Social Psychology Final

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26. Sherif (1936) asked groups of participants to estimate the distance moved by a point of light. He found that

- As the study progressed, the participants' estimates began to converge with each other

12. Attitude extremity is inversely related to

- Attitude complexity

5. All of the following have been demonstrated in research on physical attractiveness except

- Attractive employees earn approximately the same salaries as unattractive employees

28. You are asked what percentage of psychology majors at your school are female. If you answer this question by thinking of how many female psychology majors come to mind quickly, you are relying on the

- Availability heuristic

32. The finding that moderately positive traits can dilute the impact of extremely positive traits on impressions is most consistent with the

- Averaging model of impression formation

16. After her favorite professional football team wins the Super Bowl, Casey proudly wears the team's jersey for an entire week. Casey is engaging in

- Basking in reflected glory

46. Following group discussion, group decisions tend to _____ the positions of the individuals comprising the group.

- Be more extreme than

50. Sears (1953) showed that children who are physically punished for aggressive behavior

- Become more aggressive, especially outside the home

15. Sid is mildly attracted to Nancy. If his parents forbid him to see Nancy, Sid is likely to

- Become more attracted to Nancy

11. Which of the following is not one of the fundamental principles of social psychology established by Kurt Lewin?

- Behavior should be conceptualized as an interaction of cognition and motivation

31. Which of the following represents an interaction?

- Being complimented on one's appearance leads to an increase in self-esteem when people are in a social setting but a decrease in self-esteem when in an academic setting

31. The tendency to think that most victims of Hurricane Katrina were irresponsible and naïve for not evacuating their homes before the storm hit is most likely to result from which of the following tendencies?

- Belief in a just world

35. Which of the following is not discrimination?

- Believing that baby-faced men are harmless

3. Jacqueline, an attitude researcher, is interested in how people feel about sexual fetishes. Be well-advised to use a

- Bogus pipeline because it is not as susceptible to social desirability effects

27. Relative to experimental studies, the primary disadvantage of correlational studies is that

- Cause and effect cannot be determined with them

15. Christine conducts cross-cultural research and Betty conducts multicultural research. Which of the following is probably true?

- Christine is more likely to sample individuals from many different countries

7. Every time that Sara's best friend sees a male with long hair, she smiles and acts happy. As a result, Sara develops a positive attitude about men with long hair. Sara's attitude was formed through

- Classical conditioning

18. An unpleasant psychological state often aroused when people hold two conflicting cognitions is called

- Cognitive dissonance

17. Hermann and Flora have been married for 40 years. They still have a strong relationship and say they are each other's best friends. The relationship seems to be an example of

- Companionate love

19. A researcher wanted to see if being drunk raises or lowers a person's self-esteem. In one condition, he gives participants three glasses of punch spiked with alcohol and in the other he gives participants three glasses of plain punch. After participants finish their punch, he has them complete the Rosenburg (1965) self-esteem scale. In this study, self-esteem is the ____ and the Rosenburg questionnaire is the ______.

- Conceptual dependent variable; operational dependent variable

25. Everyone in the fast-food restaurant seemed to be leaving their leftovers on the table as opposed to throwing them away on their way out the door, so Jeff left his tray on the table as well. This is best described as an example of

- Conformity

24. Which of the following concerning conformity, compliance, and obedience is true?

- Conformity, compliance, and obedience differ with respect to the degree of social influence exerted on an individual

27. When _____ is low, it is difficult for the perceiver to attribute behavior to either the person or the stimulus; instead, the best that can be said is that the behavior was caused by transient circumstances.

