Słówka z artykułów 1

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scrutiny "Due to its early connections with Kim Dotcom, the site was under huge scrutiny from the very beginning and as such, has always insisted that it is fully compliant when it comes to copyright issues"

analiza, obserwacja, nadzór

trait "In some cases, it refers to little more than advanced algorithms, but complex self-learning computer systems with human-like traits are actively being developed as well"

cecha (np. charakteru)

deliberately "In a piracy world where many are discussing anonymity, encryption, proxies, cryptocurrency payments, to name just a few, these people are deliberately making their identities known"

celowo, , umyślnie

futile "US court chields Internet subscribers from futile piracy complaints"

daremny, próżny (np. trud)

verbatim "The same demands have appeared in previous reports, as is the case with many of the recommendations throughout the MPA's report, which are often copied verbatim year after year"

dosłownie, dosłowny

pertain "...remove and disable access to all existing listings and classified advertisements which pertain to the sale and distribution of unlicensed CA merchandise"

dotyczyć czegoś, odnosić się do

harass "Defendant, Christopher L. Brady, has repeatedly attempted to harass and extort money from YouTube content creators through bogus allegations of copyright infringement"

dręczyć, nękać

long-term "On Monday, Fox Corporation and Charter Communications announced what they describe as a long-term renewal of a distribution agreement"

długoterminowy, długofalowy

bogus "Under the proposed injunction, Brady is prevented from filing any bogus copyright claims going forward"

fałszywy, zmyślony

bankroll "Netflix and HBO shows are getting pirated on this app that's been bankrolled by advertisers such as Pandora, BET+ and TikTok"

finansować, wspierać finansowo

explicit "Even from Slash's girlfriend, if she didn't obtain explicit permission"

jednoznaczny, wyraźny

buzzword "Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a buzzword that's frequently used by startups and established businesses in the tech industry"

modne powiedzonko, popularny zwrot

acquisition "American Films Inc, a company that 'acquired' the US operations of notorious 'copyright troll' outfit GuardaLey earlier this year, says it has made a new acquisition"

nabycie, nabytek

misuse "Google has its hands full and we imagine that the MPAA isn't happy with the misuse of its name either"

nadużycie, złe użycie

surveillance "Mass surveillance and copyright extremism will cost the US economy more than any terrorist attack or piracy"

nadzór, obserwacja, inwigilacja

warrant "...had already been suspended alongside the execution of 30 search and seizure warrants"

nakaz, nakaz sądowy

tangible "Pirate Bay's co-founder now hopes that he will be properly compensated for the seizure of his possessions, which resulted in no tangible claims"

namacalny, zauważalny, dostrzegalny

impose "We don't impose limits on concurrent sessions"

narzucać, nakładać

detest "Cheating in videogames is a popular pastime for those who don't want to play by the rules but there are two distinct groups who detest the activity"

nie znosić, nienawidzić

jeopardy "But in addition to their self-declared IPTV empires, some have significant and legitimate additional business interests too, which could all be put in jeopardy, one way or another, should the proverbial hit the fan"

niebezpieczeństwo, zagrożenie

bootleg "This week Guns N' Roses asked its fans to share bootleg footage of the band's "Not in This Lifetime..." tour, with a chance to have it featured in the official video"

nielegalny, piracki

inequality "According to the prosecution FACT's involvement created a great inequality"

nierówność (niesprawiedliwa sytuacja)

inadvertent "While that may seem like a great idea, some dedicated fans suggest that it's an (inadvertent) trap, as many people have received strikes and bans in recent months after sharing Guns N' Roses footage"

nieumyślny, niezamierzony

inevitable "The inevitable situation facing any site that hosts user-uploaded files is that some users will attempt to store copyright-infringing content"

nieunikniony, nieuchronny

misconduct "This lawsuit seeks to hold him accountable for that misconduct, and for the damage he has caused to YouTube"

