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The California Gold rush resulted in

-San Francisco growing from a small outpost to a major center of American commerce - congress accelerating the process to admit the state of California to the Union - Native Americans in California losing much of the land on which they lived and hunted

Causes of Human Migration

-food and water -Protection -Freedom from persecution - better socioeconomic opportunities ****

Three main factors to population change

-mortality - fertility - migration Demographers analyze each

Population Pyramid

A bar graph representing the distribution of population by age and sex.

matrix of domination

A concept that says that the issue of the impact of race, gender, and class on society cannot be viewed and understood separately, but must must be scrutinized as they interrelate to each other.

Less Developed Country (LDC)

A country that is at a relatively early stage in the process of economic development. They have not completed the transition to market economies and then mixed economies

Fertile Crescent

A crescent-shaped area from the Mediterranean Sea on the West to the Persian Gulf on the East and that contained extremely fertile soil. Some of the first agricultural communities were settled there and it is sometimes referred to as "The Cradle of Civilization." Because it was the brut place of agriculture, urbanization, writing, trade, science, history and organized religion


A land area where water runoff accumulates and flows into rivers and streams - in North American geography, a watershed is an area on land where water collects and drains

mixed economy

A market economy with varying levels of government intervention


A philosophy pioneered by Ralph Waldo Emerson in the 1830's and 1840's and Thoreau, in which each person has direct communication with God and Nature, and there is no need for organized churches. It incorporated the ideas that mind goes beyond matter, intuition is valuable, that each soul is part of the Great Spirit, and each person is part of a reality where only the invisible is truly real. Promoted individualism, self-reliance, and freedom from social constraints, and emphasized emotions.


A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them


A religion and philosophy developed in ancient India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being who takes many forms -believes all humans are apart of one family -all-inclusive religion - primary text is Vedas


A religion with a belief in one god. It originated with Abraham and the Hebrew people. - laws are codified in the Torah - the five books of the Hebrew bible, which is known as the tanka - nearly half of the worlds Jews live in Israel today

Second Great Awakening

A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans.

In the21st century, the increasing ease and efficiency in which goods and resources can be shipped and invested across international boundaries has resulted in which of the following ?

A specialization of labor as countries realize their competitive advantages

Norman Rockwell

A twentieth-century American artist and illustrator, known for his warm-hearted paintings of rural and small-town life in the united States. Many of his paintings appeared cover illustrations for the magazine The Saturday Evening Post. "Before the Shot" "The Problem we all live with-Ruby Bridges"

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Agreement that created a free-trade area among the United States, Canada, and Mexico.. Resulted in political pressure for a new Agreement the USMCA

John James Audubon (1785-1851)

American artist who drew birds, mammals, plants, and other subjects of nature giving special attention to the relationship between animals and their habitats.

Georgia O'Keeffe

American modernist artist that painted flowers and landscapes during the great depression. Known as the mother of American Modernism

Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

American transcendentalist and author of Walden: Or Life in the Woods. A committed idealist and abolitionist, he advocated civil disobedience, spending a night in jail for refusing to pay a poll tax to a government that supported slavery.

Andy Warhol

An American commercial illustrator and artist famous for his Campbell's soup painting and Marilyn Monroe. He was the founder of the pop-art movement, which like all other art movements in history reflected something back on the present society. "15 minutes of fame"


An artistic movement that displayed vivid dream worlds and fantastic unreal images Salvador Dali, frida Kahlo, Pablo Picasso

free enterprise system (United States)

An economic system in which people are free to operate their businesses as they see fit, with little government interference. Characterized by: Competive prices Market competiion Low barriers to entry

Market Economy (Capitalism)

An economy in which decisions about production and consumption and investment are guided by the price of goods and services, which are determined by the laws of supply and demand

Traditional Economy

Based on subsistence farming, in which most people produce food to feed only their families. Their is little to no trade and no industrialization. All societies begin with this economy


Belief system that started in India in the 500s BC. Happiness can be achieved through removal of one's desires. Believers seek enlightenment and the overcoming of suffering. Founded by Indian prince Siddartha Gautama Buddha -believe in reincarnation - follow the Noble Eightfold Path and reach Nirvana - predominately practiced in East Asia and southeast axis

Which of the following investment instruments serve as loans to a city, state, or federal government in order to accomplish a particular policy project or to help pay down debt?

