SOC Lesson 4 Practice Quiz

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Under what circumstances is a father more likely than a mother to be awarded custody of his minor children following a divorce?

when he makes substantially more money than his ex-wife

Under what circumstances are parents more likely to have joint custody of their children after a divorce?

when they are nonwhite

Despite the fact that they've received very little attention, to whom has Hochschild's concept of the "supermom" always been applicable?

working-class mothers

Approximately what percentage of women in the United States will suffer physical violence at the hands of a romantic partner at some point in their adult lives?

33 percent

The sociologist Judith Stacey's Brave New Families explored the ways families adapted to meet the challenges of a postmodern society by creating new and innovative family structures that looked very different from the "traditional" family. Which of the following would you think was the full title of Stacey's book?

Brave New Families: Stories of Domestic Upheaval in Late-Twentieth-Century America

How are children of divorced parents today different from children of divorced parents in the 1970s?

Children of divorced parents today are considerably less likely to divorce than were children whose parents divorced in the 1970s.

What happens to marital satisfaction when children are born?

It goes down

In "Single Fathers Rearing Children," Geoffrey Greif points out that "more fathers are rearing children alone following separation and divorce than ever before." However, what important disclaimer do you think Greif made?

Single fathers are still only about 15 percent of all single parents.

Which of the following is NOT part of the cycle of domestic violence as it typically plays out?

The abusive partner seeks help or goes to counseling.

According to the symbolic interactionists Jay Gubrium and Jim Holstein, what form does the family take in contemporary society?

The family doesn't exist, only families

Why do the authors of your textbook reject definitions of family that depend on particular types of people (like parents) and specific types of ties (like marriage)?

They want the definition to be broad enough to encompass a variety of living arrangements

An individual is most likely to be murdered by:

a family member

How would a sociologist define "family"?

an interdependent social group bound by legal, biological, or emotional ties

How could new technologies like the Internet decrease the importance of propinquity in mate selection, while preserving or even increasing the importance of homogamy?

by bringing people together from all over the world based on very similar interests or backgrounds

What theoretical perspective is most likely to lead you to determine the member of the nuclear family who spends the most time doing housework?

conflict theory

Until recently, South Korea had laws in place banning marriage between people who belonged to the same clan. This means that they practiced:


Polyandry, a kind of polygamy where a woman has multiple husbands, has never been documented.


The care of the elderly is primarily a task entrusted to the family.


Women of all different socioeconomic statuses are equally likely to be abused.


Reading children bedtime stories is an important task in many families. What part of reading the bedtime story is an instrumental task?

getting children into pajamas, tucked into bed, and then to sleep

What would a symbolic interactionist studying the family be most interested in?

the way gift giving within an extended family makes some bonds more important than others

According to conflict theory, how does the nuclear family facilitate exploitation?

through a sexual division of labor within the home

Marriage between people of different racial backgrounds was illegal in the United States for most of the country's history.


Most people who divorce remarry


People tend to choose mates who live in close geographic proximity


The number of Americans aged sixty-five or older is growing twice as fast as the population as a whole.


Though mixed-race unions are now legal, they are still uncommon but increasing in number.


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