Social Psych

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Which of the following comments is most likely to be made in a group characterized by groupthink?

"We have been in agreement on matters in the past and I hope that will continue."

What was the main point made in class about the clip with the fake fairies?

Believers, even smart ones, can be very biased.

Which of the following proverbs is most clearly supported by research on social attraction?

Birds of a feather flock together.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about research on people's intuition?

Both men and women are too overconfident in their intuitions

Based on scientific research, which of the following has the most support?

Companionate love is more likely to endure when both partners feel it to be equitable.

In one experiment from this clip on physical attractiveness, they used ________________ as the dependent variable.

How long a baby stared.

Based on the scientific research (and as discussed in class), what is the best answer to the question as to what you would have done if you had been one of the original "teachers" in the 1960's Milgram obedience experiments with the shock generator?

I don't know.

If your first reaction to something is neutral, continually seeing it would mostly likely lead you to

Like it more

In regards to female "bullying" behavior in middle school, which of the following statements is most accurate?

Many girls who spread rumors and bully are also victims of rumors and bullying

The story of the teacher Erin Gruwell and the Freedom Writers has which implication below, that is consistent with the fundamental attribution error?

Millions of poor, disadvantaged kids have a tremendous amount of potential that is often not reached

One implication of the Ross et al. quiz-show experiment with questioners and contestants is that it suggest that students probably tend to judge their professors to be ___________ then they actually are.

More Intelligent

When she is feeling very angry at her boss, Lucia comes home and spends an hour punching the punching bag she has hung in the basement. Catharsis theory predicts that this will reduce her anger and aggressive feelings. Does research support this notion?

No. The research suggests that Lucia will become even angrier.

A research study finds that teens who didn't get along well with their fathers were more likely to be using drugs. From this study, what logical conclusion should be drawn?

None of the above

In the Langer Xerox study described in class, a researcher attempted to cut in front of people waiting in line to make copies. Which of the following is most accurate about this study?

People given a meaningless reason for cutting were just as likely to let the researcher cut ahead as those given a "real" reason.

In class we discussed reasons why psychologists and pediatricians recommend never spanking children (but disciplining them). As mentioned in class, which reason most relates to self-perception theory?

Spanking is less likely to lead to internalization of the desired behavior.

In a jigsaw classroom,

Students are dependent upon each other to learn all parts of a lesson

The main point of the TED talk by the Nigerian author is most similar with which of these concepts?

The power and problem of overgeneralizing from an anecdote.

Which of the following statements about the biases that penetrate our thinking is most accurate?

We are mostly unaware of them.

Which of the following was demonstrated in the clip where I asked you to count the number of basketball passes that the team in the white jerseys made?

We are surprisingly capable of missing important visual information.

Research on self-esteem motivation suggests that we are most likely to experience envy of

a close friend or sibling.

When looking at the research on self-efficacy, self-esteem, and the self-serving bias, positive thoughts about oneself has been shown to be very important

and having some positive and some negative effects.

A grandmother who is a chain smoker explains to her daughter that she does not have to worry about the effects of her smoking around her grandchildren because the grandmother smoked around both her and her brother and they both turned out fine. This argument is primarily based on

anecdotal evidence.

The main reason I showed the clip of the American Idol contestant was to demonstrate how we

are very biased when it comes to ourselves.

In a famous study mentioned in class, researchers found that nursing home residents improved in alertness, activity, and happiness if they were

asked to make personal choices and given opportunities to influence nursing home policies.

In class we discussed "thinking fast" vs. "thinking slow." Thinking fast refers to

automatic, largely unconscious processes that shape our construal and behavior.

Using Malle's more sophisticated Folk-explanation attribution theory, if someone explained why a woman broke up with her boyfriend by saying "she thought he would never commit" it would be considered a __________ reason and if they explained it by saying "she wanted him to stop drinking" it would be considered a _____________ reason.

belief; desire

Learning about cold reading should make people

believe in psychics less.

