Social Studies Imperialism

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Japanese seclusion policy

was the isolationist foreign policy of the Japanese Tokugawa shogunate under which, relations and trade between Japan and other countries were severely limited, nearly all foreign nationals were barred from entering Japan. It was a policy where japan limited there trade. The US wanted to ban this policy

What is the Significance of the expression "The sun never sets on the British empire?"

(in Kiplings widow at windsor) It's a popular reference to the extent of British conquests and indictatjnv the large size of the British empire. Its a phrase that has been used to describe certain global empires that were so extensive that there was always at least one part of their territory that was in daylight.

last political cartoon of helpless giant

China is depicted as very weak and hurt. All other countries ae fighting over china. China is the helpless.

spheres of influence political cartoon

In this political cartoon, France, Britain, Germany, japan and Russia are dividing up china. Spheres of influence are areas where foreign countries control trade or natural resources of another nation. Meant to be a figurative representation of these nations towards china during the decade.

Why was India considered the "Jewel of the Crown"? How is the viceroy connected to the Raj?

India contained many resources such as cotton, sugar, coffee, tea and opium that the british were eager to gain. Because India had so many people and so much wealth, it was the "jewel of the crown" of the British Empire. Vice Roy was the British representative that rules over India. The Raj: was the period that the British took over india

The last Chinese dynasties

Manchu /Qing

How and why did China become a victim of imperialism?

The British demonstrated during the Opium war that huge profits could be made in China and the Chinese were powerless to oppose. Manchu power continued to crumble and European nations began to carve China up into "spheres of influence". China would be divided between European nations. The US felt that they would be left out by not getting a piece of china. So they proposed the "Open door policy" which said China would remain independent and not lose any territory to foreign powers and instead Chinas trade would be open to all nations equally. China was invades and tensions mounded and thousands of foreigners and Chinese Christians were killed during the Boxer rebellion.

How was the "Scramble for Africa" connected to the concept of the "Magnificent Cake?"

This Magnificent African Cake. Scramble for Africa. When slavery generally ended in Africa, Europeans wanted a new empire. The new empire was industrialization and commerce. What was called the "scramble for Africa" occurred. The major European powers scrambled to take as much land as possible. scramble for Africa: Fighting over the lands. Europeans scrambled for Africa because of the need of raw materials and building an empire. All of the European counties around the continent shows the want and desire they all had for their piece of land to establish their own colony. this period of time was called the "scramble for Africa" because many European countries were claiming as much land from Africa. In 1884, the Berlin Congress was held and these European countries "sliced" up the African countries like a cake where each country got its portion of land. Magnificent African Cake, The. The title is derived from King Leopold II of Belgium who declared his determination during the scramble for African territory in the 1880s to secure for himself a large a slice as possible of 'this magnificent African cake'.

The sun never sets on the British Empire cartoon

This image is a political cartoon depicting England's ravenous appetite for imperial colonies. Imperial England had a saying - "In the British Empire, the sun never sets", in reference to the universal international territory Britain held. Empire is so big that the sun shines on all the land. The face of the man is a guy(john bull) who is greedy and selfish. The idea behind the saying is that Great Britain controlled so many colonies around the world that the sun was always shining on a part of their empire. I believe that the author is trying to say this through the picture. The hands on all of the countries show the control England had all over the world.

Which areas of Asia were imperialized by the various Western powers?

United Kingdom: Afghanistan (1919) India (1947) ... France: Vietnam (1945) ... Portugal: Portuguese India (1961) ... Spain: Guam (1898) ... Netherlands: Indonesia (1945) ... Australia: Papua New Guinea (1975) United States: Philippines (1946) Japan: North Korea (1945) look at khan academy

How did Japan respond to Imperialism?

Until the mid 1800s, japan had tried to keep trade at a minimum, but still taking in their ideas and education. The US demanded for them to upon up trade, so the Japanese government allowed trade, taking advantage of the new industrial knowledge that came with trading. The Japanese learned military and industrial technology, science, engineering and even clothing styles. The Japanese encouraged this industrialization.


a system in which one country rules another area as a colony. The ruling country controls trade with its colony for its own benefit.

