Social Psychology Exam #4

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Noah was counting on his roommate George to help him on moving day, but George never showed up, and Noah is plenty annoyed. What might he say to himself to reduce his wish to retaliate or tell George off?

"I bet George is under a lot of stress about exams this week."

Which form of apology is most likely to be accepted and believed?

"I'm really sorry, and I understand what I did wrong; it won't happen again."

John has consumed enough alcohol to make him legally drunk. Under which of the following conditions is he most likely to become aggressive?

A stranger bumps into him in a crowded restaurant.

One reason people join groups is to

Accomplish objectives that are more difficult or impossible to accomplish alone

Research on prosocial behavior finds that religious people:

are more likely to help than other people are if the person in need shares their beliefs, but are not more likely to help strangers

Which of the following is true? a. If we want someone to say yes when we ask for a date, it doesn't really work to have him or her listen to a song with romantic lyrics b. Listening to song lyrics with prosocial lyrics makes people more helpful c. Playing violent video games makes people more helpful d. Playing prosocial video games has no effect on how helpful people will be

b. Listening to song lyrics with prosocial lyrics makes people more helpful

In terms of physical aggression, men are more likely than women to

behave aggressively to defend their honor or status.

The _____________ effect is a social psychology term that refers to the fact that we are less likely to help someone in an emergency situation if there are more people around.


Which of the following is true? a. People are always grateful for offers to help them b. Hearing a lecture about prosocial behavior and bystander intervention isn't likely to change how people behave in a real emergency c. As a result of learning about the social psychology of prosocial behavior, you may be more likely to help someone in need in the future d. If someone doesn't want to help others there isn't much we can do to change that

c. As a result of learning about the social psychology of prosocial behavior, you may be more likely to help someone in need in the future

According to researchers, people who play a lot of violent video games and then witness real violence tend to __________.

exhibit less empathy

Relational aggression refers to

expressing aggression indirectly by manipulating a relationship.

Cassie belongs to a group in which loyalty to the group has higher priority than loyalty to group members' own personal moral beliefs. This is symptomatic of


Which one of the following is not part of the Bystander Intervention Decision Tree?

having an altruistic personality

According to social-cognitive learning theory, which of these factors intervenes between a person's observation of media violence and his or her likelihood of imitating it?

how the observer interprets the violent story

_____________ is when an individual's personal identity becomes completely equivalent to his or her social identity as a member of a certain group.

identity fusion

In the United States, rape occurs most often because of

incapacitation of the victim.

One characteristic that all of the clubs mentioned by students in the video share is:

individual expression

Having sexual intercourse with a woman who is drunk or otherwise incapacitated

is against the law.

Groupthink is more likely to occur in groups that are:

led by an authoritarian leader

Walt, Jesse, Mike, and Gus are business partners trying to decide whether they should invest in a risky new direction for their company. Jesse gets the feeling that his partners are leaning toward the risky option. In order to convince his partners that he is a valued member of the company and a "good" group member, Jesse speaks up in strong, public terms in favor of the risky decision, and he leaves the meeting even more convinced than he was before that they should take the risk. Jesse's personal shift in the risky direction illustrates the _____________ explanation for group polarization.

social comparison

Which of the following is not a way in which evolutionary theory explains prosocial behavior?

social exchange

What is the third step that determines whether someone will get involved and offer assistance in an emergency situation?

taking responsibility

The "weapons effect" refers to the fact that

the mere presence of a gun can provoke an aggressive response

Informational social influence is most likely to occur when

the other people around are experts and the situation is ambiguous.

Social-cognitive learning theory explains why, when people are provoked,

they respond aggressively if they think aggression is justified.

The concept of social facilitation is so named because of the idea that when the presence of others is arousing,

this arousal facilitates a well-learned, dominant response

Groupthink is more likely to occur if a leader:

threatens members of the group

A _____________ leader is one who sets clear, short-term goals and rewards people for meeting them.


Which of the following is not an example of process loss?

transactive memory

When it comes to media content, American society is much more tolerant of _________than of ________

violence; sex

Young children may learn aggressive behavior by

watching cartoons.

Informational social influence occurs

when we believe that other people's reactions can help us arrive at an accurate reading of a situation.

Tiffany is angry at Whitney for forgetting her birthday. To defuse her anger, Tiffany should

write about her feelings privately for 20 minutes a day for a few days to get some perspective.

Punishment increases _____________, which has been shown to interfere with learning.


Professor Swann first became interested in identity as a result of what?

9/11 terrorist attacks

Amy is walking across campus and sees someone on her hands and knees looking for a ring that slipped off of her finger. Under which of the following conditions is Amy least likely to help the person, according to the empathy-altruism hypothesis?

Amy doesn't feel empathy toward the person, but doesn't think she has much to gain by helping, so she decides not to help the person look for the ring.

