Soc 1004 Clifton final exam review (reading quizzes)

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Educational systems can help to reproduce systems of inequality.


Gender varies from culture to culture


Prejudice is rooted in generalizations or stereotypes.


Sigmund Freud, Charles Cooley, and George Herbert Mead all contributed to the study of self


Sociologists claim that culture is the lens through which we perceive and evaluate what is going on in the world around us


The family is created and sustained through interaction all work


The hypodermic needle theory and the magic bullet theory are names used to refer to the same story.


The literal translation of homogamy is "like marries like"


Third places are called such because they are places that exist beyond work and home


What is a simple random sample?

a sample that provides the same chance of being included to every member of the population

What must there be for a survey to be considered valid?

high response rate

What is the sociological imagination?

the ability to understand the interplay between the self and larger social forces

Our social networks consist of just our closest friends and family.


The industrial revolution changed the common meaning of family because

It shifted the meaning from extended family to nuclear family

Advocates of social justice claim that affirmative action gives members of one group unfair preferential treatment


An individual's sex refers to the physical, behavioral, and personality characteristics consider normal, while their gender relates to membership in a distinct, biological category.


Capitalism and socialism are two examples of political systems throughout the world


Fads often result in lasting social change


Micro-aggressions consists of overt or obvious verbal, but not nonverbal, communications that are meant to denigrate or dismiss members of particular groups


Secondary groups cannot be geographically dispersed


The middle class is made up of mostly blue-collar workers.


Technological changes are transforming the nature of recreation because recreation

Is moving inside the home and away from the public

The definition of "culture"

Is the entire way of life of a group of people, and it acts as a lens through which we view the world

How is prejudice different from discrimination?

Prejudice is an attitude; discrimination is an action.

One of the primary roles of capitalism is

Privatization of the means of production

What have studies of doctor-patient relations found?

Status and power vary and are established in the doctor-patient interaction

The term "master status" is defined as a

Status that generally overrides all other statuses a person possesses.

With what issue is first-wave feminism most strongly associated?

Women's suffrage

What is it called when a minority group is absorbed into the dominant group?


Mark Granovetter has argued that the people you know best are likely to possess only information you already have. This is why he believed that, when looking for employment, it is advantageous to have

casual acquaintances who are connected to different social networks

Macrosociology is an approach that

examines large-scale social structures to see how they affect individual lives.

Differential association theory is associated with structural functionalism?


Survey research tends to produce quantitative data. One key advantage of this kind of data is that it

is easy to transmit to the public.

Which of the following statements about social change is true?

it is always happening

What does the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis propose?

language can structure our perception of reality.

Sociology can be defined as the systematic and scientific study of human society and social behavior, from ________ to ________.

large-scale institutions; individual interactions

What is the definition for the "hidden curriculum" concept?

lessons that students learn indirectly through the method in which the curriculum is presented and the way the school is organized

What is a closed-ended question?

one that limits the possible responses

Which of the following would sociologists consider the best definition of deviance?

violations of social norms

An example of something that would be part of the material culture of an individual or society would be

weapons of war

In which decade did the information revolution begin?


Which of the following is an example of a total institution?

A prison

A pilot study is

A smaller study used to investigate the feasibility of a larger one

How is a sociological definition of religion different from a commonsense, everyday definition?

A sociological definition must be broad enough to encompass all brands of religious experience.

What type of diseases come on suddenly and are often contagious?


The ______ was a macro-level social change that resulted in new innovations in farming such a as mechanized seed spreaders and new techniques of crop rotation.

Agricultural Revolution

Gender role socialization begins

Before birth

____ is the study of controversial moral or ethical issues related to scientific and medical advancements.


How is a counterculture different from a subculture?

Both are distinct from mainstream culture, but a counterculture actively opposes important aspects of the mainstream.

What does the family influence as an agent of socialization


____ is the study of the social aspects of diseases.


The increase in leisure time in the twentieth century was due to

Increases in industrial productivity and time-saving technologies.

Sociologically, what is the difference between a group and a crowd?

Individuals associated with a group feel a shared identity and have ongoing social relations.

Rescission refers to

Insurance companies canceling a client's coverage only after the person gets sick.

The difference between leisure and recreation is that

Leisure is a kind of time; recreation is a kind of activity

Which of the following is true regarding gendered occupations

Men outnumber women in occupations with more prestige and higher salaries.