- Consistency

21. Luke would like to know if there is a relationship between the number of psychology courses people take and their level of empathy. He surveys a randomly selected group of college students. Each student indicates the number of psychology courses he or she has taken and then completes an empathy scale. Luke's research is best described as a(n)

- Correlational study

34. The disclosure made to participants after research procedures are completed, in which the researcher explains the purpose of the research, is called

- Debriefing

45. Michigan and Ohio State are rival universities. Students at the two schools only interact when the athletic teams they play for compete against each other. Sherif's Robbers Cave experiment suggests that the students will

- Develop negative views of one another and behave in a hostile manner

22. Asuni hears her neighbor's burglar alarm go off in the middle of the night, but she doesn't call the police because she assumes that one of the other neighbors will do so. Asuni's failure to call the police is the result of

- Diffusion of responsibility

49. Sam, Diane, and Frasier are members of a team competing in a test of general knowledge. Any team member can answer the moderator's questions. The team's task can be described as

- Disjunctive

24. Correspondent inference theory focuses on whether or not a perceiver can make a(n) _____ attribution for a particular behavior, whereas Kelley's theory of causal attribution considers the possibility of a(n) _____ attribution.

- Dispositional; situational

50. Probably the best means of reducing prejudice and discrimination is via

- Education

8. The _____ combines the learning and cognitive approaches to attitude formation.

- Elaboration-likelihood model

14. Jessica and Nick are behavioral researchers. Jessica believes that her sons have been aggressive since birth because she and her husband Nick have inborn aggressive tendencies. Nick, however believes that their sons are aggressive because throughout history it has been adaptive for men to be aggressive so that they can protect their territory and possessions. Nick's beliefs reflect the influence of ______ whereas Jessica's beliefs reflect _____.

- Evolutionary psychology; behavioral genetics

43. On his way back from work, Orin nearly collided head-on with another car. After swerving out of the way at the last minute, Orin could feel his heart racing and his hands shaking. A few minutes later he arrived home and, just as he walked in, received a phone call from a salesperson. Orin then became verbally abusive toward the salesperson. This outcome is most consistent with the concept of

- Excitation transfer

20. Social psychologists tend to prefer which of the following research methods above all others?

- Experimentation

30. The actor-observer effect refers to the tendency to

- Explain other people's actions in dispositional terms while viewing personal behavior as situationally determined

5. Which of the following concerning the use of facial electromyography (EMG) is true

- Facial EMG can detect muscular changes not observable to the naked eye

17. Louie runs a clinic that helps individuals to quit smoking and he would like to use fear to motivate his clients. Which of the following strategies would be most effective?

- First scare clients by showing them gory lung-cancer operations. Then outline the specific steps they could follow to stop smoking

42. Social categorization is advantageous because it

- Frees up cognitive resources

49. Though women are more likely than men to aggress in an intimate relationship, men's aggression in such relationships differs in that it typically

- Has more severe consequences

46. The Jets and the Sharks are two groups of local youths who regularly- and belligerently- compete against each other. The Robbers Cave experiment would suggest that one way of healing the rift between these groups is to

- Have them work together on a goal that requires cooperative efforts

4. People enhance their self-esteem in all of the following ways except

- Heightening self-awareness

27. Persons who have _____ levels of moral reasoning are _____ likely to help those in need.

- High; more

29. LeBron is eating at a restaurant on a first date when his date spills spaghetti all over her lap. Which of the following conclusions would LeBron be most likely to draw if he commits the fundamental attribution error?

- His date is a slob

Renaldo is driving out of a beautiful national park that is having some financial trouble. There is a box for donations by the park exit, and no one around. Which of the following would most likely encourage Renaldo to leave a donation?

- If he observed the person in the car in front of him leave a donation

33. As compared to conformity, compliance occurs

- In response to a direct request

19. Research suggests that self-disclosure reciprocity is more important

- In the early stages of a relationship

Which of the following is true regarding social psychology and clinical psychology?

- Researchers in both fields might conduct studies investigating outcomes such as anxiety or happiness

41. According to Zajonc's Drive Theory, social facilitation

- Results from the physical immediacy of others

24. Carol determines that if she helps her co-worker with a report that it will take time that she was planning on using on her own project. However, she decides to offer her help because she believes her boss will be impressed and perhaps offer a raise. Carol is using the _____approach to helping behavior.