niewłaściwe postępowanie, złe zachowanie

oblivious "While some pirates are oblivious that this even happens, the act is considered the height of bad manners in many piracy circles and something that flies in the face of the unwritten and often complex etiquette observed by countless purists"

nieświadomy, niezdający sobie sprawy

newcomer "This week we have three newcomers in our chart"

nowo przybyły, debiutant

alongside "Alongside fears that broad filtering will take place in the absence of official licensing on platforms like YouTube, more than 50 EU academics have now published advice aimed at limiting negative impact on end users"

obok, wzdłuż

mandatory "First launched in November 2011, Radio24syv (Radio 24 seven) is a talk radio station funded through mandatory license fees paid by the Danish public"

obowiązkowy, obligatoryjny

outrage "Considering the takedown outrage among many dedicated fans over the past few months, this week's request to share footage certainly wasn't well thought out"

oburzenie, zniewaga,skandal

preserve "BREIN chief Tim Kuik informs TorrentFreak that on Friday, bailiffs acting on its behalf served ex parte court orders on five hosting providers requiring them to disconnect streaming servers and preserve evidence in relation to Moonwalk"

ochraniać, zabezpieczać, zachować

reference "The data for our weekly download chart is estimated by TorrentFreak, and is for informational and educational reference only"


renewal "Fox Corporation and Charter Communications have signed a long-term renewal of their content distribution agreement"


rebut "In a letter to the U.S. Government, the CDN provider once again rebuts these claims, stressing that it's not obliged to shut down potentially infringing websites"

odpierać (np. zarzuty), obalać

deter "However, Congress also intended it to encourage these platforms to take reasonable steps to deter undesirable behavior"

odstraszać, powstrzymywać

curtail "Consumer, creators, and distributors alike will benefit from collaborative solutions that make content more secure and curtail unauthorized copyright use and distribution..."

ograniczać, redukować

curb "Regular Internet providers are being put under increasing pressure for not doing enough to curb copyright infringement"

ograniczyć, zmniejszyć

entourage "Guns N' Roses' entourage appears to be particularly concerned with these rights, up to a point where it has started to annoy fans"

osoby towarzyszące, świta

latter "As an example, the ESA lists Firestorm-servers.com and Warmane.com. The latter allows over 20,000 people per day to play World of Warcraft without paying the monthly subscription fee Blizzard requires"

ostatni z wymienionych, ten drugi

former "It's a Win-win situation for website owners and users, the former gets free publicity while the latter saves time in copying the title and web address of the page in question"

pierwszy (z dwóch wymienionych wcześniej elementów), ten wcześniejszy

undermine "This judgment and injunction are a major win for creators, audiences, and the legitimate streaming market, which has been undermined by Omniverse and its 'back office' piracy infrastructure for years"

podważać (np. autorytet), podkopywać (np. zaufanie do kogoś), nadszarpywać (np. zdrowie)

reappear "If we look at the past, the site will likely reappear eventually, and then continue as if nothing ever happened"

pojawić się ponownie

emerge "...so there will be a waiting game for the full picture to emerge, if it ever does"

pojawić się, wyłonić się

amplify "This agreement allows continued access to all of the FOX programming for our customers and FOX viewers, but it will also amplify our mutual efforts to address piracy and abusive password sharing issues"

powiększyć, rozszerzyć, wzmocnić

refrain "In the meantime, as Congress reexamines online liability limitations, the United States should refrain from including such limitations in future trade agreements, which runs the risk of freezing the current framework in place"

powstrzymać się od czegoś

widespread "There is no indication that things are different now, but the duration of the current problems certainly is longer and more widespread than usual"

powszechny, rozpowszechniony

deprive "This, the major labels say, deprives content creators of streaming revenue"

pozbawiać kogoś czegoś

ostensibly "Three court orders targeted Dutch companies and two "ostensibly foreign companies" whose servers are located in the Netherlands"