An example of a micro aggression is

Men who whistle at and catcall a woman who is walking down the street

Which of the following statements about bureaucracies is true?

People who work in bureaucracies may feel alienation as a result of being treated in terms of roles, rules, and functions rather than as individuals.

A society that seperates church and state is a _____ society


For most sociologists, what is the difference between sex and gender?

Sex is biological, gender is social

The information revolution changed the nature of work and the economy because it has

Shifted the economy toward the production of knowledge and services

What is the transformation of a culture over time called?

Social change

The school of social thought that insists all social structures, including systems of stratification, are built out of everyday interactions is called

Symbolic interactionism

What racial issue does functionalism help to explain?

The everyday mechanisms of racial passing

What is religiosity?

The extent of a person's consistent and regular practice of their religious beliefs

What does social identity theory suggest about teamwork?

The most efficient teams are made up of members with a strong shared social identity.

What did Talcott Parsons research from a structural functionalist perspective?

The sick role

Regarding class conflict, Karl Marx argues that

There have been class conflicts throughout all of human history

What do schools, churches, and governments all have in common?

They are all social institutions.

A goal of socialization is

To teach norms, values, and beliefs.

How do sociologists define positive deviance?

actions initially considered deviant, but later deemed appropriate

What is the Uniform Crime Report (UCR)?

an official measure of crime in the United States

A behavior, trait, or belief is considered deviant if it

departs from a norm and results in a negative reaction.

Microsociology is an approach that

examines interactions between individuals and how those interactions reflect larger societal patterns.

Patriarchy can be defined as a society

in which men dominate women

A public goods dilemma occurs when

individuals must give something to a collective resource without necessarily taking anything in return.

Informal norms are different from formal norms, in that

informal norms are implied and unwritten.

Role conflict occurs when an individual has

multiple roles that are in conflict with each other.

What term describes the division of society into groups arranged in a social hierarchy?

social stratification

What does the nature vs. nurture debate help us understand?

the complex interaction between hereditary traits and social learning

Sociologists define the self as

the experience of an individual's personal identity that is distinct from other people.

Socialization is the

the lifelong process by which people learn the norms, values, and beliefs of their culture.

The scientific method involves

the procedure for acquiring and collecting scientific data.

Why are child and elder abuse likely to go unreported?

the victims are relatively powerless

Benefit of telecommuting is that

Businesses get increased productivity and fewer sick days

According to Garrett Hardin, social dilemmas can be solved

By changing the behavior of the people involved

The upper class makes up just 1 percent of the total U.S. population but its total net worth is treated than that of _____ percent of the rest of the population.


Emile Durkheim worried that individuals would feel less connected to groups in an increasingly fragmented modern world, which would lead to

Anomie or normlessness

What is a key difference between anthropology and sociology?

Anthropology largely concentrates on traditional, small or indigenous cultures, whereas sociology is interested in societies at all levels of development.

Polysemy refers to the idea that

Any given text may have multiple meanings.

Taste cultures are

Areas of cultures that share similar aesthetics and standards of taste

Sociologists define ethnicity

As a group with a shared ancestry or shared cultural heritage.

Race is defined by sociologists

As a social category based on real or perceived biological differences

What is the term for the legitimate right to wield power?


Research that focuses on one's own thoughts, feelings, and experiences is known as


Which theory suggests that crimes committed by the upper classes are typically related more leniently than crimes committed by the lower classes because laws represent the interests of those in power?

Conflict theory

________ is the theoretical perspective that would lead you to consider the broader social effects of the division of labor between men and women in the household.

Conflict theory

The principle of the the free press as a voice of the people has been complicated since the U.S Constition was crafted because of

Conglomeration and media concentration.

______ was one of the earliest theories of collective behavior.


The American Medical Association

Creates, maintains, legitimizes, and controls medicine in the United States.

What has most of the sociological literature on deviance traditionally focused on?


What do we call norm violations that are codified into law?


What is the process called by which societies lose their particular uniqueness and start to resemble one another?

Cultural leveling

Robert Merton's typology of deviance outlines the strain that people experience as they attempt to access cultural goals through legitimate, institutionalized means. In which of the following categories would gangsters and con artists be found?


