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Tips for Protecting Classified Information

• Only use data in areas with security appropriate to classification level • Store classified data appropriately in GSA-approved vault or container when not in use • Don't assume open storage in a secure facility • Balance need to share with need to know • Ensure proper labeling: - Appropriately mark all classified material and, when required, sensitive material - Report inappropriately marked material • Never transmit classified information via an unsecure fax machine Handling Classified Data on the Internet --If you find classified government data or information not cleared for public release on the Internet: • Remember that leaked classified or controlled information is still classified or controlled even if it has already been compromised • Do not download it because you are not allowed to have classified information on your computer and downloading it may create a new case of spillage • Note any identifying information and the Website's URL • Report the situation to your security POC • Never confirm or deny validity of leaked government information

Recall rules to protect sensitive and classified information

• Only use data in areas with security appropriate to classification level • Store classified data appropriately in GSA-approved vault or container when not in use • Don't assume open storage in a secure facility • Balance need to share with need to know Ensure proper labeling: - Appropriately mark all classified material and, when required, sensitive material - Report inappropriately marked material • Never transmit classified information via an unsecure fax machine Handling Classified Data on the Internet If you find classified government data or information not cleared for public release on the Internet: • Remember that leaked classified or controlled information is still classified or controlled even if it has already been compromised • Do not download it because you are not allowed to have classified information on your computer and downloading it may create a new case of spillage • Note any identifying information and the Website's URL • Report the situation to your security POC • Never confirm or deny validity of leaked government information

Identify the functions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and Manual for Courts-Martial

A primary function of the UCMJ was that it modified and consolidated the Army Articles of War, Articles for the Government of the Navy, and Disciplinary Laws of the Coast Guard. A primary function of the MCM is to address the field of military justice as thoroughly as possible under the restrictions of a working manual. The design of the MCM is such that it doesn't require frequent reference to the UCMJ

Corrective Discipline-UCMJ Tool

Action subsequent to a rule infraction Seeks to discourage further infractions and to ensure further acts are in compliance with standards Corrective Goals -Reform the offender -Deter others from similar actions -Maintain consistent, effective group standards. Basically, "C'mon man. Why did you salute me? I'm gonna have to take away your caffeine privileges. I'd better not see anyone else do this."

Joint Function-Protection (4 factors)

Active Offensive and Defensive Measures ---Like the active air defense that protects us and our resources Passive Measures ---Concealment Applying Technology ---Mostly talking about protecting not only the combatants but also the noncombatants and civil infrastructure that supports our way of life Emergency Response and Management --Like the bomb squad Sustainment --Personnel (including religious and legal), logistics, and other support required to maintain operations

Sustainable Design and Development

All new construction and major renovation of facilities must comply with Air Force sustainable design and development policy, 2 June 2011, and incorporate sustainable practices. These facilities must become net-zero energy facilities (renewable generation offsets all fossil fuel) by 2030. Fifteen percent of existing facility inventory must incorporate sustainable practices by the end of fiscal year 2025.

Conformist/Yes People Followership

Appeasers; eager but don't question what they are doing

List the six possible terrorist objectives as described in the lesson

Attract attention for cause Demonstrate group's power Show government's lack of power Exact revenge Obtain logistical support Cause a government to overreact

Joint Function-Movement and Maneuver

Basically different forces helping each other out when getting in place for an operation. Helps secure positional advantages. Also when helping people get out of unfriendly places

Joint Function-Fires

Basically when two or more services in a Joint Operation work together using lethal and nonlethal weapons against an adversary. Typically destructive forces but can also mean things like offensive information operations

Water Conservation

Beginning in fiscal year 2008, reduce potable water consumption intensity (gallons per square foot) relative to fiscal year 2007, through life-cycle cost-effective measures by 2 percent annually through the end of fiscal year 2025, or 36 percent by the end of calendar year 2025. Reduce industrial, landscaping, and agricultural water consumption by 2 percent annually or 30 percent by the end of fiscal year 2025 relative to a baseline of consumption in fiscal year 2010.

Recall the five Law of Armed Conflict principles and their meaning

Distinction - Imposes a requirement to distinguish or discriminate between military objectives and civilian objects. Military Necessity - Permits the application of only that degree of regulated force required for the partial or complete submission of the enemy with the least expenditure of life, time, and physical resources. Humanity - Prohibits the employment of any kind or degree of force not necessary for the purposes of war (such as for the partial or complete submission of the enemy with the least possible expenditure of life, time, and physical resources. Proportionality - Requires that those who plan military operations must take into consideration the extent of civilian destruction and probable casualties that will result and seek to avoid or minimize such casualties and destruction to the extent consistent with the necessities of the military situation. Chivalry - Demands a certain amount of fairness, mutual respect, and trust between opposing forces.

Electronic Products

Electronic products procured must be at least 95 percent compliant with electronic product environmental assessment tool standards. Energy Star features of computers must be enabled. Use environmentally sound practices when disposing of electronic equipment.

Joint Function-Command and Control

Encompasses the exercise of authority and direction by a Joint Forces Commander (JFC). JFC provides operational vision, guidance, and direction for the joint force

Effective Followership

Engaged and respectful; criticizes and finds solutions to problems

Commanders and Supervisors (key players of the financial management process)

Generally, Air Force commanders and supervisors are responsible for the efficient and economical use of all resources in their organizations. Directly influence the budgeting, allocation, composition, and distribution of these resources. AF managers oversee activities that cost money; however, in terms of resources, resource management system duties refer to the stewardship of money, manpower, and equipment. Headquarters, USAF, and major commands make decisions about using resources.

Identify your responsibilities as a professional military officer for reporting a violation of the Law of Armed Conflict.

If at any time, you become aware of a violation of the Law of Armed Conflict, you are to report the violation to your immediate commander. The immediate commander is the lowest ranking individual with command responsibilities. This person may be different from your supervisor, who may or may not have command responsibility. If the commander is apparently involved in the incident, then the report should be made to the next higher person with command authority. The commander will then consult the Staff Judge Advocate and the proper investigative agency to deal with the violation.

Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gases Reduction Goal.

Improve energy efficiency through reduction of facility energy intensity (British thermal units per year per square foot) by 2.5 percent annually through the end of fiscal year 2025, or a total of 25 percent by the end of fiscal year 2025, relative to Air Force energy use in fiscal year 2015. Continue to reduce facility energy intensity by 1.5 percent annually from fiscal year 2015 to fiscal year 2020, or a total of 37.5 percent relative to Air Force energy use in fiscal year 2003. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40% by fiscal year 2025, relative to a 2008 baseline for most facilities.

Joint Function-Intelligence

Inform JFC: What the adversaries are doing, what they're capable of, and what they may do in future What the adversary may know about friendly forces Adversary's probably intent This is all with the purpose of identifying the adversary's capabilities and Centers of Gravity (COG), project probable courses of action (COA), and assist in planning friendly force employment.

Corrective Tools/Non-Punitive Actions:

Letter of counseling (LOC) aka "Warning 1 on Paper" Document verbal counseling Ex) late, no shows, sloppy uniform, traffic ticket Letter of admonishment (LOA) aka "Warning 2 on Paper" More severe than a LOC Use it to document a more serious infraction, but not serious enough to warrant a LOR Letter of Reprimand (LOR) "Warning 3 on Paper" Official censure of inefficiency, impropriety, or misconduct More severe than a counseling or admonition and indicates a stronger degree of official censure Unfavorable Information File (UIF) aka "The Naughty File" Repository at MPS Contains information concerning a person's duty performance and conduct Contains: Article 15 Letter of Reprimand Counseling Documents (as attachments only) Control Roster aka "The Naughty List" Lists the names of people whose conduct, bearing, integrity, or duty performance require special attention, observation, evaluation, or rehabilitation. Assists commanders and supervisors in controlling and managing those members. Gives the person a chance to improve in their efficient area within a specific time period. Renders the individual ineligible for reenlistemnt, promotion, PME in residence, or PCS while on the roster

Recall the four enduring policy principles that guide US counterterrorism strategy

Make no concessions to terrorists Treat terrorists as criminals and apply rule of law Apply maximum pressure on state sponsors of terrorism Aid other governments in improving their capabilities to combat terrorism

Define "best" qualified and "fully" qualified promotions for officer personnel

"Best" qualified - Used for promotions to Major, Lt Col, and Col (O4-O6); used for the HQ USAF promotion boards; the officer's record is screened to a promotion board, and the officers who are best qualified are promoted; this method is highly competitive "Fully" qualified - Used for promotions up to E-4 and to promote from 2Lt to 1Lt and from 1Lt to Capt; basically, if the commander determines that the person is fully qualified, they are promoted; this method is not competitive

Recognize who is responsible for reporting Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA).

