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Long blue waves of music washed over my mind.

METAPHOR The speaker compares music to waves without using the word 'like' or 'as.'

All books are either dreams or swords, you can cut, or you can drug with words.

METAPHOR The speaker compares books to dreams and swords without using the word 'like' or 'as.'

Behind me the bright lights blossomed.

METAPHOR The speaker compares bright lights to flower blossoms without using the word 'like' or 'as.'

My heart is a nest that had song-birds in it.

METAPHOR The speaker compares his or her heart to a nest without using the word 'like' or 'as.'

The ship of my soul is rolling to port at last.

METAPHOR The speaker compares his or her soul to a ship without using the word 'like' or 'as.'

How long shall I tarnish the mirror of life, a spatter of rust on its polished steel!

METAPHOR The speaker compares life to a mirror and himself to a spatter of rust.

The green carpet of the fields spread before her.

METAPHOR The speaker compares the fields to green carpet without using the word 'like' or 'as.'

The veil of the night was falling.

METAPHOR The speaker compares the night to a veil without using the word 'like' or 'as.'

The purple jars of night spill.

METAPHOR The speaker compares the night to purple jars without using the word 'like' or 'as.'

The waters were crinkled glass.

METAPHOR The speaker compares the water to glass without using the word 'like' or 'as.'

Untrue friends, your words are ashes.

METAPHOR The speaker compares words to ashes without using the word 'like' or 'as.'

Her cheeks are like the dawn of day.

SIMILE The speaker compares her cheeks to dawn using the word 'like.'

Like the stars in the sky, we seem near though we are far apart.

SIMILE The speaker compares himself and the subject to stars in the sky using the word 'like.'

My hope is like a candle-flame quenched at midnight.

SIMILE The speaker compares hope to a candle-flame using the word 'like.'

Who throws their money around like dandelions into the sunlight?

SIMILE The speaker compares money to dandelions using the word 'like.'

White clouds chase each other like scampering rabbits.

SIMILE The speaker compares the clouds to rabbits using the word 'like.

The oil upon the puddles dries to colors like a peacock's eyes.

SIMILE The speaker compares the colors of the oil puddle to a peacock's eyes using the word 'like.'

She is as sad as the sea-bird going forth alone.

SIMILE The speaker compares the subject to a sea-bird using the word 'as.'

You glow in my heart like the flames of uncounted candles

SIMILE The speaker compares the subject to candle flames using the word 'like.'

A year has gone as the tortoise goes, heavy and slow.

SIMILE The speaker compares the year to a tortoise using the word 'as.

The fountain tossed its water, up and up, like silver marbles.

SIMILE The speaker compares water to silver marbles using the word 'like.'

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