pozornie, rzekomo

disguise "According to the complaint filed in the United States, the teenager recently appeared in disguise during a BBC interview where he acknowledged that if Ubisoft goes after cheat-makers for copyright infringement, they are in for a "tough time""


intercept "This can sometimes involve people intercepting, stealing, or borrowing DVD screener discs, for example"

przechwycić, przejąć

contrary "Neij had always denied any recent involvement with the site and over the past several years the police apparently found no hard evidence to the contrary"

przeciwnie, w przeciwieństwie

statute of limitations "With the statute of limitations expiring, the entire criminal investigation is now over"


prolonged "The Pirate Bay has had prolonged downtime in the past and always returned thus far"

przedłużający się, przedłużony, długotrwały

hand over "Internet provider Ziggo is not required to hand over the personal details of 377 alleged pirates, a Dutch Court of Appeal has ruled"

przekazywać, przekazać, wręczyć

hurdle "However, that was only the first hurdle, as Dutch Internet provider Ziggo refused to share any customer data without a court order"

przeszkoda, płotek

outweigh "In this specific case, copyright doesn't outweigh the privacy rights of Internet subscribers"

przeważać nad, przewyższać

hail "While the order is being hailed as a victory for copyright holders, the site actually shut itself down in September"

przyjmować z entuzjazmem

influx "The influx of dedicated pirate streaming sites has triggered a cat and mouse game"

przypływ, napływ (np. gotówki)

threshold "...is there a de minimis threshold above which the seeding of those pieces"

próg (np. bólu), granica (np. wytrzymałości)

skyrocket "This reveals that the number of copyright notices received during the first half of the year skyrocketed compared to the previous six months"

rosnący w zawrotnym tempie, szybko rosnący

dispose "In addition, he points out that people who buy games are allowed to 'dispose' of these as they wish, an argument Nintendo will likely contest"


diverse "Artificial Intelligence technologies are increasingly becoming important across a diverse spectrum of technologies and businesses. AI poses unique challenges in the sphere of intellectual property law"

różnorodny, zróżnicowany

crux "In simple terms, the crux of the case is whether Cox did enough stop pirating subscriber"

sedno sprawy lub problemu

flaw "However, there appears to be a considerable flaw in the pay-TV company's arguments"

skaza, wada

comparatively "Instead of accessing torrent files from indexing platforms such as The Pirate Bay to download them in a comparatively boring regular client, users were given a beautiful, Netflix-style, all-in-one solution."

stosunkowo, względnie

array "The site provides access to an array of movie and TV content and comes replete with high-risk ads with malware"

szeroki wybór, szereg

prejudicial "Plaintiffs' attempt to litigate this case with evidence from an unrelated case concerning acts of infringement that are not at issue is inappropriate, improper, and prejudicial"

szkodliwy (dla czyichś interesów)

vibrant "This action coordinated between BREIN, ACE and the MPA is a significant win and another step towards preserving a healthy and vibrant ecosystem in which the creative community can produce, distribute and protect their content so that audiences can enjoy them"

tętniący życiem, dynamiczny

enact "If enacted into law, for the first time photographers, graphic artists, illustrators, authors, songwriters and other individual creators and small businesses would have an affordable and accessible venue to protect their creative efforts from infringement"

uchwalać, wcielać w życie

overturn "Mega overturns Brazilian ISP copyright block"

unieważniać, obalać

evade "The case has been held in secret, apparently because the ABTA submitted that various sites included could change settings in order to evade the block"

unikać, uchylać się

strive "As a news site, we strive to write as any other professional journalists would"

usiłować, starać się, dążyć

withheld "However, it doesn't directly translate to an equal change in removed tweets or withheld content"

wstrzymywać; odmawiać; wycofywać ( zgodę)

omnipresent "Peer-to-peer technologies, including the now omnipresent BitTorrent protocol, brought file-sharing to the masses and with it a huge problem for the content industries"


