Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex Sentence Structure

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Aaron has an unconventional swing, but he manages to drive the ball farther than some professional golfers.


An avid reader, Brody attends weekly book club meetings, and he finishes several novels every month.


Annual plants survive only one season and must be replaced each year, but perennials return each year with new flowers and foliage.


Bows and arrows made their first appearance more than twenty-five thousand years ago, and archery has been used ever since for hunting, combat, and sport.


Lorraine Hansberry wrote the widely acclaimed 1959 Broadway play A Raisin in the Sun, and her accomplishment opened the door for other African American playwrights.


Mulberry leaves are silkworms' natural food preference, but silk farmers will often feed the caterpillars a specially designed artificial diet.


Presidents John Adams and George H.W. Bush both had presidential sons, and coincidentally, both sons—John Quincy Adams and George W. Bush—were their fathers' namesakes.


Sentence that contains TWO or more independent (or main) clauses (complete thoughts) and usually joined by a comma and FANBOYS


Students are unhappy with the new dress code requirements, and they will be discussing their grievances at the next school board meeting.


Tanner always approaches difficult tasks enthusiastically, and he frequently motivates others with his energy and fervor.


The weather forecast had predicted severe thunderstorms, but the dark and heavy thunderclouds never materialized.


After a parrotfish eats algae-covered coral, the coral travels through the fish's digestive system, and then it is deposited in the reef as white coral sand.


As cold weather approaches, you must protect your water pipes against freezing, or they can rupture and cause significant damage to your home.


Sentence with two or more independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause.


The saw-scaled viper does not have the deadliest venom, but it is responsible for more human deaths than any other snake because it lives in populated areas.


Tooth enamel—the hardest substance in the human body—doesn't consist of living tissue, so it can't regenerate itself if it is damaged.


We can watch the presidential debate, which will be broadcast at nine o'clock, or we can view the documentary about the greatest innovations of the twenty-first century.


Connor took several incredible panoramic photographs of the sweeping view from the top of Table Mountain.


During last night's thunderstorm, a flurry of tiny hailstones danced across the roof of our house.


Sentence that has one independent clause and no subordinate clauses.


Since 1923, the United States Flag Code has provided advisory rules for displaying and handling the U.S. flag.


The production of a single pound of honey requires nectar from approximately two million flowers.


The vibrant trumpet-shaped blooms of the trumpet vine make it ideal for attracting hummingbirds.


Sentence that contains one independent clause and at least one subordinate clause.


Since it takes approximately one thousand years for a used printer cartridge to decompose, recycling these plastic ink dispensers helps the environment.


Because most wild orchids naturally affix themselves to trees and branches, planting an orchid in soil will likely kill it.


If we can't find an inexpensive hotel for the Fourth of July weekend, we can always stay with my parents.


Leonardo da Vinci, who was a renowned painter and sculptor, was also an inventor and scientist.


After a potato blight destroyed Ireland's potato crop and precipitated the Great Famine of 1845, the country lost twenty-five percent of its population to starvation and emigration.


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