soc chapter 20

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_______ _______ theory is based on the assumption that social protests that take place outside of mainstream political institutions are deeply intertwined with more-conventional political activities that take place inside these institutions

political opportunity

Dynamics of Collective Behavior

can take many forms -crowds, mods, riots, panics, fads, fashion, and public union

changes in the physical environment often produces _, and turn people make dramatic _

changes in the lives of people; changes in the physical environment, over wi=hcihc we have only limited control

the changing composition of the U.S. population has resulted in

children from more-diverse cultural backgrounds entering school, producing a demand for new programs and changes in curricula

political opportunity theory stated that people will chose those options for ____ _____ that are most readily available to them and those options that will produce the most favorable outcome

collective action

mass behavior

collective behavior that takes place when people (who often are geographically separated from one another) respond to the same event in much the same way

acting crowd

collectivities so intensely focused on a specific purpose or object that they may erupt into violent or destructive behavior

in political movements, social activist typically _____, and activist are often

create their own opportunities rather than wait for them to emerge; political entrepreneur in their own right, much like the state and federal legislators and other government officials whom seek to influence on behalf of their social cause

Le Bon's theory of crowds (1841-1931)

people are more likely to engage in antisocial behavior in a crowd because they are anonymous and feel invulnerable

according to the Relative Deprivation Theory

people who are satisfied with their present condition are less likely to seek social change

conventional crowd

people who come together for a scheduled event

prognostic framing

pinpoints possible solutions or remedies, based on the target previously identified

three way in which grievances are framed

-diagnostic framing -prognostic framing -motivational framing

four distinct frame alignment processes occur in social movements

-frame bridging -frame amplification -frame extension -frame transformation

religious movements

-social movements that seek to produce radical change in individuals and are typically based on spiritual or supernatural belief systems -concerned with reforming or renewing people through "inner change".

Smelser's 6 conditions for a successful social movement

-structural conduciveness -structural strain -spread of a generalized belief -precipitating factors -mobilization for action -social control factors

conditions for collective behavior

1.structural factors that increase the chances of people responding in a particular way 2.timing 3.a breakdown in social control mechanisms and a corresponding feeling of normlessness

according to the sociologist ________ _______, frame analyses of social movements have looked almost exclusively at ideas and their formal expression, whereas little attention has been paid to other significant factors, such as movement tactics, mobilizing structures and changing political opportunities that influence the signifying work of movements

Doug McAdam

contagion theory

Focuses on the social-psychological aspects of collective behavior; it attempts to explain how moods, attitudes, and behavior are communicated rapidly and why they are accepted by others.

in the 21 century earthquakes have affected

India, Pakistan , El Salvador, Iran, China, Italy, Haiti, Chile, New Zealand, Japan, Nepal, and the U.S.

as sociologist ___ __ has suggested, the trauma that people experience from disasters may outweigh the actual loss of physical property-- memories of such events can haunt people for many years

Kia Erikson

according to ____, social unrest is transmitted by a process of circular reaction, the interactive communication between persons such as that the discontent of one person is communicated to another, who, in turn, reflects the discontent back to the first person


Sociologist _____ _ ____ investigated a contaminated landfill in the Carver Terrace neighborhood of Texarkana, Texas, and found that residents were able to mobilize for change and win a federal buyout and relocation by symbolical linking their issues to a larger _______ ______ framework

Stella M. Capek; environmental justice

sociologist _____ _ ______ has argued that theories pertaining to twenty-first-century social movements should be oriented toward the structural, macrolevel context in which movement arise

Steven R. Beuchler

according to ______ and ______, emergent norms occur when people define a new situation as highly unusual or see a long-standing situation in a new light

Turner and Killian

____ ___ and _____ _____ analysts have found that those cities that provided opportunities for people's protests to be heard within urban governments were less likely to have extensive protests or riots in their communities because aggrieved people could use more-conventional means to make their claims known