- Rewards and punishment

39. Fred, who is president of his fraternity, wears his Greek letters to class daily because he believes that's what fraternity presidents do. Fred's choice of apparel is most likely due to

- Role expectations

10. Conchita has good relationships with her boyfriend and with her parents. She is also able to form caring and supportive friendships. Conchita probably has a(n)

- Secure attachment style

11. Martha, who is very conservative, regularly reads Conservative Monthly and refuses to listen to read any source that has liberal views. Martha is engaging in

- Selective exposure

28. Which of the following statements regarding Asch's (1951) line similarity study is false?

- The results demonstrated that conformity is only likely in situations where the correct response is ambiguous

12. Which of the following is not an influential factor in today's social psychology?

- The split between "red" and "blue" states in the U.S.

7. Someone who argues that the preference for a physically attractive partner is simply a function of wanting to have healthy offspring probably endorses

- The theories of evolutionary psychology

33. External validity refers to the degree to which

- There can be reasonable confidence that the same results would be obtained for other people in other situations

44. Two people are placed in a room and are provoked to behave aggressively toward one another. Which of the following is most likely to happen if there is a weapon in the room?

- There is a greater likelihood that they will behave aggressively toward one another than if there was no weapon

13. Which of the following is not one of the three assumptions of all theories of attribution?

- They assume we observe a person on more than one occasion

13. All of the following are true of physically attractive individuals except

- They have higher self-esteem

13. Which of the following questions would be of most interest t a social psychologist who studies behavioral genetics?

- To what extent are attitudes inherited?

32. The best solution to the problem of experimenter expectancy effects is

- Use of a double blind experimental design

29. Research on attractiveness and helping indicates that

- We are more likely to help attractive people than unattractive people

14. The belief that physically attractive individuals also possess desirable personality characteristics is called the

- What-is-beautiful-is-good stereotype

6. The belief that physically attractive individuals possess desirable personality characteristics is called the

- What-is-beautiful-is-good stereotype

26. Research suggest that negative moods tend to enhance helping

- When helping is thought to improve a negative mood

11. Physical appearance is extremely important to Adrianna. When she enters a beauty contest, she beats all but one of the other contestants and finishes in second place. However, the one contestant that beats her is her neighbor and best friend, Lisa. Research by Tesser suggests that Adrianna

- Will denigrate Lisa's appearance

4. Which of the following is consistent with the mere exposure effect?

- The more we see someone, the greater the attraction

48. Groupthink emerges when

- The need for agreement takes priority over the desire to obtain correct information

17. Which of the following is not a testable hypothesis?

- Refusing to help someone in need is morally wrong

8. Popular wisdom is often contradictory, as with the following two sayings: 1) "opposites attract," and 2) "birds of a feather flock together." Research on the relationship between similarity and liking suggests that

- #2 is more accurate; people tend to be more attracted to those who are similar to themselves

37. What percentage of the participants in Milgram's study of destructive obedience demonstrated complete obedience to the experimenter?

- 65%

2. Sara plans to use a self-report measure in which people indicate their agreement or disagreement with a list of statements. She is using

- A Likert scale

23. Diffusion of responsibility can be reduced if

- A bystander's training is relevant to the emergency at hand

Social psychology is all of the following except

- A compilation of anecdotal observations and case studies

37. A psychoanalyst believes that her patient's aggressive patterns of behavior are probably due to an unconscious impulse toward self-destruction. The psychoanalyst's thinking is most consistent with the concept of

- A death instinct

20. The bystander effect refers to the tendency for

- A greater number of bystanders to reduce the probability that a victim will receive help

1. Rita has a strong desire to establish and maintain social contacts with others. Rita has

- A high need for affiliation

28. Experiments require all of the following except

- A laboratory environment

37. Vernell is being interviewed for a job. Though it isn't really true, the interviewer suspects that Vernell is incompetent. Because the interviewer doesn't expect much from Vernell, he sits far away from her during the interview, interrupts her frequently, and seems distracted when she speaks. As a result, Vernell becomes nervous, starts to stutter, and loses her train of thought several times. The interviewer's final impression is that Vernell is, as he suspected, incompetent. This impression is most likely the result of

- A self-fulfilling prophecy

39. Samantha thinks that all social psychology professors are intelligent, attractive, and fabulously good dancers. This is an example of

- A stereotype

47. Many researchers maintain that there is a positive relationship between exposure to violent media and real-life aggressive behavior. The claim that exposure to violence actually causes an increase in aggression would be best supported by which of the following?

