Social Psychology #3

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What are the necessary conditions for positive intergroup contact?

- Equal Status in the Contact Situation - Cooperation and Common/Superordinate Goals - Institutional Support from Authorities - Establish Acquaintance Potential

What is modern racism?

-There is no longer any serious discrimination in the U.S. (e.g., extermination, physical abuse, exclusion, etc.) -We are a 'colorblind' society -Any continuing racial equality is the fault of the minority group ('Blaming the victim') -Demands for preferential treatment or affirmative action for minorities are Unfair and unjustified

What is a stereotype?

A generalized belief about a group of people

How does categorization contribute to bias?

Categorization is the source to bias To reduce bias and conflict, change whether and how people categorize themselves and others.

What are the three components of prejudice?

Cognitive: Stereotypes Affective: Emotions Behavioral: Discrimination

How is collective action important?

Collective action by the disadvantaged and their allies can reduce systemic racism more quickly.

What is recategorization? What is problematic with this approach?

Create New Common Ingroup Identity new superordinate identities may be hard to maintain over time. Creates other "others"

What are the assumptions of the prejudice reduction model?

Focus on emotions and cognitions to reduce majority- group prejudice. Reducing majority-group prejudice will improve intergroup attitudes and interactions. Over time, this will yield changes in social institutions and result in widespread societal change—will reduce systemic racism.

What are metastereotypes?

Generalizations that we hold about the stereotypes that others hold about our group; in essence, stereotypes about others' stereotypes

What are In-groups and Out-groups?

In groups: a social group toward which a member feels respect and loyalty (us) Out groups: a group or category to which people feel they do not belong (them) View in group as heterogeneous, view out group as homogeneous

What is aversive racism? How does it manifest?

Not explicitly racist but you avoid black people which negative evaluations of racial/ethnic minorities are realized by a persistent avoidance of interaction with other racial and ethnic groups. Manifests in Nonconscious and Uncontrollable Behaviors (e.g., avoiding eye contact, large social distance, speech errors, microaggressions)

How can affect and emotion be used to decrease prejudice?

Reducing negative emotions/increasing positive emotions can reduce prejudice (e.g., increase liking, trust, respect, admiration).

How can stereotypes be dispelled?

To reduce bias and conflict, change whether and how people categorize themselves and others.

What are implicit biases?

automatic associations

What are microaggressions?

brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of color

What is prejudice?

preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience

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