privy "...including those involved in the ACE anti-piracy coalition (CNBC owner NBCUniversal is an ACE member), would've been privy to the conversations"


antic "While many of the photographers have a legitimate claim, the lawyer's antics were increasingly criticized both in and outside of court"


issued "The Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division of the United States Department of Justice has issued a warning in respect of the way pirate material is being distributed online"

wydany, wystawiony (np. komunikat, stanowisko)

extort "According to YouTube, Brady repeatedly attempted to harass and extort money from content creators through his bogus copyright infringement claims"

wymusić, wyłudzić

remunerate "There is now more choice than ever for consumers to enjoy sports, movies and TV and we encourage people to use legitimate services that are safe to use and also properly remunerate the creators of the content"

wynagradzać, rekompensować

thread "According to a thread on the official Kodi forums, the BT Sport Video add-on was initially available via the official Kodi repository, another sign that the add-on was initially viewed as non-problematic."


seize "Police dismantle pirate IPTV provider, seize cash, crypto, gold bars"

zająć, przejąć, skonfiskować

desist "Organized Crime Unit Orders Pirate IPTV Sellers to Cease & Desist"

zaniechać, odstąpić

contradict "As highlighted earlier, the figures offered by various parties don't add up, lack clarity, and as a result, appear to contradict each other"

zaprzeczać, przeczyć

cease "The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) today achieved another major win when the operator of two giant sources of illegal, unauthorized content, agreed to cease all operations"

zaprzestać, przerwać

allegation "This week Cloudflare responded to these allegations"

zarzut, oskarżenie

apply "By not being transparent about the criteria it applies when carrying out its intended actions, the interests of the involved Ziggo customer are harmed"

zastosować, stosować

establish "The CASE Act, short for "Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement," proposes to establish a copyright claim tribunal within the United States Copyright Office."

założyć, utworzyć, ustanowić, ustalić, wprowadzić

meaningful "The Hollywood-backed group supports this initiative and adds that companies who breach the new takedown standard should face "meaningful" penalties"

znaczący, sensowny

comprehensible "There are no clear and comprehensible criteria based on which an estimate can be made of the consequences for the relevant Ziggo customers, if their personal data is disclosed"

zrozumiały, przejrzysty, czytelny

stalling "Instead of providing proof, the lawyer appeared to keep stalling, while stating that a death certificate is a personal matter"


mitigation "As part of the arrangement, the companies have agreed to work together to deal with "abusive password sharing" while implementing "new business rules" to mitigate piracy"

złagodzenie, zminimalizowanie

mildly "This conservation project was unapproved by the radio station, to put it mildly"

łagodnie, delikatnie

precaution "The team said the site was pulled offline as a precaution and took longer than expected to return as migrating to a new home proved to be a challenge"

środek ostrożności, ostrożność

enhancement "Nevertheless, through cooperation and the enhancement of relationships with overseas law enforcement entities to target the "worst actors", he believes that it's possible to significantly reduce the profits available to those engaged in criminal copyright infringement"

usprawnienie, ulepszenie, wzmocnienie

summon "Soon after, the attorney handling the case was cautioned for summoning a person and company, who were not named defendants"

wezwać, przywołać

claimant "The claimants say that a finding for the defendant will fatally undermine copyright"


turmoil "On December 9, 2014, the file-sharing world was in turmoil"

zamieszanie, niepokój, chaos

compliance "We submitted to the Appeal Court details of our rigorous compliance activity such as fast response to copyright takedown requests, suspension of accounts with repeat allegations of copyright infringement etc, as reported in our Transparency Report"

zgodność, zastosowanie się, podporządkowanie

halve "A report published by the Motion Picture Association reveals that traffic to pirate sites focused on Japan halved between March and June 2018"

zmniejszyć się o połowę

genuine "While genuine players are routinely disadvantaged by those running cheat software, developers not only see their finely-tuned gaming environments disrupted but in some cases their business models too."

Prawdziwy, autentyczny, oryginalny

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