Urban sociologists; social movement

changes in demography, migration, and the political economy in the U.S. (factors that were seemingly external to the civil rights movement) all contribute to what

a belief on the part of African Americans in the late 1960s and early 1970s that could have organize collective action and that their claims regarding the need for racial justice might be more readily heard by government officials


a currently valued style of behavior, thinking, or appearance that is longer lasting and more widespread than a fad


a form of crowd behavior that occurs when a large number of people react to a real or perceived threat with strong emotions and self-destructive behavior

mass hysteria

a form of dispersed collective behavior that occurs when a large number of people react with strong emotions and self-destructive behavior to a real or perceived threat


a framework of systems, such as transportation and utilities, that make it possible to have specific land uses (commercial, residential, and recreational) and a built environment ( buildings, houses, and highways) that support people's daily activities and the nation's economy.


a highly emotional crowd whose members engage in, or are ready to engage in, violence against a specific target- a person, a category of people, or physical property

An increase in the number of single mothers and women employed outside the household has created

a need for more childcare


a number of people who share an interest in a specific idea or issue but who are not in one another's immediate vicinity


a relatively large number of people who are in one another's immediate vicinity

fundamentalist religious groups seeking to convert nonbelievers to their belief system are and example of

a religious movement


a temporary but widely copied activity enthusiastically followed by large numbers of people

acts of civil disobedience many become violent as in a confrontation between protesters and police offices in this cade a protest crowd becomes

an acting crowd

social movement

an organized group that acts consciously to promote or resist change through collective action


an unsubstantiated report on an issue or subject

movements based on terrorism often use tactics such as

bombings, kidnappings, hostage taking, hijackings, and assassinations

trickle down theory (Simmel 1957/1904)

describe the process by which members of the lower classes emulate the fashions descend through the status hierarchy, they are watered down and :vulgarized" so that they are no longer recognizable to members of the upper class who then regard them as unfashionable and in bad taste

according to _________, patriarchy not only results in the domination of women by men but also contributes to a belief that nature is to be possesses and dominated, rather than treated as a partner


emergent norm theory

emphasizes the importance of social norms in shaping crowd behavior

protest cycle

engage in activities intended to achieve specific political goals -sit-ins, matches, boycotts, blockades, strikes

Resourse Mobilization Theory

focuses on the ability of members of a social movement to acquire resources and mobilize people in order to advance their cause

convergence theory

focuses on the shared emotions, goals, and beliefs that many people may bring to crowd behavior

in this context, political opportunity means

government structure, public policy, and political conditions that set the boundaries for change and political action

if hurricane Katrina's first wave was the storm itself, the second was a _________ _____ resulting in part from decisions related to planning and budgetary priorities, allocation of funds for maintaining infrastructure, and the importance of emergency preparedness

human-made disaster

diagnostic framing

identifies a problem and attributes blame or causality to some group or entity so that the social movement has a target for its actions

examples of the new social movements

include ecofeminism and environmental justice movements


information provided by individuals or groups that have a vested interest in furthering their own cause or damaging an opposing one

social constructionist theory

is based on the assumption that a social movement is an interactive, symbolically defined, and negotiated process that involves participants, opponents, and bystanders

the value-added theory (Neil Smelser 1963)

is based on the assumption that certain conditions are necessary for the development of a social movement


is based on the belief that patriarchy is a root cause of environmental problems

frame alignment

is the linking together of interpretive orientations of individuals and social movement organizations so that there is congruence between individuals interests, beliefs, and values and the movements's ideologies, goals, and activities

new social movement theory

looks at a diverse array of collective actions and the manner in which those actions are based on politics, ideology, and culture

an increase in the older population has created need for services such as ____ and placed greater stress on programs such as ____ ____

medical care; social security

revolutionary movements

movements seeking to bring about a total change in society -do not attempt to work within the existing system; rather , they aim to remake the system by replacing existing institutions with new ones

alternative movements

movements that seek limited change in some aspect of people's behavior

Reform Movements

movements that seek to improve society by changing some specific aspect of the social structure

