Social Stratification

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Blue-collar work is characterized by all but which of the following? hourly wage B.salaried work that require a high school education or less D.manual work

B. salaried work

Poorhouse occupants were most often A.those who were desperately poor B.those who were the undeserving poor C.those who were the deserving poor D.children

B. those who were the undeserving poor

With a global economy there has been increase in social inequality B.a decrease in social inequality C.less downsizing and outsourcing by corporations D.greater economic stability among poorer nations E.a decrease in profits for large corporations

A. An increase in social inequality

Children generally benefit best by this style of parenting a. authoritative b. authoritarian c. permissive d. sink or swim

A. Authoritative

Before banking became prominent in the nineteenth century, affluent people had a lot of all but which of the following? B.jewels C.livestock D.slaves

A. Cash

An American ideology that supports U.S. society's social stratification system and distribution of wealth includes all but one of the following? achievement B.individual achievement C.equal opportunity D.hard work

A. Group achievement

Asian women have been stereotyped in the media as all except for which of the following? A.Jezebels B.lotus blossoms C.China dolls D.dragon ladies

A. Jezebels

Class is found in which of the four types of subjects for sociological study? A.macro-subjective B.micro-subjective C.macro-objective D.micro-objective

A. Macro-subjective

According to Domhoff and Dye, the power elite are those who A.are upper-class* B.have some education at state universities C.belong to neighborhood golf clubs for businesses in mid-level positions E.all of the above

A. are upper-class

Most early Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) programs A.excluded minority women B.excluded deserted, divorced, and separated mothers C.were not biased in favor of traditional family structures and ideas of morality D.aided mothers with illegitimate children

A. excluded minority women

A sociological theory A.explains social life and observations that help to explain social life B.shows that social life is socially constructed C.changes frequently something everyone has the ability to develop on their own

A. explains social life and observations that help to explain social life

Upper-middle-class workers A.have work that is salaried or based on consulting fees B.have yearly incomes that average $75,000 C.have jobs that require an associate's degree D.earn their money from money producing assets E.have jobs in which they are highly monitored by supervisors

A. have work that is salaried or based on Consulting fees

The combined impact of women's gender, race, class, age, and sexual preference are called A.intersectionality B.interfactionality C.interspersed variables D.intertwined factoring

A. intersectionality

An apprentice is one who A.learns from his or her employer skills required in that trade B.agrees to work for higher than normal wages for an unspecified length of time not promoted in the company due to downsizing and poor worker performance

A. learns from his or her employer skills required in that trade

An example of the benefit of the ecology of class is in an area with better schools in an urban neighborhood C.macro-economics innate ability to understand how thermostats work

A. living in an area with better schools

A century ago, debates about women included whether or not they A.should go to college B.should have children C.should marry D.should engage in childrearing

A. should go to college

Educators and students show their disapproval for the pedagogy of poverty when A.teachers assign homework that is challenging B.educators are more concerned about controlling children's behavior in the classroom than what the students learn C.teachers and administrators have low-expectations of students D.students respond angrily or apathetically to changes in the curriculum that require they engage in more rigorous coursework

A. teachers assign homework that is challenging

Income is one factor used in determining whether or not a job is middle class, and the other is A.the nature of the work B.whether or not one is a supervisor C.the location of the job D.whether there is upward mobility

A. the nature of the work

Black women's lack of employment related social capital is characterized by A.the need to take low-paying service positions B.the increasing availability of clerical work C.the increase in manufacturing jobs increase in their completion of job training programs

A. the need to take low-paying service positions

G. William Domhoff theorized that the wealthy have a commitment to maintaining A.the prevailing rules and laws B.growth and fairness in business and government C.negative images of the poor in the media D.unequal positions of women in society

A. the prevailing rules and laws

The Bogardus social distance scale shows A.there is a difference in people's willingness to engage in close relationships with members of various racial and ethnic groups B.that some racial and ethnic groups weigh more than others C.that minority groups and majority groups tend to live in the same neighborhoods D.that the majority group does not want to touch minority groups

A. there is a difference in people's willingness to engage in close relationships with members of various racial and ethnic groups

Working-class networks build social capital through the use of, skills, and money B.skills, loaning of transportation, and assistance with chores, loaning of transportation, and babysitting, hardware, machinery

A. tools, skills, and money

Slave codes A.were used to maintain strict rules of behavior by slaves B.were a system of communication used by slaves C.were used to keep slaves from having children D.were used by slave owners to communicate with non-English speaking slaves