"AF military and civilian employees have a duty to promptly report FWA . Should attempt to resolve complaints at the lowest possible level before going to the IG. Encouraged but not required to discuss problems with their supervisor or commander before going to the IG

Paraphrase the qualities of an effective counselor.

"Respect for Airmen" Treat each other the way you wish to be treated. "Self-awareness" Be aware of personal biases that can get in the way of the conversation. "Cultural Awareness" Be aware of cultural differences to improve communication. "Empathy" Understand their perspective and step into their shoes. "Credibility" Be honest and direct.

Identify the objectives of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program

"The primary objective of the Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) Program is to promote readiness and health and wellness through the prevention and treatment of substance abuse; to minimize the negative consequences of substance abuse to the individual, family, and organization; to provide comprehensive education and treatment to individuals who experience problems attributed to substance abuse; and to return identified substance abusers to unrestricted duty status or to assist them in their transition to civilian life, as appropriate." Important to note that it does not protect the airmen from consequences of illegal drug use. If airman needs to be dismissed from the Air Force, will provide counseling and support as they transition to civilian life.

Explain the four steps in delegation

1. Define the task --Suitable for delegation --Qualified personnel 2. Assign the task --Choose the right person --Clear & understood 3. Grant Authority --Enough power for task 4. Follow-up --feedback

Recognize the objectives of the current National Military Strategy

1. Deter, deny, and defeat state adversaries 2. Disrupt, degrade and defeat violent extremist organizations 3. Strengthen our global network of allies and partners

Recognize how nations use instruments of power to advance national interests

1. Diplomatic Endeavors (State Dept is lead) Effectiveness of this depends on military IoP 2. Informational Exchanges (no lead agency) Internet, satellites, etc 3. Military Employed as last resort 4. Economic (No lead agency, but treasury involved. Population driven

Identify the five rules of supervision

1. Get Involved --- understand operations and get to Know your people 2. Open channels of communication ---Open door policy; bottom and top communication 3. . Give your people a chance to develop ---tailor duties to match the workers capacity.. 4. Establish standards and stick to them. ---meet with each person and spell out expectations 5. Provide feedback ---Constructive Criticism

Identify the steps of the risk management process (IASIS)

1. Identify the Hazards 2. Assess the Hazards 3. Develop Controls & Make Decisions 4. Implement Controls 5. Supervise & Evaluate

Name the three steps of the evaluation process

1. Observation- Req planning and preparation Req communication Req feedback 2. Evaluation Judged observed performance vs: Predetermined standards, performance of others, members of the same "AFSC and grade" 3. Documentation Record the results Provides a long term record of an officer's professional development Primary instrument for identifying best qualified

Identify common mistakes made by supervisors while delegating

1. Unclear delegation --Give someone a task w/out a due date then expect it to be done the next day 2. Supervise too closely --Micromanage 3. Rushed Delegation --"Hey, the catering for the company party need to be in by tonight, can figure something out for that?" 4. Improper selection of subordinates --Don't ask a recruiter to fly a plane.

Recognize joint operations

A joint operation is an operation in which two or more military services (ie Army and Air Force) are working together on a mission/operation

Instrument of national power-Economic

A strong economy with free access to global markets and resources is a fundamental engine of the general welfare and enabler of a strong national defense.Economic power is derived from things like population, natural resources, and the stability of a nation's monetary system. For example,virtually every currency in the world is measured against the US dollar. On the other hand, a small nation like Saudi Arabia wields a lot of economic power based on a natural resource: oil.

Summarize the consequences of violating of DoD 5500.7-R.

A violation of Department of Defense (DoD) 5500.7-R, Joint Ethics Regulation, may be cause for disciplinary action, which may be in addition to any penalty provided by law.

Preventive Discipline- UCMJ Tool

Action taken to encourage members to follow standards and regulations to prevent infraction. "The overall objective is to encourage self-discipline, rather than having discipline by superiors." Basically, "Make sure you don't do this or else, you're gonna have a bad time."

State the purpose of each of the enlisted Professional Military Education (PME) schools.

Airmen Leadership School (ALS)--The mission of ALS is to prepare Senior Airmen to be professional, war gating Airmen able to supervise and lead Air Force teams to support the employment of air, space, and cyberspace power. Completion of ALS in-residence is required to perform duties as a reporting of coal, or rater, and to be eligible for promotion to staff sergeant. Noncommissioned Of cer Academy (NCOA). The Noncommissioned Officer Academy's mission is to prepare junior enlisted leaders to be adaptable for current and future leadership and management challenges in order to operate [think/ act] critically in complex and ambiguous environments. (2 components) Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy (SNCOA). The SNCOA mission is to develop joint and coalition senior enlisted leaders to in uence mission success in dynamic service environments. The program has two components. The rest is 75 hours via distance learning.

Identify which Airmen are required to receive an ACA

All Airmen; enlisted through O-6

Identify who is required to receive an EPR.

All enlisted from SrA to CMSgt Below SrA if they have >36 months TAFMS (Total Active Military Service)

Risk Management Principle-Make risk decisions at the appropriate level

Although anyone can make a risk decision that impacts their personal well being, some risk acceptance decisions must be made by an appropriate decision making authority that can effectively allocate resources and implement controls to mitigate or eliminate risks associated with an operation/activity.

Define the definition of terrorism according to Joint Publication 3-07.2

Although there is no universal definition for terrorism, the Department of Defense (DOD) defines it as: The unlawful use of violence or threat of violence to instill fear and coerce governments or societies in pursuit of goals that are usually political

Name the most common terrorist tactic


Recall the role of the Dual Status Commander

Concept for missions involving the simultaneous deployment of Active Duty, Reserve and National Guard forces in support of civilian authorities during major disasters and emergencies. Allows a single designated National Guard or Federal military officer to command military personnel serving in a SAD, Title 32, or Title 10 status Receives orders from both POTUS and state Governor Prevents problems arising from joint efforts led by 2 individuals

Recall tasks that shouldn't be delegated

Conceptual Planning "Establishing vision and goals for the organization" Morale Problems "Not handling morale problems shows a lack of respect and care for subordinates" Staff Problems Duh Subordinate Performance Reports "As the supervisor, you, not anyone else, should write and review your subordinate's EPR or OPR." Pet Projects "Things that are a misuse of time, a waste of assets/money/people, especially when there is a mission to complete

Junior Enlisted Airman:

Consists of Airman Basic, Airman, Airman first class, and senior Airman. These airmen are initially focused on adapting to the requirements of the military profession, achieving technical proficiency, and learning to be highly productive members of the AF. Once promoted to SrA, they begin to exercise limited supervision and leadership as they prepare for increased responsibilities, while continuing to broaden their technical skills.

State an officer's responsibilities to subordinates in the career progression system

Counsel subordinates on career objectives, progression patterns, job opportunities, and career-broadening programs. Provide other counseling as required for professional development. Advise immediate supervisor what training would further enhance the subordinate's capabilities to perform future duties of increasing complexity and scope. Seek out additional duties for a subordinate when proficiency in primary duties permits. Provide the subordinate sufficient opportunity and time for self-development in his/her chose utilization field as a professional military member. This could mean PME, formal training, or time off to attend civilian classes. Assess each subordinate's potential and develop it to the maximum by using effective leadership and counsel. Give timely counsel regarding performance deficiencies and ways for correction; recognize outstanding contributions and achievements.