Which of the following individuals would you expect to be most likely to engage in social loafing?

Andy, a British man

Suppose you want to reduce the chances that your children will act aggressively toward other people. Which of the following strategies is most likely to work?

Be a good role model; do not be verbally or physically abusive.

What is the most significant risk factor for teenage suicide and violence?

Being socially rejected

Which of the following people is least likely to help someone who dropped a folder of papers on her way to class?

Ben, who just played the video game "Tetris"

According to social exchange theory, which of the following people is most likely to give money to a homeless person?

Bill, who wants to impress his date by helping the homeless person

According to Batson's empathy-altruism theory, which of the following people is most likely to give money to a homeless person?

Bill, who wants to impress his date by helping the homeless person and Jade, who feels empathy for the homeless person

What did the Supreme Court recently decide about children and video games?

Children may legally purchase extremely violent video games.

Which of the following statements best captures the relationship between cultural beliefs and conformity?

Compared to many cultures, Americans tend to have relatively negative attitudes towards conformity

One step that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of groupthink is

Creating subgroups that meet on their own first before reconvening and sharing the content of their discussions with the group at large

What does research find about the validity of the catharsis theory?

Disconfirmed: Expressing anger often makes people angrier.

The first step that determines whether someone will get involved and offer assistance in an emergency situation is _____________.

Do they notice what is happening?

Individuals experiencing deindividuation

Exhibit greater conformity to specific group norms

According to frustration-aggression theory,

Frustration increases the likelihood of aggression.

Which of the following statements about gender differences in aggression is true?

Girls are more likely than boys to express aggressive feelings indirectly, as by shunning or slandering a target.

Which of the following is not a reason why being in a good mood tends to increase prosocial behavior?

Good moods make us pay more attention to the possible rewards for helping

Watching violence in the media and behaving aggressively are positively correlated. What does this mean?

Growing up in a violent environment makes children aggressive and more likely to watch violent shows, Aggressive children are more likely to watch violent shows, and Watching violent shows makes children more aggressive.

Which of the following is not an explanation for why the presence of other people can be arousing?

Having other people around makes an individual feel less accountable for his or her own actions.

Jim has been convicted of assault. Which of the following explanations of his behavior would a social psychologist be most interested in studying?

He grew up on a cattle ranch in the Southwest.

From an evolutionary perspective, groups

Help fulfill a basic human need to affiliate and belong with others

With the redistricting of the school system, Coach Taylor's football team for the upcoming season is more diverse than usual, with kids from a wide range of backgrounds, including socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, family status, sexual orientation, and even football experience. Research suggests which of the following conclusions regarding a diverse group such as this?

His team is likely to experience threats to morale and group cohesion, but these challenges will probably lessen as the season goes on.

_______ aggression stems from feelings of anger and is aimed at inflicting pain, whereas ________ aggression serves as a means to some goal other than pain.

Hostile, instrumental

Which of the following is true about prosocial behavior? a. How often people have moved from one place to another influences how helpful they are b. There is no effect of personality on prosocial behavior c. Being in a good mood decreases prosocial behavior d. Being in a bad mood decreases prosocial behavior

How often people have moved from one place to another influences how helpful they are

What does the "think-drink" effect refer to?

If you think alcohol releases your anger, it will.

What is the best way to eliminate bad behavior and illicit good behavior in a child?

Ignore the bad behavior and reward the good behavior.

What does the research on cultures of honor suggest about the relationship between testosterone and aggression?

It shows that culture affects when and why men can be provoked to become aggressive.

According to Dr. Lilienfeld, which of the following is a major problem with physical punishment?

It tells people what not to do, instead of what to do.

Which of the following is the best example of altruistic behavior?

Jawal anonymously donates $100 to a homeless shelter

Which of the following people is most likely to agree to help clean up a park in a large city?

Jiaying, who has lived in that city her entire life

Suppose that Jinyi sends a Tweet asking for someone to help her move a couch into her apartment. Under which of these conditions is one of her followers mostly likely to agree to help?

Jinyi just began tweeting and only has a few followers

It's a busy day at the motor vehicles office and many people are waiting for their turn. As one man gets up to leave, he accidentally drops a folder he was carrying and papers go everywhere. Which person is least likely to help him pick up the papers?

Maggie, who is very religious but doesn't know the man who dropped the papers.

A company is considering offering its employees the opportunity to do community service. Which of the following would you recommend they do, based on research in social psychology?

Make sure that people feel that doing the community service is voluntary

Which person is least likely help a blind person cross the street?

Marco, who is having a normal day and is in a neutral mood

Which of the following statements about rape is true?

Most rapes are committed in the context of an acquaintance or ongoing relationship

Which of the following is the most direct and powerful example of social influence?