- A study in which participants who are randomly assigned to play violent video games later administer greater levels of electric shock to a confederate than participants who are assigned to play neutral games

43. All of the following accounts have been proposed to explain social facilitation except

- A tendency for people to feel less accountable in a group context

50. Groups tend to outperform individuals on

- Additive tasks, but not disjunctive tasks

10. One of the people who had the greatest impact on the developing field of social psychology was not a psychologist. Who was this person?

- Adolf Hitler

1. The "ABCs of the self" refer to affect, behavior, and cognition. Which of these three concepts is most relevant to the idea of self-esteem?

- Affect

47. Latasha joined a campus group called "Young Republicans." Which of these outcomes is most consistent with the persuasive-arguments explanation for group polarization?

- After exposure to ideas she has not though of before, Latasha comes to possess even more conservative beliefs

23. Which of the following best exemplifies automatic influence?

- After one student in class yawns, several others soon begin to yawn as well.

49. Dr. Mack reacts slower and less aggressively when treating chest pains in Sam, who is 76, than when he treats the same symptoms in Ray, who is 54. Dr. Mack is demonstrating

- Ageism

42. Stimuli associated with a source of frustration or aggressive behavior in general is the definition of

- Aggression cues

46. Research on the link between media violence and aggression has demonstrated that

- All forms of media violence appear to increase aggressive behavior

39. Lorenz argues that aggression is common in most animal species because it

- All of the above (is functional, helps protect territory, ensures survival of species)

6. Professor Adams records the number of times that determine how they feel about the food service. She is using ____.. measurement.

- An indirect

21. Which of the following has not been offered as an explanation for the bystander effect?

- An individual's level of moral reasoning

20. All of the following are considered "primary" emotions except

- Anxiety

32. Keith is a member of a jury trying to decide whether the accused is guilty of the heinous murder for which she has been charged. All of the members of the jury wish to convict except Keith who believes she is innocent. Keith will have the best chance at having the others seriously consider his position if he

- Appears confident in his view that she is innocent

48. In experiments, male participants who view violent erotic material

- Are more accepting of interpersonal violence against women

15. Because communicator trustworthiness is important, people tend to be readily impressed by speakers who

- Argue against their own interests

31. In a particular situation, Arlene exhibits public conformity, whereas Ron exhibits private conformity. Given this information, which of the following is most likely to be accurate?

- Arlene conformed only when others were present, whereas Ron conformed regardless of whether others were present

24. Carmella finds a correlation of +.47 between self-esteem and academic achievement. Which of the following is the most appropriate interpretation of this correlation?

- As self-esteem decreases, grades decrease

35. Castilla wonders whether environmental factors influence how long juries take to select a foreperson. Mock jurors are brought into a room with either a rectangular table or a round table. Next jurors are asked to select a foreperson before starting deliberation. Castilla records how long is takes each jury to select a foreperson. The shape of the table is the

- Independent variable

29. The conformity seen in Sherif's (1936) study was most likely the result of

- Informational influence

30. Joanie and Chachi have just started to attend church. Joanie pays attention to when the rest of the congregation sits and stands because she wants to be sure to stand and sit at the appropriate times. Chachi stands up and sits down when the rest of the congregation does because if he doesn't the elderly couple across the aisle scowls at him. Joanie has conformed because of _____ whereas Chachi has conformed because of _____.

- Informational influence; normative influence

40. Groups to which the self belongs are called _____, and groups to which the self does not belong are called _____.

- Ingroups; outgroups

38. Both Freud and Lorenz argued that aggression is

- Instinctual behavior

36. Rex belittles Peyton's abilities in interviews with the media and spreads rumors about him in the hope that doing so will disrupt Peyton's fragile psyche and lead him to play poorly in the championship game. Rex's behavior illustrates

- Instrumental aggression

41. Of the following, the frustration-aggression hypothesis would probably be least effective as an explanation for

- Instrumental aggression

35. The defining characteristic of aggression is that the aggressor

- Intends to injure another living being

4. Measuring attitudes by assessing physiological arousal tends to identify the ____ ____ of the attitude

- Intensity; direction

12. Professor Gross uses esoteric terms, makes fun of students' questions and comments, and refuses to explain complicated material. Professor Gross is using the _____ tactic of self-presentation.

