Soci quiz 5
According to structural functional theory, which of the following is true about education?
All of the Above
Why is there concern about the performance of American public schools?
All of the above
The religion with the most adherents worldwide is _____.
Sacred things have a sacred quality recognized in all societies.
The nuclear family consists of only the husband and wife.
Who runs American schools?
Local school boards
In the educational system, what is emphasized by teaching rules?
Rules must be obeyed.
To what does credentialism refer?
The practice of requiring degrees for jobs whether or not the degrees actually teach skills necessary to accomplish the jobs
Why do increased educational requirements create a hardship for working-class students?
They must invest in additional years of education without ultimately improving their earning power.
Complementary needs theory of mate selection based on the idea that people marry those who provide the maximum need gratification when needs tend to be complementary rather than similar.
In the United States, the norm of residence is neolocal.
One function of religion is to preserve and solidify the society.
One function of religion is to reinforce social control.
Religion can persuade people to accept inequities and social injustice.
Religion develops out of group experiences.
The family suffers conflict when there is an unequal distribution of scarce resources between husband and wife.
The functions of the family include socialization, reproduction, and sexual regulation.
Why do conflict theorists believe that academic competition is unfair?
Understanding the subject matter is based on the norms and values of the middle class
What do people in the United States believe education will provide?
Upward mobility
According to structural functional theory, which of the following is NOT a latent function of education?
learning mathematics