Obedience to an order from an authority figure

Which of the following statements regarding Sherif's 1936 study of perceptions of the autokinetic effect is true?

Participants conformed because they believed the other people's responses were accurate.

Research on personality type and leadership indicates that

People of all different personality types can become successful leaders

Which of the following is true? a. People with high scores on tests of altruism are much more likely to help another person than people with low scores b. People with high scores on tests of altruism are not that much more likely to help another person than people with low scores c. If a person has an altruistic personality, then they are quite likely to overcome situational pressures preventing them from helping someone d. The genes for an altruistic personality have been identified by evolutionary psychologists

People with high scores on tests of altruism are NOT that much more likely to help another person than people with low scores

What do experimental studies of media violence tend to find?

Playing violent video games has a stronger effect than watching violent shows.

What has proven to be a more effective punishment than physical punishment?

Positive reinforcement of preferred behaviors

Which of the following men is most likely to act aggressively toward someone who insults him?

Richard, who grew up in Louisiana

In which city are people most likely to help a blind person cross a street?

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Which of the following is not an example of a group?

Seven commuters waiting together silently at a bus stop

Which of the following people would be most admired by his or her peers?

Shamika volunteers at a shelter for homeless families because she really likes working with the kids

Tiffany finally decides she is ready to confront Whitney directly. How should she express her anger (assuming she wants to keep the friendship)?

She should explain why she feels upset and hurt, as calmly as she can, without blame and accusation

Your social psychology professor calls you up to the front of the classroom and asks you to answer a series of course-related questions out loud. Even though you feel the eyes of your classmates on you, you find the questions to be easy. According to the model of _____________, you should perform _____________ on these questions than you would have if you had been asked them in private, without an audience.

Social facilitation; better

True or false? Being threatened with expulsion from a group can actually enforce loyalty.


What is the main problem in interpreting longitudinal studies of the effects of media violence?

Teasing apart whether media violence causes aggression or whether aggressive people are drawn to media violence

Frank has recently graduated from college and moved from New York City back to the small town in Ohio where he grew up. He now finds that he is much more inclined to engage in prosocial behavior. What is the most likely reason for this change?

The change in his immediate surroundings changed his likelihood of helping

Group cohesiveness is particularly important for a group when

The group has formed primarily for social reasons

Which of the following statements best captures the relationship between informational social influence and eyewitness performance in legal proceedings?

The legal system often takes steps to prevent conformity to informational social influence among eyewitnesses.

The more important it is to people to make an accurate decision,

The more likely they are to conform to informational social influence

Conformity always includes

The real or imagined influence of other people

What does research suggest is the most reasonable conclusion about the effects of media violence?

They have an effect but primarily on children already predisposed to aggression.

Which of the following statements is true? Watching violent shows makes most young children likely to imitate them. Viewing television violence has no effect on people's response to others in trouble. Watching violent shows makes some children more likely to imitate them. Playing violent video games has less of an impact on children than watching television or movie violence does.

Watching violent shows makes some children more likely to imitate them.

Evolutionary psychology would have the most trouble explaining which of the following incidents?

When Usha was in a building that caught on fire, she let everyone else exit before her, even though she didn't know them

What is relative deprivation?

When people feel there is an unfair discrepancy between what they have and what they expect to get

Meghan lives in a single room in a college dormitory. Late one night, she hears a scream coming from just outside her dorm. She is pretty sure that the person needs help because the person yelled, "Help me! I think I broke my leg!" Meghan goes back to sleep, only to find out the next day that the person was on the ground for 45 minutes before someone helped. Which of the following best explains why Meghan didn't help?

a diffusion of responsibility

____ is most likely to dive into a pond to save a drowning child, whereas _____ is most likely to do errands for an elderly neighbor every week.

a man; a woman

"Sexual scripts" refer to

a set of rules governing notions of "appropriate" sexual behavior that people acquire in learning gender roles

According to Dr. Dill, if you spend a lot of time with violence, such as playing violent video games, you will become _____________ when you see violence in real life.


From a social-psychological perspective, a problem with evolutionary theories of aggression is that they fail to account for

different rates of aggression across cultures.

After watching his teenage brother beat up a classmate in a fistfight and walk away with the admiration of their friends, a little boy takes a swipe at another boy in the playground. He has acquired this behavior through a process of

observational learning.

Which of the following has proven to stop bad behavior in the short term only?

physical punishment

Luke listened to a lecture in his history class that he found very confusing, but at the end of the class when the professor asked whether there was anything students didn't understand, Luke didn't raise his hand. Because no other hands were raised, Luke assumed that other students had understood the material and that he just didn't pay enough attention. In fact, many students hadn't understood the material and were in the same situation as Luke. This is an example of:

pluralistic ignorance

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