5 significant figures.