- Intimidation

8. Schachter's two-factor theory of emotion proposes that emotional experience

- Is based on physiological arousal and a cognitive label for that arousal

Which of the following questions would a social psychologist be most likely to study?

- Is there a link between playing violent video games and engaging in aggressive behavior?

26. One of the many advantages of correlational research is that

- It allows researchers to study variables that cannot be manipulated in the lab

Which of the following is a central part of the definition of social psychology?

- It assumes that thoughts and behaviors are influenced by other people

17. The "self" is important in social psychology because

- It is formed through social interaction and, in turn, affects our interactions with others

34. Mara needs to borrow James's pen and is pondering how to ask him. She considers three options asking for the pen outright without any reason, telling him that she needs the pen "to write something," or telling him that she needs it "to sing a letter." Which of the following is true?

- James is equally likely to comply with the "letter" plea and the "write something" plea.

31. Jerry, a devout Mets fan, stops to help a stranded motorist wearing a Mets jersey, but passes by the stranded motorist in the Yankees jersey. Which of the following could account for Jerry's behavior?

- Jerry felt more empathy for the Mets fan than the Yankees fan

2. Who of the following is likely to be lonely?

- John, who is an adolescent

33. Karen and Rob are talking to a mutual friend who suddenly breaks down and asks if one of them can stay and talk about an important problem. Who is more likely to help?

- Karen is more likely to help

6. Kira hates her calculus class. As a social psychologist, which of these tactics would you recommend to Kira to help improve her mood during class?

- Kira should force herself to smile throughout the class

14. Bill buys the same brand of laundry detergent that he has seen his mom use for years and doesn't consider any other brand. Bill is using the _____ approach to attitude formation regarding laundry detergent.

- Learning or peripheral

48. Modern racism can be distinguished from what has been termed "old-fashioned" racism in that modern racism is

- Less obvious than "old-fashioned" racism

45. Deindividualization refers to the

- Loss of individuality and reduction of constraints against deviant behavior

26. Everyone you know seems to love the TV show The Apprentice. You're a huge fan of reality TV as well, as you never miss an episode of The Amazing Race, American Idol, or Project Runway. But every time you watch The Apprentice, you have the same reaction: you hate it with a passion. According to Kelley's theory of causal attribution, your dislike of this show would be

- Low in consensus, high in distinctiveness, and high in consistency

10. Alex is a high self-monitor and Derek is a low self-monitor. Derek is more likely than Alex to

- Maintain consistency in behavior

28. Mark refuses to give money to a beggar because he believes the beggar is lazy and refuses to work for a living. Mark is

- Making a dispositional attribution for the beggar's need

16. Which of the following is true regarding gender differences in romantic relaitionships?

- Males fall in love more easily and quicker

13. Which of the following conditions is not specified in Hovland's model of persuasion (or sequence of attitude change) as necessary for attitude change to occur?

- Message recipients must elaborate the message

9. All of the following are considered the basic components of intimate relationships except

- Reproductive compatibility

33. Imagine that you are grading the exams of two students, Michael and Fredo. They both get only half the questions correct. However, Michael gets most of his questions right on the first half of the test, whereas Fredo gets most of his questions right on the last half of the test. According to Asch's work on primary effects in impression formation, you would be likely to conclude that

- Michael is smarter than Fredo

21. Marcia has two boyfriends, Davie and Mickey, both of whom she likes very much. She has decided that dating both of them is making her life too complicated and, after careful deliberation, has decided to stop seeing Davie and continue dating only Mickey. According to cognitive dissonance theory, which of the following should happen next?