Non directive Counseling

Counselee centered, counselee takes responsibility for solving the problem, utilizing self-discovery and without defensiveness.

Directive Counseling

Counselor centered, quick, simple, short-term solutions. Leader does most of the talking.

Alienated Followership

Criticizes, but with no action or providing of solutions. For example a debbie downer

List the steps that can be used as a strategy for corrective feedback

Describe the situation. Describe rather than prescribe. Seek solution--not justification. Facilitate participation. Use open questioning techniques. Allow time for resistance. Interact on problem identification. - Eliminate irrelevant issues. Interact on possible solutions. - Encourage follower identification of alternatives. - Agree on solution and follow-up action. - Include leader as well as follower action if relevant. - Put follow-up dates on calendar.

Base Civil Engineer (key players for facility management)

Determines the execution method for work that is approved. Provide, operate, maintain, restore, and protect the built and natural infrastructure necessary to support the Air Force mission. Focal point for all construction on base

Recognize the roles/responsibilities of leadership in the treatment process

Develop a treatment team meeting (TTM) to determine the proper course of action for the member. This team will consist of the Commander, First Sergeant, Supervisor, Substance Abuse Counselor, Medical Consultant, as needed, ADAPT Program Manager, Flight Surgeon (if the patient is on flying status), and the member. Determine what level of treatment is necessary to help the patient. The length of involvement in treatment will be determined by the members presenting problems and agreed upon. The TTM determines completion based on progress towards agreed upon goals stated in the treatment plan.

List rules for ethical government computer use

Don't view or download pornography Don't gamble on the internet Don't conduct private business/money-making ventures Don't load or use personal/unauthorized software or services, such as DropBox Don't make unauthorized configuration changes Only check personal e-mail if your organization allows it Don't play games unless allowed by your organization to do so on personal time Don't charge personal mobile devices or connect any other USB devices (like a coffee warmer)

Summarize the elements, potential issues, obstacles, and benefits of diversity in the workplace.

Elements --Extremely vast; includes: race, ethnicity, regional, religion, lifestyle, age, gender, physically challenged, socioeconomic class, education, language, and sexual orientation Potential issues: Under- or over-protection of minorities or groups that feel discriminated Different consequences for the same offense - punishing someone in a lighter/harsher way depending on the group they identify with Failure to train and coach/mentor - leader may avoid training someone that they are prejudiced Language barriers - Airmen where English is a second language Obstacles: White Male Club - whether perceived or real, environment can be seen as preferable to White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) males "Glass ceiling/Granite ceiling" - Feeling that one can only rise so far in the chain of command due to bias or prejudice Lack of Accountability - Feeling that minorities are scrutinized more often than WASP individuals Unwritten rules of success/failure - examples include officers not wearing ribbons, no mustaches, no tie with short sleeved blues, being good at golf Cultural/social - How well do they fit in? Are they likable? Political - Will the move "look good?" Benefits of diversity: Creativity and Innovation - With a diverse group, you also bring many viewpoints into an organization Broader range of skills - different experiences and resources Better service to diverse customers - increased understanding of needs Ability to recruit the best talent - better range of talent available if you don't limit your search

State the complaint channels available to civilian employees concerning discrimination

Equal Opportunity Counselor Equal Employment Opportunity Commission US Federal District Court

Stripes for Exceptional Performers Program (STEP)

Established in 1980, is designed to meet those unique circumstances that, in the commander's judgment, clearly warrant promotion. Commanders of major commands and field operating agencies and senior officers in organizations with large enlisted populations may promote a limited number of Airmen with exceptional potential to the grades of Staff Sergeant through Technical Sergeant (each major command determines its own procedures and STEP selection levels). The commander must ensure personnel who are promoted meet eligibility requirements including TIS requirements and completion of the appropriate enlisted PME. An individual may not receive more than one promotion under any combination of promotion programs within a 12-month period (Exception: A Senior Airman must serve 6 months of time in grade before being promoted to Staff Sergeant.) Isolated acts or specific achievements should not be the sole basis for promotion under this program.

Distinguish between the characteristics of an effective follower

Exemplify AF core values Decision-making Communication skills Commitment to the organization Problem Solving Recognize the contribution to the mission Flexibility Competence Courage Enthusiast

The Air Force policy is clear! Fraternization is not allowed and is punishable under the UCMJ. Other relationships that may not fit the requirements of fraternization but are unprofessional are also prohibited because of the potential to affect duty performance, morale, discipline, and ultimately the accomplishment of the mission.

Explain the Air Force policy on professional and unprofessional relationships

List the rights of a complainant in the Complaints Resolution Program (CRP)

File an IG complaint at any level without going through supervisory channel File a complaint with IG without fear of reprisal Request withdrawal of complaint in writing, but the IG can still investigate it as a third-party report if they want Request the next-higher IG to review it (basically an appeal) within 90 days of their decision. Disagreeing with the IG action doesn't justify the appeal Submit complaints anonymously Submit a complaint even if the complainant isn't the victim Request whistle blower protection under 10 USC 1034 if they believe they have been reprised against as a result of reporting.

Identify the special positions a senior noncommissioned officer (SNCO) can hold.

First Sergeant Enlisted Academy Commandants Air Force Career Field Manager Command Chief Master Sergeant Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force

Articulate the purpose of the ACA

Formal face-to-face feedback Written progress report before and after official evaluation is due In contrast to informal day-to-day Gives Airmen a chance to learn about: Learn strengths and weaknesses of leaders and subordinates Set and clarify expectations Discuss objectives, standards, behavior, and performance Avoids surprises on future evaluations

Identify the four categories of Reserve accessibility

Full mobilization- gives access to the full reserve & requires a declaration of war by congress or national state of emergency Partial mobilization- 1,000,000 members of ready reserve and president must declare national emergency (24 months) Presidential Selected Reserve Call Up- up to 200,000 personnel and president must notify congress Volunteers- provide the majority of personnel in times of war and peace

Instrument of national power-Military

Fundamentally, the military instrument is coercive in nature, to include the integral aspect of military capability that opposes external coercion. Coercion generates effects through the application of force (to include the threat of force) to compel an adversary or prevent from being compelled.

Recognize the differences between the General Schedule (GS) and Federal Wage System.

General Schedule: Civilians employed by the military in so-called "white-collar" jobs. (professional, tech, clerical, administrative, fiscal) Grade level depends on the job and range from GS1-GS15 with maximum salary being determined by executive order. These are fixed salaries independent of geographical location Federal Wage: Civilians employed by the military in so-called "blue collar" positions. (trades, crafts, metal workers, mechanics and facility personnel) Paid on an hourly basis according to the prevailing rate of pay for their particular trade or craft in the geographic area in which they work

State Response- incidence response chain

Governor declares state of emergency Activation of state's National Guard --Under the control of the governor in state of emergency

Recall the description of grand strategy.

Grand strategy is the link between national objectives with the instruments of national power. This is called the National Security Strategy in the US

Article I

I am an American. Fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense

Article VI

I will never forget I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and the United States of America.

Article II

I will never surrender of my own free will. If captured I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist

List the four stages of the Counseling Process

Identify the Need for Counseling--determine why counseling is needed; personal issue? Work-related? Prepare for Counseling - gather information for the session; documentation, location Conduct the Counseling Session-direct/non-direct or combined approach Follow-up-check on the member to assess if the behavior/situation improved or if further intervention/action is needed

Article III

If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy

Article IV

If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take any action that may be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

State sources of supervisory guidance for people who supervise civilians

If supervising civilians, should become familiar with the Civilian Performance Appraisal and Awards System "The "36" series of Air Force publications (instructions, manuals, pamphlets, etc.) deal extensively with civilian personnel matters. This includes hiring, firing, promotions, demotions, awards, disciplinary actions, and a wide range of other matters which relate to civilian personnel administration." "Each Air Force base has a Civilian Personnel Flight servicing civilian employees in its area. Qualified civilian personnel specialists in such areas as employee utilization, position classification, equal opportunity, administration and other important areas staff this office. The office staff is available, upon call, to provide expert guidance and assistance. The Civilian Personnel Flight offers full assistance to supervisor, as well as their civilian employees.

