SOC 100 Final Exam

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How do rates of intimate partner violence differ across racial groups?

They are about equal across racial groups.

Why are respondents often more comfortable addressing sensitive subjects on surveys than in other research contexts?

They can answer in private and are usually assured of anonymity.

________ occurs when the dominant culture succeeds in imposing its values and ideas on all of society.


What are the parts of the mind according to Sigmund Freud's theoretical perspective?

the id, the ego, and the superego

Systems and structures that persist over time and help organize group life are called

social institutions

Which of the following is the most serious critique of structural functionalism?

It tends to argue that any social feature that exists must serve a function.

Which of the following seems to make people, in general, more likely to define a group as a family?

the presence of children

Which of the following would sociologists consider the best definition of deviance?

violations of social norms

How does a person come to possess an achieved status?

an achieved status is earned

An employee who has a special relationship with his boss is promoted instead of a more deserving co-worker. This is an example of the


In the ________ approach to addiction, people who become addicted may be responding to strains in the social system and their own lives by escaping through drugs and alcohol.


Almost any ________ can have a stigmatizing effect, including a physical disability or a battle with addiction or mental illness.


Agnes was raised as a boy before coming out as a transgender woman. What is one of the ways that Agnes began to "do being female" after coming out?

---NOT She rejected the expectations of her boyfriend and his family members.

The belief that the lived experiences of women and men differ as a result of biological differences is called

--NOT gender theory

Kea tries to take good care of herself. She works out regularly, gets plenty of rest, and eats well. Her approach to health is MOST closely aligned with

--not palliative medicine

What is one reason imprisonment was such a rare type of punishment before the nineteenth century?

Earlier societies did not have sufficient resources to operate prisons.

________ gather and analyze data on particular illnesses: how, where, and to whom they are spread; and how to stop their spread.


Why do social scientists who use interviews rarely speak with large numbers of people for a project?

Face-to-face interviewing is a very time-consuming process.

Why is it that in Central Europe and Central Asia, intravenous drug use is responsible for most HIV/AIDS cases, but in sub-Saharan Africa, HIV/AIDS is a general problem spread through the entire population?

HIV/AIDS is a different epidemic depending on where it is.

According to Jack Katz, what do muggers gain from their crimes aside from material objects?

He argues that they mug for a sense of satisfaction and excitement.

One cost-of-living indicator shows that a salary of $40,000 in Santa Barbara, California, is equivalent to $14,000 in Wichita, Kansas. This is primarily because of the cost of housing, which is much less expensive in Wichita. What does this difference say about how the federal government calculates poverty?

It points to a flaw in the way the government calculates the poverty line as the standard is uniformly applied without regard to regional differences.

Research has been conducted regarding why teens engage in smoking and other deviant behaviors. The most important factor in statistically predicting whether a teen will take up a particular deviant behavior is the presence or absence of peers who also engage in that behavior. This is probably because the other teens are acting

NOT----in ways that are closely connected to the family.

Which of the following is one of the basic principles of social stratification?

Not ---All societies stratify according to wealth accumulation.

Why do politics, education, and religion all appear in the same chapter of your text?

Political, religious, and educational concerns often overlap in everyday life.

How do most abusive relationships look at the beginning?

The abusive partner is charming, attentive, and thoughtful.

What is one of the principal reasons people turn to deviant behavior in the United States according to the structural strain theory of deviance as articulated by Robert Merton?

The goal of success is shared by a majority of people, but not everyone has equal means for achieving that goal.

How have social networking websites affected social groups?

They help people make the most of both their primary and secondary groups.

A person is MOST likely to be murdered by

a family member

What is an epidemic called when it spreads across national borders, across continents, or around the world?

a pandemic

What metaphor best describes cultures that have embraced multiculturalism and pluralism?

a salad bowl

________ diseases come on suddenly and are often contagious.


Jane Addams was an early advocate of applied sociology. This means that she did not just do research but that she also

addressed social problems through hands-on activity in the communities she researched.

Lili is conducting a sociological research study on the underground music scene. She has just finished collecting data for the study. What is the next step Lili should take in the scientific method?

analyze data

What sort of laws prohibited the mixing of racial groups through marriage, cohabitation, or sexual contact?


In his book Streetwise, Elijah Anderson argues that young African American men are more likely to be arrested because they

are perceived as more criminal than others.

What is a political system called that denies ordinary people participation or representation in their government?


The term that refers to the legitimate use of power is called


In 2008, the Obama family's search for a church to attend in Washington, D.C., was big news. A sociological analysis of the national curiosity about the president's church might argue that

being a Christian is an unofficial requirement for the presidency.

