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-Black -White

polygamy; polygyny; polyandry


Fill in the blanks

In the United States, about a quarter of the population are either immigrants or the children of immigrants. This historically high percentage of immigrants is due to legal changes beginning in 1965 that promoted family reunification.


In this family arrangement, wealth and power are transmitted from fathers to sons.


In this family arrangement, wealth and power are transmitted from mothers to daughters.

When did the word homosexual first begin to appear as a way to describe someone's identity?

Late nineteenth century

In general, throughout history and across cultures, parents have usually favored having female children over having male children.


Identify the true and false statements about adoptive parents.

True Statement(s) -They are parents to a child or children they did not produce biologically. -They are parents via a legal agreement. -They have rights and obligations enforced by the U.S. government. NOT Their legal ties to their children can be revoked by a biological relative of the child.

cohabitation after marriage

divorced and widowed individuals

Ex: Paying taxes on fam home

fam, market, and state

Ex: setting a fam rule about dinner

family only

Select the bold phrases that represent accurate statement about teen sex.

fewer high school students are having sex at present than in the past. Teen sex seems more oriented toward male desire than toward female desire


the system of having more than one spouse at a time

Du Bois's views on low marriage

"laxity in morals and partly the difficulty of supporting a family"

Not social mobility

-Adam grew up in a working-class family, attended a technical school, and became trained and later employed doing skilled labor.

Marion and Cara are a married couple with two children and a dog. They are both employed full-time in the school district, although Marion earns more as a department head in high school, whereas Cara teaches second grade. Both partners try to divide work equally unlike their parents, who held more traditional husband and wife roles.

- both employed - try to divide work equally

Identify the examples of social mobility. Social Mobility:

-Calvin grew up poor, attended college on a scholarship, and eventually became a surgeon. -Anita grew up in the middle class but dropped out of high school and worked in a string of low-wage jobs. -Patricia earned very little as a waitress in Los Angeles during her early 20s, but she was eventually cast in a film, which led to more roles and high pay.

Place the events related to birth control in chronological order.

- A U.S. law banned shipping birth control materials through the mail. -the term birth control was first coined. - the FDA approved the use of oral contraceptives. - adulthood began to be defined as beginning at the age of 18, which meant that olds now had access to birth control. - The Supreme court has religious protections

Slave fact

-Most enslaved kids lived with both parents

Which of the following are examples of sexual dimorphism?

-On average, men are taller than women. -On average, men are stronger than women. NOT: -ON average, men perform better in math classes than women. -Men typically conform to norms of masculinity whereas women conform to norms of femininity.

Not big data

-website users -US 2010 census

the highest chance of dating a white person (though this group is not white)


the highest chance of dating someone from their own group.


How have parents' reasons for having children changed over time?

Having children is more of an emotional or symbolic asset, not a practical one.

For many people, the goal of modern relationships is to - ulfill both partners. While this can be positive, it also makes relationships more - and at risk of -.

emotionally unstable dissolution

Biology doesn't support the classification of people into



the acquisition of a new culture and language

Baby Boom

30 million war ii babies were born between 1942 and 1950 till mid 1960's

Examples of Familism

-A teenager misses several days of school to look after a sick relative. -A grandfather moves into his daughter's home to help take care of his grandchildren.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about trends in violence.: Since the 1990s the United States has experienced -in the level of criminal violence. Violence within - seems to have followed this trend.

-Steep declines -Families

The poverty line was established in the 1960s to define those in need of government assistance. Identify the problems with the poverty line calculation today. NOT PROBLEM

-The poverty line calculation assumes all families have the same housing needs. -Constant changes to the poverty line metric make it difficult to compare the rate of poverty over time.

Family profile American Indians Graph

-U.S. total -American Indians Alone -American Indian + Other race

Place each racial-ethnic group in order from least to most likely to marry across racial-ethnic lines.

-Whites -Blacks -Hispanics -Asians -American Indians

Feminist theory example

Inequality is inherent in the breadwinner-homemaker model.

Select the bold phrase that represents the strongest reason why religion helps prevent infidelity in marriage, according to research.

John doesn't want to disappoint them.

Fill in the blanks about sex

Differences between men and women are only partly based in biology. The social construction of gender differences also matters; for example, while the idea of men and women as opposite sexes arose in the United States and Europe along with the advent of separate spheres, women in African societies are often expected to do difficult manual work.

Central and South Americans

Disparate forces prompted migration among this group, with some searching for an escape from poverty and others hoping to use their skills in a new country.

Identify whether or not each important value is one that today's parents prioritize as a "survival" value.

Survival -hard work NOT -compassion -autonomy -enjoyment of play

Defining family violence is sometimes ambiguous. Identify each aspect as either usually present between victims and perpetrators or only sometimes present.

Usually Present: -intimacy between victim and perpetrator -a care relationship between victim and perpetrator Sometimes Present: -emotional, verbal, and physical violence are all present -violence that escalates from serious to life-threatening

Identify the ways that the redistribution of care work has impacted how care is given and received.

Way(s): -More people receive care from strangers, who are paid for their labor. -Individuals are not always aware of when and how they contribute to the care of others. Not Way(s): -Family has become more central to the distribution of care work. -Individuals receive poorer quality care.

Several work reforms have been proposed that would ease work-family conflict. Match each advantage or disadvantage to the appropriate work reform.

Work Hours Reduction: -Providing benefits would be costlier for employers. -Workers would have more leisure hours. Work Hours Flexibility -Employees could schedule their work around family obligations. -The line between work and family time could be blurred. Work Hours Reduction: -Workers could afford to take care of family members without losing time at work. -Employers might penalize workers for taking advantage of these programs.

Legal family

a group of individuals related by birth, marriage, or adoption


a group of people believed to share common descent, based on perceived innate physical similarities


a group of people from a given time period who experience an event at the same point in time

Census definition of household

a group of people who share a common dining table


a group of people with a common cultural identification, based on a combination of language, religion, ancestral origin, or traditional practices

Family was historically

a man and his fam


a personal outlook that puts family obligations first, before individual well-being

Matrilineal descent

a system of tracing descent through the mother's side of the family

Among the wealthy, marriage served the function of connecting powerful families, whereas

among the poor, it was about securing labor for survival.

breadwinner-homemaker family

an employed father, a non employed mother, and their children -Common in 1950's

Racial ethnicity

an ethnic group perceived to share physical characteristics

companionship family

an ideal type of family characterized by the mutual affection, equality, and comradeship of its members (1950's)

factors that likely contributed to African American families' strong extended family ties.