New imperialism

before 1800s, Europe had little influence on the lives of the peoples of china, Africa, or India. After, though, Europe gained power. Strong, centrally governed nation-states had emerged and the industrial revolution enriched their economies. Economic and military strength.

White mans burden political cartoon

the cartoon shows a white adventurer carrying a wild beast over his shoulder. The white man is labeled with "U.S." written on his canteen, so he is representing the imperialist United States during the late nineteenth century. The beast he is carrying represents African civilians, which shows that Americans perceived Africans to be uncivilized monsters. He is carrying him to the school house because Europeans believed that it was their responsibility to educate and civilize the monsters of Asia. The American flags in the background show that the land is occupied by America. The man is shown going uphill to emphasize the struggle it took to force the natives into the schools the U.S. established there. I feel that this piece could also be criticizing "The White Man's Burden" because the beast does not appear to want to be educated , and it is not right for the man to be carrying it to the school house against its will.

Why was imperialism adopted as a policy by Western nations? (the reasons)

-Resources -New markets -Nationalism of dominate country -Outlets for population -Social/Darwinism/White Man's Burden -Control, power, trade, money, cheap labor -Access to natural resources -Spread democracy -Diversity, expansion -Desire for military strength -Thirst for new markets -Belief in cultural superiority (look at beginning of the quizlet)

How did China interact with Europeans before the Age of Imperialism?

Before, China maintained strict control over its trade with Europeans and American Merchants and had little interaction. They didn't want to trade with Europe, because Europe's' goods were considered inferior and china already had many natural resources. By the 1800s however the power of the Manchu Dynasty was in decline and Europeans and Americans had developed the industrial and military power to force their way into china. European countries put pressure on China to trade when china doesn't want to open up to new ideas. Europeans try to influence them with the spheres of influence.

What were the similarities and differences in how China and Japan reacted to Western imperialism? Which nation proposed the "open door policy"?

China: Resisted western influence and became weaker. Rejected railways and technology. They were able to slow down foreign intrusion. United States policy established the open door policy that would allow for a system of trade in China open to all countries equally. Japan: transformed itself into a major industrial and military power. Taking in Ideas and Education. They embraced technology and industry and was able to modernize and become a world power themselves. (look at notes) They have different attitudes towards foreign cultures The both are isolationists (both keep trade at minimum)

What ideologies evolved in support of or as a result of imperialism?

During imperial expansion, religious people sometimes set out to convert new members of their religion and, thus, their empire. Europe is seen as a dominator. Western powers spread their ideas Europe was stronger and more wealthy than the unindustrialized world. The Age of Imperialism widened the gap between the developed nations of Europe and all the underdeveloped regions, as imperial powers exploited the lands for their own economic and political gain.

Causes of new imperialism

Economic interest: the industrial revolution created needs and desires that spurred overseas expansion. Manufacturers wanted to access natural resource for machinery. They also hoped for NEW MARKETS, for selling goods. Colonies offered a valuable outlet for Europe's growing population. Political and Military Interests: They needed more LAND and military bases, overseas territories. NATIONALISM played a role as well. Colonies were needed for national security. Wanted to civilize. Ruling a global empire increased a nations STATUS and POWER around the world. Humanitarian Goals: Missionaries, doctors and colonial officials believed they had a duty to spread the blessings of western civilization including medicine, law and CHRISTIANITY. Social Darwinism: Racial Superiority. They applied Darwin's ideas about NATURAL SELECTION in human societies. They believed the were SUPERIOR to all others and believed they could destroy other weaker races.

Why are there different perspectives on the impact of imperialism?

For imperialism: -prosperity and prestige -knowledge, exchange of ideas -Economic grown: markets, investments -Security and technological advancements -Keeping Social Darwinism Anti Imperialism: -European superiority, profit and power. -Economic expansion---regional tension---war -building navy--- war -manifestations -weakening of societies being imperialized -discrimination, dominance, superiority

What were the general areas of the continent imperialized by the Western powers? What were the significant resources on the continent? What were the only two African nations to remain independent?

Generally the North of Africa. Britain was imperializing places where there was gold. Only the coastal(near the sea) areas were colonized by European Powers. The significant resources were coffee, tea, gold, oil, petroleum, diamonds, cotton, iron, aluminum. Ethiopia and Liberia.

What was MP William Gladstone's reaction to the Opium Wars?