State when ACA sessions are held for each rank

Initial ACA is everyone within 60 days Midterm is AB-SMS and 2Lt-Lt Col halfway to OPR or EPR End/Follow-up ACA, AB to TSGT, 2Lt to Capt in conjunction with OPR/ EPR CYA session for the supervisor

Recall the Air Force Policy on alcohol abuse

Installation commanders are responsible for implementing a base-wide alcohol deglamorization program. Though alcohol is a legal substance, "drink responsibly" is critical Commanders and supervisors have the ability to limit alcohol consumption further if it is necessary for the mission. The Air Force only investigates drinking habits that a ect public behavior, duty performance, or physical and mental health. Commanders must base recommendations for discharge on documentation that reflects failure to meet Air Force standards, not on the use of alcohol. (Failure to complete the Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) Program cannot be based solely upon failure to maintain abstinence if abstinence has been established as a regiment goalor requirement.)

Recall the joint warfare values

Integrity Competence Physical Courage Moral Courage Teamwork

Staff Judge Advocate (For the commander)

Is the commanders lawyer at each Air Force base and runs the installation legal office. The office is usually divided in the following areas: Military Justice- court martials, article 15s and other disciplinary actions Claims- works with claims filed against the government Civil Law- helps military members with all civilian legal matters free of charge. (wills, powers of attorneys, etc)

Survivor Followership

Just getting by; apathetic; for example a retiree attitude

Discuss the importance of managing diversity

Managing diversity is not about becoming like one another. It is not about melting into one multi-colored, multi-cultural population. Nor is it about requiring people to like one another. When we value diversity, we seek to integrate, not assimilate, our differences. Diversity is about allowing differences and respecting differences until the differences don't make a difference anymore.

Senior Noncommissioned Officer (SNCO)

Master sergeant, Senior master sergeant, and chief master sergeant. SNCOs are a critical component of the AF's ability to project air power. SNCOs have a great deal of experience and leadership ability, which they use to leverage resources and personnel against a variety of mission requirements. The SNCO's primary focus is on accomplishing the organization's mission through the skillful use of teams. They also concentrate on further developing teams and people, both technically and professionally. They participate in the decision-making process, as appropriate, on a variety of technical, operational, and organizational issues. A few go on to serve at the highest levels in the AF as strategic leaders and managers.

Recognize signs and symptoms of substance use disorders or misuse

Moodiness Depression Detached Attitude Nervousness Euphoria-increase energy Inconsistent actions Talkative Large mood swings Sleepiness Unsteady gait Tremors Constant runny nose Slurred speech Trouble sitting still Personal grooming deterioration Frequent illness Increased physical injuries

Federal Response- incidence response chain

Must be very large scale incident --Stafford Act (Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act) Allows POTUS to provide assistance to state governments FEMA (federal emergency management agency) --Primary purpose: coordinate response to large-scale US disaster

Punitive Actions

Nonjudicial punishment -Article 15 For minor offenses Imposed by the commander Punishment depends on rank of offender and commander Member may request trial by court-martial in lieu of Article 15 Judicial punishment: Summary Court Special Court General Court

USNORTHCOM - incidence response chain

Once SecDef gives DoD support, USNORTHCOM coordinates the DoD federal forces Single, unified command

Installation Commander (key players for facility management )

Overall responsibility and accountability for the operation of an Air Force installation


Parts of each, where counselor's ability and personality can dictate the proportions, but purpose is still to develop self-reliant counselees who can solve their own problems


Petroleum consumption is to be reduced by 30 percent through the end of fiscal year 2025 as compared to fiscal year 2014. Alternative (nonpetroleumbased) fuel use is to be increased by 10 percent annually. Zero emissions vehicles should account for 20 percent of all new agency passenger vehicle acquisitions by 2025.

Identify violations of DoD 5500.7-R

Principles of Ethical Conduct (I included this since it's sorta an overarching view) Loyalty to Constitution, laws and ethical principles above private gain (The military comes first. Don't try to use it for your own gains.) No conflicts of financial interests (Again, don't be shady and try to use the military to do your side business stuff) No improper use of information to further private interests (Don't sell our information to Russia for money.) Honest effort in performance of duties (Do your job.) No unauthorized commitments or promises (Don't make any extra commitments outside the military.)

Identify the purpose of developmental counseling.

Process whereby a qualified person purposefully assists another to better handle personal or work related problems Counseling is not advice giving; instead, it's a cooperative activity between the counselor and counselee in an atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding.

Promotion to Amn

Promotion to Airman (Amn) the requirements for promotion to Airman are completion of 6 months of active service as an AB and the commander's recommendation.

Promotion to A1C

Promotion to Airman First Class (A1C). Promotion to A1C occurs when the commander approves the promotion upon completion of the 10 months Time in Grade (TIG) requirement. Promotions are made on a fully qualified basis, and all recommended eligibles are promoted. Personnel who initially enlist in the Air Force for a period of six years are promoted to A1C upon completion of Basic Military Training (BMT). The normal time in grade (TIG) requirement for promotion to A1C is 10 months.

Promotion to SrA

Promotion to Senior Airman (SrA). Promotion to SrA occurs upon completion 20 months TIG or 28 months TIG (whichever occurs first), and the unit commander's approval. Eligibles must also have achieved the required skill proficiency level for their career field. Additionally, the SrA Below-The-Zone (BTZ) Promotion Program was established to provide early advancement on a competitive basis for outstanding Airmen first class. Airmen selected are promoted to SrA six months early.

Articulate the purpose of Enlisted Performance Reports (EPR

Provides a reliable, long-term, cumulative record of performance and potential based on that performance. Used to document performance and potential, and provide information for making promotion, retention, retirement, assignment and other management decisions.

Define each Reserve category

Ready Reserve - Units and individuals subject to be ordered to active duty to augment the Active Forces in time of war or national emergency. Standby Reserve - Personnel who have completed all obligated or required service or have been removed from the Ready Reserve due to circumstances or civilian employment, ineligibility for mobilization, temporary hardship, or disability. Retired Reserve - Composed of personnel who receive retired pay or personnel placed in a retired status based on completion of 20 or more qualifying years of individual or combined Reserve and Active component service but have not reached age sixty.

Recognize inappropriate comments for officer performance reports

Recommendations for promotion (these are placed on an AF Form 709, Promotion Recommendation Form). • Completion of, or enrollment in Developmental Education (DE), advanced academic education, or failure to obtain such. • Charges/investigations not completed. • Acquittals or failures to implement an intended personnel action. • Recommendation for decoration (ribbon/medal). • Race, ethnic origin, gender, age, or religion of the ratee. • Drug or alcohol abuse rehabilitation programs (Report on behavior, conduct, or performance resulting from alcohol or drug use as opposed to the actual consumption of alcohol or drugs) • Family activities or marital status. • Previous reports or ratings.

Identify when an Officer Performance Report (OPR) is prepared.

RegAF and ARC officers' reports will close-out one year from the close- out date of the last evaluation. The first evaluation will close-out one year, minus one day (365 days) from the Entered Active Duty (EAD) date. For example, the officer's EAD date is 15 Jun 08 then the close-out date would be 14 Jun 09.