A. were used to maintain strict rules of behavior by slaves

Lifestyle refers to all but which of the following? A. innate athletic ability B. childrearing practices C. language usage D. social relations E. consumption patterns

A.innate athletic ability

"Eating clubs" at prestigious colleges and universities A.opportunities to make valued contacts B.opportunities to learn important culinary skills C.opportunities for students to engage in eating competitions among their peers D.opportunities for students to provide catering services for their peers

A.opportunities to make valued contacts

Females in a male-female dating situation are likely to less vulnerable than males B.engage in feminine body language such as smiling pleasantly and nodding C.feel more pressure to present themselves as powerful D.less likely to allow the male to dominate the conversation topics

B. engage in feminine body language such as smiling pleasantly and nodding

A "robber baron" was someone who engaged in A.robbed trains B.engaged in ruthless business practices C.stole from the rich and gave to the poor D.robbed banks

B. engaged ruthless business practices

Doob explains that higher-class members of society, whites, and males have had greater opportunities than a. racial and ethnic minorities b. women c. the elderly d. lower class people e. all of the above

All the above: racial and ethnic minorities; women; the elderly; lower class people

The four key areas of world systems include all but which of the following? A.expansion in economic domains B.growth of private educational institutions C.formation of an ideology supporting free trade D.growth of the military E.demise of the hegemonic power and restructuring of the system

B. growth of private educational institutions

Putting professional management in charge of corporations instead of family members important when family members don't get along B.helps when it comes to modern technological changes and complex planning necessary when there are no heirs to the family fortune important when management sees philanthropy as a new way to run the businesses

B. helps when it comes to modern technological changes and complex planning

Media conglomerates A.have bans against interlocking directorates B.impact what we read and what we watch C.have unlimited numbers of television and radio stations they can purchase D.are large in number and wealthy

B. impact what we read and what we watch

Public schools in the U.S. are funded by A.the federal government B.local wealth C.state wealth D.parents

B. local wealth

***Data from 1948-2007 for the four major racial groups shows that their general pattern of earnings in order of highest to lowest to be

Asians, Whites, Blacks, Hispanics

When speaking of race, a majority group is one that always larger than all other groups in society B.maintains more power , wealth, and other valued resources than other groups C.shares the same physical or cultural characteristics as other groups more intelligent than other groups

B. maintains more power , wealth, and other valued resources than other groups

Television commercials have shown A.women in less stereotypical roles than television shows in positions of control and women in passive roles C.women doing voice-overs in commercials 96% of the time D.women doing voice-overs in commercials 50% of the time, about the same as men

B. men in positions of control and women in passive roles

Income inequality has widened across time between A.core and central nations B.peripheral and core nations C.central and semi-peripheral nations D.semi-peripheral and peripheral nations E.core and semi-peripheral nations

B. peripheral and core nations

***The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 ended

Assistance to Families with Dependent Children

After priority for family members and those in preferred incomes, the annual maximum number of immigrants entering the U.S. per country is set at A.1,800 B.28,000 C.128,000 D.1.8 million

B. 28,000

World system analysts divide countries into three types, which include all but which of the following? A.core nations nations C.peripheral nations D.semi-peripheral nations

B. Center Nations

Social stratification is A.the natural order of society B.differences in access to rewards, resources, and privileges C.variation in access to employment D.differences in where one chooses to go to school and work

B. Differences in access to rewards, resources, and privileges

Liberal capitalism is A.a system in which economic production features private ownership in pursuit of profit B.a combination of a democratic political system and a capitalist economy C.supports free trade but restricts economic competition ineffective system for producing prosperity and economic growth

B. a combination of a democratic political system and a capitalist economy

The Irish potato famine is a good example of A.structural disruption B.agricultural disruption level collusion open market

B. agricultural disruption

According to Doob, a supplier factory for Reebok in India punished workers who made mistakes on the job by a.firing them b. confining them in the hot sun c.forcing them to pay double the normal union dues d. not paying them for the week e. forcing them to stay overtime

B. confining them in the hot sun

The tendency for people to describe themselves as middle-class shows that A.most people just assume they are middle class B.consumerism reflects and media promotes the buying patterns for this group C.there is a tendency for people to lie about their social class D.there are more jobs available for them if they consider themselves middle-class

B. consumerism reflects and media promotes the buying patterns for this group

High-stakes testing has been A.praised for holding all students to the same mainstream standards regardless of social class B.criticized for holding all students to the same mainstream standards regardless of social class C.praised by teachers because the test preparation allows them to focus on the students' test taking skills D.criticized by wealthier schools that are less likely to afford the books, supplies, and practice exams needed for tests that poor schools receive for free through local taxes

