Six Essential Nutrients
build and repair body tissue and muscle; fish poultry, meat, eggs, dairy, beans
primary source of energy for the body
process water soluble vitamins, hydrates, regulates body temperature; watermelon, water, fruits and vegetables
A tough complex carbohydrate that the body cannot digest; whole grains, fruits, vegetables
nutrient dense foods
a food with high amounts of nuitrients and low in calories; should be eaten often and the basis for your diet
a substance that providers nourishment essential for growth and the maintainence of life
empty calorie foods
food high in calories and low in nutrients; should be eaten only occasionally
insulate your body, cushion your organs from shock, transport fat soluable vitamins ADEK, gives favor
complex carbohydrates
long lasting energy; whole grains, beans, legumes, fruit, vegetable
maintain proper body functions for cell, nerve, skin, tissue health; enables growth and development ; fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products
maintain proper body functions like organ functions, breathing, heart function, and growth; meat grains dairy products, fruits and vegetables
essential nutrients
substances that we can only get from food, our body cannot product them on our own
simple carbohydrates are
sugars with quick short lasting energy; candy, syrups, fruit juices