Skin Homeostatic Imbalances, Midterm Review

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Levels of structural organization

1. Chemical atoms combine to form molecule 1 H, 2 O H2O 2. Cellular Level/ Cells cells are made up of molecules 3. Tissues tissues consists of similar types of cells 4. Organs organs are made up of different types of tissues 5. Organ Systems organ systems consist of different organs that work together closely. 6. Organisms human organisms are made up of many organ systems

Life functions

1. Maintain Boundaries internal vs. external environment 2. Movement locomotion -moving a distance movement- parts (skeleton) and substances 3. Responsiveness ability to sense changes and react to stimuli 4. Digestive breaks-down and absorption of nutrients 5. Metabolism chemical reactions within the body building (anabolism) & breaking molecules(catabolism) produces energy makes body structures 6. Excretion eliminates waste from metabolic reaction 7.Reproduction produces future generation 8.Growth increases cell size and # of cells

Lamina Propria

CT underneath mucus membranes

Survival Needs

Nutrients chemicals for energy and cell building includes carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins,and minerals Oxygen required for chemical reactions C6H12O6+O2-> CO2+H2O+ATP Water 60%-80% of body weight provides for metabolic reactions Stable body temperature 98.6F Atmospheric Pressure must be appropriate

Decubitus Ulcer

bed sore sign of neglect pressure points -> no blood circulation -> no O2/ nutrients - skin dies


blocked sebaceous ducts complete blockage of the hair follicles


blocked sebaceous ducts incomplete blockage of the hair follicle sebaceous glands-> produce sebum - travels through hair follicles to skin surface. sebum-> melanin->O^2->black

Blood (vascular tissue)

blood cells surrounded by fluid matrix called blood plasma fibers are visible during clotting functions as the transport vehicle for material RBC- carry O2 + nutrients WBC- defense(Immune cells)


break down food allows for nutrient absorption into blood eliminates indigestible material can not digest fiber or cellulose


cause is unknown triggered by trauma, infection,stress epidermal lesions, covered with dry silvery scales genetic skin cells reproducing at a really high rate auto-immune -> immune cells are overworking scalp, joints picture is of plaque

Boils and Carbuncles

caused by bacterial infection inflammation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands pus-> collects WBC's, bacteria, dead skin cells boils -> isolated carbuncles-> network of boils underneath skin scarring contagious -> skin to skin contact -open wound


caused by bacterial infection(staph/ strep) raised lesions with yellow crust highly contagious honey colored crust young kids -itchy Wrestlers -super contact -mats -antibiotics - topical-cream

Stratified Squamous

cells at the apical surface are flattened. found as a protective covering where friction is common. location- mouth, skin, esophagus

Epithelium Characteristics

cells fit closely together and often from sheets. the apical surface is the free surface of the tissue. the lower surface of the epithelium rest on the basement membrane. avascular(no blood supply) regenerate easily if well nourished damaged easily but regenerate easily


chondrocytes=cartilage cells hyaline cartilage most common type of cartilage composed of abundant collagen fibers rubbery matrices location between ribs and sternum(breastbone) larynx entire voice box entire fetal skeleton prior to birth lines moveable joints (smooth)

Nervous Tissue

composed of Neurons-sends electrical signals Neuroglia- supports cells functions is to sends impulses to others areas of the body irritability = responsiveness conductivity= transmitting electrical signals spider web like long cells = transmit signals over long distances

Bone (Osseous Tissue)

composed of bone cells (osteocytes) in lacunae (cavity) hard matrix of calcium salt large # of collagen fibers "tree trunk"


cradle cap over production of oil gets rid of residual hormones remedies ->olive oil, shampoos

Dorsal Body Cavity

cranial cavity- house the brain spinal cavity- houses the spinal cord

Reticular Connective Tissue

delicate network of interwoven fibers forms stroma (internal supporting network) of lymphoid organs lymph nodes spleen bone marrow reticular fibers stroma->mattress holds together "mushy" lymphoid organs immune system WBCs(white Blood cells) stained purple

Sagittal Section

divides the body (or organ) into left and right part

Median/Midsagittal sections

divides the body(or organ) into equal left and right part. There will be right and left.

Transverse/Cross Section

divides the body(or organ) into superior and inferior parts.

Frontal Section

divides the body(or organ)into anterior and posterior parts.


eliminates nitrogenous waste maintains acid-base balance regulates water and electrolytes


fast acting control system which consists of fast signals to & from brain/spinal cord responds to internal and external change activates muscles and glands

Anatomical Position

feet straight, shoulder width apart, body straight arms to the side , and palms facing forward, head straight.


forms the external body covering protects deeper tissues from injury helps regulate body temperature glands location of cutaneous nerve receptor send signals

Connective Tissue

found everywhere in the body includes the most abundant and widely distributed tissue Functions binds body tissues together supports protects the body (ex. bone & cartilage) transport system(ex. blood) made of cells

Muscles Tissues

function is to produce movement three types skeletal muscles cardiac muscles smooth muscles


group of cells with similar structure and friction 4 primary tissues 1.epithelial tissues(epithelium) 2. connective tissues 3. muscle tissues 4. nervous tissues location body coverings (organs) body linings (tubes and space) glandular tissues functions protection (of internal tissues absorption (first layer of cells in contact with materials that absorbed by the body) filtration(ex. kidney) secretion(ex. digestive tract)