Bonds -serve as long-term loan to a government, with the promise to pay the owner back with interest

Transcontinental Railroad

Built between 1863 and 1869 and connected the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

Which of the following describes a way in which ancient Egyptians adapted the enrollment to meet their needs as a society ?

Built canals to support irrigation of agriculture

Which of the following best describes the relationship between Christianity and Judaism in the Middle East and North Africa?

Christianity developed out of Judaism in the 1st century CE and incorporated elements of Jewish thought, including monotheism and messianism.


Considered a patriarch of the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

The British peoples embrace of tea drinking is an example of ?

Diffusion - diffusion is the process by which ideas and practices spread, including cultural norms. The British didn't drink tea until they encountered it in China

About 20,000 years ago, the Americas were populated by migrations from where?

Eurasia - after crossing the land bridge that once existed between Eurasia and the Americas, Paleo-Indians settled what is modern-day Alaska

United States top trading partners

European Union, China, Canada, Mexico,Japan, Germany

The production of any good or service requires land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurs. These are known as:

Factors of production

Yankee Doodle

Folk song written in the late 1700s. Originally sang by British soldiers making fun of Americans, but co-opted by American soldiers as a patriotic revolutionary song

Who are carved in Mount Rushmore?

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt

Which of the following poses the greatest challenge to the continuation of a particular culture ?


command economy

Government controls the economy, determine what should be produced. Communism

The core influence of the Mayflower compact on later conceptions of government in the United States ?

Government exists through a social contract of its citizens - the Mayflower compact was an example of a civil social contract, in which citizens of a government unified and agreed to follow its laws at

Demographic Transition Model

Historical population trends over time based on birth rate and death rate


Invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell

Mexico's general Colonization law had what lasting impact on Texas ?

It allowed foreigners to migrate to Texas and increase the population

Three Abrahamic Religions

Judaism, Christianity, Islam

The United States congress is often criticized for

Lacking term limits - congress are often criticized as professional politicians who are focused on securing power rather than representing the people

Martin Luther

Leader of the Protestant Reformation

A developed country is most likely to be in which stage of the demographic transition model ?

Low stationary - most developed countries me are in this stage with low birth rates and low death rates

Mutual funds

Means for private investors to diversify their holdings by investing in multiple companies

Dominant culture in the US

Middle class Protestants

Which of the following best explains why congressional political candidates disproportionately tend to be high income individuals?

Modern campaigns for congress are extremely expensive due to the large media presence needed to be competitive.

Karl Marx

Modern social structure is the result of capitalism, which requires that the many are exploited for the benefit of the few. Wrote the Communist Manifesto and advocated for the overthrow of the capitalist governments in favor of a classless society

Art in Texas

Often deal with multiculturalism, humans interactions with land(ranching) and landscapes Amado Peña- born I. Laredo he taught at and his own artwork which depicted the Latino movement, creating emotionally charged artwork. He also traveled and painted the day to day life of people in Mexico and New Mexico. Peñas art stand out for bold lines and bright colors Diane Gonzales Bertrand- author of childrens books and poems. Influenced by her hometown in San Antonio Scot Joplin- African American composer and pianist. Known as "king of ragtime" and the "entertainer"

General Colonization Law of 1824

Permitted any head of household to claim land in Mexico regardless of race or immigration status.

Which of the following defines a region in the study of human geography?

Political borders - in human geography regions are defined by legal jurisdictional boundaries


Popular during World War II, abstract art uses color and shape to create meaning . Does not really connect with the real world but can represent concrete objects, landscapes, and people.