State the different groups that make up the Total Force

Regular Air Force (RegAF) Air National Guard (ANG) Air Force Reserve (AFRes) Dept of the Air Force (DAF) Civilians Contractor Staff/Host-Nation Support Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Officers

Identify the qualities of an effective counselor

Respect for Airmen Self-awareness (be aware of your biases) Cultural awareness Empathy Credibility

Identify an officer's responsibilities in priority order

Responsibility to the Mission (has priority over all other responsibilities) Responsibility to Higher Headquarters Responsibility to Collateral Units Responsibility to Unit Welfare Responsibility to Individuals Responsibility to Self Responsibility to Act Decisively Responsibility to Maintain a proper image in the Civilian Community

Identify an officer's responsibilities in priority order.

Responsibility to the Mission (has priority over all other responsibilities) Responsibility to Higher Headquarters Responsibility to Collateral Units Responsibility to Unit Welfare Responsibility to Individuals Responsibility to Self Responsibility to Act Decisively Responsibility to Maintain a proper image in the Civilian Community

DoD Response- incidence response chain

SecDef determines viability of DoD support Providing support is still secondary to the mission Does not impede military mission Approved by SecDef of POTUS

Identify the categories that make up the Ready Reserves

Selected Reserve - Composed of units and individuals designated by the Air Force and the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, as essential to wartime missions. They are deployable within 72 hours and take precedence over the other categories of the Ready Reserves. Individual Ready Reserve - Manpower pool of pre trained individuals who have already served in active component units or in the Selected Reserve and have some part of their Military Service Obligation (MSO) remaining. They are liable for involuntary active duty and fulfillment of mobilization requirements. Inactive National Guard - Small, but important. Important to note that all members of the Air National Guard (ANG) are considered members of the Ready Reserve.

List Personally Identifiable Information

Social security numbers Dates and places of birth Mothers' maiden names Biometric records

Noncommissioned Officer NCO

Staff Sergeant and Technical Sergeant. NCOs continue their technical growth, become expert hands-on technicians, and serve as first time supervisors. NCOs ensure their team members work together to accomplish the mission. NCOs are responsible for training and developing the Airmen they supervise to become future NCOs. They also continue to develop their own leadership skills in preparation for increased responsibilities.

Recognize the purpose of the Air Force Inspection System

The AFIS gives the SECAF, CSAF, and Commanders at all levels an independent assessment of the following: A unit's compliance with established directives and ability to execute its assigned mission, leadership effectiveness, management performance, and aspects of unit culture and command climate A unit's ability to find, analyze, report and fix deficiencies A unit's ability to prevent fraud and minimize waste and abuse

Renewable Energy

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 established that in fiscal year 2007 through fiscal year 2009, 3 percent of electrical consumption be generated by renewable sources; in fiscal year 2010 through fiscal year 2012, 5 percent and 7.5 percent thereafter. Executive Order 13693 outlines the goal of 30 percent of facility electric consumption come from renewable sources by 2025 and Title 10, United States Code, Section 2911, Energy Performance Goals and Master Plan for the Department of Defense, sets a goal of 25 percent of electrical energy consumption generated by renewable sources by fiscal year 2025.

Source Energy.

The Federal government shall strive to reduce total energy use and associated greenhouse gas and other air emissions, as measured at the source

Define Law of Armed Conflict according to the Department of Defense

The Law of Armed Conflict is that part of international law that regulates the conduct of armed hostilities; it is often termed the "law of war." The United States and several other countries have stated that the Law of Armed Conflict is the preferred term, as we have not officially declared war since World War II.

WAPS promotion scores

The factors and their maximum points are as follows for WAPS: Enlisted Performance Reports (EPRs)- 250 points Specialty Knowledge Test (SKT- written test on job knowledge in career field) score- 100 Promotion Fitness Examination (PFE- written test of general military knowledge from AF handbook) score- 1000 Decorations- 25 Under WAPS, all eligible Airmen compete worldwide with all other Airmen in the same grade and AFSC. The number of vacancies determines how many Airmen in each grade and AFSC will be promoted within each promotion cycle. Each Airmen is given a report card= visibility, good for unselected people, so they can prepare themselves for the next cycle With exception of EPR, all other measures are objective, but EPRs carry the most weight There are also TIG requirements and Promotion Eligibility Date Cutoffs that come into play when determining whether an Airmen is eligible to test for promotion.

Identify the types of officer authority

The first is legal authority. --passed from the President through the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Air Force, and so on down to the lowest levels of command --clearly expressed in hundreds of instructions, regulations, manuals, and other directives. The second is moral authority. --Commission grants broad authority to use discretion and judgment to conform to national moral values. --Officers are expected to do what is right under all circumstances even if no directive specifically authorizes the actions they take. --Rare occasions when officers, basing their decisions upon a judgment of circumstances, will find it necessary to act contrary to instruction. These instances should be kept to a minimum and must be fully justified by unforeseen circumstances.

Identify the goal of the Air Force Complaints Resolution Program (CRP)

The specific goals are to create an atmosphere of trust in which issues can be objectively and fully resolved without retaliation or the fear of reprisal, identify where commander involvement is needed to correct systemic, programmatic, or procedural weaknesses, resolve issues affecting the Air Force mission promptly and objectively, and ensure resources are used effectively and efficiently. A responsive CRP naturally builds trust and confidence in Air Force leadership and, ultimately, helps all involved in or affected by a complaint return their focus to mission accomplishment.

Identify the purpose of corrective feedback

The term "corrective supervision" is used to describe the process a leader uses to promote change in individual behavior in a job related situation. It's the ability of the supervisor to intervene as necessary to improve a subordinate's performance.

Major Command & Installation Commander (key players for facility management)

They are assisted by the base civil engineer and are responsible for the following: Develop, operate, maintain, and control the use of Air Force facilities in compliance with applicable Department of Defense and Air Force policies and procedures. Develop comprehensive asset management plans, identify facility lifecycle requirements, implement applicable common levels of service, assess the impact of asset condition on mission support through the use of key performance indicators, and develop and execute real property construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization programs.

Instrument of national power-Informational

This instrument of power includes not only information and information operations, but infrastructure—networks, satellites, cables, devices.


Through life-cycle cost-effective measures, each agency shall reduce the use of petroleum within its facilities. Agencies may accomplish this reduction by switching to a less greenhouse gas-intensive, nonpetroleum energy source, such as synthetic or renewable energy sources.

Identify reasons why the Department of Defense employs civilians

To acquire abilities not otherwise available To assure continuity of administration and operation To obtain a nucleus of trained workers that can be expanded in an emergency To free military personnel for military duties

Recognize the guidelines that must be met for an order to be enforceable.

To be enforceable, an order must be: • within the authority of the issuing officer • related to military duty, morale, or discipline • clear and unequivocal • received and understood An officer shouldn't issue an order to settle personal and private disputes. The officer must at all times refrain from issuing an order as a matter of personal convenience. Additionally, since no person can execute an order that one doesn't understand, the officer must ensure that the order states clearly and exactly what is or is not to be done. If necessary, the officer should also state who will accomplish the action, what is required, when it is to be accomplished. Furthermore, an officer must make certain any order issued is received.

Recall the Department of Defense (DOD) policy on substance abuse.

To prevent and eliminate drug and alcohol abuse and dependence from the DOD

Local Response- incident response chain.

Typical (lowest) level response is first on the scene First responders and local organizations Will request higher level help if incident is too big

Identify the elements of Defense Support of Civil Authorities.

U.S. Federal military forces National Guard DoD civilians and contract personnel DoD component assets

Identify the "ultimate" and "direct" sources of an officer's authority

Ultimate - Stems from the Constitution, but is not clearly spelled out in the constitution itself. Direct - Authority to act comes from the powers given to Congress and to the president. The president has the authority to commission and provides the direct source of an officer's authority.

Identify the "ultimate" and "direct" sources of an officer's authority.

Ultimate - Stems from the Constitution, but is not clearly spelled out in the constitution itself. Direct - Authority to act comes from the powers given to Congress and to the president. The president has the authority to commission and provides the direct source of an officer's authority.