- Mickey will seem more attractive than ever, convincing Marcia that she made the right choice

32. The finding that people often help similar others can be explained by the tendency to

- More easily empathize with such individuals

18. Compared to passionate love, companionate love is

- More likely to remain constant over time

18. Behavior that communicates a person's feelings without words is called

- Nonverbal behavior

35. In order to convince people to buy lunch from their restaurant in the food court, employees at a Chinese restaurant gave out free samples of chicken teriyaki to everyone who walked by. The restaurant employees are hoping to take advantage of the

- Norm of reciprocity

9. Which of the following people is credited with conducting the first experiment and publishing the first research article in social psychology?

- Norman Triplett

Social psychological research is a necessary endeavor because our commonsense intuitions

- Often contradict each other

7. Marion is a sprinter on her high school track team. According to social comparison theory, Marion is most likely to look to which of the following groups to assess how fast a sprinter she is?

- Other female high school track athletes

41. The belief that "they're all the same" best epitomizes which of the following concepts?

- Outgroup homogeneity effect

43. Liston believes that psychology professors are absentminded. Given the research on illusory correlations, he is likely to

- Overestimate how often his psychology professor forgets to bring materials to class

16. Which of the following is most influential in the formation of our early attitudes?

- Parents

20. The findings of the classic Festinger and Carlsmith (1959) experiment indicate that

- Participants in the $1 condition experience greater discomfort and agitation when lying about how fun the task was than do participants in the $20 condition.

38. Which of the following would most likely be described as a collective rather than a group?

- Passengers on a plane

21. Which of the following is supported by research on deception?

- People are more accurate at detecting deception if they focus on body movements and voice quality rather than facial expressions

25. According to Kelley's covariation principle

- People infer that something is the cause of a behavior if it is present when the behavior occurs and absent when it does not occur

11. Which of the following has been demonstrated in research?

- People's attachment styles relate to the type of romantic relationships they have

19. While traveling around the world, Sven shows various people pictures of men and women from his hometown who are smiling and frowning, and he asks these people to infer what emotions the individuals in the pictures are experiencing. According to the research on perceptions of primary emotions, Sven should find that

- Perceptions of the emotions are relatively consistent across most cultures

30. In comparison to field experiments, laboratory experiments

- Permit researchers greater control

Astrid has developed a 12-item questionnaire to help her identify individuals who tend to be skeptical of authority figures across different situations. And most likely a _____ psychologist.

- Personality

10. An attitude is stronger and, therefore, more predictive of behavior when it is

- Personally relevant

12. Walster et al. (1966) randomly matched students for a dance. The strongest predictor of couples who continued to see each other was

- Physical attractiveness

23. When decreases in one variable are accompanied by decreases in another variable, the variables are described as

- Positively correlated

36. Positive or negative feelings directed at others strictly because of their membership in a particular social category is called

- Prejudice

38. The ABCs of social psychology are affect, behavior, and cognition. Put the three major concepts of Chapter 5 in the ABC order by considering whether they correspong to affect, behavior, or cognition.

- Prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping

3. One of the most important prerequisites for the development of attraction between two people is

- Proximity

14. Which of the following is not a characteristic of romantic love?

- Raised in a culture that believes in and teaches the concept of romantic love

29. Buster runs an experiment in which she finds that participants placed in a good mood by a happy film clip are more likely to offer help to a fellow participant than participants who see a sad film clip. God suggests that perhaps this difference simply results from the fact that the participants in the happy film clip condition were more helpful people to begin with. What methodological aspect of a successful experiment can Buster point to in order to refute this criticism?

- Random assignment

47. Some border-town residents dislike illegal immigrants because they fear that the immigrants will take jobs away from them. These feelings can best be explained by

- Realistic conflict theory

5. Marcia is unsure about whether Jan is her best friend. She thinks about how many times she has listened to Jan complain about her boyfriend, helped Jan study for difficult exams, and brought soup to Jan when she was sick. Marcia realizes that she speaks to Jan almost every night. After thinking about all this, Marcia concludes that Jan must be her best friend. This conclusion is based on a process described by