-African American families were often poor, requiring shared resources. -African American marital relationships were more fragile than White marriages and ended more frequently in divorce or widowhood.

Latinos have the highest fertility rate of all racial-ethnic groups in the United States. This is due to several factors, including Latinos' high rate of religious commitment to -, lower levels of -, cultural expectations to have children, and immigration.

-Catholicism -Education

NOT examples of the cultural doctrine of separate spheres.

-Everyone pitched in on family farms to help raise crops and care for animals. -Working-class women were often employed in mills or in domestic service.

Symbolic Interactionism

revolves around the ability of humans to see themselves through the eyes of others and to enact social roles based on others' expectations.

cohabitation instead of marriage

same-sex individuals

Identify the major lenses through which social scientists study sexuality. Correct Answer(s)

sexual behavior identity human biology WRONG: ethics of sexual behavior

Identify the changes that have led to an increased role of grandparents in children's lives.

-increasing rates of single parenthood -improved health care -falling birth rates

men, ages 18 to 44, who have ever had a same-sex partner


Identify the examples of the cultural doctrine of separate spheres.

-Middle-class wives primarily took care of the home and children. -Most men left home to work during the day and returned home when the workday ended.

There are various ways of seeing many issues related to divorce. Which statement is a point of agreement among sociologists?

Correct choice: Divorce is vastly more common today than a century ago.

Extended families

Households made up of several generations

Identify the government policies and laws that are likely to contribute to the occurrence of family violence.

Likely to Contribute to Family Violence: -parents or legal guardians are often required to give permission in order for children to access services or programs -parents may choose to homeschool their children, sometimes with little documentation Unlikely to Contribute to Family Violence: -parents can lose custody of their children in family court -parents are required to enroll their children in school

Based on what you read about the children most likely to be victims of domestic abuse, identify each policy as either likely or unlikely to reduce child abuse and neglect.

Likely to reduce violence and neglect: -social welfare programs that give money to poor families -marriage counseling and family support programs that reduce violence between adults in the home -access to mental health services for adults and their children NOT likely to reduce violence and neglect: -housing vouchers that allow poor families to move often

Identify the reasons why women with less education have more children, on average, than women with more education.

REASONS -Schooling delays the start of childbearing. -The opportunity cost of having children is lower for less educated women. NOT -Many educated women don't want to have children. -It is less expensive for less educated women to have children.

Lesbians and straight women are both more likely to experience intimate partner violence than gay and straight men.


Women to men ratio to most likely marry

White 2 groups

the highest chance of dating someone who is White and the lowest chance of dating someone who is Black.


Responses to future family diversity can be classified as conservative, liberal, or critical. Select the bold phrase that represents a critical policy proposal. -A state legislature considers three policy proposals. One policy seeks to limit access to no-fault divorce. A second policy proposal promotes marriage equality for persons of all sexes and genders. The third proposal is for universal basic income to be provided by the government to all persons over age 18.


Match each social problem to the category of people likely to experience it.

adults over age 65: -coercive control adults ages 18 to 24: -violent crime

Acculturation and Assimilation true statements

-Learning the language of the host society is important for both processes. -Acculturation can happen without assimilation, but not vice versa. -Acculturation can happen without acceptance by the host society, but that is not the case for assimilation.

Identify the sibling traits that influence gender socialization within the family. Influential Trait(s)

-the gender composition of siblings -the level of responsibility a child has for taking care of his or her siblings

legal definition of family relationships is enforced nationally such as

federal tax code, immigration rules, social security, and Medicare health insurance program

Family: middle of the twentieth century

high proportion of married couples, low proportion of single parents, and a growing proportion of individuals living on their own

In the modern age, sexuality has become part of the individual identity project

in which sexuality is a free choice that individuals make.

The modern era is defined by the importance of -, which makes -marriage somewhat of a paradox. However, as the textbook explains, this paradox is resolved by portraying love as the result of individual -.

individualism lifelong choice

Parsons said that the breadwinner fam shows the

instrumental role of husband and expressive role of wife

Longitudinal surveys

interview the same people repeatedly over a period of time

Dawn Marie daw used

interviews for struggling black women with similar white views

family arena

is the institutional arena where people practice intimacy, childbearing and socialization, and caring work

Based on the author's assessment of inequality trends, identify the policies that might slow the growth of the superrich. WRONG

lower income taxes

2015 new law allowing same sex



marriage between people of the same social category


marriage between persons of different religions, races, castes, etc.

The personal family is comprised of people to whom we feel related and who we expect to define us as family. The legal family has a

narrower definition and is limited to those related by birth, marriage, or adoption

Match each type of unmarried parent to the appropriate description.

not ready or willing to marry yet and typically poor Correct label: young adults a diverse group, including some living with a partner and others not partnered Correct label: divorced adults single and not typically poor alone Correct label: alone older women


An area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government with control over its internal and foreign affairs.

Identify the examples of gender socialization. NOT EXAMPLES

Andrea explains to her friends that her parents will not allow her to stay out late after she failed a test.

consensus perspective example

Families require leadership. Leadership may be expressive or instrumental.

Match each example of work to the institutional arena with which it is most associated.

Family: - Antoine sings songs to his daughter to get her to fall asleep. Market: - Feeling overworked, Rimsa hired a cleaning service to tidy and clean her house once a week. - Andres drops his son off at day care in the mornings. State: - Carrie was thrilled to learn that her city had expanded free, public pre-kindergarten education, and she enrolled her daughter at once.

Why are fertility rates usually measured for women, and not for men?

Fertility data often has the moms name on birth certificate, not always dad

Authoritarian Authoritative Indulgent Neglectful

-High demand low response -High demand high response -Low demand high response -Low demand low response

Identify each statement as either true of the average wedding in 1939, based on sociologist B.F. Timmons' research, or true of the average wedding in the twenty-first century.

Average Wedding in 1939: -Total cost, in today's dollars, is about $5,500 -Reception costs are significantly less than wedding ceremony costs Average Wedding in the Twenty-first Century: -Reception costs are significantly more than wedding ceremony costs -Total costs, in today's dollars, is about $34,000

the market makes available or not

Day care

Structural functionalism example

Individuals occupy different, but equally important, family roles.