Civil Disobedience

nonviolent action that seeks to change a policy or law by refusing to comply with it

frame amplification

occurs when movements appeal to deeply held values and beliefs in the general population and link those to movement issues so that people's preexisting value commitments serve as a "hook" that can be used to recruit them

frame extension

occurs when movements enlarge the boundaries of an initial frame to incorporate other issues that appear to be of importance to potential participants

sociologists distinguish among movements on the basis

of their goals and the amount of change they seek to produce

advances in communication and transportation have made instantaneous worldwide but have also brought

old belief systems and the status quo into question as never before

as used in the context, ________ refers to "options for collective action, with chances and risks attached to them that depends on factors outside the mobilizing group"


frame analysis (Erving Goffman)

our interpretation of the particulars of events and activities is dependent on the framework of which we perceive them

according to the _________ theorists, the origins of social protests cannot be explained solely by the fact that people possess a variety of grievances or that they have resources available for mobilization

political opportunity

Millenarian religious movements

predict the world will come to an end and assert that an immediate change in behavior is imperative -Hare Krishnas, the unification church, scientology's and the Divine Light Mission

expressive crowd

provide opportunity for expression of some strong emotion (joy, excitement, grief)

motivational framing

provides a vocabulary of motives that compel people to take action

frame transformation

refers to the process whereby the creation and maintenance of new values, beliefs, and meanings induce movement participation by redefining activities and events in such a manner that people believe they must become involved in collective action

population growth will affect many

regions of the country and intensify existing social problems

casual crowd

relatively large gatherings of people who happen to be in the same place at the same time; if they interact at all, it is only briefly

Charles Horton Cooley (1963/1909) viewed _____ as something that spread among a small group of individuals who personally knew the person who was the object of the ______.

rumor, rumor

print media (newspapers and magazines) and electronic media (radio and television), cellular networks, satellite systems, the internet, and social medial aid the rapid movement of ______ around the globe



rumors about the personal lives of individuals

the most frequent types of mass behavior

rumors, gossip, mass hysteria, public opinion, fashion, and fads

although, the government is most frequently the target of social movement activities other organizations such as _____ are also the targets of social activism

schools, corporations or financial institutions

resistance movements

seek to prevent change or to undo change that has already occurred -regressive movements -groups organized to oppose same-sex marriage, abortion, and gun-control legislation

Le Bon (1960-1895)

suggested that a crowd takes on a life of its own that is larger than the beliefs of actions of any one person -emotions such as fear and hate are contagious in crowds because people experience a decline in personal responsibility; they would never do when acting alone

members of reform movements usually work with the existing

system to attempt to change public policy so they it more adequately reflects their own value system

mod violence

tends to dissipate relatively quickly once a target has been injured, killed, or destroyed

_______ also incorporates factors of identity, including race, class, gender, and sexuality, as sources of collective actions and social movement

the New social movement theory

social change

the alteration, modification, or transformation of public policy, culture, or social institutions over time

public opinion

the attitudes and beliefs communicated by ordinary citizens to decision makers

environmental racism

the belief that a disproportionate number of hazardous facilities (including industries such as waste disposal/treatment and chemical plants) are placed in low-income areas populated primarily by people of color

Robert E. Park

the first sociologist to investigate crowd behavior -believed that Le Bon's analysis of collective behavior lacked several important elements -added- the concepts of social inrest and circular reaction to contagion theory

Tabloid newspapers and magazines, television "news" programs, websites, Facebook and Twitter, provide "inside" information on

the lives of celebrities

stages of social movements

the preliminary (or incipiency) stage the coalescence stage the institutionalization (or bureaucratization) stage

frame bridging

the process by which movement organizations reach individuals who already share the same worldview as the organization

Veblen asserted that fashion serves mainly to institutionalize conspicuous consumption among

the wealthy

relative deprivation refers to the discontent that people may feel when

they compare their achievements with those of similarly situated persons and find that they have less than they think they deserve

permissive emergent norms

they give people a shared conviction that they may disregard ordinary rules, such as waiting in line, taking turns, or treating a speaker courteously

major natural disasters including ____ can devastate and entire population

tsunamis/hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and earthquakes

revolutionary movements rage from

utopian groups seeking to establish an ideal society to radical terrorists who use fear tactics to intimidate those with whim they disagree ideologically


violent crowd behavior that is fueled by deep-seated emotions but not directed at one specific target

collective behavior

voluntary, often spontaneous activity that is engaged in by a large number of people and typically violates dominant-group norms and values

however, people enjoy gossiping about people

whom they have never met

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