Colds sores

groups of small fluid-filled blisters on the lip and around the mouth. caused by herpes virus Herpesvirus - category chicken pox shingles HSV-1 herpes simplex virus cold sores HSV- 2 genital fever blisters extremely contagious no cure for life active/ shedding 2-21 days remission - no symptoms 50% before 20 years old immunosuppression -> outbreaks

Contact Dermatitis

itis= inflammation exposure cause allergic reaction -fragrance soap - identify cause / avoid - respiratory issues immune cells -> WBC's increase -> histamine -itchy - red benadryl- slows down immune cells-> anti-histamine


keeps blood supplied with oxygen removes carbon dioxide cell respiration C6H12O6+O2->H2O+CO2+ATP glucose

Gross Anatomy

large structure easily observable

Loose Vs. Dense

loose connective tissue types Areolar tissue most widely distributed connective tissue soft, pliable, tissue like "cobwebs" functions as a packing tissue contains all fibers types can soak up excess fluid (cause edema) loose Ct increase ground substance decrease fibers takes in H2O prevents swelling/bloats ECM

Dense Connective Tissue(dense fibrous tissue)

main matrix elements is collagen fiber fibroblasts are cells that make fibers location tendons- attach skeletal muscles ligaments-attach bone to bone at joints dermis- lower layers of the skin dense fibrous = lots of FIBERS blast = immature cells


maintenance of a stable internal environment a dynamic state of equilibrium Homeostasis is necessary for normal body functioning and to sustain life. how the body stay"normal" when the environment is always changing

Adipose Tissues

matrix is an areolar tissue with fat globules many cells contain large lipids deposits functions insulates the body protects some organs serves as a site of fuel storage fat tissue cells = adipocytes location breast tissue mostly located

Extracellular Matrix

nonliving material that surround living cells. two main element ground substance- mostly water along with (sticky)-> adhesion proteins and polysaccharide molecules.

Athlete's foot (Tinea Pedis)

pedal= foot caused by fungal infection dark,warm,moist tight fitting shoes spread in a locker room highly contagious


returns fluid to blood vessels heart pumps blood pressure increase water enters tissues ->swells/edma cleanses the blood(Immune system) protects against foreign invaders bacteria, viruses involved in immunity


produce movement maintains posture produce heat


produced by the cells three types collagen (white) fibers-> tough elastic (yellow) fibers-> stretch & recoil reticular fiber


produces offspring


protects and supports body organs provides muscle attachment for movement site of blood cell formation bone marrow RBCs stores minerals helps body grows, develop, and stay healthy ex. calcium

Elastic Cartilage

provide elasticity location supports the external ear

Stratified Cuboidal & Columnar are both:

rare in human body found mainly in ducts of large gland


secretes regulatory hormones slow signals growth reproduction metabolism(thyroid gland)

Transitional Epithelium

shape of cells depends upon the amount of stretching lines organs of the urinary system looks bubbly bladder is common

Pseudostratified Columnar

single layer but some cells are shorter than other sometimes ciliated,such as in the respiratory tract -mucus -traps dust,bacteria, bad stuff

Simple Squamous

single layer of cubelike cells common in gland and their ducts found in kidney tubules(absorption) of a lot of materials that have been filtered out of the blood & ovaries(secretion) look for rings

Simple Columnar

single layer of tall cells often includes mucus-producing goblet cells lines digestive tract

Variation in Blood Supply

some tissue types are well vascularized-> good blood supply some have a poor blood supply or are avascular-> no blood supply

Shape of Cell

squamous- flattened squished cuboidal-cube-like shape columnar- column-like


study of how the body and its parts work or functions.


study of tissues

Stratified Columnar

surface cells are columnar, cells underneath vary in size and shape.


the study of the structure and shape of the body and it's part.

Ventral Body Cavity

thoracic cavity- houses heart, lungs, etc. abdominopelvic cavity- house digestive system and most urinary system organs. diaphragm separates


toughest cartilage =increase collagen highly compressible location forms cushion- like discs between vertebrae shock absorber


transports materials in body via blood pumped by heart oxygen carbon dioxide nutrients waste

Stratified Cuboidal

two layers of cuboidal cells

Cardiac Muscle

under involuntary control found only in the heart function is to pump blood characteristics cells are attached to each intercalated disk branched striated one nucleus per cell

Smooth Muscles

under involuntary muscles found in walls of hollow organs such as stomach, uterus, and blood vessels cavities dilates and constrict Characteristics no visible strain 1 nucleus per cell spindle- shape cells dilates -widen/open constricts- close/tighten spindle location GI tract- peristalsis (wavelike motion) respiratory tract surrounds blood vessels surrounds gland uterus bladder sphincter

Skeletal Muscle

under voluntary control contract to pull on bone or skin produces gross movement body movements or facial expressions. you can see characteristics striated- caused by overlapping proteins.... stripes proteins- actins & myosin multinucleate(more than one nucleus) long cylindrical nucleus-> DNA-> RNA-> Proteins

Microscopic Anatomy

very small structures can only be viewed with a microscope.

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