Marriage to only one person at a time

In the early to mid-twentieth century, which of the following federal incentives encouraged young adults to get married? Incentives:

-Federal programs were developed to promote marriage. -Married workers earned relatively high wages.

Types of divorces def

- calculates the number of divorces per 1,000 married couples in a country refined divorce rate Correct label: refined divorce rate - calculates the frequency of divorce to the frequency of new marriages divorce-marriage ratio Correct label: divorce-marriage ratio - calculates the number of divorces per 1,000 people in a country crude divorce rate Correct label: crude divorce rate

Issi is a social worker who interacts with many families. In recent years she has seen more families impacted by parent opioid addiction. She observes "snowplow parents" who dominate their children with physical and verbal abuse. She has also seen families work hard in protecting their children from racism and violence, especially parents of Black children.

- more families impacted by parent opioid addiction. - especially parents of Black children.

A social script is a - of interaction that serves as a - in - situations.

- pattern - model of behavior - familiar

Graph labels with class and percentage

-8.0%: lower -44.5%: working -44.0%: middle -3.5%: upper

the factors that explain the declining number of births per woman through the nineteenth century.

-Couples desired fewer children. -Couples learned new methods of birth control.

Place the following events and situations in chronological order. Divorce

-Divorce was common within the Roman Empire. -The Catholic Church enforced rules against divorce. -England's King Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Church over his wish to divorce and remarry. -Pope Francis announced reforms to make annulments easier to get.

Identify the statements about how Asian groups' immigration pathways to the United States impact their life chances as either true or false. False

-Immigrants who join ethnic enclaves have stronger resources with which to thrive and accumulate wealth more quickly. -Immigrants arriving from countries that have close ties to the United States are able to better navigate the immigration system and succeed in the long run.

Same sex marriage

-Several states considered same sex couple right to marry -US congress passed defense of Marriage act -Supreme Court ruled US v. Windsor for gov to recognize marriage -Supreme court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges couples can marry

persons who express typical views, according to research on social distance and interracial relationships.

-Showing disgust for interracial love -Love is love

The poverty line was established in the 1960s to define those in need of government assistance. Identify the problems with the poverty line calculation today. PROBLEM

-The price of food has risen more slowly than the price of other goods and services. -The calculation of the poverty line does not take government benefits into account. -The calculation of the poverty line does not take geographic area into account.

Egan and Perry (2001) studied patterns in boys' and girls' activities by asking children to describe how well they do various activities. Their responses are represented in the graphs below. Which of the following conclusions can the authors reasonably draw from this study? REASONABLE CONCLUSIONS

-There is considerable overlap between what boys and girls consider themselves good at. -Girls and boys rate themselves as being good at different types of activities. -Some girls like to fish or hunt, but in general this is a more typical preference for boys.

Identify the examples of gender socialization. Example(s)

-Tiffany teases her friend Patrick about wearing pink to school. -Alexandra is reprimanded for being too loud and told to act "like a lady." -Christopher knows that he is expected to have a strong handshake when meeting a job recruiter.

Infertility is typically defined as the - to have a successful - despite having sex without - for - months

-failure -pregnancy -contraception -12

Select the bold phrases that represent examples of sociologist Ann Swidler's four qualities of the romantic ideal.

-fiftieth wedding anniversary -a perfect fit -her family's objections to the match

NOT changes that have led to an increased role of grandparents in children's lives.

-greater migration of individuals and families -higher prevalence of older individuals living alone

Match each evolutionary trait to the reason why it may have attracted mates.

-increased success in competition = a stocky, muscular figure -increased the odds of survival = the ability to run fast -gave the impression of reproductive fitness = wide hips on women

Representative sample examples from least to most effective

-posting survey for friends -asking classmates -standing in school asking people -getting roster to email survey to students

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about sex and gender. When babies are born, they are identified by their - as male or female. As they grow, most children come to - this identification. Regardless of whether they do, once old enough, children will express their - through their -.

-sex -internalize -gender identity -gender expression

Identify the sibling traits that influence gender socialization within the family. NOT Influential Trait(s)

-the size of the age gap between siblings -each sibling's academic ability

men, ages 18 to 44, who have had a same-sex partner in the last 12 months



A particular preference or point of view that is personal, rather than scientific.

Select the couple whose attitude toward cohabitation is most rare.



All three arenas overlap in the welfare system, as poor families decide how to care for their children, with a mix of support from the government and income from their jobs.

During the colonial period, parents typically passed on the family home to their eldest son who often lived at home with the parents in a stem family arrangement

Broadly, however, colonial families usually did not live in extended family households with relatives.

Identify each action as either more likely true of college graduates or non-college graduates.

COLLEGE: -more likely to have two high earners in the marriage -more likely to marry -more likely to stay married NON COLLEGE: -more likely to cohabit with a partner

Ex: Holding a wedding reception

Family and market

Ex: adopting a child:

Family and state

Exchange theory example

Family members have different resources, strengths, and weaknesses that they use to maximize their own gains within the family.

Identify the factors that likely contribute to a doubling in the percentage of adults who do not live with children.

FACTORS -greater educational and occupational attainment for women -delayed marriage and childbearing -having children is more of an option and less of a universal arrangement for American adults NOT increasing religiosity

The fed gov did not

It created rules for religious organizations' role in sanctifying marriages.


Italian American

Select the point in the figure at which the companionship family ideal emerged.


Which statement describes the assumptions that underlie Becker's marketplace theory of marriage?

Marriage is voluntary and there is competition for mates

Puerto Rican

Members of this group enjoyed automatic right of residency in the U.S. mainland.

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence about sexual behavior.

Modern revolutions in medical technology ushered in a new era in which sex for pleasure, rather than strictly for procreation, was an important part of men's and women's sexual behavior.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about how sex within marriage changed over the course of the twentieth century.

Over the past few decades, sexual inhibitions in marriage have decreased, leading to more adventurous sex and higher expectations. These effects are due in part to increased privacy from family members.

Why does the textbook author attribute the rise in women's autonomy to the American Revolution?

The leaders of the American Revolution espoused the virtue of autonomy, which women began to embrace for themselves

Chinese Americans

The split-household family was common and crossed national borders.

Nuclear Family

This family arrangement consists of a monogamous couple and their biological children.

Which statement accurately describes how research has answered the question: Is "dating" over for college students?