High Year of Tenure (HYT) Program

Under certain circumstances people may remain in the Air Force beyond their HYT date if they receive a waiver. However, the Air Force grants one HYT waiver per individual when in the best interest of the Air Force. The table below provides the maximum years of service that Airmen may serve (HYT) in the grades of E-4 through E-9. If the Airmen does not get promoted to the next rank before they reach their HYT they will be forced to separate. High Year of Tenure (HYT) E-4 8 Years of Service E-5 15 Years of Service E-6 20 Years of Service E-7 24 Years of Service E-8 26 Years of Service E-9 30 Years of Service

Identify the options available for managing manpower requirements

Unit Manpower Document: The unit manning document, used to help manage manpower resources, is a computer product that lists unit funded and unfunded manpower requirements, and contains many data elements that identify the unique position attribute. The unit manning document is the primary document that reflects the manpower required to accomplish the unit mission. Manpower, Organization and Resources Flight (review/submit approval request for manpower changes to MAJCOM) Commercial Service Management uses competitive sourcing, in-sourcing, and post-competition accountability. The three principal goals of commercial services management are to sustain readiness, improve performance and quality by doing business more efficiently and cost effectively, and focus available personnel and resources on core Air Force missions. Competitive Sourcing Process-- determines if work should be performed in-house or contracted based on cost etc.

Recognize the promotion methods for enlisted personnel.

Until June 1972, promotions were made only when there were vacancies in a given grade and Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC). Because the percentage of authorizations in each grade differs between AFSCs and retention also varies from one career field to another, some AFSCs had a better promotion opportunity to a given grade than others did. The USAF Personnel Plan establishes equal selection opportunities for each AFSC. This equal selection opportunity greatly reduced promotion stagnation, but over time it produced grade overages and shortages in many skills. There was a concern in the Air Force about the impact of NCO shortages on force readiness.

Article V

When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give my name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and it allies or harmful to their cause

What is the code of conduct?

a legal guide for the behavior of military members captured by hostile forces

Explain the correlation of followership and leadership

a. Valuing followers and their development is the first step toward cultivating effective transformational leaders b. A dynamic followership program should produce individuals who, when the moment arrives, seamlessly transition to lead effectively while simultaneously fulfilling their follower roles in support of their superiors. c. (From Capt. Dalcambre) You find yourself contributing to thoughts and ideas of others. You need to be an effective follower to be an effective leader. "They go hand-in-hand. You need both. As a leader you need to cultivate good followers so you can have good leaders."

Identify when an EPR is completed

annually by SCOD: SrA and Below 31 Mar SSgt 31 Jan TSgt 30 Nov MSgt 30 Sep SMSgt 31 July CMSgt 31 May

Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may subject Service members to...

applicable disposition under the UCMJ

The Code of Conduct is the legal guide for the

behavior of military members captured by hostile forces

Under the Geneva Conventions, medical personnel who are exclusively engaged in the medical service of their armed forces and chaplains who fall into the hands of the enemy are...

detained and are not POWs

Compare/contrast the three counseling approaches: directive, nondirective, and combined.

directive: counselor centered, useful when time is short - simple problems - on the spot corrections, direct a course of action for counselee nondirective: most preferred for most counseling sessions, counselor must listen and clarify, takes more time than directive, counselee encouraged to take active role in developing solutions combined: cooperation and responsibility between both parties, counselor helps counselee develop a plan of action, counselor needs to listen

POW who voluntarily informs or collaborates with the captor is disloyal to the United States and fellow POWs and, after repatriation, is subject to ...

disciplinary actions under the UCMJ

Instrument of national power-Diplomatic

is the principal instrument for engaging with other states and foreign groups to advance national values, interests, and objectives, and to solicit foreign support for military operations. derived from things such as the type and stability of the government,soundness of foreign policy, participation in the political process, and international commitments and alliances and so on

Every member of the Armed Forces of the United States should understand that Service members may be held...

legally accountable for personal actions while detained

Members of the Armed Forces may never...

may never surrender voluntarily. It is their duty to evade capture and rejoin the nearest friendly forces

Wherever located, POWs should organize in a ...

military manner with the senior POW being in command. The senior POW cannot evade that responsibility and accountability.

Officers and noncommissioned officers shall continue to carry out their...

responsibilities and exercise their authority in captivity

Identify the goal of the Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) program.

the goal is to prevent waste and the AF losing millions of dollars in monies and resources due to individuals committing acts of fraud, wasting precious resources, and abusing the system. The benefits are two-fold: Saves valuable resources by identifying illegal, inefficient and wasteful practices Makes funds available for other better uses Example of fraud: a contractor knowingly sells the Air Force parts that don't meet the specifications of the contract Example of Waste of Resources: throwing away usable items to ordering a $1,000 part when a $50 part does the job. Fraud and system abuse example: a captain goes on a temporary duty (TDY) for two weeks at government expense, but surprisingly finishes the job in just one week and spends the second week enjoying the local beach

POWs must constantly bear in mind that the enemy has often viewed POWs as

valuable sources of military information and propaganda that they can use to further their war effort

Explain the four basic components of a counseling session.

• Open the counseling session • Discuss the issues • Develop a plan of action • Record and close the session

List service members' rights within the Military Justice system

"Mainly...the same legal rights as a civilian" "The most important of these rights are the rights to remain silent and consult with a lawyer" Right to remain silent "Miranda Rights" in the civilian world = Article 31 rights in the military Article 31 does not provide any right to counsel for requests of voice or handwriting samples and requests for bodily fluids. Right to Counsel "You have the right to an attorney...." Still true under Article 31. If you say you want an attorney, they have to stop questioning you until yours arrives. You have the right to reject having an attorney appointed for you. Right Against Compulsory Self-Incrimination Any evidence falling in this category is inadmissible. Apprehension and Restraint "You're under restraint, mister!" Not a joke, the reading literally says that the statement "you're under restraint" is usually sufficient. Search, Seizure, and Inspection: must be authorized by the proper authority, or fall under the realms of the intent of these categories: Search is an examination of a person, property, or premises to uncover evidence of a crime or criminal intent, such as stolen goods, burglary tools, weapons, or other evidence Seizure is the taking of such items by authorities for evidence at a court-martial inspection is an examination of the whole or part of a unit, organization, installation, aircraft, or vehicle to determine and to ensure the security, military fitness, or good order and discipline of the unit, organization, or installation

Define risk management

"RM is a decision-making process to systematically evaluate possible courses of action, identify risks and benefits, and determine the best course of action (COA) for any given situation. RM enables commanders, functional managers, supervisors, and individuals to maximize capabilities while limiting risks through application of a simple, systematic process appropriate for all personnel and functions in both on- and off-duty situations. Appropriate use of RM increases an organization's and individual's ability to safely and effectively accomplish their mission/activity while preserving lives and precious resources." There are also some tenets that go along with it about risk, not in the SOBs but helps clarify: Risk is inherent in all missions, operations and activities, both on- and off-duty. Risk can be effectively mitigated if understood and appropriate action is taken. All personnel are responsible for utilizing RM concepts, tools and techniques. The RM process outlined herein applies to risk-related decisions when such decisions are not governed via separately established requirements/guidelines (i.e., statutes, regulations, or DoD/AF policy/guidance that address personnel health and safety or environmental matters and dictate particular decisions or outcomes within these requirements/guidelines).

Justify the relevance of national strategic direction of airmen

"The ability of a nation to advance its national interests is dependent on its effectiveness in employing the instruments of national power to achieve national strategic objectives." "The 2017 National Security Strategy (Strategy) aims to restore respect for the United States abroad and renew American confidence at home. Strategic confidence enables the United States to protect its vital national interests." Read NSS Fact Sheet V3 (only 3 pages in prep for CWT #2)

Risk Management Principle-Accept no unnecessary risk

(normal risk is fine, where there is some return) Unnecessary risk comes without commensurate return in terms of real benefits or available opportunities; it will not contribute meaningfully to mission or activity accomplishment and needlessly jeopardizes personnel or other assets.