B. criticized for holding all students to the same mainstream standards regardless of social class

Among the problems facing poor African American women looking for jobs is A.competition with their spouses for the same jobs B.deficient schooling C.that they are overly qualified for the available jobs D.lack of English as a second language skills

B. deficient schooling

Working-class children have parents who A.tend not to punish them B.downplay autonomy not impose rules on them D.encourage individualism

B. downplay autonomy

The Association of Latinas in Business (ALB) helps members develop social capital by A.telling them which newspapers and websites are the best for posting their resumes B.emphasizing skills like having a firm handshake C.smiling and laughing inappropriately to engage the interviewer at interviews D.avoiding looking people in the eye in conversation to avoid the perception of staring E.learning to play softball

B. emphasizing skills like having a firm handshake

A stereotype is a set of usually negative A.actions people apply to a group against which one is prejudiced B.traits or beliefs about a group against which one is prejudiced C.methods in which to prevent people from voting D.all of the above

B. traits or beliefs about a group against which one is prejudiced

In the nineteenth century, clerical work A.offered women opportunities for advancement within companies B.was dominated by men C.was the only work available to women outside the home D.was dominated by priests and other clerics

B. was dominated by men

By the 1760s, many of the wealthy families in the colonies had earned their wealth through A.negotiations B.violence C.sharecropping robbery


The field of sociology began to change in the 1960s as a result of all but which of the following? a. civil rights movement b. immigrants' right movement c. women's liberation movement d. anti-Vietnam War protests

B.immigrant's rights movement

The average annual income for the working class is A.$25,000 B.$30,000 C.$40,000 D.$50,000 E.$65,000

C. $40,000

The U.S. produces greater economic inequality than other developed nations and has A.lower rates of physical illness B.higher life expectancy rates C.higher rates of mental illness D.lower crime rates E.greater rates of college completion

C. Higher rates of mental illness

Globalization a fairly new process b. is a very new process c. is a fairly new term nonexistent in today's global world

C. Is a fairly new term

This individual became the nation's second billionaire after he introduced the automobile. a. J. Edgar Hoover b. John D. Rockfeller c. Andrew Carnegie d. Henry Ford e. Gerald Ford

D. Henry Ford

During the 1950s, the leading voice in sociology and author of The Social System was A.C. Wright Mills B.Emile Durkheim C.Talcott Parsons D.Karl Marx

C. Talcott Parsons

Racial formation the genetic makeup of different racial groups B.the biological process by which racial groups develop C.a socio-historical process where race-related structures and meanings are created and changed D.a process by which races learn to live together

C. a socio-historical process where race-related structures and meanings are created and changed

When workers unwittingly accept the economic and political systems that keep them unequal to the owners of the means of production, they are engaging in a. blind side politics b. false hope c.false consciousness d. survival of the fitness e. scapegoating

C. false consciousness

Companies like Walmart that use enterprise systems (ES) and similar systems are found to have A.more loyal employees than corporations that do not these systems B.more trust between employees and management than corporations that do not use these systems C.greater productivity than corporations that do not use these systems D.employees that they consider indispensable E.better employee hiring and benefit plans

C. greater productivity than corporations that do not use these systems

These types of parents hover over their children when they are in college: a. airplane parents b. balloon parents c. helicopter parents d. flying saucer parents

C. helicopter parents

The index of racial dissimilarity A.measures how different racial groups are from one another the percentage of a particular racial group living in a particular community the percentage of a particular racial group that would need to change residential location to achieve racial evenness the total number of members of a group that would need to change residential location to achieve racial evenness

C. is the percentage of a particular racial group that would need to change residential location to achieve racial evenness

In research on middle-class families, this group appears to be largely ignored: A.middle-middle class B.upper-middle class C.lower-middle class D.working class

C. lower-middle class

The "underclass" is characterize by A.high rates of high school completion B.a wide variety of job skills C.physical and/or mental disabilities D.long work histories

C. physical and/or mental disabilities

Middle-class black women lawyers often attended black or largely black law schools where they have A.received better paying and more prestigious jobs upon graduation in comparison to their white peers B.received more mentoring opportunities than their white counterparts C.received their educations at schools with less effective social capital to help them obtain positions with private firms D.ended up in low paying social sector jobs

C. received their educations at schools with less effective social capital to help them obtain positions with private firms