With apps such as Tinder, students meet and socialize in similar ways to older forms of dating

Separate spheres

Women were in the private sphere of home and the hearth (made home a safe haven), men were in the public sphere of business, politics and society


the gradual reduction of ethnic distinction between immigrants and the mainstream society

Stem family

the household formed by one grown child remaining in the family home with his or her parents

the market

the institutional arena where labor for pay, economic exchange, and wealth accumulation takes place.

Marriage licenses

the laws and regulations of the state determine who can and cannot get married

Social distance

the level of acceptance that members of one group have toward members of another group

Personal family

the people to whom we feel related and who we expect to define us as members of their family as well


the process by which individuals internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of a given society and learn to function as members of that society


the study of ancestry and fam hist

Demographic perspective

the study of how family behavior and household structures contribute to larger population processes

life course perspective

the study of the family trajectories of individuals and groups as they progress through their lives, in social and historical context

According to conflict theory, inequality creates instability in society

which can lead to positive social change

Churches did not say

who could marry who

cohabitation before marriage

young adults

Intensive parenting is an ideology of affluent families, not working-class families.


The percentage of teens having sex has increased in recent decades.


Place each example in the correct context of gender socialization.

*Cultural Context-At the toy store, the "for girls" aisle is filled with dolls and family-oriented board games while the "for boys" aisle is filled with toy guns and battle games. *Local Context-On the playground at Green Elementary School, the third-grade girls play house near the school while the boys play tag on the lawn. *Family-Shondra's aunt buys her a toy makeup kit for her 5th birthday

The ways that societies organize care work and housework are called the -. In the last half century, there has been a remarkable growth of - in the system of care.

- system of care - market work

Slave family difficulty factors

-Slave marriage and parenthood were not legally recognized by the states. -Slaves could be sold, and therefore separated from their families, without notice. -Most slaves did not have family names by which they could formally recognize lineage.

factors that are important to the debate around undocumented immigrants and their families.

-The flow of undocumented immigrants to the United States has slowed. -Many adult undocumented immigrants have U.S. citizen children.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about forms of intimate partner violence. Researchers have identified three common forms of intimate partner violence. The first is---, which typically occurs during partners' arguments and does not escalate over time. The second,---,is much more dangerous and is usually perpetrated by---. Finally,---is a response to being abused in which the victim lashes out at his or her abuser.

-situational couple violence -coercive controlling violence -men -violent resistance

Identify the factors that are likely to encourage exogamy.

-spending a college semester abroad -living in a racially integrated neighborhood NON -being from a wealthy family -being part of a small, tight-knit community in a rural area

Based on the author's assessment of inequality trends, identify the policies that might slow the growth of the superrich. CORRECT

-stricter regulations against lobbying. -reductions in tax breaks for alternative income sources. -stricter regulations on the finance industry

Identify the ways marriage brings about health benefits.

-through enhanced status -through changes in behavior -through increased cooperation -through additional responsibility


A form of social organization in which males dominate females

What was the Supreme Court's ruling in the 1973 Roe v. Wade case?

A woman's right to abortion is protected as a private decision under the Constitution.


Although some were already living in the United States when their territory was annexed, migrants continue to move to the United States in search of jobs and better lives.

Identify the cases in which abuse of children might be considered ambiguous.

Ambiguous Case: -allowing a 9-year-old to stay home alone -frequently neglecting to bring a child to school Not Ambiguous Case: -not allowing a child to eat for 24 hours as punishment -leaving a toddler alone at home

Identify the arguments raised by Bernadette Powell's defenders regarding family violence.

Argument(s) Raised: -violence can be a controlling force, preventing a victim from leaving a violent situation -the danger of family violence increases when vicims leave without support Not Argument(s) Raised: -victims can obtain support that will curb violence while staying with their abusers -addressing family violence will stop the intergenerational cycle of violence

The Obergefell case concluded that same-sex couples cannot be legally forbidden from marrying because the right to marriage is specifically listed in the U.S. Constitution.


Unlike courtship, dating usually takes place in the market arena, involving personal spending and commercial consumption. Identify the ways commercial consumption changed the dating script in the twentieth century.

Changes: Families had less of a say in whom young people dated and what they did Dating became a public process Not Changes: Dating revolved around getting to know a romantic interest Relationships became more gender equal

Identify each conclusion about the figure as either correct or incorrect.

Conclusion(s) -Infertility is less equal across race/ethnicity than educational attainment. -Women with BA degrees or higher show the lowest rates of infertility. Not Conclusion(s) -Infertility is less equal across educational attainment than race/ethnicity. -Given unequal rates of infertility by education, birth rates must be higher for more highly educated women.

Identify the conclusions that may be drawn from this figure.

Conclusions: Conservatism and religious service attendance are likely to be correlated with each other. Liberals view divorce less negatively than conservatives. As frequency of attending religious services increases, acceptance of divorce decreases. Not Conclusions: Conservatives are less likely to divorce.

Identify whether or not each of the following is an example of a selection effect.

Ex: -People who marry may earn higher wages because higher earners are more attractive mates. -Cohabitors may have a more equal division of labor in the home than married couples because those who value equity may be more likely to cohabit. NOT EX: -People living in rural areas may be more likely to marry because of the heavy cultural norms encouraging marriage in their communities. -Marriage may make men happier than women because men receive more benefits than women from being married.

The United States has become more religiously homogeneous in the past several decades, with more people identifying as either Protestant or Catholic than ever before.


The Victorian moral panic over male masturbation was primarily related to fears that masturbating would make men unable to help produce children.


The general decline in criminal violence in the United States since the 1990s does not include family violence, which seems to have slightly increased.


The independence effect raises the likelihood of divorce because it motivates women to leave their marriages, whether they are fairly happy or unhappy.


The total fertility rate in the United States is currently 1.71, which is the same as the replacement fertility rate.


Philip Cohen looked at the last 10 years of divorce and saw that the number of divorces was declining, especially among young people who had college degrees and married for the first time in their late 20s or later. He predicted that as more of these people marry, the divorce rate would -This prediction turned out to be -

Fall Accurate

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence about adoption.


Which of the following methods have parents used to select the sex of their children in the womb?

Method(s) Used: *selective abortions *in vitro fertilization NOT methods: *having a third child when the first two are the same gender *taking key prenatal vitamins early in a pregnancy


Migration started in response to a political revolution in this group's home country.

Nuclear family

Mother, father and children living as a unit

nuclear family

Mother, father and children living as a unit

Identify the parental changes brought about by intensive mothering.