Identify the seven-step terrorist planning cycle (BISPAE)

1. Broad target selection: --collection of data on large number of potential targets 2. Intelligence and surveillance: --information gathering on targets with greatest possibility of success --Hard (difficult) vs. Soft (easy) targets 3. Specific target selection: --decision point, decide what target(s) to attack 4. Pre-attack surveillance and planning: --quantity and quality of data gathering increases, generally occurs over days/weeks 5. Attack rehearsal: --often includes relocation to target site, testing of security responsiveness, and escape routes 6. Action: --generally the goal is to get in, get the job done, and get out before security forces can react and show up on the scene 7. Escape and exploitation: --escape plans well rehearsed and exploitation of successful attack vital to achieve desired effect

Recall the range of military operations

1. Major Operations: Operation Enduring Freedom, Desert Storm, 2. Crisis and limited contingencies 3. Military engagement: security operation

Recognize the operational joint chain of command from the President to the individual components.

1. POTUS 2. SECDEF 3. Combatant commander 4. Component commander Doesn't matter the service or the rank (a 3 star Army general can be commanding a 4 star AF general). Also, much of the say is given to the Combatant commanders, they moved a lot of the command power from DC to the theater with the Goldwater Act (Reagan 1986)

Recognize the pillars of the current National Security Strategy.

1. Protect the American people, the homeland, and the American way of life 2. Promote American prosperity 3. Preserve Peace through Strength 4. Advance American Influence

Recognize the lines of effort of the current National Defense Strategy.

1. Rebuild military readiness, increase joint force lethality 2. Strengthen alliances and attract new partners 3. Reforming the Department's business practices; greater performance and affordability

The Financial Working Group (key players of the financial management process)

Composed of both line and staff resource advisors and responsibility center managers Manages commodities and resources integral to the operating activities of the base or unit execution plan, reviews all appropriated fund execution plans, and makes recommendations to financial management board for final approval Also presents recommendations to the financial management board for unfunded requirement prioritization and fund target adjustments between responsibility centers, and base-level budgetary guidance. Provides technical guidance to base activities on using their primary responsibility resources.

Area Defense Council (For the members)

Created to improve the credibility of the military justice system by removing any appearance that military defense counsel's are constrained professionally because they're assigned to the command of the convening authority. Each ADC office is a tenant unit of the installation and its chain of command runs through a Chief Circuit Defense Counsel to the Chief of Defense Services in Washington. Each area defense counsel is selected by the Staff Judge Advocate General based on merit. Basically they provide legal advice and representation to military members under the following circumstances: Criminal investigation Letters of Reprimand If they should appeal an Article 15- a section of the Uniform Code of Military Justice allowing commanders to carry out discretionary punishments without judicial proceedings. Administrative Demotions and Separations Court Martial

List the goals of risk management

Enhance mission effectiveness at all levels, while preserving assets and safeguarding health and welfare. Create an Air Force cultural mindset in which every leader, Airman, and employee is trained and motivated to manage risk in all their on- and off-duty activities. Integrate RM into mission and activity planning processes, ensuring decisions are based upon risk assessments of the operation/activity. Identify opportunities to increase AF warfighting effectiveness in all environments, and ensure success at minimal cost of resources. The RM process shall be institutionalized and be an inherent part of all military operations to address safety, occupational and environmental health risks.

Unit Commander (key players for facility management)

Ensure requirements for real property alterations, additions or new construction are identified to the base civil engineer or wing commander. Designate facility managers for each facility assigned to the organization

Identify the objectives of the environmental management system and the energy conservation program.

Environmental Management System: Maintaining compliance with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and policy requirements. Typically installations will meet environmental Code of Federal Regulations promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency and implemented by the States. Reducing compliance burden by implementing pollution prevention solutions that reduce the quantity and impact of pollutants. Sustaining natural, cultural, built, and human resources. Incorporating environmental management system and environmental, safety, and occupational health considerations into installation lean events to improve mission capacity and prevent waste. Providing community outreach to increase awareness of environmental issues. Incorporating environmental management system elements into specific operations of appropriate organizational levels and installations. Meeting or exceeding current Office of Management and Budget, Department of Defense, and Air Force performance measures.

Financial Management Board (key players of the financial management process)

Established by the senior or host commander at each base Determines program priorities and ensures effective allocation of resources. Reviews and approves or disapproves recommendations made by the financial working group to ensure balanced, valid financial programs and to consider all known or anticipated requirements.

List the objects specifically protected from armed conflict.

Medical facilities and equipment . Properly marked medical transports being used for humanitarian purposes may not be the subject of attack. Medical transports may include aircraft, hospital ships, and ambulances Food and clothing for the benefit of children under the age of fifteen and for expectant mothers General protection granted to individual civilians and civilian objects. For example; schools and houses are protected from military operations, to include aerial bombardment.

Resource Advisors (key players of the financial management process)

Monitor and help prepare resource estimates Help develop obligations and expense fund targets Monitor the use of resources in daily operations compared to projected consumption levels, and serve as the primary points of contacts on resource management matters pertaining to their responsibility center

Responsibility and Cost Center Managers (key players of the financial management process)

Plan , direct, and coordinate subordinate organization's activities. Analyze subordinate organizational plans, identify imbalances in resource distribution, analyze alternative actions, and balance programs

Identify the three typologies of terrorists and terror groups

Political: Force governments to change structure of policies, or to achieve radical societal change Religious: Objective/actions divinely guided; often tied to ethnic and nationalist identities Social: "Special interest" (i.e., animal rights, abortion rights)

Identify methods the Air Force uses to maintain accountability over government property and equipment

Property Accounting Organization commander designates a property custodian for Government property used by the unit & listed on allowance standard documents. Custodian performs inventory of all assets, signs the custodian authorization/custody receipt ensuring proper maintenance and serviceable condition, validated by commander's signature The property custodian is relieved of responsibility ONLY when account is transferred to another custodian, issues/ turns in items, and gets a signed receipt, or provides authorized adjustment documents. Report of Survey Used to research/investigate the cause of loss, damage, destruction, or theft of Government property, determines if the cause of loss was attributable to an individual's negligence or abuse. Final report assesses financial liability against persons responsible or relieves them from liability if there is no evidence of negligence or willful misconduct Report serves as a source document to adjust accountable records and provides a tool for commanders to identify deficiencies requiring corrective action

Comptrollers (key players of the financial management process)

Provide sound financial management and advice to the commander and staff Promote responsible and proper financial management to ensure economical and efficient use of resources consistent with statutory and regulatory requirements Apply policies and procedures that enable the organization to carry out accounting, budget, and cost functions

Cost Center Managers (key players of the financial management process)

Regulates the consumption of work hours, supplies, equipment, and services to do the tasks within their cost center Shift resources to or from various production tasks within the cost center to ensure the proper mix or to provide the emphasis required.

Identify the options available for managing manpower requirements.

Requirements determination - determining the correct amount of military manpower Organization - having simple, streamlined structures to effectively and efficiently accomplish the mission unit manpower document - used to help manage manpower resources by listing unit funded and unfunded manpower requirements initiating and tracking manpower changes - begins with an authorization change request, gets evaluated, entered into system, and then gets sent to major command for approval or disapproval manpower and organization flight - day to day manpower resource management, authorization change requests, authorization change notices and organizational structure changes. commercial services management - sustain readiness, improve performance and quality by doing business more efficiently and cost effectively competitive sourcing process - determines whether a commercial activity can be done more economically and efficiently by contract or by an in-house workforce In-sourcing - using DoD civilian employees to perform jobs that are currently being done by a contractor

Base Civil Engineer Customer Service (key players for facility management)

Review all incoming work requests for validity, verifies scope, and ensures the work request is coordinated with the appropriate agencies such as fire, safety, and environmental.

Commanders (key players of the financial management process)

Review, validate, and balance the execution plan to ensure successful financial management Actively review financial programs for each work center that reports to them and improve resource management by inquiring about program conditions, reviewing causes, weighing alternatives, and directing action Ensure resource management system success by allocating sufficient resources to resource management system training and resource management team efforts

Risk Management Principle-Apply the process cyclically and continuously

Risk Management is a continuous process applied across the full spectrum of military training and operations, base operations functions, and day-to-day activities and events both on- and off-duty.