He said the war was unjust and iniquitous(evil). He accused Palmerston(the British prime minister) of lifting the British flag "to protect a well known contraband(goods) traffic." He was against Palmerston (the guy who started the war) Gladsone did not like imperialism

How does the Story of David Livingston demonstrate themes of Imperialsm?

He was a famous doctor, missionary and explorer who is known for explorations of southern and central Africa. He heard a famous missionary, Robert Monday talk about the need for missionaries in Africa. He sailed to africa and established mission stations called Kuruman and Mabotsa. He married a Mary Moffat and had 6 kids. The mom and kids went to England while David stayed in Africa. He believed it was his calling to open Africa to Christian missions. He thought the Zambezi river was "gods highways into the interior". Combining commerce(TRaDE And SEtTleMeNt) was the best way he thought Africa could be penetrated with the Gospel. He converted many to christianity. He wrote a book giving the message to join Missionary movement to africa. He was also comcered about the slave trade which was destroying African tribes. He continued his work in africa until dead. He was respected and loved by Africans and people around the world. He is still known today for his explorations which opened the continent of Africa to missionaries.

what is the connection between Lo Bengula, queen Victoria, Cecil Rhodes and Henry Stanley? Why is Henry Stanley significant?

Henry M. Stanley was an explorer and journalist that made expeditions to africa. He made a speech why Britishness should take over the Congo. He says that they have the ability to clothe them because of their machinery also they need to change the "poor savages" into the Christian religion. also he is the guy who said "dr livingstone I presume" to David Livingstone. Lo Bengula, an African king, signed a treaty with Cecil Rhodes, the most famous British imperialist. A while later, Lo Bengula felt he needed his land back because there is too much imperializing, and asked Queen Victoria for help, but she didn't help him. Lo Bengula said: "men came into my country, and the principal one was named Rhodes. They asked Bengula for a place to dig gold in exchange for certain things. A document was written for his signature. Three months later, he heard that in the document was the right for british to take all minerals (DIAMONDS) of Bengula's country. Later Developments in Lo Bengula kingdom: Rhodes interpreted their document as a permit to exploit and govern Lo Bengula country and organized a company and applied for a charter. The charter was signed by Queen that gave S. Africa company twenty five years for the right to make treaties and laws, maintain police, construct roads, railways, and harbors, develop mines and industries, make grants of land. Lo bengula was taken out of his castle and his kingdom became "Rhodesia" The Europeans basically took what the wanted and only Ethiopia and Liberia remained independent.

What is the significance of Hong Kong in terms of both British and American history?

Hong Kong became a British Colony during the Opium Wars in the Treaty of Nanking. Under the 1992 Hong Kong Policy Act, the U.S. has treated Hong Kong as separate from mainland China in matters of trade. Americans ruled Beijing though.

How do imperial policies/actions change the political, social and economic relationships and quality of life of the people involved? (the effects)

Imperialism had consequences that affected the colonial nations, Europe, and the world. It also led to increased competition among nations and to conflicts that would disrupt world peace. Great Britain was the leading colonial power with colonies in India, South Africa, and Australia. Great Britain has gained so much power while leaving all of these weaker countries even weaker. Great Britain have left these places in great poverty by taking all of their resources. And everyone goes against great Britain lowering their relationship. Imperialism caused European countries to start competing with each other for more resources and for better economic standing. Nationalism and militarism caused countries to grow more and opposed to each other

straight up causes of Imperialism

Industrial Revolution led to a demand for more raw resources; European nationalism demanded colonies; Europeans needed more land for growing populations; Europeans wanted new markets to sell their goods in; Europeans had better weapons and technology; European desire to spread religion and culture; belief in Social Darwinism; desire for global empire.

What are the long-term effects of imperialistic policies and actions?

Infrastructure Underdevelopment: Many communities did not get (and many still lack) clean water, electricity, rail/highway access, sufficient amounts of food, etc. There are a large number of countries that were former colonies which lack the ability to effectively restrain or defeat rebellions in distant or remote areas, because of the lack of infrastructure between regions. Lack of Political Stability and Civil Society: Since the natives were not taught how to govern or allowed to organize within the colonial states, ineffective governments started, which lead to the disruption of political stability in many former colonies. Lack of an Educated Population: The colonizers did not strive to properly develop the critical thinking populations of the colonized. The lack of education, makes it difficult for formerly colonized nations to move beyond traditional hatreds, invent creative solutions to their problems, and effectively promote their self-interests. Racial Issues: There were numerous tribal and regional issues prior to colonization. However, in a number of cases colonizers created ethic tensions Poverty: The exploitation of resources on colonized land lead to deep poverty

What is the significance of the Taiping Rebellion and the Meiji Restoration?