- Self-perception theory

15. The type of self-presentational strategy that describes acts motivated to establish one's competence is

- Self-promotion

3. Yulia stands in front of a mirror. She notices a red spot on the forehead of the image she sees in the mirror. She then brings her hand up to her own forehead and touches the red spot, trying to brush it off. Yulia is demonstrating

- Self-recognition

9. LaPierre's (1934) study of attitudes was important in empirically demonstrating that

- Self-reported attitudes are not always predictive of behavior

27. The primary difference between the research of Sherif (1936) and Asch (1951) is that

- Sherif relied on an ambiguous task, whereas Asch used an unambiguous task

44. In explaining the behavior of members of a group that they are prejudiced against, people tend to make

- Situational attributions for positive behaviors, but personal attributions for negative behaviors

22. Colin and Erin are waiting to meet with their caterer so that they can discuss the menu for their wedding. The caterer is 30 minutes late and still hasn't arrived. Colin suggests that the caterer is probably delayed because of traffic. Erin suggests that the caterer is probably disorganized and unreliable. Colin is making a(n) _____ attribution, whereas Erin is making a(n) _____ attribution.

- Situational; dispositional

40. Vladimir, a basketball novice, makes about 60 percent of his free throws when practicing alone. However, when playing with his friends, he only makes about 30 percent of his free throws. This decrease is most likely the result of

- Social facilitation

22. The ways in which people are affected by the real or imagined presence of others is called

- Social influence

45. Mary was routinely hit by her mother when she was a child and now she routinely hits her own children. This is most consistent with the _____ theory of aggression.

- Social learning

44. Mr. Belding notices that his students seem to put more effort into their individual assignments than into their group projects. This is most likely the result of

- Social loafing

16. Which of the following concerning research questions in social psychology is false?

- Social psychologists can only develop testable research questions by reading about prior research in the field

Which of the following branches of psychology is most interested in "the power of the situation"?

- Social psychology

To examine the relationship between economic conditions and violence, Gunter compares the murder rates for counties with different median incomes. Gunter's research best characterizes what field of study?

- Sociology

18. All of the following are goals of basic research except

- Solving practical or real-world problems

9. Carlos is nervous about giving a class presentation because he doesn't think he can communicate very well with everyone watching him. If Carlos attempts to deal with his anxiety by self-handicapping, he will most likely

- Stay out all night partying the night before the presentation

2. The term self-concept refers to the

- Sum total of a person's beliefs concerning his or her own personal characteristics

34. One reason that people often react negatively to receiving help is

- That it obligates them to the helper

40. Kuo's 1939 study of domestic cats demonstrated

- That while aggression may be partly biological, learning is also involved.

23. George is leaving his job at Vandalay industries, a latex manufacturer. According to correspondent inference theory, in which of the following scenarios would you learn the most about George?

- The company is expanding as a result of record-breaking profits, and compensation for employees in the sales department where George worked has increased 30% this year.

1. The affective component of attitudes is

- The emotional feeling, positive or negative, that a person has regarding an attitude object

42. Cottrell et al. (1968) found that dominant responses were no more frequent among people working in the presence of blindfolded others than among people working alone. This finding is consistent with which theory of social facilitation?

- The evaluation apprehension theory

36. As he was about to enter the mall, Evan was approached by someone and asked to wear a small green ribbon on his shirt to show his support for the "Save the Squirrels" campaign. Evan wasn't quite sure that squirrels were actually endangered, but he agreed to wear the ribbon. A week later, Evan was approached again and asked to contribute $10 to help save the squirrels. Though he would rather spend his money somewhere else, Evan agreed. Evan has been the victim of

- The foot-in-the-door technique

22. The stronger the relationship between two variables

- The further from zero the correlation coefficient will be

25. While outside enjoying the sunshine, Claudia happily gives directions to a lost tourist. Claudia's willingness to help a stranger is most likely due to

- The good mood effect

19. Which of the following does not affect the magnitude of cognitive dissonance?

- The irrelevance of cognitions

34. One explanation for the primacy effect is that

- The meaning of information obtained later is often altered to fit with earlier impressions

25. Which of the following is an example of a negative correlation?

- The more alcohol you consume, the lower your GPA tends to be

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