State the chains of command for the Air Force Reserve Command and the Air National Guard.

State guard chain of command: state air guard units → state adjutants general → state governor Federalized Chain of command: State air guard units → Director ANG → AF chief of staff (chief, NGB) SECAF, SECDEF, POTUS Air Force Reserve: 4th AF/10th AF/22nd AF → Air Reserve Personnel center → Commander, Air Force Reserve Command → Chief of Staff, AF → Secretary of the AF

Facilities Manager (key players for facility management)

Submit work requests to the base civil engineer customer service unit. (basically let them know when things are getting run down)

Identify the three types of courts-martial

Summary Court-Martial (SCM): SCM tries minor offenses Special Court- Martial (SPCM): Tries offenses of intermediate severity General Court-Martial (GCM): Tries the most serious offenses and is convened by a Numbered AF commander (or equivalent)

State how the Air National Guard differs constitutionally from the USAF

The ANG has both a state and federal mission. Each state's ANG is a military force under the command of the respective state or territorial governor, as well as a part of the Federal Reserve components. Therefore, each member has dual status as a member of the ANG of his or her state, and as a member of the Reserve component of the ANG. This dual state and federal mission comes from the US Constitution and the US Code of Laws. State responsibilities: Protect life and property, peace and order, civil defense. Federal responsibilities: Support USAF mission, train for warfare.

Recall the process for formulating US military strategy from national objectives.

The President has ultimate responsibility for national security policy and therefore has the responsibility to develop, coordinate, and utilize the instruments of national power to achieve national objectives. The instruments of national power are: Diplomatic, Informational, Military, and Economic (DIME). The ability of a nation to advance its national interests is dependent on its effectiveness in employing the instruments of national power to achieve national strategic objectives. At the President's direction, instruments of national power are integrated to advance and defend US values, interests, and objectives. To accomplish this integration, departments and agencies interact to develop a mutual understanding of the capabilities, limitations, and consequences of military and civilian actions. Strategic objectives depends on employing the instruments of national power in effective combinations and all possible situations from peace to war.

Identify the types of officer authority.

The first is legal authority, passed from the President through the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Air Force, and so on down to the lowest levels of command clearly expressed in hundreds of instructions, regulations, manuals, and other directives. The second is moral authority. Commission grants broad authority to use discretion and judgment to conform to national moral values. Officers are expected to do what is right under all circumstances even if no directive specifically authorizes the actions they take. Rare occasions when officers, basing their decisions upon a judgment of circumstances, will find it necessary to act contrary to instruction. These instances should be kept to a minimum and must be fully justified by unforeseen circumstances.

Identify the objectives of each step of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution process

The reading says the Air Force uses the Air Force Corporate Structure to accomplish these four overlapping and interrelated activities in meeting the goals from the POTUS and the SECDEF: Planning: Considers external trends, anticipates changes, "Includes setting a program objective, against which the AF can measure program execution success." Use "streamlined planning and assessment documents ; help prioritize objectives, assess strategies, and provide the link between planning and programing." Programming: The process of linking planned requirements with the resources needed to provide them. When the resources needed are greater than what was originally assumed, negotiations occur; "The key objective of programming is to develop a balanced, capabilities-based program; Basically, they integrate the planning into a proposal, which they then adjust and defend. Budgeting: Formulation and Justification: detailed review to make sure it'll happen on time and on budget; Always submitted with a program objective memo things happen in budget prep: They figure out threats of budget reduction from congress and SECDEF; Comptroller geeks out over inflation, manpower costs, etc; Program is put into SECDEF format, and budget justification doc is prepared (program objective memorandum) Execution: Focuses on running the AF day-to-day. The schedule put together in the prior three steps is used to track progress; Because the national budget was prepared a year previous to execution, congress gives some leeway; One key part of budget execution is the major command's operations and maintenance plan.

Recognize the guidelines that must be met for an order to be enforceable

To be enforceable, an order must be: • within the authority of the issuing officer • related to military duty, morale, or discipline • clear and unequivocal • received and understood An officer shouldn't issue an order to settle personal and private disputes. The officer must at all times refrain from issuing an order as a matter of personal convenience. Additionally, since no person can execute an order that one doesn't understand, the officer must ensure that the order states clearly and exactly what is or is not to be done. If necessary, the officer should also state who will accomplish the action, what is required, when it is to be accomplished. Furthermore, an officer must make certain any order issued is received.

Identify rules for guarding your online privacy

To protect yourself: Understand and use the privacy settings Create strong passwords Don't give away your position through GPS or location links or updates about places where you are or where you will be If possible, validate all friend requests through another source, such as phone or e-mail, before confirming them Beware of links to games, quizzes, and other applications available through social networking services Avoid posting personally identifiable information (PII): Socialsecuritynumberso Datesandplacesofbirtho Mothers'maidennameso Homeaddresses Protecting Your Organization To protect your organization: Don't speak for your organization or post any embarrassing material Consider who you accept as a friend carefully and validate, if possible, before acceptance If posting pictures of yourself in uniform or in a work-setting, make sure there are no identifiable landmarks or items visible When establishing personal social networking accounts, use only personal contact information, never your Government contact information

Identify rules for guarding your online privacy

Understand and use the privacy settings Create strong passwords Don't give away your position through GPS or location links or updates about places where you are or where you will be If possible, validate all friend requests through another source, such as phone or e-mail, before confirming them Beware of links to games, quizzes, and other applications available through social networking services Avoid posting personally identifiable information (PII): Social security numbers Dates and places of birth Mothers' maiden names Home addresses To protect your organization: Don't speak for your organization or post any embarrassing material Consider who you accept as a friend carefully and validate, if possible, before acceptance If posting pictures of yourself in uniform or in a work-setting, make sure there are no identifiable landmarks or items visible When establishing personal social networking accounts, use only personal contact information, never your Government contact information

Risk Management Principle-Integrate Risk Management into operations, activities and planning at all levels

Want to do this as early as possible. Provides greatest opportunity to make well informed risk decisions and implement effective risk controls. Some planning is better than no planning

Agency acquisition of goods and services

must incorporate the use of sustainable environmental practices, including acquisition of bio based, environmentally preferable, energy efficient, water efficient, and recycled content products. This includes the use of paper with at least 30 percent recycled content.

Recognize the need for a Military Justice system

needed for crimes unique to the military (ex. AWOL, disrespect towards superior) Discipline- military justice system is the driving force behind discipline Worldwide Operations- Federal court doesn't extend to foreign soil

Define the four categories of personnel.

note: not really in the text for non-combatants and unlawful combatants. I put as much as I could find and fleshed it out with wikipedia... Combatants - Authorized to engage in acts of war on behalf of his state, and is also a legal target for acts of war; this includes civilians who take up arms to defend against invasion, but does not include civilians who arm themselves after occupancy (they then have no legal right to engage in warfare); resistance forces are included as combatants if they have a responsible command structure, wear an insignia that sets them apart, carry arms openly, and obey the laws of armed conflict Non-combatants - a person who is not engaged in fighting during a war, especially a civilian, chaplain, or medical practitioner; medical practitioners may carry small arms for protection, but chaplains are not allowed to carry arms per US law; they should not be taken as prisoners of war and should only be detained as long as the other prisoners of war need medical treatment Civilians - a person not in the armed forces or the police force - medical necessities should be allowed through a blockade for civilians; food and clothing should be allowed through for expectant mothers and children under 15; after occupation, they cannot be punished for acts that happened before the occupation, but will be held accountable for things that happened post-occupation Unlawful combatants - a person who engages in armed conflict in violation of the laws of war; may be detained or prosecuted under the domestic law of the detaining state for such action

Passive/Sheep Followership

only do exactly what you say; the bare minimum

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