Social Psych Test 2

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Attitudes are ________.

our evaluations of different aspects of the social world

Which of the following examples BEST illustrates a situation where there is a gap between our attitudes and behavior?

Roz tells her new boyfriend that she is extremely excited to see the new James Bond movie, even though she truly dreads seeing that film.

Being forewarned of the persuasive intent of a message will frequently help people to resist the effects of the message. This is because forewarning ________.

allows us a greater opportunity to create counterarguments

The strongest attitudes for an individual are usually acquired through ________.

ch 5

The central route to persuasion involves ________.

careful consideration of the ideas contained by a message

Cognitive dissonance arises when we notice a discrepancy between our attitudes and our behaviors. One way we can reduce the dissonance is by ________.

ch 5

People may employ two strategies when resisting persuasive attempts. Which of the following accurately lists these two strategies?

ch 5

Small rewards produce greater attitude change than do large rewards when people believe they are personally responsible for the action and ________.

ch 5

One basic form of learning that helps to form our attitudes occurs when a neutral stimulus acquires the ability to cause reactions that were originally caused by another stimulus. This type of learning is known as

classical conditioning

Subliminal conditioning is ________.

classical conditioning that occurs without our awareness of the stimuli that are used

Classical conditioning suggests that people can learn to ________.

dislike stimuli to which they are initially neutral

A campaign manager has advised the candidate he represents to make sure there is a "spontaneous" demonstration of support for him during the candidate's next major speech. Given that the candidate relies on his audience's peripheral processing of his emotion-laden persuasive messages, the demonstration is useful because ________.

distractions can increase the persuasiveness of a speech

Having not met any members of a new social group, you hear a person expressing negative views of that group. Your attitude toward the new group would not be likely influenced by hearing this negative message if ________.

hearing others whom we see as similar to ourselves state negative views about a group can lead us to adopt similar attitudes

In the study involving the effects of caffeine and distraction on the effectiveness of persuasive messages, researchers found that ________ relevant to the arguments about the attitude object ________ in the ________ condition because ________.

in low distraction conditions, those who have consumed caffeine agree more with the message than those who received a caffeine-free placebo.

When heuristic processing is involved, the degree of persuasion ________.

is not increased by strong arguments in the message

Tony disagrees with a certain political commercial. When the commercial comes on, he immediately switches the television channel. This is an example of ________.

selective avoidance

Research suggests that the certainty of an attitude derives from a(n) ________.

attitude clarity and attitude correctness

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