The purpose of the "War on Poverty" was to A.engage in wars with those countries that did not support globalization B.crack down on companies that were not providing enough jobs for Americans decrease the number of people on welfare increase the number of welfare programs

C. to decrease the number of people on welfare

Max Weber's focus on party includes all but one of the following types of authority? A.bureaucratic B.charismatic D.traditional


Which of the following is not found in Marx's analysis of the capitalist system? A.bourgeoisie B.proletariat C.secretariat D.means of production E.all are found in Marx's conflict perspective


Multinationals have benefited from the lifting of trade restrictions by all except one of the following? A.The World Trade Organization B.The International Monetary Fund C.The United Nations D.The World Bank

C.The United Nations

All but which of the following are involved in the elite policy-making process? A.universities B.think tanks C.multinational corporations D.foundations E.policy-making groups

C.multinational corporations

The official U.S. measure of poverty flexible B.takes into consideration the minimal cost of shelter C.takes into consideration the minimal cost for nutritionally healthy diet D.takes into consideration the length of time one has owned their home

C.takes into consideration the minimal cost for nutritionally healthy diet

Upper-class and upper-middle-class boarding schools require students to A.engage in community service to see how "the other half" lives B.participate in sports like basketball C.wear ties and blazers D.tutor one another

C.wear ties and blazers

Social inequality refers to variations in access to all but which of the following? A.wealth B.income D.marital status

D. Marital status

Of the countries listed below, which one has not established hegemonic control? A.Holland B.United States C.Great Britain D.China

D. China

The process of gaining admittance into an exclusive social club includes a. an online application form b. a $1000 one time yearly dues and application fee c. one letter of recommendation from a club member d. an interview before a 10 to 12 person admissions committee

D. an interview before a 10- to 12-person admissions committee

A skilled-labor job includes individuals who A.are working in jobs as teachers or librarians B.are working as accountants C.are bankers D.are involved in crafts like electronics E.are involved in arts and crafts like needlepoint and scrapbooking

D. are involved in crafts like electronics

In black-white marriages, parents impacted their interracial children's racial identification by A.forcing the child to accept that he or she was African American B.choosing to identify the child as "white" on the 2000 U.S. Census even when "interracial" was one of the options C.choosing to have the children choose either "black" or "white" depending on the number of family members from each side of the family were present D.choosing to identify the child as "interracial" on the 2000 U.S. Census

D. choosing to identify the child as "interracial" on the 2000 U.S. Census

The "undeserving poor" include A.the elderly B.children C.people with serious illness or physical disability D.drug addicts

D. drug addicts

Working-class women in job training programs A.have received free childcare B.have opportunities to move into other jobs within the same company C.have found themselves to be better prepared for better paying jobs and jobs with benefits D.have not benefited much from these programs

D. have not benefited much from these programs

The 1.5 generation refers to A.first generation immigrants who are the first generation in their families to move to a host country B.second generation immigrants who are the offspring of parents who were first generation immigrants C.third generation immigrants who longer refer to themselves as immigrants but as "Americans" D.immigrants who reach a host country before the age of 13

D. immigrants who reach a host country before the age of 13

Data on men and women's employment show that A.women are no longer located in occupationally segregated positions B.women are making the same as men for the same kind of work C.women are no longer stuck in dead-end jobs D.tone-third of women would have to change jobs for there to be an integrated occupational structure

D. one-third of women would have to change jobs for there to be an integrated occupational structure

Wealth is gained or lost through A.taxation and the budget B.taxation and regulation C.taxation, tax cuts, and income taxes D.taxation, the budget, and regulation

D. taxation, the budget, and regulation

Functional literacy is the ability to and write simultaneously B.complete complicated math problems C.understand how to use math and reading skills in the home D.understand how to use math and reading skills on the job

D. understand how to use math and reading skills on the job

In the late nineteenth century, working-class parents A.were in conflict with schools that engaged in physical punishment of students which was against the parents' beliefs B.believed that education would help their children gain better jobs in the future C.who were Italian thought education was beneficial to their daughters' search for husbands D.who were Italian believed that schools were infringing on their children's ability to work to help the family economically

D. who were Italian believed that schools were infringing on their children's ability to work to help the family economically

Thomas Dye's theory of the institutional elite states that the power elite, also known in his theory as "multiple interlockers" are those who are A.male, affluent, and younger B.male, educated, and located in rural areas C.Jewish, affluent, and white D.Anglo-Saxon, affluent, and male E.male, younger, and located in urban areas