What sorts of jobs are usually available to members of the lower-middle class?

blue collar or manual labor

Today, who do average Americans have in mind when they think of their families?

brother or sister

The 2000 Census was the first time that Americans were allowed to ________ when identifying their race.

check more than one box

Karen thinks that religion is used by powerful people and institutions to control the public. What perspective best describes Karen's views?

conflict theory

Sociologists use which of the following terms to describe a group with values and norms that oppose the dominant culture?


What is it called when members of a minority group learn the cultural practices of the dominant group?

cultural assimilation

What is it called when a government bars an individual, either temporarily or permanently, from voting?


What do we call groups that are used as standards to evaluate ourselves—either positively, in terms of the qualities we aspire to achieve, or negatively, in terms of the qualities we wish to avoid?

distinction between ideal culture and real culture

What do sociologists call it when people's jobs require them to manage their feelings as part of their official duties?

emotion work

In the United States today, very few people marry outside of their own socioeconomic classes, suggesting that there is a high degree of


HIV/AIDS is considered a(n)


What is it called when the incidence of a particular infectious disease is drastically larger than first estimated?


Under the Welfare Reform Act of 1996, ________ years was the total amount of time in which families could receive assistance.


According to the Uniform Crime Report, murder is MOST likely committed by a

friend or relative

In their ethnography Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood before Marriage, Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas studied the realities of single motherhood for poor, urban women. Before beginning their research, they immersed themselves in the community. Edin moved her family to the city and they both volunteered in community programs. Immersing themselves in the community is an example of

gaining access

In the 1980s, many politicians argued that listening to heavy metal music led teenagers to die by suicide. Though you might find this belief silly, it is a(n)


What do sociologists call it when an African American individual is told he or she is not really "black enough"?

identity challenge

A study found a strong correlation between parental bonding and adolescent drug use. Children with stronger bonds to their parents were far less likely to try drugs or alcohol. However, the researchers, after examining their data more closely, discovered that parental bonding was really a predictor for teen religiosity. Consequently, high levels of religiosity prevent drug use rather than parental bonding. This means that religiosity was a(n)

intervening variable.

A closed-ended question is one that

limits the possible responses

As the process of ________ develops, we will be less likely to treat someone who has a mental health issue as having something he or she should just "deal with" alone. Instead, we will be more likely to think of the issue as having to do with a disease.


Obesity is now often treated with surgery. Previously, weight loss was not usually considered a medical problem that could be addressed through surgery. This is evidence of

medicalization and the social construction of health and illness.

Several cases of children who grew up in extreme social isolation, such as the case of Genie in 1970, suggest that

most of our mental capacities, and perhaps even the ability to think, are learned through social interaction.

Critical race theory is associated with which of the major theoretical perspectives or schools of thought in sociology?

not ---symbolic interactionalism

An individual who works at a bookstore routinely takes home ballpoint pens and Post-it notes, uses the copy machine to make personal copies, and makes long-distance phone calls on the store's line. However, he would never consider stealing money from the cash register, even if he knew he could get away with it. What is this behavior called?

not -criminology

What type of care are we practicing when we focus on making a person comfortable at the end of life?


Organizations designed to raise money to support the interests of a particular group are called

political action committees.

In the early nineteenth century, Native Americans survived clashes with the U.S. Army, but were forcibly removed to reservations. This is an example of

population transfer

What kind of research are you doing if you observe a group in order to determine its norms, values, rules, and meanings?


The practice of refusing mortgages for houses in poor and minority neighborhoods is called


Who proposed social control theory, which suggests that individuals who have stronger bonds are LESS likely to commit crime?

reference groups

The consistency of a measurement tool, or the degree to which the same questions will produce similar answers, refers to


A society that separates church and state is a(n) ________ society.


After the Civil War, most southern states passed laws that barred African Americans and whites from sharing most kinds of public facilities. This is an example of


What does Jean Baudrillard call an image in the media that people can no longer distinguish from the reality that it is supposed to represent?


Short sentences or phrases on a political subject, designed to be catchy and memorable but not necessarily to convey much information, are called


What feature of modern politics closely resembles short, limited Twitter posts?


Which part of the mind would Freud have described as being like a type of conscience that punishes misbehavior with feelings of guilt?


Oscar Lewis was the first to suggest that the poor develop a way of life with fundamentally different values and goals because they are excluded from mainstream social life. Consequently, they are much less likely to join the middle class. This way of life is usually called

the culture of poverty

In the early twentieth century, women who had children out of wedlock were considered to be feebleminded or to suffer from mental problems. They were also thought more likely to give birth to children who were also feebleminded. Today, this attitude seems ridiculous. This is an example of

the social construction of mental illness.

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