Parental changes: Mothers spend more time with children. Parenting comes with greater stressors. NOT: Mothers increasingly use child-care workers to buy time for their own leisure. Mothers rebel against norms and choose their own paths.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about parenting.

Parenting involves raising a child, and parents do this by providing three categories of skills or resources. First, parents forge social bonds with their children, providing them with love and support and receiving love in return. Second, parents also socialize their children by modeling behaviors and by instruction. Third, parents build social networks that help them parent and provide resources.

The high school prom has been a site of continuous legal and social conflict for decades. Why are prom scripts so important?

Proms are often seen as a formal step in the process of mate selection that can lead eventually to marriage.

Identify the reasons why sexual behavior is less constrained now than in the past, according to the textbook.

Reason(s): - the advent of modern birth control - young people's living alone before marriage - sex among older adults Not Reason(s):- the spread of pornography - rising rates of divorce - increasing acceptance of homosexuality

Identify the reasons why the government might be the ideal institution for pushing reforms that improve work-family life

Reasons: -Government can incentivize employers to make helpful changes -Gender roles are deeply entrenched in family life Not Reasons: -The government is a fast-moving institution. -Employers are not legally able to implement work-family policies without making legal changes.

International adoptions in the U.S. reached their peak in 2004. Identify the reasons they declined so sharply after that year.

Right -Ethical and legal violations were more closely scrutinized-Adoptions from some nations were halted entirely NOT -Many people reacted against open adoptions. -Fewer children were placed in foster care.

Sample survey

Same questions are asked to many people and their answers are gathered into one large data file

Identify the social factors that lead to some individuals having few or no family members.

Social Factor(s): -immigration policies -incarceration -low fertility Not Social Factor(s): -divorce

A woman recalled, "In 1969 I even started to wear trousers to work (as a social worker). At the time this was certainly frowned on, yet two years later social workers were roaming the inner city in torn jeans, gym shoes, and bra-less T-shirts." What concept does this anecdote exemplify?

Societal expectations placed on gender expression change over time and place

According to the textbook, marriage is both a symbolic and a legal status. Identify whether each example is related to either the symbolic or legal status of marriage.

Symbolic: -feeling esteemed and accepted in one's neighborhood -opening a joint bank account and merging finances Legal: -obtaining employer-provided health care through one's partner

Based on the "Changing Culture" feature, why would the culture of intensive parenting contribute to more people choosing to be childfree?

The culture of intensive parenting ramps up expectations for how much time and resources parents devote to children

Match each category of adoption to the correct description.

These adoptions have a high public profile, partly owing to adoptions by celebrities such as Madonna and Angelina Jolie. Correct label: international adoption These adoptions allow for a child to be adopted at any age, with the average age being six. Correct label: public agencies, including foster care These adoptions most often involve newborns. Correct label: private adoptions


This group embraced polygamy as a common practice.

Analyze this figure. Then identify the accurate and inaccurate conclusions.

True Statement(s): -older men and women are about equally likely to "host" their adult children in their houses -older women are more likely than older men to live in their adult children's households False Statement(s): -older women are more likely than older men to live independently or with spouses, but without their adult children -older men are more likely to live in an institution

the most important factor in the reduction of women's household labor.

Worked to earn her own money

Consensus perspective

a perspective that projects an image of society as the collective expression of shared norms and values

Minority group

a racial or ethnic group that occupies a subordinate status in society

Feminist theory

a theoretical approach that looks at gender inequities in society and the way that gender structures the social world

family wage

a wage paid to male workers sufficient to support a dependent wife and children

Select the bold phrase that illustrates boundary ambiguity. Amy and Ivy married recently. Ivy was previously married and has a daughter named Ella. Ella is Amy's stepdaughter. Amy's mother is unhappy about Amy's marriage to Ivy, but she enjoys being a grandmother to Ella. Ivy wants her ex-husband to come to birthday parties and Christmas dinner, but Amy sees a former spouse as not part of the family.

sees a former spouse as not part of the family.


amount per child a married couple making less than $57,000 a year can expect to spend on childcare for the first 18 years of their child's life Correct label:$160,000 amount per child a higher-income family can expect to pay for additional child-related housing amenities (extra bedrooms, extra bathrooms, a yard) Correct label:$125,000 amount per child a married couple making more than $98,000 a year can expect to spend on childcare for the first 18 years of their child's life Correct label:$370,000

Big data

data collections large enough to require special computing resources, and complex enough to require customized computer applications

Identify the false statements about American Indian families prior to the arrival of European colonists.

-Inequality between the sexes was more prevalent among American Indians than among Europeans at the time. -A strong division separated those who were considered family from unrelated friends and acquaintances.

Family Type of action Organizational Units Individual Roles

-Intimacy, childbearing and socialization, and caring work -Families -Family members

ways in which the federal government increased legal regulation of family life during the industrial era.

-It linked property rights to marital status. -It outlawed "obscene" material in the mail system. -It established and recognized marriage credentials.

In this mobility table, numbers above 1.0 (shown in green) indicate that sons are more likely to be in the occupational category listed above if their fathers are in the category listed on the left; numbers below 1.0 (shown in yellow) mean that the outcome is less likely for sons.Place the labels on the figure to complete the mobility table.

-0.8 -2.0 -1.6

Demographers estimate that about - percent of married or cohabitating couples in the United States experience infertility in a given year. This rate is - as the global infertility rate

-10 -about the same

Label this figure according to the number of hookups reported by different percentages of college students.

-10 or more- 13% -1 to 3-26% -none 38%

The United States has seen rising income inequality for several decades. In 1980 the richest 1 percent of individuals earned---percent of all income; by 2016 that share going to the richest 1 percent had increased to---percent. The bottom 50 percent of all earners now pull in only---percent of all income.

-11 -21 -13

Match each reason for marriage to the appropriate example.

-Julie and Declan considered marrying when Declan lost his job and his health insurance, so he could be covered by Julie's policy. ---- incentives -Laurel and Isaac had been living together for several years, but they started thinking about marriage after attending their friend Margaret's wedding.---- imitation -After Tanisha had been dating Leroy for six months, her mother started asking her when they would be married. --- social pressure

Market: Type of action Organizational Units Individual Roles

-Labor, exchange, and wealth accumulation -Companies -Workers, owners, and consumers

Racial Ethnicity:

-Latino -African American

State: Type of action Organizational Units Individual Roles

-Law, violence, and welfare -Legislatures and agencies -Citizens

Not factors that are important to the debate around undocumented immigrants and their families.