D.Anglo-Saxon, affluent, and male

The American ideology includes that is not too challenging B.better opportunities for the wealthy for a socialist system D.individual achievement

D.individual achievement

The three branches of the C. Wright Mills' definition of the power elite consist of all but which of the following? A.military circle B.political elite C.corporate elite and judicial system and judicial system

Educational opportunities are impacted by which of the following forms of capital? A.human C.cultural E.all of the above

E. All the above: human, social, cultural, financial

Media images of the working class include television shows like A.Roseanne B.The Honeymooners C.The Simpsons D.All in the Family E.all of the above

E. all of the above Roseanne; The Honeymooners; The Simpsons; All in the Family

Low-income students are less likely to benefit from parental involvement because A.low-income mothers do not often have the flexible schedules or paid leave of their middle-class or upper-class counterparts B.even when the students are having problems, teachers are likely to assume the parents are uninvolved or uninterested in their children's education C.parents are less likely to be able to name one of their children's teachers D.parents feel isolated from their child's school and teachers E.all of the above

E. all of the above low-income mothers do not often have the flexible schedules or paid leave of their middle-class or upper-class counterparts; even when the students are having problems, teachers are likely to assume the parents are uninvolved or uninterested in their children's education; parents are less likely to be able to name one of their children's teachers;parents feel isolated from their child's school and teachers

Government "wealthfare" includes A.military waste, fraud, and incompetence B.low taxes on capital gains C.multinational tax avoidance D.all of the above

E. all of the above military waste,fraud, and incompetence; low taxes on capital gains; multinational tax avoidance

The informal job sector includes A.unlicensed childcare B.prostitution C.street vending D.all of the above

E. all of the above unlicensed childcare; prostitution; street vending

Max Weber's main tenets in the conflict perspective involve which of the following? A.class, power, and prestige B.class, race, power C.class, party, and prestige D.race, class, and gender E.class, status, and party

E. class, status, and party

Income includes A.the number of cars one owns B.all of the homes one owns C.stocks D.bonds E.individual earnings through wage and salaries

E. individual earnings through wage and salaries

Class refers to a large category of similarly ranked people distinguished by all but which of the following? A.occupation C.income D.wealth E.marital status

E. marital status

Core nations have used less developed countries to extract all but which of the following? A.minerals B.crops C.oil D.coal E.none of the above

E. none of the above minerals; crops; oil; coal

The Gini index has results that are A.difficult to compute B.extremely easy to compute the system for rating football quarterbacks D.a and b E.a and c

E.A and C difficult to compute; like the system for rating football quarterbacks

Working-class jobs are defined as those where employees A.have little control over the pace and content of their work B.are seldom anybody's boss C.have longer hours D.have jobs that are simple and monotonous E.all of the above

E.all of the above have little control over the pace and content of their work; are seldom anybody's boss; have longer hours; have jobs that are simple and monotonous

Multinational corporations in the modern era have attained massive wealth but very little power. True False


The working class is more committed to their jobs and less likely to suffer from worker alienation than the bourgeoisie. True False


***Majority and minority group status are

all of the above

***"Doing gender" refers to

behaving in accordance with socially proscribed sex roles

As world systems have developed, in the first phase they brought with them an expansion in all but a. agriculture and industry b.commerce d. educational attainment

d. educational attainment

***One criticism of the official U.S. measure of poverty is that it

does not take into consideration variations in the cost of living around the country

***As evidence that African American children are overrepresented in special education programs, one study of programs for the Educable Mentally Handicapped (EMH) showed the percentage of black students' participation in the districts studied to be

double the white students' percentage

***Measures that would improve poor children's educational experiences include

high-quality early childhood education at the preschool level

The index of occupational segregation a directory that shows which jobs are available to men and which are available to women a measure of how certain jobs are separated by men and women the proportion of women (or men) who would have to change jobs where their sex is underrepresented to show a truly integrated occupational structure a Census document which shows how to find jobs based on one's occupation

is the proportion of women (or men) who would have to change jobs where their sex is underrepresented to show a truly integrated occupational structure

***The inability of poor workers to be able to use public transportation to and from their jobs is called

poor worker's temporal mismatch

***By the late 1920s, African Americans were kept from purchasing houses in white neighborhoods through the use of

racially restricted covenants

***Women have been prohibited from occupational mobility due to an existent but unseen barrier called

the glass ceiling

***Color-blind racism refers to all but which of the following?

the use of racial covenants

***"Stereotype threat" refers to

when a group that is believed to be academically inferior performs poorly as a result of the expectation that they will perform poorly

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