Meiji restoration: Japanese lords launched this restoration in response to western intrusion. Meiji oligarchs(new rulers of japan) were willing to learn new things from the west to restore their society. The Japanese encouraged this industrialization. Taiping Rebellion: The Taiping rebels wanted to push out all European influence in china and improve economic conditions. The Taiping rebellion was defeated with a combination of Chinese and European forces. 20 million dead. Bloody Civil War. Led by a Convert (person) to Christianity. (Christians concerned about opium trade)

What was the reaction of the Tokugawa officials to the letters from U.S. President Millard Fillmore and U.S. Navy Commodore Matthew C. Perry?

President Fillmore of USA: The tone is very Respectful and very persuasive. Trying to be friendly but also threatening. He mentions he has dispatched a powerful squadron because he is threatening them. Commodore Matthew C Perry: The tone is a little more firm and straight to the point. "our friendship can exist unless if you act towards Americans, we are enemies." He doesn't talk much about trade while Fillmore does. Perry focuses more on just helping the Americans and being nice. Wanted to persuade Japense to open their ports. He also uses "sin" and "divine principal" The other Commodore Perry Letter: Very harsh and angry, aggressive tone. we will shoot if you don't open up ports. "We expect mutual trade." For a time, Japanese officials refused to speak with Perry, but eventually they accepted letters from U.S. President Millard Fillmore, making the United States the first Western nation to establish relations with Japan Perry focuses more on helping the Americans stay in japan while Fillmore was focused on trading

Why (and what) did President W.C. Bonnerji point out as the "blessings of British rule?"

Safety, medicine, transportation and farming techniques improved. This lead to population growth which put a strain on food supplies and Indians sank into poverty. Bonnerji pointed out freedom of speech in the government and education.

Cecil Rhodes political cartoon

The image is a political cartoon created when Rhodes announced plans to put a telegraph between South Africa and Egypt -- both British colonies. Rhodes also tirelessly advocated for an enormous "Cape to Cairo" railroad, that would link the British colonies up and down the east side of Africa. Domination over Africa

How does Rudyard Kipling's poem the "Widow of Windsor" depict Queen Victoria, especially in relation to the above?

The poem illustrates how the Queens Soldiers strive to protect her kingdom. Queen Victoria maintained and controlled the British soldiers. She is the most powerful human being in the world and so is her empire because of the sacrifices that her soldiers make. The soldiers explains how powerful the queen is and how she uses her power over others to gain wat she wants. Its about how the ruler of a country has everything they need because of the work done by others and takes the credit. Powerful people become the way they are because of the sacrifices made by those under them. No one ever applauds the soldiers hard work.

What were the reactions of Prince Henri of France to the control? The people of Canton? The Boxers (Society of Righteous Fists)?

The prince urges the French government to take the lead in seizing the outlying territories of china. He says that seizing china will increase great empires and China is the most populous and productive empires in the world. He says there are many advantages and says that "we may win the game with the products of our national industry in the great markers if china." The canton people had resentment and hatred toward the Europeans after the Opium war. They say that the Chinese military that allowed the foreigners into the city are traitors to the country. They have a fierce and powerful tone. The Boxers had tensions and a secret martial arts society had a slogan "Support the Manchus, Destroy the Foreigners" and they attacked.

Who were the Sepoys and why did they rebel?

The sepoys were Indian soldiers who served in the British army. The British east India company tried to get rid of Hindu cultures and this sort of influence angered many Indians who felt that the British were trying to destroy their culture. This anger was very common among the sepoys. A main insult occurred when rifles were given to the sepoys and were instructed to bite the tips off the cartridges, which were greased with animal fat which were sacred to Hindus. The sepoys rebelled killing British. Conclusion of sepoy rebellion: British troops crushed the sepoy and slaughtered many Indians in return. This convinced the British Parliament to end the rule of the British east India company, but placed India under the direct control of British government.

what was a defense of Leopold II's actions in the congo?