A characteristic of primary groups in that they

Involve a strong sense of belonging

What is a weakness of the sociological approach?

It attempts to grasp things that everyday actors understand implicitly.

What is the danger of too much group cohesion

It can lead to groupthink, in which dissenting opinions are strongly discouraged.

One of the functions of symbolic culture is that

It enables people to communicate

What is one of the basic principles of social stratification?

It is maintained through beliefs that are widely shared in a society.

What is the meaning of propinquity?

It is the tendency to partner with people who live close by.

What is the principal sociological critique of the culture of poverty?

It tends to blame the victims of poverty for their own misfortunes while ignoring the structural causes of inequality.

What makes the just-world hypothesis psychologically appealing to the average person?

Most people have a strong need to believe that the world is orderly, predictable, and fair.

Net neutrality refers to the idea that

No internet-based service or content should be privileged over another

The terms "recreation" and "leisure" are both defined by how they differ from

Paid work

A/An ________ is an epidemic that spans across national borders, across continents, or around the world.


What are systems and structures within society that shape the activities of groups and individuals called?

Social institution

What are the periods in which large-scale social change occurs so rapidly that whole societies are dramatically redefined?

Social revolutions

What is the difference in how sociologists and anthropologists study culture?

Sociologists usually study a society to which they belong.

What makes sociology exceptional among the social sciences?

Sociology encompasses a huge intellectual territory, making it more comprehensive.

According to C. Wright Mills, a small and unified group of people occupy the highest positions of the major economic, political, and military institutions and exercise tremendous influence in American social life. What does he call this group?

The power elite

Beyond just money, the economy is about

The production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services

Arlie Hochschild's study of two-income families found that women were much more likely than men to do the majority of the unpaid labor inside the home, even after a full day's work outside the home. What term do sociologists use to describe this extra labor?

The second shift

According to conflict theory, the nuclear family facilities exploitation

Through a sexual division of labor within the home

Ethnography's main goal is

To understand the meanings people attach to their activities.

______ is the MOST extreme form of authoritarianism


A person who is not prejudiced may still participate in discrimination


Complementary medicine and alternative medicine are not synonymous and cannot be used interchangeably given they are very different types of medicine.


the process of socialization tends to emphasize heteronormativity


Who led campaigns to end child labor and increase workplace safety


What sorts of social mobility often results from losing a job?


How is culture transmitted and internalized?

We learn values and beliefs slowly and incrementally.

"Homogamy" is a term sociologists use to explain the tendency to choose romantic parters based on similarities in background and group membership. Why is this common?

We tend to have more access to people like ourselves

How is Max Weber's idea of social class different from Karl Marx's?

Weber believed that wealth, power, and prestige all affected a person's social class.

A paradigm is

a set of assumptions, theories, and perspectives that make up a way of understanding social reality

Which of the following is an example of resocialization?

a woman learning basic living skills after a car accident

What term applies to a child who leaves home at eighteen but later returns for at least a short period of time

boomerang kid

Which of the following is a an example of a feeling rule?

boys don't cry

How do sociologists observe society?

by studying the various parts of a society and the ways they interact and influence one another

The cultural and economic changes that result from dramatic increases in international trade and exchange are called


What do sociologists ask you to consider regarding health and illness?

how health and illness are shaped by social factors

Regarding stigma, symbolic interactionists are interested in

how people manage their stigmatized identities on an everyday basis

Many sociologists have worried that the modern economy demands both geographic and occupational mobility, which, in turn, means that bureaucratic organizations have become the norm. What sort of groups might become weaker or strained if people have to move frequently throughout their lives for work?

primary groups

Researchers should avoid using double-barreled questions when designing a survey. What are double-barreled questions?

questions that ask about multiple issues

Sociologists who focus on how practical constraints and opportunities can help or hinder a social movement are using

resource mobilization theory

Norms are enforced in everyday settings by


Which social theory focuses on micro-level interactions?

symbolic interactionism

What is an advantage of using interviews as a research method?

they reveal attitudes and beliefs inaccessible by any other means

Sociologists define a minority group as a group

with members who are denied access to power and resources.

The second-wave feminist movement was associated with the issue of

women's equal access to employment and education

Regressive or reactionary social movements are always

working to make sure things stay the same, or even to turn them back to an earlier point in history.

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