When it comes to children and self-esteem and self-regulation, current research suggests

can be influenced by schemas and stereotypes.

While reading a magazine Juan notices an advertisement for tennis shoes. Juan is very interested in reading about the materials the shoes are made out of and logically concludes the tennis shoes would be a good purchase. Juan was likely in which persuasion route?


One of the key reasons discussed in class as to why many drug education programs like D.A.R.E have not been successful is that

children develop a false sense of how many older kids use drugs.



Which of the following types of culture would be the most likely to have a norm of arranged marriages?


Sharon typically watches televised news stations that support her existing political beliefs. She is less inclined to watch the news on other stations, as it may disprove her preconceptions. Sharon's approach illustrates the

confirmation bias.

One of the most interesting things from the clip in class that replicated Asch's classic experiment with the lines was how the student who was older and an artist

conformed the most.

Which of the following is the best describes the field of Social Psychology?

critically thinking about systematic observations as a way of gaining knowledge about how people affect and are affected by other people and by their social and physical environments.

Betty took part in a study where she was told the purpose was to examine perceptual cognitive processes. Once the study was over, however, the researcher explained to her that the study's real purpose was to assess automaticity of stereotypes. This study is an example of research that used _________ in their methods to hide the true nature of the study. And we see that as a result, the researchers fully _________ participants afterwards

deception; debriefed

In an experimental study of the effects of sleep deprivation on memory, memory would be the:

dependent variable.

Fred has recently begun to bully and hurt his younger brother. If this behavior continues, cognitive dissonance and self-perception would predict that it is likely that Fred will:

develop an increasing dislike for his brother.

There is a considerable controversy about the effects of heavy exposure to television programs showing violence. However, most research has shown that repeated viewing of television violence

dulls the viewer's sensitivity to violence.

Researchers use random assignment in an experiment primarily to:

even out among the groups other variables that could affect the results

Sherif's study of conflict in a Boy Scout camp indicated that conflict between two groups of boys could be reduced most effectively by:

exposing the groups to tasks that required their joint cooperation.

A practical lesson of conformity research is that it is easier to stand up against the group if you

get someone else to stand up with you

In a study by McMillen and Austin, participants were induced to feel guilty by denying that they had earlier been tipped off by an accomplice that most of the correct test questions in a study were "b." After the test, the experimenter asked participants if they had any spare time to volunteer. Results showed that

guilty participants volunteered significantly more time than nonguilty participants did.

The presence of others ________ a person's performance on well-learned tasks and ________ a person's performance on poorly-learned tasks.

improves; hinders

Compared with people who went with their first impressions, people asked to analyze the reasons why they liked some posters before they chose one to take home,

later had more regret with their choice.

Research on the self-serving bias suggests that people who show it the most are

less likely to get depressed or anxious, but more likely to make poorer health decisions.

minute and not be very deep-- 212 feet. After drilling over 600 feet and finding only a trickle of water, the dowser will probably

make a situational attribution for the failed attempt.

One of the main points of the Swim & Hyers studies where participants were in a group in which a man made sexist remarks was that

many people behaved differently than they thought they would have.

Mrs. Lee is an 8th grade teacher. According to research into the attractiveness halo effect she will most likely judge Eli, who has attractive physical features, in all but which of the following ways?

more likely to misbehave

The evolutionary process by which nature selects traits that best enable organisms to survive and reproduce in particular environmental niches is called

natural selection.

The research on group polarization suggests that suicide terrorists are often

not very extreme until spending time with like-minded people

What does research regarding multitasking show?

people are worse at multitasking than they think

Hatfield and her coworkers matched University of Minnesota freshmen for a Welcome Week computer dance. When the students were asked to evaluate their dates, what best predicted whether they liked each other?

physical attractiveness

The results of Zimbardo's Stanford prison simulation indicated that

playing the role of prison guard can harden and embitter ordinary people.