-Lax enforcement has made undocumented immigration more appealing. -Laws regarding undocumented immigration are too vague to implement.

Identify the correct and incorrect conclusions about the figure.

Accurate Conclusion(s) -The birth rate for women under age 30 declined beginning in 2007. -The greatest decline in birth rates has occurred among those under the age of 24. -The birth rate for women over age 30 has been steadily increasing since 2000. Inaccurate Conclusion(s) -In 2011, the birth rate for women under age 30 leveled off after the recession.

Identify the accurate conclusions that may be drawn from this figure.

Accurate Conclusion(s): -Couples who divorce report less life satisfaction in the years leading up to their divorce. Inaccurate Conclusion(s): -Steadily married and divorced couples' life satisfaction levels begin at the same place two years before the point of divorce. -Two years after divorce, single people have the same life satisfaction levels as married couples. -Life satisfaction declines permanently for couples after they divorce.

Identify each contributing factor to declining rates of family violence.

Contributing factors: -women's increased economic independence and ability to divorce -social services devoted to helping abuse victims -a decline in the opportunity to abuse within cohabiting or married relationships NOT: -a steadily growing economy

How is cohabitation related to the likelihood of getting a divorce?

Couples who cohabit before marriage are more likely to divorce, but we can't say whether this is due to cohabitation.

Identify the characteristics that are associated with either endogamy or exogamy.

Endogamy -useful for maintaining distinct cultures and traditions -less extreme today than in ancient times Exogamy -useful for communication and exchange across groups -difficult to engage in across race/ethnicity, religion, and social class

African Americans

Families exhibited relatively greater gender equality than other groups.

Identify gender differences in time use in a typical day, based on this figure

Gender Difference(s): -Women spend more time caring for household members. -Women spend less time watching television. -Men spend more time in paid work. Not Gender Difference(s): -Women spend more time on nonwork activities. -Men spend more time on grooming.

Egan and Perry (2001) studied patterns in boys' and girls' activities by asking children to describe how well they do various activities. Their responses are represented in the graphs below. Which of the following conclusions can the authors reasonably draw from this study? NOT REASONABLE CONCLUSIONS

Girls and boys who like gender-atypical tasks are often teased at school.

Place the following events in the lifetime of people who married in the 1940s and 1950s in chronological order.

Great Depression WWII Baby Boom House

the highest chance of dating a Hispanic


concept of "live and eat separately from others"

has been used to define households

Between 2020 and 2060 the Census Bureau estimates the total U.S. population will increase ------percent, while the number over age 100 will jump more than ------percent.

-22 -500

NOT the circumstances faced by Black families that made them more likely to appear matrifocal—that is, mother-centered—than White families.

-a distrust in marriage as an institution, leading to greater power among women -traditional practices passed down over the generations

the circumstances faced by Black families that made them more likely to appear matrifocal—that is, mother-centered—than White families.

-a lack of job opportunities for Black men -poor health among the Black community

Four major types of perpetrators tend to rape female victims. Place the following list of perpetrators in order, from most to least common.

-acquaintance -intimate partner -stranger -other relative

Religion is an important part of the family experience for many Americans. Families use religious ______ to welcome new members of the family, either through birth or _________. ________ take direction from religious authorities regarding how to run a household, and _______ often have strong religious ties.

-ceremonies -marriage -Parents -end of life rituals

Place the following scenarios in order from those that would produce the weakest to the strongest class identity.

1. A society in which members of different classes live near one another and frequently marry one another. Intergenerational movement between social classes is high. 2. A society in which members of different classes live near one another and occasionally marry one another. Intergenerational movement between social classes is moderate 3. A society in which social classes rarely mix, but members have some opportunities for intergenerational movement between social classes. 4. A society in which members of different social classes rarely come into contact and almost never change social classes.

women, ages 18 to 44, who have ever had a same-sex partner


Select the bars representing the time period in which living in the home with a grandparent was most and least common.

1970 Least 2010 Most

women, ages 18 to 44, who identify as bisexual or homosexual


Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about abortion.

About - percent of pregnancies that do not end in miscarriage are aborted in the United States. The vast majority of these abortions take place in the - trimester of the pregnancy. -18 -first

Identify each statement about intimate partner violence as accurate or inaccurate, according to the textbook

Accurate Statement(s): -less extreme forms of family violence are the most common ones reported by victims -women are twice as likely to experience physical or sexual violence than men Inaccurate Statement(s): -women are more likely to be victims of violent crime, but men are more likely to be victims of certain types of acts, such as being kicked or hurt by a weapon-only three -fourths of violent crimes committed by intimate partners are reported

Identify the scenarios that could cause a "marriage squeeze."

Cause(s) -a sudden fertility rate (that is, the number of children born to each woman) drop among young women -a large influx of young adult male migrants into the country Not Cause(s) -a land war that wiped out a large number of civilians -a preference among young people to marry others of similar educational attainment

Emily is an unhappily married woman in 1975. Emily gets a job and for the first time earns her own income. Match the outcome of her story to the theory about employment and independence as they relate to divorce.

Income Effect: Emily's income stabilizes family finances, and the marriage improves. Independence Effect: Emily now feels empowered and equipped to divorce.

Based on this figure, identify the reasons why family diversity has increased since around 1970.

REASONS -There is greater representation of non-two-parent family structures. -There are far fewer father-only families than mother-only families in all racial-ethnic groups. NOT -Some groups have seen a growth in mother-only households, while others have seen a decline. -The percentage of children living in "other" family structures has grown for all groups.

Socioeconomic ladder

click right

A nationwide census is

count of people every 10 yrs since 1790

The Catholic Church prohibited divorce for centuries while allowing -men to obtain -. This prevented men and women from- a particularly important restriction by the Church. This changed when King Henry VIII - the Church, thus shifting power over divorce to -.

powerful annulments remarrying left the state

True Only of American Indians

-People were primarily considered descendants of their mothers rather than their fathers. -Divorce was relatively common.

Census family

A married couple or a common-law couple, with or without children, or a lone parent with at least one child, living in the same dwelling. -Legal definition


A measure of the relationship between two variables

Archaeological evidence shows that the nuclear family (consisting of a mother, a father, and their offspring) was the norm in the Neolithic period.