Trade agreements between countries, like the North American Free Trade Agreememnt, are created primarily to acccomplish

Reduce Barrie's to trade between countries

The federal Reserve. Is responsible for

Regulating banks Managing interest rates Overseeing monetary policy NOT Setting tax rates: this is set by federal and state legislators

First Great Awakening, 1730s-1740s

Religious revival that swept the American colonies in the 1730s and 40s during which a number of new Protestant churches were established. Led by Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield, placed an emphasis on direct, emotive spirituality.

Main tenets of Confucianism

Ren- treat others in a humane manner Yi- the idea of justice and the mandate of the individual to follow a path of righteousness and justice Ali- the upholding and following societal norms

In a free market, a producers profits are equal to______ minus ______

Revenue; cost Revenue is equal to total income. Profit is what is left after costs have been removed

The Protestant reformation was formed around which of the following core ideas ?

Salvation comes through faith alone - Protestants United around sola fide, the doctrine that salvation came through faith alone, both through works

Five Pillars of Islam

Shahadah: sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of faith. Salat: performing ritual prayers in the proper way five times each day. Zakat: paying an alms (or charity) tax to benefit the poor and the needy. Sawm: fasting during the month of Ramadan. Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca.

Which of the following industries was most responsible for the economic success of the New England Colonies ?

Shipbuilding Much of the commerce of New England relied on ocean traffic between Europe, and ship building was a major industry in the colonies.

The constitutional monarchy model operating in Great Britain is most similar to the government of

Spain - operates under a constitutional monarchy, with a sovereign holding power as the head of state and a parliamentary system that elects head of government

What region is expected to experience significant population growth in the 21st century ?

Sub-Saharan Africa (Uganda) - it continues to modernize and develop


The adoption of aspects of the new culture while maintaining one's home culture (mixing) -taking on some of the new culture

Of the following, which best summarizes the core beliefs at the center of social contract theory?

The authority of a government exists only as it is supported by the people it governs. The idea of a government based on a social contract between it and the people it ruled is fundamental to the development of modern democratic government.

A teacher is explaining to her class how advancements in aviation led to increased imports of goods from other countries. This example best demonstrates the impact of human innovation on

The economy Goods became a available at a cheaper price

In contrast to the first great awakening , the second great awakening included which of the following ?

The emergence of non-mainline Christian denominations

What was a primary contributing factor to manhattan becoming an early economic center in the colonization of North America?

The geography was ideal for facilitating trade - the waterways of Manhattan made it an ideal location for trading ports

What determines the effect of rain shadow ?

The height of a mountain range not it's length


The individual or group replaces most of their home culture with the new culture (total change) - changing to the new culture

In which of the following ways did cities along the Mississippi River during the mid- 1800s differ from the port cities of Europe during the age of Exploration

The mission river provided the ability for cities along the river to export goods to domestic and international markets


The movement of culture, ideas, and customs which often happens through trade or migration

Tectonic shift

The movement of the tectonic plates that result in changes in the composition and location of continents and oceans. Led to the formation of separate continents. Historically an equatorial ocean circumnavigated the globe warming the overall climate. Now the circumpolar currents keep the poles at low temperatures.

Star spangled banner

The national anthem of the United States written by Francis Scott Key, during an attempted attack by the British at Baltimore during the war of 1812


The particular position of a place, describes as absolute or relative. One of the 5 themes of geography. Longitude and latitude (absolute) or north of the river (relative )


The principal that the national government is supreme over state governments, but state governments hold some autonomy and reserved rights and powers. United States

The abolitionist movement in the United States gained momentum during which of the following eras?

The second great awakening - religious fervor and piety led to movements for social change, including an upsurge for abolition


The youngest of the three Abrahamic religions A religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which stresses belief in one god (Allah), Paradise and Hell, and a body of law written in the Quran. Followers are called Muslims. One of the fastest growing religions in the world. Majority of Muslims live in the Middle East. Indonesia is the largest Muslim majority country in existence

In the eastern United States, the Appalachian mountains do not cause a sig rain shadow due to which of the following ?