Conformity and obedience studies have suggested that social influences are:

powerful enough to lead ordinary people to conform to falsehoods and act cruelly.

During the interview, the main women from the female genital mutilation clip was


Social identity theory finds that people are __________ to form groups ________ in seeing the out-group negatively.

quick; and quick

Tracy enters a car dealership interested in buying a new car. Immediately she is greeted by a salesman offering her water or soda and a cookie. The salesman is likely relying on what social norm to help persuade Tracy to buy a car?


One thing the researchers did in the stairwell littering study described in class was that they:

removed all the trashcans outside the experiment.

In both the Prisoner's Dilemma and the Commons Dilemma, people are tempted to explain their own behavior _______ and others' behavior _______.

situationally; dispositionally

If you think about the anchoring heuristic in regards to thinking about other people, it would have the most effect on

social comparison and the frog-pond effect.

Which of the following best captures the main point from the story about the couple "Tim and Sara" who lived together and had arguments about drinking too much and getting married?

someone (in this case Sara) can end up in a situation that they never would have originally agreed to.

When researchers pit statistical prediction—such as predicting graduate school success using a formula that includes grades and aptitude scores—against interviewers' intuitive prediction,

statistical prediction is usually superior to expert intuition.

Researchers have been ______________ in getting kids to remember events that never happened __________________ in getting adults to remember events that never happened to them.

successful; and successful

In the United States, Canada, and Europe, the correlation between increased individual income and personal happiness is

surprisingly weak

Researchers studying gratitude and forgiveness have found

that even if you do not talk to the person you forgive or a person you have gratitude toward, it still has positive effects on your well-being

The finding that people tend to think more people die from homicides than from diabetes best supports which of the following?

the availability heuristic

After they had first agreed to display a 3-inch "Be a Safe Driver" sign, California home owners were highly likely to permit the installation of a very large and unattractive "Drive Carefully" sign in their front yards. This best illustrates

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon

Professor Smith told one class that elective plastic surgery has been found to increase self-esteem. He informed another class that elective plastic surgery has been found to decrease self-esteem. The fact that neither class was surprised by the information they received best illustrates the power of:

the hindsight bias.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding violence throughout history?

the level of violence in the world has decreased over time, even over the last decades

As noted in the TED talk by Ariely, what powerful force is most clearly behind the notable differences in organ donation rates observed in European countries?

the situation and how the choice is framed.

John Gottman's observation of thousands of couples led him to conclude that healthy marriages are ones where

there is an ability to accept each other's differences and to be nice to each other on a daily basis.

Consistent with the FAE, most people who hear a news story about other people not helping someone in need think that people didn't help because

they are apathetic.

Currently in the United States, most White people say that ________________________ . When tested using the IAT (implicit association test), most White people _________ .

they do not treat people differently based on race; show an unconscious pro-White bias

In a false-beliefs task, children are shown a box of crayons that actually has pencils in it. The box is closed back up and the child is asked what another person who had never seen the box of crayons with pencils in it will think is in it. Children without a fully developed theory of mind are likely to say that the person will ______.

think that pencils are in the crayon box

Research on eyewitness testimony has generally found that an eyewitness is _________ persuasive to the jurors ____________ accurate.

very; but often not

According to the bystander effect,

we are less likely to help others when others are present.

In Duncan's "shove" study the interesting finding was that

when the shover was Black, the shove was construed as aggressive.

Amy really wanted to go to graduate school. She applied to eight places, but did not get in any of them. Research on well-being and happiness suggests that Amy's happiness probably

will be unaffected in the long-run by not getting in.

Dutton and Aron had interviewers approach men crossing bridges in a scenic state park, ask them to complete questionnaires, and give them their phone numbers in case the men wanted to call them. Results showed that participants were most likely to call the interviewer if they had been interviewed by a

woman on a high, wobbly bridge.

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