Mexican Americans

Family members exhibited a strong sense of obligation toward one another.

Definition of family

Groups of related people bound by connections that are biological, legal, or emotional

Conflict perspective example

Husbands and wives often conflict because husbands are "supervisors" of their wives as "workers" who are unpaid.

Exchange theory example 2

The division of labor at home is a bargaining relationship. Men and women often have unequal bargaining positions.

Contemporary feminism example

Traditional family structures should be critiqued for ways in which they diminish women's lives.

Structural Functionalism (the dominant sociological theory)

a conceptual framework positing that each element of society serves a particular function to keep the entire system in equilibrium

Institutional arena

a social space in which relations between people in common positions are governed by accepted rules of interaction

Conflict perspective

approach emphasizing the role of conflict, competition, and constraint within a society -see conflict as necessary for social evolution.

The label family can signal expectation of

care or commitment

Family: end of the nineteenth century

high proportion of married couples and low proportion of individuals living on their own


marriage outside the tribe, caste, or social group

The U.S. Constitution in 1789 ordered an "actual enumeration" of the population every 10 years, for

purposes of apportioning political representatives among the population

exchange theory

sees individuals or groups with different resources, strengths, and weaknesses entering into mutual relationships to maximize their own gains. In this view, individuals are rational

Structural functionalism sports

sports are fun and engaging

Conflict theory sports

sports distract and overwork people

Family: present day

steady rate of less than 50 percent of households with married couples and an increasing proportion of nonfamily households

Family: end of the twentieth century

steep growth of individuals living alone and moderate growth of single-parent households

time use studies

surveys that collect data on how people spend their time during a sample period, such as a single day or week


the act of entering into marriage while still married to another person

Family wage

the amount necessary for a male earner to provide subsistence for his wife and children without them having to work for pay

Some organ acceptors get into

the donor's family's lives

Modernity theory

the emergence of the individual as an actor in society and how individuality changed personal and institutional relations

Since ___, there has been a sharp ___ in the percentage of young adults living with their parents, and this is partly due to the ___ that young adults face. In other cases, living at home may give young adults the freedom to explore career options, particularly if they are ___

-2006 -Increase -Financial hardship -Middle class

Not examples of familism

-A woman divorces her husband because she feels constrained by family life and ready to make a change. -A teenager is excited to go home and tell his parents about his top grades.

Identify the false statements about the following graph.

-After 1970 the percentage of men ages 25 to 34 who lived with no relatives rose more slowly than the percentage of women ages 25 to 34 who lived with no relatives. -The percentage of men ages 25 to 34 who lived with no relatives increased steadily between 1900 and today.

False statements About black fams and white fams married

-Black men and women are less likely to follow "traditional" gender role norms. -Black men and women report placing less faith in marriage compared to individuals of other races.

True Statement(s) About black fams and white fams married

-Black men have higher rates of job loss and economic insecurity. -Incarceration rates are unequal among the races.

Place the following racial-ethnic groups in order from the lowest to the highest marriage rates.

-Blacks -American Indians -Latino -Whites -Asians

Identify how wearing high heels and foot binding are similar.

-Both practices cause physical harm to women's feet. -Both practices originated as a way to make women attractive to men. -Both practices are directly enforced by women's choices. NOT MENS ENFORCEMENT

The singular ideal is a social vision typically promoted by ___. The singular ideal promotes the idea that the ___, biological, married family is the best family arrangement and that family diversity is ___. This position is supported by both ___communities and ___.

-Conservatives -Intact -Bad -Religious -Functionalists

Not factors that likely contributed to African American families' strong extended family ties.

-Families were geographically distant due to the legacy of slavery. -The federal government required legal marriages among those African Americans who qualified for federal relief.

Those taking a critical stance on family diversity believe that change is a ___ thing and support ___ policies that aim to make family relationships ___ and free individuals from ___.

-Good -Defamilialization -More voluntary -Family dependency

Identify the factors that contribute to high-income families spending more hands-on time with their children. NOT FACTORS

-High-income families are more deliberate about planning to spend time together as a family.

Identify the factors that contribute to high-income families spending more hands-on time with their children. Contributing Factor(s):

-High-income families are more likely to have one parent who spends fewer hours at work. -High-income families are more likely to have two parents in the home. -High-income families tend to have fewer children than low-income families.

Identify the statements about how Asian groups' immigration pathways to the United States impact their life chances as either true or false. True Statement(s)

-Immigrants who are highly educated before arriving in the United States have stronger resources to help themselves and their children. -Immigrants who are forced to migrate to a new country because of economic deprivation or political persecution find it more difficult to succeed in the United States.

Identify the true statements about American Indian families prior to the arrival of European colonists.

-In many tribes, wealth and power were transferred through families from mothers to daughters. -Divorce was more common than among Europeans at the time.

Place the following forms of family life in precolonial and postcolonial America in chronological order.

-Matrilineal families -women had little choice in marriage -Industrialization eroded many political and economic functions of marriage -Courtship gave young people some say in romantic relations

In the early to mid-twentieth century, which of the following federal incentives encouraged young adults to get married? Not Incentives:

-Men earned relatively low wages, while women's wages were rising. -The law of coverture provided security for both partners in a marriage.

True of American Indians and White Europeans

-Monogamous marriage was the cultural norm. -Families were organized with a gender division of labor.

To alleviate the pressures of work-family conflict, some wealthy families employ - to replace unpaid work in the home, while other families may arrange for - to move in with them or may attempt alternating work schedules. These solutions are not always available, however, especially for - mothers.

-Service workers -Family members -Single

Scientific perspective of divorce

-Social Science Perspective Social behaviors such as divorce cannot be isolated in a lab, as in experimental research. Divorce is likely caused by numerous factors, which can be imperfectly defined and measured. -NOT Divorce seems complex, but research shows it to be the result of one or two key causes. Decisions made by individuals, such as divorce, are best understood as personal, private, and complex.

Match each type of intervention to the appropriate scenario.

-Some courts have specially trained staff and use a problem-solving approach for domestic violence cases. *domestic violence court -A judge issues a document that threatens an abuser with harsher punishment if they offend again. *civil protection order -A police officer on the scene of a domestic violence call asks the victim a series of questions that determines risk of violent escalation. *rapid assessment

NOT factors that explain the declining number of births per woman through the nineteenth century.