Their low elevation - the Appalachians are a low-lying mountain range and do not cause

The Great Recession of 2008 most affected Texas in which of the following ways ?

There was a significant drop in housing prices in many regions of Texas. The Great Recession led to the collapse of the national housing market and resulted in reduced values for many homes in Texas and nationally. - prices of crude oil also dropped which worsened the economic prospects of many workers in Texas

Competitive free market economy

United States Great Britain (strong-limited levels of government intervention)

The articles of confederation lacked which of the following major provisions, which led to their eventual replacement ?

a central government that held supremacy over the states - The US constitution established a strong central government w supremacy over the states


a manmade waterway that connects other bodies of water, such as Louisiana's rivers and bayous. That allows boats to pass through or to transport water for irrigation purposes

Developed Country (MDC)

a modern, industrialized country that have completed the transition to market economies and then mixed economies Brunei, Kuwait, Norway, China,Russia, Germany, USA, Singapore, Switzerland


a system of beliefs that focus on the ethical obligation of individuals the philosophy of how an individual should live. It was delvoloed by Chinese philosopher Confusucius. Did not become well known until Han Dynasty 200 BC - printed the idea that humans are perfectible through teaching, meditation, and pursuing an ethical lifestyle. - value one's ability rather than their lineage p

American Modernism

an artistic and cultural movement in the United States beginning at the turn of the 20th century, with a core period between World War I and World War II.. includes a rejection of Enlightenment Era thinking, given the more industrialized world

planned economies

an economic system directed by government agencies In this the government sets predetermined output goals

The phenomenon of cold temperatures in San Francisco during the summer months is caused by which of the following? a-equatorial currents moving away hot air b-the mediterranean climate of California maintaining year-round cold temperatures c-cold oceanic waters meeting warm air patterns from inland California d-irregular wind patterns moving in from the Pacific Northwest

cold oceanic waters meeting warm air patterns from inland California As warm summer air from inland meets cold Pacific waters, a cold fog envelopes the city and causes a drop in temperatures.

The first permanent human settlements that arose in parts of Eurasia featured which of the following attributes?

fertile soil deposits, which made possible the development of novel agricultural techniques

E pluribus unum

out of many, one (the motto of the US).

The constitution of the United States addressed which of the following weaknesses in the articles of confederation ?

powers of the central government - the articles of confederation instituted a weak central government beholden to the states, while the US Constitution established a strong central government with supremacy over the states

Constitutional government in the United States is aimed at protecting which of the following ?

rights of the individual The provisions in the USA constitution limit the powers of federal and state governments so that the rights and freedoms of the individual are protected

Which of the following societal institutions can best prepare American citizens to carry out their civic responsibilities ?

schools Schools provide citizens with a civic education, including the responsibilities of a citizen in our American democratic system.

What is acculturation?

the blending of two or more cultures. When one culture takes on some of the customs and traits of another culture.

Which of the following is an example of acculturation ?

the fusion of two culinary traditions, such as Korean tacos I

Which of the following geographic features most likely contributed to the lack of cultural consistency and political unity among Greek City States?

the mountainous terrain of Greece The mountainous terrain encouraged each Greek city to be self-contained and isolated from other cities, because communication and trade with other city-states was so difficult, due to the mountains dividing the cities. The isolation of cities led to a diverging of cultures as each city developed its own politics and societal norms. Geographic areas tend to have similar cultures because trade and travel are so prevalent between areas, such as the common cultural characteristics in the United States. The lack of trade and travel in ancient Greece, caused by the mountainous terrain, resulted in each city-state having a unique political structure and varying societal norms.

mortality rate

the number of deaths per thousand individuals in a population per year

Great Schism

the official split between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches that occurred in 1054

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