Social Justice: Unit 3 Test Capital Punishment

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In terms of financial cost, how does a life sentence in prison compare to a case that seeks and carries out the death penalty

On average, the trial for a life sentence in prison costs $2.16 million less than a case that seeks and carries out the death penalty.

What are some other factors that impact whether or not someone receives the death penalty for a very serious crime?

Other factors that impact whether or not someone receives the death penalty include race of the defendant and race of the victim.

In how many states is the death penalty legal?

The death penalty is legal in 31 states.

Is the death penalty a deterrent to violent crime? Explain the research.

The death penalty is not a deterrent to violent crime. Although some supporters of the death penalty say the death penalty makes them feel safer, research shows capital punishment is not a deterrent.

How do American Catholics tend to view the practice of capital punishment? Meaning, do the majority support it being legal or not?

The majority of American Catholics oppose the death penalty. 55% of white Catholics oppose it and 62% of Hispanic Catholics oppose it.

What is the most commonly used method in the U.S. today? Why is this method very controversial today?

The most commonly used method for capital punishment is lethal injection. This method is very controversial because the Danish company that previously shipped the lethal drugs to the United States not longer does so. Therefore, some U.S. states are forced to use untested versions of the drug, which can lead to slower more painful deaths.

What is the likelihood that a person is falsely convicted and sentenced to death?

There is a 4-8% chance that a person in falsely convicted and sentenced to death.

What are some of the "extra costs" of a death penalty case?

"Extra costs" of a death penalty case are legal costs that arise from multiple appeals and trial especially if the state must pay for the public defender.

Name and briefly explain 3 biblical passages that serve as sources for the Church's teaching against the death penalty.

-Cain and able - God was not supportive at all when Cain kills Able after a dispute the brothers had. -Though shall not kill - This is the fifth of the Ten Commandments, and the death penalty clearly violates this commandment, which prohibits murder of any kind. -Love thy enemy - In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus calls us to use creative resistance instead of murder and to love our enemies.

List the major arguments AGASINT the death penalty.

-It violates the dignity and sanctity of life for the offender. - It is retributive justice rather than restorative justice, which focuses on restoring the good harmed by the crime for all parties involved, rather than on revenge. (LJP, 132) -It denies the criminal the opportunity for mercy and repentance as well as forgiveness and reform. -It is vengeful, or violence for violence sake and "an eye for an eye," which is against God's love of ALL humanity. -It exposes flaws in the justice system such as racism and classism, and there is always the chance of executing innocent persons.

Explain the Consistent Life Ethic of the Catholic Church

-The Consistent Life Ethic of the Catholic Church uses the analogy that the Romans could not tear Jesus' garments after his crucifixion. -You cannot tear apart the issues of abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia, poverty, racism, war or other issues that affect human dignity.

List the major arguments FOR the death penalty.

-The offender chose to commit a violent crime, and in that has forfeited his or her own human rights and right to life. The offender committed a crime and so deserves the same level of punishment as the victim; this is known as retributive justice. (LJP, 116) - It is safer for society without this criminal alive, so the death penalty will protect other innocent people. -It will bring solace to the families of the victims. -It will deter other criminals from committing similar crimes. -Some people are just evil and beyond help. - God is just and wants us to create a just society were criminals are punished so others are safe.

Which statistics provides the strongest argument that racial biased exists in the administration of the Death Penalty in America today?

82% of those executed in committed a crime against a white person. There is an over representation of people of color on death row.

According to the research studies, how do the race of the defendant (accused criminal) and the race of the victim affect the likelihood of receiving the death penalty?

According to the research studies if the defendant is a minority and the victim is white, the defendant is much more likely to be executed than if the victim was a minority and the defendant was white. Also, a minority person is more likely to be convicted because if they come from poverty they get a public defender.

Are there any cases in which the Church would allow for the death penalty? How common are these cases?

Cases in which the Church will allow capital punishment are very few; however, in societies without a justice system the Church will allow the death penalty if it is essential to the well being of the community.

What is the Catholic Church's view on the death penalty? What is the main reason they give?

Catholics are opposed to the death penalty because they do not believe capital punishment is a form of restorative justice. Restorative justice is meant to restore the goodness of the criminal and protects the well being of a community. It also prevents the defender from redeeming him/herself.

How does economics affect the likelihood of receiving the death penalty?

Coming from a poor economic background greatly affects the likelihood of receiving the death penalty. Those who cannot afford a lawyer are assigned public defenders that often have little to no experience with a capital trial.

14. What is death row? How long does an inmate typically spend on death row while awaiting execution?

Death row is a section in prisons where people that have been sentenced to death wait out their sentencing to await execution. An inmate typically spends 14.8 years on death row.

What were the trends related to the death penalty in 2015 and 2016? (That is, how may executions took place in 2016? How many people were added to death row in 2016? How did this compare to past years?)

In 2015 28 executions took place and 20 took place in 2016. Also last year only 30 prisoners were added to death row, the lowest number until 1973.

Despite slight difference in the most recent studies, in the U.S., around what percentage of the population supports the death penalty? Why is this interesting?

In the US about 50% of Americans support the death penalty. This is interesting because this is the lowest support has been for the death penalty in 40 years.

Name some of the various forms the death penalty has taken over time.

Public Execution, hanging, lethal injection, or the electric chair are forms the death penalty has taken over time.

Name some of the crimes for which a person might be sentenced to death.

Rape, torture, kidnaping, murder, crimes against the country, and high level drug trafficking are crimes for which a person might be sentenced to death.

Define restorative justice and retributive justice.

Restorative justice seeks to restore the morality and justice of a community previous to a crime. However, retributive seeks to get revenge on the guilty and can follow the "eye for an eye" mentality.

For how long has the death penalty been practiced in human history?

The death penalty has been practices since the 18th century B.C.E. originally known as Roman law.

What is the death penalty, or capital punishment?

The death penalty is a legally authorized sentence of execution as punishment for a serious, planned crime.

Explain the "culture of life" as opposed to the "culture of death," as Pope John Paul II described the terms.

The "culture of life" is where we promote care, concern, and compassion for both the innocent and guilty. On the other hand, the "culture of death" is a society in which possessions and one's own wants take over love and compassion for others.

What does the CCC say about the death penalty?

The CCC says that punishment of the guilty should contribute to their correction and return moral justice and order.

Does the Catholic Church favor restorative justice or retributive justice? Explain why.

The Catholic Church favors restorative justice because it has the same idea as a "Culture of life". Both a "culture of life" and restorative justice seek the well being of the community. The Catechism of the Catholic church also believes justice should contribute to the correction of the guilty, like restorative justice.

What is the relation between the death penalty and the 8th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution?

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled the death penalty is not a violation of the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

Today, is the death penalty legal in New York? In Connecticut? Has it always been this way?

Today the death penalty is illegal in both New York and Connecticut. New York banned the death penalty in 2007 and the death penalty was banned in Connecticut in 2012.

What are some restrictions on the death penalty in the U.S.? (Be sure to name 3 types of people who cannot be sentenced to death according to the law.)

We cannot kill minors (under 18) or execute someone for crimes they committed under the age of 18, the mentally incompetent (who would not be aware of the punishment or legal procedure surrounding them), or inmates who are intellectually disabled (IQ of under 70).

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