There were reports of abuse in the Congo but many Europeans believed that Leopold brought civilization to the "Dark Continent." In 1904 there was an investigation of Leopold's actions. they found that before Leopold took control over the region, the people of the Congo were still in barbarism, warfare, cannibalism and raids by Arab slave merchants. Thanks to Leopold however, he says there are many benefits of europeans imperializing and civilizing africa: the slave trade has disappeared, cannibalism is severely punished. Human sacrifices are becoming scarce. There are also new railways. postal communication, hospitals.

What Hindu and Chinese customs were outlawed by the imperial powers?

They forced British culture and laws on the Indians. They tried to end the caste system, convert people to christianity and outlaw the practice of sati (a custom in which a widow threw herself on her husbands burning funeral pyre.) The British ignored Chinese customs and laws, they posted signs "no dogs or Chinese allowed". The British made the Chinese trade Opium.

Why was western Imperialism successful?

Weakness of Nonwestern States: While European nations gained control and power, several civilizations were in decline. In Africa, there was the slave trade too. Western Advantages: Europeans has advantages such as strong economies, well organized governments, and powerful armies and navies. Superior technology and improved ,medical knowledge. Quinine(medicine) and others helped them survive diseases. And of course Maxim Machine Guns. Resistance: Africans and Asians strongly resisted expansion and fought the invaders even though they didn't have weapons'. They also strengthened their societies by reforming their own Hindu, Muslim, etc. traditions. They also tried to create movements to move imperialists away from their land.

Opium War

a conflict between Britain and China, lasting from 1839 to 1842, over Britain's opium trade in China. Initiatd by Lord Palmerston, british prime minister, when opium was banned by china. Britain Won which forced the treaty of nanking

what did Rudyard Kipling consider to be the white mans burden?

became a key exhibit in the case against the racism and exploitation of 19th-century imperialism. Kipling's attitudes toward ''new-caught, sullen peoples,/Half devil and half child'' permanently sullied his reputation. Kipling urged the U.S. to take up the "burden" of empire, as had Britain and other European nations. imperialism is good for the imperializing country and that the "rewards" of imperialism are worth little consideration when deciding to imperialize or not. "Take up the White Man's burden" and "To serve your captives' need." United States must civilize the Philippines. about bringing the blessings of "civilization and progress" to barbaric non-Western, non-Christian, non-white peoples. In Kipling's often-quoted phrase, this noble mission required willingness to engage in "savage wars of peace."


domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region. policy of extending control over foreign nations, either by political or economic intervention

Treaty of Nanking "unequal treaties"

gave privilege's to Britain: -expanded trade ports from 1 to 5 -Hong Kong became a British colony -low tariffs -fine of 21 million ounces of silver -"most favored nation status"

what was reported in robert casements investigation?

he discovered that the belgian rubber merchants in the congo tortured and killed their workers. finding the rubber was difficult for the africans, and they still got no pay for finding it, many were killed. Leopold was a Belgium king(part of Europe) who discovered that the Congo was rich in resources and rubber, he turned the congo into his own colony and tortured Africans. Roger Casement from Britain was sent to investigate.

Why was the berlin conference significant?

it was a meeting at which Europeans agreed on rules for colonizing Africa. European leaders saw that there were huge profits to be made in Africa after Leopolds example, the "scramble for africa" had begun. European leaders met at the conference and agreed to partition(divide up) Africa between themselves without going to war. No African was even invited to participate in the conference.

Spheres of Influence in China

one country would have special authority or presence and another country would have a different area of authority. China became divided by European powers. The different European countries supported each other through the spheres of influence because of economic advantage. France, britian, germany, japan, Russia: areas of exclusive trading rights

Boxer Rebellion

rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society (Society OF Righteous Fijts) of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils". The rebellion was aimed at ending foreign influence. The rebellion was ended by British troops. The boxer rebellion was an anti foreign, anti Christian, and anti imperialist movement. The fight was between Foreigners and Boxers(which is the name that foreigners gave to the Chinese society).

why did the british government send roger casement to the congo?

to investigate rumors of mistreatment and murder of native africans

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