-The infant mortality rate increased, resulting in fewer children. -Couples married later in life, giving them less time to procreate.

Identify the true statements about the following graph.

-The percentage of women ages 25 to 34 who lived alone stayed fairly constant and low between 1870 and 1970. -The percentages of men and women ages 25 to 34 who lived alone rose sharply after 1970. -The percentage of men ages 25 to 34 who lived alone experienced some volatility between 1870 and 1970, resulting in a U-shaped pattern.

Select the bold phrase that accurately describes birth rates in the United States, following the Great Recession of the late 2000s. - During troubled times such as a recession, people often have more babies because babies bring happiness. In the United States, however, birth rates fell during the Great Recession. Once the economy recovered, birth rates increased, which is fairly predictable.

-birth rates fell during the Great Recession

Identify the factors that have kept the rate of intermarriage low in the United States. Factors

-historic and current negative attitudes toward interracial marriage -school and neighborhood segregation

Click why they would have more babies than Americans: Dorit and Kelii, a married couple, immigrated from Laos in their mid-30s and immediately began to plan to build a family. Although they were poor, they were ambitious and hopeful about their new lives in the United States. Living in an ethnic enclave of other Laotian immigrants, they had many new friends and contacts to help guide them in their new country.

-immigrated -ambitious -ethnic enclave

Identify the factors that have kept the rate of intermarriage low in the United States. Not Factors

-laws against interracial marriage in some places today -the low percentage of non-White Americans

A small but important group of families includes grandchildren living with their grandparents, most often in ________ families in which parents are absent or ___________. Grandparents contribute out of a sense of ________ and the ability to help.

-low-income -need help -obligation

Identify the major lenses through which social scientists study sexuality.

-sexual behavior -identity -human biology Incorrect Answer(s) -ethics of sexual behavior

factors that contributed to increasing economic inequality between husbands and wives during the nineteenth century.

-the arrangement of women working at home and men in the labor force -industrialism

NOT factors that contributed to increasing economic inequality between husbands and wives during the nineteenth century.

-the reduction in the number of children born per woman -the increasing role of government in family life

Select the bold phrases that represent the kinds of scarcity that can make it more difficult for children in single-parent homes to reach the middle and upper classes.

-unable to afford a house in a high-quality school district -don't receive the support they would in a larger and wealthier extended family -pressed for time

Match each description to the corresponding type of divorce rate.

1. Refined Divorce Rate -most useful for estimating divorce within the population of people considered "at risk" -most useful for understanding demographic trends in divorce 2. Divorce-Marriage Ratio -most useful for comparing total divorces with total marriages 3. Crude Divorce Rate -most useful for estimating the number of divorces per person -most useful for understanding long-term trends

What it means to be white in America has evolved over time. Place the following events in chronological order, according to the development of whiteness in the United States

1. The "American" race referred to dependents of Europeans 2. The term white referred to hose of European dependents, except for recent immigrants who lived in ethnic ghettos 3. Economic mobility, intermarriage, and migration resulted in recent European immigrants ebbing seen as white 4. white became a catchall term for Americans who hailed from European ancestry

Annali and her partner Jorge finished having babies early in the 2000s. They have - children, the most common number of children per family in the United States. Annali was born in the 1980s to baby boomer parents. Her parents had -children, which was the most common number of children per family in the United States for their generation. Annali and Jorge are friends with just one female friend who has four children, which by 2018 represented only - percent of women turning 44.

2 4 13%

In the US, it is common for children to have only informal or family-based child care at young ages and to start school around age ____. In contrast, in France and the United Kingdom, children start school at age ___.

5; 3

The census bereu counts

83 million fams and 261 people

Identify each statement as either an accurate or inaccurate conclusion that may be drawn from this figure

Accurate Conclusion(s): -there was a decline in fertility in the 1930s -life expectancies were higher in 1960 than in 1900 Inaccurate Conclusion(s): -the U.S has not yet gone through the demographic transition -the fertility rate is higher today than in 1960

Place the racial-ethnic groups in order from lowest to highest fertility rate.

Asian Americans White Americans American Indians Black Americans Latino Americans

Match each term to its definition.

Annulment: a determination that a marriage was never valid Seperation: the formal or informal end of a marital relationship in which one or both partners move out of the home Marital Dissolution: the end of a marriage Divorce: the legal dissolution of marriage

Identify the arguments Americans made about divorce in the late nineteenth century.

Argument(s) -Many feared that allowing men and women to divorce would degrade the meaning of marriage. -Many viewed remarriage for the spouse who had been "innocent" as acceptable. -Remarriage was viewed as more of a problem than divorce. NOT Evaluations of divorce and remarriage varied widely, depending on religious affiliation.

Identify each circumstance that either increases or decreases the opportunity cost of having a child.

Increases -getting the first job in one's chosen career field after college -getting a promotion at work Decreases -getting fired -getting a low-paying job that does not require a college degree

Identify each intervention as either effective or ineffective in curbing family violence.

Ineffective Intervention(s): -court-ordered treatment -mandatory arrest rules Effective Intervention(s): -domestic violence courts -services for domestic violence victims

Conflict theory example

Inequality is one of the main drivers of history, and inequality within the family contributes to a system of inequality outside the family.

Laborsaving devices, such as washing machines, refrigerators, and vacuum cleaners, changed the nature of women's work in the home, but they did not drastically reduce the hours they spent on housework.

Instead, women began spending more time on other kinds of household tasks. .

A theorist might point to which social fact to support the consensus perspective?

despite strong partisanship citizens in the US generally follow the governance of either of the 2 politic parties

churches played the role held by government authorities today

determining the validity of marriages, presiding over marriage ceremonies, and allocating power and property among family members.

Identify whether or not each scenario is an example of heteronormativity

examples:-When a father talks about sex with his teenaged children, his examples are all from heterosexual individuals and relationships.-Emily is respectful toward everyone but sees families built around heterosexual relationships as more normal than others. not examples:-About 8.4 percent of women identify as bisexual or homosexual.-In the United States, stigma associated with having a baby outside of marriage is lessening over time.

Companionate marriage

marriage built on friendship, romance, companionship, and personal choice rather than social obligation

Some feminist theorists use -, a perspective inspired by Freud, to analyze gender inequality in the home. According to this approach, boys - their mothers while girls - their mothers, setting the stage for establishing - between men and women.

psychoanalytic theory - reject - emulate - wide differences

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